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Hey friends and fans, another Plot Bunny has been born! It’s been a while since I wrote one of these, so I figured, why not, right?

This Quirk has been in my head for a good long while. Implementing it changes the paradigm of the Series though. So, other things had to be changed to fit and figuring out the best way to go about things took time. This Quirk should be interesting for its sheer difference from the others!

I hope you enjoy!


The Healing Hero!

It was a normal enough day in Musutafu City. Clear, with only a few passing clouds and a pleasant temperature. On this particular day, a mother and her son were heading for a doctor’s office. Midoriya Inko had grown concerned when her son, Izuku, hadn’t yet manifested a Quirk. All of the other children in his preschool had developed theirs, Izuku was the only one that hadn’t. At four-years-old, the most common age to develop and display a Quirk, Izuku should’ve started showing some kind of sign of his own ability. The small boy was closer to five than four now and Inko was starting to worry for her son.

“Oh my, what’s with this crowd?” Inko stopped as a large crowd of people were blocking the sidewalk.

“Some Villain is running around the intersection further down, fighting with some Heroes.” Another bystander explained to the mother. “It should be finished up soon.”

“Ah, I hope everyone is okay.” Inko was always a hopeful young woman. Many said that she had a heart of gold. Izuku was excited at the chance to possibly see Heroes and wanted to try and get to the front of the crowd.

Unfortunately, Izuku was about to get his wish in an unexpected way.

“Look out!” Someone yelled and the crowd in front of the mother and son began to panic as something crashed down nearby.

“The Villain is going crazy!”


The crowd of people began to flee in terror. Izuku and Inko only got a brief look at the Villain. It appeared to be a man, but his Quirk was warping his body into a hulking, armor-clad monstrosity. Spikes jutted out from the armored hide and the Villain slurred out twisted words and sounded more like he was growling than speaking. Something slammed into the hulking brute and made his head whip around. Inko didn’t know what it was, but she suspected some kind of bullet.

“Izuku!” Inko cried out as the rushing ground made her lose her grip on her baby boy’s hand.

“Mom?” Izuku called out as he was pushed along by the panicking crowd.

“GRAGH!!!” The Villain roared out and the spikes on his body trembled before launching in multiple directions. The bone-like projectiles embedded themselves in concrete, cars that had been parked on the street, and whatever else they hit.


The Villain staggered backwards from the impact of another round. This one had come from much closer than the last, the sound of the shot ringing through the air.

“YAAAGGHH!!!” The Villain bellowed in rage as more spikes formed and were about to be launched.

“Go down already!” A woman’s voice called out just as another loud shot went off. The Villain staggered, stumbling backwards from the close-range shot. The spikes fired and little Izuku felt himself be grabbed and held close to a woman. He couldn’t see anything with his face pressed against the woman’s chest, but he heard the next loud bang, followed by three more in succession.

“Aaaaaaggghhh…” The Villain let out a wheezing cry before a large thud was heard.

“Hah…ha…are you alright, little one?” The woman asked as she eased her grip on Izuku.

“I’m okay…” Izuku looked up at the woman for the first time. She was a young woman with a curvy body. She had long, dark blue hair with numerous scattered pink streaks in it which were tied up in a ponytail with two shoulder-length full strands of hair framing her face. Her eyes were purple with distinct dark blue eyebrows above them.

“That’s good.” She smiled down at him even as she tried to hide the pain in her side. One of those spikes had hit her and she was losing a lot of blood. This was definitely not how she’d expected her first Internship to go.

Izuku felt something warm and slightly sticky on his right hand. When he pulled it away from the Hero to look, his green eyes widened. His hand was covered in blood. “You-You’re h-hurt…” The little boy started tearing up.

“No, no, no…I’m fine, I’ve taken way worse than this before.” She lied as convincingly as she could. She was starting to feel a little light-headed. Izuku had tears running down his freckled cheeks as he looked at the large injury on the Hero’s side.

Then he began to glow.

“Is this your Quirk?” She asked as the glow grew brighter. The boy seemed to pulse and the light-green energy spread across the area in a wave. Her eyes widened and she swore for a second that she could hear some kind of music, calm and peaceful, pass through her perception.

The green field hung in the air and it was only a second later when the young woman realized that the pain in her side was fading along with the light-headedness. She couldn’t help but stare at the young boy, the source of the light, as she felt herself heal rapidly. The verdette child was still crying, his eyes closed as he buried his face against her.

Does he even realize what he’s doing?’ She wondered as the last of her gaping wound healed perfectly and she felt even better than before the Villain incident. She touched her side in shock, feeling the unblemished skin and the reformed muscle beneath. “What in the world?”

