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Well, I didn’t expect to be doing this initially, but a friend’s Birthday came up and I wanted to get them something. They picked a second chapter of this Bunny so I guess it’s now a two-shot instead of a one-shot.

Sorry it’s so late, Vortex! But I said you’d get it and damn it you’re going to get it!

I hope you enjoy.


Forevermore Part 2

Izuku was dressed in the U.A. uniform and was standing up from just having put his shoes on. He was just about to walk out his front door, after hugging his mother goodbye, when Inko stopped him for one last thing. Turning to face his mother Izuku smiled at the proud look on her face, even though there were tears of joy welling up in her eyes.

“You look really cool right now, Izuku!” Inko complimented her son making Izuku beam at her.

“Thanks Mom!” Izuku smiled as he exited the apartment.

Izuku met up with Rachel on the train to U.A. again. He stopped and just stared at Rachel in her uniform. Her curves couldn’t be hidden at all! The skirt went just past mid-thigh, leaving plenty of the thick thighs visible for Izuku’s viewing pleasure. Her jacket was buttoned up, but even that couldn’t hide the swell of her breasts. His mind conjured up an imagine of her white button-up shirt straining to hold back her bountiful blessings and he knew his cheeks were going red.

“Try not to drool, Izu-kun.” Rachel grinned as she moved closer to her boyfriend and placed a finger on his chest. With the barest of force, she walked him back into a seat on the train. A thrill ran through her at the ease of control she had over him. A small smile was on her face as she sat next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder. Rachel enjoyed the train ride with Izuku and as the two students travelled; the memory of Izuku’s reward for her flitted through her mind.

She’d arrived at the Midoriya home and been welcomed in by Izuku’s mother. The woman was always so happy to see her and it brought warmth to her chest each time she saw the woman. Making her way to Izuku’s room, Rachel had only knocked once before the door was opened. She and Izuku had looked into each other’s eyes for a moment before he moved aside to welcome her in. As soon as the door closed behind them, Rachel had used a Quirk of hers -Silent Space- to make the walls completely soundproof.

“Rachel, this is our stop,” Izuku informed his girlfriend since she seemed a little zoned out. She hadn’t reacted to the PA announcement of their stop being the next one at all.

“Right,” Rachel opened her eyes and shook her head slightly. She hid any sign that she was flustered well. But she’d been happily immersed in her memories of that day and being pulled out of them was annoying.

The couple disembarked and started walking the rest of the way to U.A. hand in hand. Seeing how excited Izuku was about their first day brought a grin to Rachel’s face. Izuku, being the Quirk Nerd that he was, happily spoke about any and every Quirk he saw among the various students. The obvious Mutant Types that they’d seen so far held no interest for Rachel. She’d have to see about any possible Emitter or Transformation Type Quirks that could be acquired for her collection. The cloning process had become much faster for several types of Quirks in the last couple of years. With any luck she could borrow a fellow student’s Quirk, have it cloned, and then return the original back to its owner without anyone being the wiser. Never let it be said that Rachel Roth didn’t think ahead or use all of her available resources.

“Here we go,” Izuku smiled at Rachel as the couple stood in front of a large door marked ‘1-A’ for their homeroom. The verdette opened the door for his girlfriend and she stepped into the classroom. Izuku followed after her, only to realize that she’d stopped dead. Looking at where Rachel was staring, more like glaring really, he spotted the source of her ire.

“Take your feet off that desk, immediately!” A tall, blue-haired teen demanded as he chopped the air. “It’s an insult not only to the people that made it, but also to our seniors who studied here before us!”

“You’re kidding me, right?” Bakugo sneered back at the other teen. “Did your old school put a stick up your ass, or were you born with it?”

“Of course,” Izuku sighed with a shake of his head.

“U.A.’s standards must be pretty low if he got into the Hero Course.” Rachel eyed Bakugo as if he was a pile of garbage on the sidewalk. “At the very least, they could have put him in a different class from us.”

“It’s her, the new record holder.” The blue-haired teen blinked as he noticed Izuku and Rachel standing in the doorway.

