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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! Time to depart Alabasta and head for the next island! Unfortunately, the Marines have Sandy Island surrounded right now. Can the Straw Hats deal with the blockade? Captain Hina’s ‘Black Spear’ Formation is infamous among Pirates of this part of the Grand Line, after all!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 41 – Break the Blockade, Stowaway

The sound of rapid footfalls could be heard in the night. Under the light of the moon, the Super Sonic Duck Squadron raced across the desert. On their backs were the Straw Hat pirates and a large amount of supplies. The desert ducks still outpaced any other creature among the sands, even with the loads they were carrying.

“This is nice.” Zoro commented as he rode on the back of one of the large ducks again. He had a traveling cloak on with the hood pulled up. “Sure beats walking.”

“Well, it’s goodbye to Sandy Island.” Usopp crossed his arms as they rode along. “Looks like I managed to lead us to yet another hard-fought victory!” He declared with a proud smirk. His pose was interrupted by the sound of chewing and he turned to look at Luffy. “Geez, how long are your going to keep eating, Luffy?!”

“Alabastan food is great!” Luffy replied as he finished off a leg of meat and tossed the bone behind him to fall on the desert sand. “Can you make food like this, Sanji?”

“Sure, Miss Terracotta shared some of her recipes with me.” Sanji exhaled some smoke from his cigarette. “And she gave me plenty of Alabastan spices on top of that.” Luffy’s eye were practically sparkling and Vivi had to stifle her giggles.

“We should be seeing the ship after we get over this next dune ahead.” Nami called out as the group of pirates continued to race through the desert.

“It’ll be good to get back on the sea.” Mikita smiled before turning to Vivi. “No offense, Vivi, but I think we’ve all seen enough desert for a while.”

“None taken.” Vivi laughed in response. She knew her homeland’s climate and topography weren’t for everyone.

The Princess patted Carue and was sad that she’d have to leave him here. Super Spot-Billed Ducks were native to the deserts of Alabasta. They’d evolved to specifically inhabit the deserts of Sandy Island. She’d been lucky that they’d been stationed on Cactus Island for the majority of their infiltration into Baroque Works. The rocky, semi-arid island had been somewhat close to a desert climate for Carue. It hadn’t been perfect though; the large duck had fallen ill on multiple occasions from the incompatible aspects of the climate. It would be cruel to drag him off to various islands with non-desert climates.

“Mmm…I’ve been waiting for you!” The loud voice of Mr. 2 called out from the Going Merry’s top mast. The okama was in a ballet pose as he looked down at the arriving Straw Hats. “Long time no see!”

“Here we are.” Chopper smiled at seeing the Going Merry again.

“All right. Start unloading, thank you, ducks!” Nami patted the duck she’d been riding after giving out instructions.

“Yes, Nami-swan!” Sanji was quick to follow her orders.

“This is were we part ways.” Zoro dismounted his duck and gave it a grin. The duck quacked in response.

“Have a safe trip home.” Usopp unloaded the pack off of the duck he’d been riding.

“Give my regards to the King and everybody!” Luffy waved as the Super Sonic Duck Squadron began to leave. “Take care!”

“Make sure you look after everyone while I’m gone, Carue.” Vivi hugged the large duck.

“Quack!” Carue returned her hug with his large wings.

“I’ll return someday and we’ll go for a ride around the kingdom, sound good?” Vivi smiled at her friend and mount.

“Quack!” Carue happily nodded at that plan. He saluted, even though any one that looked could see the small tears in his eyes. Vivi wasn’t much better as she said her goodbyes to Carue and her homeland once more. After their goodbye, Carue turned and sped off after the rest of the Super Sonic Duck Squadron.

“I…I hope we meet again someday!” Mr. 2 waved with tears in his eyes as the group lost sight of the ducks. It was only a second later that he realized that he’d gotten caught up in the moment and was being completely ignored by the Straw Hats. He jumped down to the edge of the Going Merry and stomped his foot on the wood multiple times. “Hey…wait a minute!”

“WHAT?!” Sanji demanded with a vein nearly pulsing on his head.

“What do you mean ‘What?’?” Mr. 2 pouted at the Straw Hats. “Is that anyway to talk to a friend?”

“Friend?” Luffy gave the okama a hard look. “We’re not friends! You tricked us!”