The green glow faded away as Izuku slumped forward asleep. Inko had managed to shove her way through the panicking crowd. She bolted for her son and was at the Hero’s side just as the light dimmed from Izuku and slowly faded away. She quickly explained that she was Izuku’s mother and the younger woman let the sleeping child be gently taken from her.

“Thank you for saving him.” Inko also had tears pooling in her eyes as she held Izuku close.

“No…I think he just saved everyone.” The Hero shook her head slowly, still staring at the young boy.

“Nagant! What’s the situation?! What was that light?!” An older Hero arrived, clearly a Pro. He was Nagant’s Internship host and had been the one to engage the Villain in the first place. The Villain had displayed something strange in his sudden leap from their fight and had cleared nearly two blocks from that single jump. The Pro Hero hadn’t managed to get through the crowds fast enough as they panicked and his Intern had been forced to engage instead of providing long-range support.

“Sir…the Villain is subdued.” Nagant reported as she stood up. She motioned over to the Villain who was lying on the street. The man had reverted from his transformed state and was seemingly uninjured.

“And the light?” The Pro questioned even as a few of his Sidekicks moved in to make sure the Villain stayed subdued. The police were already surrounding the area and blocking it off.

“This boy’s Quirk, sir.” Nagant gestured towards the sleeping Izuku. “He heals, apparently.” She held her hand over her side where her injury had been.

“Are you alright?” He questioned, noticing her damaged costume.

“I’m fine, thanks to him.” She smiled at the sleeping boy. Inko smiled as she softly ran her hand through Izuku’s hair.

-U.A. University ~ Principal Nezu’s Office-

It was the end of the day and the chimera-like principal was going over a report sent to him from one of the Hero’s sponsoring Interns from their freshman class. Tsutsumi Kaina had been injured, severely, during a Villain incident while on patrol. Her quick actions to rescue a child from the Villain’s rampage had saved a life, but almost at the cost of her own. The young boy’s Quirk activating had healed her perfectly however. Even Recovery Girl had been shocked after checking Tsutsumi over and finding no trace of any damage.

“What to do, what to do?” Nezu hummed to himself, his rodent-esque features taking on a thinking look.

The Villain in question had been hopped up on some new street-version of Trigger. That would bare investigating just by itself. They could never seem to stop the manufacture of the various ‘Quirk Enhancing’ drugs that filled the underground black markets. Trigger was the most prevalent and the most infamous for its many drawbacks, depending on its composition. The Villain had a record of addiction with the substance and had apparently gotten his hands on a ‘bad batch’ that had caused him to lose all sense of himself. But the truly amazing thing was that the Villain, after waking up, had the clear traces of Trigger in his system, but no longer felt the need for the drug. His injuries from taking multiple rounds at close-range from Tsutsumi’s Rifle Quirk had been fully healed by the young boy as well.

“Such a powerful Healing Quirk that can even operate at range…it will most definitely draw attention.” Nezu knew that for a fact. He was debating on intervening on the young boy’s behalf. If he didn’t, the boy and his family would assuredly be given an offer from the Hero Public Safety Commission. Letting such a Quirk be monopolized by the HPSC didn’t sit well with the chimera. He knew of some of the darker elements within that government branch. After a short time to think, his High Specs Quirk making the short time all he needed, the principal had devised a good counter-measure for the boy’s sake. “Chiyo, I’d like you to help me with a proposal that I’m drawing up.” He spoke into a small microphone connected to Recovery Girl’s office.

-Days Later-

“I don’t understand…why is this happening?” Midoriya Hisashi questioned the representatives from both U.A. University and the Hero Public Safety Commission. “My son’s Quirk comes in and suddenly we’re being offered financial support and specialized training for him?”

“Your son’s Quirk is unlike any Healing Quirk that has ever been recorded, Midoriya-san.” The HPSC representative informed the father. “Such a potent Quirk needs training to make the best use of it. Young Izuku could have even more healing abilities to his Quirk that we’d only be able to discover with proper testing.”

“You want to poke and prod at my baby?” Inko looked aghast at the very thought of her little Izuku being subjected to such things.

“A counter to such an offer is what I propose.” Nezu smiled as he slid a manilla folder over to the parents. Hisashi opened it and both parents began to look through the papers inside. “As you know, U.A. University is the top Hero School in the country. We have all of the facilities and support that Izuku could need, to gain understanding of his Quirk. We also have Recovery Girl on staff to offer direct instruction to Izuku so that he can train his Quirk in a safe environment.”

“Don’t be absurd, Nezu.” The HPSC representative sent a sharp look the chimera-like principal’s way. “You can’t expect to keep the boy at your school, healing the injuries of your students. His Quirk can start saving lives immediately, why would you withhold that from the Pro Heroes and the public they protect?”

“I don’t believe in forcing such a young child to train their Quirk beyond what they’re ready to handle, nothing more.” Nezu replied, his black eyes gave away nothing of his thoughts, but the rebuke of the HPSC’s methods was there.

