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Hey friends and fans, Kairomaru is here with another chapter of Arch Mage, the Path of Magic! As we head towards the end of First Year, what will our Spellcrafter do with his free time? He always has plenty of things to look into and work out when it comes to Magic. Maybe he’ll do a little more exploring in a certain area of the castle?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 8 – Magic Manipulation, Corridor

“Already finished, Mr. Potter?” Snape asked of the First Year, he was doing everything in his power not to sneer at the brat. He wouldn’t risk his position here at Hogwarts for the spawn of James Potter. So, cold stoicism was all the boy got from the dour Potions Master.

“Yes, Professor.” Harry placed his labeled vial of Sleeping Draught in the stand meant to hold the students’ vials at the end of class. Potions wasn’t his favorite subject because of the Professor that taught it. But Harry would be lying if he said that he didn’t take to it with his understanding of Magic. Knowing how and why a Potion needed to be stirred a certain way, for a specific number of stirs was helpful. Understanding the concepts of Magic that Harry did also gave him a deeper understanding of why the same ingredient may need to be prepared in a different way for different potions. It made him a rather excellent brewer for his age.

“Very well, you’re dismissed.” Snape waved the boy away. He could tell at a glance that the purple potion in the vial was perfect. The shade of purple gave him all the information he needed. He despised that the son of the man he hated most in life was so skilled at seemingly everything to do with Magic. It was best to simply have the brat leave his class when he finished his assignments.

Harry wasted no time leaving, giving a nod to Hermione on his way out. He had other things to do with his time after all. With his things gathered, he left the Potions lab and headed out of the Dungeons. Once he was back on the ground floor, Harry headed up the stairs again. He was going to find an interior room in the castle, one without windows, and practice more with trying to create Mage Sight. In a castle like Hogwarts, it wasn’t hard to find such a room at all. The Spellcrafter set his bookbag aside, cast an Alarm Charm on the book bag itself to go off when classes let out for the day, and then sat down to focus.

“Alright, no windows, no distractions, just the room and me.” Harry exhaled as he began to let his mind drift and ponder. Minimizing the number of objects and stimuli had been one of Harry’s first thoughts when it came to trying to develop his Mage Sight idea. Starting off in a dimly lit room would be the least amount of visual stimulation he could get. The young Spellcrafter was hopeful that the lack of visual input would make seeing Magic easier to perceive and process mentally.

Principle Observation, Aspect Sight, refined to Magic…’ Harry formed the basis of the spell he was going for. ‘Aspect Clarity, refined to Magic…Aspect Focus, refined to Magic.’ He wanted to be able to perceive Magic and focus on it independently of his regular sight. So, the addition of these two Aspects should help with that. Feeling the Magic within his eyes, Harry opened them and gazed upon the dimly lit room.

Colors…but not the nearly nauseating swirls of color that he’d seen the first time on the Hogwarts Express. These were only in shades of black, purple, yellow, and orange. Incidentally, those were also the colors that filled the room from the single candle that Harry had burning to give him enough light to see by.

Well…I can see normally now on top of the colors.’ Harry noticed the progress of his attempt at creating Mage Sight. He could see normally, just with everything colored by what Magic he could see. ‘Hogwarts is filled with so much Magic it’s almost ridiculous.’ The Spellcrafter noted as he looked down at the floor. The tiles were normally a dull gray color. To Harry’s newest attempt at Mage Sight, the tiles glowed dimly with a mix of blue and gray light. Looking at the walls closer revealed the same dim glow of blue and gray, even the ceiling was the same.

“It’s got to be the stonework and masonry then.” Harry nodded as he ran his hands over the wall. “It’s all filled with Magic and that’s part of what makes Hogwarts so ‘alive’, for all that a castle can mimic life at any rate. The young Spellcrafter already knew that Hogwarts sat on heavily Magical land too, the Forbidden Forest was the biggest indicator of that. It was home to a large majority of Magical Britain’s various Magical Creatures after all. They wouldn’t choose to live just anywhere, especially not the ever-skittish Unicorns. While Magic was a part of the world as a whole, certain areas had much higher concentrations and became ‘Magical’ because of it.

Huh…look at that.’ Harry had turned his attention to the candle he’d lit and noticed the flame. More specifically, he noticed that the Magic he could see changed from the small fire’s presence. ‘What in the world?’ He smiled involuntarily as he watched the Magic move and change around the little flame. The purple color changed into the orange and yellow when it got close enough to the fire. It swirled around for a bit, rising or moving away from the flame, and returned to the purple color and then to the black color once it was outside of the candle’s luminescence.

