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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Aura Heart Journey! Time to head out from Azure Town and continue the Journey! Back down Route 24 towards Cerulean City and then south from there to Saffron City!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 30 – Route 24 and 25

“Ready to head out, Misty?” Ash questioned his girlfriend, a warm smile on his face.

“I’m ready to go.” Misty nodded back. The two were in the room they’d rented in the Azure Town Pokémon Center. They’d finished breakfast a bit ago and now they had their packs ready for travel. They’d get their Pokémon back from Nurse Joy and then head out.

Walking down stairs they greeted Nurse Joy and got their Pokémon returned to them. With their Pokémon fully healed Ash made his way over to the Transfer Machine and called up Professor Oak. It was time to switch around his Team again so that everyone got training.

“Ah Ash, good morning,” Professor Oak greeted one of his favorite new Trainers. With the kind of video data that Ash provided how could the old Professor not favor him?

“Good morning, Professor,” Ash grinned to the man. “I’d like to switch out a few of my Pokémon.”

“Of course, of course, not a problem,” Oak chuckled as he typed onto a compute for a second. “Who do you want to switch out?”

“Pikachu for Butterfree, and Lucario for Teddiursa,” Ash informed the Professor. It was always a struggle to get Pikachu into his Pokéball for the transfer process.

“Alright one moment please,” Professor Oak nodded as he left the screen for a few moments. When he returned he had two Pokéballs in hand. “Let’s begin, Ash.”

“Right,” Ash nodded and the transfers were completed quickly.

“Pika!” Pikachu was immediately let out of his Pokéball when he got to Professor Oak’s. The Electric Type waved to Ash and Misty through the screen.

“You relax and get some rest, buddy,” Ash smiled at his Starter Pokémon. “You definitely earned it with that last Gym battle.”

“Chu!” Pikachu looked proud before he hopped off the desk and ran outside to play with the multitudes of other Pokémon at the Oak Ranch.

With the transfers complete, Ash bid Professor Oak a good day and the call was ended. The couple left the video phones and walked across the lobby to the doors. Once they were outside they both smiled at the continued nice weather. Breathing in the fresh air for a bit, the duo grabbed the Pokéballs for their Ride Pokémon.

“Come on out!” Ash and Misty released their Gogoats. Both large Grass Types bleated as they shook their bodies and enjoyed the warm sun on their leaf pelts. The couple spent a few moments getting their packs strapped onto the back of the saddle seats. With a foot in the stirrups, both Ash and Misty pulled themselves up onto their Gogoats’ backs. After getting comfortable in the saddles the two Trainers set off for Route Twenty-Four.

Once they made it out of Azure Town and onto the Route proper, Ash glanced at Misty with a grin. The orangette winked at him and both urged their Ride Pokémon forward into a run! Both of their Gogoat bleated happily as they dashed forward heading down the Route. It was nice to get to run at full speed every now and then and really stretch their legs!

The couple rode for a while at a higher speed. When they got to the fork in the Route that led to Route Twenty-Five, they stopped to decide if they’d venture down it or not.

“I’m sure there are Trainers we could battle, maybe a Pokémon we’d like if we get lucky?” Ash guessed as he looked down the road of Route Twenty-Five.

“Hmm, it would be nice to get some more training in,” Misty hummed thoughtfully. “Let’s check it out.”

“Alright,” Ash agreed and the two of them directed their Ride Pokémon down the road. It was a fairly short ride before the terrain got a bit rockier and long grass appeared in thick patches interspersed between small thickets of trees. Some Trainers were seen lounging around or walking the Route as well.

“Yo, guy on the big Goat Pokémon, are you up for a battle?” A Trainer asked from where she was sitting on the side of the road with a thick blanket beneath her. She was probably a year older than Misty was. Wearing practical travelling clothes of khaki shorts and a forest-green shirt, she had her pack sitting beside her and her sandals were set just off of the blanket. Her bare feet were moving in rhythm to whatever music she was listening to with her small headphones.

