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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another Chapter of The Sun Hero! Choosing Internships for the first time! Which students will go where? More offers have been made and the students have looked more closely at their lists of offers. Will they all get to intern under the Heroes they want?

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Without further ado, enjoy!


Chapter 17 – Beginning of Internships

“Absolutely not.” Aizawa stated with a flat tone, his eyes boring into Iida’s. “Do you think we’re unaware of the situation with your brother, Iida?”

“S-sir, I…no…I wasn’t…” Iida couldn’t form a proper sentence at his Internship Form be instantly rejected.

“Your internship will not be anywhere near Hosu, Iida.” Aizawa’s statement was delivered with finality. “Either you pick a different internship, or one will be chosen for you.” He handed the teen back his Internship Form and watched him leave the Teacher’s Lounge with his head hung low.

“I honestly can’t believe he tried that.” Midnight sighed as she looked at the closed door. “Does he really think Tensei wants to be avenged like that?”

“Regardless of what he thinks, we’re not about to let one of our students go after a serial killer for revenge.” Aizawa shook his head at the mere thought.


“Have any of you decided which Hero Agency you’re gonna intern with?” Mina questioned the group at large with a curious look. “I’m having some trouble deciding.”

“I’m going with Edgeshot.” Toga smiled at her pink friend. “How can I turn down a chance to work with the Number Five Pro Hero, right?”

“I’m choosing Edgeshot as well,” Momo smiled brightly, once again making everyone call her cute internally. “I never suspected I’d get an offer from such a high-ranking Pro Hero, it’ll be an honor and a privilege to learn from him.”

“We’ll be together for the whole week, Yaomomo!” Toga grinned widely at her friend. “Maybe we’ll learn all sorts of Ninja Tricks!” Both girls were smiling happily at each other over their upcoming internship.

“I’m going with Gunhead.” Ochako spoke up with a nod. “I got an offer from him and I realized I could really use more work on my hand-to-hand combat. Toga-chan was so much better during our match. Plus more options will make me more useful in the field.”

“Heck yeah, Chako!” Toga beamed at the perma-blushing brunette. “I’ll spar with you after our internships and we’ll see how much you’ve improved!”

“You’re on!” Ochako had a flare of her determined and competitive aura flare up around her for an instant before she was all smiles again.

“I was surprised to find the offer, but I’m going with Hawks.” Tokoyami informed and almost everyone at the table whipped around to look at the bird-headed teen.

“Hawks?!” Several of them exclaimed all at once.

“Yes, I was surprised, as I said.” Tokoyami blinked at the large reaction. “I’m sure I’ll learn a lot from a Hero that has climbed the Rankings so quickly.”

“He’s also really hot!” Toru giggled and Mina was quick to join her.

“I’m heading for Fourth Kind’s Agency!” Kirishima was next with a grin. “He’s a tough Hero that really focuses on keeping crime down and doing public works. It’s gonna be a blast!”

“Where are you looking at Tsu?” Ochako questioned her verdette friend curiously.

“I’ve narrowed it down to about three places, but Selkie is my top choice at the moment.” Tsuyu replied after a sip of her drink. “He’s a big water rescue Hero and works closely with the Coast Guard and stuff. I’m sure I’ll learn a lot while I’m there.”

“Thank sounds perfect for you, Tsu-chan!” Toga high-fived the frog-like girl getting a cute ‘kero’ from Tsuyu.

“Who’re you planning to intern with, Midoriya?” Toru asked the winner of the Sports Festival with an excited voice.

“Oh…I got an offer from Endeavor, so I’m going to be interning at his Agency.” Izuku informed and most of the table went quiet in surprise. “I’m sure a Hero like him will have plenty to teach about all aspects of Hero work, from the field, to the office work and everything in-between. Our Quirks are both fire-based too, so I’m hoping that I might be able to learn a bit more about using my Pyrokinesis while I’m there.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Kaminari looked thoughtful. “The similarities between your Quirks and the fact that you practically dominated the Sports Festival would definitely get you noticed by the Number Two Hero.”

“I think you might be better than him with your Pyrokinesis already.” Toga stated with a grin as she leaned against her boyfriend.

“Thank you, Himiko-chan.” Izuku smiled warmly at her. The two were too wrapped up in each other to hear the coos and giggles coming from Toru and Mina.

-After School-

“Hey, Izukun, can you come over to my house today?” Toga asked as they headed for the train station together.

“Yeah, I’ll just text my parents that I’ll be home late.” Izuku pulled out his phone to send off the text.

“Great,” Toga smiled happily as she gently swung their clasped hands back and forth a bit. “I have a surprise for you.”

