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Hello friends and fans, Kairomaru is bringing you another Force of Souls Chapter! Now that Ichigo has removed the weight off his shoulders by slaying Grand Fisher, how will things change? Will Ichigo be more relaxed? Will he change only slightly? Or will he mostly stay the same except with his girlfriends? Orihime, Tatsuki, and Ichigo still have training to do! Progress can always be made!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 11 – Change and Progress

I can’t protect you without holding a sword
I can’t embrace you while holding a sword

Ichigo, Tatsuki, Orihime, and Rukia were all in Orihime’s apartment and cuddled up together. Orihime and Tatsuki had just been informed of what had taken place yesterday with Grand Fisher. The two had both decided that training was cancelled for the day. Now the four of them were holding each other close and giving Ichigo emotional support as he finally, truly, freed himself of the burden he’d carried on his shoulders for years.

“I love you,” Ichigo murmured as he held them closer.

“Love you too.” Tatsuki replied as she leaned into him more.

“Love you, Ichigo.” Orihime pressed herself against him as she snuggled closer.

“I love you too, Ichigo.” Rukia hugged him tighter in response.

The four spent the next few hours just holding each other close. Ichigo relaxed into the love of his girlfriends, slowly feeling the hidden tension within him bleeding off. The guilt he’d felt for years since his mother’s death finally falling off his shoulders and making him feel lighter.

He slept in Rukia’s arms again that night. The petite Shinigami woman gently running her hands through his hair as he held onto her. His face was almost buried into her neck as he slept and Rukia smiled softly until sleep claimed her.

-June 19th, Matsukura-

“Rukia! It changed! My Zanpakutō changed!” Orihime was bouncing happily as her Asauchi had taken on the form of the kodachi she’d possessed the first time she’d taken her Shinigami Form. It was just as the group had first seen it. The tsuka with its orange ito wrappings, very similar to Ichigo’s hair color and the circular tsuba with the nearly identical design to match her hair pins, a six-pointed flower, on the metal.

“Mine too.” Tatsuki grinned as she pulled her wakizashi from the back of her modified Shihakushō and showed it to Rukia and Ichigo. It had the same tsuka with burnt-orange ito wrappings. The tsuba was still an oval and had a line of metal that bowed out on either side to form a ‘D’ shaped hole. The ornamentation on the tsuba was still the two dashes, almost like brush strokes, on either end. The dash close to the blade was noticeably shorter than the one near the edge of the tsuba just as before.

“Excellent work, you two,” Rukia praised her girlfriends with a warm smile. “Now that your Zanpakutō are fully formed, we’ll work on strengthening your connection to them. In time, you’ll eventually come to know their names and be able to call upon your Shikai.”

“Yay!” Orihime cheered with a beaming smile as she literally hugged her kodachi.

Cute’ Ichigo, Tatsuki, and Rukia all thought at the sight. Truly, Orihime was a precious treasure and needed all the love and affection they could give her.

“So, today’s training will focus on Jinzen and the connection to your Zanpakutō.” Rukia nodded to her three students. “Take a meditative position and lay your Zanpakutō across your lap.” She instructed the three teens and smiled when all three were quick to follow her words. “Now, attain a state of calm,” Rukia lowered her voice and softened her tone, hoping to soothe them and ease them along. “Once you’re calm, reach out to your Zanpakutō with your Reiryoku. This will allow you to begin communing with your sword.”

Ichigo closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, slowly calming his body and mind to enter a meditative state. When he felt ready, Ichigo gently directed his Reiryoku into his Zanpakutō. He didn’t think of anything, didn’t worry about time, only the feeling he had through his Reiryoku. He briefly felt like someone had noticed him, as if he was seeing someone waving him over to their location.

“Huh?” Ichigo blinked and realized he was standing in a place he’d never seen before.

He was in an expansive field, short grassland from horizon to horizon. A massive plain and he was standing in the middle of it. He realized it was night as his gaze was draw upwards and he saw the faint silhouette of the new moon. It was what he saw beyond the dark moon that made him gasp. Stars, millions of them, so bright and clearer than he’d ever seen them before in his life, he could see the light of distant planets, the nebula of the galaxy, and with a stunned look, he realized that he could see a swirling galaxy just beyond the new moon.

