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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! All Might is here and he’s pissed! What will Tomura and Kurogiri do now? Fight? Run? They have all of the Pros of U.A. staring them down! What will be the aftermath of this incident?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 11 – Retreat and Aftermath

“All Might!” Tomura growled at the Symbol of Peace.

“Surrender Villains!” All Might demanded as he leapt from the top of the stairs and cratered the concrete when he landed.

“Shigaraki Tomura, we need to retreat immediately.” Kurogiri advised the gray-haired, hand-covered Villain. Six gunshots went off a second after his statement and Tomura now had a bullet wound in both forearms, both shoulders, and both legs. The next three shots were blocked by Kurogiri’s mist-like form swirling around the Villain Leader.

“Damn.” Snipe grumbled at not being able to put the obvious leader out of commission entirely.

“All Might,” Tomura howled like a deranged mental patient. “I swear I’ll kill you! Just you wait! Your days are numbered, Symbol of Peace!” He spat out All Might’s Title as if it was something foul in his mouth. The agony he was now in from the gunshots made him throw all caution to the wind! “You will die! No matter how many times I have to come after you! You and that little cheat!” He shot a murderous glare at Izuku, Ochako quickly shielding the unconscious teen in her arms. “You’re both dead!”

Not one to take a threat to an innocent’s life lying down, All Might blitzed forward. Unfortunately, instead of his fist pulverizing Tomura’s deranged face it blasted apart the black-purple mist that had drawn the Villain into itself. All Might saw the two yellow eyes of the Warp Gate Villain for a brief instant before they disappeared and the fog dispersed a moment later. No trace of the Villains was left at the USJ.

“They got away.” All Might grit his teeth, his fists clenching at what he perceived as his own failure.

“Now’s not the time for such worries.” Nezu spoke up, his voice easily heard from the top of the stairs, somehow. “The students’ safety comes first and foremost! Secure them and subdue all of the Villains left in the USJ! Move out!”

“Sir!” The Pro Hero Teachers chorused before making their way into the Disaster Zones. Midnight and several Ectoplasm clones surrounded Class 1-A along with Cementoss who raised a wall that would protect the students from any Villains with a long-range Quirk.

“Aizawa is in rough shape, Midoriya is unconscious, are any of you hurt?” Midnight questioned the students as she looked over the Student and her fellow Teacher. “Where are Sato and Aoyama? Camie was on top of the stairs tending to Thirteen when we arrived. Does anyone know where your missing classmates are?”

-With All Might and Nezu-

“All Might, you’re pushing yourself too far as it is,” Nezu mentioned as he stood beside the Number One Hero. “If you insist on staying, please watch over the students on their way out, I believe your presence will bring them some peace of mind.”

“Yes sir, I wouldn’t be able to fight much longer as I am right now, but I’ll go beyond if necessary.” All Might nodded to the Principal’s plan.

“We could not have anticipated this incident,” Nezu hummed as the sounds of battle echoed throughout the various Disaster Zones. “This kind of operation takes planning, not the common criminal type either. This has clearly been in the works for months, but your position as a Teacher here was only announced at the beginning of the year. Something doesn’t add up.” The chimera was already applying his hyper-intelligence to the mystery of the attack.

“That is worrying, along with the Villain Leader’s intense hatred for me. He was practically rabid with rage the moment he saw me. I know I’ve garnered my fair share of spiteful foes, but this seemed different. Almost like his hatred had been stewed and cultivated for years. A lifetime of anger towards me specifically, when he couldn’t be more than twenty years old himself.”

“Perhaps the child of someone that despises you?” Nezu mused as he tried to see all the potential angles. “Generational hatred? Maybe he was raised practically from birth to despise you and what you stand for?”

“That’s even more worrisome, sir.” All Might exhaled heavily before he slapped his signature smile on and headed over to the group of students being led outside.

