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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! Obstacle Race is on! Will it even be a challenge for Izuku? How will Ochako, Momo, Tsuyu, and Camie fare?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 15 – The Obstacle Race

The countdown to begin started as the first of three lights -a red light- went out.

I wonder what the prize is for winning this race.’ Izuku pondered briefly. It wouldn’t be out of character for the Sports Festival for the winner of the first event to be given something for the next round. ‘Or would the prize actually be a detriment?’ He wouldn’t put it past U.A. to make success yet another trial.

The second light -another red- went out.

I’ll leave it for now. I’ll just do my best.’ Izuku grinned as he tapped into Warp Gate and prepared to make his first move as soon as the race started.

The final light -a green light- flashed on.

“START!” Both Midnight and Mic yelled at the same time.

In an instant every student rushed forward. Izuku formed the swirling purple-black gate in front of him and stepped through it. Several students blinked when the verdette and his black fog just disappeared.

“OKAY! Let’s check out the action! Are you ready to give commentary, Eraser?” Present Mic asked Aizawa with his normal high-energy.

“I’m still not sure why I have to be up here in the first place.” Aizawa drawled out.

“We’ll get started right away, Eraser! What should the crowd pay attention to in the first few minutes of the race?” Mic continued as if Aizawa hadn’t just complained about having to be co-announcer.

“The doorway,” Aizawa commented as he watched all of the First Years rush into the narrow tunnel.

Inside the tunnel, yelling and shouting began as the participants were squeezed together. Trying to run through the tunnel at the same time was proving impossible. It was far too narrow for all of them to pass through at once and many realized that it had been designed this way on purpose. This was clearly a test of ingenuity to see how they’d get through and take a lead in the race.

A sudden drop in temperature made the majority of the students start shivering. The floor was covered in a sheet of ice and most of the First Years’ shoes froze over, sticking them in place. Several dozen calls of alarm, or outright accusations of cheating, rang out as Todoroki ran past the immobilized students.

“Sorry, but I have to win this race.” Todoroki stated while leaving a trail of ice right behind him. It would make it hard for those that freed themselves to walk, much less run, to try and catch up.

“Like hell, Icy-hot!” Bakugo roared as he was already in the air with his explosions firing to keep him airborne.

“Nice try, Todoroki!” Kirishima yelled out as he leapt forward in a long jump to clear the spreading ice before it could entrap him.

“That was naïve, Todoroki.” Momo commented as she produced a long pole from her palm and used it to vault herself over the ice trap.

“Your ice can’t stop my sparkle!” Aoyama stated while firing his laser and being carried through the air by the force his unique energy generated.

“Pretty cold, Todoroki!” Camie snickered at her own pun. The fawn-haired girl showed off her speed and athleticism by performing a wall run and made it out of the frozen trap that the narrow tunnel had become.

“Hey, that was close!” Mina shouted as her special shoes secreted her acid onto the ice. The liquid dissolved the ice and made small, clear patches on the track where Mina stepped.

“I’m so glad I practiced this.” Ochako floated above the track, her weightless form moving quickly through the air from her initial kick off. Her stomach was already starting to feel bad though, so she’d have to land soon.

“I’m not a fan of the cold.” Tsuyu stated as she was almost beside Ochako in the air. Her Frog Form Quirk had easily let her leap out of the tunnel entirely.

“You think you can get ahead of me you half-and-half bastard?!” Bakugo yelled as he set off stronger explosions to increase his speed.

“More people dodged that than I expected.” Todoroki noted as he continued to run. The Hybrid Quirk user refocused on the track ahead of him before blinking in shock.

Izuku had left the tunnel entirely in the first couple seconds of the race. By the time Todoroki had sprung his trap the verdette was already coming out of his own Warp Gate and took off running towards the next obstacle. Izuku’s quick thinking had not only put him in the lead, it was making the gap wider by the second!

When did he?’ Todoroki tried to recall when Izuku had gotten ahead of everyone. ‘I didn’t even see him pass me!

“Yeah! It seems like Midoriya is already in the lead! But when did he get that far ahead of everyone? I didn’t see him leave the tunnel!” Mic announced as all eyes in the stadium moved to the monitor as the cameras focused on Izuku leading the pack by a wide margin.

“Midoriya has a plethora of abilities that he can make use of.” Aizawa spoke up. “Depending on the situation at hand, Midoriya switches to the abilities that best deal with the challenge he’s facing. In this case he simply skipped ahead and passed the tunnel before anyone else took action.” He approved of the quick and rational actions of his student.

