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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! Arrival in Rainbase! It’s time for Crocodile to find out what it means to harm one of Luffy’s nakama! Will the Royal Army march on Rainbase? Or has Crocodile already preempted that course of action?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 32 – Rainbase, Crocodile, Utopia

“I see it!” Vivi called out as they crested the last dune between them and their destination. “That’s Rainbase!”

“Do you think they know we’re here?” Zoro questioned, referring to Baroque Works and their informants all over Alabasta.

“It’s possible.” Vivi confirmed with a nod as the group got closer and closer to the gambling oasis.

“Then should we try to sneak into the city?” Usopp asked curiously. “If the Baroque Works people know we’re in Rainbase, who knows what they’ll do?”

“A lot of them do specialize in assassination.” Mikita warned the group as a whole.

“We just need to find Crocodile and kick his ass!” Luffy declared and Usopp slapped him upside the head.

“Were you even listening?!” Usopp demanded while glaring at his Captain with sharp teeth.

“Actually, Usopp…” Vivi spoke up. “I agree with Luffy. We don’t have time to make plans.”

“You’re not afraid, are you, Usopp?” Nami chuckled at the Gunman.

“I’m ready to fight!” Chopper declared as he walked through the rising temperature of the desert morning in his reindeer form.

“I’ll protect the women!” Sanji declared with a large smile. “Just call me Prince Charming!”

“Move it, prince.” Zoro walked past the blonde Chef with a blank expression.

“Shut it, Zoro!” Sanji barked back at the Swordsman.

-Rainbase ~ Drink Stand-

“Why Rainbase, Captain Smoker?” Tashigi questioned her Commanding Officer as they had a drink of the local water.

“Call it a hunch.” Smoker replied as he sat in thought. He was trying to put all the various pieces he had together in his head, to make a coherent picture of the situation. “There’s something fishy about this country. It’s like there’s a giant shadow hanging over it.”

“You think Crocodile’s involved with this crime syndicate? We didn’t get much out of that Mr. 11 guy before he was assassinated in Nanohana.” Tashigi remarked as the memory of finding the man dead when they returned to the ship was still fresh.

“I dunno.” Smoker admitted with a sigh, exhaling smoke from his dual cigars. “I’m not sure what connection the Straw Hats have to all of this either. We can only get so much from the wiretapping of the Black Transponder Snail. We’ll have to wait until somebody makes a move.”

The two placed the money they owed on the bar and turned to leave the building. Through the windows both spotted a familiar straw hat. The clothing the others wore was partially obscuring their faces, but it was easy to tell whom they were too. Smoker nearly bit through his cigars as his eyes narrowed into a glare.

“Tashigi, we’re going after them, call for all forces to move to our location!” Smoker ordered as he rushed out of the building.

“Yes, sir!” Tashigi pulled out the Baby Transponder Snail she had and contacted their subordinates.

“Where are we headed, Vivi?” Luffy questioned as the group walked through the main street of Rainbase.

“There,” Vivi pointed to the tallest building in the casino town. “See the building with the crocodile on top? That’s Rain Dinners, Crocodile’s casino!”

“Right!” Luffy punched his right fist into his left palm.

“Straw Hat!” Smoker roared from behind the group as he rushed towards them.

“What’re the Marines doing here?!” Usopp squawked as more and more started coming towards them from all directions.

“This much attention is gonna let Baroque Works know we’re here!” Sanji grimaced as the Marines closed in.

“Too late for that.” Mikita nodded towards a group of armed men watching them from the shade of a building.

“Damn it, nothing’s ever easy, is it?” Nami huffed as the Marines surrounded their location. The civilians noticed the commotion and the area was quickly clearing out before the violence started.

“Surrender, you’ve got nowhere to go.” Smoker demanded as he looked Luffy dead in the eye.

“We’ve got somewhere to be and a Crocodile to beat up, can you move, Smokey?” Luffy asked even though his eyes were stern.

“What’s your connection to Crocodile?” Smoker stared hard at Luffy.

“I’m here to kick his ass.” Luffy answered without a care as he took a step forward.

“What?” Smoker’s confusion was palpable.

“Move out of the way, Smokey.” Luffy told the Marine Captain as he took a second step forward.

“Not happening,” Smoker’s arms turned into thick, white smoke. “I’m bringing you in.”

“Guys, head for Crocodile’s place, don’t let anyone stop you.” Luffy spoke to his crew without taking his eyes off Smoker.

