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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! We’re randomizing up the matches for the quarter finals! Who will face whom? Will Izuku have to fight one of his female friends? Will they solidify their actual relationship after the Festival?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 20 – Quarter Finals

“After our short break, it’s time to begin the quarter finals!” Present Mic announced, getting a resounding cheer from the crowd. “Let’s get started with the first match!” Mic called out to the stadium as the screens lit up with two names. “For match number one, we have our Manly Dude, Kirishima Eijiro!”

“Let’s do this!” Kirishima grinned brightly as he headed for the ring under the flashing of cameras and the cheers of the audience.

“Facing him is the By the Book Hero, Iida Tenya!” Present Mic introduced as Iida walked towards the ring. The navy-haired boy picked up on a few comments of naïve from the crowd. He thought they were rather uncalled for.

“Are both competitors ready?” Midnight questioned both teens, looking between the two boys.

“Oh yeah!” Kirishima grinned as he activated his Hardening Quirk and took a stance.

“Yes, ma’am!” Iida dropped into a runner’s position and his engines flared to life.

“Begin!” Midnight cracked her whip and both teens launched themselves at each other.

“Here comes the clash!” Present Mic roared in approval, along with the crowd.

“Not quite!” Iida’s course veered off and Kirishima’s hardened fist passed through empty air. “You’re strength is your resilience, Kirishima! Mine is my speed!” He spoke up as he dashed around the redhead.

“Hey!” Kirishima swung again, only to miss. “Hold still!” His follow up kick didn’t do any better. “When did you get this good at maneuvering?!” He was practically chasing a blur!

“Practice, Kirishima, just like your Unbreakable form!” Iida grabbed the scruff of Kirishima’s gym uniform and bolted towards the edge of the ring, dragging his classmate behind him.

“Iida’s ability to shift gears has greatly improved!” Izuku wrote into his notebook as he watched the match. Many of his classmates were surprised that he could continue to write without looking at the page. “His mobility has reached new levels!”

“No you don’t!” Kirishima activated his Unbreakable form. The sharp edges and ridges of his body let him shred his shirt and then dig his fingers into the ring to stop his momentum. “It’s not going to be that easy, Iida!”

“Hmm, it appears not.” Iida noted from the edge of the ring, his engines flaring again. “Allow me to show you my own move.” He moved into a standing, starting position. The engines on his legs roared as blue flames erupted and then focused down into jet-like afterburner flames. “Recipro Burst!” He nearly vanished to the eyes of the audience.

“Gahk!” Kirishima hacked as he went airborne and flew out of the ring. He saw the stalled out Iida clutching his right leg in the ring. He slammed into the grass and made a small trench before he came to a stop. “Ow…”

“Kirishima is out of bounds!” Midnight pointed to the Hardening Quirk user outside the ring. “Iida is the winner!” She quickly walked over to the younger brother of her friend Tensei. “Are you alright, Iida?”

“I think I might have broken something when I kicked Kirishima, ma’am.” Iida replied as his right leg pulsed with sharp pain.

“Kirishima, are you able to stand?” Cementoss asked as he rushed over to the boy on the ground.

“Yeah, I’m good.” Kirishima sat up and let go of his transformation. “Just had the wind knocked out of me for a second, is Iida alright? I saw him grabbing his leg.”

“Your worry for your opponent is commendable.” Cementoss praised the student with a smile. “I’d say he came out the worse of the two of you, even though he won.”

Iida was taken to Recovery Girl via the stretcher robots. Kirishima was walking beside him to congratulate his friend on winning. The show of sportsmanship was not lost on those watching and more eyes turned towards both boys. Midnight couldn’t help but grin at the show of youthfulness. Tenya was certainly going to make Tensei proud with that drive and the progress he was making with his Quirk.

“Kirishima miscalculated a bit.” Momo mentioned as Class 1-A clapped for both of their classmates. “He has durability on his side, but his weight is consistent. Iida had more than enough force to move him, durable or not.”

