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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Age of Titans! The time has come for survival training in the deep woods and mountains surrounding the Military Training grounds. Cadets will be split up into teams at random and separated by kilometers in the wilds. They have to survive for three days on their own. Failure in this assignment results in instant shipping out to the fields! Seems like a good time to reveal the truth.

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 3 – Revealing the Truth

“Group Six will be Ackerman, Leonhardt, Yeager, and Ymir!” Shadis barked out as he read off a list of Cadets.

It was time for the remaining Cadets to go through their Survival Training. They’d be randomly paired together and then dropped off alone in the mountainous woods to survive for three days. Failure to survive or meet expectations was an automatic dismissal from the Training Corp. Anything and everything could be asked of a soldier and that included going out into the deep wilderness within the walls for days or weeks at a time on assignment. If the Cadets couldn’t cut it in the wilds, then the Survey Corp had no use for them at all; the Garrison wouldn’t take in soldiers that couldn’t rough it either. Both Corps needed soldiers that could endure: The Survey Corp for obvious reasons and the Garrison because they had the most responsibilities of the three branches of the Military.

“Looks like we’re together for the next three days, Eren~” Ymir teased the slightly shorter teen with a grin.

“Take this seriously, Ymir.” Eren side-eyed the tall girl.

“Eren.” Mikasa gave him a look and Eren gave her a small smile in return.

This is probably the best time,’ Annie decided and shot Ymir a look. The freckled young woman raised an eyebrow slightly before giving an almost imperceptible nod back.

-Deep in the Mountain Forest ~ Several Hours Later-

“You’ll be here for three full days,” The Instructor that had brought them to their site informed the group of four. “On the morning of the fourth day we’ll return to retrieve you. Failure to meet expectations will see you dropped from the Military, remember that. Your closest Cadets are about ten kilometers away, do not seek them out or you’ll fail this exercise. Dismissed.”

“Sir!” All four teens saluted with their packs set on the ground next to their feet.

In a matter of minutes the carriage that brought them to the remote area was out of sight completely. Without any words the four Cadets quickly began to set up camp. The sun was already past the noon zenith and they needed to be set up before it got dark.

After their tents were set up, the four Cadets divided up the remaining tasks: Eren would collect firewood, Ymir would fetch water from the nearby stream they’d passed on the carriage ride up the mountain, and Annie and Mikasa would search for food in the surrounding forest to supplement the meager rations they were given. Eren volunteered to dig the latrine as well, but that was just his way of being nice to his female friends.

Ymir was the first one back to camp with four canteens full of water. Eren returned not too long afterwards with a mass of sticks under each arm. The group wouldn’t need to scavenge for more firewood for at least the next day. As the two worked to get the campfire started, Annie and Mikasa returned with foraged plants and mushrooms. Night fell as the four sat around the fire and ate hardtack with roasted mushrooms and leafy greens.

“Eren, Mikasa,” Annie spoke up after they’d all eaten. Seeing that she had both of their attention, Annie took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before continuing. “There’s something that I need to tell you both.”

“What’s that?” Eren questioned curiously. He’d never seen Annie hesitant about anything in all the time he’d known her.

“It’s about the truth, the real truth, that’s been hidden from all of the Eldians living within the walls.” Ymir informed the duo, her brown-eyes steely and focused.

“Eldians?” Eren looked confused by the unfamiliar term.

“What truth?” Mikasa was showing her own confusion as she looked between her two friends. The girls of Barracks Three had become rather close with each other over the last several months.

“To start, Humanity is alive and somewhat well outside of the walls.” Annie began, even as Eren and Mikasa’s eyes widened at her words. “The world you know is merely a fragment of a fragment of the whole.”

“Wh-What do you mean by that?” Eren leaned forward even as he felt Mikasa take his hand in hers.

“Do you know that we’re on an island right now?” Ymir answered his question with one of her own.

“We’re on an island?” Mikasa blinked at the info. “That’s impossible…isn’t it?”

“It’s true, Mikasa,” Annie looked the other girl dead in the eye. Mikasa’s dark eyes saw no hint of deceit within Annie’s icy blue gaze. “Paradis is a very large island, one of the largest in the world in fact. But it is still an island off the coast of the Nation of Marley.”

“Annie…you’re joking, right?” Eren had a strained half-smile on his face as he looked at the shorter girl. “Th-this isn’t funny.”