“Yes, Captain!” The Straw Hats all replied in unison.

In a flash, literally less than the blink of an eye, Luffy’s fist was where Smoker’s face used to be. The Marine Captain went rocketing in the opposite direction over the heads of his subordinates. Many of the Marines gaped at the sudden attack only to be rushed by the Straw Hats as they moved in different directions.

“Out of the way!” Chopper bulked up as he turned into his Heavy Point form and punched one Marine into three others. He barreled through a few more as he ran with Usopp following in his wake.

“Zoan!” One of the Marines called out as several aimed their rifles at Chopper.

“No you don’t!” Usopp covered Chopper’s back as he drew two pistols and fired at the Marines. In quick succession ten Marines were shot and hit the ground with cries of pain. The two Pirates made it through the encirclement and ran off into town.

“After them!” One Marine declared as a group of them broke off to chase the fleeing duo.

“Excuse us!” Mikita backhanded a Marine while shifting her arm to one-hundred kilograms just before impact. The man’s feet left the ground as he twirled twice through the air and then crashed into the ground.

“Coming through!” Nami spun her new Climatact staff around, clocking multiple Marines.

“Sorry!” Vivi apologized as she ran with the other women. Both Nami and Mikita knocking away any Marine that got close.

“Damn it, capture them!” Another group of Marines gave chase from the main force.

“Move it, you wimps!” Sanji kicked his way through over a dozen Marines in rapid succession. He took off while leading another group on a merry chase through the gambling town.

“You call yourselves Marines?” Zoro had two of his swords -Kitetsu III and Yubashiri- in hand as he dealt with one Marine after another. Several of the Marines sabers lay on the ground, snapped in half beside their owners.

“Roronoa Zoro!” Tashigi stepped forward with her hand on her sword’s hilt.

“Oh, it’s you again.” Zoro grimaced at being confronted by the Kuina look-alike. “I thought we parted ways rather amiably back in Loguetown.”

“Amiable?” Tashigi scowled at him. “We didn’t get to cross swords is the only reason you think that!” She drew her sword -Shigure- and held it at the ready.

“Fine,” Zoro grumbled at having to fight the woman that looked so much like his late friend. “Let’s go.”

It was over in a single strike. Tashigi rushed forward looking to cut Zoro down in a single wide swing. Kitetsu III was raised to block while Yubashiri sliced through her jacket and bit into her shoulder. The light katana moved downwards, slicing the jacket open and leaving a shallow slice from her shoulder, down her side, and stopping at her hip. The Petty Officer collapsed to the ground while gritting her teeth in pain. She refused to let go of her sword though. She was bleeding quite a bit, but she could tell the wound wasn’t life-threatening. It probably wouldn’t even scar if it was treated properly.

“Damn you…” Tashigi bit out at the green-haired Pirate. “Aren’t you going to finish me off?”

“I didn’t even kill any of your subordinates, what makes you think I’d kill you?” Zoro tsked at her. “I’m not a psychopath out for blood, I’m a swordsman.”

“Get him!” A few of the remaining Marines all charged together.

“Idiots! Get out of the line of fire!” A small group of Marines with rifles yelled at their comrades.

Zoro seemingly swayed through the charging Marines with his two swords. In a blur he was upon the riflemen and struck them all down with quick swipes of his blade. Their rifles were spilt by air blades from Zoro’s Kitetsu, while their bodies were slashed by Yubashiri. They fell to the ground at the same moment as the charging group did. Nearly fifteen Marines now lay on the road injured or unconscious as Zoro flicked his swords to remove the blood and sheathed them both. With the group chasing him dealt with, Zoro looked for the building with the crocodile on top. Spotting it, he headed straight for the casino, with a fixed marker he didn’t get lost. But anyone that got in his way was roughly bowled over in his rush towards Rain Dinners.

Back with Luffy, the Marines panicked as Smoker went flying headfirst into a building dozens of meters behind them. Shots rang out and Luffy just stood there as the bullets passed through him. With a wave of his arm, small bolts of lightning leapt from him and shocked all of the standing Marines. They hit the ground unconscious and twitching.

“Straw Hat…” Smoker stumbled out of the wall he’d crashed through while holding his head. “I’m bringing you in!”

“Sorry Smokey, but I’m busy right now.” Luffy stared the Marine down for a moment before breaking out into a wide smile. In a spark he disappeared and Smoker did bite through both of his cigars in a rage!