“True, but Iida’s speed and the sudden impact with Kirishima’s Unbreakable form injured him quite a bit.” Izuku replied as he analyzed the match. “In the field that could’ve been a rather pyrrhic victory, but they both did great.”

“Nerrrrrdsssss!” Camie teased from Izuku’s side with a giggle.

“Be nice, Camie.” Ochako admonished her friend. “I think it’s cute.”

“It is.” Tsuyu nodded with a smile at Izuku and Momo.

“Thank you.” Momo blushed cutely and Izuku gave them a smile.

“Cute~” Mina and Toru both cooed at the group before bursting into giggles.

“I wonder if this is what it’s like to be friends with a Harem Protagonist?” Kaminari mumbled to himself and Sero cracked up from beside him.

“Boys,” Jiro rolled her eyes at the two of them, but it was good-natured teasing.

“I should head down there.” Izuku handed his notebook to Momo with a warm smile. “Can you hold onto this for me?”

“Of course.” Momo smiled back, her cheeks a light pink as she took the notebook into her hands.

“Thank you, Momo.” Izuku hugged her gently before moving to hug Ochako, Camie and Tsuyu. He was out of the Class 1-A seating area quickly after that, his own cheeks a bright red.

“Cinnamon roll…” Toru sing-songed and Mina was once more reduced to giggles.

“Shush…” Ochako had a bright smile on her lips at the hug.

“Kero.” Tsuyu looked quite happy herself with a smile of her own.

“Just a little more~” Camie teased and all three other girls blushed furiously. They knew what Camie was referencing as the most outgoing of their little group when it came to physical affection.

Physical affection in front of others was a big step forward for Izuku, Ochako, and Momo especially. Tsuyu was blunt about her liking Izuku, but held back a little to avoid making her fellow verdette uncomfortable. Camie was the one to push things further in their odd relationship. The girl was flirty and teasing. Always happy to show her affection and get Izuku comfortable with their attention. Their Girl Talk had been revolving around how they’d go about this as a group. Izuku’s reaction to Camie calling him her boyfriend was cute, but it was mostly to gauge his reaction to the idea. The fact that Izuku hadn’t objected at all boded well for them.

But such thoughts were for after the Sports Festival.

“In our second Quarter Final match, we have the Size Altering, Kodai Yui!” Present Mic introduced the girl from Class 1-B that had pulled an instant upset win over Todoroki. Once again she walked calmly across the field to the ring.

“Take down the head of Class 1-A and show the superiority of Class 1-B, Yui!” Monoma yelled loudly, only to get a chop to the head by a large hand.

“Will you please knock it off?! People are going to get the wrong idea about our class!” Kendo sighed irritably at the Copy Quirk user.

The rest of Class 1-B was cheering for the ravenette to do her best while Kendo dealt with Monoma.

“Mmh.” Yui gave a small nod to her cheering classmates. She turned her attention to her approaching opponent.

“Her opponent for this match is the Multi-Quirked powerhouse and Class Rep of Hero Course Class 1-A, it’s Midoriya Izuku!” Present Mic declared as Izuku stepped into the ring and took his place across from the girl.

“Let’s have a good match, Kodai.” Izuku nodded to her with a smile.

“Yes.” Yui replied with a muted expression.

“Alright, are both competitors ready?” Midnight questioned the two teens in the ring.

“Yes.” Yui nodded, her eyes not leaving Izuku.

“I’m ready.” Izuku agreed as he took a ready stance.

“Then you may begin!” Midnight started their match with another sharp crack of her whip.

Once again, in only an instant the ring was gone from beneath Izuku’s feet and was only a small platform around Yui. The girl had left it at a slightly larger size this time, roughly two meters by two meters. Many people were still shocked by the speed at which the girl could use her Quirk. But many more were shocked that Izuku was simply standing in the air on a nearly transparent platform.

“Mhm.” Yui’s reaction was barely heard even by Izuku. She stooped down and brushed her hand across the surface of the ring before standing back up to her full height.

