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Still not feeling the best, but I managed this after three days. I hope you all enjoy it!

Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! Well, with the war resolved and Baroque Works shattered, it’s time for the reward that Luffy was promised! Alabasta can also begin to rebuild from the last three years of turmoil.

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 37 – Reward and Rebuilding

In the jubilation of the three-year drought ending along with the Civil War, the Straw Hat Pirates were invited into the Palace. It wasn’t long afterwards that King Cobra reappeared. He was clearly confused at what was happening, his eyes showing a storm of thoughts, but all was tossed aside when he saw his daughter.

“Vivi!” Cobra pulled his daughter into a hug and Vivi nearly cried as she hugged her father back.

“I was so worried…” Vivi sniffled as she squeezed her father tight. “I thought they’d killed you.”

“That may have been their original intention, but someone else stepped in.” Cobra held her close. He was so relieved to see her safe and sound after three years.

As father and daughter reunited and Vivi told him what had been happening since his abduction, many other things were going on around the Palace. Pell was being treated in the Infirmary. The Royal Guardsman was currently stable, but none of the physicians could make any prediction as to when he might wake up. The soldiers that had already been checked and cleared for the Baroque Works mark were going through the rest of the soldiers one-by-one. Any that were found with the mark were immediately detained on threat of death.

Chaka had been given a note by the orangette woman of the pirate crew that had helped Vivi. The Royal Guard had blinked at the various locations written on the paper until he got to the bottom. Reading over the woman’s words, Chaka nearly gaped before he schooled his features. He ordered a small contingent of cleared soldiers to follow him as they made their way into the streets of Alubarna. They had enemies to collect and would need to head outside of the city to collect two of them.

That afternoon brought another pleasant surprise for Vivi and the Palace as well.

“I must say Pribess…ahem…Mi mi mi…Princess Vivi, I knew you would save Alabasta.” Igaram smiled at the young woman as he entered the courtyard.

“Igaram!” Vivi nearly launched herself into the tall man. She hugged him as best she could, given their difference in size. “I was so terrified when the explosion happened!” She looked up to the man with extremely rolled hair. “But, but Luffy said that you were alive…and I was so happy…I made it here…and, and…” She lost her battle against her tears and Igaram gently pat her head as she buried her face into his clothes and cried.

It was an emotional and busy afternoon and well into the night. The rain had yet to stop falling on Alabasta in that time. All over Sandy Island, the people were rejoicing at the return of the rain. Every vessel that could hold water was being filled to the brim. Once dried out streams began to flow again from the rainfall. It was truly a return of life to the desert kingdom. Through most of this, the Straw Hats stayed in a set of luxurious guest quarters and rested. Recovering from their fights and the mad dash to get to Alubarna from Rainbase.

-The Next Day-

“Chaka, what is this?” Cobra questioned the Royal Guardsman as he looked over the four covered bodies laid out on stone tables in an underground storage area within the Palace grounds.

“The bodies of the Baroque Works Officers, your Majesty.” Chaka informed the King. “There were multiple locations on the note the pirate woman gave to me. But we could not find a trace of one of the five officers mentioned.”

“Why have you brought them here?” Cobra’s next question was more pointed.

“To use the woman’s words, Nami I believe her name is, they’re reparations to Alabasta.” Chaka spoke as he looked over the covered bodies. “All of them have Bounties on their heads, the Marines will pay whoever turns them in. We’re losing thirty percent because they’re dead, but that’s still somewhere around Eighty-Nine Million Beri for Alabasta to start getting back on our feet.

“E-Eighty-Nine Million…” Cobra’s eyes widened at the amount. It wasn’t nearly what the Kingdom made in a year before the drought and Civil War. But it would certainly be enough to buy from traders and get their ports working again. Once they started buying and exporting goods again, word of the end of their war would spread to all of their old trading partners from across the Grand Line. It would mostly definitely hasten Alabasta’s recovery from the damage that Crocodile and Baroque Works had done.

“The Marines have already been asking the soldiers and palace guards for an audience with you, Sire.” Chaka informed his King. “Whenever you deign to speak with them, we should present these bodies for the Bounties.”

