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This sickness just wants to drag out it seems. I'm feeling better than I was, but I'm still lethargic and I have random bouts of coughing out of nowhere. It's annoying.

The good news is that I was able to get out this last Tier Reward for the month. So, that makes me feela bit better. At least I didn't fail to get all of the Tier Rewards out.

Hey friends and fans! I got another Tier Reward asking for more Goblins! My Original Writing has fans and that makes me smile! Once this story is finished here, perhaps trying to publish wouldn’t be out of the question. Wouldn’t that be interesting?

Galluf departs after breakfast and the Koh Tribe continues their day-to-day activities. Will another Orc Tribe attack? Will someone new appear? Let’s find out!


-Day 162-

“It’s been a wonderful time, Chieftain.” Galluf gave a smile to Gobkoh. “I never thought I’d get a warm bath and two excellent meals in this region of the Silua Forest.”

“Glad you appreciated our hospitality.” Gobkoh lightly chuckled. It was just after breakfast and Galluf was heading out to continue on his way.

“I do hope that if Nature ever leads me this way again, that you’re Tribe will be just as welcoming once more.” Galluf grinned at all of the Goblins that were watching.

“We’ll see what the future holds.” Gobkoh made no promises, but wasn’t against the idea either. “Your staff.” He handed over the Medium to the Druid and Galluf nodded as he accepted it.

“It was nice to meet you all, I wish for your continued prosperity.” Galluf gave a short bow to the Koh Tribe before turning and stooping down slightly to exit the gate. They watched the Druid walk into the forest with his staff in hand and his large pack on his back. A moment later and the gate was closed as the Tribe began to go about their daily tasks.

-Day 163-

“It’s really coming down, huh?” Rialin looked out of the cave to the thick clouds in the sky as rain poured down over the forest.

“Yeah, but it’s been a while since we had rain, so it’s not a bad thing.” Gobkoh also watched the rain as it fell.

“I’m sure the watchers are happy we put roofs on the lookout towers now.” Gobwren chuckled as he looked at the tower next to the gate. The faint light of a small oil lamp could be seen from the area where the two Goblins were sitting. It wouldn’t be much, but the flame would provide a bit of warmth during the downpour.

“Chief! Come play cards with us!” Gobyog called out to Gobkoh.

“Yeah, we need a few more players!” Gobtay laughed as he, Gobyog, and Gobmyr sat around near the hearth with one of the decks of cards they’d traded for.

“Sure, why not?” Gobkoh shrugged as the three of them walked over and sat down.

“What game are we playing?” Rialin questioned as Gobyog shuffled the cards.

“The five card draw poker that Galluf showed us.” Gobyog declared as he began to deal cards out. Once everyone had their five cards, the game began.

Let’s see…’ Gobkoh looked over his hand. A pair of tens, a six of clubs, a two of diamonds, and a four of spades. ‘Well, at least I have something right away.’ He pulled out the three cards that didn’t match and laid them face down in the center. Gobyog dealt him three new cards and the Chieftain looked them over. ‘Not bad, another pair.’ He noted of the pair of eights, one clubs and the other a diamond. His third card was a jack of spades, but that didn’t help much.

“Everyone ready?” Gobyog looked around. Apparently, everyone else had gotten their cards while Gobkoh had been looking over his hand.

“I fold.” Gobtay shrugged as he set his hand face down.

“Pair of Queens.” Gobwren laid down his hand.

“Two pair, threes and sixes.” Gobyog grinned at his hand.

“Two pair, eights and tens.” Gobkoh chuckled as he set his hand down.

“Aw, crap.” Gobyog sighed at his loss.

“Three of a kind, Aces!” Rialin beamed as she set down her hand showing off the aces of hearts, spades, and diamonds. “I win.”

“That wasn’t even close.” Gobtay laughed at how much better Rialin’s hand was than the others.

“My turn to deal.” Rialin took all of the cards and shuffled them into the deck again. She dealt out the cards again and the next round began.

Well…that’s a whole lot of nothing.’ Gobkoh looked at his hand seeing no matches. ‘I do have the ace of spades though.’ The Shaman tossed four cards facedown in the middle to try and get a better hand. He received his four cards and looked them over. The ace of spades, nine of clubs, three of spades, six of diamonds, and four of spades made up his new hand. ‘Still nothing…’ He sighed before placing his hand face down. “I fold.”