“She’s telling the truth, Eren,” Ymir looked into his green-eyes with her chocolate brown. “Both Annie and I are from Marley. We’re persecuted there for being Eldians. Everyone you know and have ever known is an Eldian too. They fear and hate us for what happened in the past.”

“This isn’t funny!” Eren would have jumped to his feet if Mikasa wasn’t still holding his hand. “Like I’d believe something like that!”

“Eren, take my hand…” Annie held out her hand to the future King of Eldia. She waited patiently as Eren calmed down. With a deep breath and a long, slow exhale, Eren reached out and took Annie’s hand with his free one. The normal shock-like effect happened and this time Annie looked him in the eye when it happened. “You feel that every time we’re in contact, don’t you?”

“You feel it too?” Eren stared at Annie in surprise.

“Of course, it has to do with the power of the Eldians.” Annie gently squeezed his hand. “Let me tell both of you the truth,” She looked between Eren and Mikasa, her normally cool gaze was much warmer and all but begging them to listen to her. “Let me tell you the real truth of this world, of what the Eldians are and what our ancestors did. My family has kept this record of the past for almost two-thousand years now. Since the founder of what would be the Eldian Empire first emerged and changed the world forever.”

“How can I know that you’re not lying?” Eren questioned the girl he considered a friend. Someone he not only respected, but even looked up to a bit.

“That’s why I wanted your hand, Eren,” Annie moved their hands slightly. “This history will be the truth as my family has kept record of. The power of Eldia that resides within you will know the truth when you hear it.”

“…I’ll trust you, Annie, at least for now.” Eren agreed after a long silence. Mikasa squeezed his other hand as they both gave Annie their undivided attention.

Annie began to speak, to tell the true history of the Eldian people and the Empire they built. The triumphs, the failings, the good they’d done, and the horrors they inflicted on others. Nothing was held back and Annie felt the pressure on her hand increase when Eren learned about the power of Eldia being the power of the Titans. She would’ve thought he’d leap to his feet and rage against her when he found out, hell even Mikasa had let out a horrified gasp, but he sat stock still with a thousand meter stare. Annie knew what was happening, even as she continued to speak. The Prime Attack Titan within Eren was reliving the most vivid and important memories of the long history that Annie was relaying. Eren was experiencing the rise of Titan Shifters, the rise of the Eldian Empire, and he witnessed as greed and cruelty brought the Empire to ruination.

“Eren?” Mikasa leaned into him when he didn’t move or speak after Annie finished her recounting of the true history of Eldia and the world outside the walls.

“You two have it, don’t you?” Eren questioned after another moment. His green-eyes were darker than the three girls had ever seen them before. “You’re Shifters…show me.”

“Alright,” Annie agreed as she gently released his hand and stood up. She flicked a small ring that she pulled from her pocket to reveal a tiny, sharp blade and cut her finger. Blood welled up and began to flow from the small injury.

“I don’t usually do this, Eren, but you need to know.” Ymir gave him a fraction of a smile as she stood up as well. She merely bit her own hand between thumb and index finger to draw blood.

The two girls walked a fair distance away from both the campfire and each other before twin bolts of intense yellow lighting seemed to strike them both. The light produced by the formation of the Titan bodies allowed Eren and Mikasa to see the whole process. The massive bones formed, followed by ligaments, tendons, and muscle. Skin covered both of the Titans and then hair formed on top of their heads.

Ymir’s Titan Form stood at four meters before it crouched down into a quadrupedal stance. It was lithe in figure, almost like a cat, with large, metal-like claws on both hands and feet. The Titan’s face was covered by a mask that looked like a cross between bone and metal. Its jaws were combined with the mask and the fangs the Titan sported looked like they could shred anything between them. The short, dark-brown hair that covered the Titan’s head was a perfect match of Ymir’s. The eyes of her Titan form seemed to almost glow in the night.

Annie’s Titan form was much larger, easily standing at fourteen meters tall. It had Annie’s blonde hair, her cool blue-eyes, and even mimicked her skin tone. Aside from the actual details like nipples, Eren was certain this would be similar to what Annie would look like naked. The only thing that wasn’t a match of Annie’s form was the face. The Titan’s face was less Annie’s and looked sharper, the skin around the eyes was red and there were markings beginning at the edge of the Titan’s lips and going back along the cheeks in a straight line. The Titan’s fingers were also white in color, almost looking like they were covered in bone.

