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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! Back again for another round of battle! This time we’ll be dealing with the Officer Agents vs the Straw Hats! Will the Agents be able to deal with the stronger Straw Hats? Will Alubarna fall? What of the King and Miss All-Sunday?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 34 – Baroque Works vs Straw Hats

“Are we sure the princess is even coming?” Mr. 2 questioned as he sat in the shade near the west gate of Alubarna.

“Stop your whining and wait.” Mr. 1’s terse reply made the okama scowl.

“This is the most likely path for the princess and her companions to take if they want to get into the capital.” Miss Doublefinger blew out a bit of smoke from her mouth. “If they come, we’re supposed to take them out. It should be easy enough.”

“We’ve been waiting for most of the morning already!” Mr. 2 snapped, already tired of being out in the desert.

A small cloud of dust in the distance caught Mr. 1’s attention. The assassin uncrossed his arms and stood up as the dust cloud got larger as whatever was causing it got closer. Miss Doublefinger and Mr. 2 noticed their fellow Agent’s actions and also stood up.

“Looks like someone’s coming, we might just be finishing up our assignment in short order.” Miss Doublefinger grinned at the approaching cloud.

“Which one’s the princess?!” Mr. 2 exclaimed as the approaching group became clear. The Super Sonic Duck Squadron was rushing towards Alubarna at speed. All of the riders of the ducks were wearing long cloaks to hide their identities though.

“Doesn’t matter, take them all down.” Mr. 1 ordered as his arms and legs gained a bladed edge to them from his Devil Fruit.

“Split up!” One of the riders in the incoming group shouted. The seven ducks split off from each other and went in different directions.

“Shit!” Mr. 2 cursed as he tried to kick at the duck passing the closest to him.

“One of them doesn’t even have a rider!” Miss Doublefinger noticed, seeing what they’d initially thought was a cloaked rider was just a long cloak covering a pack of supplies.

“Hunt them down! Find the princess!” Mr. 1 ordered as he chased after the duck that Baroque Works knew to be Carue, the princess’ personal Super Spot-Billed Duck.

“Damn them, leave the ones heading for the southwest gate! Miss All-Sunday said she’d reassigned the Mr. 4 pair to guard it!” Miss Doublefinger called out as she chased after a pair of ducks that were heading for the steps of the west gate.

“Like I’d trust Fatty and the Old Bat to stop them!” Mr. 2 denied as he chased after the four ducks heading in the direction of the southwest gate.

“It looks like the plan worked well, princess.” Pell noted as he was in his falcon form and flying into the capital with Vivi in his back. The Royal Guard had insisted that Vivi be taken off the frontline and directly to the palace. Her presence there would not only boost morale for the soldiers, but would also allow her to use her influence to try and speak with the Rebel Leader, Koza.

“I’m sure they’ll be able to defeat the Officer Agents,” Vivi had complete faith in her friends, even if she also worried for them greatly. “I’m going to stop this war!”

“Yes, princess!” Pell declared as he flew towards the palace, unnoticed by the fighting going on far below.

-Alubarna ~ Southwest Gate-

“Here they come, here they come!” Miss Merry Christmas exclaimed as she saw four Super Spot-Billed Ducks rushing their way.

“…Ducks?” Mr. 4 looked confused after his slow reaction to the approaching group.

“Who cares what they are, idiot!” Miss Merry Christmas yelled at her partner. “We just have to stop them!”

“Split!” One of the riders called out and two of the large ducks went left while the other two went right.

“Hey, hey, hey, you can’t just run past us!” Miss Merry Christmas hollered as she transformed into her hybrid form, revealing her Devil Fruit to be a Mole Zoan. “Mr. 4! Stop them already!”

“…Okay.” Mr. 4 slung the large bazooka off his back and aimed it at the ducks going right. Instead of normal ammunition, what was blasted towards the two large ducks and their riders were baseballs. At least they appeared to be, until with a click the balls exploded like bombs!

“I knew you two wouldn’t be able to stop them!” Mr. 2 called out as he chased after the two ducks that were headed left. “Deal with those two while I clean up this mess!”

“What did you just say, you swan freak?!” Miss Merry Christmas screamed back at the okama.

“You heard me, Old Bat!” Mr. 2 yelled back as he chased the two ducks towards the crowded stairs of the south gate. He’d easily overtake the duo on the long flight of steps!

