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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! Miss All-Sunday has asked to join the Straw Hats Pirates! What is Luffy’s response? How will the woman win over the members of the crew? Will Vivi accept her? Where are we heading next?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 42 – Nico Robin

“I have nowhere to go and nowhere to return to.” Miss All-Sunday looked Luffy in the eye with her normal easy smile. “So let me join your crew.”

“Absolutely not!” Vivi denied immediately, glaring at the older woman.

“Vivi.” Zoro’s voice was like steel. “That’s not your decision to make.” The First Mate looked at the new pirate with an unshakeable gaze. Vivi looked down, realizing she’d overstepped, but her hands clenched the loose cloth of her pants tightly.

“Why do you want to join my crew?” Luffy questioned the tanned woman as he finished off his snack. “I still want that name, by the way.”

“My name is Nico Robin.” Robin finally told him with a small laugh. “I was a part of Baroque Works for the protection that being under Sir Crocodile’s banner afforded me. It also coincided with my own goals and my dream.”

“Oh no…” Nami facepalmed when she saw Luffy’s eyes light up and a large smile form on his face.

“This…looks familiar…” Mikita looked between Luffy and Robin. The chocolatier was pretty sure she knew where this was going.

“Ah damn it…” Zoro exhaled heavily as soon as the words left the woman’s mouth. He knew how this song and dance would go.

“Dream?” Luffy leaned forward with interest. “What’s your dream, Robin?”

“I seek the Rio Poneglyph.” Robin answered with an almost professional tone. “Of the many Poneglyphs in the world, only that one has the true history inscribed upon it. I seek to find and read it, to uncover the lost history of the Void Century. I’ve been chasing that dream for the last twenty years. Alabasta was my final lead, but the Poneglyph wasn’t the right one.” Her eyes became sad, though she hid it well. “There are too many obstacles standing between me and my dream.”

“Nope!” Luffy shook his head.

“Huh?” Robin blinked at the younger man.

“Nope!” Luffy repeated with his signature wide grin. “Never give up on your dream, Robin!” The Hana Hana no Mi user couldn’t help the small smile that formed on her lips. He was an enthusiastic one when it came to dreams, it seemed.

“So, does that mean I can join?” Robin asked the Captain for clarification.

“Sure!” Luffy agreed instantly.

“LUFFY!!!” Nami, Mikita, Vivi, and Usopp all exclaimed at the same time. Zoro facepalmed at the simpleness his Captain was showing. Sanji was noodling around with heart-shaped eyes in joy of another woman on the crew. Chopper looked between his nakama and their different reactions with some confusion.

“Don’t worry!” Luffy smiled at his nakama. The same smile that always reassured them that everything was fine. “She’s not a bad person.” He chuckled and Robin gave him another easy smile for his words.

A few minutes later and Robin was sitting at the table with Usopp. The gunman had brought out a lap and was in full ‘interrogation’ mode. Robin could only smile at what the teen thought interrogation was. Luffy and Chopper were being amused by her powers off to the side of the deck. Zoro was on the upper deck along with Nami and Vivi. Mikita was in the kitchen, baking, while Sanji was fawning over her, but making sure not to get in her way in the kitchen.

“I was an Archaeologist by the time I was eight.” Robin informed Usopp for his little interrogation. “Then I had a bounty put on my head.”

“An Archaeologist?” Usopp looked at the woman with a raised eyebrow after jotting it down in the notebook on the table.

“I come from a family of them.” Robin replied simply. “For the next twenty years I hid from the government.” She held her hand up and waved it slightly. “But a child can’t survive alone on the high seas. I survived by joining various outlaw gangs and organizations. As a result, I became an expert on operating in the shadows.” She rested her chin on her palm. “I can be a great help to you.”

“Hmm…you’re very confident.” Usopp noticed as he rubbed his chin. “What’s your specialty?”

“Assassination.” Robin answered with a gentle lilt in her voice.

“Luffy!” Usopp reeled back from the table while Robin giggled. “This woman is too dangerous!” He turned towards the Lightning Man only to find both Luffy and Chopper playing with the many arms that Robin had made with her power. The duo was laughing and rolling about the deck while Robin watched on amused. “Did you guys hear me?!” Usopp barked at them with sharp teeth.

“She’s already won them over…” Nami sighed and shook her head. Luffy was too easygoing sometimes. “A few days ago, she was the vice-president of Baroque Works. That woman was Crocodile’s partner! I trust Luffy, but if you make one wrong move, I’ll throw you out myself.” The navigator stared down at Robin. Vivi was glaring at Robin beside Nami.