“You kinda limited your mobility, Kodai.” Izuku stepped onto another platform and then another. The almost glass-like objects were forming under his feet as he stepped. Some in the audience were quick to pick up on the fact that the early platforms were disappearing not too long after Izuku stepped off of them. “Range isn’t a problem for my Quirk, how about yours?” He held up his left hand and a ball of pressurized air was launched at the girl.

Yui didn’t react with words. She merely tossed something small in front of her. What expanded into massive size was a pebble that the air bullet couldn’t do anything against. Yui had effectively turned the pebble into a large boulder to shield against his ranged attacks.

“Clever!” Present Mic commented over the speakers. “Midoriya has a counter for Kodai’s instant win condition! But the cool girl has a counter to his ranged attacks! Both are making good use of their Quirks!”

Yui tossed three pebbles over her new boulder. The tiny fragments of cement were almost invisible to the naked eye until they suddenly became boulders of their own! Three large rocks were falling in Izuku’s direction fast.

“Tricky,” Izuku noted as he ran across the platforms as fast as his Quirk could make them to avoid the attack. The boulders slamming into the ground kicked up a good about of dust. “The ring gives her plenty of ammunition and she can also use it for defense. How do I get around that?”

He didn’t have long to think as Yui peeked out around her boulder shield and flicked something off the palm of her left hand with her right index finger. The tiny object was another pebble and it rapidly expanded into a boulder about half the size of the ones she’d made previously. The stone kept its momentum even as its size changed and Izuku had to backpedal, almost not making a platform in time, to avoid the projectile.

“She’s making damn good use of her Quirk.” Camie commented of Yui’s performance as she watched the match.

“It’s scary to think how much better she’ll be by the time we graduate, honestly.” Shoji spoke up as he watched the back and forth.

“Hmm, her sparkle is lacking, but she is good.” Aoyama declared with a pose. Most of the class shook their heads at the blonde.

“What do you think would happen if Midoriya analyzed her Quirk and gave her suggestions?” Sato asked the group at large.

“…Oh damn…” Sero trailed off, his mouth agape.

“A mad banquet of darkness.” Tokoyami muttered as his eyes followed the ongoing match.

‘Enhance Function’, ‘Efficiency’, ‘Force Multiplier’, ‘Amplification’, ‘Reverse Force’ Izuku compiled five Quirks together as the next boulder bullet came at him. The enlarged piece of cement came to a dead stop a meter or so in front of the verdette, then it rocketed back the way it had come in a blur. Yui’s eyes actually widened as she pivoted on her heel to get out of the line of fire and brought her fingertips together.

“Release.” Yui intoned and the ring returned to its normal size while all of the boulders returned to pebbles. The pebble that Izuku had returned slammed into the far wall like a bullet, leaving a small hole and crack in the wall. The ravenette wasn’t idle as she took off across the ring to make some distance. If Izuku tried to step on the ring, she could shrink it again. Those platforms had to have a limit. They were probably based on his mental fortitude or his physical stamina. No Quirk was free of charge. They were all powered by something from the user. She’d keep him using up whatever it was for as long as possible.

“She’s sharp,” Izuku noted that she’d had a perfect counter to his counter. “Clearly she knows the ins and outs of her Quirk.” He wanted to step on the ring to spare himself from having to split his focus on the Platform Quirk and his others used for offense and defense, but he had a suspicion that Yui wouldn’t let him.

‘Gas Manipulation’, ‘Temperature Fluctuation’, Force Projection’, ‘Fire Breath’ Izuku activated four Quirks while continuing to use Platform beneath his feet to secure his footing. With a puff of breath, he spat a fireball at Yui that was about the size of a baseball. Four more puffs and another four fireballs were chasing the first.

“Hmm…” Yui’s dark eyes narrowed slightly at this new application from her opponent. A pebble became a boulder under her power again and the small fireballs splashed harmlessly against the concrete. Yui was almost annoyed at constantly being on the back foot and playing defensively. The variety of Midoriya’s Quirks and combinations somewhat necessitated it though.