“I didn’t trick you!” Mr. 2 denied with his arms crossed in an ‘X’ shape. “I didn’t know who you were either!” He sat down next to the gangplank. “Anyway…can’t we just let bygones be bygones?”

“Move aside.” Zoro, with his arms loaded with supplies, demanded as he walked up the gangplank.

“Oh, sorry.” Mr. 2 scooted over so that Zoro could pass. “Besides, Baroque Works is history, so we’re not enemies anymore.”

“If we’re not enemies, then what’re you doing on our ship?” Luffy questioned as the rest of the crew continued to load up the supplies.

“Hmph! You’re so silly!” Mr. 2 huffed and scooted over a little more as Sanji came up the gangplank with a large amount of supplied in his arms.

“What?!” Luffy barked at the ballet enthusiast.

“Now listen!” Mr. 2 pointed at Luffy with a stern look on his heavily make-upped face. “If I hadn’t been aboard this ship…deux you know what would’ve happened?”

“The Marines might’ve captured it.” Nami mentioned while hefting a large backpack over her shoulder.

“Not might have! The definitely would have!” Mr. 2 declared to the orangette Navigator. “Deux you have any idea what’s happening on this island right now?! It’s totally surrounded by Marine ships! Not even a swan could get off this island!”

“Then…you saved the Going Merry from the Marines?” Luffy looked at the Mane Mane no Mi user curiously.

“Why?!” Usopp questioned in shock.

“Why?!” Chopper copied Usopp’s shocked question.

“Because…” Mr. 2 had a wide smile on his face as twin streams of tears rolled down his cheeks. “You’re my friends!” He gave them a thumbs up and a sparkle appeared behind him.

“Then you really are our friend!” Luffy decided with a wide smile. “This ain’t no joke!”

“This ain’t no joke!” Mr. 2 agreed with a laugh as he, Chopper, Usopp, and Luffy threw their arms over each other’s shoulders and did a bad rendition of the can-can dance.

“I envy their ability to switch gears like that.” Mikita deadpanned with a shake of her head.

“Is everything loaded?” Nami asked Sanji with a sigh of her own.

“This is the last of it.” Sanji hefted the two large bags in his arms with a smile.

“So…the Marines’ blockade kept you from escaping this island, right?” Zoro’s rhetorical question made Mr. 2 reel back as if struck. “And you thought you might be able to escape with some allies instead.”

“Bon-chan?!” Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp all gaped at the okama’s motive.

“Yes!” Bon-chan declared, his eyes closed, tears pouring from them, and his fist raised into the air. “Let’s join forces and fight together! For friendship’s sake!”

“Yeah!” Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper raised their own fists in agreement, much to Bon-chan’s shock.

“Geez…” Nami sighed at the group.

“To friendship!” Dozens of voices called out as Bon-chan’s swan-themed boat paddled up alongside the Going Merry.

“You all were still here?!” Vivi gaped at Mr. 2’s entire crew still being in Alabasta.

-Sea Surrounding Alabasta-

It was still early in the morning when the mouth of the Sandora River came into view for the Straw Hats and Bon-chan’s crew. Everybody could already see the Marine ships in the distance. As the groups prepared for battle, Vivi was taking the most precautions.

“What’re you doing, Vivi?” Luffy blinked at his newest lover curiously.

“It’ll cause problems if I’m seen leaving Alabasta with you, Luffy.” Vivi explained as she tied up her long hair. She set it into a ponytail and then bound it up into a bun on the back of her head. “The Marines will question why I was allowed to leave in the company of wanted pirates. My father could easily respond with the attack that Crocodile perpetrated upon Alabasta for the last several years and probably get them to back off.” She draped a cloth hat over her blue locks, hiding them completely. “But it’ll be easier if the Marines only find out that I’m part of your crew later on.” She pecked his lips before covering her face with a mask, leaving only her eyes visible.

“Oh, okay.” Luffy smiled brightly at her. He didn’t need to understand anymore than what Vivi had told him.

“Pay attention!” Bon-chan yelled out from the bow of his own ship. “This ain’t no joke! Captain ‘Black Cage’ Hina is the Marine in-charge of this region of the Grand Line! She’s infamous for her blockades and the ‘Black Spear’ Formation has sent countless pirate vessels to the ocean floor!” The okama looked grim as the sailed out into open waters.

