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Hey friends and fans, just wanted to give you a quick update.

First of all, I'm sorry this isn't a story update like I wanted it to be. Real Life called today and wanted to give me some less than wonderful news.

My childhood home, which I'm set to inherit once the courts finally get through the Estate proceedings, was built back in the mid 80's. Today I had plumbers over for most of the morning to try and find a small leak that had shown up on the water tracker app. They couldn't find any water leaking directly so they looked deeper. Turns out that under the crawlspace and at pretty much every faucet the pipes have corroded from age and all of them together have been leaking...just...enough to add up to a noticeable amount and that's the cause.

I'm looking at three days of repairs next week and a $5,500 bill to replace it all.

I then spent the majority of the evening helping my grandmother at her home with some heavy-lifting and then got to spend some time with my niece.

I should have an update out tomorrow for all of you though, but I wanted to give you all a heads up as to the delay on the update from my end.

Thanks for being understanding and I hope you enjoy tomorrow's update!



That really sucks to hear Kai.

Harrison J. Glass

take your time to make the way that you will be satisfied with what you made


That's life. We just gotta roll with it. A big 'Ouch' to the savings account though.


Like primus said it's OK we all understand if you need to take your time just make sure your home is safe and inhabitable. We all can wait you are a great writer and if others say that you should still post regularly then they don't care about you and just your stories. Be safe


Thank you for your kind words. I do hope this doesn't set me back too far this month. Maybe finishing up an update will also help with the Muse too. Not being as cooperative these last two days, so writing is taking longer.


Understandable life comes first then your stories and I agree with the others

Nexue R

Hope it all works out, Got to take care of yourself first a few days/week isn't going to put us out to much 👍

John Balman

No worries, RL and family always comes first, ( I can totally relate , car transmission repair, cousin health failing and my Dad with his own suite of medical fun) I can't do much personally but know I'm praying for you!!

Ty'Ree Gary

Keep yo head up man🤙🏽 nobody worried about a wait while you handling yo business


Thank you very much, life can just spring things on you when it wants to.