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Here we go again friends and fans! Another One Piece Plot Bunny!

One more ‘Different Devil Fruit Luffy’ story idea and this time we have a Paramecia Fruit! I told you I had ideas for them!

This idea came about because of what I feel is a misuse of a certain Canon Fruit. When a Devil Fruit’s power is labeled as ‘Rotation’ and all you do with it is freely spin your own body, you’re not thinking hard enough. If it was stated to make the user a ‘Body Rotation Human’ then that would be different. But when it literally makes you a ‘Rotation Human’ then you should be able to rotate and spin damn near anything, outside of say water or seastone.

I hope everyone reading this enjoys! Let’s actually see the power of Rotation used to its logical outcome!


Guru Guru no Mi

Spin-Spin Fruit

A young boy by the name of Monkey D. Luffy smiled as he happily helped his friend Makino with restocking her bar. The boy was rather strong for his age, but being the grandson of the Marine Hero, Vice Admiral Garp ‘The Fist’, probably had something to do with that. According to the old Mayor, Woopslap, the entire Monkey D. Family were monstrously strong from birth. The currently six-year-old, black-haired boy was wearing the shirt that had the word ‘Anchor’ on it that Shanks and his crew had bought him the last time they’d docked at Fuusha Village along with a pair of denim shorts. For his help with the restocking, Makino had promised to treat him to one of her delicious steak meals for lunch! That was all the motivation that Luffy needed!

“Huh? What’s wrong with this fruit?” Luffy blinked as he saw an odd-looking fruit in the crate. The boy couldn’t even tell what the fruit was supposed to be. It didn’t look like anything he’d ever seen before. It was covered in swirl markings though and was a blue color. The curious six-year-old picked up the fruit and looked it over. It was definitely weird. Was it bad? Had it gone rotten? Luffy sniffed the fruit, but it didn’t stink. He squeezed it gently, as Makino had shown him how to test fruits, but it didn’t feel soft like it was rotting inside. Maybe it wasn’t supposed to be in the crate at all? Maybe it was some other fruit that had gotten mixed into the crate before it was shipped to Dawn Island and Fuusha Village? Would Makino care if he ate it?

“It’s a mystery fruit.” Luffy nodded to himself as he held it. “I wonder what it tastes like?” Without hesitation Luffy bit into the strange-looking fruit and tore out a large piece. He chewed it and immediately his face screwed up in revulsion. He forced himself to swallow the chewed fruit in his mouth and tossed the rest of the fruit into the garbage can nearby. “GROSS!” Luffy glared at the garbage can that held the remains of the foul-tasting fruit.

“Luffy? Are you alright?” Makino questioned as she poked her head through the doorway of the storage room. The young, green-haired woman had a look of concern on her gentle face. She was wearing her usual work outfit of a long skirt, a button-up shirt, her apron over that, and a kerchief keeping her hair back.

“I’m fine, Makino!” Luffy smiled back at the woman that was almost like a big sister to him. She looked after him often enough when his grandpa wasn’t around. “I took a bite of this weird fruit that was mixed in with the melons. It tasted bad, so I threw it away.”

“Luffy,” Makino giggled fondly as she shook her head. “Don’t be sneaking snacks before lunch.” Luffy just grinned back with a laugh.

A few hours later and a bored Luffy was sitting around in Party’s Bar with nothing to do. That would quickly change as a ruckus could be heard from outside. It got louder and Luffy could make out some words. When the name ‘Shanks’ was hollered loud enough for the boy to hear he bolted upright with a wide grin on his face. Makino smiled at how excited Luffy instantly became and set about getting the alcohol ready for the pirates. The Red Hair Crew always visited Party’s Bar when they came to Fuusha Village. Makino had trouble keeping the alcohol stocked when the crew started partying.

“Makino! We’ve returned! A round of drinks for everyone!” Shanks laughed as he and his crew entered the bar. “Anchor! You’re here too!”

“Shanks!” Luffy bounded over to the Pirate Captain with a grin and started asking all sorts of questions about their latest voyage. Shanks could only laugh harder as Luffy asked another question before he could even try to answer the previous one.

“Hey Shanks, take me with you on your next voyage!” Luffy requested with a smile. “I wanna be a pirate!”

“You’re too young, Luffy.” Shanks shook his head as he refilled his flagon from the bottle beside him. “Wait ten more years and we’ll talk.”

“Ten years?!” Luffy shook his head side to side rapidly. “I wanna be a pirate now!”

“You know why we call you Anchor, right?” Shanks pointed at the shirt the boy was wearing. “Being unable to swim is a big weakness for a pirate, Luffy.”

“If I never fall off the ship then I’ll be fine!” Luffy retorted with the logic of a child.

The door to the bar was suddenly kicked open. The merriment died down as everyone turned to look at the scruffy-looking bunch that was entering the bar. They were clearly outlaws of some kind, judging by their scruffy coats and clothes. Makino let out a muffled sigh of exasperation upon seeing the men. The mountain bandits under Higuma were a rough bunch that liked causing trouble. Everyone in Fuusha Village preferred dealing with the Dadan Clan since they usually paid for everything they got from the village. Sure, the money they paid with was almost guaranteed to be stolen, but that wasn’t really the villagers’ problem.

“So, these are Pirates, huh?” The leader, Higuma, remarked with a derisive snort. “Look pretty stupid if you ask me.” The rest of the bandits snickered as Higuma made his way to the bar. “We’re not here to cause trouble right now. You sell us ten casks of alcohol at a nice discount and we’ll be on our way.”

“I’m sorry,” Makino gave a short bow with a forced smile on her face. “But they’ve already purchased my entire stock.” She motioned to the large crew of pirates that all had flagons in hand and four tapped casks already.

“Is that so?” Higuma turned his gaze on Shanks who was finishing off his current flagon without a care.

“Sorry about that, friend.” Shanks apologized with a grin after downing the last of his booze. “Looks like we bought the place dry.”

“I’m sure you wouldn’t mind parting with some of it, right friend?” Higuma glared at Shanks heavily, the bandit’s hand resting on his sword.

“Sure, sure,” Shank waved off with a lackadaisical smile. “Roll over a couple casks for them, guys.”

“Make it ten casks.” Higuma gripped his sword and unsheathed the first bit of blade.