“It’ll be fine.” Luffy counted the number of ships that he could se from one side of the horizon to the other. “I see thirty ships, none of them are that much bigger than ours.”

“So, no battleships then.” Nami nodded as she checked over their opposition. A battleship might’ve caused some issues. The Marines were constantly building them bigger and more powerful over the years.

“The range might be an issue though.” Zoro commented as he knew his flying cuts wouldn’t reach long enough to hit the Marine ships normally.

“Leave return fire to me!” Usopp declared with a grin. Chopper beamed up at the Gunman with sparkles in his eyes. Everyone else noted that Usopp’s legs were shaking just a bit from fear or nervousness.

“We’ll focus on defense.” Sanji shrugged as he tapped the toe of his shoe on the deck.

“I’ll attack if they start encircling us.” Luffy chuckled and several people let out little sighs of relief. If the Lightning Man went on the offense, then they’d probably all be able to escape.

“I’ll protect the ship with everything I’ve got.” Vivi declared with determination burning brightly in her eyes. She’d fully hidden her appearance now, even wearing plain, baggy clothing they’d taken from Alubarna that hid her body.

“That’s the spirit! Kyahahaha!” Mikita laughed as she threw her arm around Vivi’s shoulders.

Only minutes later and the naval battle had begun. The first to fire being the Marines as the sound of multiple cannons went off. What was fired at the two pirate vessels weren’t the normal cannonballs though. Usopp fired the Merry’s forward facing cannon in return and the cannonball exploded as it knocked one of the incoming projectiles out of the air. That still left the rest as incoming though.

“Tirs El Rimal!” Vivi’s raised her hands and turned them into sand. The sand rushed in front of the Going Merry and formed into a large wall. The projectiles slammed into the shield of sand and all of them saw what had been fired at them. Huge black harpoons made of iron had pierced through Vivi’s sand, but had been captured instead of piercing Merry.

“They’re trying to put enough holes in the ship to sink us.” Nami grimaced at the weapons while Vivi made the sand come apart and the harpoons fell into the water. The metal quickly sank to the bottom of the shallow sea close to the island.

“Cannonballs would be easier to deflect.” Sanji grimaced at the projectiles the Marine ships were using.

“What was that you said, Vivi?” Chopper questioned the princess curiously.

“That was Old Alabastan, the native language of the kingdom.” Vivi explained as she kept her sand swirling in the air. “Luffy recommended using something that would help me focus on my Devil Fruit. This seemed like the best thing to me.”

“Shishishishi! Good job, Vivi!” Luffy praised her for finding something that worked for her and had brought about quite the improvement already.

“Firing!” Usopp called out and with a boom Merry’s cannon fired again. The Gunman had been faster on the reload than the Marines and one of the enemy ships had part of its hull blasted away.

“Nice shot, Usopp.” Zoro called down to the long-nosed teen.

“That’s what they get for messing with Usopp!” Usopp declared loudly back as he worked to reload the cannon again.

The back and forth went on as the two pirate ships sailed closer to the blockade. With the Merry and Bon-chan’s ship firing their cannons at the Marines, and the Straw Hats focusing on defense, the gap was quickly closing.

-Hina’s Ship-

“Is that sand?” Hina looked through her telescope at the approaching pirate vessels and what kept protecting them. “But that’s Crocodile’s Devil Fruit…” The Marine Captain blinked in shock. There was no way that Straw Hat Luffy and Sir Crocodile had conspired to fake the Warlord’s death. They’d collected the dead man’s body already! He was definitely dead. “How? How could they have possibly gotten ahold of the Suna Suna no Mi?” It was baffling, completely ludicrous, for a Devil Fruit to reincarnate so quickly and so close to where its previous user had died. That wasn’t even taking into account someone finding it, eating it, and then understanding their new ability enough to make use of it!

“Captain, we’ve yet to land a clean shot!” One of Hina’s subordinates informed her with a salute. “What’re your orders, ma’am?”

“Begin encirclement and keep firing.” Hina ordered with a sharp look. “They can defend from one direction, but Hina doubts they can do so well from multiple directions. We’ll sink them with the ‘Black Spear’ Formation!”

“Yes ma’am!” The Marine rushed off to relay her orders.

-Straw Hats and Bon-chan-

“Sir! Bad news!” Two of Bon-chan’s subordinates called out to the okama.

