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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Magma Dragon King! Back home at Fairy Tail! With Eisenwald arrested and dealt with, Fairy Tail compensated for their assistance to the Kingdom, and Makarov’s wallet emptied for repairs, the normal days can return! Or can they?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 21 – Mysterious Mage, S-Rank Quest

It was a lovely morning in Magnolia. The sun was shining, puffy white clouds drifted lazily through the sky. It was a picturesque start to the day as Lucy Heartfilia opened up her eyes. With a small smile she sat up in her bed and stretched her arms above her head. Her pink button-up pajama top strained slightly against her large chest from the motion. Looking out the window in her bedroom she grinned at the soothing view of the sunlit forest that surrounded the Dragon’s Den.

The beautiful blonde moved her blanket out of the way, revealing matching pink pajama pants, and slipped out of her bed. She quickly re-made the bed and smiled at the tidiness. Lucy picked out her outfit for the day after a few minutes to decide, she’d go with her white and blue, zippered top, a blue skirt that stopped at mid-thigh and her black, knee-high boots. With her outfit laid out, she opened her bedroom door and headed for the kitchen.

“It smells wonderful.” Lucy praised as she walked into the kitchen to see Lisanna and Mira cooking.

“Thank you, Lucy.” Lisanna smiled at the brown-eyed young woman.

“It’ll be ready in a bit.” Mira informed with a smile of her own.

“Where are Natsu, Cana, and Erza?” Lucy noticed that none of them were in the kitchen or living room.

“They’re bathing right now.” Lisanna provided the answer as she cooked. “Mira and I got out a bit earlier so that we could make breakfast.”

“You should get your bath done before breakfast too, Lucy.” Mira pointed towards the hot spring with the spatula she had in her right hand.

“I guess so,” Lucy nodded thoughtfully as she headed towards the bathroom down the same hallway first.

“Mira…” Lisanna gave her sister a look, one of her delicate eyebrows raised at her older sibling. “You know what those three are probably up to.”

“It’ll be funny,” Mira giggled quietly, her mischievous side on full display.

Lucy entered the changing room and stripped out of her pajamas. Leaving them in one of the baskets, she pulled off her panties and placed them inside the basket too. She opened the opaque sliding door and sat on one of the wooden stools in front of the washing area. Spraying the warm water over herself she took a sponge and began to scrub her body clean with a pleasant-smelling soap. Once she was clean, Lucy rinsed off and stood up. Wrapping one of the white towels around her body she opened the second door into the hot spring itself.

“Oh…” Lucy’s eyes went wide as she beheld what was happening in the hot spring.

“Natsu~” Cana mewled as she bounced her hips while straddling Natsu’s lap on the edge of the hot spring. The brunette was completely naked and her large breasts were pressed against Natsu’s chest. The two occasionally shared a deep kiss as Natsu’s hands palmed Cana’s round ass and helped her bounce on him.

“Mmm~” Erza hummed as she pressed herself against Natsu’s back, her own large tits squished against her Mate’s muscled form. She was gently kissing his neck and shoulders while her hands ran over both his and Cana’s bodies.

Lucy’s brain fried for a moment as she beheld the love-making going on before her very eyes. She watched on as Cana moaned and increased her pace on top of Natsu. Erza was whispering something into Natsu’s ear and the pink-haired Dragon Slayer seemed to speed up his and Cana’s motions together from whatever he was hearing. Cana let out an absolutely lewd moan at the increased pace and clutched onto Natsu tightly as she hit her climax. Lucy finally had the sense of mind to close the door again and block her sight of Natsu, Cana, and Erza expressing their love for each other in the physical sense.

Without a word she turned, still clad only in the white towel, and headed back into the changing room. She continued onward, leaving the changing room and entering the short hallway. She walked straight into the kitchen, where Lisanna and Mira were still working on breakfast, and brought her hand down on Mira’s ass. The sound of the harsh spank rang through the kitchen and living room.

“Ah~!” Mira let out a cross between a yelp and a moan from the strike to her incredible booty. Looking at who’d spanked her, Mira let out a naughty grin at seeing the towel-clad Lucy.