“You think you’re so cool, but I’ve outsmarted you!” Mineta called out, bouncing over Todoroki’s ice while using his Quirk to make stepping stones. “Ha! How pathetic, Todoroki!” The purple-headed boy taunted as he took a weird pose. “Take this! My special attack! Grape…” He was cut off as a large metallic fist slammed into him from the side and sent the pervert of Class 1-A bouncing along the ground.

“Target acquired!” The mechanical voices of dozens and dozens of robots rang out as a horde of One Pointers from the Entrance Exam tore through the walls that had been set up to outline the track. With a rumble and huge plumes of dirt and dust, eight Zero Pointers rose from their hiding places among the forest surrounding the track. In no time at all the entire track was blocked off by a wall of robots.

“Ooh, enemies have shown up out of nowhere! We’re in for a treat here! It’s a test of strength and cunning, the Robo Inferno!” Present Mic announced while the robots locked onto the students.

“Are those the Zero Pointers from the exam?!” Kaminari skidded to a halt, along with the majority of the First Years.

“The Hero Course had to fight those?!” Someone questioned from the crowd of students.

“This is what they meant by obstacles?!” Another student demanded as she stared up at the towering robots.

“There’s too many! We can't get through!” A different student cried out at what they perceived to be an impassable barrier.

“So, this is what the other students faced in their Entrance Exams?” Todoroki commented as he sized up the massive machines.

“Where did the school even get the funding for these things?” Momo wondered, as she, Ochako, and Kyouka looked at all the robots.

“This time I don’t have any reason to fight you.” Izuku kept running towards the wall of robots. He directed his gaze to the massive Zero Pointers, remembering how he’d injured himself in the Entrance Exam to save Ochako. “I don’t have to meet force with force.” A black portal swirled into existence directly in front of Izuku and he ran into it without slowing down. He dashed out of a second portal on the opposite side of the Robo Inferno and kept on running.

“Whoa yeah!” Mic screamed into the microphone. “Midoriya didn’t even slow down! He passes by the Robo Inferno instantly! Was that a Warping Quirk?! Those’re super rare!” Present Mic exclaimed loudly.

“Not every problem in the field needs to be, or even can be, solved by hitting it really hard. If you don’t have to use force, it is better not to.” Aizawa stated sharply, his tone almost sounded like a lecture. Several Heroes in the stadium -including a certain Number One Hero- suddenly felt a little called out.

“With the obstacle cleared, Midoriya is back on the move and increasing his lead!” Mic announced excitedly, further hyping up the crowd. Many of the watching Pro Heroes shifted their eyes to Izuku with interest. It wasn’t every day that you saw a student like him. Warping Quirks were incredibly rare, Mic wasn’t wrong. To see such a versatile Quirk being put to such good use was a treat.

“Nice Izukun!” Camie laughed as she stood before the Robo Inferno with the other students.

“I won’t let you beat me!” Todoroki promised as frost started to accumulate in his right hand and spread across the ground. “They obviously went through a lot of trouble, but I wish they’d have prepared something a little more difficult. Especially since my dear old dad is watching.” He stated with a mocking tone at the end.

The ground froze in a large area surrounding Todoroki and he swiped his right arm upwards, sending a blast of ice and frost at three of the Zero Pointers just as the massive machines began their attack. The robots stood no chance as the ice encased their metal bodies and they froze over. With an exhale of frosted breath he ran between the frozen behemoth’s legs as he chased after Izuku.

“Look, he stopped them!” A student called out.

“We can get through between the legs!” Another claimed loudly.

“I wouldn't do that if I were you,” Todoroki warned the group at large. “I froze them while they were off balance.” He informed in a monotone as the three Zero Pointers started to tilt over. The majority of the students ran backwards to clear the area as the frozen giants slammed into the ground. “On purpose,” His final words to the rest of the students went unheard in the racket as he rushed ahead.

“Todoroki from Class 1-A attacks and defeats multiple Zero Pointers in one hit! Then he traps his competitors behind a wall of frozen metal with all the other robots! He’s definitely one to watch! It almost seems unfair!” Mic roared as he stood up from his seat at another display of incredible Quirk use from the First Year students.

“His attack was both offensive and defensive. He made a rational and strategic move to ensure his own progress.” Aizawa commented as he watched Todoroki chase after Izuku.