“Yes, I’ll keep that in mind.” Robin softly giggled before pulling out a small bag and setting it on the table. “By the way, I brought most of Crocodile’s liquid assets with me. This is only a small portion.”

“Really?!” Nami seemingly teleported to Robin’s side with sparkles in her eyes. “I love you, sister!” She happily took the bag and opened it to reveal gemstones within. Her eyes turned to Beri Symbols as she giggled happily.

“NAMI!!!” Vivi cried out at how fast her friend, and lover, had been won over.

“Well…Nami’s hooked too.” Usopp spoke from the main deck.

“What a dirty trick.” Zoro grimaced from the stairs.

“Sanji was a lost cause from the start.” Usopp shook his head as he recalled the chef’s reaction to Robin being on board.

“It’s up to us to remain wary of her then.” Zoro nodded to the gunman.

“What a bunch of pushovers.” Usopp agreed with the swordsman.

“Usopp!” Luffy called out to the bandana-wearing teen.

“Huh?” Usopp turned to glare at the frolicking pair of Luffy and Chopper.

“Chopper~” Luffy did his best imitation of Chopper’s voice while two of Robin’s conjured arms emerged from his straw hat like antlers. Chopper was already rolling with laughter on the deck.

“Pffft!” Usopp cracked instantly and broke into full-on laughter as he joined Chopper and Luffy in their fun.

“…” Zoro ground his teeth since the only holdouts were him and Vivi now.

“This is nice.” Robin stood up from her chair and walked up the stairs. “Is it always like this?” She questioned Zoro with a grin.

“Pretty much.” Zoro sighed while keeping his eyes on her.

“I see.” Robin giggled with a smile as the breeze blew through her hair.

Vivi continued to glare at Robin. The princess turned pirate couldn’t forgive the archaeologist for helping Crocodile nearly destroy Alabasta. She refused to!

“You want to know why I did it, yes?” Robin turned to look at Vivi with a mostly blank expression. Vivi’s eye narrowed, but she nodded slightly. “Let’s talk, Princess Nefertari.” Robin offered and made it clear that she’d follow wherever Vivi led her to have this conversation. The new Suna Suna no Mi user nearly stormed towards the women’s quarters and Robin followed behind.

“Speak.” Vivi all but demanded once the door was closed behind them. She sat on her bed with an angry scowl while Robin sat across from her.

“It’s true that I aided Crocodile in several of his schemes against your kingdom.” Robin admitted just to get it out of the way. “I helped spread the various rumors that stirred up dissent. I spied and stole information. I even made sure some operations were carried out successfully.” Seeing Vivi clenching the bedding beneath her, Robin moved on. “But…it’s also true that denied almost all of Crocodile’s more violent schemes from succeeding.”

“What?” Vivi blinked at her words. “Explain.”

“Crocodile had many ideas to breed dissent and collapse the faith in the king.” Robin informed the princess factually. “Several of those plans involved sending Baroque Works agents masquerading as Royal Soldiers to raid and destroy various small villages throughout the kingdom.” Vivi’s eyes widened at the information. “I made sure that said plans always failed. A broken wheel here, sick horses there, or I’d simply give them the wrong directions and they’d come back days later after wandering aimlessly in the desert.”

“Y-You’re lying…” Vivi shook her head, unwilling to believe the woman. Even if it sounded exactly like something that Crocodile would do.

“You know I’m not.” Robin looked into Vivi’s eyes. “I did what I could to avert the worst of Crocodile’s plans. I couldn’t stop him from prolonging the drought, nor could I save all of the villages that died from the lack of water. But I did everything I could to prevent mass slaughter. Even in the pursuit of my goals, I have lines that I refuse to cross. Crocodile did not have the same restraint.”

“W-Why?” Vivi felt the hot tears stinging her eyes. “Why did he do it?” She had to know why her country had nearly been destroyed.

“Pluton.” Robin spoke the name and saw Vivi stiffen up. “Crocodile was after the Ancient Weapon, Pluton. He needed me to read the Poneglyph hidden within the Royal Tombs to tell him where it was.” She shook her head. “I had hoped that the Poneglyph your bloodline had been protecting would actually be the Rio Poneglyph, since you are one of the Original Twenty Families. But alas…it was merely the location of Pluton. I would never have told Crocodile that, of course. I’d sooner die than let a man like him obtain one of those ancient weapons of mass destruction.”