“I can make none.” Shanks replied while locking eyes with the bandit. The two engaged in a stare down and Higuma near instantly backed down. The gaze of the pirate spoke of inner strength, of seeing things that Higuma couldn’t dream of and surviving.

“Fine…” Higuma acquiesced to Shanks’ offer and two casks of booze were rolled over to him and his bandits by the Pirate Crew. With his pride sufficiently wounded, Higuma and his bandits took their booze and left without another word.

“That was awesome!” Luffy exclaimed with sparkles in his eyes.

The exclamation snapped the tense atmosphere and all of the pirates laughed. The party mood was quickly restored and merriment reigned again. Shanks chuckled at Luffy as the boy looked up at him as if he was the coolest thing he’d ever seen. Makino ruffled Luffy’s hair fondly before moving to take orders to tables again.

“Liked that, did you?” Shanks chortled as he opened up another bottle and poured himself a drink.

“You scared him off without even throwing a punch!” Luffy still had sparkles in his eyes as he looked at Shanks. “That was so cool!”

“A lot of people like to talk big on the sea, Luffy.” Shanks grinned at the boy. “But quite a few of them aren’t capable of backing it up. When you stare a man in the eye, you can quickly find out if they’re all talk.”

“Pirates are the coolest!” Luffy declared making all of the pirates in the bar laugh and cheer. The cheering and pretty much all sound in general stopped when the boy’s arms spun around from the elbow down. It was like Luffy’s bones and flesh were a singular object, rather than separate parts. Both arms spun like drills in the kid’s excitement and he didn’t seem to notice anything was wrong until the sudden silence hit him.

“Luffy!” Makino was the first to speak up as she moved over to Luffy to examine him.

“What’s wrong?” Luffy questioned at seeing all of the shocked faces. It was only when Makino took hold of his rotating right arm and stopped the spinning that he stared wide-eyed at his limbs. “What the heck?!”

“A Devil Fruit?” Shanks blinked in shock at what Luffy had just done. A Devil Fruit in the East Blue wasn’t impossible…but they were incredibly rare outside of the Grand Line.

“A what?” Luffy tilted his head at Shanks.

“One of the Treasures of the Sea, Luffy.” Shanks explained to the boy. “If you eat one, you gain some kind of power.” He motioned to Luffy’s previously spinning arms. “But you’re also cursed forever to be an anchor. You’ll lose your strength if you’re submerged too far in water and sink like a hammer!”

“WHAT?!” Luffy cried out at the loss of his ability to ever learn how to swim.

“Luffy, did you eat a fruit that looked sort of like this?” Lucky Roo, a rather rotund member of the Red Hair Pirates, asked as he held up a sketchbook with a drawing on it. The round shape, curled stem, and the swirl markings were all really similar to the strange fruit that Luffy had found.

“Yeah…I found it mixed in with the other fruits in Makino’s shipment this morning. It tasted bad, so I threw it away.” Luffy explained to the Pirate Captain.

The trash can was searched and the remains of the Devil Fruit were found. Setting it on the bar top, Shanks told Roo to fetch the encyclopedia from the ship. Several minutes later and Shanks was flipping through a large book and trying to find a match for the Devil Fruit that Luffy had eaten.

“What’s that book?” Luffy questioned curiously.

“It’s an encyclopedia of Devil Fruits that we stole from a Marine ship not too long ago.” Benn Beckman, the First Mate of the Red Hair Pirates answered as he smoked. He ran a hand through his black hair with a sigh. “Never thought we’d need it for this though.” He chuckled at Luffy with a smile. “You always try and make things interesting, don’t you, Luffy?”

“Shishishishi!” Luffy laughed along with Benn.

“Found it!” Shanks exclaimed, a huge relief in his voice as some tension left his shoulders. “It’s the Guru Guru no Mi. Luffy’s a Rotation Human now.”

“Rotation?” Luffy blinked as he made his way over to the bar and sat on the stool next to Shanks. His eyes looked at the page of the large book to see a drawing of the same fruit that sat on the bar top.

“Spinning things, Luffy.” Shanks simplified the term for the six-year-old. “You can spin your body around, like you did before, and can apparently make other things spin too, according to the book anyway.”

“Huh…” Luffy held up his hand and looked hard at it. A few seconds later and his index finger started to spin. He laughed at making his new power work, already over his loss of ever swimming. He increased the speed of the rotation with a thought until the spinning finger was letting off an audible whirring sound.

“You have to be careful with your power, Luffy.” Shanks cautioned the excited youngster. Luffy stopped spinning his finger like a drill to listen to his friend. “What you were just doing…imagine touching someone with that and what it would do to them.” Luffy took a second before he had a horrified look on his face. “Yeah…so you need to be careful and learn to control your ability, alright?”

“Yes,” Luffy looked at his hands thoughtfully for a long moment. This power seemed simple enough, but the damage it could do was nothing to brush off. “I’ll do it, Shanks! I’ll really figure this power out! Then I’ll be a great pirate!”

“Hahahahaha!” Shanks slapped the bar top as he laughed. “You just became a hammer forever and you think you can be a pirate?! Don’t go thinking your new power will make you a good pirate, Luffy.” Shanks had a smile on his face, but his eyes told of past experiences. “A Devil Fruit is a good tool, but by itself it’s only a stopgap to real strength.”

“Huh?” Luffy clearly didn’t understand what Shanks was saying.

“I’m saying…” Shanks ruffled Luffy’s hair with a grin. “Don’t go thinking that your power is all you can do. Train your body and become strong. Think outside the box. The best Devil Fruit users that I’ve ever seen all use their powers in ways you wouldn’t expect.”

“Like what?” Luffy had a huge smile on his face as he leaned forward.

“What would you do with a power to push anything that touched your palms away from you?” Shanks questioned the boy with a grin.

“Um…use it to send my enemy flying?” Luffy answered with a shrug.

“That’s the most basic use of that power.” Shanks nodded to him. “But what if you were far away from your opponent and they were attacking you from range?”

“I dunno?” Luffy shook his head.

“What if you touched the air with your palm and pushed it away?” Shanks chuckled when Luffy’s eyes widened in realization.

“Push the air…really?!” Luffy exclaimed with excitement. “What else, what else?!” He was nearly bouncing on the stool.

“Calm down, Luffy.” Shanks laughed as he took a long drink from his flagon. “I’ll tell you some stories, alright?”

