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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Magma Dragon King! We’re hunting for people that don’t belong on Galuna Island! The island isn’t that huge, so it shouldn’t take too terribly long, right? Will the ritual be completed? Will the Fairy Tail Mages stop it?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 23 – Imprisoned Deliora

“So early…” Lucy shook herself awake as the group of Mages ate the breakfast that the villagers had provided them.

“Aye…” Happy was half-awake at best. He still managed to eat a fish while in his half-asleep state though.

“We have a whole island to search. We need to be up this early.” Erza reminded her blonde ‘soon-to-be’ Dragon Sister.

“Still,” Cana yawned with her hand over her mouth. “Sunrise is not our usual wake up time.”

“Tell me about it.” Gray also hid a yawn behind his hand.

“Aah~” Mira smiled as she fed Natsu a piece of fish from their breakfast. Natsu opened his mouth and consumed the fish with a lazy grin.

“Mira is more used to waking up early like this.” Erza grinned at seeing Mira so happy.

“Someone has to cook breakfast for the family,” Mira grinned at her Dragon Sisters. “So, Lisanna and I take it upon ourselves to make breakfast every morning.”

“You two are the best cooks,” Cana shrugged with a small chuckle. “You can’t blame us for always wanting to eat your food.”

“Thank you.” Mira smiled pleasantly at the compliment to her and Lisanna’s culinary skills.

The rest of breakfast was spent discussing how they’d search the island. The group would go through the forests and up to the only other structure on the island. A set of old ruins of a temple that the Humans who had lived on the island long ago had left behind.

The jungles of Galuna Island were rather warm, being sub-tropical as they were. The party of Mages searched high and low for any evidence of habitation or suspicious activity. Magic made hiding things ridiculously easy, so intense scrutiny was given to anything that looked suspicious. By midday they’d searched most of the forest and were taking a break for lunch.

“This island is full of fruit and stuff.” Natsu mentioned as he shook a small tree and caught the fruits that fell out.

“Aye sir!” Happy was carrying a couple fruits down from one of the taller trees for everyone.

“Food is good, but we need water too, we’ve emptied the canteens we borrowed from the village.” Cana noted as she turned her canteen upside down.

“We could have Gray make us some ice and then Natsu could melt it?” Erza suggested while looking between her Mate and Gray.

“Actually, I’ve got water covered.” Lucy raised her hand with a small smile on her face.

“You do?” Mira looked at Lucy curiously.

“Yep!” Lucy had a proud grin on her face as she reached down to her belt and the key ring that hung off of it. She pulled off one of the Copper Keys and held it out in front of her. “Open! Gate of the Chalice – Crater!” The Copper Key glowed with a bright yellow light before a two-handed chalice appeared floating in the air. It was rather plain looking, appearing to be made of bronze with lines depicting stylized patterns covering the item.

“A cup?” Natsu blinked at the Spirit that had appeared.

“Uh huh,” Lucy smiled at the Spirit as she took it into her hands. “Copper Keys are the Item Constellations, they don’t have the ability to speak or move on their own. But they’re amazingly useful for day to day things. Aren’t you Crater?” Lucy praised the Spirit. She smiled wider when she felt the Spirit’s happiness through their bond as Spirit and Key Holder. “Can we get some water, Crater?”

The eyes of all of the other Mages widened slightly as the empty chalice filled with water before their eyes. Lucy poured the water into her canteen until it was full and then asked for everyone else’s canteens. She happily filled each canteen up and handed them back one by one.

“That’s actually really useful.” Gray praised the little Spirit as he took a long drink from his newly filled canteen. “Cold too? That’s even more impressive.”

“I like this little Spirit!” Natsu agreed as he drank from his canteen.

“Is water the only thing it can produce?” Cana looked curious as she sat next to Lucy.

“It can produce all sorts of drinks, except milk for some reason.” Lucy explained with a shrug. She’d never questioned Crater as to why it couldn’t produce milk.

“What about wine?” Cana leaned into Lucy a little, with a teasing glint in her eyes.

“Red or White?” Lucy inquired with smirk. She was proud of her Spirit and its’ capabilities!

“Let’s try white wine.” Cana perked up at the positive response.