“Tsk.” Bakugo scowled at Izuku and Rachel from across the classroom. All of the other students in the classroom, the rest of their class apparently as only a few seats were empty but there were already eighteen other teens in the room, looked towards them at the same time.

“Good morning.” Izuku greeted the class as a whole with a short bow.

“Morning,” Rachel nodded to their classmates, even as her violet-eyes looked all of them over to judge them as potential recruits to her plans.

“Good morning, my name is Iida Tenya, from Somei Private Academy.” Iida walked quickly towards the couple to introduce himself.

“I’m Midoriya Izuku; it’s nice to meet you.” Izuku returned the greeting with a polite smile.

“Roth Rachel,” Rachel replied to Iida’s introduction. She vaguely knew about this guy. He came from the Iida Family, a well-established Hero Family. All of them possessed a Mutant Type Quirk called Engine if she remembered correctly.

“I was very impressed by your record-breaking achievement at the Entrance Exams, Roth-san.” Iida congratulated Rachel politely.

“Thank you,” Rachel nodded to the glasses-wearing teen. “It wasn’t all that hard though. They had most of the faux Villains in my range, so it made it easier for me.” She heard some of the whispers from her new classmates when they heard Iida mention her ‘record breaking’.

“So she’s the one that scored even higher than All Might back in the day?” A spiky, red-haired boy questioned a blonde guy with a black, lightning bolt-like, streak in his hair.

“I guess so, she’s really hot too.” The blonde grinned, looking between Rachel and the red-head.

“Wasn’t the old record like 130 or something?” A pinkette girl questioned with a blink as she looked at Rachel.

“I saw the list for the Entrance Exam, she got 148 on it.” A tall, brunette teen with a muscular frame spoke up.

“That’s impressive.” A boy with a bird-like head remarked.

“Damn it,” Bakugo growled from his seat, still glaring at the couple.

“Everyone’s talking about you, Rae-chan,” Izuku smiled at his girlfriend. The pinkette girl sitting in the second seat perked up at the affectionate form of address. Did her new class already have a couple in it?! She bounced a bit in her seat at the thought of getting to chat with the indigo-haired girl.

“It happens.” Raven gave him a look and a shrug. Internally she couldn’t be more pleased. Her breaking of that bastard’s old record already put her on a pedestal in the minds of her classmates. She’d achieved a place of recognition with them already, now it was only a matter of finding the ones with the most potential to bring to her side.

“If you’re just here to chat you can pack up your stuff and leave.” A male voice came from behind the couple. Turning to look the duo found a man in a yellow sleeping bag lying on the floor. Neither was quite sure what to make of this new occurrence though.

‘Who is this guy?’ Izuku wondered as he looked at the scruffy face poking out of the sleeping bag. He didn’t look like any Hero that Izuku was aware of, and that was saying something.

“Welcome to U.A. High’s Hero Course.” The man spoke as he stood up and unzipped the sleeping bag. “It took you all eight seconds to quiet down. That’s too long; time is precious and rational students would understand that.”

Did he just call me irrational?’ Rachel kept her displeasure from showing on her face, but this guy had already made a bad first impression.

“I’m your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota.” Aizawa informed the class. All of the students stared in shock at the information. “Right, let’s get to it. Put these on and head outside.” He pulled out a gym uniform from the sleeping bag and showed it to the class.

“Huh?” Almost every student blinked at the sudden instructions. Rachel was curious, but hadn’t vocalized her confusion.

In only a few minutes the class of twenty found themselves on a practice field. Thankfully, U.A. had pretty good signage to lead students to locker rooms and practice fields. So it was easy to find their way to them from the classroom.

“Rae-chan, you look great.” Izuku smiled at her, his eyes roaming up and down her form. The gym uniform was loose, on most people, but her figure was still stretching it out in all the right places.

“You look pretty good yourself.” Rachel complimented as she saw the way the short-sleeved top showed off his muscular arms and was slightly stretched across his defined chest.

“A Quirk Assessment Test?” Half of the students questioned when Aizawa informed them of what they’d be doing.