“What is it?!” Bon-chan questioned after he landed from kicking away another of the harpoons trying to sink both ships.

“It’s ‘Black Cage’, sir!” They warned and pointed to the larger ship with the name ‘Hina’ on the highest sail.

“Damn it, we don’t need her getting directly involved!” Bon-chan cried out loudly.

“They’re sailing closer!” Zoro called out.

“It’s the encirclement!” Mikita quickly figured out based on the movements of the Marine ships.

“Vivi, can you guard from multiple directions?” Nami questioned as she and Chopper steered the Going Merry through the battlefield that the sea had become.

“I’m not sure.” Vivi admitted with a grimace. “These harpoons are meant to sink ships. They puncture my sand shield even when I’m focused on one side.”

“This is getting annoying, you bastards!” Sanji leapt forward to kick away another harpoon that was outside of Vivi’s sand shield range. “How many of these things do they have?!”

-Hina’s Ship-

“Captain! The encirclement will be complete shortly!” A Marine saluted the woman.

“We haven’t inflicted damage to either ship yet,” Hina put on her black gloves. “But there’s no ship my ‘Black Spear’ Formation can’t sink.” She finished off her cigarette and flicked the butt over the side. “Don’t let your guard down sailors! Sea rats like these will turn and bite you when you least expect it!”

“Yes, ma’am!” The Marines chorused.

“When we pull alongside them, I want the rest of you to stay back.” Hina ordered as she punched her right fist into her left palm. “If you get in my way, Hina will be very upset.” She cracked her knuckles and all of the Marines flinched.

“Aye-aye, Captain!” They quickly saluted before returning to the bombardment.

-Going Merry-

“Luffy! If you’re going to do something about the encirclement, now’s the time!” Zoro yelled as he deflected another massive harpoon with his swords.

“Alright…” Luffy’s grin was wide just before he vanished in a white-blue spark.

The straw-hatted pirate reappeared in the air above the naval battle. Checking the positions of the Marine ships with both his eyes and his Observation, his wide grin turned into his trademark smile. Lightning began to spark off his body as he placed both of his palms facing each other. His Observation allowed him to hear the panicked cries of the Marines as they finally saw him above them all.

“Goro Goro no Cannon!” Luffy launched the massive ball of electricity at the ship that was closest to completing the encirclement. The sphere of lightning tore through the masts and blew apart the stern of the ship before hitting the waves. The sudden super-heating of the water caused a steam explosion that rocked the damaged ship violently.

“He destroyed the mast!”

“The stern is lost! We can’t change course!”

“We’re taking on water!”

“Get the injured and get to the life boats!”

“Shishishishi! Next boat!” Luffy turned into lightning and rocketed down into the next Marine ship as a bolt. The deck was blown apart from the strike and Luffy burst through two decks before he resolidified. Checking his surroundings with Observation, Luffy spread his arms and had a palm facing his right and left. A blast of lightning tore through everything in its path on both sides of the Marine ship. Luffy vanished in a spark just as water rushed in from the two massive holes.

“We’re sinking!”

“The ships going to come apart!”

“Man the life boats!”

“Hiya!” Luffy grinned as he reappeared on the deck of the next Marine ship.

“Fire!” The Officer manning the ship ordered all of the Marines. Luffy chuckled as the rifles and pistols went off and the bullets passed right through him. The sailors cried out as some of them were hit by friendly fire.

“Electric Fence.” Luffy’s body sparked and sent bolts in all directions. Every Marine hit by one spasmed before hitting the deck. Some were unconscious while others simply couldn’t get their bodies to move. A quick Haki-imbued kick and Luffy had wrecked the special cannons used to fire the large harpoons.

“M-Monster…” The Commanding Officer muttered out as his body was still numb. Luffy vanished in a white-blue spark with a chuckle.

“There he is!” A Marine cried out as soon as Luffy landed on the fourth ship.

“You all should duck!” Luffy ignored the various bullets passing through his Logia body. He held out his right hand and turned it into lightning. That lightning quickly grew to a ridiculous length and looked like a blade.

“Get down!” The Lieutenant in charge bellowed as he realized what Luffy was about to do. The Marines dropped to the deck at their CO’s order and Luffy swung his insanely long lighting blade in a full three-hundred-sixty-degree arc. He vanished in a spark right after while the panicking Marines were left trying to deal with their masts falling into the ocean or collapsing on the ship itself. All the while the main cabins were split horizontally and the heat from the lighting had ignited a lot of the wood.