“Light and heat make the Magic change color?” Harry took a notebook from his bag and began to write in it with a pen. Ted had used pens at home, rather than quills. Harry liked the simplicity and the writing was easier for his own notes. He was quick to record this new improvement of his spell. He also noted the discovery of how the Magic he could see changed based on small factors like light and heat.

I wonder?’ Harry put the pen down and looked back at the candle. Calling forth his own Magic, he noticed that it had its own muted myriad of colors, something he made sure to write down for later. ‘Do the colors mean something specific?’ Harry mused as he looked at his own Magic. This would definitely be taking up some of his free time to try and figure out. But for now, he had an experiment to run.

Reaching out with his own Magic, Harry held it near the flame of the candle. Noticing that his Magic didn’t change in the slightest at the exposure made him start putting new hypotheses together. His Magic didn’t change like the Magic that seemingly floated through the air. Was it because it was his and therefore a part of him? Or was it simply because he wasn’t doing anything with his Magic?

Let’s test this out.’ Harry grinned at having something new to study. He directed his Magic towards the flame and he watched on as nothing changed for a moment. With a small note in his notebook, Harry began to guide the yellow and orange Magic with his own. He pulled it further away from the flame, little by little, and waited to see how long it would maintain its color. ‘Hmm?’ Harry noticed that the circle of light that the candle gave off was slightly warped now. It was still a circle, but now a noticeable swell was on one side of the circle of light. ‘Am I?’ Harry let go of his Magic and watched as the Magic he’d been guiding along immediately turned purple. The swell of light vanished instantly too and the young Spellcrafter blinked.

“This…this is…” Harry tried to settle himself down. Difficult for an eleven-year-old normally and even harder when such excitement was building up inside. “Calm down…let’s try that again.” He took a deep breath to refocus himself and reached out with his Magic again. He guided the orange and yellow Magic around the flame away from it, further and further, and smiled widely as the circle of light began to expand in the direction that he was guiding the Magic. “I’m pulling the light!” He exclaimed excitedly as he expanded the range of the candle’s luminance without actively casting a spell.

Deciding to see just how much he could do with the Magic in the small space around the candle, Harry used his Magic to guide all of the yellow and orange Magic. He nearly cackled when he was able to make the circle of light into a straight line. He curled it around, made wavy lines and zigzags, and thanks to his ability to see the Magic, he noticed that outside of his control, the Magic moved normally. Purple color existed directly outside of the light he was taking control of, even though it was right beside the flame in some cases. After a few more small tests on the light and his ability to control it, Harry released his Magic and grabbed his notebook and pen. Flipping to a blank page, Harry wrote a new heading at the top.

Magic Manipulation

-Hogwarts Library ~ February 8th-

“What’re you reading, Harry?” Hermione asked her friend with a smile as she set a small stack of books down on the table.

“Just some stuff about Magical Creatures.” Harry gave her a quick smile. “I’m trying to figure out what types of spells work on different Magical Beasts.”

“Can I ask why?” Hermione was not sure she liked where Harry might be going with this.

“So that I’ll know if it ever comes up, of course.” Harry chuckled as he flipped a page in the tome he was reading.

“Harry…you’re not planning something crazy to try and get a Title, are you?” Hermione sat down with a sigh.

“Not at all, Hermione.” Harry looked at her oddly. “Why would you think that?”

“You’ve just seemed rather focused on Titles since we learned about them.” Hermione mentioned with her brown eyes looking into Harry’s green.

“I have other methods to achieve a Title, Hermione.” Harry waved off her suspicions. “I don’t need to go and do something crazy to earn one.”

“I’m glad.” Hermione smiled brightly at him before opening her first book.

Now…what works on a Cerberus?’ Harry flipped to another page in the large book. He would go through most of the tome and take in the information, of course. He never knew if it might come up later after all. But he was rather curious as to what the large Cerberus in the third floor corridor was guarding.

-Ravenclaw Common Room-

“You want me to what?” Hermione looked at Harry with a mixture of confusion, suspicion, and curiosity.

“I want you to cast a spell at me, something simple.” Harry repeated himself, wondering why Hermione was being hesitant.

“Why?” Hermione’s concern was warring with her curiosity.