“That’s to be expected of a student who got in through recommendation! He’s never even fought those robots before! The Robo Inferno was extinguished by his chart-topping moves!” Mic was almost hopping up and down as he commentated.

“Like hell I'm letting Icy-hot and Deku surpass me!” Bakugo yelled as he launched himself over the remaining Zero Pointers with his explosions.

“Bakugo, also from Class 1-A, clearly does not intend to throw in the towel! Instead of trying to go around, he goes overhead! Clever!” Mic called out as more and more students started making their way through.

“As expected, 1-A and 1-B are the fastest to make it through the first obstacle.” Snipe noted from the Teachers’ Booth.

“The other students aren't bad either. The ones from General Studies, who have a chance to get into the Hero Course, especially.” Toshinori mentioned as he watched the race. “But there’s a clear difference in training.”

“The Hero Courses aren’t given anytime to just stand around.” Aizawa stated as the students of Class 1-A and Class 1-B tore apart any robot that stood in their way.

Momo created a full-sized, functional cannon and blasted a Zero Pointer’s head into scrap with a well-placed shot. Mina dissolved the head of any robot that got near her. Kaminari simply had to touch them and release his Quirk for a second or two to fry the robots. Iida could simply kick most of them aside without much trouble. Kyouka could destroy two robots at the same time with her jacks and the immense vibrations they sent into the robots. Sero and Tokoyami used their Quirks to follow Bakugo’s lead and go up and over the Zero Pointers.

“During the Entrance Exam, they were seen as enemies to be avoided. If you see them as opponents to be defeated, then they’re just large, slow hunks of metal. They’re easy to deal with, if you make smart shots.” Snipe commented as he watched even the Zero Pointers fall to the students.

“Hmm?” Tsuyu noticed three of the One Pointers go down close to her. In the red camera eyes of the robots a long, clear spike now stuck out. The Frog-like girl blinked when the spikes lost their solidity and turned into water. She leapt up and over the robots between her and the toppled Zero Pointer. She wouldn’t waste time worrying about someone else’s Quirk right now.

She wasn’t the only one that noticed the fact that robots were being taken out with pinpoint shots to their large ‘eyes’. Ochako -from her position floating in the air- saw a brunette girl turning the ice Todoroki left behind into water and launching it as large spikes into any robot that got in her way. She briefly wondered if her fellow brunette was a member of Class 1-B, or if she was from a different Course altogether. Ochako put the thought out of her mind though as she released her Quirk and dropped. When she’d built up just enough speed, she re-activated her Quirk on herself and entered into a controlled fall.

All the training with Izuku is paying off!’ Ochako cheered as her feet touched the ground and she deactivated her Quirk to sprint forward. Her Zero Gravity could be one of the greatest mobility Quirks out there with proper control. Izuku had assured her of it and the brunette was both seeing the results for herself, as well as showing them off for the watching Pro Heroes.

“For those of you who thought that the last obstacle was easy! Let’s see how you feel about the next one!” Present Mic held his right hand to his head with a wide grin on his face.

The next obstacle the Pro Hero was referring to seemed to be a bottomless pit. Tall stone platforms were spaced out across the large canyon, but the platforms were so far apart from each other that only a select few Quirks would have any hope of jumping between them. In between the platforms were long, thick ropes that moved slightly in the breeze. They weren’t even close to approaching stable footing.

“If they take a spill, they’re out! If they want to pass this test, they’ll have to get creative! It’s The Fall!” Mic announced as Izuku glanced over the massive chasm and the tons of rocky platforms that spanned the width of the obstacle.

“I can see the other side.” Izuku smiled as he opened a Warp Gate on each side and simply bypassed the obstacle entirely. It had literally only taken him five steps!

“Incredible! Midoriya gets past The Fall as if it wasn’t even there! This will surely increase his lead!” Present Mic exclaimed while the crowd cheered as the rest of the students started to hit the edge of the second obstacle.

“You won’t escape.” Todoroki declared angrily as he blasted himself along a rope line with his ice, trying to catch up. Using this method he was quickly across almost a dozen platforms and on the other side.

“Damn you, Deku! Don't think for a second that you can stay ahead of me!” Bakugo screamed after the distant form of Izuku’s back. Powerful explosions lifted the ash-blonde into the air and with proper control Bakugo flew over the entire obstacle.

“Wow, warping and flying are almost unfair in this race!” Ochako commented as she watched Bakugo fly over the chasm entirely.