“Beautiful, isn’t it, Ichigo?” A new voice spoke up and Ichigo jerked in shock. Tearing his eyes away from the sky and the spectacular view, he noticed that a man was standing next to him.

The man was taller than Ichigo, standing at close to two meters in height. He had short black hair, a mustache, and a beard. He appeared to be middle-aged. He wore a dark-navy version of a Shihakushō held up with a golden-colored obi around his waist. The most notable thing that drew Ichigo’s attention was the white blindfold over the man’s eyes and tied at the back of his head.

“I could not see it but through the occasional break in the clouds before.” The man continued ‘looking’ upwards at the magnificent view. “But now, the clouds are gone and this view is free to us.”

“Wh-Who are you?” Ichigo questioned the man as he took a step back from him.

“I am ---------, and though we’ve never met, you know me. We’ve always been together, Ichigo.” The man spoke as he turned to ‘look’ at Ichigo.

I couldn’t hear his name?’ Ichigo noted the almost buzz his ears had been filled with when the man had given his name.

“It seems you are not yet able to hear my name.” The man returned to looking at the star-filled sky, the wondrous view of the galaxy shining brightly with the new moon not reflecting the light of the sun to obscure the heavens.

“Are you, my Zanpakutō?” Ichigo made an educated guess as to whom this man was.

“Yes,” The man nodded, not turning his blindfolded gaze away from the stars. “I’ve waited for you to seek me out. It is too bad you still cannot hear my name.”

“Rukia says that’ll come in time.” Ichigo noted to the spirit as he turned his own gaze back towards the heavens.

“Indeed, when you are ready to listen, when you are able to hear, only then will a fragment of our power be released.” The man agreed with the teen.

“I wanted to thank you,” Ichigo spoke again after a few moments of silence between them. “For helping me with the Huge Hollow and protecting Rukia and Karakura, I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Hmm,” The man hummed, seeming slightly amused. “Thanking me for that is akin to thanking yourself, Ichigo. You had the ability to slay that Hollow. You simply didn’t comprehend it. I only reminded you.”

“Still, without you reminding me, Rukia might’ve been hurt or worse.” Ichigo wouldn’t take back his thanks to his Zanpakutō.

“You wouldn’t have let that happen,” The spirit shook his head slightly. “She means far too much to you. All three of them do.”

“Yes,” Ichigo agreed with a smile as they both continued to gaze at the stars.

“I am always here, if you wish to speak with me, Ichigo.” The man stated out of the blue.

“Huh?” Ichigo blinked and realized he was sitting in his meditative position back at their practice area behind Matsukura.

“Very good, Ichigo.” Rukia smiled warmly at him, her violet-eyes filled with love and affection for her boyfriend.

“I saw my Zanpakutō, spoke with him, where was that?” Ichigo looked towards Rukia for answers.

“That was the ‘Inner World’ and it is unique to every Shinigami that can communicate with their Zanpakutō.” Rukia explained softly. “It is the place within the deepest recesses of your mind and soul where your Zanpakutō resides.”

“I couldn’t hear his name.” Ichigo admitted with a slight shake of his head.

“Even the most prodigious of Shinigami usually take sixth months to learn their Zanpakutō’s name, most take a year or longer.” Rukia reminded him with an understanding gaze. “It’ll come in time.”

“Better than I did.” Tatsuki spoke up as she opened her eyes fully and blinked a few times. “I didn’t see anything or anyone.”

“Me neither,” Orihime was practically pouting, her slightly puffed up cheeks made her look adorable. “I thought I heard someone giggling though.”

“I just felt warm,” Tatsuki looked thoughtful. “Like I was sitting near the heater at home on a winter day.”

“That’s still progress,” Rukia smiled happily at her girlfriends. “Your Zanpakutō have only just taken on their true forms in their sealed state. It could be a while before you’re ready to commune with your swords. The Zanpakutō will let you know when you’re ready; much like Ichigo’s did today.”

“Should we call it a day?” Ichigo groaned as he stood up with his sheathed sword in his right hand. “It looks like we were out for a while.” He noted the position of the sun and how it had changed.