“You deserved that.” Lisanna shook her head at Mira with a sigh. “Are you alright, Lucy?”

“I’m…I’ll…yes, yes I’m fine.” Lucy’s red cheeks showed her flustered state just as well as her trouble speaking her thoughts.

“It’s hot, right?” Mira teased Lucy with a waggle of her eyebrows.

“Mira!” Lucy whined at the older girl. “Why would you do that to me?”

“I thought it’d be funny,” Mira admitted shamelessly, Lucy noted Lisanna playfully rolling her eyes at her sister. “And it was!”

“Mira…” Lucy pouted at the Take-Over Mage. “That wasn’t funny.”

“I disagree.” Mira giggled before leaning over to peck Lucy’s left cheek. “You’ll need to get used to that when you fully join us though.”

“I know…” Lucy had a smile on her lips even as she covered her cheeks with her hands. “I was just startled when I walked in on them like that.”

“You’ll notice more things once you become a Dragon Slayer, Lucy.” Lisanna informed the blonde as she dished out what she was cooking to separate plates. “Dragon Slayer senses are far more acute and you’d have heard them before you saw them.”

“Wait…” Lucy’s whole face turned red as she put two and two together. “Does that mean they heard me before I even opened the door?!”

“Possibly,” Lisanna shrugged with a small smile on her lips. “They may have been too wrapped up in each other to pay attention.”

“Nah, we heard her.” Natsu spoke up as his arms wrapped around Lucy’s waist from behind just before he leaned forward to place a soft kiss on her right cheek. He was wearing a dark-red bathrobe as he held her.

“Natsu!” Lucy jumped at the sudden sound and touch before calming a bit when she felt his lips on her cheek. “Don’t startle me like that!”

“Sorry, Lucy,” Natsu apologized with a smile. His next target was Lucy’s neck, where he placed another gentle kiss.

“Hey~” Lucy hummed at the feeling. “Didn’t you get enough from Cana and Erza already?” She didn’t stop him from placing another kiss on her neck though.

“That wouldn’t even come close, Lucy~” Cana winked at the Celestial Spirit Mage while wearing her own white bathrobe. Lucy’s eyes darted down to Cana’s cleavage for an instant since it was on full display. “Natsu has quite a lot of stamina after all.”

“Indeed.” Erza nodded with a proud smile on her face. Lucy couldn’t stop the giggle that erupted from her throat. Erza looked downright smug about Natsu’s prowess in the bedroom.

“Not like we didn’t get our own loving in this morning~” Lisanna sighed fondly at the playtime she and Natsu had earlier in the morning.

“Like Natsu would leave us out.” Mira shook her head with a giggle. She and Lisanna had both enjoyed waking up to some early morning loving. It was the best way to start the day in the sisters’ opinion.

“You’re insatiable, Natsu.” Lucy admonished the Magma Dragon Slayer, though there was no negativity in her tone at all.

“I guess so,” Natsu shrugged as he looked into Lucy’s warm, brown-eyes with his amber gaze. Lucy leaned forward and Natsu took the invitation to meet her lips for a soft kiss.

“Mmm.” Lucy hummed pleasantly as they separated a few moments later. “I still need to enjoy my soak in the hot spring.”

“Want me to join you?” Natsu grinned at her, his fangs visible from how wide his smile was.

“Hold your horses, mister.” Lucy gently placed her index finger against Natsu’s forehead. “You’ve had enough for one morning, I think.”

“Alright, alright.” Natsu agreed with a chuckle before stealing another kiss from her soft lips.

“I’ll be out in a bit, go sit down you horny dragon.” Lucy smiled as she pulled out of his arms and gently pushed him towards the kitchen table.

“We’ll keep him occupied, Lucy,” Cana chuckled as Lisanna and Mira guided Natsu to the table full of food. “Enjoy your soak.”

“I won’t be too long.” Lucy promised as she headed for the hot springs a second time. A relaxing soak would just complete this morning wonderfully in her opinion.

A few hours later at the Fairy Tail Guild Hall and Lucy was looking over some more D-Rank Quests. She’d been given a B-Rank Quest completion on her Quest history by Makarov for assisting with the Eisenwald Incident. That meant she’d only need a few more D-Ranks to be promoted to C-Class. The Celestial Spirit Mage couldn’t wait!