“Yeah!” Luffy happily waited for Shanks to tell him about more interesting things that he’d seen Devil Fruit users do.

-Several Weeks Later-

“Bored…” Luffy grumbled as he laid his head on the bar top.

“They said they’d be back around this time, Luffy.” Makino reminded the boy as she cleaned a glass behind the bar. “You just have to be patient.”

The door was roughly thrown open and Higuma and his men marched into the bar like they owned it. The bandits sat at the tables and started shouting for drinks. Makino sighed but hurried to start filling orders. The faster the bandits got their fill, the sooner they’d stumble back to their hideout in the forested mountains.

“No pirates today, huh?” Higuma sneered as he grabbed his booze from Makino roughly. “The place smells better at least.”

Luffy sat alone at the end of the bar watching Makino work. He hated these guys. They were annoying, said nasty things to Makino, and worst of all they terrorized Fuusha Village whenever they thought they could get away with it. Right now, he was clenching his small fists as the bandits started bad-mouthing Shanks and his crew. Naturally, Luffy didn’t have a very long fuse when it came to people insulting his friends.

“Shut your mouth!” Luffy roared at Higuma while rushing the bandit. A loud whirring sound was heard as the boy blitzed towards the bandit leader. The rapidly rotating fist slammed into the side of Higuma’s face with all the force that Luffy could put behind it. What no one was expecting was the visceral aftermath of high-speed rotation meeting flesh.

“AAARRRGGGHHH!!!” Higuma screamed as his skin was shredded by the little brat’s fist. His cheek was basically gone in an instant, the bones beneath shattered as if they’d been put into a grinder. Unfortunately for the bandit, Luffy had thrown his full bodyweight into his punch, nearly coming off the ground from doing so. The child couldn’t pull back if he wanted to. Blood flew and splattered everything nearby as Higuma was knocked out of his seat. Luffy landed face first on the wooden floor a second later.

“Boss?!” One of the bandits rushed over, kicking Luffy aside in the process. “Oh shit…oh shit…Boss!” The bandit saw the mess that Higuma’s jaw had become and the massive amount of blood he was losing. The punch had torn apart everything it had come in contact with. Higuma’s tongue had been turned into mincemeat and blood was pouring from the destroyed jaw and muscle like a fountain. The bandit leader could barely make any sound as he weakly moved his arms. The shock was setting in and even the dumbest of the bandits realized that their boss was dying quickly.

“M-Monster!” One bandit screamed, pointing at Luffy. He didn’t make any attempt to avenge his boss, he ran screaming from the bar and out of the village. This panic set off the mob mentality of the bandits and in mere moments all of them were yelling and running away from the bar in terror.

“Luffy…” Makino quickly took the boy into her arms, trying to prevent him from seeing the man he’d just killed in his rage. Unfortunately, Luffy had already seen Higuma die and the six-year-old grabbed onto Makino tightly. It was several minutes later before the two were made aware of someone else’s presence.

“I wondered why no one came to greet us at the docks.” Shanks spoke up from behind the large group. The Pirate Captain was wearing his normal straw hat, white button-up shirt, brown pants, and sandals. Over the man’s shoulders was a black, long-sleeved coat. “It seems something went wrong, Luffy.” He walked over and knelt down next to Makino and Luffy before putting his hand on the boy’s head softly. The rest of the Red Hair Pirates were quick to gather up the body and get it out of the bar. The normal celebration would have to wait for a while.

It was the next day before Luffy was almost back to normal. A long talk with Shanks about what had happened had helped. The pirate had spoken to Luffy about his own experiences with having to take a life. It was something that couldn’t be avoided on the high seas sometimes. Luffy had taken solace in Shanks’ words and his advice.

“It can become easier, Luffy.” Shanks had said as he sat next to the boy. “But don’t let it become so easy that it’s your first thought when confronting someone. Above all else, never enjoy it. A man may have to take a life to protect his own or the lives of his friends. But if you start to enjoy killing, you’ll become a monster.”

“Okay.” Luffy had agreed, even as they sat together and shared juice. No teasing this time. Just a man consoling a boy that had experienced something terrible.

In the late afternoon, Benn, Roo, and Yasopp had returned after being gone for most of the day. They had a briefcase with them and set it on the bar top next to Luffy. The boy had looked at the case curiously before looking at the three men.

“The bandit had a bounty on his head, Luffy.” Roo spoke up with a consoling tone. “We went to the Bounty Office in the Goa Kingdom to cash it in for you.”

“Bounty Office?” Luffy didn’t know what that was.

“A place that anyone can go to turn in a bounty and get paid.” Yasopp explained simply.

“Up until just a couple years ago they were borderline illegal.” Benn exhaled some smoke from his cigarette. “But that was before Tiger ran rampant up in Mariejois.”

“Who?” Luffy blinked, not knowing what the pirate was talking about.

“Don’t worry about it, Luffy.” Shanks shook his head. Luffy didn’t need to concern himself with what had happened a couple years back.

Fisher Tiger, the fishman pirate, had scaled the Red Line by hand. Infiltrated the Celestial Dragon’s holy land of Mariejois, and went absolutely insane on the population. He’d freed every slave he’d come across, and rallying their rage, the freed slaves had attacked their former owners. Shanks knew a bit more than most, though he wouldn’t speak of it to just anyone. After the damage was done and the loss of many World Nobles’ lives, the world had entered quite a bit of turmoil. The faith that member nations of the World Government had was shaken. Pirates and other outlaws had been emboldened by the successful attack on the seat of power. To help quell the chaos, the World Government had cracked down harder on the troublemakers, but had also legalized Bounty Offices.

A simple license to operate within certain parameters was all that was required to start a legal Bounty Office. The office would take in wanted people, dead or alive, and pay out a portion of the person’s bounty. The going rate for the turn in of a live bounty was seventy percent of the full bounty. The office would then turn the wanted person over to the Marines for the full price to make their own money. Turning in a dead wanted person would get you fifty percent of their bounty, since the Bounty Office would only be able to collect seventy percent of the total bounty when they handed over the corpse to the Marines. The Bounty Offices had effectively helped quell part of the chaos by turning outlaws against each other. Bounty Hunters, Pirates, Bandits, Civilians, anyone could go to a Bounty Office with a captured wanted person for a payout. No harm would befall anyone within a legal office as they were considered neutral ground. Most islands with large enough populations had a Bounty Office nowadays, some of the larger islands had multiple even.