“To test something that I’ve been working on for a bit.” Harry grinned at his friend. If he could manipulate ambient Magic, then surely, he could manipulate spells in flight, right? With greater understanding of this Magic Manipulation, he may even be able to manipulate and remove so-called ‘unbreakable’ curses and wards. That could be interesting and lead to even more new discoveries!

“I’m only going to use Lumos then.” Hermione’s concern and curiosity seemed to have reached a compromise. The brunette Witch held out her wand and cast Lumos with it. The bright little ball of light appeared easily and Harry reached out for it with his Magic.

The Finite Charm that can dispel most simple charms, hexes, jinxes, and low-level curses works by overwhelming the targeted Magic and destroying the intent behind the spell. So, if I want to manipulate someone’s spell, then I should do this…’ Harry guided his Magic around the Lumos after activating his prototype Mage Sight spell. It was still imperfect, blanking out all colors except for the colors of Magic, but it was something he could build from and improve over time.

“Harry?” Hermione blinked at seeing Harry’s eyes glowing faintly.

“Just a second Hermione, keep the Lumos going.” Harry urged his friend as he wrapped his Magic around the little ball of light. With some focus, Harry plucked the Charm from the tip of Hermione’s wand and brought it closer to himself. The Lumos vanished after only a moment of the separation, but he’d still succeeded! “Yes! I figured it could be done!” Harry laughed as he stopped using the imperfect Mage Sight spell on his eyes.

“H-Harry! What did you? How did you? Explain, please!” Hermione was nearly gaping at seeing her Lumos Charm pulled from the tip of her wand. The Lumos Charm was simple and produced a light from the tip of the caster’s wand. That was how the Charm worked. It shouldn’t be able to be moved from the tip of the wand to anywhere else. Especially not by someone other than the caster!

“I used my Magic to manipulate your spell.” Harry gave her the simplest answer.

“How?” Hermione leaned forward a little bit. Her curiosity was at an all-time high.

“The simplest explanation is that I wrapped my Magic around the Lumos and pulled it closer to me.” Harry explained with a grin. “It faded away after being separated from your wand, as you saw. But that still took a little less Magic from me than I would’ve needed to cast my own Lumos Charm.”

“So, you used your Magic to hold my spell?” Hermione just stared at him. “That’s not how Charms are supposed to work though…” She trailed off and seemed to be going over what she knew from class and her extra reading.

“Are you sure?” Harry grinned at her. “You just saw it happen.”

“I know…but…this isn’t like anything I’ve read.” Hermione still believed that she could learn what Harry could do if she read enough and put that knowledge into practice.

“That’s what makes it interesting!” Harry chuckled at Hermione’s slightly flummoxed look. “The only problem is that it takes too long to focus.” He hummed as he thought about the length of time needed to manipulate even a stationary spell. “If someone threw an actual hex or jinx at me, then I wouldn’t have time to try and manipulate it.”

“How did you figure this out?” Hermione looked curiously at him.

“I was working on the Mage Sight spell and noticed that the colors of Magic changed in relation to what was around them, like fire. From there it was a test to see if I could grab that ambient Magic with my own.” Harry shrugged at his accidental discovery. “Every new thing you try, whether you succeed or fail, can lead you to new discoveries. I just like to delve deeper into understanding Magic.”

“Is that why your eyes were glowing a bit, the Mage Sight spell?” Hermione questioned, recalling the glow now that her initial question had been answered.

“Yeah, it’s still not quite good enough, it blocks out all color except for Magic now.” Harry sighed at the spell not coming out like he wanted it to. “It’s still an improvement over my first attempt, but it’s not there yet.”

“You should write all of your spells down and publish a spell book someday, Harry.” Hermione smiled at him brightly. “I’m sure it would be amazing and sell really well.”

“Maybe, but a lot of the spells I make don’t have an incantation, and none of them have wand movements. So, I’m not sure how well they would actually do since most Wizards and Witches wouldn’t be able to use them.” Harry shrugged at the lack of interest other Witches and Wizards had in Magic.

“Are you trying to do this manipulating other people’s spells thing for the Dueling you’ll be doing over the summer?” Hermione asked her next question. She was still a little put out that she couldn’t figure out Wandless Magic herself.

“That would be cool.” Harry grinned at the thought of turning his opponent’s spells back against them. “But I’m not sure if I’ll be able to manipulate other spells fast enough to make it viable in a Duel.”

“I’m sure you’ll make it better if you continue to practice, Harry.” Hermione encouraged her friend with a smile. She believed that study and hard work could solve most any problem.

“Thanks, Hermione.” Harry smiled back at her. Hermione was a good friend.