The fifth ship got off the lightest in terms of damage. Luffy had barely reformed long enough to set the sails ablaze and blasted the rudder into nothing with a focused beam of lightning before he was gone again. The Marine ship was left dead in the water. It would need to be towed back to one of Alabasta’s ports for repair before it was seaworthy again. The Marines hadn’t even been able to get a shot off.

The sixth ship had its deck, mast, and special cannons torn through by Luffy in his lightning state. The wood began to smoke and ignite from the heat even as the cannons were broken from the deck and thrown over the bow. They hit the waves with a resounding splash. Luffy felt two bullets come close but he simply leaned to the right and they missed. He was gone in a spark a split-second later.

“Oh shit!” A Marine screamed out as Luffy appeared in front of their ship in a spark.

“Raiken!” Luffy’s right arm was cocked back and became a raging storm of lightning. He threw his fist forward and the bow of the Marine vessel exploded into fragments. Water rushed into the gaping hole even as fires began on the upper decks and the ship rocked violently from the attack. “Bye!” And like that, Luffy disappeared.

-Going Merry and Bon-chan’s Ship-

“What the hell is he?!” Most of the okama’s crew were gaping as one Marine ship after another was dealt with, either damaged beyond functionality or sunk.

“Heh, that’s about right.” Zoro shook his head.

“We still have the Captain’s ship incoming.” Sanji reminded as the largest Marine ship was practically barreling in their direction.

“We need to disable that ship too, it’s the surest way that we can escape!” Nami called out from the helm.

“I can still handle the defense!” Vivi assured as her sand shield caught another set of huge harpoons.

“Sanji!” Mikita had a wicked idea. “Launch me!” The blonde woman declared with a smile.

“But…Miki-chan, that would put you in danger!” Sanji clearly didn’t like that idea.

“Oh shush,” Mikita waved him off. “I’ll pop over, damage their ship, and then come right back. I’ll be fine.” Seeing the chef still reluctant, she played to his personality. “Please, Sanji?” Her green eyes were watering as she looked at him with a classic pout.

“Anything for you, Miki-chan!” Sanji had hearts for eyes and Mikita had to hide a snicker at how easy he made it.

“Launch!” Mikita declared after reducing her weight to a single kilogram and sitting on Sanji’s shin. The cook’s powerful leg launched her high above the Marine Captain’s ship. “Let’s see…” Mikita picked out her target with a quick look over the large vessel. “Right about there.” With a nod to herself she shifted her weight to ten-thousand kilograms and began to fall out of the sky like a meteor.

A massive crash, like an explosion, was heard as Hina’s ship violently rocked. The hull creaked and groaned from the unexpected impact and the speed at which a heavy object had slammed into it from above. A hole had been torn through the ship’s helm and all of its decks from whatever had fallen.

“Status report!” Hina called out. “What the hell was that?!”

“We don’t know ma’am!” A Marine called back as the ship continued to rock.

“Something hit the ship from above!” A different Marine called out.

“Captain! The helm has been destroyed! We can’t steer the ship properly!” An Officer reported as he hung over the railing from the higher deck.

At the bottom of the Marine ship, Mikita sat atop a pile of the debris she’d passed through. With a grimace she stood up and dusted herself off. Looking up through the multitude of holes she’d just made in the enemy ship, a grin formed. Hearing water, Mikita looked down and noticed that the floor was being covered.

“Did I actually crack the bottom hull?” Mikita blinked as she noticed the water seemed to be coming from beneath her debris pile. “Huh, I did better than I expected. Kyahahaha!” She laughed before reducing her weight to a single kilogram again. Using the strength she’d gained from her time as a Straw Hat, Mikita leaped straight up with all her might. She cleared every deck and landed easily on the top deck. She was surrounded by the panicking Marines until they actually noticed her.

“It’s ‘Crushing Fists’ Mikita!”

“She must have been what hit us!”

“Take her down!”

“You’ve got a lot of guts attacking my ship directly, especially all by yourself.” Hina approached the blonde woman with a fierce glare.