“A surprise?” Izuku cocked an eyebrow at her.

“Mhmm~” Toga hummed with a teasing grin.

“I guess I’ll wait until we get there then, I get the feeling that you wouldn’t tell me even if I asked.” Izuku chuckled as he gently squeezed her hand.

“Nope!” Toga popped the ‘p’ with a giggle.

The couple made it to the station and only had to wait a few minutes for their train to arrive. The train ride to Toga’s stop wasn’t too long and the teens just enjoyed their time together. After disembarking at the proper station, they walked down the streets until coming to Toga’s house.

“One sec,” Toga input the gate code and the latch clicked. “Come on in, Izukun.” She opened the gate for him and closed it afterwards. The two walked up the short path to the front door and Toga unlocked it. She welcomed her boyfriend inside as they both removed their shoes.

“It’s quiet.” Izuku noticed the lack of sound.

“Because no one else is home~” Toga pressed herself into his back with a purr in her voice. “My parents are working late tonight, so we have the whole house to ourselves.”

“Himiko-chan…” Izuku turned to face her only to meet her lips for a kiss.

“Now I can give you the present I wanted to for winning the Sports Festival, Izukun~” Toga gave him a sexy smile as she pressed her body flush against his chest.

“You’re sure about this, Himiko-chan?” Izuku looked into her yellow-eyes seriously, making sure that she truly wanted to take this step together.

“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life, Izukun.” Toga’s sincere reply and the love in her gaze said more than even her words could hope to convey.

“I love you, Himiko.” Izuku leaned into her lips.

-Train Station near U.A.-

“You’ve got your costumes, right?” Aizawa asked his class as they stood in the station. “Wearing them in public is strictly prohibited, but don’t drop them.”

“Yeah!” Mina raised her case over her head with a bright smile.

“It’s ‘Yes, sir.’ Ashido, don’t forget that.” Aizawa stared flatly at the pinkette.

“Yes, sir.” Mina pouted at the dampening of her enthusiasm.

“All of you be on your best behavior!” Aizawa briefly activated his Quirk and all twenty students straightened up. “Now go.” He motioned towards the platforms and watched as the teens split up.

Iida had been an issue for the last couple of days. The Engine Quirk user had constantly chosen Hero Agencies close to Hosu over and over again. Eventually, Midnight had called the recovering Tensei in the hospital to talk some sense into his younger brother. The very next day, Iida had turned in a form for a Hero Agency in Kanagawa, far from Hosu. Aizawa had glanced at the Agency Name and knew immediately what Tensei wanted his younger brother to learn.

Gang Orca will make Iida understand that real Heroes don’t go looking for revenge.’ Aizawa thought as more and more of his students got on various trains to head for their internships.

-Train Platform-

“I’ll see you in a week, Izukun.” Toga smiled brightly at her boyfriend.

“We’ll have a date when we’re done with the internships, Himiko-chan.” Izuku promised and Toga’s eyes lit up. The two shared a soft kiss before they separated.

“Let’s go, Yaomomo!” Toga cheered, practically walking on air. “We have Ninja Tricks to learn!”

“I’m still not sure if that’s really what he’ll be teaching us.” Momo looked uncertain, but she still smiled as she and Toga walked to their train together.

“Love that girl.” Izuku mumbled to himself before heading for his own train.

“Midoriya,” Todoroki greeted his classmate when the two saw each other in the same train car.

“Todoroki?” Izuku blinked at seeing the dual-toned teen heading the same way as him. “I didn’t know you were heading the same direction as me. Who did you choose to intern with?”

“My father, the same as you.” Todoroki informed him with a subdued air. “I got some advice from All Might, and now I think I need to make some changes in my life. It’s time to start being the Hero that I want to be.”

“Then I’m looking forward to working with you this week, Todoroki.” Izuku smiled at his classmate.

“Looking forward to working with you as well, Midoriya.” Todoroki replied, the barest hint of a smile on his face.

-Endeavor Hero Agency-

“Hurry up!” Endeavor barked at his Sidekicks as they rushed to get the Agency settled for the arrival of the interns. “We’re hosting interns for the first time in a while; this place needs to be spotless!” He was even cleaning and organizing things to make the best first impression on his son and the Midoriya boy.

“It’s kinda odd that the Boss wants everything even more ship-shape than usual, huh?” One Sidekick whispered to another.

“Yeah, it kinda is.” The other agreed with a nod.

“I think it’s because one of our interns is his youngest son, he wants to make a perfect impression.” Burnin’ snickered behind her hand.

“Oh…” The first Sidekick seemed to understand quickly.