“It’s true…” Mikasa breathed out as she held Eren’s hand and stared up at their friends.

“Jaw and Female…” Eren said flatly, almost like it was an afterthought.

“Eren…” A very rough version of Annie’s voice came from the Titan’s mouth. “Is this enough?”

“Yes.” Eren nodded after another moment to take in their forms.

At his word both Annie’s Titan form and Ymir’s leaned down until they were lying on the ground. With a blast of steam, Annie and Ymir emerged from the napes of their Titan forms. Both girls had noticeable striated lines that originated from below their eyes and crossed their cheeks as they pulled themselves from the massive bodies. The two young women dropped to the ground as the Titan bodies began to steam and dissolve behind them. The thick trees surrounding them had blocked the light of the transformation, while the dark of night hid the steam and smoke of the dissolving Titan flesh.

“Now you’ve seen our Titans, Eren.” Annie noted as she sat back down with a sigh.

“They’re not exactly good-looking, huh?” Ymir shook her head as she joined them back at the campfire.

“I know things, now…things I couldn’t possibly know.” Eren’s fist was clenched and shaking as he came to terms with all the new information that had been revealed to him. The history that Annie had spoken of, but more so the vivid memories he’d relived in mere moments as she’d spoken. “This is real…it’s all real…”

“I’m right here, Eren,” Mikasa held his hand tightly as she pulled him into a hug. “I’ll never leave your side, you’ll always have me.” She murmured into his ear to offer him all the reassurances she could.

“The memories…I have the Prime Attack Titan, don’t I?” Eren looked at Annie intently.

“Yes,” Annie confirmed before continuing. “You also hold the Prime Founding Titan as well. You’re a Royal Blood, Eren.”

“How?” Eren questioned what he considered a ludicrous statement. “I’m not royalty, hell I’m not even a noble of any kind, how could I be a Royal Blood?” Having these new terms and knowing what they meant both from Annie’s explanation as well as the vivid memories of past Prime Attack Titan Holders was an odd duality that Eren was sure would take some time to get used to.

“The Founder Ymir had three daughters and each of her daughters went on to have three children of their own. It was in that generation that the original Titan Power was split into nine and bestowed by Ymir to each of her grandchildren.” Ymir spoke up as she knew the story of the Founder Ymir by heart. It had only been recited to her hundreds of times by the fanatic that ended up betraying her in the end. “That’s nine lines of direct descent from the Founder. You could be from any one of those branches and simply have the ability to hold the Prime Founding Titan. Royal Blood is the term used for the descendants that are capable of holding and utilizing the Prime Founding Titan’s power.”

“That’s correct, Eren,” Annie confirmed Ymir’s words. “The one who holds the Prime Founding Titan is the one with the right to rule Eldia.”

“I need time to process all of this…” Eren admitted as he sagged in his seat and Mikasa held him tighter.

“I’d be surprised if you didn’t, Eren.” Ymir gave him a small smile and Eren did his best to return it, despite his mental fatigue.

“We can talk in the morning since we have three days here in complete privacy.” Annie agreed with the idea of heading to bed. She had just dropped a life-changing amount of information in Eren’s lap. No one could be expected to just accept all of it and have a clear mind straight away.

With the decision to head for bed made, the fire was put out and the four headed to bed in their tents. Ymir and Annie worried slightly about how Eren would handle this new reality he was just made aware of. Mikasa worried about Eren in general. Eren laid in his bedroll and stared at the top of his tent in contemplation. He’d experienced the vivid memories of the previous Holders of the Prime Attack Titan almost as if he’d lived them. He knew Annie and Ymir were telling the truth, but his mind needed time to process everything. His world had just been turned on its head and he was reeling from the truth that had been hidden from everyone within the walls.

“Eren,” Mikasa whispered as she poked her head into his tent.

“Mikasa?” Eren blinked as he looked at her in the dim light provided by the small lantern in the corner of the tent.

“I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Mikasa murmured quietly.

“I just need time to figure this all out, that’s all.” Eren gave her the best small smile he could muster. It must not have been very good because he saw the way Mikasa’s expression dropped. The next thing Eren knew, Mikasa was crawling into his tent. “Mikasa, what’re you doing?” Eren whispered at her.