“There’s 5,600,000 Beri in that briefcase for you, Luffy.” Roo patted the boy’s back with a smile, hoping that it would help cheer Luffy up.

“That’s a lot…” Luffy stared at the briefcase in shock.

“Save it for later, or you can pay back that tab you started.” Shanks reminded Luffy with a chuckle.

“Yeah…” Luffy nodded before turning to look at Makino. “Hey, Makino, I can pay for my tab now!”

“Alright, Luffy.” Makino agreed, just happy to see the life starting to return to Luffy’s eyes.

On the day of the Red Hair Pirates departure Luffy was holding back tears as he said goodbye to Shanks. Shanks smiled at the boy and decided to try and cheer him up a bit. A smirk made its way onto the Captain’s face before he spoke.

“Come on, Luffy, men aren’t supposed to cry at partings.” Shanks chuckled at the boy. Predictably the black-haired boy wiped his eyes and stared up at Shanks defiantly.

“I’m not crying!” Luffy retorted, even though his eyes were definitely red from tears.

“Sure~” Shanks teased and Luffy swatted at the man. The Captain laughed as he dodged the blows.

“Just you wait, Shanks!” Luffy clenched his fists as he looked up at the man. “When I’m older, I’m going to head out to sea and be a pirate! I’m going to find treasures, have adventures, and my crew is going to be even better than yours is! I’ll be the King of the Pirates and find the One Piece!” He loudly declared and all of the pirates stopped to look at the boy.

“Hahaha, you’re gonna be the Pirate King, huh?” Shanks laughed at the young boy. “You’re going to be better than us?”

“I will!” Luffy stomped his foot. “I’ll be the Pirate King, just you wait and see!”

“Well then,” Shanks smiled at Luffy as he pulled his Straw Hat off his head. “Once you make it big as a pirate, why don’t you return this hat to me then?” The man then placed his prized straw hat on Luffy’s head. Hidden under the wide brim of the hat, tears poured down Luffy’s cheeks. “It’s a promise between men, alright Luffy?”

“Yes!” Luffy agreed as his tear-filled eyes locked with Shanks’ eyes. “I’ll return it when I’m the Pirate King! It’s a promise!” Shanks smiled at Luffy and gave him a firm nod.

“A promise it is then.” Shanks agreed and the two parted ways, Shanks walked up the gangplank of his ship and waved as the Red Hair Pirates set sail. Luffy waved until the ship disappeared over the horizon. Makino took him into her arms with a smile as she led him back to the bar. Luffy could stay with her until he felt better.

-Weeks Later-

“Luffy!” Garp roared as soon as he set foot in Fuusha Village. The Vice Admiral’s voice carried far and wide and could be heard from anywhere in the Village. Luffy and Makino walked out of Party’s Bar to meet the old Marine.

“Grandpa.” Luffy greeted with a nonchalant grin and wave.

“Luffy! What have you done to yourself? Eating a Devil Fruit? You can never swim now; you know that right?” Garp questioned his grandson. When Makino had called him on the Transponder Snail and explained what had happened, Garp was immediately moving. After a large argument with Fleet Admiral Sengoku, the Vice Admiral was cleared for some leave to take care of his grandson. He was sure his old friend wouldn’t hold the damage to the walls and floors of his office against him for too long.

“I’ll just be a pirate that never falls off the ship.” Luffy shrugged without a care.

“PIRATE?!” Garp bellowed at the boy. “No grandson of mine is going to become a criminal! You’re going to be a Marine and like it!” Garp pointed at Luffy with a stern glare.

“I’m gonna be King of the Pirates!” Luffy yelled back and Garp felt a vein start pulsing on his forehead.

“Like hell you are!” Garp and Luffy continued to bicker even after the old man picked his grandson up by the scruff of his neck and carried him off. Makino could only sigh at the odd dynamic between the Monkey D. Family.

“Why’re we out here, Grampa?” Luffy looked around the wide field curiously. It was mostly flat, but was littered with large boulders here and there. It was pretty far from Fuusha Village too.

“I hope you’re prepared, brat! I’ve taken a long vacation and we’ll be spending all of it making sure you have control of your Devil Fruit; do you understand me?” Garp stared down at his grandson.

“But…my Devil Fruit killed that bandit guy.” Luffy looked at his hands as he vividly recalled that day.

“Higuma ‘The Bear’ was a bandit that had killed fifty-six people, Luffy.” Garp informed him with a gentler tone than he was known for. “The island is a better place without a serial killer around. Don’t ever let anyone tell you differently. You aren’t a bad person for fighting for others. But Higuma was a bad person and he reveled in being one.”

“Okay…” Luffy exhaled before looking up at his grandpa. “I can do something already.”

“Show me what you can do now and then we’ll work from there.” Garp grinned at Luffy proudly. Trust his grandson to have already figured out part of his power. There was certainly no way in hell that he’d ever attribute any of the success to that blasted Red Hair!

-A Week Later-

“You get down here and fight, Luffy!” Garp roared up at his airborne grandson.

“Shishishishi, nope!” Luffy laughed as he hovered in the air. He’d finally started to get some control over making other things spin. Remembering Shanks’ example about the air, Luffy had tried to spin it around. It had only taken him a few days to figure out how to wrap the spinning air currents around his body and under his feet to fly. The best part about this was that he could always escape to the sky when his grandpa was sparring with him!

“If you won’t come down, then I’ll come up there!” Garp jumped straight at Luffy.

“Ah!” Luffy flew backwards and Garp missed him with his patented ‘Fist of Love’. The boy wasn’t expecting the old man to suddenly kick off the air and rocket towards him! “OW!” Luffy cried out as he was sent careening towards the ground while holding his head. A powerful spiraling whirlwind cushioned his impact and spared him any extra injury. “You can fly?!” He questioned his grandpa while pointing at him.

“Of course, I can’t fly.” Garp shook his head. “But I can get around that with technique.”

“Huh?” Luffy stared at him blankly.

“It’s something I’ll teach you when you become a Marine.” Garp nodded to the boy with his arms crossed.

“I’m gonna be a pirate!” Luffy instantly retorted.

“No, you’re not!” Garp yelled back as he rushed Luffy.

-End of the Month-

“Is this the best you can do, brat?” Garp parried Luffy’s spinning fists and knocked the drill-like kick aside with his own leg. “Where’s that ‘thinking outside the box’ you were so proud of?”