“This is no time to be impressed, Ochako-chan!” Camie smiled at her friend as she looked over the obstacle. “Let’s go!” With a grin, the fawn-haired girl started to cross the rope line in front of her. With her arms out to help stabilize her, Camie walked across the thick rope easily. Her balance was truly a thing to be admired.

“Yes! Finally! This is my chance to show what I can do! My Support Items are going to steal the spotlight from these wannabe Heroes!” A pink-haired girl with thick dreadlocks snickered as she approached the edge. The young lady was decked out in Support Gear from head to toe! “Everyone! Observe what my brilliant gadgets can do! These are my Wire Arrows and Hover Soles!”

“You’re from Support!” Ochako couldn’t stop herself from exclaiming the obvious.

“Hey! Why’d you get to bring all of that stuff?” Mina -who had just arrived- pointed at the decked out girl.

“Hero Course students get all kinds of special training! So to keep things fair and to give us a fighting chance, we can bring whatever Gear we want! We just have to make it ourselves!” The pinkette grinned brightly at the two girls. “Now watch and be amazed!” With that the Support Course student launched a cable across the chasm to a platform. Her boots activated and lifted her off the ground with powerful, concentrated fans. “I hope all the Support Companies are watching!” With that she launched off the edge and swung through the chasm. When she reeled herself upwards with her wire, her boots kicked up their propulsion and rocketed her into the air! In one shot the Support Course girl had crossed half the obstacle!

“I won’t lose!” Ochako declared as she crouched down and activated her Quirk on herself. With a powerful leap forward, Ochako’s weightless body went flying through the air and over a good chunk of the chasm. Another controlled fall saw her land safely on top of one of the many plateaus before she repeated the process. She even passed Camie and completed the obstacle a bit before her friend.

“Well that just seems unfair!” Mina huffed as she picked a rope and started crossing too.

On the opposite side of The Fall, Todoroki looked behind him to see Bakugo gaining ground. The ash-blonde was cursing as he forced his Quirk to keep going. His arms were starting to hurt and his palms felt numb, as if they were asleep. The kickback of his Quirk was slowly building up.

“Is he still getting faster? Maybe he’s a slow starter?” Todoroki pondered as he increased his speed more.

“Damn it!” Bakugo growled, noticing that Todoroki was picking up speed. “You bastards keep looking down on me!”

“The leading three are keeping their positions, while the rest of the pack remains mostly clumped together! The number of people that will make it through the first round hasn’t been revealed, so no one can relax yet! Keep going students!” Mic encouraged the First Years.

Izuku had warped a few times to increase his lead on the run towards the final obstacle. He barely slowed his run as he read the large sign. ‘Danger Mines’ was on the large white sign in red.

“A straight shot, just like The Fall.” Izuku noted as he abused Warp Gate again and simply entered a portal that swirled into existence just before the start of the obstacle. A second portal appeared just after the obstacle and Izuku ran out of it and was on the home stretch towards the finish line with an almost ridiculous lead.

“I couldn’t even announce the final obstacle before Midoriya cleared it!” Mic roared in excitement. “He just cleared the mine field without even acknowledging it! What a student!”

“Midoriya is making full use of his warping ability. It’s the most rational decision for this event.” Aizawa offered his own comments. “A Hero uses everything in their skillset to get the job done and save as many people as possible.”

“Damn.” Todoroki ground his teeth a bit as he was only just coming into sight of the minefield obstacle. Bakugo -who was running just behind him- grit his teeth as they dashed towards the obstacle.

“This shit doesn't affect me!” Bakugo declared with a snarl as he blasted himself into the air again. His arms were already sore, but the short rest he’d given his Quirk while running between The Fall and the Mine Field had helped a bit. “Don't you dare think you can keep looking down on me, Deku!”

“I can’t waste time here.” Todoroki decided and a pillar of ice formed under his feet, launching him into the air. The bi-colored teen tucked and rolled when he landed and was back on his feet before the two mines he’d tripped could detonate. A large platform of ice formed under his feet and he blasted ahead leaving a trail of nearly meter tall ice behind him. He felt his body shiver as he pushed his Quirk harder and harder to catch up with Bakugo and Izuku.

Both teens’ rush was all for naught, however. Izuku simply disappeared into another black-purple fog and left them behind. The warp gate reappeared just a few meters from the finish line and Izuku ran out to cross the finish line easily. The verdette teen was barely breathing hard as he’d skipped most of the run between The Fall and the Minefield, as well as the run between the Minefield and the finish line. He jogged to a stop as his victory was blasted out through the speakers.