“Hmm, not much for the D-Ranks today though.” Lucy hummed as she looked over the board. “Maybe I should take another Gathering Quest?” There were always a few Renewed Quests from a couple of the local Apothecaries for the gathering of specific herbs and plants from the forests.

“Master, are you alright?” Mira questioned and Lucy looked over to notice that Makarov -who was sitting on the bar top as usual- was looking much less energetic than he usually did.

“It’s nothing…” Makarov stated with a tired sigh. “I’m just…sleepy.”

“What?” Lucy blinked before an overwhelming feeling of sleepiness hit her and she sank to the floor. Her eyelids felt like they weighed tons as she fought to keep them open.

“Hey…” Elfman grumbled before sinking forward onto his table and nodding off.

“I know this feeling…” Gray remarked as he struggled to stay awake. His head hit the table a few seconds later.

One by one every member of Fairy Tail began to fall asleep wherever they were. Drinks were knocked over, things were dropped or fell off tables, and soon enough the majority of the Guild was asleep. Only a select few members were able to resist the Magic that had taken hold of the Guild.

“You alright, Lucy?” Mira questioned as she had placed her hand on the blonde’s shoulder. Lucy blinked as the sleepiness abated enough for her to remain awake.

“I wish he wouldn’t do this every time,” Lisanna lamented as she saw the mess that had already been made. Her own eyes were drooping, but she was strong enough to remain awake and resist the Magic.

“No kidding,” Cana huffed as she watched the door with a wine glass in hand.

“It’s just how he is.” Erza sighed as she looked at their sleeping guild mates.

“Who?” Lucy questioned the still awake Dragon Slayers.

“Mystogan, another S-Class Mage.” Natsu also placed his hand on her shoulder and the sleepiness mostly vanished. Lisanna took Natsu’s free hand and perked up a bit more too.

Footsteps were heard and Lucy focused on the door as she stood up. Into the Guild Hall walked a man, judging by his height, and Lucy couldn’t get over how mysterious he looked. The Mage wore a dark blue cloak and his arms and legs were mostly covered in bandages. On his head he wore a dark blue bandana with a silver forehead protector and a green mask that obscured the bottom half of his face. On his back were five staves, all made of wood and with differently shaped heads. They appeared to be tied to his back with a dark-green strap. His features were completely obscured and Lucy couldn’t help but wonder why he chose to dress like that.

“Mystogan…” Makarov greeted the reclusive S-Class Mage of his Guild.

Mystogan gave a nod to Makarov and acknowledged the still awake Guild Members with a nod as well. He made his way over to the Quest Board and perused it for a very short time. He pulled an A-Rank Quest off the board and brought it over to Makarov.

“I’m going.” Mystogan’s voice was slightly muffled by his masked face.

“You could stand to be friendlier with us, you know that?” Natsu questioned his fellow S-Class Mage.

“My apologies.” Mystogan shook his head as Makarov stamped the Quest as in-progress.

“You should at least stay to clean up the mess you cause every time you do this.” Mira motioned to the spilled food and drinks.

“This habit of yours is pretty annoying, Mystogan.” Cana sipped her wine as she eyed the mysterious Mage.

“Fairy Tail is like a family, Mystogan,” Erza spoke up as she looked at the covered Mage. “Don’t you want to be a part of the family with all of us?”

“I’m sorry.” Mystogan gave them a short bow as he picked up the stamped Quest and started walking towards the door.

“Remove the Sleep Magic first!” Makarov reminded Mystogan as he continued to walk towards the door.

“Five.” Mystogan began to count down as he continued to walk. “Four.” He was almost to the doors. “Three.” He reached the threshold of the large doors. “Two.” The mysterious Mage was covered by the sunlight and his form began to waver. “One.” He disappeared completely and groans were heard as the sleeping Mages all started waking up again.

“Ugh…this feeling, was it Mystogan?” Jet –a Mage on Levy’s Team that wore a long coat and a fuzzy, three-tiered top hat- questioned as he rubbed his face.