“Oh, don’t worry, I’m just leaving.” Mikita grinned at the pinkette before leaping straight upwards again. Her Observation told her that Luffy was approaching. The blonde rocketed up into the air and nearly reached the top of the main mast.

“Get back here!” Hina demanded, looking like she was about to try running up the mast after the pirate.

“Shishishishi! Nice job, Mikita!” Luffy’s arm wrapped around her waist as he appeared next to her in a spark.

“Thank you, Luffy!” Mikita giggled as she looked down at the Marines. “By the way, I cracked the bottom hull of your ship and you’re taking on water! You might want to do something about that!”

“What’re you waiting for?!” Hina demanded of her subordinates. “Open fire!”

“None of that, now!” Luffy laughed as electricity leapt off his back and formed into dozens of small balls behind him. “Goro Goro no Fireworks!” the small ball lightning rained down onto the deck. They began to burst apart into strong discharges of electricity, shocking everyone in range. On the crowded deck, that was pretty much everyone.

“Bye-bye now!” Mikita waved mockingly at Hina before she and Luffy disappeared in a spark.

“Hina is angry!” Hina yelled out as she saw the state of her subordinates, the state of her ship, and looking out across the waves, the ruined state of her formation ships. Some of which were already partially sunk!

“We’re back!” Luffy declared with a grin as he gently set Mikita on her feet. The blonde kissed his cheek before smoothing out her hair and clothes to try and get some of the static out.

“Well…you certainly cleared a path.” Nami laughed at the decimated Marine ships that the two pirate vessels were sailing past.

“That was amazing, Luffy.” Vivi praised him with a smile beneath her mask.

“Straw hat…you’re too cool!” Bon-chan declared as he had crocodile tears pouring from his eyes. The okama’s subordinates were all cheering for the amazing display and their successful breaking of the blockade.

“Alright!” Luffy declared loudly to settle the praise. “Let’s sail for the next island!” He pointed for ward and the rest of the Straw Hats cheered for the continuation of their voyage.

Alabasta was a dot on the horizon when Bon-chan spoke up again.

“My friends!” The Mane Mane no Mi user called out to the Straw Hats. “It saddens me that we must part ways once more, but I’ve put off going to a destination for a long time now.” Seeing the confused looks from the others he explained. “Ever since I started working for Baroque Works, I haven’t had as much freedom to travel around. So, I set aside my dream of traveling to a certain island with a certain kingdom on it.”

“Island?” Chopper tilted his head.

“Kingdom?” Usopp mimicked the doctor’s head tilt.

“Yes!” Bon-Chan jumped on top of the railing of his ship dramatically. “I seek to travel to Momoiro Island and the Kamabakka Kingdom!”

“Never heard of it.” The Straw Hats stated in unison. Bon-chan nearly face-faulted in shock.

“It’s a kingdom for people like me, that are not tethered to man or woman, but to the path we feel in our hearts!” Bon-chan was back to smiling widely with sparkles. “I’ve dreamed of the day that I could visit that kingdom! Now that I’m finally done with Baroque Works, it’s time to make that dream a reality!”

“Where is this Momo Island?” Luffy questioned curiously. If it was on their current path, then they could continue to sail together.

“Alas, it is on a different path than this one!” Bon-chan had tears running down his cheeks again. “I will have to use one of our Eternal Poses to switch paths through Paradise and arrive there by following the Log Pose the rest of the way!”

“Aww…” Chopper seemed bummed out on having to part with their new friend.

“Such his life, my friends.” Bon-chan looked just as broken up about it. It wasn’t often you met kind pirates like the Straw Hats. It was even rarer for ones to become friends, even though he knew his okama way was off-putting to many.

It was a tearful goodbye between the ship idiots and Bon-chan while the rest of the Straw Hats watched on with blank faces.

-Smoker’s Ship-

“Captain Smoker…” Tashigi called out.

“Hey, how’s the injury?” Smoker poured her some coffee and invited her to sit at the table on deck. He’d received a dressing down for his actions in regards to the Alabastan Princess. The Nefertari Family were held almost to the same regard as the Celestial Dragons and were much more loved among the people of nearly every kingdom on the Grand Line. His threatening of her had nearly gotten him dragged to Marineford for a tribunal for his actions. As it stood, his ship had been stationed at the Northern Port of Alabasta where there was no chance that he’d run into the Straw Hats as they left the island. He was on thin ice with the Brass and the white-haired man knew it.