Izuku ran around on his platforms to try and get around Yui’s boulder. The second he caught a glimpse of her, he took a deep breath and started belting out the small fireballs again. The size manipulator simply stepped behind the boulder again as the fireballs passed through empty space. A boulder seemingly popping into existence in the air and falling towards him forced Izuku to end his attack and focus on defense. A translucent, green barrier formed around Izuku in a sphere. The concrete boulder smashed into it and cracked before falling to the ground. A smaller boulder smashed into the side and his green-eyes met Yui’s dark ones as he saw her flicking another pebble his weight before enlarging it with her Quirk. The second boulder bullet didn’t do any better than the first to the Barrier Quirk though.

“This match is incredible!” Present Mic shouted into his microphone as his energy continued to climb. “The back and forth between these two First Years is amazing!”

“Neither of them is allowing the other to get an edge.” Aizawa commented as he continued to follow the match. “Both are making the most of their Quirks to keep the other at bay and try to score a blow. It’ll come down to who can land that first blow and who has the stamina for a war of attrition at this rate.”

He’s right,’ Izuku mused from within the barrier. ‘I can temporarily stop using Platform while using Barrier, but both take up energy to create and maintain. I don’t know how much changing the size of objects takes from Kodai. I can’t make an accurate assumption on her stamina. I need to end this.

‘Platform’ Izuku created another platform beneath his feet.

‘Amplification’, ‘Efficiency’, ‘Enhance Function’, ‘Amplifier’, ‘Voice Casting’ Izuku knew he wasn’t going to enjoy the kickback of this combination, but it should ensure his victory. “Do not move! Do not use your Quirk!” Izuku’s voice thundered the instant he dropped the barrier.

“Hmm?!” Yui felt her body lock up entirely and she couldn’t use her Quirk. Her body was rebelling against her mind! Whatever Midoriya had just done had rendered her a sitting duck.

“Now!” Izuku spat out some blood as he jumped from the platform to the ring. ‘Physicality Boost’, ‘Enhance Function’, ‘Amplification’ Izuku boosted his physical parameters and blitzed across the ring. He grabbed onto Yui’s arm before his Voice Casting commands wore off and nullified her Quirk. A quick look into her shocked, dark eyes and he hit her with Paralyze Glare.

Yui went limp the instant his Voice Casting combo wore off. Izuku gently sat her on the ring floor with his hand on her shoulder to keep her Quirk nullified. With an aching throat and feeling the drop in his energy, Izuku moved Yui to the edge of the ring and made her cross the line.

“Kodai is out of bounds!” Midnight declared loudly. “The winner is Midoriya!” She pointed to the verdette that was releasing Yui from the effects of Paralyze Glare.

“Good match, Kodai.” Izuku smiled as he placed his right hand on his neck and covered it in the glow of Healing Aura. “Your Quirk is amazing. Would you tell me about it sometime?”

“Sure.” Yui gave a nod to the freckled boy as she stood up. She brought her fingertips together and uttered ‘Release’ to return the boulders back to their normal pebble size. The two shook hands and walked off the ring to head back to their respective seating areas. Both felt they’d put on a good showing of their Quirks and skills.

“What was that?!” Present Mic wondered aloud as the entire audience was abuzz with what Izuku had just done.

“A voice-based Quirk.” Aizawa stated dully, not giving any further details. Present Mic stared at him for a moment, trying to get him to elaborate. But when it was clear that the perpetually tired man wasn’t going to say anymore, the blonde man moved on.

“Well, with that non-informative commentary, let’s move on to the third match of the Quarter Finals!” Present Mic declared to the still murmuring audience. The energy and intensity began to pick back up as the next competitor’s emerged. “From Hero Course Class 1-B, the recommendation student that put on an amazing show in his first match, Honenuki Juzo!” The teen gave a slight wave to the crowd as he walked towards the ring. He looked focused and ready to win.

“Juzo! Win! Show the world!” Monoma was silenced this time by Setsuna’s detached hand slapping over his mouth.