-Sunday Night ~ Third Floor Corridor-

Still only locked with a basic Colloportus?’ Harry was confused that such a basic spell was used on the door to the forbidden corridor. Any First Year that read their Charms Book could learn Alohomora with a bit of practice.

He slipped into the large room and quietly shut the door behind him. Turning around, he saw the dozing form of the large Cerberus. Any loud noise or new smell might awaken the gargantuan canine, so Harry was already invisible, silenced, and odorless. The Spellcrafter noted that only one paw was on the trapdoor tonight and smiled. Levitating the paw slightly off the ground, Harry moved it gently off the trapdoor and set it back down. Using levitation again, he lifted the trapdoor upwards until it was fully open.

Now…let’s see what’s down here.’ Harry cast his Flight spell and jumped down the hole in a perfectly controlled fall. He didn’t touch the floor of the chamber he emerged into. It just made sense that falling from the ceiling to get here was intentionally done to make any trespasser touch the floor. Harry waved his left hand to conjure dozens of bluebell flames to illuminate the room.

An odd slithering sound caught Harry’s attention just as the movement on the floor did. Vines were moving away from the blue flames and the light they produced. They all retreated into the darkness and Harry took a moment to remember what this plant was called.

Devil’s Snare…’ Harry nodded after recalling the Magical Plant. ‘It doesn’t like light and will wrap around any moving object until it stops moving. That usually means the animal is strangled to death though, so it’s dangerous.’ Since the plant had already retreated into the dark corners of the room, Harry was free to pass through the next door which the vines had been hiding.

A downwards sloping passage with stone walls, through which trickling water could be heard, led to a brilliantly lit chamber with a very high ceiling, full of glittering winged keys. On the opposite end of the chamber from the stone passage was a large, old-fashioned wooden door with a silver lock. Harry canceled his bluebell flames since this chamber was rather bright and he could see perfectly well. Looking at all of the flying keys and then glancing at the broom near the doorway, Harry shook his head.

Are you supposed to fly and catch the right key among this flock?’ Harry guessed and carefully walked over to the large wooden door on the opposite side of the chamber. Seeing that the flying keys didn’t care about him touching the door, Harry looked it over. ‘Hmm, what are the chances?’ He silently cast the Alohomora spell and grinned when it didn’t work. ‘Well, at least someone has some sense.’ Activating his imperfect Mage Sight spell, he reached out with his Magic towards the silver lock. The metal was literally glowing with Magic to his eyes now. ‘Huh…that’s odd…maybe like this?’ Harry tried to manipulate the spell on the silver lock, but it held fast against his attempts. This was a much more complex spell than any mere Locking Charm. Harry wondered if he’d have to actually catch the right key to unlock the door. ‘Alternatively, I could just leave and head to bed. I’m curious as to what needs such security, but it doesn’t really matter either.’ He glanced up at the flock of flying keys and his Mage Sight spell spotted something. The animated flying keys were all a dull glowing bronze color. Except for one…one had the same brilliant glow of silver that the lock had.

“I spy with my little eye…” Harry whispered with a grin. He snagged the key with a Summoning Charm and then took hold of it with levitation. He saw that the wings of the keys all had the same color of Magic. If he touched this key, he was fairly certain that the others would react. Turning the large key in the lock saw the door open. Harry let the unique flying key go and it quickly returned to flying amongst the flock as if nothing had happened. ‘Must be some kind of Pairing Charms in play on both the key and the lock as well as the wings of the keys.’ The young Spellcrafter surmised as he walked down a short corridor to the next chamber.

The chamber Harry entered next was so dark that it was impossible to see anything. Still being invisible, silent, and odorless from his spells, Harry thought about using the bluebell flames again. The room lit up enough to see once Harry had taken a few more steps within. He did sort of wonder if the illumination wasn’t tied to some kind of Alarm Charm somewhere in the castle. If it was, then he’d definitely get in trouble for being down here.

Then again…most Wizards and Witches don’t have the best logic and reasoning skills.’ Harry had heard Sirius, Andromeda, and Ted complain about that issue multiple times growing up. ‘Well, if they don’t see or hear me, then I should be fine, probably.’ The eleven-year-old shrugged as he followed Sirius’ ‘advice’ for having fun at Hogwarts. ‘But still, this is a giant Wizard’s Chess set and one piece has been removed from the board.’ He noticed the King Piece on his side of the board wasn’t where it was supposed to be. ‘Chess was never my favorite game.’ Harry mused as he looked over at the door behind the life-sized chessboard.