“Gah!” Luffy went sailing backwards from and kick and rolled along the ground. “Darn it, grampa!” He stood up shakily and noticed he was next to one of the large boulders. The proverbial light bulb went off after Luffy looked at the huge stone for a few seconds. He placed his hands on the rock and willed it to start spinning with his Devil Fruit. This was by far the heaviest thing he’d ever tried to spin before, but with a rumble the boulder began to move.

“Hmm?” Garp blinked as he saw the boulder, easily twice his own height, begin spinning in place, tearing up the ground beneath it.

“Take this, grampa!” Luffy sent the boulder rolling towards Garp at speed.

“Hahahaha! That’s more like it, brat!” Garp punched the boulder into gravel with one fist and charged at Luffy right after. “We might have you at least proficient with your Devil Fruit before my vacation is over!”

Luffy was put through hellish training by Garp for years. He was made to strengthen his body while also learning to make the best use of his Devil Fruit. Anytime Garp had to attend to his Marine duties, Luffy was left in the care of Curly Dadan and her bandit gang. It was here that Luffy met Ace and eventually Sabo, the two that would become his sworn brothers. The three would go on to collect a large hoard of treasures to become pirates when they grew up.

Sabo and Ace left Dawn Island when they turned seventeen. Ace would go on to become an infamous Pirate. Sabo seemingly disappeared until both of his brothers received mail from him. Sabo had joined up with the Revolutionary Army shortly after he’d left Dawn Island. This was probably always the blonde’s intention ever since the burning of Grey Terminal by the Nobles of the Goa Kingdom.

It was shortly before Luffy left on his own voyage that Makino had asked him to stay with her one night.

“Makino?” Luffy looked at the woman confused on why she was only in a towel.

“Luffy,” Makino smiled at him. “You remember when you turned thirteen and the doctor and I gave you The Talk?”

“Yeah…” Luffy nodded as he recalled that somewhat awkward conversation from years back. He’d had to have some things explained to him a couple of times, but it had all sunk in eventually. It had been a little hard to look Makino in the eye for a while.

“Would you like to experience sex before you go off into the world?” Makino questioned him with an accepting smile, her eyes half-lidded.

“I guess, I was curious about it for a while now.” Luffy admitted since there weren’t that many women his age in Fuusha Village.

“Then I’ll show you everything, Luffy.” Makino dropped the towel, revealing her naked body to him.

“Whoa…” Luffy’s eyes roamed her body by instinct and Makino giggled as she gave a little pose. “You’re pretty, Makino.”

“Thank you, Luffy.” Makino smiled as she approached him. Her hands ran over her chest and undid his red vest. Luffy let her take it off of him as his own hands began to explore her naked flesh.

The pace was slow, gentle, and exploratory at first. Luffy let Makino strip him of his clothes as he played with her breasts or her ass. Makino gave Luffy his first kiss, and after a few more simple kisses, she gave him his first deep kiss as well. The bar owner almost couldn’t believe how fine of a man Luffy had become. He was muscled, toned, and his cock wasn’t anything to scoff at. It was honestly making her wonder if she’d be able to take it all.

“Makino…that feels good.” Luffy groaned as Makino began to stroke his length. He let a low rumble out when she kneeled between his legs and kissed the tip of his cock.

“Let’s get you prepared, Luffy.” Makino gave him a lustful gaze before taking him between her lips. She steadily worked her way down his shaft. Her tongue cradling the underside of his length as she took more and more of him. Makino felt his hand touch the back of her head when she was a bit over halfway. She gagged a little as she took him into her throat.

Luffy began to breath harder as Makino sucked his dick. He’d been curious about sex, but he’d never imagined it would feel this good. Makino took him deeper, making sexy noises as she bobbed her head. Luffy was almost in a daze as he ran his fingers through her dark-green locks. As a first timer, the young man was quickly sent over the edge when Makino managed to take him to the base. She swallowed a few times with his length buried in her throat and Luffy came undone.

Oh damn…so much!’ Makino swallowed down Luffy’s load with wide eyes. She really should’ve expected Luffy to be an overachiever in this aspect too. Thankfully the first load stopped before air became a problem. Makino slowly pulled back, lavishing his entire cock with her tongue the whole way. When she let him slip form between her lips, she looked up at him sweetly.

“Makino…” Luffy breathed out to the woman he’d known his whole life.

“Luffyyyyy!” Makino almost squealed when Luffy picked her up like she weighed nothing. She was on her back in the bed and before she could even get her bearings, Luffy was between her legs. She gasped when his hot breath ghosted over her wet sex. Makino threw her head back with a cry of pleasure when Luffy buried his face and began to lick and explore her pussy with his tongue. “Mmm~ Luffy, like that…yes~” She took hold of her head and gently guided him to where it felt best. She hadn’t expected to teach him this tonight, but she wasn’t going to complain!

“Hmm?” Luffy pulled back for a breath as Makino panted. Seeing her clit, Luffy gently ran his thumb against it.

“Luffy…mmm~” Makino mewled at the shock of pleasure.

“That feels good?” Luffy asked as he did it again. Getting a nod and smile from Makino as she enjoyed his touches, Luffy wondered on something.

“LUFFY!!!” Makino moaned loudly as her hips bucked up off the bed and she orgasmed. Luffy had made the tip of his index finger spin as he rubbed her clit in circles. The vibration caused by the rotating digit had sent a bolt of pleasure crashing into Makino’s brain.

“You’re even wetter now.” Luffy noticed while Makino panted from the sudden orgasm. He moved in t lick her more and the bar owner moaned happily as she ran her fingers through his hair.

“Oh…oooh, yes…Luffy, wait…oh fuck!” Makino barely had time to realize what Luffy was doing before she had instinctively wrapped her legs around his head. She was moaning and crying out lewdly as Luffy’s tongue spun inside her, hitting every spot over and over again and making her nearly thrash from the pleasure. ‘He’s going to make any woman he beds very happy!’ Was Makino’s last coherent thought for the next several minutes before she nearly screamed out her next climax.

“Hah!” Luffy pulled himself free of her limp legs while Makino panted for breath. He smiled at the blissed-out woman as he settled between her thighs. His hands moved up her stomach until he had her tits in hand. He began to grope and fondle them gently before brushing his thumbs over her nipples.