“We’d like some time to look over both offers first.” Hisashi spoke up and both representatives had no choice but to respect the parents’ decision.

The next several months were spent with Izuku being kept unaware of the legal fight that his future instruction had become. The young boy had no idea that court cases were being held over the correct path for his Quirk. Inko and Hisashi made absolute sure of that. Izuku was happily testing out his Quirk by healing any small scrapes, bumps, cuts, or bruises his preschool classmates got. This made him quite the favorite of the preschool workers, especially the nurse.

When the cases were settled in court, it was down to Hisashi and Inko’s decision on how Izuku would be trained. His Quirk was simply too rare and powerful for him to just be treated as a normal child. So, the parents went with the best option from those presented. Izuku would study his Quirk under Recovery Girl’s guidance at U.A. University until he was old enough and trained enough to make use of it in healing Pro Heroes in a hospital setting. The last part being the HPSC throwing their government weight around to at least get some access to the powerful Healing Quirk in the future.

-U.A. University ~ Recovery Girl’s Office-

“Hello Izuku-kun, my name is Shuzenji Chiyo, but you might know me as…”

“Recovery Girl!” Izuku beamed at the older woman with sparkles in his eyes.

“Yes,” Recovery Girl laughed and offered the little boy a gummy.

Inko would be chaperoning all of Izuku’s sessions at U.A. as his mother and legal guardian. The parents had been happy with their choice ever since they’d seen Izuku’s eye light up at getting to go to U.A. and learn from a Pro Hero. Izuku had barely been able to get to sleep last night from his excitement.

“Are you ready to start, Izuku-kun?” Recovery girl asked kindly. She smiled brightly at the energetic nod she got from the boy.

Izuku would spend the next few years until he entered Junior High exclusively learning about and training his Quirk with the Pro Hero. He learned how to use his Quirk to heal more efficiently, and a few studies of some blood samples had revealed a startling powerful healing factor. Izuku would probably never be injured for long, regardless of what type of damage his body suffered.

It was Izuku’s own analysis of his Quirk that lead him to figuring out that he could use the energy his body produced to heal in different ways. The most efficient of which was to make the equivalent of a needle for pinpoint precision. His healing energy had a myriad of positive effects on the body and could heal even severe injuries easily with no detriment to the injured person. The various Heroes-in-training at U.A. would come to be familiar with Izuku as they went to Recovery Girl for treatment and healing. The little verdette was always a ball of sunshine and most of the female students cooed over him when they saw the boy.

During his Junior High school years, Izuku began to help out at HPSC-funded hospitals for Heroes. Any injury that the boy was presented with was healed quickly. Lacerations, broken bones, blood loss, concussions, it seemed that there was nothing that Izuku’s Quirk couldn’t heal. Under Inko’s watchful eye, the HPSC began to put Izuku through physical training and started him on learning some hand-to-hand combat. The boy’s healing factor produced positive gains for the work he put his muscles through. By the time he was graduating from Junior High, he was a well-muscled teen that had the perfect ratio of muscle to body fat.

Using the knowledge that he was still learning from Recovery Girl’s lessons. Izuku spent his Junior High and the beginning of his High School years developing a style of fighting based off of pressure points. The elderly Pro Hero had helped him with it immensely with her decades of knowledge and experience. Izuku’s healing energy could interrupt the signals of motor nerves to prevent any of his patients from moving while he was trying to heal them. Focusing that aspect of his Quirk into the needle-like form and inserting it into a pressure point strike could lock up the body for several minutes. It was a useful tool for a Hero, and completely non-lethal. Recovery Girl had suggested a name for the style, one that Izuku had happily accepted.


It was in Izuku’s second year of High School when he came up with an idea. After speaking with Recovery Girl, the older Pro Hero agreeing to help him, the duo began trying to use small amounts of Izuku’s blood to make a medicine. Months of work went into the research, which discovered that the raw ingestion of Izuku’s blood could temporarily increase a person’s natural healing rate to a noticeable degree. Trying to pass on a fraction of Izuku’s insane healing factor to a person through this ‘blood medicine’ proved far more difficult. It wasn’t until near the end of his third year in High School that the two had managed a successful pill that would see the taker gain a pseudo–Regeneration Quirk for a short time. The demonstration of this pill to the HPSC during one of his rounds of helping Pro Heroes at their various hospitals all over the country had caused an immense stir.

Izuku had been perfectly fine with making a few of each, though he refused to tell the HPSC how it was made at Nezu’s advice, for the hospitals to keep on-hand for emergencies. The first time one had to be used was not even a week later. The Pro Hero Ectoplasm had lost both of his legs, just below the knee, to a Villain. The pill had been given to the man and in roughly a minute he’d regrown his missing limbs. Izuku had been ecstatic for the success of his and Recovery Girl’s creation when he’d been informed.