“Pair of tens.” Rialin laid down her hand.

“Damn, pair of fives.” Gobtay showed his hand.

“Pair of kings!” Gobyog placed his cards down.

“Three of a kind, twos.” Gobwren showed off his winning hand. “My win this time.”

“I thought I had it this time.” Gobyog sighed at his loss.

“Better luck this round.” Gobwren took the deck and shuffled it together before starting to deal out the cards.

I got something this time.’ Gobkoh noted the ace of spades and the ace of clubs in his hand. He took the queen of diamonds, the seven of diamonds, and the king of clubs out of his hand and laid them face down in the middle. His three new cards were the five of diamonds, the four of hearts, and the six of diamonds. ‘Well, at least I still have the highest pair.

“Ready?” Gobwren questioned the players.

“I fold.” Rialin set her hand face down. “I got nothing.”

“I fold too.” Gobyog place his hand down.

“Pair of fives.” Gobtay placed down his hand.

“Pair of sixes.” Gobwren showed his hand.

“Really?” Gobtay deadpanned at losing by a single point.

“Pair of aces.” Gobkoh placed down the winning hand of the round.

“Well, just beat us easily, Chief.” Gobwren chuckled at the vast difference in their pairs.

“Everyone wins eventually.” Gobkoh shrugged as he gathered the cards and then shuffled them together again. He dealt out the hands to the others and himself before looking at what he’d gotten. ‘A pair of jacks, not bad.’ He noticed the jack of hearts and the jack of clubs. He discarded the seven of hearts, ten of spades and the five of hearts. He dealt out the requested cards to each player before taking three for himself. ‘Hey, a pair of twos.’ The Shaman noted of his hand.

“I fold.” Gobwren tossed his hand into the middle.

“Pair of nines.” Rialin revealed her hand.

“Pair of tens.” Gobyog showed his higher hand.

“Pair of kings!” Gobtay grinned as he put down the strongest hand so far.

“Two pair.” Gobkoh showed his pair of jacks and pair of twos.

“Dang it…” Gobtay rolled his eyes at losing again.

Gobkoh gathered the cards again and began to shuffle them. While he was doing that, his mind wondered to what other types of games and entertainment he could make for his tribesmen. ‘I bet a checkerboard wouldn’t be too hard. Checkers is easy enough to understand too. I could even make a lot of them so that we had enough for everyone to play.’ With that idea in mind Gobkoh dealt out the next round. ‘It might even be possible to carve chess pieces too.

With plans for more games to be made for the Tribe, Gobkoh and the others spent the rainy day inside. Music was being practiced too and the pleasant sound of flutes and drums was heard. The occasional bad note or loss of rhythm happened, but it was still pleasant overall. Galluf had really helped improve the Koh Tribe’s entertainment options with his short visit and trading.

-Day 164-

“Done and done.” Gobkoh grinned as he placed the tenth checkerboard on a stack of completed ones. It had taken some trial and error, but he’d managed to carve the pattern onto the boards. The coloring was done with berries that he’d pulped and let sit for a day. It wouldn’t be the best stain, but it should last for a while and it gave a good distinction between spaces on the checkerboard. He’d done the same to half of the checkers too to make two different colors. Once everyone was in for the night, he’d show them his new game and teach them how to play checkers.

“What’ve you made this time?” Rialin’s smile was cute as always as she looked over the wooden boards and pieces.

“A new game for us, I’ll explain it tonight after dinner.” Gobkoh grinned at his female.

“You made a lot.” Rialin noticed as she counted the number of boards.

“I wanted everyone to be able to play at the same time if necessary.” Gobkoh shrugged as he looked over his work. “I’ll probably still need to make more later, but between these boards and the cards, everyone should be able to pass the time this winter.”

“You’re always thinking ahead, Gobkoh.” Rialin giggled as she sat beside him and leaned against her male.

“A Chieftain should always be thinking about the Tribe’s future, right?” Gobkoh wrapped his arm around her waist.

“Yeah, and you’re doing amazing.” Rialin praised as she kissed his cheek.

“Thank you,” Gobkoh chuckled before kissing her lips. Rialin was only too happy to return the kiss and snuggle closer.

That night, Gobkoh showed his tribesmen the checkerboards and pieces. There was much interest in this new game as Gobkoh and Rialin played a match together. The rules were explained as they continued to play. How to jump pieces and remove them from the board. How to get to the other side of the board and make a piece a ‘king’ which enabled it to move both backwards and forwards. Even the way to win by removing all of the other player’s pieces from the board.