“But what about Orientation? We’re going to miss it.” The brunette girl in their class -Ochako- spoke up.

“If you want to be a Pro you don’t have time for pointless ceremonies.” Aizawa replied. “Here at U.A. we’re not tethered to traditions. That means we get to run our classes however we see fit.” With a quiet exhale, Aizawa held up a phone-like device. “You’ve been taking Standardized Athletics Tests your entire school lives; but you’ve never been allowed to use your Quirks. The Ministry of Education is still trying to pretend we’re all created equal and not letting those with the most power excel. It’s not rational. One day they’ll learn.” With a shake of his head Aizawa focused on Rachel. “Roth, you broke the record on the Entrance Exam, what was your best throw on the Softball Pitch in Junior High?”

“Sixty-three meters, sir.” Rachel responded as she stepped forward.

“Right, try doing it with your Quirk.” Aizawa instructed and pointed to a circle on the ground. “Anything goes as long as you stay in the circle.”

“Alright,” Rachel accepted the ball from the man. It had the same size and weight as a softball, but with a black, metal ring around the circumference of the ball. She walked over to the circle on the ground and decided to get a little revenge for Aizawa’s poor first impression.

“This should be good,” Izuku smiled at his girlfriend as she prepared to throw the ball.

“What’s her Quirk, anyway?” The redhead -Kirishima- questioned as he watched on with the rest of the students.

“Quirks,” Izuku responded automatically without taking his eyes off of Rachel.

“Huh?” Kirishima blinked at the answer.

The ball was engulfed in black energy and floated out of Rachel’s hands. With a snap it vanished from the sight of everyone there. The sudden breaking of the sound barrier had multiple students grabbing their ears in pain. One girl, with purple-hair close to Rachel’s own locks, cried out in pain at the sudden burst as she held her ears and her long earlobes that ended in earphone jacks flailed in pain.

“I hope you had more of those.” Rachel looked towards Aizawa flatly. She was good at hiding her smugness of making the man lose one of the -no doubt expensive- balls.

“Five more.” Aizawa informed. He was also rubbing his right ear and looking at the device in his hand.

“You’ll lose Izuku’s too.” Rachel replied as she walked back over to the group of students.

“Are you alright, Jiro-chan?” Mina -the pinkette with the equally pink skin- asked the other purplette girl in their class.

“My Quirk…” Jiro Kyoka grumbled as she held her ringing ears as her earphone jacks still twitched with pain. The rest of the girls were crowded around her and trying to see if they could help.

“I’m sorry about that,” Rachel apologized to Kyoka with a short bow. “Please, allow me to help.”

“It’s fine, I’ll get over it…” Kyoka trailed off as Rachel gently placed her hands on her ears. The injured teen blushed slightly as she stared into Rachel’s violet-eyes while a soft, green light enveloped her hands. A soothing relief washed over Kyoka’s ears and her jacks. In only a few short moments all of her pain was gone and she felt perfectly fine.

“There we go,” Rachel gave the girl a small smile as she finished healing her.

“Th-Thank you,” Kyoka was blushing as Rachel removed her hands. The ghosting of Rachel’s fingertips along Kyoka’s skin made a pleasant spark travel down the music-lover’s spine.

“You can heal?” The ravenette girl in their class -Momo- blinked in shock at the rather rare Quirk.

“I can do a lot of things,” Rachel nodded to the other girl. In their class they were the two most blessed in the looks department. Both had beautiful faces, large breasts, thin waists, trim stomachs, wide, flaring hips, bouncy bottoms, thick thighs, and long legs. She’d already caught the blonde -Kaminari- giving them both once overs on a few occasions.

“That’s amazing,” Momo praised her classmate with a cute smile.

“Thank you,” Rachel smiled back. She and Momo would be good friends, and Rachel had already made the first move. Their similar voluptuous forms were also a point of comradery between the two. Both of them had struggled a little with zipping up the gym uniform tops, their breasts just large enough to make the simple task a little difficult.