“We can,” Rukia agreed as she helped Orihime and Tatsuki to their feet and watched the two girls stretch from sitting still for so long. “Let’s go to Orihime’s to relax.”

“Yes!” Orihime beamed at having them over at her place. All three of them smiled at how happy she looked. In short order the group was packed up and heading for Orihime’s apartment.

Once the foursome had arrived, Orihime happily welcomed them inside. The group quickly made themselves comfortable and had tea together. As they were simply lazing about with each other, Rukia seemed to have come to a decision as she left the embrace of her boyfriend and girlfriends.

“Rukia?” Ichigo looked confused as the violet-eyed Shinigami stood before the three of them.

“Are you alright?” Tatsuki questioned, seeing the redness on Rukia’s cheeks.

“I…” Rukia took a deep breath to settle herself. “I’m ready now.”

“Ready?” Orihime tilted her head curiously.

“To advance our relationship.” Rukia gently pulled up her shirt and removed it. 

-The Next Morning-

No…this is ridiculous!’ Rukia thought as she lay in Ichigo’s arms. They still had time before they had to get up for school and Rukia had checked her Reiryoku recovery as normal. The startling amount that she’d gained back between yesterday morning and now was much more than normal. The only thing that had changed though was her new experience yesterday. ‘There’s just no way that sexual activity is what’s helping me to recover like this! That’s just not possible! Right?’ She shook her head of the ludicrous thought.

Still it was good progress! More than she’d made over the last couple of days combined. That was a good sign for the return of her powers. They might be able to pull this off without anyone the wiser. But even if not, Rukia would argue for Ichigo, Tatsuki, and Orihime against even the Central 46 if she had to!

“Rukia~” Ichigo’s arm around her waist tightened as he pulled her closer. She smiled as she felt him nuzzle into her soft locks of black. When she felt his hardness pressing against her she stifled a squeak. You’d think after how many times she’d woken up with him that’d she’d be used to this by now. But having seen him at full length yesterday, she now realized he was only half-hard in the mornings.

“Ichigo,” Rukia whispered as she felt his bare chest against her naked back. After what they’d done yesterday, she’d simply foregone her sleep shirt at night. She rather liked the skin to skin contact and Ichigo certainly hadn’t complained. “We need to get up soon.”

“Mmm.” Ichigo gently shook his head ‘No’ as he snuggled closer to her.

“Yes,” Rukia grinned as she pushed her butt against him. “We don’t want to be late.”

“Fine.” Ichigo grumbled only to press himself strongly against her lovely bottom. “But don’t tease unless you’re going to help take care of it.”

“You’re insatiable, aren’t you?” Rukia teased as she turned to look at him over her shoulder.

“I’ve been told that, once or twice.” Ichigo chuckled as they both leaned in and shared a kiss.

On their way to school they picked up Tatsuki and Orihime as normal. Before they’d even cleared half the distance, Rukia’s Soul Pager went off. The short woman quickly pulled the device out and noted the new orders. Orihime and Tatsuki pulled out their own Gikon and popped a pill almost as fast as Ichigo. Rukia hopped onto Ichigo’s back and the four of them were off in less than a minute. The three Gikon-controlled bodies made their way to school as if nothing was amiss.

-Mashiba Ward ~ Central Karakura Town-

“Well, at least this is only a detour.” Tatsuki commented as the three of them in Shinigami Form dashed across the rooftops. They were technically still getting closer to their school.

“This is still amazing!” Orihime giggled as she leapt a distance that would put any human athlete to shame with barely any effort.

“Focus you two, this shouldn’t be difficult for the both of you, but there’s no reason to get complacent!” Rukia refocused the two newer Shinigami on the task at hand.

“Sorry.” Orihime and Tatsuki apologized simultaneously.

“Where is it?” Ichigo questioned as they stopped on top of a tall building and looked around.

“Down there!” Rukia pointed to a lot that appeared to be rundown. The Hollow’s form could be seen slinking around in the shadows. They leapt forward only to hear a scream.

“Help me!” What sounded like a woman screamed and they all stepped on the air itself for a brief instant before rocketing forward with Shunpo.

