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Dr. Stone Premise

Reduce the Shonen Bullshit Levels from Max to somewhere about Half...

It would require a catalyst though... Perhaps a Middle OC, the point of which is to mediate between the two Extreme Sides?

Tsukasa and Senku, both of their Ideologies are on the opposite ends of the Spectrum, to the point of Extremes.

Tsukasa - "Kill the old and only revive the Young and the Strong, purify the world."

Senku - "Save everyone, everywhere, with the Power of Science."

Tsukasa - Genocide based on Age. Partial dip into Eugenics as well.

Senku - Horrifically naive, even if you could make millions of Gallons of the Revival Fluid, finding and piecing together all of the statutes is impossible. Even if it was possible, you're talking over 7 Billion People, that's not a lifetime's work, that's a Multi-Generational Task!

I have three changes to make then...

1) Introduce a Third Party, both to mediate and to provide proof of the Ideals of each side. (This shows that you need both Ideals to give Humanity back what we lost.)

2) Have the Revival Fluid not be the 'Be All, End All' of the series. Some statues are simply beyond saving, whether they're broken, or because they shatter into dust from the Revival Process, instead of reviving. After all, if some people could hold onto their consciousness for 3,700 years, then it would stand to reason that many gave up and just let themselves pass while trapped in the stone. A Human can will themselves to die; Doctors and Nurses have seen it before on thousands of occasions. Also, being trapped alone, with nothing but darkness and your own thoughts would drive any Human to total insanity. Shonen Bullshit is the only reason that's not the case in Dr. Stone. So we have three Types of statues then: The conscious, like Senku, Taiju, and Xeno. The sleeping, like most of the other revived characters. The dead, one's that are broken and worn away as well as those that gave up and passed while petrified.

3) Use Senku's Second Hypothesis. Military Weapon Experiment gone horribly wrong.

Super Tech used by a Foreign Military. They activate it for a test run and it fucks up, which ends up petrifying the whole planet. Makes more sense than whatever the fuck is on the moon raining down tiny devices for it.

That means the tech would be destroyed by time already when the story starts.

No more petrification ray worries! You're concerns now are actually surviving long enough to Rebuild! Also, probably should try and propagate a bit once you get a secure life set up. Human Population just took a MASSIVE nosedive!

Senku isn’t still a weak little twig that could be snapped in half or tossed aside by a girl that weighs less than he does! He lived on his own, hunting, fishing, foraging, building, collecting, and experimenting for 6 months before Taiju was revived! You don’t do all of that every day for 6 months and remain a twig! He has a toned body and some muscle definition, not ridiculous like Taiju, Tsukasa, Hyōga, or a bunch of the dudes that Tsukasa revived. But he’s strong enough to make due on his own if he needs to.

Story Details

Shortly before Senku and Tsukasa separate, with Tsukasa going to start his Empire of Strength and Senku his Kingdom of Science; both of them, plus Taiju, meet another person that revived naturally, like Senku did. The only difference was that he woke up outside the ‘Miracle Cave’ almost two full years before Senku did. However, not being a scientist, he had no idea why he was freed from the stone. He simply did what he knew how to in order to survive and has knowledge of Agriculture/Gardening and Sociology, from University, along with Bushcraft. In the two years he’s been awake he’s started a small farm and grows vegetables, raises the native green pheasants, along with some chickens he found roaming around, for meat and eggs, and even has a rice paddy system set up.

The guy’s name is Akiyama Kaito. He looks late 20’s to early 30’s, he doesn’t know the date he woke up, so can’t give an exact answer of his age.

Kaito agrees to help them out with food and some of the small things he’s made over time. Of great interest to Senku is the small section of cotton that Kaito grows and the simple fabric he’s made from it in his spare time to clothe himself. Not to mention the single small plot of wheat in the corner of the farm.

As they chat, Kaito hears both of their ideas. Senku’s ‘Save everyone with the power of Science.’ And Tsukasa’s ‘Revive only the Young and Strong, purify the world.’ He refuses to take sides. He points out flaws in both of their systems, while mentioning that they’re both being ‘extremists’ just on different ends of the spectrum. He also mentions that he agrees with parts of both their Ideologies.

Tsukasa has the point about not destroying the land and nature by overpopulation. Dropping a large group of recently de-petrified people into the Stone World would only cause problems of food, water, shelter, and goods. Also that some will see this post-apocalyptic world as a way to push their own agendas and interests. They’d be trying to make a new status quo with them on top of everyone else. That may include violence and could lead to outright ‘war’ between the groups that would naturally form.

Senku has the point that those who can be saved should be saved and knowledge should be both preserved and applied. So long as a person isn’t a threat and can contribute, even if they can only contribute labor, they deserve to be freed and live. Not to mention that the young and the strong don’t necessarily guarantee survival in this Stone World. All of them were from a First World Nation before the collapse. Not many youngsters know how to garden, farm, hunt, make textiles, build, or anything else. Some of the older generations would though, and therefore their knowledge is indispensable for rebuilding a life worth living.