“That damned okama!” Miss Merry Christmas ground her teeth in frustration. “Mr. 4, let’s hurry up and kill these two! One of them might be the princess!”

“Bzzzt! Wrong!” Usopp declared as he and Chopper tossed off their cloaks and dismounted the ducks.

“You’re dealing with us!” Chopper declared as he bulked up into his Heavy Point.

“Who the hell are you two?!” Miss Merry Christmas demanded of the interlopers. “You must be some of those pirates that the princess was traveling with!”

-Alubarna ~ North Block Main Street-

“Tsk, you’re not the princess.” Mr. 1 scoffed as the three riders dismounted their ducks and revealed themselves.

“Sorry, you chose wrong.” Zoro shrugged as he drew his swords.

“Three on two, seems like this fights in our favor.” Nami grinned at the two Baroque Works Agents.

“These two are the strongest, don’t take them too lightly.” Mikita warned as she tossed off her cloak. “Mr. 1 has a bounty of Seventy-Five Million on his head and Miss Doublefinger has a bounty of Thirty-Five Million.”

“I see…Miss Valentine really did turn traitor.” Miss Doublefinger smirked at the blonde woman.

“It doesn’t matter; we’ll kill them all regardless.” Mr. 1 declared as his fingers turned into vicious blades.

“Devil Fruit, huh?” Zoro cocked an eyebrow at the man. “Looks like I found my target. I’ll be able to see just how far I’ve come when I beat you.”

“I guess that leaves us to deal with you.” Nami fluidly assembled her new staff, the three blue metal pipes connecting easily before she spun the staff. “Shouldn’t be too difficult.” She held her staff at the ready.

“Die.” Mr. 1 spoke coldly as he launched himself at Zoro. Even when the green-haired swordsman blocked with all three blades, he was still sent skidding backwards almost a dozen meters.

“Well, while your friend gets killed by Mr. 1, I guess I’ll be disposing of you two.” Miss Doublefinger shook her head. She walked towards both of the other women with an incredibly exaggerated sway in her hips.

-Alubarna ~ South Block-

“Finally stopped running, eh?” Mr. 2 did his best to get his breathing back under control. He’s chased the two ducks past the south gate and all the way to the south east gate. Now that they’d actually led him so far from the other Agents they seemed ready to fight.

“So…you’re Mr. 2, right?” Sanji asked as he tossed off his cloak, revealing that he was alone as the duck next to him was carrying the decoy pack. “I’ve got a bone to pick with you.”

“Oh? Deux you?” Mr. 2 grinned at his word play. “What exactly is your grudge against me?”

“You impersonated the king and that made Vivi cry…that’s unforgivable.” Sanji glared at the okama. In a blink he’d crossed the distance between them and lashed out with a powerful kick. “So I’m gonna kick your ass!”

“Oh?” Mr. 2 blocked Sanji’s kick with one of his own. A small gust of wind was generated from the force of the two kicks meeting. “I will be the one winning this fight!” With great strength the swan-themed man launched Sanji backwards as he spun his body to generate more force into their stalemated kicks.

-Sandora River-

“Hmm…now how do I get across and through the desert on the other side?” Luffy pondered as he looked across the expansive river. The big crab had gotten him here fast enough, but it didn’t seem to like water. That made it a ‘Weird Crab’ in his book, but he put it out of his mind quickly.

“Grrrwwwaah.” A large crocodile emerged from the river. The beast had a banana-shaped growth on the tip of its snout and a much larger one on the end of its tail. It looked to have a large seat with a windshield and shade cover strapped to its back. Water poured off the crocodile as it climbed up onto the sandy shore. The reptile looked at Luffy and he looked back at it. The stare down lasted a few moments before Luffy picked up on something with his Observation.

“Were you waiting for me here?” Luffy blinked at the crocodile.

“Grrr.” The crocodile let out a rumbling noise. It shook itself and Luffy saw a tube attached to the headrest of the seat. Knowing that the crocodile was trying to tell him something, Luffy pulled the tube off the seat and opened it.

“What’s this?” Luffy unrolled the paper inside to find a note.


Straw Hat Luffy,

If you’ve found this, then congratulations are in order for surviving against Crocodile.

This is an F-Wani and it is one of the fastest animals in Alabasta. You may use it to get to Alubarna if you still wish to help Princess Vivi with this civil war. By the time you arrive, I’m sure my own business will be done in the capital.