-U.A. Infirmary ~ After School-

“Izuku…” Inko was still in tears as she held her unconscious son’s hand. She and Hisashi had rushed to the school the instant that they’d received the call from Principal Nezu. A Villain attack, on a U.A. Facility, neither parent understood how this happened! Even the Heroes and Police weren’t sure of anything just yet.

“He’ll be alright, honey, you heard Recovery Girl.” Hisashi was trying to comfort his wife, himself as well if he was being honest, with the Pro Hero’s good news. Izuku’s injuries were mostly superficial. Aside from the damage discovered to his vocal chords. He’d pushed himself further than his body had the energy to supply, which was the cause of his unconscious state. Unfortunately, only standard treatments could be applied until Izuku regained enough energy to wake up. Using Recovery Girl’s Quirk on Izuku as he was simply wasn’t feasible. Their son was on a nutrient drip to supply his body with the energy it needed.

They hadn’t been the only parents in U.A.’s Infirmary either. When they’d first arrived two other sets of parents had been there as well. A blonde woman and a blonde man had both been fussing over their son’s newly healed ribs. There was also the brunette couple looking over their recovering son. Apparently, from what they’d overheard, the teen had caused a large Quirk Reaction by overcharging his ability. The boy had been speaking slowly, as if it took him a moment to find the right words, but he seemed to be getting better as the reaction wore off. Both boys had been cleared to leave a few hours ago after speaking with the police about their experience at the USJ.

“Izuku… Wake up soon, sweetie, we’re both right here.” Inko held her son’s hand gently and refused to be separated from him.

“He’ll be up before you know it, dear, you’ll see.” Hisashi comforted his wife as he looked at his sleeping son. ‘You’ll pull through, Izuku, I know you will.’

-Faculty Meeting Room-

“One student with three cracked ribs, four bruised, and eighty-five percent of his torso covered in contusions. Another with multiple lacerations and forced to overload his Quirk causing a severe Reaction that required treatment. A third student that, in defense of himself and others, shredded his vocal chords, depleted his energy to the point of collapse, and overloaded his neurological system.” Nezu read off the file that Recovery Girl had given him. All of the Teachers present frowned heavily, a few with their heads bowed in self-disappointment. “On top of three severely injured students, two of our Faculty were also hospitalized from this incident. Thirteen luckily received on-site first aid treatment from young Utsushimi and will make a full recovery. Aizawa had both arms broken, the skin on one elbow was entirely removed, and he also suffered a facial fracture.” Nezu finished reading off.

A room full of silence and self-recrimination was all that was left after the casualty report.

“This is unacceptable, as you can imagine.” Nezu placed his hands together in front of his face as he looked at his Teachers. “I don’t blame anyone here, or not here, for this incident. It is clear this was a plan executed after months of formulation and gathering of common thugs and low-level Villains. The simple fact that it was able to happen and cause injury to our students and teachers is what is unacceptable.”

“I think we can safely say the leader that I shot wasn’t the real mastermind.” Snipe spoke up, his face hidden by his mask as normal. “That was a man-child through and through. I’d bet anything he couldn’t have planned this by himself if he tried.”

“I have to agree.” Midnight was the next to speak up. “Just from the brief interaction he had with All Might, it was clear he wasn’t the type for long-term planning. It was almost as if he was an attack dog against All Might.”

“That’s true,” Nezu nodded in agreement to Midnight’s thoughts. “All Might and I have already considered the potential of this being a case of Generational Hatred. This Shigaraki Tomura may very well have been raised to hate and despise All Might along with everything he’s done and stands for.”

“There’s no reasoning with someone like that.” Hound Dog rumbled from his spot at the large table. “That’s a type of indoctrination that isn’t able to be broken. This Shigaraki Villain would most likely consider losing his own life acceptable if it meant taking All Might down with him.”

“That makes him even more dangerous that a normal Villain that’s just trying to make a name for themselves.” Present Mic exhaled heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose. “He’s the type that’ll happily draw in innocent civilians to get his way. Hostages, large-scale attacks, threats, we could be seeing any or all of these the next time he shows his face.”