“Yeah, sure,” Ash accepted the challenge as he and Misty brought their Gogoats to a halt. Ash hopped down off of Gogoat’s back and pulled a Pokéball off his belt. “My name’s Ash. Does a one on one sound good to you?”

“Works for me,” The girl nodded as she pulled her headphones off and hit a button on her phone, most likely to stop the music. “My name’s Alicia.” She introduced herself as she slipped on her sandals and walked a good distance away from her rest spot. “Tangrowth, you’re up!” From Alicia’s Pokéball emerged a large mass of blue-green vines with two eyes hidden within the mass of foliage. It had long limbs made of the same vines with orange tips. The coloration went almost halfway up the vine arms and it stood on two black, tree trunk-like legs.

“Tan!” Tangrowth exclaimed, clearly ready for a battle.

“Butterfree, I choose you!” Ash tossed his Pokéball and released the Bug/Flying Type onto the field.

“Free!” Butterfree called out as he fluttered into the air and looked down at his opponent.

“Begin!” Misty declared from the side where she was acting as the referee for the match.

“Tangrowth use Stun Spore!” Alicia started out with a status move to bring a quick end to the match.

“Grow!” Tangrowth spewed out a cloud of orang-ish spores towards the airborne Butterfree.

“Safeguard and Whirlwind it right back!” Ash countered as Butterfree glowed with a blue-white light for a second. Safeguard would prevent all status conditions for a while. With a series of rapid flaps of his wings, Butterfree whipped up a whirlwind and blew the spores right back at Tangrowth.

“Sunny Day, quick!” Alicia instructed. Tangrowth formed a bright ball of light between its vine limbs and shot it into the air. It exploded and suddenly the intensity of the sunlight multiplied. Tangrowth glowed green just before it was engulfed in the spores.

“Let’s keep her off balance, Butterfree! Use Psybeam!” Ash called for another attack and Butterfree’s large, compound eyes glowed a rainbow of colors as it blasted a beam of Psychic Aura at the stationary Tangrowth.

“Protect and counter with Ancient Power!” Alicia had a grin on her face as she gave new commands. The green dome of Protect stopped Psybeam cold. When the attack faded the dome vanished and a blast of Rock Type Aura was launched at Butterfree for a four times effective hit.

“Glide to dodge and then Air Slash!” Ash was really getting into the battle now. Alicia was clearly an Adept or possibly Advanced Level Trainer. “Your Tangrowth is impressive! Does it have Leaf Guard as its Ability?” That was the only way Ash could figure out that Tangrowth hadn’t been paralyzed by the redirected Stun Spore.

“Got it in one!” Alicia confirmed before raising a defense. “Protect!”

“Tan!” Tangrowth was covered by the protective dome just as the Air Slash reached it. The blade of wind was stopped by the shield, but the ends still sliced up some of the semi-tall grass on either side.

“Ancient Power, bring it down!” Alicia called out and Tangrowth launched another ball of Rock Type Aura at Butterfree.

“Substitute,” Ash grinned as Butterfree glowed and left a semi-realistic copy behind while it faded from sight. “Bug Buzz!”

“What?!” Alicia looked shocked as Ancient Power hit the Substitute that Butterfree had made and destroyed it. Butterfree came into view a second later, but its wings sped up their flapping speed to ridiculous levels, emitting a green-tinted wave of sound that made Tangrowth screech when it was hit.

“Air Slash!” Ash capitalized on the surprise and Butterfree launched the blade of wind at Tangrowth.

“Protect!” Alicia instructed and the green dome just managed to form in time and stop the super effective move from landing. “Ancient Power and barrage it!” The Protect dropped just as Tangrowth formed two Ancient Power attacks, one in each of its vine hands. The Grass Type launched the first one at Butterfree.

“Glide to dodge,” Ash instructed and Butterfree swooped low to avoid the first attack. “Substitute into Air Slash!” The second Ancient Power destroyed Butterfree’s second Substitute and Butterfree stilled in the air for a second as his wings glowed and he launched the Air Slash. The wind blade cut across the battlefield towards Tangrowth just as another Ancient Power came screaming towards Butterfree.