Perhaps we’ll see each other again.

Miss All-Sunday


“Thanks Sunday Lady!” Luffy smiled widely at the note. He grabbed Crocodile’s body and jumped into the seat on the back of the F-Wani’s back. “To the capital!”

“Grraahh.” The crocodile let out a hissing rumble before turning around and sliding back into the water. The water came up to just below the edge of the seating space keeping Luffy completely dry. The beast was quickly swimming across the Sandora River in seconds.

“I’m coming guys!” Luffy declared as he made sure that Crocodile’s body was secured behind the lone seat.

-Alubarna ~ Palace Square Clock Tower-

“You think this will be needed, Mr. 7?” A woman questioned her partner. She had purple hair, with a long, thin widow's peak. Over her hair she wore a frog styled hat, with appendages jutting out and white balls on the end. She wore a purple shirt with pink dots that showed off her belly with a yellow button up shirt underneath, and a blue tie. She had frog styled sleeves at the end of her shoulders, and white gloves. She had on a purple skirt with pink dots on it, and a frog styled decoration with white balls on the end. She also had frog themed boots on her feet that went up to the middle of her shins.

“If the Boss gives the order to fire the cannon, then we’ll fire it, Miss Father’s Day.” Mr. 7 replied without a care. The Agent’s body was covered with sevens, including his eyebrows, shoes, and the gun he carried. He had puffy blueish-white hair that was styled similar to a helmet. He also has square yellow sunglasses with red lenses resting in his hair. He wore a purple coat that went down to his ankles, with yellow frills on the shoulders, along the hem of the sleeves, and the edges of the middle part. The coat also had parallel sevens on each side of the chest. Under the coat he wore a dark blue shirt with pink lines on it, and a light blue neckerchief. Covering the man’s legs were black trousers with long white socks, and on his feet were yellow shoes in the shape of sevens.

“I’d kinda like to see how big a boom it would make!” Miss Father’s Day grinned as she looked at the massive cannon.

“Patience…we have to wait a bit longer.” Mr. 7 waved off as they kept their positions inside the clock tower. The duo would occasionally peek out to watch the fighting down below to relieve their boredom.

-Alubarna ~ Ruins Outside the Southwest Gate-

“What the hell is that thing?!” Usopp demanded as the bazooka that Mr. 4 had been using transformed into a dog with a runny nose.

“Never seen this before, huh?” Miss Merry Christmas laughed. “It’s a big, new discovery! Inanimate objects that can eat Devil Fruits! Mr. 4’s bazooka ate the Inu Inu no Mi – Model: Dachshund!”

“That doesn’t make any sense!” Usopp pointed at the mole woman. “How can an object ‘eat’ anything? Even if it can, how does it transform and move around? Devil Fruits don’t have a will of their own.”

“Why should I bother explaining anything to a dead man?” Miss Merry Christmas questioned as she dove into the sand and began tunneling. In mere moments holes began to form all around the duo of pirates.

“…Hup!” Mr. 4 jumped into one of the holes and disappeared.

“Keep your eyes peeled, Chopper!” Usopp and Chopper went back-to-back to try and keep track of their opponents.

“Achoo!” The dog-bazooka sneezed, launching one of the baseball bombs at the duo.

“Move!” Chopper and Usopp dived into the sand in opposite directions to avoid the explosive.

“Four!” Mr. 4 declared as he popped up out of one of the holes and hit the baseball bomb with a large, black-colored bat. The bomb went hurtling back towards the Straw Hats and detonated almost on top of them in a large blast.

“Gah!” Chopper cried out from the explosion.

“Ow!” Usopp rolled along the sand from the force of the blast. “What the hell? How can he just hit those things like that?”

“What do you mean?” Chopper asked as he stood back up.

“A blast that big would take a certain amount of gunpowder, enough to make one of those baseball bombs weigh close to a cannonball.” Usopp informed as they went back-to-back again. “That big guy just smacked it back with his bat like it was a regular old baseball. I don’t know what that thing is made out of, but it must weigh a ton.”

“Four tons, actually!” Miss Merry Christmas popped out of a hole a distance away. “You’ll both be dead in short order! Mr. 4 is a cleanup hitter!”

“Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!” The dog-bazooka sneezed and three more bomb-baseballs were launched.

