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Hey friends and fans, Kairomaru is here with another chapter of Arch Mage, the Path of Magic! As the Hogwarts Curriculum is too slow and boring for Spellcrafter Harry, what can he do to make things exciting? Maybe explore the castle? There are plenty of rooms, corridors, and secrets in the ancient structure after all. We even see Harry’s first Halloween at Hogwarts!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 4 – Castle Exploration and Halloween

“What’s hidden behind here?” Harry dragged his hand across what appeared to be a blank wall. The wall wavered away and revealed a door at Harry’s undoing of its concealment. Opening the door Harry found a short corridor that he could see had a bit of light coming from the other end. His curiosity piqued, the First Year walked down the corridor and touched the stone door at the end. The small bit of light turned out to be from a peephole. Looking through it he saw an empty corridor with no real discerning features. He put his hand on the knob and heard the door at the other end of the short corridor close. He opened the door in front of him and walked out of the hidden passageway.

His exit point was in a corridor that he was fairly certain was on the third floor. Since the right-hand side was out-of-bounds this year, everyone had to detour through the left side of the third floor. The most impressive thing about the corridor he’d just passed through was that the hidden door he’d found was on the sixth floor. The stone door closed behind him and vanished the moment he let go of the doorknob. He’d just crossed all of the space between the sixth floor and the third in only a few steps thanks to that hidden passage. Hogwarts was truly an interesting castle.

During his free time, when he wasn’t raiding the library, Harry had taken to exploring the ancient castle. He’d found several hidden passages throughout the corridors in that time. Some led to other corridors while others led to rooms in different parts of the castle. One of them had led to the second floor and when Harry had reopened the door to go back to the fifth floor where he’d started from, he was met with a simple broom cupboard. The castle was a fascinating piece of Magical Architecture and Harry wondered if it could be recreated if one understood the Magic behind it all.

Since I’m on the third floor already…’ Harry mused with a grin on his face as he vanished from sight and snuck along the corridor. He easily slipped into the forbidden corridor and took his time looking around. All in all it didn’t seem to be any different from the other side of the third floor. That was until he came to a large door that was made of heavy wood and iron. It was similar, but still different, to the rest of the doors in the castle. “Well hello there,” Harry whispered as he looked at the door. With a wave of his hand, Harry cast another spell of his own creation.

Detect was exactly what it said, it was a spell that detected the magical properties of whatever it was cast on. It could reveal any magical ability an item possessed or had been cast on the item in question. The large wooden door came up with no magical properties or effects and Harry quirked an eyebrow. He tried the handle and found the door was locked.

Surely it isn’t just locked with the regular latch?’ Harry tried the Alohomora spell, one of the few spells that had been made correctly in his opinion. It could open any non-magical lock, regardless of type. That was the kind of versatility that spells should have. No Witch or Wizard should have to learn a different spell for each kind of lock. When the door actually unlatched, Harry almost choked on his own breath. ‘What kind of security is that supposed to be?! Alohomora is in the Standard Book of Spells Grade 1! First Years can learn it just from reading the book if they practice a bit!

Harry shook his head as he opened the door slightly and peeked inside. What he saw was unexpected. A massive, black, sleeping Cerberus lay in the middle of the large room behind the door. Harry had only read about such a creature before, to see one up close really drove home the size difference between the three-headed dog and a human. The only question now, was what the hell was a Cerberus doing in the left-hand, third floor corridor at Hogwarts? The species had been used as guard dogs since the days of the Ancient Greeks. That meant it was probably protecting something, but what could that be? Harry silenced his steps as he stepped into the room, he could perform a simple Charm like that with nary a thought now days. He silently and invisibly wandered the circumference of the large room, looking for what the sleeping beast might be protecting.