“Midoriya makes another excellent use of his warping ability to win the Obstacle Race!” Mic yelled out as rainbow-colored confetti dropped while the crowd cheered furiously. Izuku raised his right fist in victory -something he’d seen All Might do on several occasions- and smiled brightly at the crowd. “That has to be a record for fastest time for the Obstacle Race event in U.A. High’s history!”

-Midoriya Home-

“That’s my boy!” Hisashi cheered loudly, clapping wildly for his son. “That’s my boy! That’s my Izuku!”

“Izuku~!” Inko was a fountain of happy tears as she saw her son win the first event of the Sports Festival. “My baby~! Mommy is so proud of you, honey~!”

-Sports Festival Stadium-

“Let’s keep those cheers going as the rest of the students finish the race, sports fans!” Mic encouraged as Bakugo and Todoroki crossed the finish line in an all-out blitz against each other. Todoroki propelling himself forward on a line of ice that rapidly formed behind him. Bakugo was pushing his Quirk as hard as he could to maintain his speed. It was a true photo finish between the two teens.

“Damn it!” Bakugo raged as the board showed Todoroki beating him by a fraction of a second! The ash-blonde growled, even as his hands shook and his arms flared with a sharp pain. Third place was unacceptable in Bakugo’s eyes, only winning mattered! Real Heroes never lost! So what did that make him when he’d come in third?

Izuku watched as the next students began to cross the finish line as he waited for four specific girls to complete the race. A girl -with green, thorny vines for hair- that he was fairly sure was in Class 1-B, came in fourth place. She was followed by a boy with a skull-like face taking fifth place. The next student to cross the finish line was Iida. The glasses-wearing teen looked less than impressed with his placement in a race of all things. Next was Tokoyami who appeared to be out of breath, the bird-headed teen breathing heavily as he crossed the finish line for seventh place. The next person, in eighth place, brought a smile to Izuku’s face.

“Izuku!” Ochako beamed at her crush happily. Her breathing was heavy, but she wasn’t feeling like she was about to vomit as she had half expected when the race began. All of her practice with her Quirk with Izuku and her friends had really paid off. Better control was helping her conquer her nausea problem quite well.

“You did great, Ochako!” Izuku smiled back at the brunette. “You’re in the Top Ten!”

“Thanks!” Ochako felt her cheeks warm at the praise. She didn’t think she’d place in the Top Ten when she started, but she’d given it her all and here she was!

Camie finished in eleventh place while Tsuyu finished in thirteenth place. The two were quick to join Ochako and Izuku. Izuku congratulated both girls on their placement in the Top Twenty with a bright smile. Camie and Tsuyu both congratulated Izuku on first place and Camie even implied that he deserved a reward for it. Needless to say Izuku’s face quickly put a tomato to shame. Ochako and Tsuyu both stared at Camie for her bold innuendo -their cheeks also a healthy red- until the fawn-haired girl held up her hands and apologized.

Izuku felt all his flustered feelings disappear the moment Momo crossed the finish line in seventeenth place. Stuck to the back of her opened gym uniform top was Mineta. The short pervert was cackling about two birds, one stone and being a genius. Izuku felt his knuckles pop as he clenched his fists. He was moving without thinking and had palmed Mineta’s head in seconds. Unconsciously, Izuku had compiled a few Quirks to aid him in his goal of removing Mineta from Momo.

Half Giant saw him gaining nearly eighty-three centimeters in height. Physicality Boost and Enhance Function increased his physical strength even further as he put a slight amount of pressure on Mineta’s head with his grip. Momo, even seeing Izuku using this particular Transformation Quirk for the first time, still smiled at the verdette for coming to her aid.

“Get. Off. Of. Momo. Now.” Izuku growled out each word as he slowly increased the pressure of his grip with each syllable. Momo was clearly uncomfortable and Mineta had obvious injuries to his face from the girl trying to force him off of her.

“Okay, okay, okay!” Mineta squealed as he let go of Momo to flail in the air in Izuku’s grip.

“Thank you, Izuku.” Momo graced him with her beautiful smile and Izuku felt some of his anger disappear instantly. He smiled back at her and Momo felt her heart thump in her chest.

-Announcer’s Booth-

“Mineta…” Aizawa was glaring at his student fiercely at what he’d just witnessed. Apparently their talk hadn’t stuck with the short teen. The teacher was not happy to discover this.