“Yes,” Cobra agreed as he thought about when it would be best to speak with the Marines. The Straw Hats were guests in the Palace and currently under the protection of the Nefertari Family. But eventually the Marines would seek the Pirates out to try and arrest them.  “I’ll find some time to speak with them after the banquet for our guests.”

“So, tomorrow afternoon at the earliest then?” Chaka chuckled and Cobra grinned in return.

-Guest Quarters-

“Your father is sick?” Chopper repeated what Vivi had just told him.

“Yes, he got sick years ago.” Vivi began to explain. “None of the doctors we have could identify the disease. He’s been slowly losing his strength ever since. I was hoping, as a doctor from a different island, perhaps you could try and diagnose his disease?” She requested with a small smile.

“I can try, there are many diseases that take years to run their course.” Chopper grabbed his backpack and hopped to the floor. “Lead the way.”

“Thank you, Chopper!” Vivi beamed at the Reindeer Doctor.

“It’s no problem, Vivi.” Chopper was doing his bashful, happy dance.

After telling the crew that were in the guest quarters where they were going, Vivi and Chopper headed towards her father’s study. It would be the most likely place they’d find him at this time, according to Vivi. The Princess nodded to Brahm and Arrow, the members of the elite Kicking Claw Force acting as her father’s direct guards until every soldier and guard in the palace had been checked for a Baroque Works tattoo. She knocked on the door and after a moment a call to enter was heard.

“Vivi, what brings you here?” Cobra smiled warmly at his daughter. He’d happily take a break from all of the paperwork that he needed to deal with to make sure that Alabasta began to rebuild from the last three years.

“Father, this is Tony Tony Chopper, the Doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates.” Vivi introduced the two to each other. “I asked him if he’d examine you to hopefully determine your sickness.”

“I was taught by Dr. Kureha of Drum Island, your Majesty.” Chopper gave a bow to the King. “She is a Master of Medicine and specializes in rare and obscure diseases. I will put all of the knowledge she taught me to use in trying to diagnose your condition.”

“I would appreciate the opinion of a Doctor of Drum Island.” Cobra smiled at the small Zoan Fruit user. “It has been many years since we’ve had access to outside medical help.”

Several minutes later and Cobra, Chopper, and Vivi were in the Infirmary. Arrow and Brahm had naturally followed along. Vivi visited the still unconscious Pell for a bit while Cobra and Chopper prepared. The physicians of the Infirmary watched on as Chopper went through the various processes of his examination. He asked for the King’s medical records to compare, a nod from Cobra saw the information being handed over to the Pirate Doctor.

“Hmm, a steady loss of body weight, both fat and muscle.” Chopper noted as he looked through the medical data. “Muscle tone has suffered, lethargy, occasional bouts of anemia, and over this many years…” He prepared to draw some blood and borrow the facilities of the Infirmary to examine it. If his hunch was right, the King’s wasting disease was most definitely not native to Alabasta.

Chopper spent the next hour going over the results of his bloodwork and consulting his own immense amount of memorized medical knowledge. He looked through almost a dozen Alabastan Medical texts and a few they had from other parts of the world too. With a dark look at one of the texts and his own findings and knowledge, Chopper prepared to diagnose the King. Vivi noticed Chopper’s uncharacteristic look and felt her blood run cold. Cobra easily picked up on the small Doctor’s mood and prepared himself for the worst.

“I have good news and bad news.” Chopper spoke after a deep sigh.

“I’d like the bad news first, Doctor.” Cobra didn’t need or want any sugarcoating of his condition.

“The bad news is this wasn’t just a random infection.” Chopper’s flat tone nearly made Vivi wince. “What you have, as near as I can tell, is known as The Forest Men’s Curse. It comes from the Island of Alta Silva near the Calm Belt in the South Blue. It got its name from the fact that an entire colonizing population died from it after trying to settle Alta Silva. This was after they drove the natives deep into the forests that cover the island. It took decades but every colonizer that set foot on that island wasted away and died without fail. It was regarded as a curse for over a century until Medical Science unraveled what was happening.”

“How did my father get it?” Vivi asked in horror that there may not be anything they could do to save her father.