“It’s okay, Eren, it’s going to be okay,” Mikasa assured him as she lay beside him and then pulled him into a hug. “I’m right here; you don’t have to figure all of this out alone.”

“Mikasa…” Eren’s eyes widened momentarily before they softened and he wrapped his arms around Mikasa. “Thank you.” He murmured into her ear while pulling her close. The two held each other as they slowly came to terms with the world-changing information they’d just learned. Sleep claimed them a short time later and they stayed in each other’s arms all night.

-Next Morning-

“Well, well, well…” Ymir had a grin that went from ear to ear. She and Annie had been preparing for breakfast when Mikasa had left Eren’s tent. Mikasa froze when she spotted both of the Shifters looking at her.

“…I…this isn’t…” Mikasa was beyond flustered as her cheeks burned and she couldn’t form words.

“You’re still dressed in your uniform from yesterday. We know nothing happened, Mikasa.” Annie reassured her friend while deftly swatting Ymir’s shoulder.

“Ruin my fun.” Ymir chuckled as Mikasa visibly relaxed and headed for her tent to get her jacket and boots.

“Morning,” Eren crawled out of his tent next, already dressed for the day. “I still have a lot of questions.”

“That’s good, Eren,” Annie gave him a smile. “I’ll answer everything I can.”

“Is one of them how to use your Shifter abilities?” Ymir guessed and cracked a grin when Eren stilled for a moment. “Got it in one.”

“I’ve hated Titans ever since that day,” Eren admitted with dark eyes and clenched fists. “But if I can use this power to destroy the Pure Titans and take down Marley for what they’ve done. Then I’ll use it, I’ll master it, and I’ll save the people I care about.”

“I’ll help you, Eren.” Mikasa emerged from her tent fully dressed for the day. “Always.”

“Thank you, Mikasa.” Eren smiled at her. Mikasa’s cheeks went slightly pink before she hid them in the red scarf he’d given her years ago.

“We’ll get to Shifter training after sunset,” Annie promised as she noticed the fire was now big enough to cook with. “We need the cover of night to hide the smoke and steam. After breakfast I’ll answer any questions you have, Eren.”

True to her word, Annie spent the majority of the day answering all of Eren’s questions. She told him everything he wanted to know about Shifters and how the whole process worked. She described the Nine Titan Types and how every Eldian that went through the process had an inherent Type that they’d awaken the powers of after going through the proper procedure. She told him everything she knew about the state of the walls as well. How the system really worked and the ones that were truly in charge of the government.

“Why don’t I get that same feeling, the shock, when I train with Reiner and Bertholdt?” Eren asked a question that Annie hadn’t been expecting.

“That’s because I’m purposefully using it to find other Shifters.” Annie explained as she graced him with a smile for surprising her. “Any Shifter, if they know how, can open themselves up to the power of another Shifter. When a Prime Titan Holder does this they can even tell what Type of Shifter the other person is. Reiner and Bertholdt don’t know how to do this.”

“So you’ve basically checked every single Cadet in the Training Corps?” Eren realized and Annie confirmed his guess with a nod.

“Some of the Instructors too,” Annie informed the other three with a shrug. “You and Ymir are the only ones in the Training Corps that are Shifters as far as I can tell.”

“Eren has the Prime Founding Titan and the Prime Attack Titan, Ymir has the Prime Jaw Titan, Reiner has the Prime Armor Titan, Bertholdt has the Prime Colossal Titan, and you have the Prime Female Titan,” Mikasa counted off the number of Prime Titans, even though she had to take Eren’s hand to help him keep his calm when she mentioned Reiner and Bertholdt. They had been directly responsible for the loss of Wall Maria and Eren wanted them both dead for the death of his mother. “That leaves the Prime Cart Titan, the Prime Beast Titan, and the Prime Warhammer Titan still in Marley.”

“Getting the Prime Armor and the Prime Colossal into our hands is a top priority.” Ymir looked grim at the thought of what those two powers could do if left in the hands of Marley Loyalists like Bertholdt and Reiner. “Plotting a successful coup and installing Eren as the rightful King isn’t something I could even hope to plan out though.”

“We’ll need more allies on our side that we can awaken as Lesser Shifters.” Annie stated plainly.

“I’ll do it.” Mikasa spoke up without hesitation. “Just tell me what I have to do.”