Someone fairly high-up in the HPSC must’ve been a fan of old manga, because his pills were quickly given the name Senzu. The effect was like magic with the pills’ ability to heal even dismemberment, as long as it was fresh damage. They’d tested the limits in secret by giving the pill to a person that had lost their left leg months ago in an accident. It hadn’t regrown the limb, but had fixed up all other pain and injury the man was suffering from.

For the contributions that Izuku had made to the support of Heroes and Japan as a whole with his Quirk, he’d been dubbed a ‘Living National Treasure’ by many in the HPSC and even other branches of the government. There was nothing making that title official, but Izuku and his family were treated very well because of it. They did not want for anything, though they also didn’t ask for much of anything either. Hisashi still went to work, but had turned down a job abroad since they didn’t need the extra money. Inko still took care of their home, though they did move from their old apartment and into a nice house closer to the edge of the city.

-HPSC Hospital-

“Miss Miruko…what happened?” Izuku blinked at the rising star of the Pro Hero world. The Rabbit Hero: Miruko had been a patient of his on multiple occasions. The beautiful woman fought hard and was an absolute force of nature to be reckoned with on the battlefield. However, her ‘Live life to the fullest without regrets’ creed saw her as a semi-frequent visitor to the hospitals for quick treatment. Right now, she was being wheeled in on a stretcher to him.

“Hey Izuku, got a little cut up.” Miruko grinned at the eighteen-year-old healer.

“A little?” Izuku looked her up and down. The Rabbit Hero was covered in cuts, some small and minor, others large and barely patched up enough to stop the bleeding. “What kind of Quirk did this to you?” He asked, even as he gently placed his hands on her stomach, feeling her toned abs. The teen was doing his best to ignore the fact that she was practically naked with how shredded her costume was.

“Weird Villain with a Blade Generation Quirk.” Miruko grinned as the light-green light of Izuku’s Quirk washed over her body. For just a brief instant she could’ve sworn she heard a gentle music as her aches and pains vanished almost instantly and her cuts quickly began to heal. “Didn’t know that he could fire off a wave of razor-sharp blades if he pushed his Quirk hard enough.”

“You’re lucky some of these weren’t deeper…” Izuku shook his head as the last of her cuts healed perfectly, not a scar or blemish left upon her caramel skin. “Please try and be more careful, Miss Miruko.”

“I told you that you can call me Rumi.” The woman grinned at him as she sat up. She clearly didn’t care that she was basically showing him her breasts. “Just need to get a spare costume and I can get back out there.”

“Thank you for your hard work, Rumi.” Izuku had definitely built up his confidence over the years. But he was still not looking directly at the practically topless woman. He might’ve been peeking a little though.

“Thanks, Izuku.” Rumi grinned before leaning forward and kissing his cheek. She pulled back with a wide smirk as she watched his cheeks go red.

“Usagiyama-san, please refrain from kissing Midoriya-sama.” The nurse that had wheeled her in admonished the Rabbit Hero.

“But Izuku loves my kisses, right Izuku?” Rumi winked at him and Izuku just nodded in agreement while looking off to the side.

“Midoriya-sama gets flustered by your displays of affection and that could impede his work here.” The nurse reminded the Pro Hero. “I know you’ve been told this before.”

“Maybe.” Rumi shrugged, which made her girls bounce and caught Izuku’s eye. “Now, I need a change of clothes, please.” She looked pointedly at the nurse with her red eyes.

“Yes ma’am.” The nurse sighed as they headed out of the room to with the stretcher in tow.

“Would you like a hospital gown to cover up?” Izuku offered the Rabbit Hero.

“Nah, I’m fine.” Rumi grinned as she caught him looking again. “Besides, you clearly prefer me this way.”

“…….” Izuku stayed silent. It was his best defense against babbling when he was flustered.

“If we had more time…” Rumi sauntered up to him, nearly pressing her curvy body against his. “I could thank you properly for all the times you’ve healed me up.”

“R-Rumi!” Izuku looked her in the eyes, his green meeting her red as the shorter woman looked at him like prey.

The Pro Hero’s teasing was cut off as the nurse returned with a change of clothing for her. Rumi was quick to change behind a curtain and head out after leaving one last kiss on Izuku’s cheek and tossing a wave over her shoulder. She’d be in costume and back out patrolling in less than an hour.

I’m not sure how many more Heroines affections I can survive.’ Izuku exhaled as he returned to his studying for the U.A. Entrance Exams. He had a Recommendation from over a dozen Pro Heroes and the HPSC itself. Nezu, while familiar with him, would be impartial in his grading of Izuku’s tests, both written and physical, so Izuku made sure to study hard.

