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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Journey to Raftel! A pirate has escaped Marine custody. How will this new arrival effect the fledgling Straw Hat crew? If a pirate like Don Krieg shows up, will we get to see what the siblings can do?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 7 – Siblings and Don Krieg

The silhouetted man that had just shot the Marine walked forward, his boots clacking on the wooden floor, audible in the nearly silent restaurant. The restaurant goers were silent, but Luffy and his crew kept their eyes on the man as he sat down. “Anything will do. Get me some food!” He said clearly, inclining back on his chair and laying one of his dirty legs on top of the clean table. “This place is a restaurant, isn't it?” He was a relatively thin man of average height with short, scruffy hair, a scruffy beard, and dark circles under his eyes, as though he hadn't slept in long time. He had a headband around his forehead and wore a grey outfit. The grey jacket had a red serpent-like dragon motif on each side as the only real color to the pirate’s outfit.

A new guy appeared. He was a strangely shaped man, his biceps were small, but his forearms were huge. He had very skinny legs but a huge torso and a head shaped like a pear. His lips and his chin were huge, surrounded by a short black beard, and his head was shaved bald, with a white rope tied around it. This was Patty, another cook of the Baratie.

“Welcome, ya squid-faced crook!” Patty stepped forward, his cheesiest grin on his pear-shaped face. Off to the side, Luffy started to snicker while the rest of the table tried to contain their own laughter.

“Do your ears work? I'm only going to say this once more, so listen up! I'm a customer, so bring me food! Now!” The haggard man demanded with a scowl.

“That cook is dead…” Fullbody mumbled as he slowly started crawling backwards to get away.

“Pardon me, dumbass.” Patty began, and neither Luffy nor his small crew could take it anymore as they started laughing over at their table. “But how are you planning on paying for your meal?” The cook asked with a huge fake smile.

“Do ya take lead?” The Krieg Pirate growled as he placed a pistol dead center of Patty's forehead.

“No money huh?” Patty asked rhetorically. Before the pirate could make another move, Patty's huge forearms smashed him through his chair in a hammer blow.

“That chair is coming out of your paycheck, Patty!” Zeff yelled at his employee, annoyed at having to replace more furniture.

“If you can't pay, then you ain't a customer.” Patty stated with his arms crossed.

“Nice going Patty! Show that idiot pirate who's boss!” Some of the cooks cheered him on, though Zeff, Reiju, and Sanji were notably absent from this cheering. The Straw Hats noticed this with some curiosity. Sanji turned and walked into the kitchen, while Reiju walked through a different door that led out onto the deck. Zeff was looking at Patty and shaking his head as the man curtsied, of all things.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy the rest of your meals!” Patty called out, his cheesy grin once again on his face.

Luffy and Nami noticed Sanji as he left the kitchens with a plate of food and a cup of water. The blonde walked through the same door that Reiju had left through and out onto the deck. The couple shot each other a look before both stood and trailed after the cook, eager to see what he would do. When they exited onto the deck above where Reiju and Sanji had gone, the two looked down to see the haggard pirate scarfing down the food Sanji had brought out.

“Delicious…it’s so delicious!” He cried with his mouth full. “It's the most delicious food I've ever eaten! I've never tasted anything so good! I'm so grateful! So grateful! I thought it was over for me!”

“It's damn good huh?” Sanji grinned as he pulled out a cigarette. Reiju had a small smile on her lips as she watched the man eat.

“Yeah, that's much better.” Nami commented approvingly, as she and Luffy watched the three on the lower deck.

“How lucky! Looks like you got some food after all!” Luffy chuckled as the three people below started and looked up. “You looked like you were about to die! Shishishishi.” He then turned to Sanji and pointed at him. “Hey cook! You should join my crew! Be the cook for our ship, will ya?”

“Huh?” Both of the men looked dumbfounded while Reiju hid a giggle behind her hand. Sanji shook his head, “So, you're a Pirate or something?” He grinned lightly. “Well, you better not try anything on this ship. The Head Chef used to be quite the pirate himself.”

“Oh, the old man used to be a pirate?” Luffy questioned curiously. That was interesting. “But I never said we were pirates.” He shook his head with a grin.

“I didn't think you could just quit being a pirate.” Nami blinked at the information. “What the hell happened to his bounty then?” She wondered but Sanji just stared at her, with love-struck hearts for eyes.

“The Marines tend not to look for pirates that disappear amid storms and such.” Reiju smiled up at the couple. “Head Chef Zeff hasn’t caused any trouble in over a decade, so no one is looking for him anymore.”

“This restaurant is like a treasure to the old man.” Sanji grinned. “The rest of us cooks all came here because we admired him; and most of those guys are hot-blooded enough to be pirates themselves.” He exhaled a cloud of smoke from his cigarette. “It’s quite appropriate, seeing how often this place is visited by the real deal.”