“Who knew Endeavor was so interested in his kid’s approval?” The second Sidekick chuckled.

“Right?” Burnin’ laughed at the situation.

“If you have time to chat, then you have time to clean.” Endeavor’s deep voice spoke up from behind the three Sidekicks, making them all start to sweat.

“Yes sir!” All three snapped off a salute before rushing off to get more done.

“Tsk,” Endeavor scoffed at his talkative Sidekicks before heading for his office. He’d do whatever it took to get his son to understand that the path of a Hero was a hard one. It wasn’t something that you could half-ass and expect to succeed. “I may not have been the best father…but I’ll be damned if I lose you, Shoto.”

-End Chapter-


Oh my~ It got rather Steamy in this chapter!

The internships have begun and things have already changed!

Iida gets shot down for trying to pursue revenge! Midnight calls Tensei who has to talk some sense into his little brother. Now Iida is going to intern under Gang Orca, the current Number Ten Hero!

Will the intense instruction of Gang Orca straighten Iida out?

Toga and Momo are going to learn Ninja Tricks from Edgeshot! Maybe…

What will happen during the Internships?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Hey man love this story hopefully you come back to it one day


Only after Collector Hero is done. And only if the Canon Series stops trying to kill any motivation to write for the Series with all of the bullcrap that has happened over the last year or so.

Kirito Beater

I understand the burnout that you have already mentioned but I do hope you come back to this story eventually because Escadoria is awesome and I love that he's paired with Toga


Glad you liked it, Tristan! Was it steamy enough? I wanted Izuku to give Toga a little roughness while still being Izuku. He can't do hardcore rough, but he can spank her booty and pull her hair a little.

Cody McFaddin

I hope there's a small fight between Midoriya and Endeavour, like a show of control or skill. (Mainlu want to see Endeavour lose to another fire quirk) Hopefully Gang Orca beats some sense into Tenya


Great chapter the lemon was wonderfully written as usual and super hot I also look forward to seeing what endeavor will have to teach izuku as fun as having world beater character off the bat having the hero learn and grow gives the story depth. But it’s you so I’m sure it will be a great read which ever way you go


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I appreciate the vote of confidence too!


Actually, I was thinking, what if this Isuku got OFA, will he be able to go full kryptonian? Getting powers from Sun + power stokpiling is a VERY fun combo.


I dislike the whole OFA and AFO concept nowadays, don't expect it to be relevant in any of my MHA fics in the future.


While smut is cool and all, I feel that you should age them up a bit. Make UA a college or something. It just feels icky reading smut about 14-15 year olds. Besides that I liked the chapter.


That's not the setting though? And despite what anyone might think, teenagers do have sex.

Ant Franklin

My favorite thing about this chapter is that you gave the heroes common sense to check where the students were going for their internships, because if anyone had bothered to check in the original series and actually gave a damn about the students after knowing what happened to the original Ingenium they would not have allowed either to go anywhere near Hosu they may have sent him all the way to the other side to Nagasaki just to make sure he was nowhere in the vicinity of where the hero killer was supposed to be. Thank you for being one of very few writers who give the heroes in my hero academia basic common sense as teachers… Also you’re one of my favorite writers either here or on fanfiction com I’m subscribed to both.


Thank you! Glad you're enjoying the story! Yeah, I always thought it weird that Iida could even choose a Hero Agency anywhere near Hosu after what happened to his brother. Glad you like the change too!


This chapter was awesome I love this story keep up the good work!! Quick question the axe you gave izuku does it have similar abilities as divine axe Rita?


Nope, it's not so much special itself. It can take in Izuku's heat and fire to increase its swing speed and damage, but that's it.


I just found this story like 4 days ago and its honestly amazing! It tics so many of my boxes, an Izuku with confidence, an izutoga ship, a relationship that doesn't get pointlessly dramatic over unrealistic misunderstandings or love triangles, katsuki getting his shit rocked a few Chapters back. There is just so much here to love !! I do hope to see more chapters in the future


Mostly having too many fics following the same plotline was kinda burning me out. Not to mention this Izuku is actually a bit too OP for the setting. I'll certainly try to finish it in the future, but it may not be very long overall compared to Collector. MHA as a Series has lost some of its luster for me with how Horikoshi is seemingly in a hurry to end the Series nowadays. Not to mention several of the less-than-ideal choices he's made over the last year or so.


Damn, this is still so awesome. Honestly? My only complaint would be that I finished to soon. I can't wait to read more, so please, please update.

Austin Marlow

Why have you stopped this story i love it please continue it!!!


Because of MHA Burnout. Having two fics following the exact same plotline for the most part was burning out my Muse quickly.