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Hello friends and fans, Kairomaru is bringing you another Force of Souls Chapter! Now that Tatsuki and Orihime are Shinigami with proper Zanpakutō it’s time to really start training them. Can Rukia handle three students alone? Maybe a peace offering will help out?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 8 – Progress, Experience, Offering

Death is a part of progression
The Cycle moves ever forward

“Come on, Ichigo!” Tatsuki grinned as she pressed her attack against her boyfriend. “Is that all you got?”

“Tch, you’re really getting into this, aren’t you?” Ichigo parried her straight punch and countered with a cross.

The two had been sparring in their Shinigami Forms with Hakuda since they’d arrived at Matsukura after school. Tatsuki couldn’t believe the ease that she could use her Reiryoku with now that she was a Shinigami. Her body responded better too! This spar with Ichigo was more intense than any competitive match she’d ever had at any of the multiple tournaments she’d gone to over the years. The two were moving at speeds most humans wouldn’t believe, as they exchanged blows, blocks, and counters. The force they could generate as Shinigami was almost mind-boggling to Tatsuki.

Further away from the two sparring Shinigami were Orihime and Rukia. The bubbly orangette was happily learning Kidō from her petite girlfriend. It was going well too. Orihime had great Reiryoku Control and Kidō seemed to come naturally to her. Rukia had noticed that the gentle girl had a stronger affinity towards Bakudō than she did for Hadō, but that was fine. Orihime didn’t complain about which she was taught by Rukia and she was progressing well. The teen Shinigami could already cast Hadō #1, #2, and Bakudō #1, #2, and #4.

I’m lucky that Tatsuki and Ichigo can spar with each other while I teach Orihime.’ Rukia mused internally as she watched Orihime form another Shisho barrier and work to maintain two of them simultaneously. If Ichigo and Tatsuki weren’t sparring together Rukia would be having more trouble teaching all three of them at the same time. Orihime had already pulled ahead of Tatsuki with Kidō and Tatsuki’s Hakuda was growing by leaps and bounds now that she was a Shinigami. It seemed that Ichigo would be the most balanced of the three, though he clearly favored Zanjutsu of the Four Shinigami Arts. Orihime excelled in Kidō while Tatsuki was fast becoming the best at Hakuda.

Both Tatsuki and Orihime had taken their Zanjutsu lessons seriously, but Ichigo was the most suited for that particular Art it seemed. Orihime preferred to parry and make distance in Zanjutsu, only moving in when an opponent was restrained or otherwise unable to stop her. Tatsuki was fairly aggressive in her swordplay, much as she was with Hakuda. The Martial Artist preferred to be quick, attacking to force an opening then exploiting it before the opponent could regain their defense. What she couldn’t do with her Zanpakutō she made up for with her fists or kicks. Kidō was not the Martial Artist’s strong suit, much like a few other Shinigami that Rukia knew.

She’s not totally hopeless like those guys are though.’ Rukia smiled fondly at Tatsuki from across the back area of the abandoned hospital. The new Shinigami girl was able to get Hadō #1: Shō to work for her when she chose to use it. Bakudō was even less her forte though. Her Shisho barriers were much like Ichigo’s, strong enough to work, but short-lived. Rukia was sure that Tatsuki would have at least a small arsenal of Kidō when she chose to use it. But Kidō would always be tertiary to her use of Hakuda and Hohō, followed by Zanjutsu as her second choice for combat.

“Rukia, look, look, I did it!” Orihime cheered as she had two stable Shisho barriers in front of her.

“Very good Orihime, you’re progressing faster than Ichigo in Kidō.” Rukia praised her girlfriend with a bright smile. Orihime rubbed the back of her head with a giggle and Rukia couldn’t help herself. The violet-eyed Shinigami leaned forward and pecked Orihime’s cheek.

“Ehehehehe~” Orihime smiled brightly at the light kiss from her petite girlfriend.

-That Night-

“Why’re we out here in our Shinigami Forms?” Tatsuki questioned as the sun had long set and her body was back at home sleeping in her bed. The foursome was currently standing on the roof of a shop that was closed for the night. They had a nice view of the river though.