Senku, Taiju, and Tsukasa leave the small farm. From there, things go as Canon for a bit. Senku is ‘killed’ and then revived, meets Kohaku and the others, all the while he can get a few things from Kaito’s farm in exchange for more processed goods that Senku makes. Kaito mentions that Tsukasa and some new people have been by to barter for rice, vegetables, and herbs. Also, that Tsukasa believes Senku to be dead and Kaito won’t interfere in their war. But he does call them both ‘stubborn idiot teens’ while shaking his head in exasperation.

Kaito can fight and defend himself, but not against Tsukasa directly. Kaito’s farm and his knowledge are too vital to lose though. Tsukasa won’t risk jeopardizing their relationship, so the man is safe from Tsukasa’s ‘Only the Young’ policy.

When the whole ‘Stone Wars’ are over, Kaito, now known as ‘Mediator’ since he knows both sides and doesn’t want either to die, encourages Senku to tell at least the higher-ups about the 3 Types of statues; the Conscious, the Sleeping, and the Dead.

To demonstrate, Tsukasa, Senku, Kaito, Kohaku, Hyōga, and a few others gather in secret and Senku pours the Revival Fluid on a perfectly intact statue. The statue cracks apart, but only to fall to pieces. The person was already long dead within the stone. Senku informs everyone that it’s likely a rate of around 15% to maybe40% of statues that can actually be revived successfully. Just based on how long he remained conscious before the ‘sleep’ tried to claim him, he estimates, with Gen’s knowledge of Psychology, that a large majority of people probably stayed conscious until they simply gave up on life. The ones that made it long enough for the ‘sleep’ to claim them and the ones that maintained their consciousness are the only ones left.

This revelation would naturally cause Hyōga to chill the fuck out with his Culling idea. The ones that come back are clearly meant to be the fittest to survive. So no further Culling is necessary. As they’re returning to the main area of the Tsukasa Tribe, Kaito whispers an idea to Senku and Tsukasa. Both of them smirk and nod in agreement.

After all, a Third Village could help, since it would mean a logical ability to increase their numbers by freeing more people from the stone. Especially people with skills they need, like Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, Engineers, Sailors, and the like.

After the ‘Stone Wars’, another thing is brought up to Senku by Gen and Kaito. If he wants the Revived and the Ishigami Villagers to be able to get along from now on, he needs to unite the Tribes as the victorious Chief. Kaito and Gen explain to the Scientist that he’s already spit in the face of Ishigami Village’s customs by immediately divorcing Ruri. He needs to marry a woman from Ishigami Village if he doesn’t want dissent to form amongst the villagers. Likewise, however, he needs to take a wife from the Tsukasa Tribe, a modern day woman, to prove to them that he hasn’t Gone Nativeand turned his back on those from his own time.

Two lovely, blonde ladies are happy to marry the most intelligent man in the Stone World! Kohaku has had her eyes on Senku for a while. Nikki wasn’t kidding when she said she could fall in love with Senku for bringing back Lillian’s song and preserving it with his knowledge.

Senku, while not a fan of Romantic Entanglements, does see the logic. He’s also incredibly perceptive, as we’ve seen in Canon, so he proves to be a very good boyfriend for Kohaku and Nikki as he’s paid attention to their likes, dislikes, and hobbies. The three date, though Kohaku and Nikki aren’t involved with each other, they do share hugs and cheek kisses, kind of like sisters.







The others I’m not sure about at all, or if I’ll bother.

Things to Add/Fix

Senku showed that he could make a crossbow early on in the series. He’ll be doing more of that! Crossbows, after firearms, are the best handheld projectile weapons for mid-range combat or hunting. He’ll also introduce the Bow and Arrow to the Ishigami Villagers as a way to not only improve their hunting, but to better defend themselves as well.

Their next big project, after the ‘Stone Wars’, is building a railway to move people and materials more effectively over the distance between Ishigami Village and Tsukasa Tribe. What is normally a two or three day journey on foot; can be crossed in only a few hours by train. With a massive haul of supplies on top of that!

Instead of making a massive sailing ship and sailing for the ‘Treasure Island’ for a tiny fragment of platinum no bigger than a grain of rice. They could have just dug around where Tokyo, or any large city really, used to be and find plenty of the stuff. It was in EVERY car's catalytic converter, and Japan, apparently, has a large surplus of its jewelry made from platinum. Not quite as much as silver or gold, but a lot by comparison to other countries. Senku could have used a good chunk of his 150 people to excavate around what used to be Tokyo and probably found more than enough platinum to make his nitric acid catalyst machine.

Bonehead move to go sailing to an unknown island for a tiny fragment, when you could have dug up some without a fight. Hell, since platinum is a periodic element it wouldn't even breakdown much at all over 3,700 years! You might actually find a platinum ring or other piece of jewelry still buried!

The current goal is to get as much of Japan revived and slowly work their way back to civilization. Once they have enough people, then they can start worrying about going across the ocean and reviving others so that the rest of the world can come back from the stone.



Hey! This Premise has some likes on the Post and some votes on the Poll! That's awesome! I'm glad there's other Dr. Stone Fans here! Especially fans that like my idea to tone down the 'Shonen' Levels a bit!