“Don’t get a quiet moment in this place, huh?” The Krieg Pirate chuckled at the situation.

“It is part of the daily routine nowadays. It's gotten to the point where some guests don't even show up for the food anymore. Some of them come just to watch the fights.” Sanji shook his head in exasperation before he slipped his cigarette back into his mouth. “Thanks to that, most of our waiters got scared and ran away.”

“Meaning I have to work much harder to take care of the guests.” Reiju sighed at her increased workload.

“Shishishishi!” Luffy chuckled and Nami giggled too, before they both jumped down to the lower deck. “Anyway, join my crew!” He turned to look at Reiju with a grin. “You too! You’re strong, I can tell!” The pinkette only cocked an eyebrow at the young man’s request.

“I refuse.” Sanji looked up at the sky. “I have my own reasons for wanting to work here.”

“Oh, that's too bad…” Nami trailed off sadly, making sure to lean forward and put on her best pout. “I was quite looking forward to eating your delicious food all the time.”

“You…you're on his crew?” Sanji asked looking like his head was steaming and hearts had once more replaced his eyes. Nami nodded with a sweet smile. “Oh, how cruel the seas can be! To be so close, but still so far!”

“Doesn't matter! I refuse your refusal!” Luffy stated with his arms crossed. “You're a good cook so we’ll be nakama!”

“There he goes.” Nami giggled seeing Luffy once again not caring about being rejected. She turned her gaze on Reiju to see the other woman with an amused look in her blue eyes.

“Hey, at least hear me out.” Sanji demanded.

“Okay, so what's your reason then?” Luffy blinked as he tilted his head.

“No need to tell you.” Sanji replied as he exhaled a puff of smoke.

“Are you some kind of idiot? You just told me to hear you out.” Luffy retorted and Nami couldn't stop herself from bursting into laughter. Reiju cracked up and hid her laughter behind her hand.

“I just meant you should listen to other people’s opinions! Don't make me chop you up, you shitty Straw Hat!” Sanji snapped at Luffy.

“What did you say?” Luffy yelled back. “If you insult my hat again, I'll knock you across the ocean!”

“Uh…Sorry to cut in…” The Krieg Pirate interjected into the conversation.

“What is it?!” Both men yelled.

“The name's Gin.” Gin introduced himself. “I'm a member of the Krieg Pirates. You say you're not a pirate, kid? Then what are you? What’s your goal?”

“To be the Freest Man Alive!” Luffy replied, his scowl disappearing as he started grinning brightly. “I’m going to sail the seas, go on adventures, find treasures, and eventually find the last island in the Grand Line, Raftel! Then I’ll claim the ultimate treasure, the One Piece!” Sanji's eyes widened at hearing Luffy’s dream. Reiju wasn’t any better as her own eyes were wide at Luffy’s claim.

“One Piece…but you said you weren’t a pirate.” Gin looked confused.

“The ultimate treasure on the final island in the world,” Luffy’s wide smile could’ve outshone the sun. “Sounds like the greatest adventure to me!” He laughed at the stunned looks he received.

“If you're still looking for a cook, I'm guessing that means your crew isn't so big then?” Gin spoke again after getting over his shock.

“He's the third.” Luffy said, pointing his thumb at Sanji. “She’s the fourth.” He motioned to Reiju.

“Why are you counting me you shitty Straw Hat?! I already said no!” Sanji yelled at Luffy with sharp teeth in his mouth.

“Rather insistent, aren’t you?” Reiju had an amused grin on her lips.

“You don't seem like a bad kid so let me give you some advice…” Gin offered with a haunted look on his face. “Just give up on going to the Grand Line.” He turned away. “You're still young. There's no need to rush things.” He held his head with his hands. “The Grand Line is just one ocean amongst the many of this world. If you want to explore the world there are plenty of other places for you to go first.”

“Eh, Raftel and One Piece are on the Grand Line, so that's where we have to go.” Luffy shrugged like it was no big deal. Nami giggled beside him at his easygoing nature.

“Don't you get it kid?!” Gin yelled at him with his eyes wide. “There's no way your little crew will survive on the Grand Line!”

“You're some kind of idiot, aren't you?” Luffy questioned, his head tilted slightly. “If all you ever do is run away from your dreams, then how are you supposed to make them come true?” Gin’s face became shocked, but off to the side Sanji’s eyes widened along with Reiju’s.

“Kid…” Gin said, before shaking himself. “It's really no business of mine if you die.” He shrugged. “At least I tried.” He jumped into a dinghy at Sanji's offering. “Thank you so much for the food, Sanji!” Gin said, smiling for once. “You're my savior! Would it be alright if I came back here to eat again?”