“Luffy…no~” Makino moaned and pressed her girls into his hands more when he began to rotate his fingers around her sensitive nipples. “Ah~” She hummed in approval when he leaned over her and kissed her again. She looked at him with hazy eyes after their lips separated. She felt his hard length against her pussy, the size long enough to lay on her tummy at the same time. “Let’s move on to the next part.” She encouraged as she took his cock in hand and guided it inside of her.

“That…so tight…” Luffy didn’t have words to describe the sensations of being inside of Makino. All he knew was that he wanted more. He held her hips as he slowly buried himself to the hilt inside of her.

“Hah~…yes, that’s it…mmm, gentle at first, Luffy.” Makino encouraged him as she was stretched and filled wonderfully. “Once we’re both ready, then you can move.” Luffy acknowledged her words and waited until she gave a roll of her hips that sent pleasure racing through him. “You can move now, Luffy.”

“Makino.” Luffy pulled back slowly, making Makino mewl in pleasure. He reversed and filled her up in one long thrust right after. The speed quickly picked up as Makino wrapped her legs around his waist.

“Luffy!” Makino moaned his name as she reached for him. Luffy leaned down, never stopping his hips, and let her hold him close. Their lips met for a long kiss, tongues playing as Luffy continued to move inside of her.

Their first coupling lasted much longer than Makino thought it would. She was enjoying herself immensely though. Luffy was proving to be a very quick learner when it came to physical things, including bedroom activities. She clung to him, letting out breathy moans and mewls of pleasure as they fucked. She was about to hit her peak when Luffy’s thrusts sped up. She latched onto him and moaned lewdly as she came and a second, smaller orgasm hit her right after the first when Luffy filled her with his hot seed.

“So…good…” Luffy breathed out as he came down from the sexual high.

“You were amazing, Luffy.” Makino praised him, kissing his lips again before lying back to catch her breath. There were still tingles and shocks of pleasure running through her body.

“Hey, Makino…” Luffy spoke up a moment later and Makino felt him return to hardness inside of her. “Can we go again?”

“Al-Already?” Makino stuttered but her body trembled in pleasure at the thought.

“Yeah,” Luffy nodded with a grin. “It feels amazing with you.” Makino knew she was blushing at the honest words and nodded without even thinking about it. Luffy kissed her again and began to fuck her again. But this time, he wanted to try something.

LUFFY!!!” Makino howled in pleasure as his large cock began to spin within her at a pleasurable speed, hitting spots that she didn’t even know she had! She quickly wrapped her arms and legs around him. Not even thinking, she gently bit him while holding on for dear life as he sent her into a mind-shattering orgasm so quickly.

“You’re even tighter than before!” Luffy sounded pleased as he picked up the speed of his thrusts. Makino was past being able to form words longer than ‘more’ at this point. She was sure that she was going to pass out if she was given this much pleasure over and over again. Not that she’d care, of course.

More, more, more~’ Makino repeated in her head like a mantra as Luffy assuredly ruined her for any other man.

By the time they stopped, Makino was insensate and passed out. Luffy was breathing heavily and completely spent. He pulled Makino into his side with a smile as he fell asleep.

When Makino woke up the next morning she smiled lazily. Luffy was next to her and she felt the pleasant soreness and tingles from their night together. She rolled onto her stomach with a happy sigh. She almost swore she could still feel all of the cum Luffy had filled her with. ‘I think the bar will have to be closed today.’ She giggled to herself.

“Mmm?” Luffy awoke and looked around. With a grin he sat up and stretched. “Morning, Makino.”

“Good morning, Luffy.” Makino smiled at him. “Ooh~ Luffy…didn’t you get enough last night?” She hummed as he began to massage her nice booty. She could practically sense him getting hard again. When Luffy spread her ass cheeks Makino’s eyes widened. “Don’t even think about it, Mister.” She covered her butt with both hands, looking over her shoulder with a pout.

“Hmm?” Luffy cocked his head to the side, clearly not understanding what she meant.

“Can you go make sure the ‘Closed’ sign is on the front door, Luffy?” Makino requested to avoid the topic. Luffy nodded, and without even bothering to dress himself, walked out of her bedroom and downstairs. Makino sighed and let a giggle escaped as she relaxed. ‘Maybe we can spend today enjoying ourselves?’ She liked that idea. Luffy would be leaving soon enough, best to make the most of the time that remained, right?

Many of the villagers would wonder why Party’s Bar was closed for the day, but no one really questioned it. Makino would be finding herself blissed-out for most of the day and unable to think much of anything at all!

-Docks of Fuusha Village ~ Luffy Age 17-

“There he goes.” Makino smiled as she waved to Luffy as he sailed further away.

“He’s going out into the world to become a criminal!” Woopslap declared with a grimace. Why couldn’t any of the Monkey D. Family be normal?

“Luffy just wants to follow his dream,” Makino grinned at Woopslap. “That’s not such a bad thing, is it?” Her left hand rested on her stomach unconsciously.

“Until he ruins our town’s reputation.” Woopslap grumbled as he looked away.


“Well, this is annoying…” Luffy grimaced as his dinghy was caught in a massive whirlpool. “I don’t know if there are any islands nearby.” He looked around but only saw ocean in all directions. The dinghy continued to pick up speed as it was dragged into the swirling hole in the ocean. “Well, I was hoping to sail a bit longer, but I guess that’s not possible.”

He could’ve sailed past this area, but he’d wanted to take it slow and let the wind carry him for a while. That had turned out to be the wrong call it seemed. With a shrug Luffy called forth his Devil Fruit and the air began to spin around him. Grabbing the barrel that had his possessions in it he jumped upwards and two powerfully spinning currents of air appeared beneath his sandal-clad feet. With a mere thought Luffy ascended into the air and left the doomed dinghy to be swallowed up by the large whirlpool.

“Now, where’s the nearest island or ship?” Luffy looked around and near the edge of the horizon spotted a ship. “That’ll do!” He chuckled and flew towards it.

-Cruise Liner-

“What the hell?!” A sailor gaped as he spotted what appeared to be a flying man with a barrel approaching the ship.

“What?” His crewmate asked the stunned man.

“There’s a guy flying towards they ship!” The first man declared as he pointed towards the incoming Luffy.

“Holy shit…am I drunk?” The second lookout blinked ad rubbed his eyes.