“Crater, some white wine, please.” Lucy spoke to the Spirit. The water vanished and the cup refilled with a different liquid. The blonde handed the chalice to Cana with a grin.

“Let’s see…” Cana took the chalice with a grin and sniffed it. Finding the scent of the wine pleasant, she sipped it. After a moment to let the taste register, the Card Mage smiled appreciatively. “Not bad at all, reminds me of a Sauvignon Blanc.” She was quick to finish off the wine in the cup with a grin.

“Crater is a very helpful Spirit.” Lucy praised as she took the Spirit back from Cana. The happiness and appreciation she felt from the chalice in her hands made her smile.

“Only a bit more of the forest left before we get to the temple.” Mira noted as they ate their mostly fruit lunch.

“If the Dark Mage or Mages are in the temple, do you think the ruin itself has something to do with whatever Magic is being done here?” Erza pondered and looked at the rest of the group.

“It’s possible,” Natsu shrugged as he ate another fruit. “If it was built for the purpose of utilizing some type of Magic anyway.”

“What kind of Magic requires a ruined old temple?” Lucy tilted her head slightly.

“Could be any number of things,” Mira hummed thoughtfully. “Location can be important to certain forms of Magic after all.”

“Whatever it is, we need to put a stop to it.” Gray stated before taking a swig of his water. “The villagers are already at their wits end from what we saw last night.”

After lunch, Lucy topped off everyone’s canteens again with water from Crater. Once that was done she sent the Copper Key Spirit back to the Celestial Spirit World with her thanks. The rest of the forest was searched through during the afternoon and the group of Fairy Tail Mages found themselves standing before the old temple ruins.

“It’s covered in Moon motifs…” Happy looked all over the ruin and spotted Moon shapes on each level that he could see.

“I smell people,” Natsu noted and all of the Dragon Slayers agreed as they sniffed the air. “They’re not really trying to hide that they’re here.”

“They must be confident that no one would come here.” Erza surmised with a grimace.

“Well, let’s hunt them down and ask them what they’re doing to the Demonfolk on this island and why!” Mira punched her right fist into her left palm.

The group entered the ruins and looked around for any clues as to what was going on. The smell of people hung in the air and the Dragon Slayers were slowly following the most recent scents deeper into the old temple. When they were crossing a large, empty chamber the entire floor seemingly gave way all at once, plunging the group into darkness. The floor then restored itself completely. In the shadows, a short, masked man smirked before disappearing.

“Lucy!” Natsu grabbed the falling Celestial Spirit Mage and cradled her close to his body. “Erza!”

“Of course!” Erza didn’t need any more words. She and Natsu were able to communicate through even the simplest of tones and gestures. She already knew what he wanted her to help him with.

Soften!” Natsu and Erza intoned as they both directed their Earth Magic towards the approaching floor. The floor glowed green, gray, and then brown before the Fairy Tail Mages landed. The ground didn’t hurt to land on though. Instead it was like landing on a huge cushion of air that gave way and slowed their fall safely.

“The hell was up with the floor up there?” Gray grumbled as he tried to see the floor they’d fallen from.

“Lucy, are you alright?” Natsu asked his girlfriend, holding her against his chest with his back on the ground to take the fall for her.

“I’m okay,” Lucy sat up -unintentionally straddling Natsu- and shot the pink-haired Dragon Slayer a smile. “Thank you, Natsu.”

“How far did we fall?” Mira wondered since the cavern they were in was dim.

“Had to be a good distance, I can’t even see the ceiling.” Cana noted as she couldn’t see the area they’d just been in.

“What is that?” Erza questioned curiously as she saw a dim light coming from a large hole in the far wall.

“The exit maybe?” Natsu had stood up with a blushing Lucy that had obviously realized she’d been straddling him.

“Only one way to find out.” Gray headed toward the hole and the light beyond it. The rest of the group followed after him while keeping their senses open for anyone else that may be down there with them.

The group peeked around the corner into the illuminated room. Not seeing anyone they moved in and got closer to the large blue crystal that caused the light. Only when they crossed the halfway point of the massive corridor were they able to see that the crystal wasn’t a natural geological formation, but that it was a massive sphere of ice!