“That’s the reason I said this wasn’t just a random infection.” Chopper clenched his hands on his shorts. “The Forest Men’s Curse is caused by a blood transfer from an infected insect native to Alta Silva. The bug bites you, drinks some of your blood, and passes along the infection. The only problem though, is that the insect in question can only live in temperate forests. They die in a matter of days if they’re removed from their habitat.”

“So, someone artificially infected me then?” Cobra proved his mind was still sharp as he came up with the most logical scenario.

“Baroque Works…” Vivi nearly hissed through her teeth as she clenched her fists. “Father often goes out among the citizens. It wouldn’t be impossible to be stuck by a small needle and not realize it.”

“Yes, a small syringe filled with infected blood taken from the insect and stored properly would last up to a month.” Chopper gave his medical opinion.

“How long do you think I have left, Doctor?” Cobra’s face was firm. He would do everything he could for Alabasta while he still had time.

“That’s the good news.” Chopper relaxed his shoulders and a smile came to his face. “The Forest Men’s Curse has a cure nowadays, even if it hasn’t had to be used in almost eighty years. I know the process and I have the necessary ingredients to make it.” Vivi’s body lost tension as she wrapped her arms around her father in a hug and cried tears of joy. Cobra wasn’t much better as he hugged his daughter with small tears escaping the corners of his eyes.

Chopper let them have their moment with a smile on his face. It was always a good feeling to be able to deliver good news to a patient and their family. He’d completely exhaust a couple of his ingredients to make the whole treatment for the King. That would be remedied as soon as they got to an island with proper pharmacy supplies for sale. Chopper explained that he would put the medicine into capsules that the King would have to take daily. One in the morning and one at night for fifteen days. After that, the infection would be cleared and he’d start seeing a return of his muscle tone and body weight while his lethargy disappeared.

-Guest Quarters ~ Girls’ Room-

“Luffy~” Nami moaned while bent over the edge of the large window. The rain had yet to let up and the Navigator watched as droplets ran down the glass. Luffy was filling her perfectly from behind as he and Mikita shared deep kisses.

“She sounds so sexy like that.” Mikita purred as she pulled away from Luffy’s lips. “Maybe you should see how well she can keep quiet?” The blonde’s hand came down on Nami’s rump with a smack and the organette jerked from the sting.

“Stop that, Mikita!” Nami pouted at her lover.

“You know you love it~” Mikita teased as she began to massage the cheek she’d smacked.

“Maybe…” Nami hummed as Luffy buried himself to the hilt and sent her into a minigasm. “Fuck~”

“Nami, can I go faster?” Luffy’s grip readjusting onto her hips told her he wasn’t in the mood to wait for an answer. Nami clasped her hands over her mouth as Luffy began to pick up the pace. Her large tits began to bounce and sway beneath her from the force of Luffy’s thrusts.

“Mmmph!” Nami’s muffled mix of a gasp and a shriek made it through her fingers while stars exploded in her vision. The slap of Luffy’s hips meeting her fat ass rang throughout the room.

“Give it to her, Luffy.” Mikita giggled as she nibbled on her lover’s ear. She was looking forward to her turn already.

“Nami…” Luffy rumbled in his chest. He’d never get tired of sex with Nami and Mikita. Even as Nami did her best to muffle her sounds of pleasure, her body responded to his movements readily. His orangette lover was always eager for this. Mikita pressing her naked body into him and capturing his lips again made Luffy increase his pace a little more. It had been a while since their last time together. Not since they’d landed on Alabasta in fact.

“Mmmhhh!” Nami slammed her ass back into his thrusting hips and a tremor shot through her whole body as she came. Luffy continued to pound into her spasming sex and Nami finally couldn’t contain herself anymore. “Luffy~ No…I’m still sensitive!” Nami mewled as she was already approaching another orgasm. Her legs were turning to jelly as she got lost in the pleasure.

“Almost…” Luffy’s one word answer was all the warning that Nami got as he began to give it to her even harder.

“Luffy-mmph!” Nami almost screamed her orgasm if Mikita hadn’t kissed her. Nami’s rapturous cry of euphoria was swallowed by the blonde woman. The two quickly deepening their kiss even as Nami cooed and shook in prolonged release as Luffy buried himself to the hilt and filled her with his seed.