I don’t see anything,’ Harry noted curiously as he returned to the door leading into this off-shoot of the third floor corridor. ‘Perhaps if I…’ He cast Detect on the whole room and found nothing. There was no concealment spell in effect, no ward to confuse the senses, no magical effects at all. It was just a large room with a Cerberus sleeping in it. ‘That can’t be everything, can it?’ He swept his eyes over the room slowly, looking up at the high-ceiling first and then over each of the walls, finally he ran his eyes along the floor and noted that, under the immense canine was what appeared to be a trap door. ‘Well, that answers what it’s protecting.’ The Spellcrafter surmised before deciding to leave this particular mystery for now. It wasn’t as if he was going to risk waking the great beast up to try an open the trap door. He slipped out of the room without a sound and cast the Colloportus Charm on the door.

That was another Charm done right, in Harry’s opinion. It was a standard Locking Charm that worked on any non-magical lock. It was a pair to the Alohomora Charm, which was its counter-spell. Being able to lock or unlock any non-magical lock was very useful and Harry had learned the two Charms at a very early age. Sirius had even joked about having to learn the Anti-Unlocking Charm when Harry had shown him that he could use both Charms all those years ago.

Harry quickly left the forbidden corridor behind, still silent and invisible. Once he was back in a safe area, in an out of the way corridor to go unnoticed, he removed both the invisibility and silencing spells from his person. As he headed for the Great Hall and the dinner that would soon start, Harry couldn’t help but smile at all of the mysteries that Hogwarts could offer him. At the very least he wouldn’t be bored for a little while.

-First Week of October-

Harry and Hermione where sitting out in the courtyard reading. The duo was enjoying the autumn foliage and some of the last warmer days that Scotland was going to have before late spring. Hermione was reading up on Transfiguration in preparation for an assignment that McGonagall had given them. Harry was reading up on Script-based Magics some more. He was starting to see the consistencies between various forms of the Magics and was pondering on his idea of whether or not the physical Foci or mediums were actually necessary.

If the mediums are necessary to anchor Wards, then how did that start?’ Harry wondered as he flipped a page in his book. Charms were technically the basis for Ward effects, but before people had learned to control magic through Runes, what had they done? Did they simply recast Charms over and over until they no longer needed them? When did Runes become associated with Magic? If he wanted to, could he not simply empower an area with a specific effect and have it carry on from there? There was still much studying to be done. This was in addition to his curiosity about Runes themselves. With so much to look into, a grin formed on Harry’s face.

“What has you grinning like that, Harry?” Hermione asked curiously of her closest, technically only, friend.

“Just realizing how much there is to learn and discover is all, Hermione.” Harry chuckled as he flipped another page.

“It’s wonderful, isn’t it?” Hermione smiled at him. “There’s so much to know and so many books to read!” The bookworm was in her element as she sat next to him. Harry not only tolerated her inquisitive nature, he outright enjoyed it. The only thing they’d ever come to contention about was her bossy nature. That had mellowed out though as they’d spent more time together and grown closer. She wouldn’t tell Harry, but her bossiness was just how she’d learned to keep away the children that liked to tease her back in Primary School. Loving to read and being intelligent had seen her labelled a Teacher’s Pet and many of her classmates hadn’t liked her back then.

“Delving into the secrets and intricacies of Magic will always interest me.” Harry agreed with a chuckle.

“Did you learn the Cushioning Charm from one of our books?” Hermione asked as she enjoyed the softness of the Charm even though they were sitting on a stone bench. Harry had cast the spell before they’d sat down and she’d appreciated it.

“No, I think that one is in Grade Two of the Standard Book of Spells.” Harry shook his head as he continued to read.

“I’ll have to look it up then, it’s very useful.” Hermione went back to her book with a content sigh.

“I could make a pseudo-flying carpet out of a picnic blanket next time.” Harry chortled and Hermione gave him a look out of the corner of her eye.

“Harry, flying carpets are illegal in Magical Britain,” Hermione kept her brown-eyes on him. “You shouldn’t do something that’s illegal.”

“It wouldn’t be illegal,” Harry shook his head with a chuckle. “It would be a flying picnic blanket, not a flying carpet. There’s no law against flying picnic blankets.”