“Substitute!” Ash yelled and he almost panicked when Butterfree barely had time to make its third and final Substitute. Tangrowth wasn’t so lucky, as it couldn’t raise another Protect in time to and was hit cleanly with the Air Slash.

“Tangrowth!” Alicia called out to her Pokémon. Ash noticed that Tangrowth didn’t respond and knew what that meant.

“It flinched!” Ash punched his fist forward. “Bug Buzz!”

“Free!” Butterfree powered through his low health and vibrated his wings. The intense and harsh sound of the Bug Type move slammed into the reeling Tangrowth and sent it sprawling on the ground with swirled out eyes.

“Tangrowth is unable to battle!” Misty declared after looking over the downed Grass Type. “The winner is Butterfree!”

“You were great, Butterfree!” Ash congratulated his Bug/Flying Type with a wide smile. Butterfree landed on his outstretched arm and happily accepted the gentle pets and praise.

“You did amazing out there Tangrowth, take a nice rest.” Alicia smiled as she recalled her Grass Type into its Pokéball. “Hah, I knew you’d be a good battle. I haven’t had a battle like that since my last tournament.” Alicia congratulated Ash while rummaging in her pocket. She pulled out some folded PokéYen bills from her pocket and counted out Ash’s winnings. Handing him three bills, one 1,000 PokéYen bill and two 100 PokéYen bills, Alicia handed over Ash’s winnings.

“I thought you were probably Adept or Advanced.” Ash noted as he opened his wallet and placed the winnings inside.

“Ranked up to Advanced a while back and have been taking it slow for a bit to train up my Pokémon.” Alicia shrugged. “We’ve still got a ways to go it looks like.”

“It was a good battle.” Ash smiled and Alicia returned it.

“Well, I have to take care of Tangrowth, so you can keep on your journey with your girlfriend there.” Alicia winked at Misty who only smiled in return. Ash chuckled as he and Misty waved goodbye to Alicia as she returned to her blanket and started pulling out recovery items from her pack.

“Ready to keep moving?” Misty questioned as they both remounted their Gogoats.

“Yep.” Ash nodded after getting back in the saddle of his Ride Pokémon. The two trotted further up the Route and enjoyed the ride.

It was only about ten minutes later when another Trainer called out to the couple. This time it was an older guy, he looked a few years older than Ash. He had dark-blonde hair, green eyes, a slight tan, and was wearing dark-brown hiking pants, with matching boots, and a light-grey shirt with a beige vest over it. The vest had a few pockets for items as well and Ash was somewhat curious what was in all of them.

“Can we help you?” Misty questioned the older guy.

“Either of you up for a battle?” He asked as he pulled a Pokéball off his belt. “I’ve been up here training my team in preparation for the Cerulean Gym.”

“Really?” Misty had to smother a grin. “I don’t mind having a battle with you, what’s your name?”

“Devin,” He introduced himself with a nod.

“Alright, I’m Misty. Do you want to have a one on one battle?” Misty inquired as she dismounted her Gogoat and turned to face the older teen.

“Sounds good to me,” Devin agreed to the match. “We’ve been working on a new move while training and I’m eager to test it out.”

“Sounds like fun.” Misty grinned as they walked a distance away from the Route. Ash dismounted his Gogoat and walked off to the side of their impromptu battlefield to act as referee for Misty and Devin’s match.

“Starmie, come on out!” Misty released her Water/Psychic Type Pokémon in a flash of bright light. Starmie spun in place for a moment before settling on the ground ready to battle.

“A Water Type, that’s perfect,” Devin smirked at getting to practice against a Water Type Pokémon. He tossed his Pokéball forward to release his chosen Pokémon. “Machoke, let’s go!” From the white light emerged the Superpower Pokémon. Its blue-grey body was sculpted muscle, red, vertical lines appeared on its arms, and it seemed to wear briefs and a belt around its waist. It had a semi-reptilian face and three ridges went from forehead to the back on the Pokémon’s head.