“Hiya!” Luffy smiled widely as he landed on the deck and set his barrel of possessions down.

“Wh-Who the hell are you?!” The two sailors questioned as they both shakily put their hands on their flintlocks.

“Me?” Luffy pointed at himself. “I’m Luffy!” Unseen by the three men, and the rest of the ship since the lookouts were preoccupied with Luffy, a garishly pink ship sailed out from behind some large rocks. It was clearly a pirate vessel as it flew a black flag with a Jolly Roger on it. What alerted the cruise liner was the sudden explosions and the spray of sea water from multiple cannon shots impacting the water next to the ship.

“PIRATES!!!” The call came and both sailors ran to their positions, ignoring Luffy in favor of trying to defend the ship against the quickly approaching pirates.

“Huh…other pirates, I wonder if I can borrow another boat?” Luffy wondered as he leapt up on top of one of the cabins to watch what was going on.

It turned out to be a standard raid. The pirates boarded the cruise liner, beat down the sailors, and then held the rest of the crew and guests at weapon point while demanding their valuables. As the valuables were gathered up, Luffy, from his place atop the cabin, noticed an orangette woman sneaking over to the pirate ship. Only a few minutes later, as the pirates were back on the main deck and about to leave, cannon fire erupted once more. This time from a trio of Marine ships that were quickly closing in.

“Well, that’s not good.” Luffy grimaced as he leapt down to the deck with his barrel.

“Huh? Who the hell are you?!” The obese female pirate captain demanded while pointing her large iron mace at Luffy.

“Luffy, a pirate.” Luffy introduced himself with a grin.

“What the hell do you want?” The woman demanded. “Make it snappy! The Marines are closing in!”

“Captain Alvida! We need to go!” One of her subordinates called out as he saw how fast the Marine ships were closing in.

“I just need a distraction!” Luffy laughed before he blurred forward and slammed his spinning fist into Alvida’s gut. The woman hacked and dropped her mace, her eyes nearly bugged out as all the air was driven from her lungs. In the next instant she rocketed across the deck, bowling over her own men with her bulk, and slammed into the main mast. She dropped to the deck unmoving, the area where Luffy punched her was bright red and quickly turning a dark purple-black as it bled from a few minor lacerations. He had made sure to learn how to control his rotation speed over the last eleven years to not shred through people. “I’m taking this!” Luffy chuckled as he snatched the sack of valuables they’d just stolen. He was bounding over the edge of the cruise liner with his barrel and the sack in short order.

“What the hell?!” The orange-haired woman exclaimed as a man in a straw hat dropped down onto her small boat. She was hurrying to get out of the area with her new loot before the Marine got there. She hadn’t even been able to unfurl the single sail on the small boat before this guy showed up!

“No time, gotta go!” Luffy declared as he set the sack and barrel down. He popped off the top of the barrel and pulled out what looked like a wooden propeller on a short staff with a wide hook on one side. He dropped the propeller into the water, the wide hook snagging the stern of the small boat tightly. He placed his left hand on top of the wooden construct and to the woman’s stunned surprise the boat began to move forward rapidly.

“What…how…who?” She cried out as she saw the spray being kicked up behind the boat and the large wake that was forming as they sped away from the two ships.

“One second, I want to make sure the Marines are distracted with the pirates.” Luffy held stood up, the wooden motor, for the woman couldn’t call it anything else, stopped as he removed his hand. She watched on as Luffy raised his hand above his head, palm facing the sky. The air moved strangely, seemingly spinning around above his palm. Faster and faster the air spun until it was letting off a keening hum. “Guru Guru no Buzzsaw!” Luffy threw the spinning disc at the pirate ship. The air disc flew true as it sliced clean through the main mast of the pirate vessel and sent it collapsing into the drink.

“Holy shit!” The stunned woman nearly screamed at what she’d just witnessed.

“Shishishishi! That should keep them busy since the pirates can’t try to escape now.” Luffy laughed before plopping down and putting his hand back on top of the wooden motor. The propeller spun to life and they were speeding away faster than any of the Marine ships could hope to catch up to.

“Who the hell are you?!” The woman demanded again as she got as far away from Luffy as she could in the small boat.

“Monkey D. Luffy!” Luffy took off his hat and gave the best bow he could while sitting down. His laughter showed how over the top he was being. “What’s your name?”

“I’m…Nami.” Nami answered after a long pause. “How’d you do that? How’re you making that motor work, I didn’t see an engine?” She had so many questions right now.

“I ate a Devil Fruit!” Luffy answered simply. “The Guru Guru no Mi! I’m a Rotation Human! So, I can make both my body and other things spin.” He nodded to the wooden ‘motor’ that had turned the small boat into a speed boat.

“I didn’t think those were actually real.” Nami blinked at the man.

“They’re real alright, the Grand Line is supposedly full of Devil Fruit users.” Luffy grinned at her.

Neither knew that this was the start of a beautiful friendship…that would somewhat quickly become far more.

-Much Later ~ Loguetown-

“Straw Hat!” Marine Captain Smoker blasted forward towards the pirate with the highest bounty in the East Blue. His Moku Moku no Mi powers were propelling him forward faster than many could track with their eyes. He wouldn’t let this pirate leave the island! No pirates had made it past him since he took command here and today wouldn’t change that!”

“You’re annoying, just go away you dumb smoke!” Luffy yelled back as he held out his right arm. The air rapidly began to spin around it, faster and faster and faster until a miniature tornado surrounded his fist and forearm. “Tornado Fist!” Luffy punched forward at the rapidly approaching Smoker. The titanic blast of swirling air blasted away everything that wasn’t bolted to the ground. Signs were ripped off storefronts, debris was picked up off the ground and thrown through the air like bullets, windows cracked from the wind speed, and taking all of that force point-blank to the face was Smoker. The Marine was blasted backwards turned to smoke to try and prevent damage. He completely lost track of his surroundings and when the gale force winds finally died down, he reformed.

“Where the hell?” Smoker looked around to try and get his bearings. “Shit! He blew me all the way to the other side of town!” Smoker literally bit through his cigars as he blasted upwards with his Devil Fruit power. Even at his fastest speed, he wouldn’t make it to the docks before the Straw Hats left. In the back of his mind, he knew this. But he still rocketed forward as fast as he could regardless.