-Day of the Recommendation Exams-

“Here we go.” Izuku grinned as he left the train station on his way towards U.A. He’d made this walk so many times in the last decade and change that it was very familiar to him. What wasn’t familiar was seeing a newly independent Pro Hero apparently waiting for him.

“Mt. Lady?” Izuku raised an eyebrow at the young woman. She was only a few years older than him and he’d healed her on multiple occasions during her time as a Sidekick. So, the two were familiar with each other to say the least.

“Hey Izuku~” The blonde woman smiled and waved.

“What’re you doing here?” Izuku questioned curiously. “Your normal patrol area is southwest of here, right?”

“I came to wish you luck, of course.” Mt. Lady beamed at him. “U.A. University is the top Hero School in the country, with the lowest acceptance rate. I had to come cheer you on before your Entrance Exam.” She sidled up close to him with a smile.

“Oh, thank you very much.” Izuku smiled back and Mt. Lady nearly swooned at the young man. He was SO her type!

“For luck!” Mt. Lady leaned forward and kissed his cheek. When she pulled back, her purple eyes were bright with the promise of much more if Izuku wanted it.

“Th-thank you, Mt. Lady.” Izuku only stumbled over the first word, even as his cheeks went red.

“You know that you can call me Yu, Izuku~” She giggled at him, making sure to shift her stance to show off her curves and make her breasts bounce in her skintight costume. “Do your best!” She smiled and then turned to head back to her normal patrol area. The sway in her hips and how it made her plentiful backside bounce captured Izuku’s attention for longer than he’d ever admit.

Walking into the U.A. Grounds was as normal as ever, he headed for the site of the written exams first. He was a fair bit early, as was his preference, so he didn’t have to rush. As he walked through the building that would hold the written exam, he stopped at a door that appeared to be locked. That seemed strange until he heard the click of heels on the floor behind him. Izuku felt a shiver run up his spine when his eyes were covered by a pair of hands and a breathy voice whispered in his ear.

“Good morning, Izuku~” The woman purred into his ear. “Guess who?”

“M-Miss Midnight…” Izuku couldn’t help that little stutter! Midnight was one of the most forward of the Pro Heroines he knew! She pressed his buttons like an expert, every single time.

“Got it in one,” Midnight grinned as she pressed her body flush against his back. “You’re supposed to call me Nemuri when we’re alone~” She loved teasing him. He was definitely her favorite and she was going to get him eventually!

“Yes Nemuri…” Izuku exhaled slowly to calm down. “Did you lock this door just to ambush me?”

“Maybe~” Midnight giggled as she sauntered from behind him to unlock the door, making sure to sway her hips and bend lower than she needed to while unlocking the door. Izuku would lie to anyone that asked, except Nemuri herself, about staring at her ass. She was quite happy to flaunt her looks, especially for him.

“Good luck in your exams, Izuku~” Nemuri grinned before she cupped his cheek and guided him to her lips for a quick kiss. Izuku returned it, he’d be an idiot not to, and when they separated, he smiled at Nemuri. She was definitely the most forward, by a lot. He got a second show as she walked away with that sexy sway in her hips and her booty swaying enticingly.

Being the object of so many women’s affections have a better chance of killing me than Hero work.’ Izuku shook his head after Nemuri rounded the corner. He had an exam hall to get to!

-Practical Exam-

“I wasn’t expecting an obstacle race.” Izuku murmured as he looked at the long track. He looked over the other Recommendation candidates, noting several other young men and a few young women. The guy with the buzz-cut was clearly the excited, hot-blooded type. The blonde guy with the skeletal teeth seemed to be focusing entirely on the upcoming exam. The one with the perfectly split red and white hair made Izuku blink. “Isn’t he Endeavor’s son?” He only knew the Number Two Pro Hero vaguely, only having seen the man once and he hadn’t been the one to treat him. But the famous man’s children were at least semi-known just from association.

The two girls that caught Izuku’s eye were a tall ravenette and a verdette like himself. They were both very pretty. The black-haired young lady held herself with poise that hinted at an upper-class background. She was very blessed in the looks department to say the least. Her curves were damn near perfect and Izuku knew she’d be popular when she graduated and went Pro. Likewise, the verdette girl was also beautiful. She had a more carefree look on her face, but she was most definitely taking the test seriously. Izuku got a glance at her sharp teeth when they met each other’s gaze and she flashed him a smile. He was a healthy young man though, and so had indeed given her a once over. She was curvy as well, though smaller in the bust than the first girl. Izuku had to force himself not to quickly look away when he saw the girl watching him check her out. She gave a teasing grin and winked at him before turning to face the approaching Pro Hero.

After Present Mic, an acquaintance of Izuku’s, explained the basics of the practical exam, they were divided up into groups of four. Izuku was with the blonde guy, the ravenette girl, and the verdette girl. The girl grinned at him as she made sure to take the position right beside him.