“Facing him is the Froggy girl from Class 1-A, Asui Tsuyu!” Present Mic announced as Tsuyu entered the ring to face off against her opponent.

“Are both of you ready?” Midnight asked the teens, looking between both of them.

“Ready, kero.” Tsuyu nodded as she dropped down to all fours.

“I’m good.” Juzo nodded as he widened his stance.

“Begin!” Midnight declared and snapped her whip.

“Whoa!” Juzo juked to the side to avoid the high-speed tongue that Tsuyu had shot at him. The prehensile organ was then swung at him like a whip as Tsuyu turn her head. “Crap!” He went low, barely avoiding getting hit by the long tongue, and activated his Quirk. A good amount of the cement suddenly changed texture and Juzo sank into it.

“No you don’t!” Tsuyu redirected her tongue and managed to snag Juzo’s waist. With a grunt of exertion she started pulling him out of the muck-like cement.

“How’re you this strong?!” Juzo questioned as he softened more and more of the ring to try and keep at least his arms buried and prevent a ring out. “Take this!” With a thought, Juzo directed his Quirk to soften in a line straight towards Tsuyu.

“Kero!” Tsuyu used her powerful legs and jumped straight up. She grimaced as her tongue was pulled roughly. But her plan had worked. The softened ring had missed her and Juzo had been yanked out of the muck. “Out!” She swung her head aiming to throw her opponent out of the ring.

“Sorry about this!” Juzo apologized as he grabbed her tongue and held on tightly to prevent being thrown from the ring.

“Ow!” Tsuyu’s voice was slightly garbled by her tongue being fully extended. The other student’s grip was tight.

“Max Soften!” Juzo stated the instant his foot touched the ring, barely inside the line. The entire ring suddenly lost cohesion and fell apart like muddy water. Tsuyu leapt into the air as high as she could go to avoid a ring out.

“I’ll get you!” Tsuyu lashed out with her tongue while she was in the air. Juzo was standing on the only part of the ring he’d re-solidified.

The teen with the skull-like teeth ducked under the tongue. Then he leapt over the return swipe of the organ. He nearly fell off his small section of the ring when Tsuyu viciously brought her tongue down as hard as she could and cracked the concrete. The frog-like girl winced in pain as she felt part of the cracked concrete cut her tongue. She landed on the ground safely and pulled her tongue back into her mouth. She cradled her mouth with one hand as she tasted blood.

“Asui is out of bounds! The winner is Honenuki!” Midnight pointed to the recommendation student.

“Good match, Asui.” Juzo nodded to the girl. “Are you alright?”

“I cuth mah tongue.” Tsuyu mumbled as she held her mouth.

“Do you need help?” Juzo worried that she might’ve severely injured herself.

“Justh need Izu.” Tsuyu shook her head.

“Okay?” Juzo wasn’t sure what to say to that. “Sorry about the ring, Cementoss.” He apologized about the liquid ring spreading across the grass.

“Not a problem, Honenuki.” Cementoss shook his head. “As long as it’s still concrete or cement, it is within my Quirk’s power to control it and its state.” To demonstrate he placed his hand on the liquid and the entire mass rippled before slowly reforming into the ring and solidifying.

“Huh…” Juzo was impressed that his teacher’s Quirk could partially nullify his own.

The two students left the field and Tsuyu spit out some blood once she got to a water fountain. After drinking a bit she headed back up to the seating area for Class 1-A. Mina and Momo were already gone, heading for their match against each other.

“Tsu, are you alright?” Izuku questioned worriedly already getting out of his seat to check on her.

“I cuth mah tongue.” Tsuyu mumbled out again.

“Let me see, please.” Izuku requested and Tsuyu opened her mouth to stretch her tongue out a bit. It was easy to spot the injury as it was red with a small amount of blood. “May I?” He asked while motioning to her tongue.

“Pwes…” Tsuyu couldn’t speak the word fully but Izuku gently placed his hands on her tongue. The light-green glow shone as the pain faded away first. The small cut healed up and Izuku smiled when he finished.