“My father…he said that you sent the one’s watching him away.” Vivi looked into the archaeologist’s eyes. “What were they going to do to him, if the plan had succeeded?”

“If Crocodile had made it to Alubarna, he was going to kill the king after he had the location of Pluton.” Robin informed in a flat tone, even as the first of Vivi’s tears fell from her eyes. “Alabasta was going to be the first island he ‘tested’ Pluton on once he had it.”

“No…” Vivi nearly collapsed at the mere thought of such a tragedy befalling her people and kingdom. It would’ve been indiscriminate genocide!

“I couldn’t allow such a thing.” Robin shook her head. “I memorized a large amount of Alabasta’s history to ‘read’ off of the Poneglyph in Crocodile’s presence to fool him. With his ‘fail me and die’ nature, I’m sure it would’ve ended badly, but at least he’d never get his hands on the ancient weapon.”

“I…I can’t…” Vivi shook her head, even as she tried to stop her tears.

“It’s fine.” Robin spoke in a cool, flat tone. “I did many things to your kingdom and hurt people that you care for in pursuit of my own goals. I’m not asking for your forgiveness.” Vivi looked up at the ravenette. “Keep your resentment, your hatred, and your anger for me. I deserve all of it and more. You aren’t wrong to blame me, nor is it wrong for you to hold a grudge against me. I’m perfectly fine being the one crewmate that you despise. I’ve done more than enough to earn a lifetime of enmity from you, Princess Nefertari.”

“Vivi,” Vivi spoke, even as she dried her eyes. “Call me Vivi.” She sniffled a little as she got herself together. “I can’t forget what you did. I can’t forgive you for everything, not right away.” The younger woman shook her head. “But if we’re gong to be crewmates, then I can’t hate you. I don’t want to hate you. Being angry, being hateful, holding grudges, acting out of spite, I don’t like any of that.”

“Princess…” Robin could admit that this wasn’t how she expected this conversation to go.

“I’ll remember the good you’ve done, for now.” Vivi stated as she finished drying her eyes. “If you want my forgiveness, then earn it with your actions. Do everything you can to become our nakama. If you can do that, then I can forgive you, one day. I can eventually come to call you nakama.” She smiled at the archaeologist slightly.

“I will endeavor to do so…Vivi.” Robin replied, giving the Suna Suna no Mi user a small smile. Internally, Robin wondered how long this would last. If she’d even come close to making up for what she’d done in Alabasta before she was forced to move on once more. ‘I can only wait and see, I guess.

A little later and Robin was met with a surprise. Sanji and Mikita had both made quite a lot of food and a celebration was being thrown for her. The archaeologist would admit to being very surprised. She’d never had any kind of welcome party thrown for her before. She’d joined plenty of criminal organizations in the past, such things simply didn’t happen. But it seemed that the Straw Hat Pirates didn’t follow any of the standards for outlaws of any kind.

“Robin!” Luffy called out with a huge smile. “Welcome to the Straw Hats Pirates! Let’s celebrate our new nakama!”

“Yeah!” The rest of the crew chorused as they raised their flagons high. Even Zoro, suspicious as he was about her, raised his drink in welcome.

“Thank you…” Robin hid her surprise and confusion behind a gentle smile. She should probably expect things to keep being unusual with this crew.

After the almost day-long welcome party, Robin was set up with her own bed in the women’s quarters. She’d brought a couple of suitcases with her, one filled entirely with books, another filled with archaeological equipment, the third was filled with clothes, and the fourth and final one was the rest of the liquid assets Crocodile had stashed away. Nami had happily gone through it, checking for any well-hidden fakes among the jewels and gemstones. After counting it all out, the Straw Hats were almost 15,000,000 Beri richer!

“Love you, Robin!” Nami laughed happily after stashing the new haul in the holds with the rest of their loot. “We just hit 63,482,157 Beri in the holds!” The navigator was beyond happy with the crew’s wealth. But there could always be more, in her opinion.

“I’m glad you’re happy.” Robin grinned at the younger woman from her new bed.

“What did you say your bounty was?” Mikita asked Robin from her own bed.

“79,000,000 Beri.” Robin replied with a glance at her fellow former-Baroque Works agent.

“Wow~” Mikita whistled at the number. “So, with our new bounties…Luffy at two-hundred, Zoro at eighty, Nami at thirty-two, Sanji at forty-five, Usopp at twenty-five, Chopper at eighteen, me at thirty-eight, and your seventy-nine…that equals out to…517,000,000 Beri in total! Kyahahaha!” The blonde laughed at the number. Their small crew was already over half a billion Beri!