Needless to say, some of the Tribe stayed up later than usual that night as they got into the game. Some of the Goblins were quite good at checkers in short order. Games between the most intelligent of the Tribe could last a while as both players tried to force the other into no-win situations. With how successful checkers was, Gobkoh wondered how his tribesmen would take to chess once he was able to make passable pieces for the game.

-Day 165-

“Hey Chief, I got a Class now.” Gobwren approached Gobkoh after morning training.

“You did?” Gobkoh used ‘Analyze’ on Gobwren.

[Gobwren, Goblin, Level 51]

[Skills: Analyze Lv. 2, Martial Arts Lv. 3, Leatherwork Lv. 2, Weapon Crafting Lv. 3, Fire Making Lv. 4, Bow Lv. 5, Shield]

[Class – Archer]

[Class Skills: Multi-Arrow, Tracking Shot]

“I’m an Archer now, apparently.” Gobwren grinned at having a Class. “I’ll practice with the two Class Skills today and report back once I know what they can do and how they work.”

“You got a Class too, Gobwren?” Gobtay cocked his head to the side.

“Us too!” Gobyog nodded with a smile.

“Classes are appearing now, that’s good.” Gobkoh was quick to ‘Analyze’ both Gobyog and Gobtay.

[Gobyog, Goblin, Level 52]

[Skills: Analyze, Martial Arts Lv. 4, Weapon Crafting Lv. 2, Leatherwork, Fire Making Lv. 4, Spear Lv. 5, Shield Lv. 2]

[Class – Spearman]

[Class Skills: Consecutive Strike, Spear Throw]

[Gobtay, Goblin, Level 52]

[Skills: Analyze, Martial Arts Lv. 4, Weapon Crafting Lv. 2, Fire Making Lv. 5, Spear Lv. 5, Shield Lv. 2, Fishing]

[Class – Spearman]

[Class Skills: Consecutive Strike, Spear Throw]

“So, that’s an Archer and two Spearmen for our Tribe today.” Gobkoh looked between the three Goblins. “Congratulations you three.”

“Make that two Spearmen, an Archer, and an Axeman, Chief!” Gobmyr grinned proudly as he patted his chest.

“Axeman?” Gobkoh had to see this new Class for himself.

[Gobmyr, Goblin, Level 51]

[Skills: Analyze, Martial Arts Lv. 4, Leatherwork, Weapon Crafting Lv. 2, Fire Making Lv. 4, Axe Lv. 5, Shield Lv. 3]

[Class – Axeman]

[Class Skill: Cleave]

“When it rains it pours.” Gobkoh murmured to himself in pleasant surprise.

“I can’t wait to try out this Class Skill thing.” Gobmyr seemed very excited about his new Class.

“How about we go hunting then? It’s been a while for me.” Gobkoh offered since he’d been hanging back at the cave in case of any Orc attacks.

“Yeah, let’s hunt together again, Chief!” Gobyog was all for the idea.

“You’re going hunting? Can I come?” Rialin asked as she looked at her male with a smile.

“Of course, you’re always welcome, Rialin.” Gobkoh enjoyed hunting with his female and Rialin was the second strongest Goblin in the Koh Tribe after himself.

“We should get prepared then.” Rialin beamed happily. She was clearly eager to go out and hunt again. She’d been by Gobkoh’s side throughout the Orc Threat and hadn’t been out to hunt either.

[Rialin, Goblin, Level 56]

[Skills: Analyze Lv. 3, Fire Making Lv. 5, Leatherwork Lv. 3, Martial Arts Lv. 4, Swordsmanship Lv. 3, Bow Lv. 3, Spear Lv. 3, Shield Lv. 3, Cooking Lv. 2]

She’s well-rounded in all of her Skills. But none of them have reached a level to grant her a Class yet since she learns everything she can.’ Gobkoh noted of Rialin’s Skills. ‘Perhaps she’ll get some Rare Class if a bunch of her Skills hit Level 5 all at once? But if I had to guess, Rialin is probably the most likely to manifest Magic among the Tribe. Either way would be a great benefit for her and the Tribe as a whole.’ He mused while following her into the cave to get their gear.