“Are we practicing some more?” Orihime yawned cutely as she stretched her arms above her head. This did interesting things to her large breasts and all three of her loves found themselves briefly distracted.

“I’m afraid this is much more than just practice.” Rukia shook her head and held up her Soul Pager towards Orihime and Tatsuki.

“Karasu River, twelve thirty a.m., plus or minus ten minutes.” Tatsuki read off the screen. “What’s that mean?”

“It means a Hollow will appear here within ten minutes of twelve thirty.” Ichigo looked at both of them with concern. “You two need to see what a Hollow looks like.”

“If possible, I’d like both of you to team up and defeat this one.” Rukia informed the two teens with a straight face. Her tone was calm, and lacked any sort of command. “But if you don’t think you’re ready, then Ichigo will slay it.”

“You want us to fight a Hollow?” Orihime blinked at Rukia. The orangette had a look of doubt cross her face.

“If you think you’re ready, Orihime.” Rukia smiled at the other girl. “This is the duty of the Shinigami. Now that you’re both Shinigami, it is your duty as well. You could think of this as being ‘blooded’ for all of the battles that will follow.”

“How about we see what this Hollow looks like before we decide?” Tatsuki suggested as she put her left arm gently around Orihime’s shoulders.

“Okay.” Orihime nodded as she leaned into Tatsuki.

“Raaaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhh!” The howling roar of a Hollow rent the night air as a black void seemed to form on the bank of the river. The black tear disappeared leaving behind a single Hollow. The Hollow had a humanoid form, though much larger than any Human could ever hope to be. It had dark green skin, was about four meters tall, and had a skull-like mask with three horns sticking out of it. The mask had a horn coming from each temple and one jutting out from its forehead. Judging by the clawed fingers, Ichigo and Rukia both deduced that the Hollow utilized them for slashing attacks.

“That’s a Hollow?!” Orihime’s eyes were wide as she beheld the monstrous, fallen soul.

“It’s a lot bigger than I thought.” Tatsuki exhaled as the Hollow seemed to be trying to get its bearings now that it had arrived in the Living World.

“You two can defeat this Hollow,” Rukia told the two teens with absolute confidence in them. “It’s not intelligent, nor is it especially strong. If you work together you’ll be fine. But only engage if you know that you’re ready to do so.”

“I’m right here if you need me.” Ichigo placed a hand on Orihime’s shoulder and his other on Tatsuki’s. He believed in them wholeheartedly, but he knew how terrifying Hollows were the first time you saw one.

“You want to work with me on this, Hime-chan?” Tatsuki smiled at her orangette girlfriend as she took her hand and held it.

“Yes, I can do this, we can do this.” Orihime smiled back at Tatsuki and the two turned to face Rukia and Ichigo.

“We’ve got this.” Tatsuki smiled at the more experienced Shinigami.

“We’ll step in if anything happens.” Rukia smiled back at the girls. With a nod from both Orihime and Tatsuki, the two teens leapt from the store rooftop and dashed towards the Hollow.

Since the humanoid Hollow had only just started to move from where it appeared, Tatsuki and Orihime made a beeline for it. The Hollow, while unintelligent, quickly noticed the large Reiatsu approaching it and turned to face the girls. It let out another howling roar as it cocked its right arm back for a strike. Orihime was the first to take action in the battle.

“Sabers rattle, leaves fallen, the path ends. Bakudō #2: Shisho!” Orihime chanted and the transparent barrier sprung into existence between the Hollow and them. The Hollow’s slash hit the barrier and cracked it, but failed to destroy the Bakudō.

“Nice one, Hime-chan!” Tatsuki praised with a wide smirk on her face. She directed her Reiryoku through her body as she’d been taught while she moved in at speed. With a powerful kick she slammed her enhanced leg into the humanoid Hollow’s ankle. Much like a regular human that just had their ankle brutally hit with a hard object, the Hollow roared in pain as its right leg gave out and it fell to one knee.