-Years Later ~ Dressrosa-

MINGO!!!” Luffy roared out as everything around him began to spin together into an absolutely immense tornado of force. All of the air, the debris, the discarded weapons, even the very sunlight itself seemingly bent and spun together into a massive drill-shaped construct.

So much rotational force that the friction caused by it is superheating everything within!’ Donquixote Doflamingo had sweat pouring down his face from this fight. The whole day had gone to absolute shit and never gotten better. Now, he and ‘Straw Hat’ Luffy were in a battle to the death for the fate of the Kingdom of Dressrosa. “God Thread: Sixteen Holy Assassin’s Bullets!” The ground around the Warlord transformed into an insanely large mass of strings. Sixteen spires of thick bound strings, each as tall as a tower and black tipped as Doflamingo infused all of his Armament Haki into them.

GIGA DRILL BREAKER!!!” Luffy’s voice practically shook the sky as he completely formed the attack. A drill so large it looked capable of boring holes through islands was rapidly spinning before him. The intensity of the rotational force alone had fused every bit of debris and even light into a singular mass. It was literally painful to look at with the naked eye and yet all who could see it refused to turn away. The glowing drill seemingly denied all other things that existed around it as it continued to spin faster and faster. Then it shot forward like a strike from a wrathful god.

Doflamingo’s sixteen spires of Haki-imbued string met the oncoming attack. They were instantly shredded to nothingness. The Spider Web shield that he’d made with his toughest strings may as well have been spun sugar for all the good it did. The tip of the immense drill struck the mad man, the Warlord of the Sea, the fallen Celestial Dragon, and he didn’t even have the time to realize that he was about to die.

AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” Luffy’s war cry shook the heavens as his attack connected. Doflamingo’s body, even infused by Haki, couldn’t hold up. He was shredded to nothing as the nearly reality-warping drill passed through the ground, the soil, the clay, the bedrock, and into the hidden port below Dressrosa. The gargantuan glowing drill didn’t even slow down as it punched a void into the sea itself and continued downward. What ever could’ve remained of Doflamingo was sent down deeper and deeper into the depths. One-hundred meters, five-hundred meters, one-thousand meters, ten-thousand meters, until the very seafloor was pierced by the drill. The glowing drill of power boring deeper and deeper into the bottom of the ocean, never to be seen again. Only stopping sometime later as it finally lost power and was buried forever.

Complete silence.

Not a sound could be heard in Dressrosa.

Everyone in the country had witnessed the drill. It was almost quite literally burned into their eyes.

Luffy dropped from the sky, too drained to do anything but barely hold onto his consciousness.

“Ball Clouds!” Nami whipped her Climatact around and the soft spherical clouds form Skypiea appeared. They formed into a large mat and Luffy landed in them with barely a sound. Nami wasn’t the only one rushing towards the downed Luffy. Robin was right beside her as they went to check on their Captain and lover.

“H-He…He’s done it…THE WINNER OF THE BATTLE Is LUCY!!!” The loud voice of Gatz, the announcer of Corrida Colosseum rang out over nearly every functioning speaker in the country. You could hear the tears and relief in the large man’s voice. Seconds later and a loud cheer rose up throughout all of Dressrosa.

“Hey…” Luffy smiled at Nami and Robin as the women looked over him.

“Hey yourself.” Nami was smiling, despite the tears of relief in her eyes.

“You worried us, Luffy.” Robin smiled as she gently moved his hair off his sweaty forehead. Her shoulders noticeably sagged in relief to see Luffy mostly alright. The injuries he’d taken would need some time to heal, but their lover would be fine soon enough.

“I won…just like I promised.” Luffy chuckled lightly. Nami and Robin could only fawn over him more as they both placed gentles kisses on his lips. A growl came from Luffy’s stomach and Nami couldn’t help but roll her eyes while Robin giggled. “I’m starving.”

“Only you, Luffy, only you.” Nami sighed at him. Somethings would never change.

“We’ll get you taken care of, Luffy.” Robin smiled beautifully at him. “I’m certain with all of these Marine witnesses, your bounty is about to increase substantially, again.”

“Shishishishi!” Luffy chuckled lowly as his stomach growled again. “Let’s throw a huge party if it hits a one-billion.” His lovers readily agreed with him on that. Luffy did love his parties and banquets.

-Royal Plateau-

“He really did it.” Viola, the older princess of Dressrosa, removed her hands from her face as she deactivated her Devil Fruit power. “Doflamingo is dead.” The disappearance of the ‘Bird Cage’ indicated that Doflamingo was at minimum unconscious. But Viola’s Giro Giro no Mi allowed her see far more than anyone else. She’d watched his body practically evaporate and had followed the glowing drill all the way down until it bored through the seafloor. Doflamingo wasn’t coming back. Dressrosa was saved.

“LUCY!” Rebecca had waterfalls of tears pouring down her face as she looked at where the battle had taken place from atop the plateau.

“What can we ever do to repay that man?” Riku Dold III muttered out as he stood stock-still and stared out across the damaged country.

I know what I’m offering him.’ Viola thought to herself, her incredibly curvaceous body already heating up as she imagined it. Perhaps the women of his crew would allow her thanks. She’d happily share one of the castle’s large bedrooms with them after Monkey D. Luffy was recovered. She realized that her body was reacting to her imagination quite vividly and was glad that her dancer’s dress would prevent anyone from seeing.

-End Chapter-


Damn! It’s amazing what you can do with the power of a seemingly simple Fruit if you think outside the box with it!

The power of rotation isn’t a joke. Speed of spin can literally make things break apart, grind them into powder, and even cause heat via friction! Take it into conceptual fuckery levels like One Piece likes to do with some Devil Fruits and even the non-physical can be made to spin!

I hope you enjoyed this newest Plot Bunny! What other Devil Fruits do I have waiting in the queue? You’ll find out soon enough!

Let me know what you thought with a review!

Until next time, later!



His drill is the drill that will pierce through the heavens and become the pirate king...WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK HE IS!!?

El Pirato

Will you make a bunny that doesn't have Luffy as the main character? Because I have a DF that could use a different hand... The Hebi Hebi no Mi: Model Kankandara.


No, because Luffy is the MC of One Piece, there's absolutely no reason to change that.


Hello i would like to suggest a idea for a one shot or maybe a story , one when luffy eats the Mori Mori no Mi even if will still don't now yet the full power of this one.