“STRAW HAT!!!” Smoker roared as he turned his lower body into smoke and blasted into the air. He knew they were headed for Crocodile’s Casino, Rain Dinners, so he’d get there as fast as he could and capture all of them!

-Nami, Mikita, and Vivi-

“We beat the Marines, now we have to deal with these guys?” Nami groused as they were in the process of laying waste to a horde of Baroque Works Millions.

“I didn’t think there’d be so many of them here, to be honest.” Mikita folded a large man over her leg. The limb currently weighed a metric ton so it made sense. The large man flew backwards and bowled over a few more of the Millions with his bulk.

“Get them!” A man with a sword leapt towards Vivi only to for her Peacock Slashers to split his blade into three pieces and her foot to smash into his face.

“We need to get to Rain Dinners!” Vivi dodged a man trying to grab her and left almost a dozen slashes across his body with her rapidly spinning weapons. She was so amazed at her progress ever since travelling with the Straw Hats. She was stronger, faster, and her skill with Haki had improved quite a lot since Luffy had awakened it within her. She’d been a bit stronger than any Millions or Billions when she’d been Miss Wednesday. But now, even a group of Millions posed no real threat. The large number of Millions she’d personally strewn over the road was a testament to how far she’d come.


The sound of machine guns was heard in the air as over half of the remaining Millions dropped to the ground. Vivi’s eyes widened as she saw the silhouette of a large bird. A smile broke out onto her face when the bird came into focus. It was a massive falcon with clothing on. She knew exactly who this was that had come to their aid.

“A giant bird with machine guns?!” One of the Millions cried out.

“Shoot it down!” Another took aim with his rifle.

The giant falcon swooped low and scattered the Millions with a flap of its wide wings. A quick pivot on his heel and the giant bird transformed into a man. One that was very familiar to Vivi.

“It’s good to see you again, Princess Vivi.” Pell smiled at the young woman.

“Pell!” Vivi beamed at the Royal Guardsman.

“A friend of yours, Vivi?” Nami guessed, seeing the smile on the bluenette’s face.

“Please wait here a moment.” Pell nodded to Vivi as he turned to face the Millions as they got back to their feet.

“Pell?” One of the Millions questioned curiously.

“Wait…Pell the Falcon?” Another began to shake.

“The strongest warrior in Alabasta?!” A Millions in a wide-brimmed hat looked like he was moments away from pissing himself.

“Tori Tori no Mi – Model: Falcon…” Pell took on his hybrid form, giving him a falcon-like head, feathered wings emerging from his arms, and his hands became wicked talons. He vanished from sight as the Millions tried to raise whatever guns they hand. A whistle of wind was heard before Pell’s voice rang out again. “Flying Claws!”

“Aaarrrggghhh!” The Millions went flying through the air en masse! Most of them had blood spewing from large lacerations and they all hit the ground hard. Groaning and cries of pain were all that remained of the Millions now.

Pell’s hybrid form returned to sight behind the bodies of the Millions. The Royal Guard was quick to return to Vivi’s side in his normal human state. Vivi hugged him with a bright smile and Pell chuckled as he returned the hug. He’d known Vivi since she was a little girl. He dare say he’d spoiled her a bit, much as an uncle would as she was growing up.

“Pell! What’re you doing here?” Vivi questioned, wondering why the Royal Guard was so far from the capital.

“We got your letter from Carue.” Pell informed her with a serious look. “I’m scouting Rainbase in preparation for the Royal Army to march on the city and take down Crocodile and his organization.”

“Wait…the entire Royal Army is going to fight Crocodile here?” Mikita blinked at the thought.

“Yes, by sundown Rainbase will be occupied by the entire Royal Army.” Pell informed the blonde woman. He suspected she was an ally of Vivi’s given that they’d been fighting together.

“Pell,” Vivi got the man’s attention. “We’re going to deal with Crocodile here and now! We’re going to take him down and stop the rebellion before any final battle can occur!”

“We need to head to Rain Dinners and meet up with the rest of our crew.” Nami told the Royal Guard with her Climatact leaning against her shoulder.

“Crocodile’s casino?” Pell shook his head firmly. “Out of the question, I’ll be taking Princess Vivi to safety immediately.”

A flash of lightning came from the direction of Rain Dinners followed by an air-shaking roar of thunder that rumbled through the oasis. People screamed, yelled, and some outright panicked and ran indoors as fast as they could. Such a phenomenon had never been witnessed in Rainbase before!

“Luffy must’ve already got there!” Vivi exclaimed as she, Nami, and Mikita took off towards the casino.