“Bright lights. Threads bound. The autumn is gathered. Bakudō #4: Hainawa!” Orihime launched the crackling yellow Reishi at the injured Hollow from its left side. The orangette had gone the opposite direction of Tatsuki to flank the Hollow and catch it in a pincer between the two of them. The yellow Reishi wrapped around the humanoid Hollow and then solidified into a strong Reishi rope that tightly bound its arms to it torso. “Now Tatsuki!”

“Got it!” Tatsuki drew her Zanpakutō and leapt upwards as high as she could. She came down with a Suikawari and split the three-horned mask just off-center to avoid the middle horn. When she landed, once again amazed that her Shinigami Form could leap and fall from such distances without injury, she quickly leapt backwards towards Orihime’s side.

“Raaaaargghh!” The Hollow let out one last baleful howl as it dissolved into particles. Two small blue souls rose from the dispersing body before Konsō took affect and sent them on their way to Soul Society.

“We did it.” Orihime seemed almost stunned that they’d slain the Hollow so easily.

“Damn right we did!” Tatsuki cheered as she threw her arm around Orihime and pulled the orangette into a deep kiss. The two stayed lip locked for several moment before pulling back from each other. Orihime had a happy grin on her lips while Tatsuki was smirking at her girlfriend.

“I knew you two could handle it.” Ichigo was suddenly wrapping his arms around both of them and pulling them into a hug. Neither of the girls fought him and happily returned his embrace.

“That was excellent work you two.” Rukia was all smiles at how quickly and efficiently Tatsuki and Orihime had dealt with their first Hollow. “You handle that incredibly well.” If Rukia was going to continue would remain unknown as Tatsuki pulled the violet-eyed woman into a kiss. The two only pulled away from each other several moments later. Tatsuki had a wide grin and Rukia had a smile of her own.

“Let’s get you two home, it’s late and we have school tomorrow.” Ichigo gave Orihime and Tatsuki the warm smile that they adored. The foursome head off to Orihime’s apartment first to drop the tired orangette off, after a round of kisses, of course. Tatsuki’s house was next and the ravenette gave Ichigo a kiss on the lips before pecking Rukia’s cheek. She leapt up to her bedroom window easily and slipped inside. Ichigo and Rukia made it back to his room and into bed just after one in the morning.

-The Next Day ~ Second Period-

While Ichigo, Tatsuki, Orihime, and Rukia paid attention to Ochi-sensei’s lesson in their classroom; a certain other student in the classroom down the hall from them was stewing. The navy-haired teen was angry, to say the least. First Kurosaki became a Shinigami in April and the obvious cause, Kuchiki Rukia, had enrolled in their school. With Kurosaki’s Reiraku now a deep-red color just as any other Shinigami’s and Kuchiki’s own Reiraku being faded to the point of almost being pink, it was fairly obvious what had happened.

Now it’s spreading! How dare the Shinigami infect Humans!’ The teen clenched his fist at the fact that Inoue and Arisawa’s Reiraku had turned red a few weeks ago. The only reason he hadn’t already announced himself to Kurosaki and Kuchiki was because of the warning from his father.

Ishida Uryu was one of the last two Quincy in Japan. Though he felt his father made a mockery of that title. How he could just ignore the Hollows when he had the power to obliterate them was beyond Uryu. His grandfather had died to Hollows, all because the Shinigami would do nothing to save him. How his father could just let such blatant disregard pass, Uryu couldn’t understand it. Ishida Soken had been his father’s father. Yet his father, Ishida Ryuken, had simply moved on after Soken’s obviously plotted death! Karakura didn’t need Shinigami! Uryu could protect the whole town by himself.

Do not forget yourself. The Quincy are gone. That is how things are. Do not do anything with your powers, or I’ll take them away.’ Ryuken’s voice resounded in Uryu’s head. The memory of that warning from his father still made a chill run up his spine. It was said with such a cold tone, the sheer finality of his threat shook Uryu. If not for that threat hanging over his head, he would’ve already confronted the Shinigami in Karakura.