“Machoke!” Machoke flexed while staring at Starmie.

“First move is yours, Devin!” Misty offered the older Trainer.

“Thanks, but don’t regret it Misty!” Devin called back. “Machoke use Bulk Up and Focus Energy!”

“Choke!” Machoke flexed and a red aura engulfed it for a moment to show the increase in Attack and Defense. A white glow surrounded Machoke a second later as its Critical Hit Ratio rose.

“Bubblebeam!” Misty called and Starmie blasted the stream of bubbles towards the Fighting Type Pokémon.

“Side step and get in close!” Devin instructed and Machoke side-stepped the attack and rushed in to close the distance.

“Follow it!” Misty called and Starmie adjusted its aim and Machoke was forced to duck and roll to dodge the Bubblebeam.

“Keep moving Machoke!” Devin coached his Pokémon. “Bob and weave, get around its attacks and move in!” Machoke showed some impressive footwork as it moved around the Bubblebeam attacks trying to get in close.

“Use Swift!” Misty switched up her attacks to use one that Machoke couldn’t evade with its physical abilities alone. From Starmie’s red core, a multitude of yellow star-shaped rays were fired at Machoke.

“Machoke, guard!” Devin called to his Fighting Type.

“Machoke!” Machoke roared as it raised its arms to guard its body as the spray of stars slammed into it. Dust was kicked up from the numerous impacts and Misty increased the Aura concentration to her eyes to see the Aura inside the cloud.

“Rush it with Thunderpunch!” Devin instructed and Machoke blitzed out of the dust cloud a split second later. Misty watched as Machoke’s right fist began to emit sparks before being completely engulfed in electricity.

“Protect!” Misty defended and Starmie was covered in the familiar green dome. Machoke’s Thunderpunch slammed into the protective move with force, but fizzled out against the barrier. “Psychic!”

“Get out of there, Machoke!” Devin cried out to his Fighting Type.

It was impossible to escape Starmie’s range in such a short amount of time though. A wave of blue Psychic Aura engulfed Machoke. The Fighting Type struggled against the painful hold of the powerful Psychic Type move. With a blast of force Machoke was sent rolling across the battlefield. When it came to a stop, it was clear that the Fighting Type was down and out by its swirled out eyes.

“Machoke is unable to battle, Starmie wins!” Ash called out while pointing towards Misty.

“Machoke, buddy, you were great, your form and footwork were perfect.” Devin consoled his Pokémon with praise. “It was my fault. There are still things we’re missing when it comes to battling.”

“If you want to make use of Machoke’s physical power, then maybe a move like Light Screen to help it deal with Special Attacks would help?” Misty offered a suggestion to the other Trainer as she recalled Starmie to its Pokéball.

“Detect would let it dodge even sure-hit moves like Swift too,” Ash mentioned as Devin returned Machoke to its Pokéball. “It’s a Fighting Type move too, so Machoke should have a fairly easy time learning it.”

“I think Machoke can learn Double Team too, that would help you guys get in close to make the most of Machoke’s Attack power.” Misty looked thoughtful as she tried to recall what she knew about the Superpower Pokémon line.

“Machoke can learn Double Team?” Devin looked confused. “I didn’t know that, but isn’t Light Screen a Psychic Type move? I didn’t think Machoke could learn Psychic Type moves at all.”

“Machoke have a fairly diverse move pool, if you make use of the Move Tutors at the Training Facilities they can tell you every move your Pokémon has the ability to learn.” Ash explained to the older teen.

“Huh, Light Screen, Double Team, and Detect…” Devin looked like he was deep in thought for a few moments before a smile crossed his face. “Right, your prize money.” He snapped his fingers before pulling out his wallet. He pulled out two 100 PokéYen bills and handed them to Misty.

“Recent start?” Misty guessed as she placed the money into her pocketbook.