“Princess!” Pell yelled as he took off after her and her companions. He wouldn’t let her out of his sight now that he’d found her! It was his duty as a Royal Guard to protect her!

-Usopp and Chopper-

“Was that Luffy?” Chopper held his ears from the passing thunder.

“Had to be,” Usopp nodded, his own hand clapped over his ears. “He must be at Rain Dinners already.”

“We should get there as fast as possible!” Chopper turned into his reindeer form. “Hop on!” Usopp jumped onto his back and Chopper took off towards the large casino.

Left behind them was the beaten, bloody, and in many cases, bullet wounded Marines. The entire group that had been chasing them had been dealt with by the Gunman and Doctor. One of the still conscious Marines managed to snap a quick picture of Chopper in his Heavy Point form before he turned into his reindeer form and ran off with Usopp. The small Cameko Transponder Snail in his hand spat out the photo as the Marine collapsed.


“Damn it, Luffy!” Sanji rubbed his ears at the sudden blast of lightning and the following thunder. Around the Chef laid the beaten and broken bodies of both Marines and Baroque Works Millions. He took off towards Rain Dinners quickly. Many civilians began to whisper in the safety of the nearby buildings about the ludicrousness of a single man defeating almost thirty armed men with just kicks.

-Rain Dinners ~ A Few Minutes Before the Lightning Blast-

“Crocodile!” Luffy yelled loudly as he literally kicked in the double doors of the casino. The doors went sailing through the air and slammed into the floor a dozen meters away from the entrance.

There were several screams as patrons of the casino backed away from the man that had just busted in. The floor manager sent security to deal with the ruffian in the straw hat. Three large men in black suits approached Luffy. The young man hadn’t moved since kicking in the door for some reason, but the three security enforcers didn’t care.

Where are you?’ Luffy searched the entire casino with his Observation Haki. He felt two ‘Voices’ that were much stronger than all of the others in the building. One of them was below, in some kind of basement area and the other was on the same floor as him. The second ‘Voice’ was familiar and was actually in the casino portion itself.

“Hey, you think you can just bust in here and damage the casino’s property?” The lead enforcer demanded of the shorter Luffy.

“Move.” Luffy looked at the three large men and flared his Conqueror’s Haki for an instant. He walked past the three men as they collapsed around him. This of course led to more screams as many patrons began to flee the casino entirely. He walked towards the familiar ‘Voice’, taking note of the offshoots of the same person that were watching him. His Observation Haki was very difficult to hide from, after all.

“Sir, you can’t just cause such a ruckus and approach the Manager!” An older man in a similar black suit tried to stop Luffy. He had a receding hairline, but the rest of his hair was styled into five curved spikes that all pointed upwards. Luffy mentally dubbed him ‘Weird Hair Guy’ and then flared his Conqueror’s Haki for a second. The Assistant Manager, according to the badge on his coat, fell to the ground unconscious.

“It seems we meet again, Monkey D. Luffy.” Miss All-Sunday gave him an amused grin as they stood face to face. She was wearing a very similar outfit to the one that they’d met each other in back at Cactus Island. Only this time the cowboy hat was white and she had a long white coat that she was wearing over the more revealing outfit.

“Hey, Sunday Lady,” Luffy grinned at her. “Take me to Crocodile so I can smash his face in, please!” He felt good about remembering his manners like Makino had taught the brothers. He noticed the tanned woman chuckling lightly and joined in with his own chuckles.

“I believe I told you my name was Miss All-Sunday, Straw Hat Luffy.” Miss All-Sunday reminded him with the same grin as before.

“I remember telling you, that I’d give you a nickname if you didn’t tell me your real name.” Luffy replied with a shrug. “So now you’re ‘Sunday Lady’ until I know your real name.”

“Very well then,” Miss All-Sunday actually giggled slightly. “Follow me to the V.I.P. Room.” She turned and her white, ankle-length coat swished around from the movement. Luffy followed after her without concern. Her ‘Voice’ was honest right now.

The staff gaped as Miss All-Sunday led Luffy into the V.I.P. Room after what he’d done. But, as she was the Manager, they didn’t say a word and simply opened the door for the pair. The duo walked down a short hallway as the large doors closed behind them. The woman took the left path and Luffy followed after her. Seeing that there was a fairly long hallway leading to a set of stairs, Luffy struck up conversation.