“My turn, Luffy~” Mikita giggled after separating her lips from Nami’s. The Navigator was gently scooped up after Luffy pulled himself from her pussy. She leaned up and languidly kissed Luffy as he walked her over to the large bed and laid her down.

“Come here,” Luffy grinned as his arms wrapped around Mikita. The woman laughed as he picked her up easily.

“Mmm, it’s been too long, Luffy.” Mikita kissed him while wrapping her long legs around his waist. Luffy’s warm hands found her bouncy bottom and held her up with it. Mikita broke their kiss to grin sexily at her lover when his hands began to massage her ass. “Don’t keep me waiting~”

“Okay,” Luffy grinned as he lifted her up a bit and then slowly sank her down onto his cock.

“Yes…” Mikita hissed in pleasure as she was wonderfully stretched by Luffy’s large dick. “Fuck, yes, I missed this.” She caught his eyes watching her tits heave with her breath and grinned. With a laugh she pulled his head into her breasts and stifled a moan when his experienced lips and tongue went to work on her girls.

“Mikita,” Luffy’s muffled groan of her name as he lavished pleasure on her breasts made the Kilo Kilo no Mi user purr. When he lifted her almost all the way off his cock only to bring her down to meet his thrust upward, Mikita choked on her own breath. There were barely words from that point on for her. Luffy was bouncing her up and down with his grip on her fat ass and spots began to appear in Mikita’s vision. She crashed over the edge with a strangled cry of rapture, but Luffy wasn’t anywhere close to done yet.

“She’s not going to be able to walk to the banquet later.” Nami had a Cheshire grin on her lips as she watched her lovers’ fuck. Mikita was bouncing up and down so quickly as she clung to Luffy. Nami found her hands teasing her girls to the sight with a low moan of pleasure. The Navigator panted as she watched Luffy give Mikita everything the blonde wanted.

-Palace Dining Hall ~ Celebratory Banquet-

“Food, food, food…” Luffy had a fork and knife in hand with a beaming smile as servants brought in one dish after another and filled the large table.

“Still so energetic…” Mikita exhaled with a smile on her lips. If anyone had noticed a slight change to her steps, they hadn’t mentioned it.

“It’s Luffy,” Nami grinned from beside her. Both women shared a knowing giggle as more food was brought out.

Cobra sat at the head of the long table, as his position as King dictated. On his left was Chaka and on his right was Igaram. Luffy sat next to Igaram while Usopp sat across from him, next to Chaka. Nami was beside Luffy with Mikita next to her. Across from the ladies sat Sanji and Chopper and at the end of the table sat Zoro and Vivi. The Princess’ placement was part of the custom for Royal Guests to be ‘served’ by a member of the Nefertari Family. The King sat at the head of the table and the crown Prince or Princess sat at the end, that was Alabastan Tradition.

“A toast, to the brave friends that helped save our Kingdom and to the future prosperity of Alabasta!” Cobra stood and raised his glass into the air.

“Cheers!” The table chorused; everyone’s glasses raised together. With the toast done, the banquet could begin in full.

The guards and servants watched on in shock as they saw just how the Straw Hats had a celebratory meal.

Luffy tore into an entire leg of meat by himself. He held the leg as if it was no more than a chicken drumstick. In his opposite hand he had a large rice ball, made in the Alabastan way with local herbs and fillings. In mere moments the rice ball was gone and the meat was nearly picked clean from the bone. It was then that most of the non-Straw Hats got to see Luffy’s Devil Fruit for the first time. The Captain’s free hand detached from his wrist, connected only by a thin, sparking lightning bolt. The hand was quickly across the table and snatching food from Usopp’s plate before returning to stuff it into Luffy’s mouth.

“Luffy!” Usopp snapped at him, pointing his knife at the Lightning Man. “That’s my food, you jerk!”

A few quick sparks and Zoro, Sanji, and Chopper were all yelling at Luffy with sharp, pointed teeth.


“Damn it, Luffy!”

“My food!”

Nami and Mikita were happily enjoying all of the wonderful food without concern. The variety and uniqueness of some of the traditional Alabastan Cuisine was like nothing they’d ever had before. Both knew for a fact that their lover wouldn’t take a crumb from them unless they said they were done. Vivi was likewise left to enjoy her dinner. With a smile on her face, she indulged in her favorites from her homeland for the first time in years. Cobra, Igaram, and Chaka were also left out of the food theft, but only because Luffy didn’t want the banquet to end by causing an issue with the King.