Gobkoh, Rialin, Gobwren, Gobmyr, Gobtay, and Gobyog were out hunting together for the first time in a while. They were currently on the trail of a herd of Capra Horns. Having found the tracks in the dirt earlier, Gobkoh had decided that they’d hunt the goats. It had been a bit of time since the Tribe had last had goat meat. The Capra Horns were wary and could bolt quickly if they felt threatened. That made them more difficult prey to hunt than a Jackalope, Shellcoon, or even a Stripe Deer.

“I found more tracks.” Gobmyr pointed at a set of prints stamped into the dirt and leaves on the forest floor.

“I wonder how many there are?” Gobyog looked at the crisscrossing tracks.

“It has to be a good number, there’s plenty of tracks.” Gobtay remarked as he followed the trail left behind by the goats.

The hunting party trekked onwards through the forest in pursuit of their targets. The Goblins crossed the forest and over a wide stream as they followed the tracks. Even as they got farther and farther from their home, the group never saw or heard any Capra Horns. Gobkoh was starting to wonder how old the tracks would have to be for the goats to have moved on completely.

“Stop,” Gobkoh raised his hand into the air. The rest of the Goblins stopped where they were and looked towards their Chief. The Shaman listened closely, straining his ears to make out whatever he’d heard a moment ago. “Orcs…”

“Orcs?” Gobwren put a hand to his ear to try and hear what Gobkoh had heard.

“We’ve been following Capra Horn tracks though.” Gobyog blinked as he pointed his Antler Spear at the ground that was covered with prints.

“Maybe the Orcs found them first?” Rialin suggested as she also put her hand to her ear to try and hear better.

“Should we get a little closer?” Gobmyr asked since he still couldn’t hear the Orcs himself.

“We could at least get an idea of how many there are.” Gobtay agreed with Gobmyr’s idea.

“Follow me, but be very quiet.” Gobkoh motioned his friends to follow after him as they crept around the trees.

The Goblins slowly inched towards a small ledge. This area of the forest was interspersed with parts of the mountain that ran through this section of the forest. The terrain gave them some favorable advantage in this case as they were able to peek over the rocky ledge. What they saw made all of them grimace and clench their hands around their weapons. Below them was an Orc Tribe, at least forty strong from a quick count. Most of them were dressed in simple furs and pelts and carried only a simple wood and stone weapon. But Gobkoh and Rialin were quick to notice the group sitting away from the rest. All of them were wearing fairly well-crafted Shellcoon Shell Armor. Stone weapons were at the sides of all but one of the Orcs in this group.

[Murok, Battle Orc, Level 8]

[Skills: Club Lv. 6, Spear Lv.7, Shield Lv. 5, Fire Making Lv. 4, Martial Arts Lv. 5, Durability Up Lv. 4, Power Up Lv. 5]

[Race Specific Abilities – Accelerated Healing, Consumption]

[Class – Beast Warrior]

[Class Skills: Heavy Blow, Strong Defense]

“Battle Orc…” Gobkoh pointed him out to the rest of the group.

“That spearhead is metal.” Gobyog noticed quickly of the Battle Orc’s weapon.

“Another metal weapon?” Gobtay seemed surprised that another such weapon would be in the hands of the Orcs.

“We’re lucky that they’re eating and aren’t paying attention.” Gobwren muttered as the Goblins began to slowly back away from the ledge. It was true, the Orcs were eating what looked like a part of the Capra Horn herd they’d been following. The boar-like Demi-Humans were cooking parts of the goats over various fires and weren’t really paying any attention to their surroundings as they ate.

“We’re heading back immediately.” Gobkoh stated as he led the hunting group back towards their home. “We need to prepare for the Orcs’ arrival and potential attack.”

“How many more of these Tribes are there?” Gobmyr questioned as they picked up the pace through the forest.

“There was the one that destroyed the Tribe that Gobmak came from, but they settled down in that area they stole.” Rialin recalled as they moved.

“That leaves four, but we’ve killed both the Graf and Tarrus Tribes.” Gobwren spoke next.

“So only two left then.” Gobyog nodded as they began to cross the wide stream again.

“Two left, but no guarantee that the one we don’t know about will actually attack us.” Gobkoh reminded the group. “For all we know the fifth Tribe has already found their own land to settle somewhere else in the forest.”

“That’s true, at least it would be better for us if that was the case.” Gobtay sighed at another upcoming fight. The fledgling Orc Tribes were becoming a pain.