“I like your coat, it looks nice on you.” Luffy complimented while mentally patting himself on the back. Women liked being complimented on their clothes, right? It was a nice coat too, so he wasn’t lying.

“Why thank you,” Miss All-Sunday replied with a faint smile. “I’d say the same, but you’re dressed like a vagabond right now.” The woman teased him.

“I am?” Luffy looked down at the clothes he was wearing. “Maybe Sanji was right then?” He shrugged it off and continued to follow after her.

“Why do you wish to fight Crocodile, if I might ask?” Miss All-Sunday asked as the approached the flight of stairs. “Alabasta has nothing to do with you, does it?”

“It’s Vivi’s homeland, she’s my nakama, that’s all the reason I need.” Luffy replied easily as they began to descend the stairs.

“That’s it?” Miss All-Sunday looked over her shoulder at him as they reached the first landing. “That’s all you need to fight one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea?”

“Yeah,” Luffy nodded immediately to her question. “What other reason do I need?”

“You’re an odd one, Monkey D. Luffy.” Miss All-Sunday shook her head at the younger man. “You’d fight a man who’s Bounty exceeded yours years ago before it was frozen, all for someone that you’ve known for all of a month?”

“Yes…is that weird?” Luffy cocked his head to the side curiously.

“By most people’s standards? Yes.” Miss All-Sunday informed the Pirate Captain as they started descending the next set of stairs. “Would you just fight anyone for the sake of your nakama, Monkey D. Luffy?”

“Of course!” Luffy punched his left fist into his right palm. “I’d do anything to help my nakama!”

“Even if their enemy was the entire world?” Miss All-Sunday cocked an eyebrow at him, gauging his response to her question.

“Yep!” Luffy nodded without hesitation. His eyes told the whole story to Miss All-Sunday, a woman that had spent twenty years on the run from the World Government and could read most people like a book.

“You’re serious…” She stared at him as if he was a madman.

“Yeah, I said I was. Did you not hear me?” Luffy blinked at her confused.

“I honestly don’t know what to say to that…” Miss All-Sunday shook her head again. She felt like she was doing that a lot with him around. “Well, just down these next stairs is where Crocodile is waiting. We’ll see how well you do, I suppose.”

“Thanks for showing me the way, Sunday Lady.” Luffy grinned as he looked at the last flight of stairs.

“Best of luck, Monkey D. Luffy.” She grinned at him before turning to head back upstairs.

“Just Luffy is fine.” Luffy chuckled at the retreating woman.

“I’ll remember it, if we meet again.” Miss All-Sunday nodded to him. She needed to head for Alubarna quickly. If Luffy was able to defeat Crocodile here, then she needed to be at the capital before the Royal Army ran into Crocodile’s contingency plan. Only the King knew where the Poneglyph was hidden. She’d have him lead her to it. She’d never cared for Crocodile’s goals anyway. Thankfully, she had access to an Accellegator, or F-Wani as it was also called. They were the fastest terrestrial animals on Sandy Island. She’d be in Alubarna in less than two hours.

“Later, Sunday Lady!” Luffy waved as he started making his way down the wide staircase.

If things play out in your favor, I just might need to borrow your protection, Monkey D. Luffy.’ Miss All-Sunday mused to herself as she headed up the stairs and towards the area that the F-Wani was kept.

-Rain Dinners Basement-

“Welcome, Straw Hat Luffy,” Crocodile smirked at the upstart Rookie Pirate. “I hope you didn’t have too much trouble finding your way here.”

“So, you’re Crocodile?” Luffy questioned the man sitting in the chair at a lavish table.

“I am,” Crocodile grinned as he looked down his nose at the young man. “I understand you’re here to fight me for Princess Vivi’s sake?”

“That’s right.” Luffy’s eyes were hard as he continued down the steps.

“Not the dumbest reason I’ve heard for someone to throw their life away, but it’s up there.” Crocodile mocked the straw-hatted Captain.

“Are you done?” Luffy’s feet touched the basement floor.

“You’re far from the first arrogant Rookie I’ve dealt with; you’ll forgive me if I’m not very concerned.” Crocodile chuckled as he lit a fancy cigar. Luffy’s fist slamming into his face was his only response and he crashed into the floor along with his -now broken- chair.

Fast!’ Crocodile’s eyes widened at not being fast enough to shift into sand.

“I’m gonna beat you so badly that’ll you’ll wish you’d never come to Vivi’s country.” Luffy promised as he cracked his knuckles.