“Violating the spirit of the law isn’t much better, you know?” Hermione turned to give him a more pointed look. She was quite willing to uphold rules and laws. She respected authority after all. It was simply how she was raised.

“Aww, but where’s the fun in always following the rules?” Harry questioned his first female friend with a playful nudge of his elbow.

“Rules are in place for a reason, Harry.” Hermione reminded him for what had to be the fortieth time since she’d met the boy.

“Some of those reasons are less about the safety of others and more about keeping the status quo though.” Harry retorted with a glance from his dark-green eyes. Hermione huffed lightly as she returned to her book. ‘Another win for me.’ Harry patted himself on the back in his own mind.

Whenever Hermione wanted to remind him of the Rules and Laws, he usually only had to remind her of some of the laws that Magical Britain upheld in the last few decades. Muggleborn Witches and Wizards didn’t have it the best in Magical Britain, and the Traditionalist Faction of the Wizengamot aimed to protect their status quo. It took a lot for a Muggleborn to rise up in status in their country, no matter how stupid it was to hold others back simply based on their birth.

Politics are stupid.’ Harry shook his head and refocused on his reading.

-Saturday, October 5th-

“How did I let you talk me into this?” Hermione questioned for the umpteenth time.

“Because you can’t control your curiosity,” Harry laughed as they sat on a picnic blanket together. Harry took hold of the blanket with his Magic and cast Levitation on it. The blanket slowly rose off the ground and Hermione scooted closer to the center. At a slow and controlled pace, Harry lifted the two of them into the air on the blanket. In short order, the two preteens were floating dozens of meters in the air. “Ready to fly?”

“If I say ‘No’ will it stop you?” Hermione nibbled on her lower lip.

“Yes,” Harry replied instantly. “If you’re scared and don’t want to fly like this then we don’t have to.” He wasn’t about to force her to do anything.

“Promise me two things,” Hermione faced him properly. “One, no tricks or crazy flying. Two, we’ll go slowly.”

“Done and done,” Harry promised with a smile. “Let’s fly!” The floating picnic blanket began to move forward at what would be a moderate jogging speed. Hermione sat directly next to Harry in the middle of the blanket as they moved. Dozens of students saw the flying blanket with the two students on it. Cries of ‘flying carpet’ were heard multiple times as they flew around.

During their flight, Harry would take them even with the tops of some of the covered walkways. They’d even flown around a few of the towers when Hermione had gotten more comfortable with the flight. The duo was eventually met in the air by Rolanda Hooch, the Flying Instructor. She was flying on a broom and looked rather unamused. Her sharp eyes took in the picnic blanket and a slight sigh of relief was heard. With a glance, she locked both of their gazes with hers.

“Mr. Potter, Miss Granger, might I ask what you think you’re doing?” Hooch questioned the two First Years.

“Flying, ma’am,” Harry replied honestly.

“I can see that, Mr. Potter,” Hooch remarked and the preteen grinned back. “Why are you flying on this picnic blanket? Did you buy a Charmed Item from one of the upper year students?”

“No, ma’am,” Hermione shook her head, sending her bushy, brunette locks swaying back and forth. “This is just a regular picnic blanket that Harry is using his magic on.”

“I was told you were a prodigious talent, Mr. Potter, however I find it highly unsafe for you to be flying yourself and another student around on a blanket of all things.” Hooch made her thoughts known on their current actions with a sharp look. “You’ll follow me to the ground and then we’ll talk to Professor Flitwick about this. Whether or not your Head of House determines this to be a punishable offense, I expect you both to refrain from another flight like this. It is wildly unsafe to rely on the spell of a single person to ensure your safety in the air.”

“Yes, Professor,” Hermione looked down at the blanket and Harry thought she might be tearing up a little.