“That is true, we’re already releasing both his face and name, along with the Warp Gate user Kurogiri’s, to the public through the Police Departments.” Nezu informed the group of Pros. “The next unsettling news is the preliminary results we got from the bioweapon that they had with them.”

None of the Teachers missed the thin form of All Might tightly clenching a fist as he stared at the report in front of him.

“The bioweapon, Nomu as they call it, is made from the body of a Missing Person. It was heavily altered through various surgeries and procedures, including genetic modification that added the DNA of at least three other people to the body. This is how it came to possess multiple Quirks. It couldn’t be called human anymore after what was done to it. It’s more like a corpse that’s being moved by residual memories and orders. Somewhat like a biological robot for lack of a better term.” Nezu went over the information from the report.

“That’s twisted,” Power Loader grimaced as he looked over the papers. “What kind of monster could do this?”

“Only someone with Medical Training, decades of experience, and years of experimentation with both genetics and Quirks.” Recovery Girl looked nearly apoplectic as she read over the file. The elderly Hero’s hands were shaking with barely contained rage. This report hit closer to home for her considering her background in the Medical Field.

“It is as Recovery Girl has said,” Nezu nodded to the angry, elderly Hero. “On that front, I and a few other Investigative Heroes are already looking into every Doctor in Japan that fits these parameters. We hope to have it narrowed down in short order.”

“If none of them turn out to be the one responsible, what then?” All Might asked the hyper-intelligent chimera.

“Then we involve the International Police and Heroes from other countries.” Nezu locked eyes with the Number One Hero. “If we have to make this a worldwide manhunt to see Justice be carried out, then that is what we’ll do.” All might looked like he was about to say something, but then stopped and nodded in agreement.

“Are we continuing on with the Sports Festival, sir?” Midnight questioned the Principal curiously.

“Yes, we must show that we have not been discouraged, weakened, or made fearful by this attack. So long as the students of Class 1-A are deemed mentally fit and not suffering from any form of trauma after a visit with Hound Dog, they will be allowed to participate. If not, then we will have the Sports Festival without them.” Nezu informed the staff as a whole while giving a look to the Counselor.

“Of course, Principal.” Hound Dog gave a short nod to Nezu. This was a large part of his job at U.A. after all. He was there to give support to the students and catch early signs of psychological trauma developing during their time at U.A. High. His normal meetings were usually with the second and third years; the students that had gone on to internships and seen the industry firsthand. It was always possible that one of their students would see something in the field that would shake them mentally. Hound Dog was a certified Trauma Counselor, he knew how to help and it was why he was at U.A. to begin with. He wanted to help the next generation be prepared for the reality of Hero Life.

“Ah, in relation to this incident, though not because of it,” Midnight pulled a form from the manila folder she’d brought with her. “One of the female students of Class 1-A filled this out and turned it into me. She seemed to be more comfortable handing it to me than waiting for Aizawa to return.” Her lips were set in a thin line as she moved the paper across the table towards Nezu. All Might helped move the paper the rest of the way up the table for Midnight since he was sitting between the Principal and her.

“What’s this?” Nezu picked up the paper, flipped it over and his face took on a serious look. He began reading over the paper while the rest of the Teachers waited for him with confused looks. “I see,” Nezu folded the paper and placed it into the inside pocket of his vest. “I will bring this up with Aizawa when he returns. But this clearly violates U.A.’s policies, I’m afraid that this will be the first Disciplinary Write-Up of the year.”

Every Teacher’s face went serious immediately. For a Disciplinary Write-Up to be issued, especially in relation to the attack, meant that one of the students of Class 1-A had done something. As it was brought to Midnight for discretionary purposes, no one asked any further questions. Confidentiality was enforced in the Disciplinary Measures of the school after all. Only when a past Disciplinary Write-Up had something to do with a new offense could another Teacher look at the first Write-Up.