“Where did the princess go, if I may ask?” Robin noticed that Vivi wasn’t in the women’s quarters.

“She’s spending the night with Luffy.” Nami grinned at the archaeologist.

“With the history between you and Alabasta, she probably wants to be cuddled all night.” Mikita gave a little shrug. “So, we’re letting her have that.”

“Oh my…” Robin looked between Nami and Mikita with an amused grin. “I didn’t know the women of this crew all belonged to the Captain.”

“Luffy does have a way about him.” Nami giggled with a lick of her lips.

“A very big way along with a heart of gold to match.” Mikita wiggled her eyebrows before letting out a happy sigh.

“I do recall you saying that if I wanted to seduce the Captain that I’d need to get to know him first, and be much more direct.” Robin grinned at Nami. “Perhaps I’ll have to visit his quarters and ‘prove my loyalty’ at some point in the future.” The woman teased lightly.

“Just let us know first.” Mikita shot back with a smug grin. “We can leave you to him for the night, but you might not be in any shape to get out of bed the next morning.”

“Luffy would stop when she asked.” Nami waved off, before glancing at Robin out of the corner of her eye. “Unless we told him otherwise.” A devious grin made its way to the orangette’s lips. “Just tell him that you want it all night, no matter what you claim during…”

“How evil of you.” Robin tittered as she lay back on the soft bed. Honestly, she was surprised at herself for actually feeling like she fit in a bit on this ship and with this crew. She still had her doubts and was emotionally keeping her distance, of course, but it was…nice…all the same.

“Good night, Robin.” Nami spoke as she saw the ravenette close her eyes.

“Night.” Mikita waved to the tanned beauty.

“Good night.” Robin smiled as a series of hands bloomed and pulled the accordion wall around her bed closed. A clever design to give each crewmate their own separate ‘room’ in her opinion. One last hand appeared on the wall and opened the porthole window just a bit to let fresh air in for the evening. The limb vanished in what looked like flower petals as Robin pulled the blanket over her body.

“Night, Mikita~” Nami crossed the distance between their beds and kissed the blonde woman.

“Goodnight, Nami…” Mikita returned the kiss with one of her own and got a little grope of Nami’s backside in with a grin.

The lovers shot each other a look before Nami returned to her bed for the night. Mikita got up just long enough to close her own accordion wall, seeing Nami doing the same, before she hopped back into the soft bed with a smile.

-The Next Morning-

“Training Time!” Luffy called out loudly to the entire ship. They would be leaving the stable climate zone around noon, so the Captain was eager to get the daily training in before the weather could go crazy.

“Morning training, you really don’t leave things to chance, do you?” Robin hummed with a small smile as she stood with the rest of the crew.

“Well, you have to get to the starting line first.” Luffy smiled back brightly.

“Starting line?” Robin cocked an eyebrow. She wouldn’t claim to be a fount of physical might or endless stamina, but she’d trained herself rather well over the last twenty years. Both her reaction time and skill with her Devil Fruit made most fights fairly one-sided in her favor.

“Yep!” Luffy continued to grin at her. “Make sure you don’t pass out, okay?”

“Why would I pass out?” Robin questioned the straw-hatted man curiously.

Her answer was Luffy’s face going from the normally jovial look she’d seen over the last day, to one of stone-cold intensity. She practically felt a force slam into her body from Luffy’s gaze alone. She suddenly felt so small standing before Luffy. As if she were a mere insect in front of a god. Her entire body had locked up, her eyes wide, and she felt sweat break out on her face even as powerful chills shook her body. She vaguely thought she heard something, but it was drowned out by the sound of her own heartbeat in her ears. Am immense pressure was building up in her head, like it was being slowly crushed in a vice. That metaphorical vice continued to tighten, causing more pressure to the point that she almost felt her consciousness fading.

And then it was gone.

Robin stood stock-still on the deck. She was staring at nothing with unblinking eyes. Luffy took a step forward and gently placed his hand on her shoulder. The contact seemed to snap Robin out of her trance. The tanned woman nearly collapsed, but Luffy used his other hand to stabilize her by taking her opposite hand in his. After a moment to remember to breathe again, Robin quickly collected herself and stepped back from Luffy warily.

“Captain?” Robin looked at Luffy like she’d never seen him before in her life.

“Good job, Robin!” Luffy praised her with that same wide smile of his.

“Take a second to calm down, Robin.” Nami suggested to their newest crewmate. “Luffy’s Conqueror’s Haki is one hell of an experience.”