When Harry had directed the blanket down to the ground, following Hooch, he and Hermione stood up and walked off the item. Harry snapped his fingers and the picnic blanket folded itself up and floated into his outstretched hand. The duo of First Years followed the Flying Instructor to Flitwick’s Office. A sharp knock on the door from Hooch was followed by a call to enter. Hooch opened the door and directed them inside.

“Rolanda? Mr. Potter? Miss Granger? What seems to be the trouble?” Flitwick questioned seeing the three of them.

“Mr. Potter got it into his head to fly himself and Miss Granger around the castle on a picnic blanket of all things. I’ve brought them to you as their Head of House so that a punishment, if any, can be determined.” Hooch explained to the Charms Professor.

“A picnic blanket? Not a flying carpet?” Flitwick questioned the silver-haired woman.

“Yes,” Hooch confirmed with a quick nod.

“Well, at least they didn’t break the law regarding flying carpets in Britain.” Flitwick smiled at not having to deal with that kind of law breaking. “However, while you do show great skill and insight with Magic, Mr. Potter, we can’t have students putting themselves or others in danger with actions like the one you took.”

“I understand, sir.” Harry looked his Head of House straight in the eye, willing to accept any punishment.

“As you haven’t technically broken any laws or rules, I won’t issue any punishment this time,” Flitwick informed and Hermione’s head shot up as she looked at the Charms Professor. Her brown-eyes had tears in the corners but she quickly wiped them away. “But, you must both promise me that there will be no repeat of this incident.”

“Yes, Professor!” Hermione agreed instantly with a bright smile.

“Aww, I was hoping I could get permission to do it with supervision at least.” Harry exhaled heavily as his plans to slowly work towards self-flight were being hindered.

“Whatever for, Mr. Potter?” Hooch couldn’t help but ask. “What’s wrong with a broom?”

“Brooms are fine,” Harry shrugged at the woman. “But knowing that you can use any item to fly is much more interesting!” He gave her a wide smile and Hooch shook her head at the boy.

“We’ll see about other such tests in the future, Mr. Potter, for now you may both return to your day.” Flitwick chuckled at the two children. Harry and Hermione were quick to leave the office, both happy that they weren’t in trouble.

“I’m never letting you talk me into one of your tests again,” Hermione declared with a pout on her face. “We almost got in trouble!”

“Almost being the operative word there, Hermione!” Harry laughed as they walked along the corridor.

“You’re impossible, Harry.” Hermione gave him a glare, but her warm eyes held no heat or scorn.

“You have to be impossible to do the impossible, I guess.” Harry shrugged with a wide grin.

-Tuesday, October 15th-

“It’s a beautiful view, huh Hedwig?” Harry smiled at his snowy owl as they both sat on the roof of the Owlery. Looking out over the forests surrounding Hogwarts at sunset was quite the sight. Hedwig gave a gentle hoot as she let Harry pet her.

His research into Runes was progressing, and he had some more ideas for different Magics to explore and try out. All in all, he’d enjoyed his time here at Hogwarts so far. He wondered how long the castle would keep providing him with new knowledge and mysteries to explore. He knew it would be finite and he’d eventually seek out further knowledge and mysteries elsewhere, but as it stood, there was plenty to learn and uncover here to satiate his ever-curious mind.

The Spellcrafter relaxed as he watched the sunset. It was good to let his mind rest from time to time. It was during his downtime that he often thought of his most interesting ideas. From up on top of the Owlery he could even see Hogsmeade. That would be another place to explore in the future. He most assuredly wasn’t going to wait until Third Year to do so either. There was a reason that Harry was so interested in self-flight. Flight offered freedom in many ways, such as being untethered by doors, gates, or walls. Hogwarts was great and Harry liked the ancient castle, but there was an entire world to explore out there, just beyond the horizon. The same horizon he was watching the sun disappear behind as he gently petted Hedwig.