“Raaarrggghhh!” The Hollow was a dark-green color, sixed-limbed, and looked almost like a malformed centaur. Four legs, a torso with two arms, and the standard bone-white mask, this particular one looking similar to a horse skull. Trying to get away from the Hollow was the Plus of a woman.

“I’ve got her!” Tatsuki blurred forward in a Shunpo and picked the Plus up. The Hollow howled when both of them blurred away again and it lost track of its prey.

“The storm rumbles. Scattered dust, compressed sky. Strike of the blackened hammer. Hadō #22: Atsudama!” Orihime chanted as she held up both of her hands, her palms facing towards the Hollow. Just in front of her hands a semi-opaque sphere formed with a sharp hissing sound. Without a sound it was launched at the Hollow at incredible speed. The second the sphere hit the Hollow’s mask, everyone saw the bone-like material shatter and fragment from the force of the Hadō. With a loud bang the Hollow’s head disappeared entirely.

“Holy shit, Hime-chan!” Tatsuki gaped as the Hollow’s body collapsed and started to disintegrate. They briefly noted the four small, blue souls that were Konsō-ed through Orihime’s connection to her Zanpakutō.

“Oh wow…” Orihime blinked and looked between her hands and where the Hollow had been. “That was stronger than I expected.”

“You did great, Orihime.” Ichigo praised her with a smile as he pulled her into a hug.

“That was a nearly perfect takedown, Orihime, I’m proud of you.” Rukia smiled happily and gave Orihime another hug.

“Um…I’m very confused.” The Plus looked between the four Shinigami uncertainly.

After a few moments to explain that they were Shinigami and that they could help her pass on, the woman was more than willing to accept their help. Tatsuki performed her first Konsō as she drew her wakizashi Zanpakutō and tapped the kashira against the ghost woman’s forehead lightly. The symbol appeared as a glowing blue light and the Plus faded away. A black swallowtail butterfly was seen fluttering away a moment later.

“Huh, that was neat.” Tatsuki commented after she sheathed her sword. “So she went to Soul Society from that?”

“Yes,” Rukia nodded to her girlfriend with a gentle smile. “She’ll reappear within the Rukongai and live out her afterlife before being reincarnated.”

“That’s good then.” Tatsuki decided with a nod.

“That’s the better part of this job,” Ichigo pulled Tatsuki into his arms. “Helping the souls that’re stuck here find peace and pass on.”

“Yeah, I get that.” Tatsuki returned the hug with a gentle smile on her lips.

“I think we’re going to be late for school.” Orihime noted as they heard a chime from a nearby building with a large clock on it.

“Oh damn…” Rukia cursed quietly, realizing that she was the only one that would be counted tardy since she was stuck in her Gigai.

-End Chapter-


Progress! Both in Shinigami areas and Relationship areas!

So Ichigo has met his Zanpakutō spirit and it’s not the Canon one!

What else have I changed, hmm?

Rukia has furthered her relationship and perhaps made a rather naughty discovery?!

It couldn’t really being helping her recover…could it?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



The fluff! it's overwhelming!


Yes! We love the fluff! It is necessary after that asshole Grand Fisher! Cuddle Pile for the win! Also sexy times later! *Hehehehe~*


Glad you liked it! Yeah, Jinzen was always the plan to introduce this particular change. Also, lewd...


With the Zanpakuto I understand changing it since his “original” wasn’t actually a zanpakuto at all and some Quincy power that some how acted like a zanpakuto but was some combination of Quincy, shinigmi, hollow powers it never really made since cause I don’t think that at the time how zanpakutos were made i don’t know


Near the end of the series pretty much everything got all muddled and confused.


Man, I was surprised of the new spirt. I'm guess you're going to split the powers and have this guy repesent the shinigmi side.?I honestly just can't wait for Hollow Ichigo, one of my favorite characters.


I've changed a lot of things! No more Old Man Zangetsu, because this Ichigo isn't the same as the Canon Ichigo. The butterfly continues to flap its wings!


I agree now I am wondering what the name it will be and the power will be


You'll find out in time. It's something that we never saw in Canon though, so look forward to it!