“Sure.” Sanji grinned and waved off the thanks. “Any time.”

“Sanji!” Zeff roared from above them.

“Ah, sorry Sanji…you're going to get yelled at because of me…because you gave me food.” Gin apologized.

“What are you talking about?” Sanji questioned, before picking up the plate and cup. “I get an earful from the old man every day, this is no big deal.” Zeff had a stern look on his wrinkled face, but if one looked closer, they’d see pride in the man’s eyes.

“Thank you, Sanji! I'll never forget this!” Gin thanked the blonde chef as the small boat started sailing away.

“Just don't get caught again, Gin!” Sanji waved him off with a grin.

“Break is over you two, back to work!” Zeff hollered before turning away, an unseen smile crossing his face.

“Let’s go, Sanji.” Reiju smiled as she led the way back into the restaurant.

Before the group reached the dining area, Sanji turned to Nami with hearts in his eyes once again. “Oh love…laugh if you will at my poor self who cannot resist his passions! If I could be with you, I would sail any ocean and walk any path, be it pirate or even devil! Alas, there is a great obstacle between us!”

“Obstacle you say?” Zeff turned and looked gruffly at Sanji whose heart-eyes shattered as he turned away from the beautiful orange-haired girl to lock eyes with Zeff. “Don't beat around the bush, you shitty brat. You're talking about me.” He stated while crossing his arms. “This is a good chance for you to get off this boat. Get out of here and join them. I don't need someone like you in my restaurant.”

“Excuse me? I'm not sure I heard you right, shitty geezer.” Sanji did not look pleased at what he’d just heard. Standing straight and staring Zeff dead in the eye. “I've been the Sous Chef of this place for nearly a decade. So just what exactly do you mean when you tell me I'm not needed?”

“It's no big mystery, you shitty brat.” Zeff scoffed at the blonde chef.

Reiju rolled her eyes at the coming argument. How many times had her brother and Zeff had this same conversation now?

“Well, now we know where he learned to talk like that.” Nami playfully bumped Luffy with her shoulder as they watched the back and forth.

“All you ever do is pick fights with the guests and sniff around the ladies like a horny mutt.” Zeff didn't look amused in the least. “You can't cook a decent meal to save your life…” Both the Straw Hats frowned at that untrue statement. Sanji's food was the best they'd had in their lives. They both noticed Sanji's clenched fists too. “You're just unnecessary baggage holding the place down. Not to mention the fact that none of the other cooks want you around. So, go be a Bounty Hunter, or Treasure Hunter, or whatever these kids do, you shitty brat. It's better if you just get the hell off my ship.” Zeff finished while staring Sanji down.

“You shitty geezer. Have you been waiting to say this shit for a while?” Sanji demanded as he reached forward and snatched Zeff's collar in a tight grip. “I can ignore all the rest of your crap, but I can't ignore you insulting my cooking! I'm staying here no matter what you say! Got that?!” The blonde demanded.

“How dare you grab the collar of the Head Chef!” Zeff grabbed him by the arm, flung him over his head, and then slammed him onto the floor so fast that Sanji couldn't even react to it. “You little ingrate!” Zeff yelled as he turned to walk away.

“I'm not leaving, you hear me! I'll stay here until the day you die! No matter how you try to chase me out, I'll continue to be a cook here!” Sanji yelled at Zeff's back as he stood up from the floor.

“I ain't dying for at least another hundred years, you shitty brat.” Zeff didn't even turn around and kept walking.

“Pretty damn mouthy for a shitty geezer.” Sanji muttered as he dusted off his suit.

“Sanji…” Reiju sighed as she shook her head at him.

“Hey, looks like you just got fired, so now you can come be my coo-” Luffy began only for Sanji to cut him off.

“As if!” Sanji yelled right in his face before walking back into the kitchen.

“I don’t think you’re going to be recruiting him so easily, Luffy.” Nami remarked with a raised eyebrow.

“Nah, I’ll get him to join!” Luffy grinned widely. “I already refused his refusal! Can’t take that back!”

“Only you Luffy, only you.” Nami shook her head with a giggle.

“I apologize,” Reiju gave a short bow. “My brother is very stubborn about his place here at the Baratie. We both owe a great debt to Zeff and Sanji still feels like he hasn’t repaid it.”

“But it sounds like the old man wants Sanji to leave.” Luffy looked at the woman curiously.

“Indeed, both of them share the same dream.” Reiju sighed at the lack of insight her brother continued to show. “But Sanji can’t follow it if he never feels like he’s repaid Zeff for the sacrifice he made for us.”

“Sounds like there’s a story behind this.” Nami noticed the look on the other woman’s face.

“Yes, but it is not my story alone to share.” Reiju shook her head, sending her pink hair swaying slightly.