“Not a shred of dignity…” One guard mentioned from the row of them against the wall.

“Meals in the Grand Dining Hall are supposed to be stately affairs.” Another agreed with his colleague as they watched the dinner start getting rowdy.

“Move it! You’re in the way!” A server barked and a few guards shuffled aside as a line of new dishes were brought in.

-In the Kitchen-

“The Captain really is something, but he won’t beat me!” Terracotta, the Palace Head Chef, declared with a laugh as she and her team of chefs cooked. She was Igaram’s wife and the two actually looked fairly similar. Terracotta was much softer in looks compared to her husband though. Her long, blonde locks were also rolled in the opposite direction of Igaram’s. “I’ve been a chef for thirty years! There’s no appetite I can’t satisfy! I’ll keep cooking until that young man is stuffed!”

“Yes, Head Chef!” Her staff chorused back with excitement. This was the first banquet they’d been able to celebrate in years!

-Dining Hall-

“Just you wait, Luffy…” Usopp sneakily pulled out a small bottle and doused a large rice ball he’d just put on his plate. “How about some of my special hot sauce?” Just as the Gunman predicted, Luffy’s hand snatched the food and shoved it into his mouth.

“Grk!” Luffy’s face went red before flames erupted from his mouth.

“Hahahaha!” Usopp pounded the table with his fist as he laughed. “Serves you right!”

“That was a dirty trick, Usopp!” Luffy pointed at the long-nose.

“What’s this dish called?” Sanji asked a server as he sampled a noodle dish.

“Ah, that’s Konafa, oven-baked noodles.” The server smiled at the Pirate Cook.

“There’s plenty of food.” Vivi assured her friends with a bubbly laugh as she watched them eat while trying to fend off Luffy.

“Yummy~” Nami enjoyed the lightly braised lamb in front of her.

“Mhmm~” Mikita agreed as she savored the taste of her own lamb meat.

“Can we get more drinks?!” Zoro held up his empty glass. The eyes of several people goggled at the three empty bottles on the table in front of the swordsman.

“Water over here, please!” Sanji called out as Chopper almost choked from trying to eat faster than Luffy could nick food from his plate.

“What a noisy bunch.” A guard shook his head.

“How vulgar.” A different guard agreed.

“They’re animals.” A third guard just stared at the pirates.

“How can the Princess laugh about this so easily?” Many of the guards wondered aloud as Vivi was laughing happily along with her friends.

Once all of the food had been finished, the majority going to Luffy’s seemingly bottomless stomach, then the festivities picked up even more. Usopp grabbed a stack of used plates before balancing them on his nose. Chopper hopped onto the table with chopsticks stuck in his nostrils and holding his mouth open. Luffy, ever one for a good time, was dancing on the table and letting off sparks of electricity into the air like fireworks. Even the guards that had been deriding the lack of manners and etiquette were pulled into the happy atmosphere. Cobra, Igaram, and Chaka were laughing harder than they had in years at the display. It had been a very long time since the Royal Palace was filled with dancing and laughter like this.

-Royal Baths ~ After Dinner-

“Huge!” Luffy and Usopp exclaimed as the men entered the baths.

The entire place was filled with steam. A massive tub filled with hot water sat in the middle of the grand room. Statues of lions spilled water from their mouths into the baths and there was even a waterfall! Pillars held up the lofty roof above them all and gave the steam a way to slowly escape the baths.

“These are the Great Baths, the pride of the Palace. We normally only use them during the rainy season.” Cobra explained while Luffy and Usopp rushed to the large tub only to slip and fall in face first. Both emerged sputtering a second later as it was revealed that the baths weren’t very deep.

“This place is amazing.” Sanji complimented as the other men sat down to wash themselves.

“Dinner was very…lively.” Cobra commented as he sat on the edge of the large tub. “I had intended to mark the occasion with a formal dinner, but…it seems you all turn everything into a party.” He chuckled at the group of pirates.