“Okay, examinees, use your Quirks however you wish to get to the finish line! But remember: No attacking each other! That’s not Heroic and will see you disqualified!” Present Mic reminded them before starting the countdown.

As soon as the green light lit up, Izuku bolted forward. His physicality was peak human, a race was no big deal to him, even with the obstacles. He leapt the hurdles, clearing them faster than the other three, even though the girl beside him literally split herself in half at the waist with her Quirk and just ran normally.

That’s such a cool Quirk!’ Izuku exclaimed internally. He loved taking down notes on other Quirks and trying to figure them out. It was a hobby of his he’d had since he’d first started trying to analyze and figure out his own Quirk.

The rock wall that was next was where Izuku lost the lead, the lovely ravenette had made something from her own body in a glow of colors! How awesome was that?! He could only call it a rocket-powered pogo stick. She’d hopped on it and it had blasted her straight to the top of the wall! Likewise, the splitting girl had simply dispersed and floated to the top. That left the two boys to climb normally up the wall.

The next obstacle was a series of ropes across a deep pit. The girl with the Body Splitting Quirk practically flew over it with an inventive use of her Quirk, gaining the lead over the other three. Izuku was the second to cross the ropes due to his physical conditioning. The obstacle after the pit was a series of platforms floating in a pool. The girl was taking her time to assure her footing on this obstacle, but was still making good time. Izuku heard the other two approaching and quickly leapt onto the first floating platform. He leapt from one to the next easily enough, and was right on the verdette girl’s tail once he passed it.

“A minefield?!” Izuku stopped as he looked over the sectioned off area. He could see where the mines where if he looked. Seeing that even the girl in the lead was slowly taking this obstacle, Izuku decided to take the lead. With a running jump he leapt as far as he could across the field. He rolled to absorb the fall, even as he heard the click of multiple mines beneath him. The blasts went off in pink smoke, but Izuku was only lightly scuffed up by the multiple blasts. He was healed before he'd even gotten to the last obstacle.

The final obstacle was a large open area filled with robot enemies. The machines locked onto Izuku and the others as soon as they crossed into the field. Izuku dodged around what shots he could from the guns filled with rubber pellets. Any that hit him hurt, but he healed near-instantly and kept moving forward. The verdette girl was in multiple pieces as she weaved all of her parts around and through the onslaught. The black-haired young lady had a riot shield in hand and was forcing her way through while occasionally tossing what appeared to be small explosive charges at the machines to destroy them. The other guy, with the blonde hair and skeletal teeth, had the easiest time of them all. The very ground beneath the robots quickly turned into a soft, muddy mire that the heavy robots sank into. They weren’t much of a threat to anyone when they were buried.

All that was left was the straightaway that led to the finish line now. Izuku dashed forward in a full-on sprint. He was the physically most formidable in his group, so he was gaining ground over the other three rapidly. That remained true until he heard the telltale sound of an electric motor whirring behind him. He glanced back and his eyes nearly bugged out at seeing the ravenette on an electric scooter! He pushed himself as hard as he could, but the machine has the advantage in terms of horsepower. It was still a photo-finish.

“Hah…hah…well, second place by a fraction of a second isn’t too bad.” Izuku worked to get his breathing under control as their placements were displayed.

“Ow…” Izuku’s ear twitched at hearing the whispered sound of pain. It had come from the ravenette.

“These’re gonna bruise.” The verdette girl was gingerly touching a few places on her body.

“My arms are polka-dotted, but with bruises.” The blonde guy grimaced as he looked over his arms.

“I can help with that.” Izuku turned to face his three competitors. He received questioning looks from the other three. They hadn’t seen him use his Quirk for the whole run. It was only natural that they were all confused by his offer. “My Quirk is called Panacea; I can heal you.”

“Really?” The ravenette blinked. Healing Quirks of any real strength were rare after all.

“I’ll take you up on that.” The verdette girl was already walking closer.

“Thanks dude, I appreciate it.” The blonde nodded his thanks.

“Thank you very much….” The taller girl paused as she didn’t know his name.

“Pardon me, I’m Midoriya Izuku.” Izuku introduced himself.

“Tokage Setsuna, but Setsu-chan is fine for you, cutie.” Setsuna winked at him again.

“Honenuki Juzo, nice to meet you.” Juzo introduced himself with a slight bow.

“I’m Yaoyorozu Momo, it’s nice to make your acquaintance.” Momo’s introduction was more formal than the other two.

“Hold still and this won’t take more than a few seconds.” Izuku smiled at the three. A glow of light-green emanated from Izuku and washed over the three of them. A brief instant of soft music seemed to pass their ears as the pain of their various bruises from the robot onslaught disappeared. Momo, Setsuna, and Juzo blinked as they watched the bruises faded away right before their eyes. Just as Izuku said, it was over in mere seconds as the glow faded away and they were left perfectly fine again.