“WHAT’S THAT DOING HERE?!” Gray demanded loudly as he stared wide-eyed at the mass of ice.

“Why’re you freaking out?” Lucy questioned as she was startled by the sudden yelling.

“Is that a demon?!” Mira almost squawked at what was revealed to be imprisoned within the ice.

“It’s huge!” Happy exclaimed in shock.

“Holy shit,” Cana swore as she craned her neck to look up at the monster. “It’s massive!”

“What kind of demon is it?” Erza looked towards Mira for an answer.

“Deliora…” Gray provided the answer as he stared at the Monster of his past. This demon had taken away everything from him, twice over. He’d never forget it for as long as he lived.

Deliora turned out to be a massive, dark blue, humanoid demon. It had a large torso and two large arms that ended in scaly, clawed hands. On both the left and right part of its torso and around its neck, Deliora was covered with a series of spikes. The massive demon had two large legs, though the feet resembled bird-like talons. The behemoth of a demon had even more spikes on its back. The monster’s hair was almost mane-like in shape and it reached down to the nape of its neck. A pair of horns that pointed upwards, jutted out from a plate-like part of its forehead. To finish off the monstrous look the mouth also had large pointed teeth, and the eyes were almost hollow in appearance.

“Deliora? One of the demons of the Book of Zeref?” Mira questioned as she snapped her gaze over to Gray.

“This thing is like Lullaby?” Lucy covered her mouth with her right hand.

“Gray,” Mira shook Gray to get his eyes off the frozen demon. “How do you know that’s Deliora?”

“I could never forget that monster!” Gray snarled out with rage and hate in his voice. Mira heard the undertones of grief and loss clearly though. “It was defeated and sealed in the northern country of Brago…by my Master Ur…how did it get here?” Gray clearly had history with Deliora and Mira was able to understand the unspoken words just by how Gray seemed to sag when he mentioned his old Master.

“Is this why the moon looks purple from this island?” Lucy spoke up after getting over her shock.

“Maybe?” Cana scratched the back of her head. “I’m not sure how though.”

“No…” Gray shook his head slightly. “Deliora can’t do anything within that prison of ice. He’s completely cut off from the world in there, unmoving for the rest of time.”

“Then why was it brought here?” Natsu asked as he walked closer to the icy prison.

“DON’T GET NEAR IT!!!” Gray roared at Natsu, making the Magma Dragon Slayer pause mid-step. “No Fire Mage should get anywhere close to it!”

“Gray…” Erza got the Ice Mage’s attention with a word. “Do you really believe enchanted ice like that could possibly be melted so easily?”

“…No…No it couldn’t…” Gray looked down with his fists clenched.

“Intruders!” A new voice called out from behind the Fairy Tail Mages. All of the Fairy Tail group turned to the sound of the voice.

The man that had spoken was lean-built, mildly muscular and of average height with, semi-long straight brown and distinctive animal features. He had a pair of canine-like ears sitting on his head, a small dark nose and a lower face which was colored differently from the rest of his body, bearing resemblance to a canine muzzle. He was bare-chested and only wore an extremely loose pair of pants with mildly torn hems, held up by a long belt, with a plain rectangular buckle. His pants bore a large, dark shield-shaped logo with a stylized skull emblazoned on it. On his feet were a pair of simple dark shoes and he appeared to have a red dog collar around his neck.

“A dog?!” Happy floated up higher as he looked down at the man.

“I’M NOT A DOG!” The brown-haired man yelled up at the cat.

“These must be the Mages that came to aid the villagers.” A shorter man next to him deduced as he looked the group over. He was a slim young man distinguished by his extremely bushy, squared black eyebrows and blue, spiky hair. He wore a green coat reaching down to his knees that sported dark-green sections on the sleeves and outer edges. His pants were black and he wore light-colored shoes.

“So you’re the ones causing the problems on this island, huh?” Natsu cracked his knuckles with a grin.

“Who are you two?” Erza demanded as she requipped a sword and pointed it at both young men.

“I have no need to answer.” The shorter man replied calmly.

“I’m Toby and he’s Yuka.” Toby pointed to himself and then to the blue-haired man next to him.

“Why would you answer them?” Yuka pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation.