How am I supposed to ignore this?!’ Uryu seethed internally. He could force himself to look away when he noticed the Shinigami that ‘protected’ the town in the past. But now, when they were infecting Humans and turning them into Shinigami? How could he possibly let this continue?

-After School ~ Matsukura-

“What’re you doing here?” Ichigo questioned the tall, muscular man from Urahara Shoten. The glasses-wearing, dreadlocked man, with a mustache gave a short bow to the four Shinigami before holding out an old-looking notebook to Rukia.

“I’ve come with a peace offering, if you will, to try and smooth things over between the store and you four.” Tessai explained as Rukia opened the notebook. “In that book are a list of Kidō, both Hadō and Bakudō, that the manager asked me to compile.”

“Urahara asked you to write all of these?” Rukia looked up from the notebook she was flipping through.

“Well technically he just told me to ‘Write down a list of spells that I felt were useful.’, but I’ve made several notes based upon my own experience with Kidō.” Tessai informed them as Orihime was now trying to read over Rukia’s shoulder. “I’m sure you know a few of these spells yourself, Kuchiki-san. I’ve included both lower number and higher number spells. I’m certain that you’ll save the higher numbers for later, but I’ve explained the process to learn them to the best of my ability. I hope it will be of great use to you all in your training.”

“Thank you, Tsukabishi-san.” Rukia closed the notebook and gave a slight bow to the large man. “Your endeavor is appreciated. We’ll wait until the next time we need to restock to see how our professional relationship will progress from here on.”

“Thank is all we can ask for, Kuchiki-san, thank you.” Tessai returned her bow and bid the four of them a good day before turning and leaping over the back wall like it wasn’t even there.

“That will never, not be weird.” Ichigo commented and got a nod of agreement from Tatsuki. The back wall was just over three meters high after all. No normal Human could just hop over it from a standing position without any effort like Tessai had just done.

“Ooh, ooh, can I see, Rukia? Please? Please, please, please?” Orihime had the most adorable little begging look on her face as she looked at the notebook full of Kidō spells just waiting to be learned.

“We can look over them together, Orihime~” Rukia smiled at the energetic orangette.

“Yay!” Orihime practically glomped Rukia as she pulled the petite Shinigami into a hug. “What’s first? Hadō or Bakudō?” She was bouncing on her heels and Ichigo couldn’t stop the grin that formed on his face. An excited Orihime was adorable. The fact that she was completely unaware of her bosom bouncing in time with the rest of her was just a bonus, really.

“Let me see what he meant by high level spells first,” Rukia chuckled at the excited girl while flipping towards the back of the notebook. Seeing the number Ninety made Rukia’s eyes go wide in shock. “Why would he put that in here at all?!”

“What?” Ichigo, Tatsuki, and Orihime chorused as they all looked at the page that Rukia had the book opened to.

“Kurohitsugi?” Ichigo blinked at the name. “Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy. Boil forth and deny. Grow numb and flicker. Disrupt sleep. Ow!” He blinked and stopped reading as Rukia’s foot stomped on his. “What?”

“Don’t even read the incantation for a Level Ninety Hadō!” Rukia stared hard at him. “This level of spell is far too advanced for any of us! I don’t want anyone getting any ideas. Messing up a low level spell can cause self-injury, messing up a high level spell could kill the one attempting to cast it!” The worry in her violet-eyes made Ichigo forget the pain in his foot.

“Right, I get it, sorry Rukia.” Ichigo apologized for causing the much more experienced Shinigami to worry. He leaned down and kissed her forehead to complete his apology and the ravenette relaxed.

“Let’s just stick to lower level spells.” Rukia exhaled as she flipped back towards the front of the notebook. “Number thirty one is a good offensive spell. We can try that next. For Bakudō, let’s see…” She flipped through a few pages before Orihime spoke up.

“Oh, I like that one!” Orihime pointed and Rukia paused to look at the spell.

“Number twelve, Hiroi Byōbu, huh?” Rukia smiled at the orangette. “I actually don’t know that one either. We could learn it together.”

“Yes!” Orihime beamed at Rukia at the idea of learning the Bakudō together.