“Whoa…” Juzo looked over his previously bruised arms with fascination.

“That was amazing.” Setsuna agreed with a wide grin as she lifted her shirt up a bit to look at her stomach. “Not a mark left on me.”

“Thank you very much, Midoriya-san.” Momo smiled at him and Izuku couldn’t help but note how pretty her smile was.

“It was no problem, I’m glad you’re all okay again.” Izuku smiled at them again. Unbeknownst to him, both Momo and Setsuna really liked his smile. Both young women gaining a faint dusting of pink on their cheeks.

-Summer Training Camp-

This is bad.’ Izuku thought as he looked over the situation. He’d just dealt with the Villain Muscular to save Kota. By the time he’d dropped the boy off with the teachers and then made it to where the rest of the still active students were, the situation was already rather dire. ‘Four Villains…I only know the Quirk of the one covered in burn scars, thanks to Aizawa-sensei. If I can get within reach, then I can disable them!’ With his plan made, he moved in.

“Back off.” The Blue Fire Quirk user raised his right hand and emitted a wave of fire. The fire was stopped by a wall of ice from Todoroki and Izuku took the assistance happily.

Leaping to the top of the ice wall, Izuku leapt from the top and landed right in front of the horribly scarred guy. ‘I need to stun him and stop him from using his Quirk!’ He quickly picked a target. ‘Discombobulate,’ He slapped his hands onto the ears of the Villain before he had time to fully react to Izuku’s presence. The force of the strike caused a reflexive reaction in the man as he closed his eyes while his ears started to ring. ‘Body shot,’ Izuku slammed his fist into the Villain’s stomach.

“Guh!” The man hacked as the air was forced out of him.

Weaken the jaw,’ Izuku’s fist slammed into the Fire Quirk user’s chin. The Villain’s head whipped around as he fought to maintain his feet. ‘Fracture,’ Izuku’s opposite fist struck even harder on the opposite side of the jaw and he felt the damaged jaw bone crack under the force. ‘Crack the ribs,’ Izuku slammed another punch into the dazed Villains torso. ‘Now break them,’ He slammed his other fist into the damaged bones and felt them give. ‘Bruise diaphragm,’ Izuku’s knee rocketed up into the Fire Quirk user’s stomach.

“Hu…ack…” The Villain began to fall backwards from the barrage of hits.

“Dabi!” The masked Villain with the top hat called out to the badly scarred man. He’d just seen this Hero Course guy systematically take the un-official leader of their Vanguard Action Squad apart!

“Impact Knocking: Light!” Izuku’s palms struck the falling Villain on both legs. The tiny needles of his healing energy entering the Peroneal nerve and the Femoral nerve and making Dabi’s legs stop moving.

“You!” The top hat wearing Villain reached out to use his Quirk on the green-haired student.

Touched based activation?’ Izuku dropped into a crouch to avoid the hand and countered. “Impact Knocking: Medium!” The palm strike that slammed into the masked Villain’s stomach nearly folded him over. It also forced an intervertebral disc to slip in his spine.

“Aaaggh!” The man collapsed as sheer agony lanced up his back like burning knives. He couldn’t move, all that was in his perception was the pain he was in, as his back injury forced him to remain as still as possible.

Two more!’ Izuku trusted his fellow students to deal with the two downed Villains.

“Oh crap, this guy is tough! I can take him!” The man in the black bodysuit made two conflicting statements in two different tones of voice.

“He’d look cuter if he was covered in blood!” The blonde with yellow eyes and the odd device of syringes and tubes on her back commented as she had a knife in one hand and one of the syringes in the other.

“Kitty…little kitty?” A hulking monstrosity emerged from the woods between Izuku and the two Villains.

“Another one of those Nomu?!” Izuku had been disgusted by the one from the USJ, the thing had been an abomination to Medical Science. To see another one was worse, because it meant that there might be even more!

“Kitty?” The Nomu turned its faceless head towards Izuku.

“Impact Knocking: Strong!” Izuku was in the behemoth’s guard before it could react. He knew these things had atypical nerve pathways from the one at the USJ, he’d need to go deep with his Knocking to have any effect. His palms, fists, and knuckles struck the monstrosity over and over again at full force. Needle after needle of his healing energy sticking deep into the bioweapon and blocking nerve signals.

“Nnnrrrgghh…aaahhh…kit…ty?” The Nomu was staggering as its body refused to move properly. Izuku’s Knocking didn’t cause much damage over all, but the energy blocking off nerve signals couldn’t be healed by a Regeneration Quirk. The Nomu’s greatest advantage was rendered null as it collapsed to its knees.