“All of you need to know your maximum capabilities.” Aizawa stated as he drew the classes’ attention back to him. “It’s the most rational way to figure out your potential as a Pro Hero.” He held up the device in his hands so that the students could see it. On the screen was Rachel’s result of 10,263.7m. Izuku grinned as he listened to his classmates gasp at the distance. Rachel was absolutely amazing.

“Over ten kilometers?! What the hell?!” Kaminari exclaimed in shock. The glare he received from Aizawa shut him, and his language, up near instantly.

“What kind of Quirk is that?” A large boy with gray hair and a facemask questioned. “Does she have multiple Quirks?”

“That was amazing, Rae-chan.” Izuku congratulated his girlfriend and all of the other girls in class looked between the two of them. Some had light blushes on their faces at the affectionate form of address. Others smiled at what was obviously a couple in their class. Mina practically had sparkles in her eyes!

“I’m glad you think so, considering I had to make sure I didn’t destroy the ball.” Raven gave him a warm smile while several of their classmate’s jaws dropped. That was what she considered holding back?

“I wanna go, this looks fun!” The Mina clapped her hands together.

“This is what I’m talking about! Getting to use our Quirks as much as we want!” A black-haired boy -Sero- cheered.

“So, this looks fun, huh?” Aizawa questioned, quickly silencing the students. “You have three years at U.A. to become a Hero. Do you all think it’s going to be all games and playtime?” Seeing none of the students replying Aizawa continued, “Fools, today you’ll engage in eight physical tests to gauge your potential; whoever comes in last will be deemed to have ‘none’ and will be expelled immediately.” That got a round of gasps from many of the students.

Immediate expulsion for coming in last on these eight tests?’ Izuku raised an eyebrow at Aizawa’s words. ‘That seems rather harsh, even for U.A., to simply expel students so arbitrarily.

Sounds like bullshit to me,’ Rachel immediately picked apart Aizawa’s threat. ‘If U.A. expelled students on the first day at the whim of a single teacher there would’ve been a massive scandal the very first time this guy tried it. Anyone that thinks about this for a second should realize that this guy is full of shit.

“As I said, we get to decide how our classes are run. If that’s going to be a problem, you can head home right now.” Aizawa stated as he pushed his long hair up out of his eyes and stared at his students. “Now let the games begin.”

The first test was the Fifty Meter Dash. Izuku and Rachel stood side by side as they watched their classmates run. Izuku already had his notebook out was filling pages on their classmates’ various Quirks. Rachel was taking her own measure of their class and either ruling out the students or deciding to recruit them. She liked most of the girls in their class so far, some of the boys not as much. She’d look over Izuku’s notes on their classmates Quirks later on. It was always good to see what her boyfriend compiled on the properties, limitations, strengths, and uses of the Quirks he saw.

When it was his turn to run, Izuku left his notebook in Rachel’s hands. She gave him a warm smile as he headed off to the starting line. He was paired with Bakugo, because apparently the universe just wanted him to have to deal with the ash-blonde. The two took their places and Izuku rolled his eyes as soon as he saw Bakugo open his mouth.

“You’ll be eating my dust, Deku!” Bakugo growled at him as they took starting position.

“Hah…” Izuku only sighed at the red-eyed teen.

The ‘bang’ of the camera robot’s gun went off to start the test.

With a burst of flames from his Pyrokinesis flaring up behind him, Izuku then used Heat Absorption to draw them back in and empower himself for a time. In an explosive blast, Bakugo rocketed from the starting line and used his explosions as thrusters to clear the track. He was passed by a blur that nearly blew him aside from the force of the displaced air.

“2.1 seconds!” The Camera Robot announced even as Bakugo crossed the finish line at 4.4 seconds.

“Phew~” Izuku exhaled as he let the empowerment from Heat Absorption fade away. Clearing fifty meters in only three steps wasn’t bad at all.

“Damn it!” Bakugo roared as he stormed back towards the group of students.