“There you go, all better.” Izuku wasn’t expecting to feel her lips on his.

“Thank you, Izukun.” Tsuyu let out a cute croak, her cheeks tinged pink.

“You’re welcome, Tsu.” Izuku was also blushing and a giggling Camie directed both of them into their seats. Now Izuku was sitting between Ochako and Tsuyu and both girls were lightly blushing. Camie was snickering behind her hand from Ochako’s other side.

Jiro silenced Mineta and Kaminari before they could speak by jabbing them with her jacks. Both boys fell out of their chairs as the soundwaves passed into them. Mina and Toru both gave her thumbs up for keeping the cute scene going. The two bubbly girls were almost cooing at the group in front of them.

“For the final match of the Quarter Finals, we have the Lady of Creation from Class 1-A of the Hero Course, Yaoyorozu Momo!” Present Mic introduced as Momo made her way to the ring. “Facing her is the Bubbly Pinkette from the same class, Ashido Mina!”

“Woo!” Mina smiled brightly for the cameras and gave peace signs as she walked towards the ring.

“Are you both prepared, girls?” Midnight questioned the two.

“Ready!” Mina declared as she adopted a loose stance.

“I’m ready too.” Momo rolled up her sleeves and unzipped her shirt to reveal her stomach.

“Let the final match of the Quarter Finals, begin!” Midnight started the match with the signature crack of her whip.

“Acid Shotgun!” Mina opened with a volley of small acid bullets as she threw her arms wide to launch them at Momo.

“You remember what I taught you about Chemistry, Mina?” Momo pulled a plastic riot shield from her torso, nearly snagging her sports bra on the way out. The shield took the acid bullets easily without damage.

“Ah crud…” Mina grumbled as Momo knew a good deal about her Quirk and therefore how to counter it.

“Catch!” Momo declared as in a shower of multi-colored light three canisters were formed and tossed in Mina’s direction.

Mina wasn’t dumb; she knew anything in those canisters would be bad news for her. “Acid Shot!” A glob of her off-white acid left each hand and hit two of the three canisters. Both burst open in midair, a cloud of smoke expanding outward with a bang. Mina’s special shoes secreted her acid and she skated away from the last canister which began to spew the same smoke shortly before it touched the floor.

“Try these next!” Momo tossed a different object this time and Mina noted there were four this time.

“Acid Shot!” Mina destroyed the first two, leaving them ruined. She nailed the third one, destroying it too. But the fourth and final one went off with a deafening bang and a retina-searing flash of light. “AAAHHHH!!!” Mina stumbled as she grabbed her ears and her eyes clenched shut reflexively.

“Flashbangs!” Multiple people, that weren’t blinded by looking at the objects when they went off, exclaimed.

Mina felt something fall over her, but when she tried to open her eyes all she saw were blurred shapes and colors. Her ears were ringing and she was disorientated from the flashbang going off in prime range to her. She briefly thought she heard someone speaking, but the ringing in her ears was too loud to make anything out.

“Ashido is unable to continue!” Midnight declared loudly, partially because her ears were slightly ringing too. “Yaoyorozu is the winner!”

There was cheering and applause from the crowd for a good match, but Momo wasn’t paying attention to any of it. She removed the net she’d tossed on top of Mina and gently helped the girl sit up. When the stretcher robots came, she guided a partially recovered Mina onto it. She even walked with the pink girl all the way to Recovery Girl’s temporary office to make sure she was okay.

“In a deafening blast and a blindly light, the final match ends quickly!” Present Mic declared the ending of the Quarter Finals. “Yaoyorozu proves remarkably adept with her Quirk once again as she engineered a perfect response to her classmate.

“Momo and Mina are familiar with each other’s Quirks.” Aizawa spoke up; his voice might as well have been flat compared to Mic’s loud and energetic tones. “Given Momo’s knowledge of Advanced Chemistry, it’s not surprising that she knew a polymer compound that would resist Mina’s acids. She then made great use of both tear gas grenades and flashbangs to try and disorientate her more mobile and agile opponent.”