“It’s fine.” Tashigi waved off. The cut that Roronoa had left on her body had healed easily and didn’t even scar. The ease that he took her down with still aggravated her. “I saw the Wanted Posters.” She looked at the ones that Smoker had laid out on the table.

“You know what that swordsman did?” Smoker questioned before exhaling smoke from his cigars.

“Roronoa?” Tashigi cocked an eyebrow.

“He killed Daz Bonez in Alubarna.” Smoker eyed the poster of the green-haired man.

“Daz Bonez?! The assassin?!” Tashigi stopped herself from gaping, but it was a close thing.

“Yeah, from West Blue, he was calling himself Mr. 1.” Smoker grunted at the ridiculousness of it.

“Crocodile surrounded himself with extraordinarily dangerous criminals.” Tashigi took a sip of her coffee. “But they lost.”

“As for the Straw Hats,” Smoker glared at Luffy’s Wanted Poster. “We’ll settle the score with them another day.”

“Yes, sir!” Tashigi confirmed, her own eyes on Zoro’s Wanted Poster.

-Going Merry-

“Hey, Luffy…” Vivi noticed that there were five chairs set up around the table set out on the deck. The pirates were taking the time to relax before they left Alabasta’s stable climate zone and were thrown back into the craziness of Grand Line weather. “Why did you set up an extra chair?”

“I was wondering that too.” Mikita spoke up. Usually, it was only the women and Luffy that used this table, at the ladies’ insistence.

“It’s for Sunday Lady.” Luffy casually mentioned. He was more concerned with the snacks that Sanji was making in the kitchen.

“What?” Nami blinked for a second. Her eyes widened at what Luffy’s words implied. She saw the instant that Luffy’s little grin became a full-blown smile as she expanded her Observation and felt a quiet ‘voice’ on the Going Merry.

“Well, how long have you known I was here, Monkey D. Luffy?” Miss All-Sunday asked from the doorway to the holds.

“Since Alabasta.” Luffy grinned as he looked at his nakama with a smile they knew all too well. “No one else was paying attention though.” Every Straw Hat reflexively gulped as they knew their Observation Training was going to pick up even harder now.

“I’m just going to assume that she’s not hostile since you didn’t deal with her already.” Zoro sighed heavily. Something told him this situation was about to get annoying.

“What’re you doing here, Miss All-Sunday?!” Vivi had stood up so fast that her chair had toppled backwards. Her right hand was sand in seconds and Miss All-Sunday was captured by the flowing grains.

“Oh?” Miss All-Sunday looked down in some surprise at what was restraining her. “How did you manage to get Crocodile’s Devil Fruit, princess?”

“We’ll ask the questions!” Vivi glared at the other woman.

“Enemy Raid! Enemy Raid!” Usopp had pulled out a megaphone form his satchel and was repeating the words over and over again.

“What’s going on out here?!” Sanji opened the door to the kitchen with a yell. He had a tray in each hand, one loaded with snacks, and the other with drinks. He saw the beautiful Miss All-Sunday and his eyes became hearts instantly. “Oh wow! It’s Miss All-Sunday!” He noodled over towards the women without noticing the tense atmosphere.

“I should crush you right now.” Vivi growled at the ravenette.

“You could, but a word of warning.” Miss All-Sunday smiled slightly. Out of nowhere, one of the drinks on Sanji’s tray flipped onto the extended sand that was holding the former Baroque Works Second-In-Command. The liquid soaked the sand and in the blink of an eye, an arm grew on top of the sand and then hit the wet part with a strong chop. The wet sand splattered to the deck and the sand restraining Miss All-Sunday fell from her body. “The Suna Suna no Mi’s weakness is being soaked with water or other liquids. It prevents you from dispersing and being immune to physical attacks.”

“What the?” Vivi blinked at the woman as she reformed her arm.

“It’s snack time, take a seat.” Luffy motioned to the extra chair. “Come on, Vivi, let’s eat and talk.” He encouraged her with the smile that she loved.

“How can you think about snack time right now?” Vivi questioned her Captain.

“Who is she?” Chopper asked Usopp. He’d never seen this woman before.

“Oh, right, you weren’t part of the crew when we met her.” Usopp pounded his right fist into his left palm. “So, she’s actually…” The gunman began to explain who Miss All-Sunday was to the doctor.