Rachel couldn’t help the dark smirk that formed at seeing Izuku show up Bakugo so easily. It was always so enjoyable to watch the asshole that had tormented her Izuku fail time and time again. She handed Izuku his notebook back when he returned to her side and graced him with a peck on the lips. She briefly thought she heard Mina and Toru start giggling, but she put that out of her mind for now.

When it was Rachel’s turn to run, she was paired up with Todoroki, one of the Recommended Students, like Momo. The teen barely spared her a glance as they took position at the starting line. To be honest, the red and white-haired teen didn’t seem to have much of an opinion of any of them.

Time to establish the pecking order again.’ Rachel mused while hiding a dark grin.

The instant the Camera Robot’s gun went off to start the race Todoroki blasted forward on a wave of ice. A black portal opened in front of Rachel as she took her first step and she crossed the finish line when her foot touched the ground from that same step. The black portal closed behind her while Todoroki wasn’t even to the halfway point yet.

“0.3 seconds!” The Camera Robot announced as Rachel walked away and Todoroki finished the dash at 3.4 seconds.

“That was insane!” A blonde teen with a large tail exclaimed at seeing Rachel’s method of completing the Fifty Meter Dash.

“How many Quirks does she have?” The muscular brunette -Sato- blinked at seeing another power from the grey-skinned girl.

The next test was the Seated Toe Touch. Izuku used his Body Augmentation Quirk and lengthened his arms to almost four times their normal length. Kyoka took his success as permission and leaned forward while extending her ear jacks their full six meters of reach. She actually came in first on this test much to her delight. The other person to score highly was the silver-haired Mezo Shoji who copied Izuku’s idea as well and simply made more arms sprout from his Dupli-Arms Quirk. He came in second with just a few centimeters separating his score from Kyoka’s. Rachel just took her nearly perfect score after she practically folded herself in half. Her large tits squashed against her own legs detracted at least a couple of centimeters from her score.

In the grip strength test, Shoji demonstrated an insane five hundred forty kilogram squeeze. After using his Pyrokinesis and Heat Absorption combo again, Izuku got a dynamometer reading of five hundred and twelve kilograms. Yaoyorozu Momo was the only one to exceed them as she made a miniature hydraulic clamp with her Quirk and used it instead of her hands. This resulted in her maxing out the dynamometer. Rachel, using a combination of her multitudes of Quirks, had come in with an impressive four hundred and fifty kilograms. She easily possessed the strongest grip among the girls and even outclassed all of the other guys not named Izuku or Shoji.

The Standing Long Jump wasn’t much of a challenge for Rachel or Izuku. Rachel could fly and had simply jumped before flying to the very end of the practice field. Izuku had used his Pyrokinesis to mimic flight for a while and cleared a large amount of the practice field with his leap. Asui Tsuyu, a verdette girl with a Mutant Type Frog Form Quirk, had cleared the sandbox by almost double the total length. Bakugo had launched himself like a rocket and came down with his explosions at just short of Izuku’s distance, a fact that the blonde had raged about.

The Repeated Side Steps were easy enough. Both Rachel and Izuku could enhance their bodies in one way or another. Izuku had used Body Augmentation to limber up to ridiculous levels and alter his cardiovascular system to give him better endurance. Rachel had compiled a few Quirks together to achieve an even greater effect and took first place for herself. Mina was third place as the energetic girl seemed to have a lot of practice moving her feet and rapidly changing direction on the fly.

The Sit Ups Test was practically conquered by Izuku with second place being rather far below him. Rachel had made sure she got to hold Izuku’s feet. Once Izuku had finished the test, beating out Sato fairly easily, he received a peck on the lips as his reward. This prompted more giggling from Mina and Toru, while the rest of the girls had cute blushes. Half the guys didn’t seem to care much, while the other half was already declaring Izuku the Bro of their class.

During the Endurance Running Test, Izuku, Rachel, and Iida eventually tied. Rachel could fly for hours without issue and Izuku had just used Body Augmentation again to alter is cardiovascular system and make him perfectly capable of marathon running. During the test, Izuku had even struck up a conversation with Iida about the bespectacled teen’s Quirk as the three of them lapped the track over and over again. Aizawa had eventually just told them all to stop after they’d gone on for so long that they were cutting into the classes’ time to actually finish the last test.