“Conqueror’s…Haki?” Robin had never heard the term in all her years.

“That force and pressure you felt.” Zoro spoke up from the side. “That was Luffy’s Haki, his willpower. Conqueror’s forces those with weaker wills to lose consciousness.”

“But you didn’t pass out.” Luffy beamed at her. “Which means your own Haki should’ve awoken in response to being subjected to my Conqueror’s Haki.”

“I’m afraid you’re going to have to explain the term Haki first, Captain.” Robin gave Luffy a lopsided smile.

The explanation took a bit. Robin had plenty of questions for Luffy and the rest of the crew about Haki. Learning about the three types, and how Conqueror’s was an inborn trait and not one that could be learned, Robin mulled over this new information. It was certainly a whole new subject for the West Blue-born woman. Once her curiosity had been sated and she felt she understood this power that she supposedly had access to, she felt ready for the morning training.

She quickly found out that she was wrong.

“This…is more…than I…expected.” Robin got out between breaths as she ran laps with the crew. The stretching at the start hadn’t been difficult. She was a rather flexible woman. The warm-up exercises had increased her heartrate and gotten her body ready for activity. But now…now she was nearing the end of the cardio portion, according to Nami, and was somewhat dreading the strength training part that came last.

“Yeah…that’s what we all said too.” Nami encouraged the other woman as they ran. The stairs between the decks were always the hardest, both up and down. “But it’s necessary to get stronger.”

“Luffy and his brothers were apparently put through this stuff for years from a young age.” Usopp mentioned from behind them. “Probably why all three are so crazy strong.”

“Whoever taught them this…at least knew what they were doing.” Chopper spoke up as he did his best to keep pace. “It incorporates the three main exercise types; Stretching, Cardiovascular, and Strength Training.”

“It’s murder at first…but you’ll get used to it.” Mikita offered a slightly sweaty smile over her shoulder.

When the cardio training came to an end, they were given a break to get water and catch their breath. Robin hid her shock at the crazy amount of weight that Zoro and Sanji used behind her stoic mask. But even seeing Nami, Mikita, and Vivi using weights that nearly equaled their own bodyweight was a surprise. She’d appreciated the encouragement from the other three women as she went through her own sets. If one thing was true, she’d certainly be a lot stronger by the end of her time with the Straw Hat Pirates. She’d have to make sure to take in everything she could, especially about Haki, during her time with them.

“Luffy!” Zoro growled at the Lightning Man as he caught one of his sandals that had been flying at his face. Robin blinked since she’d only barely seen the blur that the flying footwear had been.

“Shishishishi! Nice job, Zoro!” Luffy chuckled at his nakama.

What in the world?’ Robin didn’t understand how the swordsman had caught the sandal. He’d been facing the opposite direction at the time and was doing practice swings with a bar that had to weigh multiple times his bodyweight easily. Yet he reacted to the sudden ‘attack’ as if he’d known it had been coming the second Luffy had thrown his foot forward.

“Nice try, Luffy.” Nami grinned at her lover as she leaned slightly to her left to dodge the second sandal. Robin had at least seen the whole interaction this time. Luffy had kicked off his sandal in Nami’s direction. The orangette, even busy getting a drink as she was, had seemingly known of the incoming projectile. She’d barely had to move her body at all to dodge and the sandal had smacked into the wall.

“That was good, Nami.” Luffy praised her with a laugh.

“Confused?” Vivi questioned from nearby.

“Yes.” Robin wouldn’t deny it.

“That’s Observation Haki at work.” Vivi mentioned as Luffy collected his sandals. “Once you really start getting the hang of it, you can dodge things you can’t see. You can also start hearing the ‘voices’ of other people and living things. It makes finding people a lot easier.”

“Seems almost like precognition.” Robin mused thoughtfully. Wouldn’t that be a very useful power to have for her situation.

“Not quite to that level, it’s more just vastly increased situational awareness in combat. The ‘voice’ thing takes focus usually.” Vivi toweled off her face with a sigh. “Luffy says that there are probably higher levels of Haki use, but even he has only gotten so far figuring out everything from the basics that he was taught.”

“I know the next step in Armament.” Mikita grinned as she walked over with a cool drink for each of them. Both ladies happily accepted the iced mikan juice and sipped it. “Luffy showed me it once, it’s called Hardening. You focus a lot of Armament into a single area and it’ll turn jet-black! Your body becomes protected even more than normal and you can deal much more damage.”

“Can you do it?” Vivi blinked at the more advanced usage.