With a grin on his lips, Harry decided to try a hunch he’d just had. He targeted the door on the opposite side of the chamber and extended his Magic to reach it. A Flagrate Charm let Harry write an ‘X’ on the wooden door with magical flames. The invisible and silent Spellcaster then backed out of the room. A few seconds after leaving the chamber, the room went pitch-black again. Harry cast his Flight spell and lifted off the floor entirely. He slowly flew his way into the dark chamber with the massive chessboard. He crossed past the area he’d been in without the lights coming on. Stifling a chuckle, Harry flew up near the ceiling and headed for the still burning ‘X’ he’d put on the door.

Well, that’s annoying.’ Harry grimaced as his Mage Sight spell saw a line of Magic connecting the door to the opposite King Piece on the chessboard. ‘So, you have to beat the game for the door to unseal, huh?’ Looking over the Magic on the door, Harry reached out with his own and tried to manipulate the spell. To his surprise, this spell actually responded to his manipulation. He removed the sealing effect from the latch and the hinges, but kept the spell attached to the door itself. With a wily little smirk on his face (One that was nearly identical to Sirius’ own mischievous grin) Harry swung the door open and headed down the next corridor.

“Bloody hell…” Harry clapped his hand over his nose as a pungent odor assaulted his nostrils. He peeked around the corner where corridor met chamber and saw the source. ‘So, that’s why it seemed familiar.’ He thought of the smell as he gazed upon the sleeping Mountain Troll in the middle of the room. Just as large and smelly as the one that had broken in on Halloween, it snored as it slept next to a massive club bigger than Harry’s body. ‘Don’t mind me, smelly, I’m just passing through.’ He thought to the slumbering Troll. The next door wasn’t even bespelled according to Harry’s Mage Sight spell. ‘Rather half-arsed, isn’t it?’ He shook his head and opened the door.

The Spellcrafter was immediately in another, much smaller, room. He took two steps towards a table with seven differently shaped bottles on it when purple flames flared up to block the door he’d entered from. Across the room, the only other door was blocked by black fire and Harry was immediately intrigued by both of the Magical flames. He turned to examine the purple fire and was intrigued to find that it would not only burn, but could also act as a physical wall.

“Fascinating…” Harry grinned after practically dissecting the spell. He had plenty of experience with Magical fire after all. He wasted no time in crossing the room and examining the black fire. “Oh…that’s less impressive.” He sighed when he discerned that the black fire was merely a cursed flame that couldn’t be extinguished until it had burned whatever it touched to ashes. Harry surmised that one of the bottles on the table was meant to extinguish the black flames or the purple flames. “Let’s see…” He picked up the parchment on the table and read it.

Danger lies before you, while safety lies behind,

Two of us will help you, whichever you would find,

One among us seven will let you move ahead,

Another will transport the drinker back instead,

Two among our number hold only nettle wine,

Three of us are killers, waiting hidden in line.

Choose, unless you wish to stay here for evermore,

To help you in your choice, we give you these clues four:

First, however slyly the poison tries to hide

You will always find some on nettle wine's left side;

Second, different are those who stand at either end,

But if you would move onwards neither is your friend;

Third, as you see clearly, all are different size,

Neither dwarf nor giant holds death in their insides;

Fourth, the second left and the second on the right

Are twins once you taste them, though different at first sight.

“A logic puzzle?” Harry cocked an eyebrow at the parchment. “Not something I expected.” He set the parchment down and looked at the seven bottles. “This has Snape written all over it.” He mused as he thought about the riddle for a moment. “But let’s see if he’s as brilliant as he thinks himself to be.” Harry’s Mage Sight spell was activated again and he looked at the bottles. All of the bottles had a spell on them, except for three. Looking into it quickly revealed a Refilling Charm. A rather basic Charm that refilled a vessel from another source somewhere else.

“Going to go out on a limb and say the non-refilling ones are the poison.” A quick use of his own Identification spell revealed that he was correct. “Alright then, how about you?” He cast the spell on one of the four remaining bottles. “Not magical…so nettle wine.” The next bottle was magical, the third wasn’t, and the fourth and smallest of all the bottles was magical too. “Easy enough then,” Harry held up the two potions. “Small one, only enough for a single swallow is to move forward for a single person. The larger one lets up to three people head back.” He set the two potions back in their places.