“Looks like we have a plan then.” Ichigo grinned along with Tatsuki.

“I think we do.” Rukia agreed with a giggle at how happy Orihime was.

“So what’s the incantation, Rukia-chan?” Orihime was very eager to learn a new Bakudō especially.

“Bare walls, expand and divide. Ten forms holding position.” Rukia read off the paper for the Bakudō. The two girls looked over the description of the technique before Orihime practically skipped over to an empty space to try out the spell.

“You think she’ll get it on her first try?” Tatsuki questioned as they watched the bouncy orangette take a steadying breath and focus.

“She does have a rather high affinity towards Bakudō, and this is a lower level spell.” Rukia mentioned as Orihime raised her hands in front of her.

“She’s better than me at it, so I think she’ll get it.” Ichigo smiled at Orihime’s back fondly.

“Bare walls, expand and divide. Ten forms holding position. Bakudō #12: Hiroi Byōbu!” Orihime threw her arms wide as she finished the incantation. A blue rectangle formed in front of her. The rectangle was about a meter wide and two meters tall. The single rectangle then expanded like a folding screen. More and more rectangles formed as if the screen was being pulled open by a person on each end. When the spell finished, a wall two meters tall and ten meters wide stood between Orihime and the back wall of the hospital.

“She did it.” Rukia blinked as she looked down at the page and then back up at Orihime’s completed Bakudō. “Just as it’s described too.”

“That was perfect Hime-chan!” Tatsuki cheered for her girlfriend. Orihime jumped up and down excitedly at her success as the Bakudō faded away.

“You think you’ll get it right on the first try?” Ichigo teased lightly and Rukia nudged him with her elbow.

“You hush.” Rukia grinned at her boyfriend.

The four spent the rest of the afternoon practicing new Kidō together. Hadō #31: Shakkahō for Ichigo, Tatsuki and Orihime, while Rukia practiced with Bakudō #12: Hiroi Byōbu to add another spell to her own arsenal. The experienced Shinigami got the hang of the low level spell fairly quickly and spent a good amount of her time helping the other three get Shakkahō down. Surprisingly Tatsuki had an easier time with this spell than her attempts at some others.

A small blast went off and startled the three girls. When they turned to the source they saw a soot-covered Ichigo blinking at his hand. Apparently his Hadō had exploded from improper control. Seeing that Ichigo wasn’t really injured, Tatsuki and Rukia both burst into laughter. Orihime fretted over Ichigo while he grumbled at his two laughing girlfriends. He’d show them. He’d master this Hadō and just like his others! Sure that was only two others so far, but he’d mastered them!

The day ended back at Orihime’s apartment for showers. The four cuddled together on the couch with Rukia at the center of the cuddle pile. At Orihime’s suggestion, the three of them had surrounded Rukia to let her passively absorb Reiryoku from all three of them. Ichigo sat down first and pulled Rukia into his lap. Tatsuki sat on her right and hugged the violet-eyed woman. Orihime sat on her left and leaned against Rukia with a relaxed smile. Rukia smiled contently at the warmth and affection her boyfriend and girlfriends were showering her with. Strangely enough, their adorable airhead might very well be right that these ‘Cuddle Pile Sessions’ may actually help her regain her powers faster.

-The Next Weekend ~ Matsukura-

“Today I’ll be attempting to teach the three of you Shunpo.” Rukia looked at her three ‘students’ with a grin. “This is the highest expression of Hohō and can still be taken further through various techniques unique to the skill. As I’ve demonstrated before, it lets you move fast enough to disappear from the sight of others. Those that’re more experienced with the technique will be able to track your movements and can even out-speed you. However, against average Hollows it is an invaluable skill to have.”

“Alright, I’ve been looking forward to this.” Tatsuki was the excited one this time. She’d taken to Hakuda the best of all three of them, but Hohō was her second best of the Four Shinigami Arts. She couldn’t wait to learn this and start using Hakuda at the blinding speeds she’d seen from Rukia’s Shunpo.