Since Rachel had already done the Softball Pitch Test she didn’t have to throw again. Instead she was able to watch as her classmates came up with whatever methods they could to achieve longer throws, assuming their Quirks were even applicable to the test, of course.

Izuku stepped up to throw and a massive fireball swirled into existence above him via his Pyrokinesis. The class all watched in shock, or rage in Bakugo’s case, as Izuku seemingly absorbed the fire into himself with Heat Absorption. Feeling the power his body currently had, Izuku also powered up the strongest Air Cannon he could manage and threw the ball as hard as he could. The ball rocketed away with the blast of the Air Cannon as it added even more force to the ball that had been thrown with ridiculous amounts of strength already.

The class quickly lost sight of the ball as it disappeared into the air in a blink. All eyes turned to Aizawa as he waited for his measuring device to give him Izuku’s result. It took several seconds before the device finally beeped and Aizawa nodded at the number. Izuku’s throw had landed 5,872.3m away!

“Looks like I won, Izu.” Rachel grinned at her boyfriend.

“Yeah, do you want a reward?” Izuku questioned and the look in his eyes told her how much he wanted her to want a reward. Apparently her habit of rewarding him when he rewarded her had cemented his desire to please her even further. She loved her cinnamon roll and strongest future soldier, and also future husband. She made sure her face didn’t show her last thought at all by keeping herself under control.

“Maybe,” Rachel replied and Izuku’s eyes locked with hers. The two could practically communicate with looks alone and it was quite the teasing conversation that they had in secret. Rachel may not have any desire to be a seductress, but she’d happily tempt and tease her Izuku.

Bakugo had raged and swore when he’d gotten 705.4m and stewed angrily away from the rest of the class after Aizawa reprimanded him for his language. Izuku and Rachel had both blinked in surprise when Momo had created a fully-functional Cannonand fired her ball out of it. The verdette had been writing in his notebook so fast that the paper was almost in danger of catching fire! The ravenette’s score of three kilometers and change was well earned in both of their opinions.

Yes, she’s definitely a recruit.’ Rachel decided that Momo would join her cause. To let such a powerful and versatile Quirk not be brought to its full potential and for her goals would be the mistake of a lifetime.

Ochako left every student’s jaw on the floor when she’d used her Zero Gravity to remove the effects of gravity from the ball and then seemingly thrown it into orbit! Her reading came out as infinity but Aizawa would only mark it as one meter further than Rachel’s score.

He started with six of those balls and now he’s down to two,’ Rachel was happy with the loss of the equipment that would most assuredly be blamed on Aizawa.

Izuku’s notebook now had an entire individual page dedicated to Ochako’s Quirk and Momo’s Quirk also had its own page too. Rachel had noticed that Izuku was using his own version of shorthand on his notes. That meant that he had so much information and theories about both girls’ Quirks that he’d have to write up the actual entries when he had the time. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on that data. If Ochako’s Quirk was still immature, if it could be developed further, then Rachel was very interested in inducting Ochako to her ranks as well.

U.A. is going to offer me so many soldiers and Quirks that I’ll have to let it remain once I’m in charge.’ Rachel hummed internally. They didn’t even know that they were only strengthening the future Empress of the Criminal Underworld. Her status as the new Number One Hero in the future would also practically grant her control of the masses as well. They would never suspect a thing. It was almost easy. She’d remain vigilant though, no need to get careless and slip up. True power and control took time after all.

“I’m just going to bring up the whole list. It’s not worth going over each individual score.” Aizawa informed the class as he clicked the device in his hand. A hologram appeared and listed off their names from first to twentieth place. Izuku chuckled as he saw Rachel’s name sitting exactly where he expected it to be. Rachel let a smirk show on her lips at her ranking in Class 1-A.