-Two Days Later-

The three Straw Hats, along with Johnny and Yosaku, were ordering breakfast after their morning training. Yosaku and Johnny had actually gotten well enough that they’d tried it out this morning. Neither man had made it through, both had collapsed at the halfway point. They’d been left to recover while Luffy, Zoro, and Nami continued on.

Nami and Zoro had been progressing well with their physical training and their strength was a little better each day. Zoro was still trying to perfect his ‘Flying Cut’ and doing double the sparring with Luffy that Nami did. Nami’s control over her Devil Fruit was growing better and better. The young woman was finally getting the control she sought over her flames, which brought a smile to her face. The five of them were inside the restaurant enjoying a delicious breakfast. Nami’s was specifically cooked by Sanji, since the blonde wouldn’t let any of the other chefs cook for her.

A sudden scream shattered the calm morning atmosphere of the restaurant.

“That’s Don Krieg’s pirate ship!” A terrified guest yelled, pointing out the window.

“A skull with two hourglasses to either side…to threaten their enemies… there’s no doubt! That’s Krieg’s flag! Why is he here?!” Another customer screamed while staring out the window in terror. Pandemonium erupted in the ship as all the guests scrambled to leave before the infamous pirate arrived.

“No way…I barely touched him…he’d have been hit harder in a bar fight…no way Krieg would be coming here to kill me, right?” Patty questioned, trembling with his head in his hands, his face deathly pale.

“Are you happy Patty?!” Another of the chefs demanded. “Aren't you so glad you messed with him?! Well? Aren’t you going to chase him off, you’re the tough guy here!”

“Uh, guys, this is really bad! Shouldn't we set sail and get out of here?” Johnny questioned the Straw Hats nervously. Yosaku was nodding in agreement with his partner’s words.

“That's a pretty big ship.” Luffy noted with some excitement in his voice. He, Nami, and Zoro were currently ignoring the two bounty hunters.

Nami, instead of a look of fear or panic, had a calculating look on her face. Everyone in East Blue had heard of Don Krieg and his armada before. To keep a fleet of ships and their crews fed, equipped, and maintained took a lot of money. Krieg himself had 17,000,000 Beri on his head. Her eyes almost turned into Beri symbols as a smile began to form on her lips.

“You think Gin came back to repay his debt?” Luffy asked curiously.

“I doubt it.” Sanji took a drag from his cigarette. “But it's strange…” They all looked on as the ship came into full view through the morning mist. “That ship is a wreck. What kind of storm did they get caught in?” True to Sanji’s words the giant Galleon was an utter disaster. The sails were torn and ripped. The figurehead of a roaring saber-toothed cat was half destroyed. The main mast was damaged about halfway up; the wood looked like it was barely holding together. All in all, it looked like the ship had been through a horrifying storm of some kind.

A few minutes later and the door leading into the restaurant was slammed open, revealing a large silhouette. The crew of the Baratie looked on wide-eyed as the shadow came into the light. It was Gin, holding up a much larger man. The hunched over man was large and muscular. His hair was grey and he had thick sideburns, there were bandages wrapped around his head as well. He wore a baggy yellow leopard-print shirt with a dark fur-lined cape over it, held onto his large frame by a large golden chain. The man might have had an intimidating appearance if he wasn't hunched over looking half-dead. Gin was literally the only reason the man was standing up at all.

“Pardon the intrusion…” Even the large man’s voice sounded weak. “But could I have some food…and water? If it is money you want, I’ve got plenty.”

“He's starving.” Luffy noticed after looking over the pirate.

“Wonder what happened.” Sanji muttered while gazing at the man with understanding eyes.

“The hell?” Patty questioned. “This weak looking guy is Don Krieg?” Krieg tried to take another step forward, but he just keeled over and fell, unable to stand any longer.

“Don Krieg!” Gin cried out in shock. “Please, save my Captain! Get him some food and water! He'll die at this rate!” He looked out into a sea of faces, searching for some sympathy. But as neither Zeff nor Reiju was in the dining area and Sanji and the Straw Hats were off to the side, there was none to be found. He had a look of disbelief on his face as no one moved to do anything.

“Ahahaha!” Patty burst out laughing. “This is perfect! This is what the infamous Don Krieg looks like?!”

“We’re paying customers this time! We have money! Plenty of it! You have no reason to turn us away, damn it!” Gin roared out enraged.

“Someone call the Marines! They won't get another chance like this!” Patty crowed, ignoring the furious Gin. “Don't give him get a single scrap of food!”

“If we feed him, it's obvious that he'll attack the ship! I ain't giving him a single drop of water!” One of the panicked chefs swore.

“I won't do anything!” Krieg croaked out. “If you give me food, I promise I'll quietly withdraw…please…help me!” He was bowing down on his knees.