“No way!” Usopp was quick on the draw and put a bullet through two of the bombs before they even got close. The twin blasts shook the air for a moment as the third baseball was hit back towards the pair of pirates by Mr. 4.

“I’ve got it!” Chopper’s Heavy point skidded backwards a few meters in the sand as he caught the bomb. “Heavy…” He grunted before he heard the ticking. “They’re time bombs!” He tossed the baseball away but it detonated not too far from him, sending the Zoan Doctor sprawling.

“Chopper!” Usopp tried to get to his nakama but felt something grab his feet. “What the…?!”

“You’re coming with me!” Miss Merry Christmas declared from just beneath the sand. She used her Zoan strength to drag Usopp along and towards Mr. 4. “Batter up, Mr. 4!”

“Four!” Mr. 4 placed his four ton bat over his shoulder, ready to swing as soon as Usopp was in range.

“Like I’d let you!” Usopp still had his revolvers in hand and unloaded into the sand beneath him.

“Ow!” Miss Merry Christmas let go of Usopp’s feet and the gunman went rolling forward as the mole woman tunneled deeper into the sand.

“Usopp! Get away from the holes!” Chopper called out as he forced the dog-bazooka’s head into one of the holes. Even from the current distance between them, Usopp could hear the weapon launching the baseball bombs into the tunnel as it sneezed uncontrollably.

“Oh damn!” Usopp high-tailed it as fast as he could out of the area.

“Four?” Mr. 4 blinked at the combo attack being interrupted. This had never happened before and the slow reaction didn’t do him any favors.


The entire tunnel system below the sands exploded upwards, sending tons of sand and grit into the air. A cloud of dust covered the battlefield as Usopp made it to Chopper’s location.

“That was some quick thinking, Chopper!” Usopp praised the Doctor with a grin.

“I used one of my Rumble Balls and Brain Point to figure out the weakness of their combination.” Chopper stated as he held the squirming dog-bazooka with his Heavy Point, making sure to keep its mouth closed. “All the tunnels are connected, that’s the weakness of their strategy.”

“Are they done?” Usopp questioned, reaching out with his Observation to try and find Miss Merry Christmas or Mr. 4’s ‘Voices’ among the dust and ruins.

“You little punks!” Miss Merry Christmas revealed herself without having to be searched for. “I’ll kill you for that!” She was singed and disheveled, but clearly still in the fight.

“…Ow.” Mr. 4’s delayed response was only made more surprising by the lack of overall injury on the rotund man.

“What the hell are they made of?” Usopp gaped at the Officer Agents.

“We need to keep this dog-bazooka…thing, from firing any more of those baseball bombs.” Chopper forced the bazooka that ate a Devil Fruit to stay still, even as it struggled against him.

“I’m glad it’s not a real dog.” Usopp’s voice was flat and before anyone could blink a shot rang out.

The bazooka-dog fell out of Chopper’s arms as the Reindeer Doctor blinked at what Usopp had just done. The weapon lost its dog features and returned to just being a bazooka. The only difference was the new hole through the barrel of the weapon.

“…Lassoo?” Mr. 4 looked at his damaged bazooka confused.

“If it’s a Zoan, that makes it part animal, and animals can die.” Usopp muttered as he holstered his pistols and swung his repeating rifle off his back. “Let’s finish this, Chopper.”

“R-Right!” Chopper nodded, as his form changed and his legs lengthened. “Jumping Point!”

“What the hell kind of Zoan are you?!” Miss Merry Christmas demanded of the Doctor. She didn’t get an answer as a rifle round entered her chest and exited through her back.

“Go Chopper!” Usopp declared and Chopper leap from his position and high into the air.

“Arm Point!” Chopper’s form shifted again and his arms gained a huge mass of muscle. He dove out of the air towards Mr. 4, looking to strike the man down.

“Four!” Mr. 4 looked angry, his face red and his eyes wide as he cocked back his bat and prepared to use Chopper like a baseball.

“Where are you looking?!” Usopp demanded as he started unloading shot after shot from his rifle into the large man. Round after round hit Mr. 4, but the blonde man didn’t seem to register them. “What the hell? I’ve put seven rounds into him and he’s not even fazed!”

“Cloven Cross!” Chopper roared out as his strike met Mr. 4’s bat. A shockwave was generated from the impact. The two struggled against each other for several seconds. Chopper grit his teeth as his incredibly basic Armament Haki helped him match up against Mr. 4’s insane strength.