-Quirk Assessment Ranks-

Roth Rachel

Midoriya Izuku

Yaoyorozu Momo

Todoroki Shoto

Bakugo Katsuki

Iida Tenya

Tokoyami Fumikage

Shoji Mezo

Kirishima Eijiro

Ojiro Mashirao

Ashido Mina

Uraraka Ochako

Koda Koji

Sato Rikido

Asui Tsuyu

Aoyama Yuga

Sero Hanta

Kaminari Denki

Jiro Kyoka

Hagakure Toru

-Quirk Assessment Ranks-

“That’s to be expected, I guess.” Izuku smiled at his girlfriend.

“You’re exactly where I expected you to be as well, Izu.” Rachel bumped him with her hip playfully.

“Oh…” Toru sounded like she was seconds away from bawling at seeing her name on the bottom of the list. Everyone looked uncomfortable, except Bakugo and Todoroki, and Kyoka was one of the first to console the invisible girl. It was the least she could do. Had she scored just slightly lower in some of the tests, it would be the music-loving girl that would be getting expelled.

“It’s fine, Hagakure,” Rachel moved to the invisible girl’s side and gently placed her hand on the other girl’s shoulder. “You’re not going anywhere. He doesn’t have that authority.” She assured the girl while staring Aizawa dead in the eyes, unflinching.

“H-He…doesn’t?” Toru sniffled as she nearly clung to Rachel like a lifeline.

“Of course not,” Momo spoke up next from beside Toru, getting the invisible girl to focus on her. “Can you imagine the scandal that would cause if any teacher could expel any student, for any reason they chose, at any time? U.A. would’ve shut down under a mountain of lawsuits a long time ago.”

“They’re both right,” Aizawa admitted to the class. “While I do believe that there is nothing crueler than letting someone chase a half-baked dream. Both Principal Nezu and the Ministry of Education refuse to give me the authority to expel students that show no promise for Heroics. That being said, my threat of expulsion was just a logical deception to force all of you to do your absolute best on the tests.”

“That’s twisted!” Kaminari accused their homeroom teacher.

“Life is twisted,” Aizawa’s eyes glowed red and he erased the Quirks of his entire class. Rachel blinked at feeling a large number of her Quirks become unavailable to her. It only took her a second to realize the Mutant Quirks she had still functioned. She instantly decided to look into their homeroom teacher and his Quirk. That ability could prove immensely useful for her and her plans for the future. “Villain attacks, accidents, natural disasters, there are hundreds of unfair and twisted scenarios just waiting to happen every day. It’s the job of a Pro Hero to correct this unfairness and save lives. If you can’t handle your three years here at U.A. then you have no future as a Hero.” Aizawa’s eyes stopped glowing and he turned to leave them. “All of your paperwork and student information is in your desks. Make sure you read over it and memorize the important parts that I’ve highlighted. Class dismissed.”

“That was a trip…” Izuku blinked at the retreating back of their homeroom teacher.

“He’s one to watch.” Rachel hummed as the class started heading for the locker rooms to change back into their uniforms.

In the girls locker room Rachel almost smirked as her plan came to fruition so quickly. They were all changing back into their uniforms and questions naturally emerged after the other girls had seen her various Quirks. Giving them the fabricated explanation of her Quirk had seen all six of the other girls looking at her in almost awe. It was good to be the strongest and most versatile.

“Geez, I don’t know whether to be more envious of your Quirk or your body~” Mina whined playfully at Rachel. The voluptuous grey-skinned teen grinned at the pinkette.

“Right?” Toru chimed in, having returned to her peppy self after the reveal that she wasn’t going to be expelled. “You and Momo both! It’s practically unfair! Share some of the curves with the rest of us!”

“Hey…” Momo had an adorable blush on her cheeks from the teasing. In nothing but her underthings she was unintentionally showing off her blessings.

“Izu likes them,” Rachel grinned as she hefted her tits and let them bounce slightly in her sports bra. “That’s all I’m concerned about.” Kyoka, Ochako, Tsuyu, and Momo all went red in the face at Rachel’s statement and actions. Rachel thought she noticed Kyoka staring a bit longer at her breasts than the other girls.

“That’s another thing!” Mina pointed at Rachel with a grin. “You and Midoriya are a couple!”