“What should we do about this Tribe though?” Rialin questioned her male. “Did the Battle Orc have any special Skills that my Analyze isn’t high enough level to see?”

“Not that I saw,” Gobkoh shook his head. “He was basically a slightly stronger Tarrus. I didn’t see any Magic at the very least.”

“Good news for us.” Gobwren agreed on that point. “The Battle Orcs are already strong and we only defeat them with your strategies, Chief. If one of them could use Magic too, that could be bad for us.”

“We’ll fortify our defenses behind the wall again and wait.” Gobkoh gave a basic overview of the plan they used last time they were attacked by Orcs. “The Orcs have clearly never dealt with a fortification like ours before. We’ll keep using that to our advantage along with all of the knowledge and Skills of our Tribe.”

By the time the hunting party returned, Gobkoh was already planning everything they’d need. He ordered the gate shut as soon as everyone was accounted for. He then called for Saelin and Neylin. Both would be immensely helpful for planning their defense and counter attacks.

“Yes, Chief?” Neylin had come running when he called out for her loudly.

“Prepare our stock of arrows, we spotted another Orc Tribe out in the forest.” Gobkoh instructed the second strongest female in the Koh Tribe. “I believe they’re heading our way and we need to be ready.”

“Right!” Neylin nodded before rushing off. She called a few of the other Goblins together and soon had a group with her.

“You wanted to see me, Chief?” Saelin had come out of the cave just as Gobkoh was heading for it.

“Have you made more of that Asterweed poison?” Gobkoh questioned the Herbalist.

“Yes, of course.” Saelin nodded to him. “Yualin has even helped me make a liquid poison that we can dip arrowheads into. It should mess with their blood flow once it sets in.”

“Prepare as much of it as possible, we have an Orc Tribe incoming and we’ll need the poisons ready to use against them.” Gobkoh informed her and impressed the sense of urgency upon her.

“Right away, Chief! I’ll have Yualin and Gobflen help get as much as possible ready.” Saelin promised as she rushed back into the cave.

“I really hope this is the last Orc Tribe we have to dal with.” Gobkoh sighed heavily as he watched the gate close after a different hunting party returned. “If they keep attacking and we are always waiting for another attack, then it’s going to make preparing for winter much harder.”

“We’ll defend our home like we always do, Gobkoh.” Rialin took his hand in hers with a determined look on her face.

“We will,” Gobkoh agreed and leaned his forehead against hers. “But that doesn’t mean I want to be constantly fighting Orcs. It’ll make life stressful and limit our ability to hunt if we constantly have to stay on the defensive.”

“That’s true.” Rialin admitted as she leaned into him. “Let’s hope this is the last one.”

“The only good part about these battles is that our tribesmen have been growing stronger from them.” Gobkoh hugged her gently. “If we defeat this Tribe next and spend the rest of our time before winter pushing our training. Then a good number of us should become Hobgoblins over the winter.”

“Then let’s beat them and make that a reality.” Rialin gave him a strong look.

“Damn right.” Gobkoh gave his female a fanged grin. Let the Orcs come, they’d be another victory for the Koh Tribe. More levels for the Goblins and more meat for their winter larder.


Well, that’s kinda annoying. Another Orc Tribe is coming towards the Koh Tribe! Our Goblins can’t seem to catch a break.

At least this time they have some prior warning.

If the battle goes well for the Koh Tribe, it’ll be more levels and more food for them.

Hopefully that fifth Orc Tribe has already found somewhere else to settle down. Our Goblins have already wiped out two fledgling Tribes and might be about to do a third! They’re getting sick of these Orcs!

Can’t they have friendly neighbors?!

On the plus side, Gobkoh made checkers! That’s a fun game for just killing time. He’ll work on chess pieces too, but those are harder to make.

At least winter won’t be absolutely boring!

Keep reading to find out!

Until I can update this again, later!



Loving this story dude, can’t wait to see how many Orc tribes have to go down before they actually learn their lesson

Mr. Khaos

So I just binged this story to play catchup lol. It's really interesting and a good story overall.


Glad you enjoyed it! It's always nice to hear that someone enjoys my original writing.


Another good chapter this continues to be a very satisfying read


First I hope you feel better Kai and 2 Those Orcs are a menace let’s hope Koh and the others can survive! Let’s hope they can find more friendly neighbors.