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Hey friends and fans! Just wanted to let you know that another spot has opened up in the Support General Tier for anyone that's been wanting to Promote to that particular Tier. A spot has also opened up in the Support Captain Tier!

I've also noted a few more people leaving our group lately, and of the ones that fill out the Exit Survey -which I'm very appreciative of- a number of them are saying I'm not active enough?

I feel like an update every 2 or 3 days is about as much as I can do without hitting burnout.

I recently did the math and taking my average chapter length of 4,500 words and my average of 12 updates per month, that means I'm writing 54,000 words on average every month already.

I don't think I can do anymore or be anymore 'Active' than that.

I'm sorry if this is not enough, but I'm only one man and this is what I can do.

I hope everyone that's sticking with us is enjoying the updates I do put out though! I'll keep writing the stories you all enjoy until they're complete!


Benjamin Shklyar

It's honestly no problem. In fact I think you're writing schedule was perfect the way it is. The fact that you're cycling through several different stories and am able to come up with consistently good stories and chapters is amazing. I honestly have no issue with your the writing schedule.


Don’t worry about your activity. You are more active than a lot of other creators here and do a great job.

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

People are saying you aren't active enough? Those people have impossibly high standards then. You're only human.


Alls good. If the expect a chapter every day then those chapters will loss some of the substance and quality no matter how good an author you are. As that is just how it goes you have to have ti.e to write read and review it before we as your loving audience get the chance. You also have to work and have time for yourself to do personal errands for yourself


fuck em, probably upset that their favorite story didn’t get updated enough, but that’s such a selfish point of view that it’s not even worth bothering with. keep up the good work, your writing rocks


Thank you! I appreciate the consideration and that people remember that I'm human! I'll keep writing along as I always do!


Thank you! I'm happy that some people remember that, Tristan! I'll keep on writing the stories you guys like!


Thank you! I'm glad you think so! I'll keep on writing as I've been doing!


They're probably referring to their preferred stories. As Archa said. Keep doing you, and we'll stay on the edge of our seats eagerly awaiting your next update


Thank you! I appreciate your patience! Look forward to future updates!

Hannah Pinson

This might sound weird, but I always pictured you as a woman. Don't ask why cause I have no idea.


Kek! Sorry, nope, I'm a man. Kairomaru even uses the masculine -maru ending of a Japanese male name. Spongebob Voice: "Was I a pretty girl?"

Hannah Pinson

Probably. I wouldn't know since I'm not a lesbian


You do plenty, don't rush yourself otherwise you might become sloppy. Their upset that story they want is updated every once in a while. I follow an author who update about once every three months to four months. I just look for more stories in between. Also I enjoy most your stories that most of your updates makes my day.


Thank you! Praise like that is very much appreciated! I'm glad you enjoy the stories!

Old One

I agree with what everyone else is saying. Also, what you need to focus on is a sustainable rate of writing. If you try and push yourself too hard to meet a few people's (unrealistic) expectations and burn out, that would defeat the purpose. Like many others, I'm amazed (especially as a writing hobbyist myself) that you can write at such a high quality so quickly. In fact, those people who leave while saying it was because they wanted you to be more active are doing you a big favor, because they are letting you know that there was no reasonable thing you could have done to make them stay. And thus, you don't need to concern yourself about it. Just keep on delivering the quality writing that you have - you're doing fine.


You update about as often as anybody could hope for as it’s been said the people who are saying that are probably talking about one particular story but sense I think I can speak for the majority and say most of us enjoy more then one of your stories it’s not an issue


Thank you for your thoughts. It's nice to see that others enjoy what I do and the pace at which I write. I'll continue how I am!


Thank you! I appreciate your kind words and your understanding. I'll keep on writing the stories that my Patrons enjoy!


As someone who has resigned himself to waiting months for certain stories to update, I think you writing plenty as is. Especially since you’re splitting the focus between multiple different stories which is hard to do without mixing things up by mistake and keeping the quality. The fact you have successfully done this is credit to you as a writer. Keep up the good work


Thank you for your understanding and patience! It means a lot to me that you enjoy the stories! I also greatly appreciate the compliment!

Nubsauce13 (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-10 16:57:37 Hey man I have been a pseudo fan of yours since you first started out back around 2010 with Dokushu, which reminds me that I have been reading fanfiction for over 13 years now, <.<; Anyway I got back into reading your stories with First Nemea Leonthrope and expanded from there. I just want to say that the fact you are constantly putting out great stories in multiple different series and kept them of good quality means a lot. So yeah some people are leaving because of you being not "active" enough, just like previous comments here said, that just means the story they read wasn't being "updated" as much as they wanted to warrant their continued payment. It happens. Keep on trucking man.
2021-09-23 02:33:00 Hey man I have been a pseudo fan of yours since you first started out back around 2010 with Dokushu, which reminds me that I have been reading fanfiction for over 13 years now, <.<; Anyway I got back into reading your stories with First Nemea Leonthrope and expanded from there. I just want to say that the fact you are constantly putting out great stories in multiple different series and kept them of good quality means a lot. So yeah some people are leaving because of you being not "active" enough, just like previous comments here said, that just means the story they read wasn't being "updated" as much as they wanted to warrant their continued payment. It happens. Keep on trucking man.

Hey man I have been a pseudo fan of yours since you first started out back around 2010 with Dokushu, which reminds me that I have been reading fanfiction for over 13 years now, <.<; Anyway I got back into reading your stories with First Nemea Leonthrope and expanded from there. I just want to say that the fact you are constantly putting out great stories in multiple different series and kept them of good quality means a lot. So yeah some people are leaving because of you being not "active" enough, just like previous comments here said, that just means the story they read wasn't being "updated" as much as they wanted to warrant their continued payment. It happens. Keep on trucking man.


Thanks for sticking with me this whole time, friend! I'm glad you like all the stories! I'll keep on writing to the best of my ability for all of you!


Dude I have been a fan of your stories for years. Your work is fantastic people may leave due to financial issues or they are impatient just keep on if they like your work they will come back.


Thank you for your kind words, I truly appreciate it! I'll keep up the writing that you all enjoy!