-Thursday, October 31st-

Bored…’ Harry sighed as he listened, half-heartedly, to Flitwick explain the Levitation Charm. The Charms Professor went over a brief history of the Charm, and then went over proper pronunciation of the incantation with the class. Finally he showed them all the wand movement. Harry performed the Charm with barely a thought on the white feather in front of him. The plumage rose into the air and twirled around a few times before flying in a wide circle and finishing with a few loops. Harry let the feather gently float down to his desk without having ever moved from his position.

“Excellent, Mr. Potter, take fifteen points for Ravenclaw.” Flitwick praised him with a bright smile and gentle applause.

“Thank you, Professor.” Harry nodded to his Head of House.

Naturally Hermione was the second student to complete the Charm. She easily directed her feather around the ceiling with her wand. The brown-eyed girl smiled happily as she performed Magic and Harry couldn’t help but grin. Why couldn’t more people be like Hermione when it came to Magic? Even now, as he looked around the classroom, most of the students, especially those from Magical Families, were barely showing any interest in the spell. Most of them looked to be trying to complete it just to get done with the classwork.

“Stop,” Harry’s voice stopped the boy next to him -Seamus if he remembered correctly- from trying to cast the spell again. The other boy was clearly frustrated and it was bleeding into his magic. If he’d swung his wand down again the most likely result he’d have gotten was either fire or an outright explosion as his magic reacted to his frustration with the feather in front of him. “Take a breath. It’ll work if you believe in yourself.”

“If you say so,” Seamus took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. “Wingardium Leviosa.” He incanted as he made the wand motion again. The white feather floated upwards a dozen centimeters or so and stayed even with the tip of Seamus’ wand. “I did it!” Seamus blinked before a wide smile took over his face. The boy directed his feather higher and began to have it make small circles in the air.

“Good work, Mr. Finnegan, take five points for Gryffindor!” Flitwick praised the student.

“Thanks, Harry, that’s the first time I’ve actually earned points for Gryffindor.” Seamus gave him a genuine smile.

“Magic responds to emotions, if you get frustrated or fed up with it, take a step back and calm down. If you don’t, your Magic is likely to destroy whatever you’re trying to Charm.” Harry explained with a grin. Seamus nodded as he continued to play with the white feather in the air.

“WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!!!” Ron yelled at his feather while waving his wand at the plumage over and over again.

“Stop, stop, seriously!” Hermione, who was sitting next to him, leaned away from the wildly waving wand. “You’re going to hit someone instead of casting a spell.”

“I’m getting it!” Ron retorted with a scrunched up face.

“You’re incantation isn’t quite right,” Hermione informed the redhead. “Win-GAR-dium Levio-SA, you need more emphasis on the GAR and SA instead of SAH.” Harry had to admit, Hermione had come quite a ways from when they’d first met. Had this been back then she’d have a much bossier and almost condescending tone while she tried to help.

“You think you’re so smart just because you always get your spells right first!” Ron’s face was red and he was clearly letting his frustration get the better of him.

“I’m just trying to help,” Hermione informed him with a grimace. “You don’t have to be so mean about it.”

“I didn’t ask for your help,” Ron turned away from her with a huff. “You think you’re so much better than everyone, no wonder you don’t have any friends.”

Harry could see the change in Hermione’s expression and demeanor the very instant those words were said to her. She ducked her head and seemed to sink into herself. She looked down at the desk and her bushy hair blocked her face from view. She was quiet and still for the last few minutes of class and as soon as the bell rang she was packing her things away and rushing out of the classroom.

Can’t have that.’ Harry decided and his things were packed with a snap of his fingers. He used a simple spell of his own creation, he called it Float, to take a strong step off the ground and float through the air for a few seconds before landing at the door. He’d effectively jumped over the entire class to get to the door just after Hermione had exited. His work on self-flight had been what he’d used to create the Float spell and he was happy that it had its uses, even if it was just an incomplete Flying spell.

Harry was out the door and saw Hermione practically power-walking away from the classroom. Another use of the Float spell and he was landing in front of her after kicking off the ground, then the ceiling of the corridor to change direction. Hermione didn’t even notice him with her head down. Harry didn’t say a word and simply opened his arms.