“Yes,” Rachel replied with a gentle smile. “He’s my Izu.”

“You two do look cute together.” Tsuyu complimented the indigo-haired girl with a cute little croak.

“Thank you,” Rachel accepted the compliment with grace. Momo, Kyoka, and Ochako were blushing at the current topic while Toru and Mina burst into giggles. All six of the other girls were practically looking up to her already. Having romantic experience seemed to impress her classmates.

“So, how long have you two been together?” Toru asked with a bright voice. The invisible girl was practically sparkling even though she couldn’t be seen.

“Izu and I started dating in Junior High.” Rachel recalled that day fondly with a soft smile. “He asked me one day when we were eating lunch on the roof together.”

“Was it a confession and everything?” Mina was practically bouncing even as she buttoned up her shirt.

“Yes,” Rachel chuckled lightly. “I honestly didn’t expect him to work up the courage like that. I was close to confessing and asking him myself.”

“D’awww~” Mina, Ochako, and Toru all cooed. “That’s adorable!”

In the boys locker room things were slightly less romance focused. Kaminari and Kirishima were both incredibly curious about Izuku’s multiple Quirks. Izuku, always happy to talk Quirks with people, explained his Atavism Quirk to his classmates, including the ones that were just listening in. After most of their curiosity had been quelled, Kaminari couldn’t help but compliment Izuku.

“Bro, you’re so lucky, your girlfriend is totally beautiful!” Kaminari nudged Izuku with his elbow. “How’d you get so lucky, huh?”

“It’s not like that,” Izuku shook his head. “Rae-chan and I have known each other since Elementary School. We became friends and eventually I just confessed.”

“Well it obviously worked out,” Kirishima gave him thumbs up. “I wish you two the best!”

“Thanks!” Izuku smiled at the redhead.

Bakugo walked out of the locker room without a word, but his anger was nearly palpable. Once the door closed behind him the tension in the room seemed to lessen significantly. Most of the other guys relaxed a bit and looked towards the door curiously.

“What’s up with Bakugo, anyway?” Sato questioned Izuku. “The guy was practically snarling at you all day.”

“He kept calling you ‘Deku’ to, what’s his problem?” Ojiro asked the verdette.

“I’ve known Bakugo since we were toddlers.” Izuku shook his head. “When his Quirk came in and everyone heaped praise on him for it, he developed a bit of a superiority complex. My Quirk was dormant because of its complexity and I had the second toe-joint, I was declared Quirkless and from there it was like I was less of a person in his eyes.”

“Bro, that’s messed up.” Kaminari placed his hand on Izuku’s shoulder, a rare serious look on his face.

“Power goes to some people’s heads.” Tokoyami spoke up from his locker. “When confronted with greater ability, a person’s worldview can shatter.”

“I mean, I get that, but it’s still no reason to be an ass to someone else.” Shoji commented as he pulled on his shoes. “Bullying someone because of their Quirk or lack of one is wrong. He should’ve been corrected on his behavior.”

“I agree,” Sato nodded with the masked teen’s statement. “I knew a guy like that back in Junior High, no one liked him.”

“Well, come on, let’s go grab our papers and see what we have to memorize.” Kirishima dispelled the mood in the locker room.

“I really hope it’s not a lot,” Kaminari sighed at the thought of what amounted to homework right off the bat. “Please don’t be like three pages of stuff we have to memorize!” He clapped his hands together as if he was praying.

Izuku could only chuckle at the blonde. It was nice having some new friends for the first time. He hoped Rachel was making friends with all of the girls in their class too.

-End Chapter-


There you go! Now it’s a two-shot!

I hope you enjoyed it Vortex! This one’s for you buddy! Happy belated Birthday!

Was that impressive? Was it expected?

Hope you enjoyed it!

Until next time, later!



Where can I read the first part?


Here under MHA Plot Bunny 14, or you can get both on AO3 under my username Kai_zero.


Vortex I don't know you but we appreciate you getting us a second chapter of this


Kai taking yet another opportunity to write mineta out of existence