“That’s a Faculty Meeting as soon as Nezu sees it.” Mic was glad he’d turned off the speaker system before this. They didn’t need to bring even more attention to what they were witnessing. Nezu was going to have all of the teachers in a meeting about enforcing U.A.’s Code of Conduct among their students by the end of the day.

“The worst part is that the Sports Festival is a live broadcast.” Aizawa grumbled out. That meant that all of Japan had seen Mineta clinging to Momo against her will. The position the boy was in made it look like he was practically dry-humping his classmate! Aizawa already felt a headache coming on, the vultures of the media were sure to focus in on the perverted actions of a Hero Course student like this, anything to stir up controversy and boost their ratings. He really hated the media.

A crackle was heard in the booth and both looked to the speaker it came from. This particular speaker was the one that was connected to Midnight’s small radio to communicate with them directly. The Pro Hero’s voice came through a second later.

“You both saw that, right?” Midnight questioned with a flat tone. Both men grimaced. They knew her tone only went dead like this when she was truly angry. On the video feed they both watched as Izuku dropped Mineta on the ground and the purple-headed teen scrambled away as the rest of the students continued to finish the race. Izuku shrank back down to his normal height as Camie, Ochako, and Tsuyu approached his and Momo’s position.

“Yes.” Mic informed their friend and fellow teacher.

“That’s a write up.” Midnight’s flat voice stated.

“Yes.” Aizawa agreed his own voice flat and annoyed.

“I expect the write up to be handed to me at the Faculty Meeting this evening.” Nezu’s voice came from a small screen in the audio booth. The Principal of U.A. was not his jovial self at the moment. A stern, serious look was on the chimera-like Principal’s face as he gazed at both Mic and Aizawa. They should have suspected that the hyper-intelligent animal was keeping an eye on all three stadiums during the Festival. Splitting his focus was child’s play for the High Specs user.

“Yes, sir.” Aizawa nodded to his boss. As Mineta was part of his class, it was Aizawa’s responsibility to fill out the paperwork.

“Continue with the next events, let’s not try and blow this out of proportion and give the less reputable media outlets more to work with.” Nezu instructed his three staff members.

“Yes, sir.” Aizawa, Midnight, and Mic confirmed in unison. The screen flicked back to the feed it had been showing before Nezu had taken it over.

-Unknown Location-

“How very interesting.” All for One chuckled in amusement as the Electric Imaging Quirk he was using to actually watch the Sports Festival showed him Midoriya Izuku’s success in the first event. “It would seem that my initial guess was accurate. He does permanently copy Quirks. He took a copy of Kurogiri’s Warp Gate for himself and can already use it to this level. If you turn out to be of my lineage by some accident, I could even be proud.” The ancient Villain chuckled before coughing as his injuries acted up. Even after the small coughing fit, there was still a dark smile on All for One’s face.

-End Chapter-


Well now, that wasn’t much of a challenge for an Izuku that can warp, huh?

Ochako shows off some of the results of her training with Izuku and the girls. Better control leads to more applications! Now if she could just deal with the nausea kickback entirely, Ochako would be a complete mobility monster!

Izuku is NOT amused by Mineta’s antics against Momo!

Not to mention his perverted act was caught on a National Live Broadcast! That’s not going to look good for U.A. at all.

Someone else is watching the Sports Festival too! Not someone who’s attention you’d want either!

How will Tomura react if AFO starts showing interest in Izuku?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Michael Mendoza

I always found weird that Mineta was taken as a comedy character, but that’s anime for you. So it’s good to see how it would actually be treated like in a more realistic manner.


Glad you agree! Yeah, doing what Mineta did to Momo isn't okay. That's textbook sexual harassment at that point. U.A. High DOESN'T mess around with stuff like that! At least not when I write it.


This was a fantastic chapter. Izuku doing the logical thing and using Warp in the race, to Mineta's awful behaviour getting noticed by staff. And then a very interesting POV from Bakugou, the change from Aldera to UA has to be difficult and confusing for him and it certainly makes for a good read. AFO being his usual creepy self of course, and i can't imagine Tomura reacting with anything but murderous rage and jelousy if he finds out.

Thomas E Nellis

Absolutely loved the chapter. I hope Hitoshi replaces Mineta in this story lol. Or even funnier they move mei into the hero course


Glad you liked it! Izuku isn't going to just not do his best. He's going to give it his all. Tomura IS a man-child after all.


Maybe not in this one, since he probably will be in Sun Hero. But if Mineta is out, then who is in? Found out in the future!