“Not a bit.” Mikita shook her head. “I’d say it’ll be Zoro or maybe Sanji that develops their Armament Haki to that point first.”

“Just the power to actually strike a Logia user was already impressive.” Robin sighed as she leaned against the railing. “But Haki sounds like it could very well be the source of strength for many of the famous Pirates, Marines, and Adventurers throughout history.”

“It probably is.” Nami joined the other women as they chatted. “Looking good, Robin.” She nodded at the other woman’s shirt. The material had become almost see-through from sweat and her black bra was showing. “Remind me to give you one of my spare sports bras later. Trust me, you’ll need it.”

“Thank you very much, Miss Navigator.” Robin gave her a smile.

“Nami…” Nami gave the older girl a look. “If we’re nakama, call me by name.”

“I’ll try to remember that.” Robin agreed before sipping her juice again.

“Hey, Nami, are you using the bath in the Captain’s Quarters today?” Luffy asked curiously as he walked up to the women.

“Nah, I think us girls will take over the main bathroom for a bit.” Nami smiled at Luffy and kissed his cheek. “Feel free to keep your private bath to yourself, for now.” She grinned at him playfully.

“Okay!” Luffy chuckled before leaning forward to peck Mikita’s lips and then Vivi’s. “Great work today, girls!”

“Thank you, Luffy.” Vivi and Mikita smiled at him happily. For all of his showings of simplemindedness, or childish excitement, Luffy was never one to shy away from showing them affection and how much he cared about his lovers.

“You did great too, Robin!” Luffy smiled at his newest nakama.

“Thank you, Captain.” Robin returned his smile. She saw his eyes briefly glance down at her near see-through shirt. His gaze wasn’t lecherous though. Not a hint of lust in his eyes. He wasn’t eyeing her like a piece of meat either. She’d seen how he looked at meat during the welcome party yesterday. She chuckled lightly in her own mind as she moved her left arm under her bust and pushed her girls up. The near see-through shirt became basically transparent and showed off her black bra while making her large tits look even bigger. She held his gaze and Luffy still didn’t gaze at her with lust, merely interest at her actions.

“Shower time.” Vivi reminded, breaking Luffy and Robin’s gaze. All three of the other women shot looks at Robin for her blatant show. Luffy headed towards the Captain’s quarters to shower while Robin merely giggled as she followed the other three towards the main bath.

“You’ll have to get to know him better before that’ll work, Robin. Kyahahaha!” Mikita laughed at the Hana Han no Mi user.

“Luffy isn’t the type to fall for seduction.” Vivi shook her head, even as she undid her ponytail.

“Well, not until you become his lover at any rate.” Nami giggled naughtily, making Mikita snicker too.

In the kitchen, Sanji had the sudden urge to mope and kick Luffy upside the head at the same time.

“Damn shitty Captain…” Sanji grumbled as he looked towards the door. He exhaled some smoke from his cigarette before checking what they had available for lunch. Maybe Robin would like a seafood salad recipe he’d perfected back at the Baratie? “Robin-chwan~” The cook sang as he pulled the selected items from the refrigerator and twirled over to the sink.

None of them would suspect just where their Log Pose would start pointing once they entered the chaotic waters between the islands of the Grand Line. Nor would they suspect what would befall them, quite literally, to confirm their heading.

-End Chapter-


Robin has become a Straw Hat! Woohoo!

Her Haki has been forcefully awakened and she’s experienced her first day of training! She, like most normal humans, was not ready for what Garp calls training. The crew continues to surprise her.

She is still thinking of her time with the Straw Hats as a fleeting thing. But perhaps spending time with them for a while will make her rethink that?

She tries to tease Luffy when she sees him looking. But Luffy is Luffy and they haven’t bonded enough for that to work yet. Maybe later? She did say that she might want to ‘prove her loyalty’ to Luffy at a later date! Hehehehe~

The Skypiea Arc has officially begun!

What’s next for our favorite pirate crew?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another awesome and very entertaining chapter. When they eventually get to, water seven, I think it’s called, I wonder if they could get a ship like the HMS Warrior (1860), or something along those lines with some added technology from the ship Enil had built. Maybe they could even incorporate various dials from the island in the sky.


I'm hoping the Straw Hats can either appropriate or stay on Skypiea long enough to get their ship upgraded like how Enel had his Arc Maxim so they can have a flying ship powered by lightning.

Boss Redd

I just remembered that the strawhat crew has to go through jaya before they go to Skypiea which means they're going to include that one funny scene when they first arrived on that island you know the one "fighting champion!"