“Take this!” Usopp aimed the rest of the rounds in his rifle at Mr. 4’s legs. The man was large up top, but his legs were almost comically short by comparison. The bullets tore through the shorter limbs and Chopper broke the deadlock and landed back on the sand as Mr. 4 fell to his knees.

“Cloven Roseo Metel!” Chopper’s massive arms blurred forward and slammed into Mr. 4’s chest over and over again. All of the strikes left an imprint of his cloven hooves in the large man’s body. The Doctor focused most of his strikes onto the chest and felt as ribs cracked beneath his hooves. The Reindeer Doctor kept striking, knowing that with enough force he’d collapse the ribcage, puncture the lungs, and even stop the heart via Commotio Cordis. When Mr. 4 suddenly hacked up a large amount of blood, Chopper ended his attack and leapt backwards from the man.

“…uuuhhh.” Mr. 4 wheezed for a second before collapsing backwards into the sand and going still.

“You did, Chopper.” Usopp gave him a smile as Chopper returned to his Heavy Point form.

“She’s still alive?” Chopper noticed Miss Merry Christmas trying to dig into the sand.

“Are you serious?” Usopp grimaced as he rushed over to the slowly digging Zoan. “Just stop.” He pulled his revolver and aimed at the back of the dying woman’s head. With a bang Miss Merry Christmas went still as the round pierced straight through her head and into the sand. Her body reverted back into its human form as her Devil Fruit power left her corpse.

-Alubarna ~ Palace Plaza-

Atop one of the highest buildings in the area, the lone man in dark-blue clothing watched on as the fighting continued. His attention was briefly taken away from the humans fighting each other as a fight he’d been ‘watching’ in a different location ended.

“What’re you doing?” He seemingly spoke to no one. But to his eyes, two shapes were floating in front of him. “Just because I’m nearby doesn’t mean you should interrupt your cycle. You were entertaining for a long time with your last users. Now go, reincarnate again and wait for new users to come along and entertain me.” The two floating shapes flew off at speed disappearing over the horizon in seconds.

An explosion in the plaza, from some form of grenade it seemed, caught the man’s attention. He laughed as he saw the injured and screaming men that the blast had caused. Truly, sapient beings were the best of entertainment! What other creatures had such brutality against each other over their differences? The wars they waged and the horrors they could unleash upon each other were like the finest theater to him.

“Depending on the outcome, I may have a new pawn to give you too.” He looked to his right and saw another shape floating beside him. “Your last user was such an expert in deception and producing mistrust and anger among the innocent. But, the new pawn may just go on to provide even more entertainment!” He chuckled darkly, his eyes a baleful yellow on black sclera as he turned his focus onto the battles raging in the city. Perhaps a few more of his incarnations would be free to await new users by the time this civil war was done.

-Alubarna ~ Royal Palace-

“Princess Vivi!” Chaka was beside himself with joy at seeing her for the first time in years.

“Chaka!” Vivi gave the tall man a quick hug. “What’s the situation? Have you found my father yet?”

“We have not, my princess, I’m sorry.” Chaka answered with a disappointed shake of his head. “We don’t even know how he disappeared from the palace. We had the full guard stationed at every entrance and atop every wall and tower.”

“If no one saw anything then the most likely case is that a Devil Fruit was involved somehow.” Pell looked contrite for not being able to protect the King, even when he wasn’t in the capital when it happened.

“We need to stop the fighting.” Vivi stated seriously, stepping into her role as princess while her father was absent. “If I can speak to Koza and tell him the truth, then we can stop this senseless war!”

“That’s far too reckless, Princess!” Chaka raised his hands in a ‘stop’ gesture. “We have no idea where Koza even is among all of the rebels. The city is a warzone right now!”

“There’s also the fact that we may have some of these Baroque Works members planted among both forces.” Pell worried as he’d kept a sharp eye on every soldier since he and Vivi had landed in the palace. He couldn’t be sure if any of them were Baroque Works members that had infiltrated long ago, before Crocodile had made his more harmful moves against the kingdom.

“We need some way to get everyone’s attention then.” Vivi spoke with authority. “We need to stop the fighting long enough for people to be able to hear the truth.” She wanted this to stop, she needed it to stop. She couldn’t bear to see her people killing each other for Crocodile’s schemes.

“What would you have us do, Princess Vivi?” Chaka looked to the acting monarch for orders.