“After a short break to let our students rest, we’ll be back for the Semi-finals, sports fans!” Present Mic informed the crowd of the break so that they could use the restrooms and get concessions.

“I’m taking a nap.” Aizawa’s voice was barely heard as he moved away from the microphone.

“Again?!” Mic cried out just before the speakers cut out.

-An Unknown Location-

“How intriguing,” All For One mused of what he’d just witnessed thanks to his Electric Imaging Quirk. “You could’ve easily wiped that girl out, yet you held back your power. You truly are soft-hearted like him.” The ancient Villain shook his head. “Our Quirks may have similarities, but you’re clearly not of the proper mindset to truly use your power.”

The beeping of the life support machines that kept him stabilized were all that was heard as he contemplated Midoriya Izuku. The boy would certainly prove a good challenge for Tomura. His carefully molded ‘successor’ already hated the teen as well. The game was already afoot and the man couldn’t deny that he was intrigued. Would nature prevail, bringing about a triumph of natural born Quirks? Or would his work with the good Doctor prove too much, ending in the defeat and death of the would-be Hero?

“Our lineage or my legacy?” All For One mused with his hand resting on the genealogy papers beside him. “I wonder? Which you would’ve picked as the winner? You always had quite the insight, though you blinded yourself to it when it came to me.” His index finger trailed over the name ‘Shigaraki Megumi’ once more.

-End Chapter-


Quarter Finals are done and we have our Top Four competitors!

Momo, Juzo, Iida, and Izuku!

Who will battle whom?

AFO is quite interested in Izuku and his connection to himself, his brother, and this ‘Megumi’ person. But it’s still all part of the game to him. Will his plots succeed or be stopped? He can always step in if necessary, after all.

With all these changes in the Sports Festival, what will change once it’s over?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



I was honestly expecting Izuku to portal Yui out of bounds is he saving that for one of the future rounds perhaps? Also Nice Chapter!


More along the lines of: "I'm not just a one trick pony. Look, I can do all sorts of stuff in the field." Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!


Alright! Good fights! I had a feeling Iida would win against Kirishima, even with the latter's Unbreakable form. Sheer speed overwhelmed defense. Izuku vs. Yui was my favorite fight! The best girl of 1B really gave it her all against Izuku, and put up a great fight! Shame she lost, but to be expected. The outcome of Tsuyu vs. Honenuki was a bit surprising, but understandable. Too bad, since I wanted her to win. Momo vs. Mina was another good fight! No surprise the goddess of creation took the win! The progression of the relationship between Izuku and the 4 girls was great! Looking forward to seeing them make it official! I did notice a mistake, though. After Izuku and Tsu kiss, Jiro silences Mineta and Kaminari, and Mina and Toru shot her a thumbs-up. But it had been previously stated that Mina had already left with Momo. Unless she saw it from the stage? Anyways, can't wait for the next chapter!


Fun chapter I like the platform quirk you gave Izuku feels like you could have some fun with that one not sure how many quirks he has left to show but I can’t wait to see them


Nah, that was a mistake I'll have to correct in second Beta. *Sighs* Glad you liked the fights! Yes, Yui Supremacy will come one day! In a future fic probably.


He first showed that one off in the Entrance Exam! As for how many more? 3, if I am remembering properly.

Clark Kent

Great chapter! This series goes so well with the Sun Hero because each Izuku is a badass but in very different ways. Brute force versus tactical combinations. The contrast definitely enhances my enjoyment of both of them.


Love it! the back and forth between izuku and yui was amazing as well as the fight between jozu and tsuyu, great chapter as always :D


Thank you, glad to hear it! Always good to know that the Patrons are enjoying the stories.

John Balman

Loved the update, Mina was in two places at one point, but think someone already mentioned that :) keep up the good work!

God of Darkness and Shadows

Awesome chapter as always. I'll admit I'm interested to see a meeting between Izuku and AFO in the future.