“Doll Attack: Rock Doll!” A woman’s voice incanted as the stone of the floor rose up into a rough humanoid figure. The woman in question had her dark-pink hair tied in pigtails, a choker tied into a ribbon around her neck, a purple and pink short spaghetti-strap dress with light pink trimmings, black thigh-high leggings, and high-heeled black leather boots. She was also rather curvaceous with a buxom chest, thin waist, and wide hips that gave her an ‘hourglass’ figure.

“Get them, Sherry!” Toby called out, giving the Fairy Tail Mages a name to go with the woman.

“You’ve seen Deliora,” Yuka stated plainly as he stared at the Fairy Tail Mages. “I’m afraid you all have to die.”

“No thanks,” Mira transformed into her Satan Soul form in a shower of black-purple magical squares. “We have a Quest to complete.”

“We will be taking you down though.” Cana grinned as cards appeared in each of her hands.

“Star Arms: Taurus!” Lucy incanted and her arms both glowed with bright yellow light. When the light faded, she wore a pair of cow-print sleeves, dull-bronze wrist guards, and black, fingerless gloves.

“You’re going to tell me why you brought Deliora hear, one way or another.” Gray glared fiercely at the three Mages even as his breath frosted over from his Magic.

“Th-That’s a lot of Magic Power…” Toby balked as he felt the magic rolling off the Fairy Tail Mages.

“It doesn’t matter in the face of my Wave Magic.” Yuka shook his head as his hands were surrounded in light-blue light.

“Don’t be so sure.” Erza stared the shorter man down with her sword pointed at him.

“I’m getting fired up now!” Natsu grinned as a heat haze began to waver around him. Before he could leapt at the nearest opponent, Toby in his case, the floor below him suddenly disintegrated into dust and he fell through the new hole.

“Natsu?!” Lucy, Erza, Cana, and Mira called out as the floor instantly restored itself.

“It would seem Zalty has decided to lower their numbers a bit.” Yuka nodded at the remote assistance from the mysterious cloaked man. He’d been an amazing asset to Reitei in the time they’d known the equally short man.

“You’re going to regret that!” All four of the girls growled out. Mira, Cana, and Erza even bearing their fangs at the three enemies.

“Rock Doll, attack!” Sherry ordered her creation which cocked back an arm to strike at Lucy.

No one was expecting Lucy to face the attack head on. But the blonde cocked back her own fist and threw her own punch forward. Her fist met the golem’s fist and a brief gust of wind was caused from the impact. Then the golem’s stone arm cracked into pieces as Lucy’s enhanced strength won out.

“What the hell?!” Toby cried out in shock at seeing the blonde young woman shatter the golem with a single punch.

“Where are you looking?” Gray demanded of the dog-like man before a massive hammer of ice formed above Toby. “Ice Make: Hammer!” Toby barely jumped out of the way as the massive construct shattered the solid rock floor it hit into gravel.

“Are you trying to kill me?!” Toby cried out, seemingly forgetting that he and his companions were planning to kill the intruders.

“No…you can’t answer my questions if I kill you.” Gray declared and Toby felt a shiver go down his spine.

“Wave!” Yuka fired off his magic at the cards Cana had sent his way. The cards were destroyed by the odd, light-blue spheres of magical energy that Yuka used.

“Evil Spark!” Mira pointed her index finger at Yuka and a purple-white bolt of lightning blitzed towards the green-clad man.

“Wave Shield!” Yuka made a far larger orb of his Magic around his left fist and raised it to block the lightning. The opposing Magic vanished as it hit the odd Wave Magic.

“It disperses Magic, but what about physical objects?” Erza threw her sword at Yuka with all of her strength. The blade went spinning through the air like a buzz saw and Yuka side-stepped to avoid rather than trying to block. The sword sank deep into the stone wall behind the Mage with the large eyebrows.

“I think we found his weakness.” Mira had an absolutely evil grin on her face as she used her demonic strength to tear up a large boulder from the ground. “Catch!” She tossed the large rock at their enemy.

“Damn it!” Yuka was given no choice but to run to avoid being crushed by the large boulder.

“How’re you stronger than my Rock Doll?!” Sherry demanded as her golem’s arm reformed under the effects of her Doll Attack Magic.