“Don Krieg!” Gin called, tears in his eyes. “Stop! Don't do this! A great man like you shouldn't be lowering his head! It's too shameful!”

“I'm begging! I don't care if it's scraps or leftovers! I'll eat anything you have to give me! Anything!” Krieg's voice was hoarse and defeated. Tears were leaking from Gin's eyes.

“Trying to earn some sympathy?” Patty harrumphed unmoved.

“Hey, move it, Patty.” Sanji said with a plate and a bottle of wine in his hands. He spun and his foot lashed out. His heel caught Patty square on his large cheek and sent him careening to the floor with a thud. “Here Gin, give him this.” The two gaped in astonishment, before Krieg started scarfing down his meal with groans of relief.

“Sanji!” A cook with sunglasses, called Carne, yelled in shock. “Take that food back this instant! Don't you know what kind of guy Krieg is?! He's the ruler of East Blue! The King of Deception! Krieg disguised himself as a Marine after escaping prison and killed the commanding officer of the ship he ended up stealing! He's attacked peaceful ports and towns, while waving a Marine Flag to fool them into letting him get close! He's waved white flags at his enemies before attacking them when their guards were down! He's scum who will do anything to win! That's how he made it to the top! His strength ain't no exaggeration either! You really think he'll leave after you feed him?! That's impossible for a man like him! Letting a demon like him starve is good for the world!” Carne was proven correct in short order. Krieg gulped down the last of his food and clenched his fists in triumph. With a roar, he threw a punch and sent Sanji flying. Almost everyone in the restaurant dropped their jaws in terror.

“Don Krieg!” Gin yelled hysterically. “This isn't what you promised! I guided you here because you swore you wouldn't harm anyone! That man is our savior!” Don Krieg's large hand grabbed onto his shoulder and tightened harshly. “Gaahh!” Gin cried out in pain as his shoulder was crushed beneath his Captain's grip.

“Ah, that was good.” Krieg stated with a smug smirk. “I feel like I'm back to my normal self.” He grinned as he looked around, before sneering at everyone.

“So…the snake bears his fangs at last.” Sanji smirked as he sat up. He was bleeding slightly but not very injured over all.

“Nice ship.” Krieg commented as he cracked his neck. “I'll take it.”

“I told you…” Carne stated, sweating. “This is the realDon Krieg! He’ll take over the ship!”

“Don Krieg!” Gin hissed, clutching his throbbing shoulder. “What about your promise?!” Krieg didn't even spare him a glance.

“My ship's all torn up.” Krieg mentioned factually. “I'll be needing a new one, so after my business with you all is finished; I'll let you all leave.” But no one there actually believed his words since Krieg had already proven himself to be untrustworthy. “I have a hundred subordinates still alive on my ship, and they're all starving. You all will prepare enough food to feed them.” He had a malevolent glint in his eye as he stared at the cooks, before roaring when it became clear that none of them were moving to follow his orders. “Well?! Make it quick! Some of them have already starved to death!”

“Feed a hundred men who are only going to attack us once we do so? You must be out of your mind! We refuse!” Carne snapped at the towering man.

“You seem to be under the mistaken impression that it was a request.” Krieg replied darkly, causing many cooks to cringe at the tone. “I gave an order, and no one disobeys my orders!”

“I…I'm sorry Sanji!” Gin apologized. “I never intended for this to happen!”

“Sanji, you damned moron! This is all your fault! Because of you we're in this mess…where do you think you’re going?!” Patty shouted with his eyes popping out of his head as he watched Sanji walk away.

“Where am I going? Isn't it clear? I'm going to the kitchen. I have a hundred meals to prepare.” Sanji replied with a raised eyebrow.

“Smart man.” Krieg smirked; while the rest of the cook’s jaws dropped at the Sous Chef’s response.

“Like hell you will!” The other cooks yelled as they all pulled guns out and aimed them straight for Sanji's head. “Are you Krieg's secret agent Sanji? Is that why you're doing this?! You're not taking a fucking step into that kitchen!”

“Go ahead and shoot then.” Sanji said blandly, not shaken in the slightest. The cooks recoiled, some even jerking their guns back. “You think I don't know full well that they're scum?” The blonde scoffed. “None of that matters. Thinking of the consequences is too much of a hassle. If I see someone starving in front of me, then it is my sworn duty as a cook to feed them! If you want to stop me then you better pull those triggers! If not, save them for Krieg's grunts.” He took a drag from his cigarette. “I feed hungry men. I don't care about what happens to them after that. If they then decide to bite the hand that fed them, I'll kill them myself.” The other cooks’ looks of awe at Sanji’s words were wiped away instantly when Patty smashed him in the back of the head with his large fists.