“Blow up the palace.” Vivi stated without hesitation. “A blast of that size on the target of their anger will make the rebels stop at least long enough for me to call Koza out so that we can speak. I know he’ll at least hear me out then.”

“My Princess!” Chaka balked at her plan. “The palace has stood since the beginning of the kingdom! To destroy it is unthinkable!”

“The palace is only a building!” Vivi responded with force, a small amount of Conqueror’s Haki in her words. “The people are the country and the kingdom! If I am to choose between this palace and the people then I’ll choose the people every time!”

“Princess Vivi…” Chaka and Pell both felt the same bearing from the young woman as they did from King Cobra. Both Royal Guards dropped to one knee before her in respect and obedience. “It shall be done!”

“We will worry about weeding out Baroque Works members once the fighting has stopped. Most of them will have the organization’s emblem tattooed somewhere on their bodies, we’ll find them all after this civil war is ended.” Vivi informed the Royal Guards as she moved to the balcony to look out over the inner city which had yet to become a warzone thanks to the Royal Army holding the line. “Tell the Kicking Claw Force to come to me. They will protect me while you two command the soldiers.”

“At once, Princess!” Pell replied as he and Chaka stood up.

Pell left to collect the Kicking Claw Force from the frontline. Chaka was quickly rounding up soldiers and ordering them to gather all of the explosives that they had. At the fastest speed they could do so, the soonest that the palace could be blown up would be just over an hour from now.

“Father…I hope you can forgive me.” Vivi whispered as she looked up at the two massive statues of the Guardian Deities of Alabasta, the Falcon and the Jackal. “But I know you’d make the same choice to save the people.”

-End Chapter-


Damn! Usopp and Chopper didn’t pull any punches! Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas fall! Lassoo was also taken out. The Inu Inu no Mi – Model: Dachshund is back in circulation along with the Mogu Mogu no Mi!

Our old friend is enjoying himself quite a lot as the rebels and the royal army fight against each other. What are his plans for the end of this battle?

Miss All-Sunday has also left her F-Wani to help Luffy get to Alubarna! How much was she anticipating?

How will Zoro vs Mr. 1 go? Sanji vs Mr. 2? Nami and Mikita vs Miss Doublefinger?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

This was a wonderful chapter. Nice to see the Sea Devil make a re-appearance. Luufy be going fast thanks to that gator, 4 and Miss MC got rekt, a lot of good things that went on. Though, I do hope that Miss Doublefinger lives through this imo.


Alright, great chapter! I can't believe I forgot about Pell, and it seems Baroque Works didn't know about him or else they would have suspected Vivi sneaking into the city from above! Now we get to the actual fights! The match-ups have been decided, the battles begun! I see the Straw Hats still have their canon opponents, only with Mikita helping Nami in her fight. I think that was a good choice, since she is still the weakest member of the crew. Of course, the fights will still be easier for the Straw Hats thanks to Haki! Mr. 1 and Mr. 2 will definitely be surprised by how much damage Zoro and Sanji, respectively, will be able to dish out! Usopp and Chopper already showed that the pair would be less trouble for them! Ngl, I was very surprised Usopp went and killed Lasso just like that, but I always forget it was originally a gun. It was a good fight fought, and great that the two came out of it with minor injuries! Forgot about Mr. 7 and Miss Friday. The two of them are waiting for an order that won't be coming! So Akuma is still around watching the war. And we learn that DFs whose owners recently died go to him. Is that automatic or something that happened now because he was nearby? Also, nowadays when I imagine him, I imagine his demeanor to be somewhat similar to Zagred, the Word Soul devil from Black Clover. That was a nice thing Robin did for Luffy! If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was expecting he'd win! Anyways, looking forward to the next chapter!


Glad you liked the chapter, Sparky! As to your question: No, only when he's manifested nearby. That's why he 'asked' them what they were doing. Just because he's nearby doesn't mean they should deviate from their reincarnation cycle. Unless he's holding them for a specific reason. Like the third one he has staying beside him. I wonder...who's could that have been?

John Balman

The expanded devil fruit story lore ...had me intrigued, looking forward to how it unfolds


Glad you liked it! We'll see a bit more of our old friend as the rest of Alabasta unfolds. Look forward to it!


Luffy: "I see you shiver with antici.... pation."


Any prediction on when the next chapter might come out?


Cool beans