“One lucky shot and you’ve got a big head, huh brat?!” Crocodile swirled into sand and reformed on his feet several meters away from Luffy. “Desert Spada!” A blade of sand sliced through the marble floor and headed towards Luffy at high-speed.

“Slow.” Luffy smacked the insanely sharp sand blade away from himself as if it was an annoying insect. He disappeared in a spark and Crocodile smirked as he’d already shifted into sand.

“GAH!” Crocodile hack as Luffy’s leg slammed into his left arm and the force of the kick sent him careening into through the air and into the wall. ‘How did he hit me?! I was already sand!’ He didn’t have long to ponder it before he had to disperse to avoid Luffy’s foot stomping on his face.

“Get back here!” Luffy roared as his foot cratered the stone wall.

Outside!’ Crocodile roared in his mind. ‘Once I get into the desert I’ll be able to unleash the full force of my Devil Fruit!

“I said get back here!” Luffy held up his hand. The limb became a massive storm of lightning before it erupted into a powerful beam that blasted through every floor of Rain Dinners and exploded out of the top. The Crocodile statute was destroyed completely by the bolt and a circular hole from the lowest basement, straight up through the roof was left smoking inside the casino. Luffy hadn’t hit anyone, thanks to his Observation, but the casino wouldn’t be fixing the damage anytime soon.

Crocodile’s cloud of sand flew out of the smoldering hole in his haste to get outside and into the desert.

“You Croc bastard!” Luffy sparked and followed after the sand cloud as a streak of lightning.

The battle between the Warlord of the Sea and the Rookie with the Highest Bounty to ever come from East Blue would be held in the desert outside of Rainbase.

-End Chapter-


Luffy isn’t a happy Pirate right now!

Run Crocodile, run! Your only hope is using the desert for home field advantage!

Luffy is hot on the Warlord’s tail, but is he setting himself up for failure?

What is the contingency plan that Robin thought about after talking to Luffy?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Alright, new chapter! It figures Smoker would show up with the Marines to make things tough for the Straw Hats. But if there's a silver lining, hopefully this means Chopper will get a proper bounty unlike in canon! I also like how you mentioned Vivi's improvement. I know she has Conqueror's Haki, but is it her affinity like Luffy's, or would it be one of the others? Looks like Robin has started to consider joining the Straw Hats! I bet she'll be thrilled to see Luffy make good on his promise to fight for his friends! And finally, Luffy vs. Crocodile! Man, have I been looking forward to this for a while, and that beginning did not disappoint! I can't wait to see the rest of it when you update again!


I don't know how crocodile could win even in the desert luffy can LITERALLY GLASS all of the sand.


Glad you liked it so much! I'll update this again this month as it has a Tier Reward, so look forward to it! Yes, things are gonna get a little rocky for a chapter or two.


Ah, but won't it be a great chance to see what Luffy can REALLY do? *Cackles in plans*


Nnnooo it's over, just when it was getting good. The fight was engaging and can't wait to see a Luffy fighting a challenge.


Glad it's grabbed your attention! Yeah, I've got plans for this fight! I'm hoping it'll be epic enough for everyone!

Clark Kent

Great chapter!

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

Croc is SO fucked. This is going to be interesting. Also, oh hai Pell, nice to see you.

John Balman

Que mortal Kombat fight music.....


There is a beating coming in the future! It will be God-like! Also, I has a plan for our Falcon Man!


So is Crocodile really ignorant of Haki and it’s ability to hit Logias or is the idea of a rookie knowing and being able to use it just beyond his comprehension?.


Haki is practically unknown in the Paradise half of the Grand Line. So I'm going with that. If I start giving out Haki to characters just to try and make them more challenging, then it'll never end until we get to the New World.

Michael Mendoza

Love how Luffy is in this story. Keep it up!


Glad you like the changes! Making Luffy passable in intelligence really changes how things go, huh? He doesn't have to be 'Smart', but just basic knowledge and sensibilities goes a long way!


Thanks for another great chapter. And by the time the straw hats get to sabaody i bet their bounties will be insane close to a billion maybe. Also can't wait to see how you do the voice of all things with luffy like if he can hear the poneglyph similar to Roger or how ever you do it


I'm happy you enjoyed it! Things are most definitely going to change even more as we keep going! Look forward to all the changes culminating in things happening or NOT happening!


Any here familiar with what happens to sand when it's struck my lightning? Hint hint, watch Sweet Home Alabama. . . . . . Give up? . . . . . . . It turns to glass. The Croc's f*cked.