“The Star Arms of Taurus greatly increase the wearer’s strength.” Lucy grinned before leaping forward. “Lucy Kick!” She bisected the golem with a kick and Sherry was forced backwards to avoid the falling upper half of her own creation.

-With Natsu-

“What the hell was that?” Natsu growled at being separated from his Mates and Happy. “It was definitely some kind of Magic.”

“You are an interesting one, Salamander.” A masked man in a white cloak chuckled. His face was covered by a red mask with four white horns emerging from the sides. There was an odd blue symbol on the forehead that was almost square-shaped and the eye holes were ringed in yellow. The mask had long, wild green hair flowing behind it, but that was clearly part of the mask itself.

“Who the hell are you?” Natsu questioned the man as he sized him up. “How do you keep making those holes in the floor? That’s not Earth Magic. I’d notice Earth Magic being used.”

“It’s one of the varieties of Lost Magic,” Zalty chuckled at the Dragon Slayer. “Its enormous power and terrible side effects ensured that this Magic was lost to history.”

“Lost Magic, huh?” Natsu sniffed to get a read on the man’s scent as he prepared to fight.

“Yes, just like your Dragon Slayer Magic.” Zalty grinned widely at the pink-haired man.

“Let’s start this fight,” Natsu began to emit heat as he squared up with the other Mage. “That girly perfume you’re wearing is annoying my nose.”

“Oh? You have quite the sense of smell, don’t you?” Zalty laughed as he raised both his arms and held his hands out.

“Yeah, I’m also familiar with Transformation Magic, lady!” Natsu blasted forward with flames from his feet and his right hand lashed out towards the masked ‘man’ while coated in lava. The impromptu attack was dodged, but the part of the cloak it grazed was instantly burned away.

Zalty waved his hand and parts of the ceiling crumbled down onto Natsu. The Magma Dragon Slayer merely smacked the rubble aside with his Earth Resistance. Natsu wasted no time in exhaling a torrent of flames toward his opponent. Zalty proved rather agile as he managed to dodge. Natsu swiped his hands across the ground as he incanted a spell. “Earth Dragon’s Shrapnel Barrage!” The rock erupted into dozens of spear-like shards and rushed towards the cloaked Mage.

“Hohoho!” Zalty waved his hands and the rocks crumbled to dust.

“That’s annoying,” Natsu noted the difference in his opponent’s reactions to his two elements. “But informative.” With a deep breath he threw his head forward. “Fire Dragon’s Roar!” The inferno was blasted out of Natsu’s mouth and spread across the majority of the underground chamber. The sea of flames engulfed the area that Zalty was in and Natsu only cut off the attack after a few seconds of cooking the area.

“I really wish you hadn’t made me do that…” Zalty ground out from within a dome of ice.

“Ice Magic?” Natsu cocked an eyebrow at the newest Magic revealed by his opponent. “So that’s at least three Magics so far, you’re talented to be able to learn so many.”

“I’m no longer in the mood to play, so I’ll take my leave.” Zalty seemed angry at having to use his Ice Magic.

“Not happening,” Natsu stomped his foot and the ground shook. The floor, walls, and ceiling of the cavern made a strange noise as whatever Natsu had done took effect. “You’re locked in here with me now.”

“Nothing is immune to Time.” Zalty had a wicked smirk on his face as he raised his hands again.

“I’m not letting you leave until I know who I’m fighting.” Natsu’s body began to radiate heat as his body was wreathed in flames. “I know Transformation Magic requires concentration. If you lose focus, it’ll come undone. Mira is really good at it, so I’ve learned a little about it from her. I’ll tear away that fake form of yours and find out just who I’m dealing with.”

“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that.” Zalty brought both of his hands down but froze in shock when the ceiling didn’t collapse on top of Natsu. “What?” A punch to the face was his first answer.

“The denser the stone, the longer it takes to erode.” Natsu was on the stumbling Zalty again and lashed out with a kick towards the other Mage’s ribs. “Thanks for telling me you used some kind of Time Magic!”