“Yeah, I decided to work and build up funds for a few years before I started my journey.” Devin shrugged at the pair. “It’s worked out so far, I haven’t had to worry about money, but I’ve clearly not remembered everything from school. I’ll have to crack open some books again and go online to refresh my memory. I don’t want all of the hard work that my Pokémon put in to go to waste just because I don’t know how to bring out the best in them.” He clenched his fist in determination.

“With that mindset you’re already on the right track, Devin.” Misty smiled at the older teen.

“She’s right; you’ll go far with drive like that.” Ash agreed and Devin thanked them both. Ash and Misty climbed up onto their Gogoats and waved goodbye as they headed further down Route Twenty-Five.

-Hours Later-

Ash and Misty dismounted their Gogoat and set up for lunch. They’d battled at least six Trainers each since they’d gotten onto Route Twenty-Five proper and they’d both worked up an appetite. Route Twenty-Five ended at a rocky cove as a sort of dead-end. A tall fence with a cottage in the distance was off to one side of the Route and the sign denoted it as private property. Everyone knew this was Bill’s cottage though. The man was heralded as a genius that had revolutionized Pokémon Training with his Pokéball Transfer System. It was said that when he wasn’t testing out new computer technology, that he retired to his seaside cottage to relax and unwind.

The PC genius also had a Breeder’s License and had made it his mission in life to restore the wild Eevee population in Kanto. The cute, fluffy Pokémon with their multiple evolutions had once been over captured to the point that the only way to get one was to use the Breeders’ Association. Hardly any existed within the wilds of Kanto anymore. That had been over a decade ago now. With his wealth from the Pokéball Transfer System and quite a bit of time on his hands, Bill had done well in his goal of restoring the Eevee population. The Normal Types could now be found on Route Twenty-Five in the wilds on very rare occasions. They could also be found in the Safari Zone of Fuchsia City, protected by the facility’s extensive staff.

“I’ve heard about them, but they’re still so rare.” Misty hummed as they hadn’t seen a single Eevee all day.

“You think they mostly stay behind the fence for protection still?” Ash wondered as he looked at the tall fence plastered with warning signs about private property and security.

“It would make some sense, right? They know they’re safe behind the fence.” Misty agreed as she turned back to watch over their cooking lunch. Today was seasoned, Tauros beef strips with rice, veggies, and soy sauce.

As the couple started eating, enjoying sips of water between bites, both of them noticed movement in the thick, tall grass near where they’d stopped for lunch. Both of their Gogoats’ flicked up their ears at the noise and took a few steps closer to their Trainers to protect them if need be. What came sniffing out of the grass almost made Misty squeal at how cute it was.

“Vui?” The Pokémon stilled when it saw the two humans. It was a quadrupedal Pokémon with primarily brown fur. The tip of its bushy tail and its large furry collar were cream-colored. It had short, slender legs, along with brown eyes, long pointed ears with dark brown interiors, and a small black nose. It was an Eevee.

“You’re so cute~” Misty cooed to the stock-still Normal Type Pokémon. Without even thinking about it, Misty’s Aura was filled with positivity and affection towards the little Pokémon. Eevee seemed to sense this as it slowly and carefully made its way closer to her. Misty held back another exclamation of how cute the Eevee was as she picked up a small bit of meat from her plate with her fork and held it out to the Pokémon.

“That’s cute.” Ash admitted as he watched Misty get the Eevee to take the meat from her and eat it.

“Evui!” Eevee called out happily after it ate the meat offered to it. The Normal Type came closer and sat next to Misty.

“Ash, it’s so close~” Misty’s voice overflowed with joy as she gave the Eevee another piece of meat. She lost her ability to speak when the Eevee decided it liked her enough to climb into her lap and lay down. Slowly, and with great care, Misty began to gently pet the Eevee in her lap.

“Hold still,” Ash whispered as he pulled out his PokéGear and opened the camera. A soft click was heard as Ash took the picture of Misty with the Eevee on her lap. The Normal Type’s ears flicked at the sound, but it seemed to feel safe in Misty’s care.