“That jerk…” Droy –another Mage on Team Shadow Gear that wore a white shirt and checkered pants- shook his head to clear the bleariness away. “He made me spill my drink.”

“His Sleep Magic hasn’t lost any of its power.” Levy rubbed her eyes as she woke up fully from the spell.

“Who is this Mystogan guy?” Lucy questioned curiously.

“A candidate for Fairy Tail’s strongest Mage.” Loke spoke up automatically. The orange-haired young man was rather far from Lucy though. Ever since he’d found out she was a Celestial Spirit Mage he’d kept his distance from her. Lucy had been curious, but Mira had told her the running theory was that Loke had a bad relationship with a Celestial Spirit Mage in the past. With how much of a playboy he was, Lucy could certainly see it.

“Yeah, but no one really knows the guy.” Gray commented on the mysterious Mage. “Only a few people can stay awake when he shows up and puts everyone to sleep. Most of us don’t even know what he looks like.”

“No…” A voice spoke up from the second floor. “Only the weak don’t know what Mystogan looks like.”

“Laxus!” A member cried out as everyone turned to look up to the second floor.

“You were here?” Another person called out to the Mage.

“We hardly ever see you!” Max -the Sand Mage- spoke up at seeing Laxus in the Guild Hall for the first time in a while.

“One more candidate.” Gray sighed at the blonde man leaning over the balcony.

“Mystogan’s shy, so butt out of what doesn’t concern you.” Laxus told the rest of the Guild with a cigar hanging out of the right side of his mouth. He was wearing a leopard-print, orange tunic with dark-lined sleeves reaching down below his elbows that had fur on the lower edges. He sported a bright red cape, tied on the front with a garish knot, which bore a large, lighter Fairy Tail symbol on the back, and loose, baggy dark pants tucked inside light metal greaves. Around his waist was a simple belt that held the device connected to the Magic Headphones covering his ears.

“Don’t be an ass, Laxus.” Cana retorted to the other S-Class Mage.

“I’m just speaking the truth.” Laxus mocked as he took a drag off his cigar and blew out the smoke. “I’m not giving up the title of Strongest in Fairy Tail to anyone. Not Mystogan, not to any of you, not even to the old man.”

“Funny how we don’t hear you spouting that when Gildarts is actually around.” Mira sniped at the blonde man with the lightning bolt-shaped scar on his face.

“Tch.” Laxus turned away from the railing and went back to whatever he was doing beforehand.

“Gildarts?” Lucy blinked at the unfamiliar name.

“My old man,” Cana chuckled when Lucy’s gaze snapped over to her. “Undoubtedly the strongest Mage in the Guild right now. But he has the worst case of wanderlust you’ll ever see. The Quests he takes usually last two or three weeks at a time.”

“You just missed him when you joined, Lucy.” Lisanna smiled at the memories of the man that had become a surrogate uncle for some of the younger Mages of Fairy Tail.

“He’ll probably be back soon enough,” Cana sipped her wine. “He’ll go into full Dad Mode and embarrass me again. I’m pretty sure he does it on purpose.”

“It’s nice to have him around though.” Erza smiled at her dragon sister.

“I guess.” Cana smiled fondly.

“I hope he’ll be up for a fight again.” Natsu had a wide grin on his face.

“But you always lose those fights, Natsu.” Mira giggled at her Mate.

“I was close last time!” Natsu retorted and Lucy was shocked that Gildarts had beaten Natsu every time they’d fought. She’d never met a Mage as strong as Natsu before coming to Fairy Tail.

“I think Gildarts was humoring you, Natsu.” Erza grinned at her Mate. “You do recall that he only had to move twice and used only three spells to knock you out, right?”

“Yeah, but they were powerful spells, the whole ridge over on the other side of the lake was reduced to dust from one of them.” Natsu grumbled at the reminder of his last defeat.

“Cute~” Lisanna and Mira cooed at Natsu’s pouting face.

“Hey, Natsu, look at this Quest!” Happy came floating down from the second floor with a Quest in his hands.

“What’s up, buddy?” Natsu questioned the blue cat as he took the Quest from him. “Cursed Island? Seven Million Jewel Reward… What’s the big deal?”

“Look at what’s in the bottom right corner attached to the reward.” Happy pointed the tip of his tail at the corner.