“Gah!” Zalty had managed to jump back and lessen the kick significantly, but the blow had still hurt a bit. “Freeze!” A wave of ice erupted from Zalty’s hands and incased Natsu. “Damn it! You really like forcing me to use that Magic, don’t you?!” The ice exploding from thermal shock sent the cloaked Mage stumbling.

“Fire Dragon’s Roar!” Natsu blasted another conflagration into existence and filled the chamber with a wave of intense fire. He noted the Ice Magic rising up to defend Zalty this time and rushed the construct. Just as the flames passed the ice dome, Natsu’s fist slammed through it and shattered the front of the ice structure. “Fire Dragon’s Grip Strike!” Natsu’s fist -which was latched onto Zalty’s cloak- exploded into flames and the man was launched through the back of his own Ice Magic.

“I’m not a fan of overly forceful men.” A woman’s voice stated from the smoke and mist produced by fire and rapidly melting ice.

“I knew it,” Natsu glared at the silhouette being obscured by the mist and smoke in the air. “You’re a woman using Transformation Magic.”

It was true, the smoke and mist cleared away revealing the woman. She was pale-skinned -based on what little Natsu could see of her skin at least- and had dark-purple hair down to her lower back. The mask still obscured her face, but there were small cracks in it. The mysterious woman had a rather voluptuous figure, she’d easily fit in with his Mates in the physical beauty aspect. Large breasts, a thin waist, trim stomach, wide hips, thick thighs, and long legs, the woman had the complete package as it were. All of these assets were covered by a skintight bodysuit that was primarily black and white. The trim and accents were golden-colored, the accents on her stomach looking much like the hands of a clock. She wore black knee-high boots, steel forearm guards, and Natsu saw a white hairband in the woman’s dark-purple locks.

“So I am,” The masked woman replied. “Are you satisfied now?”

“I’ve got your scent, even if you escape now, I’ll know who you are if you’re ever near me again.” Natsu informed the woman, still in his fighting stance.

“I don’t think that’ll be an issue, Natsu Dragneel.” The woman shook her head, sending her long hair swaying. “I was only here to see Deliora revived, nothing more. I have no interest in your Guild personally. Now, I’ve said I don’t want to fight, you wouldn’t attack a woman that’s given up, would you?”

“I don’t give a damn about that,” Natsu’s Magic began to rise. “Man, Woman, Human, Demon, Dragon, none of that matters to me! If you’re an enemy I’ll take you down!” Flames wreathed his body again as he took a step forward.

“Well aren’t you pragmatic when it comes to fighting?” The woman chuckled softly. “You’re a bit interesting outside of just being a Dragon Slayer, I guess.”

“Enough talk, let’s finish what we started.” Natsu took another step forward as his Magic spiked even higher.

“If we both go all out here, what do you think will be the result for your friends above us?” The woman asked rhetorically. “You wouldn’t want to hurt your friends…or your Mates; now would you?”

“You…” Natsu’s Magic shook the cavern as flames exploded off his form and the ground beneath his feet instantly turned into molten lava. His threat was truly terrifying as he bared his fangs and his slit-pupils locked onto the masked face of the woman.

“So protective~” The woman had a lilt in her voice that Natsu recognized as amusement. “You make a woman jealous with how much you care about them.”

“I’ll kill you…” Natsu growled out, his every word spewing flames. “Right here, right now.” The way the floor was rapidly turning into lava with Natsu as the epicenter backed up his threat.

“So let’s skip that and go our separate ways then, yes?” The masked woman had a grin on her lips and Natsu could practically feel it. “You’re powerful, Natsu Dragneel, but there’s always someone stronger.” The woman kept her hidden eyes on Natsu as she started walking toward the wall to her right. She placed her hands on the densely compacted stone with a grin. “That being said, you have the potential to be one of the most powerful Mages of this era. You and your Mates aren’t shackled by the limits of normal Humans.” The wall fell away as a tunnel was made and the dust fell to the ground. “You make a woman like me very curious about you and your Lost Magic.”

“You got a point?” Natsu growled as the floor continued to turn molten and spread.