“I’m sorry,” Hermione sounded like she was on the verge of tears as she looked up to apologize to who she’d run into. She saw Harry’s face for a moment before his arms wrapped around her back and pulled her into a gentle hug. The twelve-year-old Witch blinked as she registered the hug before she returned it with one of her own. “Harry.”

“It’s alright, Hermione, don’t listen to Ron.” Harry rubbed her back as Hermione tried to stifle her tears. “He was just frustrated and angry, it happens to all of us.” He noticed the students starting to leave the room and gently guided her to a small alcove with a stone bench so that they could sit down. “You’ll be alright, Hermione.”

“But what he said was true,” Hermione mumbled out as she kept her face hidden in his shoulder. “I don’t have any friends. No one wants a bossy bookworm around.”

“I think we’re pretty good friends,” Harry consoled the crying girl. “You don’t see me taking anyone else flying, do you?”

“You’re not allowed to take anyone else flying,” Hermione reminded him with her voice muffled by his robes.

“My point is still valid,” Harry stated with a faux pompous tone. “I’ve only ever taken you flying, Hermione. That definitely makes us friends.”

“That was just you talking me into it,” Hermione shook her head with her face still hidden. Harry was happy to note that her crying had stopped and she was only sniffling a little.

“That was my friend agreeing to fly with me,” Harry shook his head as he rubbed her back. “No matter what anyone says, you’re my friend Hermione.”

“Thank you, Harry,” Hermione squeezed him gently before letting go and pulling back. “I must look ridiculous.” She wiped at her eyes with the sleeves of her robe.

“Nah, you’re fine, we can stop by the bathroom if you want to wash your face though.” Harry offered as the two stood up.

“But we’ll be late to class,” Hermione looked worried at the idea of being tardy.

“It’s Herbology, Professor Sprout will understand.” Harry waved her worries away as they walked.

“You’re a good friend, Harry.” Hermione gave him a smile.

“I try,” Harry smiled back. “Here’s the bathroom.” He pointed to the bathroom they were approaching.”

“I’ll just be a minute,” Hermione ducked into the girls’ room and Harry was fine with waiting for her.

They were a few minutes late to Herbology, but Professor Sprout only gave them a warning and set them as partners for the class. All in all, Harry was happy that he’d been able to help Hermione out.

-Halloween Feast-

Harry and Hermione were enjoying the celebration of the holiday. The Great Hall was decked out with orange and black streamers, be-spelled bats flittered among the rafters, jack o’ lanterns lit up the hall with their bright candle flames, and there was an assortment of candy on the tables along with the rest of the food. Hermione was refusing the various sweets, citing that her parents were dentists, but Harry was determined to make his friend have some before the end of the feast.

“T-T-Troll!” The Great Hall doors were shoved open and Professor Quirrel came rushing in screaming. “T-Troll! Troll in the dungeons!” The entire hall went silent at the man’s screams. “T-Thought you ought to know…” Then the turban-wearing man collapsed forward in a dead faint. The Great Hall erupted into the terrified screams of children and teenagers as the information processed in their heads.

“SILENCE!!!” Dumbledore’s voice shouted above all the noise before a panic could ensue. The yelling and screaming stopped and everyone’s eyes were on the Headmaster. “Prefects, lead your Houses to their Common Rooms quickly and quietly. Professors, follow me to the Dungeons so that we can keep the Troll away from the students.”

The Prefects, along with the Head Boy and Head Girl, stepped up and began to gather their Houses together. The Professors quickly headed out of the Great Hall after waking Quirrel and almost dragging him along. As Harry and Hermione followed along with their Housemates, both were whispering to each other quietly.

“You think a Forest Troll somehow wandered in from the Forbidden Forest?” Hermione questioned Harry curiously. It would be the most logical scenario since the forest was known to have a population of the beasts within it.