“I have a fluffy Eevee on my lap and it’s letting me pet it, I’m so happy right now.” Misty gushed as she continued to pet the Pokémon softly.

“Evui?” Another voice came from behind Ash this time as the head of another Eevee poked out of the long grass.

“Holy shit…” Ash stared at the lighter fur, almost a white or off-white color. There was no way this way happening right now. The new Eevee padded out of the tall grass and revealed that it was indeed a Shiny Pokémon. The different color of its fur almost seemed to shine slightly and Ash stared at the Pokémon.

“Vui!” The Shiny Eevee spotted the one in Misty’s lap and padded over to the two Trainers.

“Vee~” The Eevee in Misty’s lap let out a content sound and the Shiny Eevee tilted its head curiously.

“Ee!” The Shiny Eevee faced Ash and got close enough to start sniffing what remained of his lunch.

“Hungry?” Ash smiled at the adorable Pokémon. He picked up a piece of meat and held it out to the Normal Type.

“Vui!” Eevee happily accepted the meat and ate it quickly. Ash filled his Aura with warmth, acceptance, and joy as he offered another piece of meat to the Shiny Eevee. After eating three pieces of meat, the Shiny Eevee climbed up into Ash’s lap and lay down.

“This is amazing,” Ash gently began to pet the almost white fur of the Eevee in his lap. Misty locked eyes with him and he swore he saw nothing but happiness in her gaze. It didn’t take words to know what she wanted.

“Would you two like to come with us?” Ash questioned the Shiny Eevee he was petting.

“Vee~” The Shiny Eevee flicked its fluffy tail. Ash was fairly certain that meant yes.

“Welcome to the family Eevee.” Misty welcomed her Eevee as she gently gave it scratches behind its ears.

The couple continued to pet their respective Eevee while they finished off their lunches. They decided to just relax and pet the cute Pokémon for a while longer. They both had a full Team of Pokémon on them right now, so if they caught the Eevee, one of their current Team would have to be sent to Professor Oak’s or to the Cerulean Gym respectively. Coaxing the two Eevee into Pokéballs hadn’t taken much convincing and the spheres let off the sound of a successful capture quickly before shrinking down and locking themselves.

“This is amazing!” Misty practically threw herself at Ash in a hug.

“It really is!” Ash laughed as he spun Misty around twice before capturing her lips.

Their Auras flared up as their emotions were already high. They lost themselves in the kiss entirely. Hands even started to roam a bit and their Gogoats looked away while finding more grass to graze on. The teens couldn’t help but indulge a bit as they expressed their joy at what had just occurred.

“I thought Shiny Charms were supposed to bring Shiny Pokémon my way?’ Misty giggled when they separated their lips.

“I was with you and a Shiny Pokémon appeared; I think it still counts.” Ash chuckled before kissing her cheek.

“Oh I hope my Eevee decides to evolve into a Vaporeon in the future!” Misty had sparkles in her eyes at the thought. She already had a Water Stone from Ash too! Her Eevee could evolve whenever it was ready if it chose that path.

“I don’t mind what Eevee chooses, I’ll train it to the best of my ability and make it strong!” Ash declared and Misty placed a chaste kiss on his lips with a smile.

“We could use your Pokédex to find out if we have boys or girls, plus their moves and Abilities.” Misty reminded and Ash agreed as he pulled the Pokédex out of his pocket. A quick scan of Misty’s Pokéball and the voice of the Pokédex spoke up.

[Eevee, the Evolution Pokémon, Type: Normal, this Eevee is female. Moves known are: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack.]

Switching to Ability Identifier, Ash pressed the scan button again.

[This Eevee’s Ability is Run Away, which enables it to flee unless under the effects of certain Pokémon Moves.]

“She’s perfect!” Misty gushed as she held the shrunken and locked Pokéball close.

A scan of his Pokéball and the Pokédex doled out slightly different information.