“Plus one Gold Key?” Natsu blinked at the added reward for a second before it clicked. “Like Lucy’s keys?”

“What about my keys?” Lucy questioned the duo curiously.

“Look at this,” Natsu flipped the Quest around and showed it to Lucy.

“Cursed Island? That sounds creepy.” Lucy trailed her eyes to the reward. “Seven Million Jewel! That’s so much!” It was when her eyes got to the added reward that they truly bugged out. “A GOLD KEY!!!” Natsu couldn’t help but crack up at the sheer excitement in her voice.

“Natsu, are you taking this Quest?” Lucy looked at him with her eyes practically sparkling.

“I might,” Natsu grinned at the Celestial Spirit Mage.

“Can I convince you, maybe?” Lucy gave him a coy smile with her eyes half-lidded. She leaned forward slightly, making Natsu’s eyes instinctively dart down to look at the cleavage she was showing off.

“Probably,” Natsu admitted as his eyes met hers again. The smile on Lucy’s face at his admission to her charms and wiles made his heart burn with heat. He loved seeing that smile on her face.

“I’m glad~” Lucy purred at him and Natsu gave her that smile that she adored.

“Are you two going to give the whole Guild a show, or should we head home a bit early today?” Mira teasingly whispered into Lucy’s ear making the brown-eyed girl jump slightly at the unexpected voice.

“Mira!” Lucy pouted at the platinum-haired girl. Mira only giggled in response.

“Hey gramps, if I take this Quest I think I need to bring Lucy along,” Natsu walked over to Makarov to show him the paper. “The added reward is a Celestial Spirit Key. I don’t have the ability to tell if it’s real when they give it to me after the Quest. Lucy’s the only Celestial Spirit Mage we have in Fairy Tail.”

“Lucy is only D-Class, Natsu.” Makarov shook his head. “She’s not ready for an S-Rank Quest.”

“What if I go with them?” Erza spoke up as she came to stand beside Lucy and Natsu.

“I’ll go too. I don’t have any Quests right now.” Mira smiled as she placed her arm around Lucy’s shoulders.

“Why don’t we all just go?” Cana questioned with a laugh. “If we have the majority of the S-Class Mages go then it should be perfectly safe for Lucy, right?”

“You brats…” Makarov pinched the bridge of his nose.

“C’mon Gramps, it’ll be fine!” Natsu grinned at the old man.

“If I agree to this, you have to take one A-Class Mage of my choice with you.” Makarov had a glint in his eye that Natsu wasn’t sure he liked.

“Like Lisanna?” Natsu questioned suspiciously.

“Gray, you’re going with Natsu, Erza, Mira, Cana, and Lucy on the Galuna Island Quest.” Makarov called out.

“Why Gray?!” Natsu demanded with a scowl.

“Why not, he’s an A-Class Mage that has a chance of getting selected for the S-Class Trials the next time they’re held.” Makarov’s smug grin told a different story entirely however.

“Can we leave Natsu behind, Gramps?” Gray questioned as he walked up to the group. “He’ll probably destroy a bunch of stuff and cost us most of the reward.”

“What’d you say, icicle dick?!” Natsu growled at the dark-haired Ice Mage.

“You heard me, ash for brains!” Gray got in Natsu’s face.

“Well, the trip to the island should be entertaining at least.” Mira giggled behind her hand. Her dragon sisters didn’t seem to agree as they watched Natsu and Gray butt heads.

“I forget how childish these two can be when they’re together.” Lucy shook her head at the bickering males.

“Enough you two!” Makarov bonked both of the arguing Mages over the head with his staff. “I’ve made my decision and it’s final. Natsu, Erza, Cana, Mira, Gray, and Lucy, you six will be on this Quest together. Watch out for each other and return home to us safely, am I understood?”

“Yes, Master.” All six of the Mages agreed and Makarov nodded as he stamped the Quest as in-progress.

“Lucy,” Makarov spoke up and the blonde gave the old man her attention. “Succeed in this Quest and I’ll promote you to C-Class when you return.”

“Thank you, Master!” Lucy beamed at him before she gave him a quick bow.