But no need to alert anyone that I was here.’ Harry shook his head, knowing that the potions would refill and the change in amount would inform Snape, most likely, that someone had drank from the potions. He walked over to the cursed black fire and reached out with his Magic. Once again, he was able to manipulate the spell. He didn’t know this particular form of Magical fire, so he couldn’t risk removing the spell entirely. So instead, he simply moved where it would burn a few meters to the left.

“A magical mirror?” Harry cocked an eyebrow at what stood in the center of the final chamber. “All of this security was for a mirror?” He walked up to it cautiously, he’d been raised on stories, folk tales, and the like about the follies of Wizards and Witches messing with Magic they didn’t understand.

What he saw in the mirror was somewhat confusing. He saw himself, older, wearing what looked to be a comfortable robe and happily reading books while comparing notes with what looked to be an older Hermione and several other silhouetted people. The image shifted as he watched and revealed him in a more regal robe this time. He was weaving intricate spells and spells of great power for a moment before the image shifted to show him encountering a large dragon.

“Okay,” Harry shook himself from the images. “I get it…a reflection of desire, right?” He looked up at the mirror and noticed the writing on top. It didn’t take long to figure out it was mirrored writing. “I show not your face but your heart’s desire. Interesting Magic, to say the least.” Harry admitted of the mirror. His Occlumency hadn’t been breached at all, so this mirror operated on a different method to figure out the desires a person had and show them.

Another side glance at the magical mirror and Harry decided that he’d seen enough. He left the final chamber and closed the door behind him. He moved the cursed black fire back to in front of the door. A few moments to figure out the purple fire and Harry had the wall of Magical fire parted around the door for the next minute. It would return to its previous state once he closed the door and the spell stopped going off. He walked past the still snoring Troll, covering his nose the whole way. He almost forgot to cast his Flight spell before stepping into the pitch-black chess room. After removing the Flagrate Charm he’d used previously, he reset the spell on the door after closing it. He flew along the wall until he found the door on the opposite side of the chamber. The door to the flying key room opened from his side without issue, locking immediately once it was closed. A scattering of the bluebell flames saw the Devil’s Snare retreating so he could fly up the shaft and back into the Cerberus’ room. The massive dog was still dozing, so Harry silenced the trapdoor and closed it. Removing the Charm, the young Spellcaster left the room and cast the Colloportus Charm to lock it again.

Time for bed.’ Harry thought as he stifled a yawn and made his way back towards Ravenclaw Tower. The corridor was definitely dangerous, but he didn’t much see the point of protecting a magical mirror of all things. ‘But that’s another mystery down.’ He silently chuckled as his curiosity about the corridor was sated.

Now he could focus on other things to figure out. Maybe he’d give his fellow students a show come spring time? They did seem to enjoy his practice on the grounds the last time he’d done so.

Could be a good time to play a little prank too.’ Harry mused with a grin as he walked up the stairs to the next floor. Since he was still invisible, silent, and odorless, he passed through the halls unnoticed by all, even the portraits adorning the walls.

-End Chapter-


Huh…Harry figured out something new after working out a better version of his prototype Mage Sight spell. Magic Manipulation is a handy thing to have! Oh, the things Harry could do with it once he figures it out more!

Harry is satisfied with the mystery of the third floor corridor. Perhaps he won’t be meeting a certain someone down there in June?

We’re rapidly approaching the end of First Year! Then comes summer and the Under 17 Dueling Circuit! Not to mention Harry’s Mastery Exams! Oh boy, he’s going to shake up the old Examiners, isn’t he?

What kind of show or prank will Harry give to his schoolmates come the spring time?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Fantastically fun to be sure, though a shame he didn’t set his sights on the philosopher stone, curious what he would make of that lol.


Great chapter, I am super excited to see where the Dueling Circuit goes not to mention the Mastery Exams. Keep up the good work!


Thank you, I'm happy that you enjoyed it! Yeah, where this fic is gonna shine is in how I change things up from the Canon routine. It all starts the summer after First Year!


Found you on fanfiction, anonymous review I left but I just want to copy and paste it here. All right, I love this. Overpowered I don't care. I love the experiments with the spells and it's not all action and a kid not acting like an adult. This is a kid who is a genius that loves playing with magic. Really in love with this story and have no criticisms at the moment. Would like to read more reactions from the students and teachers regarding Harry's prodigious nature but not a gripe or anything.


I saw your review there and welcome you here to the Patreon group! Enjoy all of the exclusive chapters! I'm happy that you're enjoying the story so much!