“Now, now,” Miss All-Sunday took the empty seat next to Nami. The orangette eyeing her warily. “I haven’t come to cause trouble. Your Captain knows that quite well, it seems.” She sent a small smile towards Luffy.

“Your ‘voice’ was calm, so you weren’t doing anything bad.” Luffy shrugged as Sanji began serving. All of the ladies got snacks and drinks first. Luffy got his last, and naturally, the missing drink just so happened to be Zoro’s.

“Dartbrow.” Zoro glared at the chef.

“Get your own damn drink, mosshead.” Sanji glared right back.

“Tch.” Zoro took his snack and went to lay against the mast to eat in peace. Also, to be close enough to hear the conversation between Miss All-Sunday and Luffy.

“I borrowed your shower a few times while waiting for you to reclaim your ship,” Miss All-Sunday informed the crew and Luffy directly, since the Going Merry was technically his ship as Captain.

“It’s fine.” Luffy waved it off as he already finished off most of his snack.

“…” Vivi had retaken her seat, but was still glaring at the older woman.

“So…why are you on our ship, Miss All-Sunday?” Mikita had apparently had enough of waiting for an answer to the woman’s presence.

“Monkey D. Luffy,” Miss All-Sunday’s eyes drifted over to the young man. “Do you remember what you told me back in Rain Dinners?”

“Would you just fight anyone for the sake of your nakama, Monkey D. Luffy?”

“Of course!” Luffy punched his left fist into his right palm. “I’d do anything to help my nakama!”

“Even if their enemy was the entire world?” Miss All-Sunday cocked an eyebrow at him, gauging his response to her question.

“Yep!” Luffy nodded without hesitation. His eyes told the whole story to Miss All-Sunday; a woman who had spent twenty years on the run from the World Government and could read most people like a book.

“You’re serious…” She stared at him as if he was a madman.

“Yeah, I said I was. Did you not hear me?” Luffy blinked at her confused.

“Yeah, what about it?” Luffy asked after drinking half of his drink in one go.

“I’d like…” Miss All-Sunday’s smile widened as she rested her chin on her palm. “To join your crew.”

“WHAT?!” Most of the crew exclaimed in shock.

-End Chapter-


Blockade destroyed! Luffy is too damn strong for them!

Plus, a Mikita max weight meteor drop didn’t do Hina’s ship any favors.

Vivi gets some more control over her Devil Fruit with the help of focus commands! Old Alabastan is IRL Arabic and thank my buddy E-Luck Archer (Go read his stuff!) for his translations! It’s always nice to have a native speaker’s help!

Bon-chan gets to live his dream of going to the Kamabakka Kingdom! Woohoo! No Impel Down for our favorite okama! Will we see him again? Maybe~!

Now Miss All-Sunday has revealed herself to be a stowaway, though Luffy knew she was there from the beginning. The other Straw Hats really need to learn to keep their Observation up! Luffy’s just going to have to train them even harder!

How will Luffy respond to Miss All-Sunday’s request to join his crew? And are we ever going to get that name?! XD

I think you all know the answer already…right?

What’s next for our favorite pirate crew?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another excellent and highly enjoyable chapter, most definitely a fun read. I wonder if you can take any inspiration from Gara in Naruto for any techniques that Vivi might use, or Toph and Bumi lol. Also, I wonder if Ussop could get a rife like the .950 JDJ constructed to be housed in the crows nest, so he can get a few early shots on enemy ships and before they get into range for the main cannons? Lastly, if the crew does take some time off later, in the story to go through some training, maybe not a two year time skip, but a few months to a year, maybe Luffy could get some extra training from Shanks. That way he could get some further mastery in his Haki, and if the training takes place on someplace like Raijin Island, he could improve even further on his devil fruit, or even awaken it. Anyway, outside of idle thoughts, once again, thanks for another great chapter


Awesome chapters and characters development and can’t wait for the next chapter update


pretty disappointed we didn't get to see cobra, chaka, pell, etc. reactions to straw hats and especially vivi leaving. How well did they advance with their haki training? especially wanted to see cobra's response to vivi asking to leave and become a pirate, as well as her presumably telling him her feelings for Luffy.


I went along the route of the manga, so most of that didn't come up. Will it later? Possibly. But it doesn't directly impact the story at the moment.