“What's that idiot doing attacking our cook?” Luffy scowled, miffed at seeing his nakama, since he’d already decided to have Sanji on his crew, hit from behind. At least Reiju seemed to be considering his offer. But Luffy had the distinct impression she wouldn’t leave without her brother.

“Hold this idiot down!” Patty yelled as he turned to Sanji, holding a long item wrapped in a white sheet. “I know full well that you've fed the people I've turned away! I've ignored all of that, because I can't say who was right and who was wrong! But this time you're definitely in the wrong! I'll protect this place on my own, damn it!” He lifted the package and whipped off the sheet, revealing a large, shrimp-shaped hand cannon. “Luckily, we only have Krieg himself to deal with! He can't beat all of us!” He lifted the cannon and took aim. “This is the Baratie! We have Pirates coming here looking to cause trouble every day! We're more than prepared to deal with your kind!” Krieg looked completely unimpressed by the cook’s declaration. “Since you enjoyed your meal so much, how about some dessert, Krieg?! Indigestion Meatball Special!” Patty roared and fired a cannonball directly at Krieg. The ball hit the large pirate and engulfed him in an explosion.

“Don!” Gin yelled in shock as his Captain was blown through the doors and out of the restaurant.

“Ah, damn it. I blew the doors out. Owner Zeff is going to have my head for this…” Patty grimaced while looking at the result of his shot.

“It's fine Patty.” Carne reassured his fellow cook. “It was collateral damage from defending this place. Owner Zeff will understand.”

“And what will you do with his underlings?” Sanji asked from his position on the floor. The cooks didn't get a chance to answer before someone else spoke up.

“That dessert tasted like shit.” Krieg walked back in, not even scuffed up. Only his leopard-print shirt was missing. He was wearing golden-colored armor that covered his entire upper body. That explained why the shirt the man had been wearing was so loose. It was the only way he’d been able to hide the armor he’d been wearing underneath. “You shitty cooks…this is the worst restaurant I've ever been to.”

“Get him!” Patty cried out before all the cooks grabbed gigantic tableware-styled weapons and rushed the large man.

“You annoying little shits!” Krieg roared, before he pulled out two pistols and ten more came out of various parts of his armor. He immediately opened fire, knocking all the cooks away at once. As all the cooks collapsed, their bodies riddled with gunshot wounds, Krieg yelled again. “You insignificant worms think you can defy me! I'm the strongest! This steel arm, more powerful than any other! This unbreakable armor made of Wootz Steel! These diamond fists which can pulverize anything! My entire body is a finely tuned weapon! I'm the Fleet Admiral of fifty ships and five thousand men! I've won every batt-”

“Will you shut up already?” A voice asked loudly over the pirate’s ranting. Dead silence followed that question as Krieg turned mechanically to Luffy, rage literally pouring from him while a vein visibly pulsed on his forehead. “Who cares about your fancy toys?” Luffy waved off the pirate’s boasting with a grin. “You aren't the strongest of anything.”

“What was that, you damn brat?” Krieg growled out through gritted teeth.

“Was I unclear or something?” Luffy asked confused before turning to Nami. “I wasn’t unclear, was I?” Surely, Krieg knew that Luffy had just called him a weakling, right?

“No Captain, you spoke clearly and simply. He’s just an idiot.” Nami giggled. Seeing Krieg face-to-face wiped any nervousness from her mind. Any man who ranted like that and covered himself in 'unbreakable' armor clearly wasn’t confident in his actual strength. Hell, the idiot’s legs were left unarmored! What kind of moron only wore the top half of a suit of armor? His pants weren’t even made from hide nor were they padded for even minimal protection!

“You stupid little brat.” Krieg growled at Luffy. He would have said more, but a giant sack landed in front of him. “What's this?”

“Owner Zeff!” The still conscious cooks shouted in shock. Both Zeff and Reiju had emerged from the kitchen to deliver the bag.

“Food for a hundred men.” Zeff lazily replied. “Hurry up and bring it to your men.”

“Did…did they say Zeff?” Krieg looked like he was sweating suddenly.

“Sir! How could you give them that food! Once they recover, they're going to be gunning for the ship!” A cook yelled.

“Oh, they will, will they?” Zeff had a smirk on his face while Krieg's face darkened. “That's only if they have any fighting spirit left in them…isn't that right, Grand Line dropouts?”

“Even Don Krieg couldn't make it?!” Half of the cooks exclaimed in shock. “The strongest of the East Blue was defeated by the Grand Line!” Gin was holding his face with his hands and almost sobbing.

“You’re ‘Red Leg’ Zeff!” Krieg stared at Zeff like he couldn’t believe who he was talking to. “The peerless cook and Captain…so you were still alive.”