[Eevee, the Evolution Pokémon, Type: Normal, this Eevee is male and has irregular coloration. This Eevee is a Shiny Pokémon. Moves known are: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack.]

Ash grinned as he checked out his Shiny Eevee’s Ability next.

[This Eevee’s Ability is Adaptability, which doubles the power of moves that match its Type.]

“You’re awesome, buddy!” Ash praised his Eevee inside of the locked Pokéball. His newest team member was going to be amazing! Ash would do everything in his power to see that Eevee’s full potential was realized.

-End Chapter-


Well this side trip has proven to be a huge boon! As and Misty got Eevees! Ash even has a Shiny one! How great of a day is that?!

Now they can make their way back to Cerulean City and see Misty’s sisters again before heading south towards Saffron City!

Where oh where is Ash and Misty’s next travel destination?

Keep reading to find out!

Ash's Current Pokémon

Pikachu – Static – Iron Tail, Discharge, Growl, Quick Attack, Electro Ball, Thunder Wave, Volt Tackle, Double Team, Light Screen, Reflect

Lucario – Inner Focus – Metal Sound, Quick Attack, Blaze Kick, Bulk Up, Copycat, Force Palm, Screech, Detect, Double Team, Aura Sphere

Poliwhirl – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Body Slam, Rain Dance, Bubblebeam, Scald

Butterfree – Compound Eyes – String Shot, Bug Bite, Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Whirlwind, Psybeam, Air Slash, Substitute, Safeguard

Pidgeotto – Keen Eye – Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister, Heat Wave, Agility

Gogoat – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Double Team, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball

Teddiursa – Pick Up – Covet, Lick, Fury Swipes, Feint Attack, Sweet Scent, Bulk Up

Phanpy – Pick Up – Tackle, Defense Curl, Rollout, Endure

Eevee* – Adaptability – Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack

Misty's Current Pokémon

Staryu – Natural Cure – Harden, Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Recover, Psywave, Swift, Bubblebeam, Camouflage, Signal Beam

Starmie – Natural Cure - Rapid Spin, Signal Beam, Recover, Psychic, Swift, Bubblebeam, Psych Up, Protect, Brine, Thunderbolt

Seaking – Lightning Rod – Peck, Tail Whip, Watersport, Supersonic, Horn Attack, Flail, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring, Fury Attack, Waterfall

Poliwhirl – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Icy Wind, Body Slam, Mud Shot, Toxic

Gogoat – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Tail Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze, Seed Bomb

Quagsire – Water Absorb – Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Shot, Slam, Mud Bomb, Protect, Water Pulse, Yawn, Toxic

Bibarel – Unaware – Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Headbutt, Hyper Fang, Crunch

Spheal – Thick Fat – Defense Curl, Powder Snow, Growl, Water Gun

Eevee – Run Away – Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack

Ash will challenge four Gyms besides the eight canon Gyms with Steel Type, Ghost Type, Flying Type and Dragon Type being the four. All four now have OCs planned out thanks to some awesome patrons!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Ash: Sends Pikachu out of his party Pokemon Anime: "Wait, that's illegal"


I mean, that does seem to be their Cardinal Rule... Hope you liked it, Sin!


Awesome chapter Kai! Keep up the good work!


A shiny eevee huh wonder which one you'll end up making it evolve into personally umbreon is my favorite eeveelution but all of them are great thanks for the chapter


Glad you liked it! The mystery of which of the 8 options will linger for a while, look forward to it!

Nathan Jones

I love eevee, Slyveon and Espeon are my favourite but I love all there evolutions. what is your thoughts behind catching a legendary?

sebastian contreras acuña

Con lo amistosos que son con sus pokemon y pensando en como son normalmente los eevee casi espero que los dos evolucionen en sylveon


No ambos Sylveon, pero no podré estropear si puedo. Tried my best and used Google Translate to help, hope that answer is acceptable.

sebastian contreras acuña

The message is understood and the effort is appreciated but from now on I will try to comment in English is not my first language so excuse any possible error