“Impact Knocking: Strong!” Izuku drove two fingers into the exposed brain of the abomination and released the energy needle directly into the brain stem. The Nomu stopped moving entirely, no sound, no breathing, no signs of life.

“What the hell?! He’s good!” The Villain in all black exclaimed in his weird double speech pattern.

“Ooh, I really like him now!” The blonde declared with a manic gleam in her eyes.

What no one expected was for the Nomu’s back to suddenly split open and expel Ragdoll. The green-haired member of the Wild Wild Pussycats was unconscious and covered in disgusting mucus, but she was clearly breathing. In this stunned moment of shock, a swirling portal of black-purple mist swallowed up the two remaining Villains.

There’s a Warp Quirk user!’ Mandalay’s Telepathy Quirk sounded in everyone’s head. Apparently, she and Tiger had just lost their hold on the Villains that they’d restrained.

“Miss Ragdoll?” Izuku was by the Pro Hero’s side quickly. He passed his healing energy into her and fixed the bruises and cuts that he could see all over her body. He paid attention to the injury on her head and smiled when it healed without complication.

“Bakugo, Tokoyami!” Shoji called out as two small marbles had broken and released the Hero Course students.

“Should Midoriya’s Hero Name really be Chiyugami (Healing God) when he can do all of that to Villains?” Yosetsu Awase asked Kendo Itsuka, his Class Representative.

“He can call himself anything at this point…” Itsuka replied after seeing what Izuku had just done. If the situation hadn’t been so frantic, she’d probably have noticed the flush on her cheeks and her already rapidly beating heart thumping a little harder in her chest.

In short order the Villains had been restrained, Dabi being knocked unconscious after he’d tried to ignite himself and everyone around him. The teachers had gathered everyone together and Izuku had rushed to Pixie-bob and healed her head injury. The blonde had awoken a short time later feeling perfectly fine. Aizawa, Vlad, and Tiger were keeping the restrained Villains under watch while they waited for backup and the police. Izuku had assured them that his Knocking wouldn’t wear off as for a long time with how much of his energy he’d put into each strike. Mr. Compress, the top hat Villain, wouldn’t be going anywhere even if the Knocking did wear off. His slipped disc made it impossible for the man to move under his own power.


“Hah~” Izuku sighed as he was finally able to relax from the attack on their Training Camp. He was enjoying the private hot spring that was normally just for the Pussycats at their insistence. He wasn’t going to complain for a chance to relax after what had happened. He needed to unwind a bit.

“How’s the water, Midoriya?” Pixie-bob asked as the door to the spring slid open and the three female members of the Wild Wild Pussycats entered in nothing but towels.

“Um…what’s going on?” Izuku questioned as his eyes took in the very tempting sight of the three women.

“We wanted to thank you for your heroism during the attack.” Ragdoll smiled at him. Who knows what would’ve happened to her if Izuku hadn’t taken down the Nomu?

“I just did what was right, what any Hero would do.” Izuku replied, still stunned by the three towel-clad women before him.

“So modest,” Mandalay gave him a smile too. “But you went above and beyond what you had to do, Midoriya. You saved Kota, saved Tomoko, and healed Ryuko too.”

“We want to thank you for everything, I-zu-ku~” Pixie-bob purred out as she dropped her towel, letting the college boy see everything. Ragdoll and Mandalay followed suit and Izuku’s eyes couldn’t get any wider if they tried.

“Come here, Midoriya~” Ragdoll giggled as she beckoned him out of the hot spring.

“We’d like to reward you with something only we can give to you.” Mandalay had a healthy amount of red on her cheeks, but her eyes spoke of her desires.

“Okay…” Izuku’s higher brain functions were viciously beaten into submission by his instincts and the emotional night he’d just had. He’d never tell any of his male friends about this, he wasn’t that kind of guy, but he would be both rude and stupid to refuse these three ladies. He stood up from the spring, revealing that he’d forgone a towel and Pixie-bob hummed in vocal approval of what she saw.

“Oh my~” Ragdoll had a cheshire grin as she saw the reaction Izuku was having to their naked bodies.

“This might take all night…” Mandalay uttered out as she stared transfixed at the growing length.

“Even better~” Pixie-bob purred as Izuku stepped out of the spring and she took a step forward to meet him.


There you go! Another Bunny completed! I’m sure several of you know who some of Izuku’s moves are based off of! The most OP Healing Quirk I could come up with! He can heal himself naturally. He can heal others by touch or with area of effect. His blood can speed up healing and his refined blood can give someone a Regeneration Quirk-like effect temporarily!

Truly a powerful Quirk, worthy of being called Godly, wouldn’t you agree?

The ladies certainly love him for it! *Perverted giggling*

Hope you enjoyed it!

Until next time, later!