“Do I?” The woman let out a genuine laugh that was rather pleasant to the ear. “Maybe I do, or perhaps I’m just messing with you~?” With that she started walking through her newly created tunnel with a noticeable sway in her hips. This also revealed that she had an amazing ass, tightly packed into her bodysuit. Natsu watched her back until she disappeared into the darkness of her tunnel. He would’ve thought about pursuing her if the tunnel didn’t suddenly return to solid stone. The Time Magic reverting it to its previous state.

“Who the hell was she?” Natsu cooled his anger and reined in his Magic. “Damn it, I don’t have time to worry about her. I need to get back to everyone. With a look of concentration the cavern shifted and part of the ceiling came down as a pillar of solid rock. “Time to start digging.” Natsu’s hands and forearms were covered in stone gauntlets in the shape of dragon talons. With almost negligent ease he dug into the stone and began to quickly tunnel his way upwards towards the cavern he’d fallen from. “I’m coming for you Cana, Mira, Erza, Lucy, and Happy!”

-With the Mysterious Woman-

“He’s more interesting than I thought.” The woman looked through a teal crystal ball as she watched the Magma Dragon Slayer quickly tear through dozens and dozens of meters of stone to get back to his Mates. “But interesting isn’t the only thing that matters.”

Her left hand went to the small of her back where -underneath her skintight bodysuit- a Magical Seal lay upon her skin. This was the only thing keeping her overwhelming Magic Power in check. There was such a thing as too much Magical Power for Humans. She narrowed her eyes at the memories the seal on her back brought up.

“I’ll get my answers, no more lies, no more half-truths,” She looked at a second crystal ball showing the chamber that housed Deliora. “You’ll tell me in your own words, won’t you Mother?”

The one called Lyon and his followers were merely a means to an end. Sure her current Master wanted to attempt reviving Deliora for his own goals, but for her this whole Moon Drip Ritual meant something else entirely. There was a very good chance that even Deliora -a demon from the Book of Zeref- had died after a decade within the Iced Shell. But there was a distinct wording to the Ritual that she wasn’t sure if even her wise old Master had noted.

Moon Drip was a ritual that utilized the Magical Power of the Moon to undo any Magical Spell or Effect that existed, no matter how powerful. Not dispel said enchantments or effects, it undid them. Undo and Dispel were very different operative words when it came to Magic, even if they were used interchangeably by Mages. To Dispel Magic was to destroy it. You removed the effect by getting rid of the Magic entirely. To Undo Magic was to return whatever was affected back to how it had been before the spell in question had been cast.

“Soon…soon…” The woman stared at the ice entombing the demon. “You’ll tell me everything; you’ll tell me the truth.”

-End Chapter-


Oh my…am I changing things AGAIN?! *Cackles in AU*

With the strength of multiple S-Class Mages, this fight isn’t looking good for Lyon’s forces.

We got to see another of Lucy’s Star Arms too! Taurus amps up Physical Power and let’s Lucy go hand-to-hand even with much larger foes!

Gray’s about to go on the warpath! You can imagine the rage and beatdown he’s going to unleash when he finds out just WHO is apparently destroying the Iced Shell.

What will the reaction to this mysterious woman be when the rest of the Fairy Tail Mages find out about her?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


John Balman

Oh I like that ending twist...and do I see another future mate LoL


I like how much more versatile you’ve made Lucy and celestial magic makes her a more interesting and means she can actually keep us with the rest of the dragon family to some degree


Glad you like the changes, John! Perhaps...then again, Perhaps not? Maybe she's just messing with him? Or maybe she's just tired of all the lies and wants the truth? Maybe she craves the Family that was taken from her? We'll see, we'll see.


Great chapter Kairo. Best part of the AN is the mysterious woman lol, i even forgot that she appears on this arc of the story. Grwat word game with moon drip. Can't wait to read the next chapter of all your stories


Yep! Glad you enjoyed it! Just think, this is only the Star Arms! Imagine what the full Star Dress can do! Plus Lucy will go through her own Dragon Soul Ritual eventually! She's not being left behind in anyway in this fic if I can help it!


Happy to hear that you enjoy how I'm changing things up! Yeah, sometimes it's hard to remember when certain characters did something, especially when they were in disguise at the time! Look forward to the future updates!

Clark Kent

Great chapter! It's been so long since I read the manga that this story almost feels like a new one to me. With the changes you've made I'm really enjoying the novelty.