“Let’s talk shares of the reward before anything else.” Gray spoke up as the group found a table to sit at together.

“That’s easy, there’s seven of us total, including Happy,” Natsu pointed at everyone in turn. “So we get Six-Million-Nine-Hundred-Thousand Jewel plus the Gold Key, and you get the rest for being our gopher.”

“Hell no!” Gray slammed his fist on the table as lighting jumped between his and Natsu’s eyes. “I’m going to be taking part in this Quest, I deserve equal compensation. One Million of the Jewel should be mine.”

“We don’t even know if you’re going to be of any help yet.” Natsu waved him off.

“If you’re the one in charge we’ll be lucky to have any reward left to split after you destroy who knows how much of the island.” Gray snapped back at the pink-haired Dragon Slayer.

“Why you…” Natsu growled, only to be cut off as Cana grabbed his chin and pulled his lips to hers. The anger fizzled out instantly as Natsu returned the kiss.

“Now that the argument is over,” Mira’s smile was absolutely threatening as she faced Gray. “Let’s just call it an even seven-way split for now, ok?”

“Sure thing, Mira.” Gray nodded rapidly in agreement. “That’s all I wanted anyway.”

“Good, now that it’s settled, what do we know about this supposed curse?” Erza asked the group as they looked over the Quest. Cana released Natsu’s lips and took his hand in hers to keep another argument from breaking out.

“We’ve all heard the rumors, right?” Mira shrugged as she looked at the Quest. “An island that’s full of Demons and anyone that goes there is cursed for the remainder of their lives.”

“It was a rumor long before this Quest showed up on the Board though.” Cana noted as she’d seen the Quest when it first appeared about a month or so ago.

“With all of you going for a few days or more, the house is going to feel empty.” Lisanna had the saddest look on her face. Mira instantly pulled her little sister into a hug.

“We’ll get this done quick and come home as fast as possible, Lisanna!” Mira promised as she cuddled her adorable little sister.

“I know,” Lisanna smiled as she returned the embrace. “I’ll keep the house tidy and invite Elfman over to stay if that’s okay?”

“Of course it is Lisanna.” Everyone -except Gray- chorused in unison. No one could deny her such a thing when she was being left behind for this Quest.

Natsu pulled Lisanna into his side -sandwiching her between him and Mira- while they went over the rest of the details and information they had on Galuna Island. The night came and the group split up with plans to meet at the Guild in the morning to depart. The flight to Hargeon would exhaust a good amount of Happy’s magic, so they’d have to get a ship to the island itself. This was not to the group of Dragon Slayers’ pleasure.

“We should get the Potions from Porlyusica before we leave.” Erza mumbled out, looking resigned to the horrible taste.

“Yeah, I guess.” Mira was close to pouting as she cuddled Lisanna.

“I’m bringing the strongest drink I have.” Cana was resolute to not have to have the taste of the Potion on her tongue for any longer than necessary.

“Is it really that bad?” Lucy questioned as the family walked towards the Dragon’s Den.

“Yes.” Was the instant, unanimous reply from the group.

“Oh…okay then…” Lucy blinked as she followed along the path. How bad was that Potion?!

-End Chapter-


Lucy gets an unexpected show in the morning!

Mira gets a swat to her perfect, fat ass for her prank!

Then we meet Mystogan, sort of, he’s the quiet type.

Laxus speaks up, cementing that he’s kind of an ass.

Now Galuna Island looms ahead! What will our group make of the machinations going on? How will Gray react to seeing the Demon that destroyed his homeland? How will the others react when they find out what the ice imprisoning Deliora is made out of?

It’ll be a showdown of ideals! Who will come out on top?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Yeah we need to get the ass slapped out of Laxus I liked how he is when he got that snapped out of him and I am still loving the story Kai as I am with all of your stories.


Shouldn't Natsu be as strong if not stronger than Gildarts? It sounds like he is just as weak as canon Natsu if he is getting his ass handed to him by Gildarts...


Remember that Gildarts didn't even have to move his feet to beat Natsu, who was going all out, on Tenrou Island. This Natsu makes Gildarts move and use powerful spells to deal with him in their spars. There's still more room for Natsu to grow and develop.