“So…” Sanji nudged Igaram with a gleam in his eyes. “Where are the women’s baths? Huh? Huh?” The cook had a wide, perverted grin on his face.

“Are you mad?!” Igaram yelled at the swirly-browed man. “As if I’d tell you that! Princess Vivi is in there now!”

“They’re beyond that wall.” Cobra pointed at the large, high wall on the other side of the tub.

“King Cobra!” Igaram felt a vein pulse on his forehead. “How could you?!”

“He’s a chill old man, huh.” Usopp snickered as he followed after Sanji towards the wall.

On the other side of the dividing wall was a very similar bathing area. Instead of the lion statues however, the women’s baths were decorated with eastern dragons that spewed fresh, hot water into the baths. Amidst the steam, Vivi, Nami, and Mikita enjoyed themselves and relaxed.

“This is so nice~” Mikita hummed as she sank into the bath. She made sure to keep her arms on the edge as she felt some of her strength fade from being so submerged in water.

“I wish there was a ship with a huge bath like this.” Nami sighed as Vivi washed her back.

“I’m sure there is.” Vivi giggled as she ran the lathered washcloth over Nami’s back. “The world is a big place, you know.” She thought back to all that she’d seen in her time with the Straw Hats. “There were giants and dinosaurs and cherry blossoms that bloomed in a land of snow. I’m sure there are lots of other unimagined wonders just waiting to be discovered.” She paused when she noticed Nami staring at her in amusement. “What?”

“Let’s switch places.” Nami grinned and took the washcloth from Vivi.

“Oh, thank you.” Vivi smiled back and made to turn around to pull off her towel. It was then they noticed the eyes of some peepers on top of the wall. “Hey! What’re you guys doing?!” The bluenette made sure to keep her towel on as she glared at them.

“Peeping…” Nami sighed before rolling her eyes. “It’ll be 100,000 Beri each…” She took hold of her towel and had a smirk on her lips as she stood up.

“Luffy,” Mikita called from the bath and the lovers shared a look.

“Okay,” Luffy grinned and the other men were suddenly shocked by a spark from his Devil Fruit.




“Damn it!”

“Happiness Punch!” Nami had a naughty grin on her lips as she dropped her towel in front of Luffy only.

“Nami!” Vivi squealed as she looked between Luffy and the orangette.

“Lover’s Discount, Luffy…no charge for you.” Nami winked at him as Luffy laughed and slipped back onto the men’s side. “Now, let me get your back, Vivi.” She grinned as she moved the Princess and then sat behind her.

“Relax, Vivi…” Mikita smiled at the other woman. “It’s fine.” Vivi sighed as she let her towel fall around her waist and Nami began washing her back.

“You’ve developed feelings for him, haven’t you?” Nami spoke as she washed Vivi’s back softly.

“What?!” Vivi jerked slightly and whipped her head around to look at Nami.

“I’d say that’s a yes. Kyahahaha!” Mikita laughed as she moved over to rest her chin on her arms on the edge of the bath. She didn’t want to miss Vivi’s face going all red. The Princess was too cute and easy to fluster sometimes.

“Calm down, Vivi, we’re not mad.” Nami spoke softly as she ran her hands over the other woman’s skin. “If you feel that way, we can give you the night if you’d like.”

“N-Nami…” Vivi hid her blushing face behind her hands.

“Maybe put that Dancer’s outfit to good use?” Mikita teased with a grin.

“Mikita!” Vivi shot a look at the blonde woman. Her face was practically steaming.

“Just think about it, Vivi, that’s all.” Nami leaned against the bluenette’s back with a teasing lilt in her voice. “We’d love to have you with us~”

“Nami…” Vivi didn’t think her face could get any hotter before she passed out.

-Men’s Side-

“Thank you,” Cobra spoke after the ones that had been shocked by Luffy recovered. “For my country.” He looked Luffy in the eyes before bowing low on the stone floor.

“Hey, is a King supposed to bow like that?” Zoro questioned from his spot in the tub.

“King Cobra, you’re setting a bad example.” Igaram urged the King to stop bowing. “A King must never lower his head to anyone.”