“And? My being alive has nothing to do with you. As you can see, I'm a cook full time now.” Zeff replied as he stared up at the armored man without concern.

“A cook full time? That's an interesting way to put it. More appropriate would be to say you can do nothing else now.” Krieg mocked the older man. “To hear of Red Leg Zeff is to hear of the man who could kick so hard his shoes would be dyed red with the blood of his enemies…the man who could break cliffs with only his legs and leave imprints of his shoes on steel! The man who would never use his hands in a fight! You're a laughable nobody now! Full time cook? Ha! More like you can never put your red shoes back on! You're a cook now because it's the only thing you can do!” He laughed at the former pirate. “I heard you died in a shipwreck. It seems you managed to survive, though it cost you one of your precious legs. With it gone, you can't fight anymore.” Sanji looked like he wanted to go tear Krieg apart himself. There was a look of absolute fury on the blonde’s face.

“As long as I have these hands, it doesn't matter if I can fight or not. I can still cook.” Zeff replied uncaringly. “So, are you going to get to the point, or are you going to continue blathering?”

“Red Leg Zeff! The man who once braved the waters of the Devil's Hideout! The Grand Line! You not only sailed those waters, but you returned without injury! You must have kept a log of your voyage! Hand it over!” Krieg demanded with his hand out.

“Ooh! You've been to the Grand Line, old man?” Luffy grinned widely while looking at the old chef.

“I have.” Zeff confirmed with a short nod. “And you're right that I kept a log. Indeed, I still have it to this day. But I shan't be handing it to the likes of you. That logbook is the pride of me and my crew. It's much too valuable to give to a weakling like you.”

“Weakling?!” Krieg roared at the other man. “I can throw a battleship bare-handed! How am I weak?!”

“There's no point trying to explain it to an idiot.” Zeff smirked at him without a care in the world.

“Then I’ll just take it from your corpse, old man!” Krieg declared as he clenched his fist in front of him. “It's true that I came back defeated from the Grand Line, but even so, I'm still the mighty Don Krieg!” He growled out, taking a step forward. Zeff didn't even flinch. “That dark sea which sends weak men to their knees…I had the power! I had the ambition! I had the manpower!” He ranted with a wild look in his eyes. “I only lacked information! It was my only flaw! That is why I'll take that logbook from you! Once I have it, I'll reassemble my crew and conquer the Grand Line! I'll find One Piece and become the Pirate King!”

“Nope!” Luffy denied with a laugh. Krieg stiffened, enraged again as he turned to face Luffy. “There's only one person that’s going to find the One Piece, and that's going to be me.” The rest of the cook’s dropped their jaws and backed away from him, afraid that Krieg would charge the straw-hatted young man in his fury.

“I'll let that comment slide, you stupid brat.” Krieg eyed him, looking down on the younger man.

“Of course, you’d say that.” Luffy mocked with an amused grin. “All your guns are empty, right?” Krieg stiffened at the call out. “You don’t seem willing to fight without all of your little tricks. Shishishishi.”

“We taking these guys down, Luffy?” Zoro had Wado Ichimonji over his shoulder. “It’ll be the biggest Bounty we’ve collected since I joined up.” He was looking forward to the potential fight.

“That's your crew? One punk swordsman and a little girl? Don't make me laugh.” Krieg mocked the crew of three.

“These two as well.” Luffy pointed at Reiju, who grinned at Luffy’s insistence, and then Sanji, who immediately yelled his refusal. “Counting me, that makes five.”

“Don’t try and mock me you little shit!” Krieg finally snapped at the mouthy punk. “My entire crew of five-thousand was wiped out on that nightmare sea! All because we didn’t have the proper info-”

“It doesn’t really matter if you had five thousand men.” Nami spoke up with a roll of her eyes, forcing Krieg to grit his teeth at being interrupted. The orangette leaned into Luffy’s side, the straw-hatted man wrapping his tail around her waist unseen. He grinned at her and the fiery spirit she was showing. “If you’re not strong enough, the Grand Line will end you. That’s how it got the name ‘Pirate’s Graveyard’ if you didn’t know.” Everyone there watched on in silence as Krieg’s face turned purple with rage. “Five thousand and only one hundred made it back. You probably take any random ruffian into your crew, huh?” She guessed with a snarky tone. The jibe that he was incapable of finding real talent for his crew was there, but left unsaid. “Of course, with an idiot like you for a Captain, it's probably some kind of miracle you even have a hundred left.”

“You little bitch!” Krieg roared as he pointed a gun at her, forgetting that he was out of ammo in his rage. “We’ll see how mouthy you are when I have you choking on my coc-!”

No one.

Not a single person on the Baratie saw what happened.