“Possibly, but it’s kind of weird that there wouldn’t be measures to prevent that sort of thing, right?” Harry replied as he thought about it. Forest Trolls had lived in the Forbidden Forest as long as anyone could remember. Surely Hogwarts had a means or a method to keep the lumbering carnivores away from the castle and students?

It was as the group was going past the second floor that everyone’s nose was assaulted by a horrid stench. The thump that was heard made the students freeze. The second thump turned their attention down the corridor. There, in the corridor, stood the grey-skinned form of a Mountain Troll. It’s disproportionately small, bald head almost touched the ceiling and it carried a huge wooden club in its right hand. The beast noticed the group of students on the stairs and it stopped for a moment. For a few seconds both students and Troll just stood still and stared at each other.

“RARGH!!!” The Troll roared out as it raised its club and started charging towards them all.

“Move!” Harry heard the Prefects yell to their Housemates. Two spells, one red and the other a light yellow, raced towards the Troll. Harry grimaced as both spells failed against the resistant skin of the Troll. In the rush of students racing to get up the stairs, Harry stepped forward to face the charging beast.

“Harry!” Hermione cried out in worry and fear.

“Potter, get out of the way!” One of the female Prefects -Penelope as he recalled- screamed as she tried to get to him.

“Barrier,” Harry raised his right hand and the Troll suddenly ran headlong into the, mostly transparent, blue field. It stumbled backwards from the impact and shook its coconut-like head. Harry was too focused on the Troll to realize that the panic and screaming had stopped.

“RARGH!” The Mountain Troll roared as it slammed its club into the barrier spell.

“You’re really loud,” Harry grimaced at the assault on his ear drums. With a snap of his fingers, a second barrier formed around the Troll in the shape of a cube. All sound from the Troll disappeared even as they watched it rage and beat on the new barrier. The first barrier disappeared as the Troll was now contained in the second one.

“Potter, what the hell is that?” The Sixth Year male Prefect asked the First Year.

“A spell of my own creation, I call it Barrier,” Harry replied as he rubbed his ears. That Troll was louder than it had any right to be. “If someone could go get the Professors I’d be very thankful. I can’t leave or the spell will disperse.”

“I…I’ll do it…” The Seventh Year female Prefect mumbled with her eyes wide. Everyone watched on as the Mountain Troll continued to silently rage and attack the spell that trapped it.

Only a few minutes later and the entirety of the Professors, led by Dumbledore, came rushing up the stairs. They blinked or in some cases outright gaped at the trapped Troll. Everyone had watched as it wore itself out trying to break Harry’s spell.

“Mr. Potter, what is this?” Flitwick questioned, noticing that Harry wasn’t taking his eyes off of the trapped Troll.

“A spell of my own creation, Professor Flitwick.” Harry gave a brief rundown of his Barrier spell to the Professors. In short order the panting Troll was freed by Harry and then knocked unconscious by Dumbledore. All of the Ravenclaw students had witnessed everything, but Harry didn’t have it in his head to even think about the story spreading throughout Hogwarts later.

“Students, off to the Common Room, Prefect Clearwater I want a headcount before everyone leaves.” Flitwick started the process of getting his students moving towards Ravenclaw Tower again.

Hermione and Harry followed everyone else while the book-loving girl gave Harry such an inquisitive look that he was fairly certain he could hear the questions forming in her mind. He’d deal with the questions when they inevitably came. But until Hermione broke away from the rigidity of structured Magic instruction, he wouldn’t be telling her some of the truly advanced stuff he could do. There were thousands of stories in the Magical World of the dangers of attempting Magics that one didn’t understand after all. He didn’t want Hermione to get in over her head while she was still so focused on the ‘right way’ of doing Magic.

Even Nym hadn’t been able to weasel the truly advanced spells out of him. She’d had years to try and knew how to push his buttons too. But to this day she only knew how to perform a few simple spells wandlessly.

But the look in Hermione’s eyes told him he wasn’t leaving her side until they were forced to go to bed at curfew.