“Igaram…” Cobra didn’t move from his bowed position. “A man’s Titles come off with his clothes. Here in the bath, we’re all the same. A King is not a king when disrobed.” He tilted his head to once more make eye contact with Luffy. “I’d like to say…not as a King…but as a father and citizen of this land…from the bottom of my heart…thank you.” He smiled at Luffy for all the young man had done for Alabasta.

“Shishishishi!” Luffy accepted the thanks with a wide smile. They still had some time to spend here in Alabasta as guests of Vivi and the King, so Luffy was glad the man was so welcoming.

-End Chapter-


Vivi finally gets to reunite with her father! Yay, happy family!

Nami has passed on the Bounties of the Baroque Works Officers to Chaka and thereby the Kingdom. 89,040,000 Beri in total! That should certainly help jumpstart the recovery by getting some trade going again!

A certain someone managed to slip away too! Will they reappear?

Chopper diagnosed Cobra’s disease and makes him a cure! The King will get better and rule healthily for a long while! Yay!

Luffy, Nami, and Mikita are finally able to get some Alone Time together. Their first since they landed on Alabasta, in fact! If they didn’t have somewhere to be later, I’m sure you can imagine how long they’d be in the bedroom for!

The banquet was a fun and lively affair, but how could it be anything else with the Straw hats involved? Luffy will always find a way to pilfer food from the plates of others!

Then baths! Are Nami and Mikita going to corrupt our adorable Vivi? Will she take Mikita’s suggestion and use her Dancer’s outfit?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another excellent and very entertaining chapter


What a wonderful chapter, Kai! Now that all the fighting is finally over, it's time for an aftermath chapter where everyone gets to relax! Nami was quite generous in giving all that money to the King to help restore Alabasta! Makes sense she'd do so for a friend (and maybe more)! I had forgotten that Cobra was afflicted with an illness of some kind. Fortunately, he had the expertise of one the best doctors ever to help him identify and cure it! Kinda weird they didn't do this in the anime... I noticed a distinct lack of a certain archeologist... is she already on Merry? She did say she may be needing Luffy if he managed to beat Crocodile. I'm assuming the marines will finally give Chopper a proper bounty after this. And of course, the other Straw Hats will be getting an increase in their respective bounties. Has Akuma already left yet? I recall he had plans for the Suna Suna no Mi... I wonder if any of those plans have anything to do with a certain blue-haired Princess? Luffy, Nami, and Mikita finally found a moment to have some alone time! :Lenny: Now the question is, how long before Vivi finally cracks and joins in? I believe this sums up everything that passed through my head as I read this chapter. Can't wait for the next one!


Yeah, Nami loves her money, but since the Straw Hats can't cash it in, being Pirates and all, it makes more sense for Alabasta to have it. Yeah, they went out of their way to show Chopper practicing his Medicine Making and yet no one thought to have a Drum Island Doctor look at the King. Very weird. Let's just say you'll see what Robin has been doing in the down time a bit later on. New Bounties will be coming soon, yes. Has he left? Or is he still wandering around, unnoticeable by all? What entertaining schemes could the Sea Devil be coming up with? Yep, Alone Time that was very much overdue! That is the question, isn't it? Can Nami and Mikita corrupt the Princess? Glad you liked it, Sparky!


Hey Kai, glad to see your a little better. This chapter was a good wrap. I just getting excited for the chapter when Robin finally joins. I can't wait for the next one.


Soon enough, soon enough. You know Robin is too much goodness to pass up.


i like it a lot keep making more chapter, i like that you make Robin join Luffy's crew. Kairomaru have you read the one piece ch 1038, so how strong is luffy's haki can he use alle the adv armement, observeison and conqueror's haki. When you come to water 7 arc i like you to have Franky join Straw hat's they need a shipriter


Luffy is advanced in Haki use, but by no means a true master. Things like Future Sight, Ryuo, and Advanced Conquerors are beyond him right now.


luffy is advanced in haki then he can use advanced Armament techniques like Emission and Internal Destruction are advanced techniques, ryuo is wanos name for haki, Observation Haki Advanced Techniques is Future Vision, than he can only use Basic Techniques of armament and observation, if he can't use adv then his basic haki techniques is advanced


Great chapter nice bit of heat in the middle there glad yo see your still writing and hope your healing well from the virus