Even Zeff with all of his experience hadn’t actually seen the straw-hatted Captain move. But the results spoke for themselves. Krieg was launched backwards at alarming speeds, his armor cracked and bile flying from his mouth. The pirate crashed into his own ship and smashed through it, disappearing into the depths of the large damaged Galleon. Luffy stood where Krieg use to be, right next to Gin, with his left leg still outstretched in a kick. Gin looked up at Luffy as if the Devil himself had suddenly appeared beside him.

Oh my…’ Reiju thought to herself, her blue eyes half-lidded. ‘He is strong.

“Fast.” Zeff looked rather impressed as Luffy lowered his leg and put his foot back on the floor. Both Zoro and Nami were scowling at what the other pirate had said. Zoro because of what he’d said to his nakama. They might have their differences, especially with Nami’s greed sometimes, but they were still nakama. Nami because, while she’d heard similar things in her time as a thief, was now strong enough to make assholes like Krieg pay for talking to her like that. With that thought in mind Nami sauntered up beside Luffy and gave him a peck on the cheek. Much to Sanji’s dismay.

“Thanks, Luffy…though I kinda wanted to deal with him myself.” Nami scowled at the damaged Galleon, especially the new hole Luffy had made with Krieg’s body. Luffy smiled fondly at her, delighted at her newfound spirit.

“Okay, you can take him down then.” Luffy agreed with a happy chuckle as he walked over and grabbed the bag of food. He strode over to Gin and dropped the large sack in front of the stunned pirate.

“Go feed your crew. This is your only chance.” Luffy stated staring Gin directly in the eye. The scruffy man nodded before grabbing the sack and running towards the Galleon in panic.

“Straw Hat…are you sure about that?” Zeff questioned the Captain.

“Shishishishi, yep!” Luffy laughed as he looked at the retired pirate. “These guys will be good practice and a payday.”

“If these guys actually put up a fight, I’ll be impressed.” Zoro grinned as his hand rested on the hilt of Wado Ichimonji.

“We can legally raid their ship, right?” Nami asked with a gleam in her eyes. There was no telling how much treasure and cash that Galleon had in it!

“If you think I’m letting you fight our battles for us, you’ve got another thing coming.” Sanji declared as he stepped forward.

“Yes, that wouldn’t be right.” Reiju had a devilish grin on her pink lips. “We’ll defend this place with everything we’ve got.”

“Do what you want, you brats.” Zeff shrugged before turning to the other cooks. “If you’re not going to fight, then move the injured into the back and start patching them up!”

“Sorry in advance for any damage we cause, old man.” Luffy turned to look at Zeff.

“There's no need to apologize, kid.” Zeff waved off the apology. “Everyone on this ship will do what they think is right.”

“Owner Zeff!” Several of the cooks yelled. “How could you say what Sanji did was right?! It's his fault we're going to be attacked!” One of them turned to Sanji and started screaming in his face. “Was this your plan all along Sanji?! Was this how you wanted to become the Head Chef?! Or have you just completely lost your damn mind?! Huh? Which is it?”

“Shut up, you stupid little eggplants!” Zeff roared and the all of the cooks flinched back, looking wide-eyed at Zeff. Sanji's head dipped and Reiju’s eyes were dark. “Do ANY of you know what it feels like to truly starve? Do any of you know what it feels like to be so hungry you beg for death?!” They all looked at him, shocked and confused. “Not one of you fools knows how terrifying and painful it is to be lost at sea with no food and water! The difference between you lot and Sanji, is that he knows!” The cooks turned to an uncaring Sanji with looks of shock. “There’s no use crying over spilt milk. If any of you want to leave, there’s the door.” Zeff scoffed, waving at the blown out front doors.

“I'm stayin’ right here. I couldn't live with myself if I left without a fight.” Patty declared with a snort.

“Same here, I live and work in this place. Ain't nowhere for me to go.” Carne nodded as he adjusted his sunglasses.

“Shishishishi…this is a fun place!” Luffy laughed with a large smile. He didn’t even notice the looks he was getting from Zeff and Sanji, or the slightly different look that Reiju was giving him.

The Straw Hats versus the Krieg Pirates would soon begin.

-End Chapter-


Well now, it seems Johnny and Yosaku aren’t cut out to join the Straw Hats. Oh well, too bad.

Krieg pulls his bullshit, but I’m sure you all can imagine how well that’s going to work out for him and his crew.

How much can Nami loot from the damaged Galleon? What’re all the Bounties of the Krieg Pirates worth?

We’re about to see Sanji and Reiju in action!

Will a certain man still show up at the Baratie?

Keep reading to find out!

Until next time, later!


Thomas E Nellis

Glorious! I loved it! I can’t wait to see how this all plays out.


Look forward to some more changes as the story moves forward! Happy that you like it so much, Thomas


Hm. I think he might. Though I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how this goes down differently from canon.