“Mikasa!” Eren looked her in the eye, but Mikasa’s black-eyes showed absolute determination. It was immediately clear that she would not be swayed from this decision.

“If Eren can control his own Titan Form quickly enough, I’ll perform the process on you Mikasa.” Annie agreed and Eren turned to look at her so fast that she was surprised his neck didn’t pop.

“Go over that process for me again, please.” Eren requested as he took Mikasa’s hand in his own.

“Too avoid the ‘Curse of Ymir’ an Eldian must never willingly seek to consume the Holder of a Prime Titan. If they do so, then they’ll die without fail in thirteen years to the day they consumed the previous Holder.” Annie went over the ‘curse’ again to make sure they understood the ramifications of the Cannibalistic Method. “The method of turning an Eldian into a Pure Titan is to either inject them with the spinal fluid of a Shifter, or have them ingest said fluid. The Marleyan Government only knows of these first two ways to make Titans and Shifters.”

“But the third way is the proper way, the one that makes more Shifters, right?” Eren was looking for assurances and Annie gave them with another smile.

“Yes, the proper method is to inject or ingest a mixture of the spinal fluid and blood of a Shifter. This awakens the latent abilities of an Eldian and turns them into a Lesser Shifter too. It’s why we Shifters have to expose our blood to the air to transform, part of the power lies within our very blood. The ratio of blood to spinal fluid is a closely guarded secret in the Leonhardt Clan. I’ll share that with you, of course, but it cannot become widely known. I get sick at the very thought of what Marely would do if they had this information. They have thousands of Loyalist Eldians under their boots that would willingly become Shifters to serve Marley’s interests. Those bastards would destroy every other nation on the planet without hesitation.”

“Is there a way to tell what Type of Titan I’d become?” Mikasa questioned Annie seriously. “If I became a Colossal suddenly then a lot of this forest would be destroyed and we wouldn’t be able to hide such a transformation.”

“You remember what I told you of the Ackerman Family last night?” Annie looked into Mikasa’s eyes. “That they had Titan Science used on their members to try and make superior soldiers.”

“Yes.” Mikasa nodded, only slightly concerned at what had happened in part of her Family’s past.

“The very few times that an Ackerman was ever awakened as a Shifter before the Eldian Empire fell, it always resulted in abnormalities with their Titan forms. They weren’t a single Type, but some variant or hybrid of two of the Nine Types. I honestly have no idea what kind of Titan you’d become, Mikasa.”

“What’re the actual odds of any Eldian awakening as a Colossal Type?” Ymir asked a different question.

“Not very high,” Annie admitted with some relief. It also made some tension leave both Mikasa’s and Eren’s shoulders. “Colossal Types are probably the rarest overall among Lesser Shifters. Not even my family knows how King Fritz made so many Colossal Titans to create the walls. As far as we know that shouldn’t have been possible. The Prime Founding Titan can do many things to the Eldian people, but changing their inherent Type isn’t one of them as far as anyone was aware.”

“Once I gain control of this power, maybe I’ll be able to find out?’ Eren looked at his free hand before clenching it into a fist.

“It’ll be nightfall soon,” Ymir noted as they all looked up at the sky that was slowly turning a myriad of reds and oranges. “We should get ready.”

Just after night had fully fallen and the waning moon provided little to no illumination, Annie and Ymir walked Eren through the process of Shifting at will. Learning that he needed to have a goal in mind for the transformation to take effect, Eren thought about why he was learning to harness this power. He focused solely on transforming to learn to control the Titan form. His goal for transforming would be to remain in control and look at Annie’s Titan form eye to eye.

Ymir transformed first, taking on the form of her version of the Prime Jaw Titan. Mikasa was placed on her head for safety incase Eren went berserk and Annie had to restrain him. Ymir’s Titan form could swing through the forest faster than the larger Titans could hope to keep up with. Mikasa would be safest with Ymir until Eren was in control.

“Whenever…you’re…ready…Eren.” Annie spoke slowly in her Titan form. It was a coin flip as to whether or not a certain Types of Titan forms would have the ability to speak. Annie’s could, but it was clear she hadn’t had much practice with it.

“Alright…” Eren breathed in deeply and then exhaled slowly. He focused and concentrated on his goal as he brought the small knife to his left palm. Eren cut his palm and watched the blood flow for a moment before a golden spark leapt from the injury. In a flash of lightning Eren was lifted high into the air as his Titan formed around him.