The curse of being wise.’ Harry chuckled internally as the Ravenclaws reached their tower.

-End Chapter-


Harry and Hermione are becoming such good friends! It’s nice!

We see Harry is still the ever-curious Spellcrafter. He figured out Magical Fire like the Primal Fire, he can figure out Flight! Come hell or high water he WILL soar through the air one day under his own power!

A very different time spent this October of Ninety One. We even got to see an introspective moment with Harry! I hope you liked the glimpse inside the young Spellcrafter’s mind.

How was that for a Halloween Incident?

Mountain Troll or not, Barrier doesn’t let physical objects or spells pass through it! Modify it slightly and not even sound passes through! Perfect for containing loud and dangerous beasts.

The Hogwarts rumor mill is going to go crazy when the Ravenclaws start spreading the story.

Hermione is SO going to grill him about his self-created spells!

But not until she abandons the stale, rigid, and blatantly wrong methods of Magic instruction will Harry teach her what he knows. One could easily hurt themselves or others with even a bit of what Harry knows. Best to keep it to himself.

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Daniel Rodriguez

My prayers have been answered! Thank you so much for a wonderful chapter and hope for more to come, whenever the community decides to have more chapters of Arch Mage roll out. Thank you Kairo!

John Balman

hehe, Hermione wouldn't be her if she didn't like her books.......but if she learns to be flexible...omg what will those two get up to. Also, I would be fun to see a scene form a professors meeting( their weekly check-in) to see what all the professor are thinking about Harry. Also, they have to be paying attention to students that are not being challenged. Let face Harry could be a ta and just do self-study at this point lol and would end up teaching the professors lol Loved Harry's rant on what a good spell is lol and I've always wondered if they use wands for cast magic.....what did they do before wands or staff or what ever lol You got to start somewhere lol sorry for my stream of Consciousness I hope i didn't cross any others streams in the process.

John Balman

Once artificer is complete this one will become my next hp default vote lol


Glad you liked it! Yeah, Hermione is a bookworm, it's kinda adorable really. Harry has incredible levels of Practical Skill and Theoretical Knowledge, but structured learning often requires your to memorize mostly useless information too, which is where Harry would not only be bored in school, but also struggle.

Michael Mendoza

Thanks for the awesome chapter! I love the relationship forming between Harry and Hermione. Story has a lot of potential so keep it going please!


Glad you liked it! It's updated via Tier Rewards, so when it's requested, it gets updated.

Primal Deva

I'm so happy you updated this! Thank you for another amazing chapter. When you brought the barrier up on the troll, I honestly thought you were going to pull a Hachigen from Bleach lol.


Barrier is the best Shield Spell in existence. But later on Harry will find out that even it has limits. I'm happy that you enjoyed the chapter!


Can't wait for the next chapter!


Yes! Finally another chapter. I really liked this chapter Hopefully more soon.


Happy you enjoyed it! The next time it gets a Tier Reward used on it is when it'll update.


Glad to hear it, Thomas! Nice to see that you're able to pop in every now and again!

cjfeierfeil .

Is this ever going to go to ff?


Yes, the Patron Poll I put up for the amount of chapters ahead Patreon should be was 4. So once Chapter 5 goes up here, Chapter 1 will be posted on FFNet and AO3.


Alter the spell slightly more and air won’t pass thru it and excluding shit like Dementers and Lethifolds almost all creatures require air of some kind

Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another really excellent and very fun chapter, and I really enjoyed how he handled the troll. I also like how he was able to grow closer with Hermione, comforting her as a close friend should and reaffirming their friendship at the same time. Out of curiosity, in regards to magic, I wonder if he could use the concept of separation in regards to bonds with creating a spell. Using a spell that focuses on the separation of bonds, he may be able to separate things like molecular Bonds with matter, separate the bonds between a word and the word stone, and even separate the metaphysical bonds that hold a magical spell into a prearranged construct for a determined effect. Maybe something like being able to stop the magical effects of a basilisk stare?