“Me too.” Ichigo smirked at her. He knew exactly what his girlfriend was thinking. If she thought he was going to let her get ahead of him in their Hakuda spars then she had another thing coming.

“Ready whenever you are, Rukia-sensei!” Orihime cheered with a wave of her entire left arm over her head. The orangette was also looking forward to this technique. She’d been putting a lot of work into her Hohō after all. The idea of being able to move at superhuman speed made her eyes sparkle in excitement.

“Good, good.” Rukia wouldn’t admit it, but she quite liked being called sensei like this. “Shunpo can be simplified into a single truth. How fast can you get from Point A to Point B in the fewest number of steps?” Rukia blurred and was suddenly at the far wall of the hospital. “How many steps do you think that took me?” She called out to her three ‘students’.

“Fifty?” Orihime called back to the petite Shinigami.

“Nope!” Rukia had a grin on her face, even if she was a bit too far away for them to see it.

“Thirty?” Tatsuki shouted her guess next.

“Still too high!” Rukia shook her head.

“Ten!” Ichigo yelled over to her. Rukia blurred and reappeared in front of them again.

“Wrong again!” Rukia giggled at the looks on their faces. “That was eight steps each way.”

“How?!” Tatsuki demanded as she gauged the distance between where Rukia was and where she’d been. “Your stride would have had to be multiple times your own body length!”

“And that is the simplest expression of Shunpo.” Rukia smiled at the three teens. “It starts with the legs and the feet, but your entire body is used for the technique.”

“Huh?” Orihime blinked, not understanding what Rukia meant.

“It’s like running, Orihime,” Rukia started going into detail a bit further. “If your legs and feet move but your torso doesn’t, what happens?”

“You’d fall on your ass.” Ichigo remarked and Rukia nodded.

“Your legs and feet determine direction, but Reiryoku must flow throughout the body to help guide you along with the speed of Shunpo. Every part of your body is used to maintain balance, increase speed, and especially to change direction. The control of Reiryoku through the body must be in sync with the outwards flow of Reiryoku from the soles of the feet. If the control lapses, you could easily end up running face first into a wall. Trust me it’s not a good experience. I saw plenty of my classmates injure themselves while learning Shunpo.” Rukia explained the control of the technique required to maintain it and utilize it efficiently.

“Did you ever mess up?” Tatsuki had a teasing lilt in her tone as she gazed at her girlfriend.

“Only a few times,” Rukia looked away. “I never ran head long into a wall. My failures were usually limited to me falling flat on my face when I tried to stop suddenly or tried to change direction.”

“So we should expect to be eating dirt a few times a day while we practice this?” Ichigo’s rhetorical question didn’t need an answer.

“If you all progress at the speed you’ve picked up the other Arts, then you’ll have a good handle on Shunpo in a week or so, two at most.” Rukia gave all three of them an encouraging smile. “Once you’ve got the basic usage of the technique down only your own hard work and practice will let you perfect it. If you wish to learn the advanced techniques you’ll first need to be able to freely use Shunpo without fail.”

“Let’s get started then.” Ichigo grinned at Rukia. Tatsuki and Orihime had determined looks on their faces too as they prepared to attempt their first Shunpo.

-End of May ~ Saturday, 11:45pm-

Ichigo and Rukia were both sleeping while cuddled up in bed together. The Substitute Shinigami was lying on his back, shirtless while Rukia lay on his bare chest. The petite Shinigami woman’s t-shirt had ridden up towards the middle of her stomach as they’d moved and gotten comfortable earlier. If it wasn’t for the blanket that covered them, her blue and white striped panties would be visible to anyone in the room. Ichigo’s left hand was currently resting on her butt and even in her sleep Rukia hummed appreciatively.

Rukia’s Soul Pager blaring its alarm and vibrating as strongly as possible startled her awake suddenly. The ravenette blinked as she tried to get her bearings for a moment. And find out what was making the noise.

“Loud.” Ichigo jerked awake at the noise and the movement of Rukia on top of him. “What the hell?” He tried to get his bleary eyes to focus from the sudden wake up.