The giant skeleton formed quickly and was just as quickly covered with ligaments and tendons. The muscles formed shortly afterwards and were quickly covered by skin the same tone as Eren’s. The head developed pointed ears and an abnormal jaw structure. A head of dark-brown hair draped down into the new Titan’s face. After a second, blazing green eyes snapped open and glowed in the darkness.

“Raaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!” Eren’s Titan form roared into the night sky.

“Eren?!” Mikasa clade out, hoping her voice would reach the one she loved.

“…Eren?” Annie questioned from within her Titan. Eren’s gaze snapped towards Annie’s Titan form and snarled.

“Eren!” Mikasa yelled out as loud as she could when she saw Eren’s Titan form take threatening steps towards Annie.

Well shit…’ Ymir thought within her Titan form. Her form was unable to speak and that meant she couldn’t try and call out to Eren.

“My King…” Annie’s Titan form spoke, even as the giant took her standard martial arts stance.

“Eren, stop!” Mikasa howled and everyone was surprised when Eren’s charge slowed to a stop.

“Uurrrgh…aargul…” Eren’s Titan form apparently couldn’t speak with its abnormal jaws. He seemed to struggle with himself for a bit, shaking his head back and forth. Eren stilled and looked between them all, seemingly unable to decide to attack or not. Annie dropped her stance and simply embraced him gently.

“You’re…okay…Eren.” Annie soothed the other Titan as she hugged him.

“Rrrmmm…” Eren’s Titan form gave a rumble as his arms came up to return Annie’s hug.

Thank the Gods…’ Ymir let out a sigh of relief, her Titan form fulfilling the action and letting out a gust of air.

“You did it, Eren.” Mikasa smiled as Annie and Eren separated with Eren looking down at Ymir and Mikasa.

“He’s…in…control…now.” Annie spoke while Eren’s Titan form sat down and held out his hand for Mikasa to climb on.

“You’ve done amazing, Eren.” Mikasa leaned into Eren’s cheek to give him a hug. She noted the higher temperature of his Titan form but it wasn’t hot enough to worry about at the moment.

“Once Eren settles down fully, then we’ll move on to your awakening, Mikasa.” Annie informed the ravenette as she sat her Titan form down and exited the body.

“I’ll be ready.” Mikasa nodded firmly even as Eren held her close to his face and looked at her with his Titan’s eyes. “Whenever Eren puts me down.” She was glad no one could see how flushed her cheeks were. She couldn’t help but enjoy how much interest Eren had in her.

“I hope so.” Annie smiled slightly as she removed a syringe from her pack. She’d swiped it from the medical bay without anyone the wiser. “Though I am going to need your help to collect the spinal fluid required. I can’t do that part myself.”

It was time to see what exactly Mikasa would become upon her awakening. Her Ackerman lineage would bring about some form of variant, but there were far too many combinations to think about. Annie and Ymir could only hope that Mikasa’s seemingly prodigious talent in everything physical-related would help her maintain control of whatever Titan she became. They couldn’t afford to screw this up. If they were found out too early then the powers that be would see them hunted down.

That would be the doom of the dream to restore the Eldian Empire forever.

-End Chapter-


The truth of the world and the history of Eldia has been revealed.

Annie left nothing out. Both the good and the bad are now known by Eren and Mikasa.

The good news is that Eren has accepted help already and not shoved his head up his own ass and started thinking he has to do everything alone. He even has basic control of his Titan form almost from the get go. Actual training will be difficult outside of these remote camping assignments though.

Now it’s time to see what Mikasa will awaken as. Her Ackerman Heritage is going to cause some kind of abnormal variant to be made. But what exactly?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Definitely another very entertaining chapter, thank you very much


Assuming a variant can't be part-founding, that's 28 combinations. Granted, I already know what it is, but still


That's because you helped with the original planning. I hope you enjoyed the chapter too.


Glad this wasn't dropped! Enjoyed the first two chapters and now this one.


Happy you enjoy the story! When it gets another Tier Reward, then it'll be updated again!

Joe The squatch

yessss goood goood. Anyways, excellent chapter as always, i wish this was part of the regular update run but ill take what i can get.


It just needs to keep getting Tier Rewards and it'll keep being updated!