“My Soul Pager.” Rukia quickly lunged for her phone-like device and grabbed it off the nearby desk without even getting out of bed. Flipping the device open and seeing the red screen made Rukia’s blood run cold. “No. No, no, no, no, no…”

“Rukia what’s wrong?” Ichigo questioned his girlfriend as he tried to see what had her repeatedly mumbling ‘no’ over and over again.

“Ichigo…” Rukia turned to him with her violet-eyes filled with fear and worry. He realized it was for him and not herself when she showed him the screen of the Soul Pager.

[Huge Hollow detected. Kinogaya Ward, Karakura Town, 12:00am, +- 15 minutes]

“Fuck.” Ichigo summed up the situation in a single word.

-Kinogaya Ward-

“RAAAAAAARRRRRGGGHHHH!” A deafening roar tore through the warm night air as a massive black void was torn out of the world. Out of the void lumbered a massive monster. Each step it took shook the ground and it stood easily thirteen meters tall if not more. The towering monster had a massive hole through its chest and its head was encased in a bone-like mask. The white mask was elongated and looked like someone had made a twisted combination of a human skull and a tiki mask. The monster’s body was a dark-blue color with stripes of black covering its flesh around the forearms, biceps, along the torso, and around its shins, almost like tattoos.

A Huge Hollow had entered the Living World in the Kinogaya Ward of Karakura Town.

-End Chapter-



That’s DEFINITELY not what you want to be woken up for!

How will Ichigo and Rukia deal with the Huge Hollow? Rukia’s powers haven’t returned yet, is Ichigo strong enough to deal with a Huge Hollow when he doesn’t even have Shikai yet?

He’s only been training for about two months! Only Seated Officers in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads can handle Huge Hollows normally! It takes a group of five or six Unseated Shinigami working together to bring one down otherwise.

What’s the plan?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

Wonderful chapter Kairo. Also, Ichigo and gang are in some deep shit now, aren't they?


If Rukia had her full power it wouldn't be as much of an issue. Since she doesn't...


Hime is absolutely adorable. And this cured my burning rage


Glad you liked it and glad it helped! Adorable airheads should stay adorable airheads!


Love this chapter, the bond that they have for each other is amazing. Man thing are really heating up


Happy you enjoyed the chapter! Yes, their bonds only continue to grow! Isn't Love a wonderful thing?


Well I wonder what will happen now so many things can happen now


Well ummmmmm would spontaneous anime luck happen and awaken a certain shikai perhaps? Otherwise this such a great chapter as it shows Rukia is progressing as a teacher and oh boyy looks like a certain Quincy avenger has shown up is it just me or did they set Uryu up as a potential sasuke only instead of his brother it's his father?


Kai I hope that we’re still good.


Just making sure and Kai we’re 18$ away!


I'm aware, we have to get through the next Pledge Cycle without falling below $2,000/month for the Goal can be considered reached though. It'll happen when it happens. Our group is ever-growing!


Wonder what will happen when big brother byakuya comes to town

Thomas E Nellis

Loved the chapter aside from Rukia’s attempt to murder Ichigo. Don’t read it messing up the incantation can kill people interrupts incantation... ... ... ... none of the other girls react appropriately to this either. Anyway I have full faith ichigo can punch it to death Ichigo. Since canon Ichigo could kill one with less training attacking its foot.


Not messing up the incantation, trying to CAST the high level spell and messing up is what can kill you. Rukia stopped Ichigo, not because he was going to cast the Kurohitsugi, but because she didn't want him knowing the whole incantation. He can't cast it if he doesn't know how after all. Ichigo actually never fought a Huge Hollow in Canon. He fought a lot of Average Hollows, some Gillians, Adjuchas, and Ulquiorra was definitely both a Vasto Lorde AND an Arrancar. But I don't recall Ichigo ever even seeing a Huge Hollow.


He fought a Gillian, a Menos Grande, not a Huge Hollow. Unless you're talking about the anime? Huge Hollows are usually around a third the size of a Gillian, there were no Hollows that big in the manga.