“Moving on from that, Vlad” The homeroom Teacher of Class 1-B gave his undivided attention to Nezu. “I leave it to you to explain what happened at the USJ to your class. Please inform them to be respectful and courteous to Class 1-A when they return on Monday. Class 1-B’s Rescue Training will be postponed to next week. We’ll be giving the entire USJ Facility a new security system and overhauling the physical defenses as well. This will not happen again.”

“Yes sir, I’ll be sure to inform them.” Vlad gave a firm nod to Nezu. “Should I inform them that injuries were suffered, sir? I want to believe my students would understand that this was a serious incident. But teenagers can have odd perceptions of such events.”

“Do what you must to impart that this isn’t something to joke about. Students and Teachers were harmed and lives were at stake. I expect all students to take this matter seriously, regardless of what Course they’re in.” Nezu’s face was completely serious, none of the usual carefree attitude that he showed the students was anywhere to be seen.

“Of course, sir.” Vlad nodded as he wrote something down on the paper in front of him.

-The Next Day-

The media outlets were on fire with the Breaking News that there had been a Villain attack on the USJ. Shigaraki Tomura and Kurogiri both had their names and faces plastered over nearly every screen in the country. The League of Villains was now a known group and Heroes all over the country, but especially around the Musutafu area, were on the lookout for any suspicious activity among low-level Villains.

While the country reacted to the news, several of said students were wondering how their Class Representative was doing.

‘I hope he’s alright.’ Ochako wished as she lay in her bed at her apartment. She still saw Izuku’s face, vividly remembered holding him in her arms after he feel unconscious. She’d seen the worry in the eyes of the class, or most of them at any rate, as Izuku was taken away by the paramedics. He’d pushed himself so far to protect them all as much as he could.

“Please be alright.” She mumbled to herself, her hand over her heart as she turned over.

In another home, a certain frog-like girl was also wondering about Izuku.

“Kero…” Tsuyu was thinking about Izuku again. She had barely stopped since she woke up this morning. Her family had been overjoyed that she was safe after they’d been called. Her siblings had barely let go of her the whole evening. When she’d admitted to being saved by Izuku, both of her parents had wanted to thank the boy personally. She just wanted Izuku to be okay. She wanted to see him again on Monday and know that the bleeding, unconscious verdette that she’d watched get taken away was fine now.

In the Utsushimi home, Camie was sighing as she tossed her phone onto her bed. Her family was giving her space after a full night of smothering her with concern. She appreciated it, but everything on her phone was about the attack on the USJ. She just wasn’t in the mood for that. Treating Thirteen was bad enough; the Pro Hero’s back had been shredded badly. Seeing Izuku, the guy she was definitely crushing on, being taken out of the USJ on a stretcher had nearly stopped her heart.

“Please be okay, Izuku…” Camie whispered as she hugged her body pillow. “I want to see you… I want to see that cute smile and that adorable blushing face of yours again.”

In a large mansion in the most expensive part of town, another young lady was wondering about a certain verdette.

‘I helped, right? I did everything I could.’ Momo had been going over the incident in her mind since last night. She couldn’t help but feel like she’d failed. ‘We were all separated. I did what needed to be done with Kyouka and Kaminari. I just can’t shake the sight though. We were all fine on the bus, then the next time I see Izuku he’s collapsing into Ochako’s arms and then being taken away on a stretcher.’ She paced in her large, opulent room again. She’d been doing so for hours now. She was worried, she couldn’t help it. Izuku was a friend, he helped her without a second thought, brought her to a massive realization about her own Quirk, even designed a new Hero Costume for her! How could she not be concerned about him?

“Izuku…” Momo sighed as she placed her hands over her chest. She felt her heart beat and warmth in her chest when she thought about the verdette. “Please be okay, please…”

-Hidden Location-

“A Quirk like mine?” All for One mused on what Tomura and Kurogiri had reported to him after the failed attack on the USJ. Another person capable of having multiple Quirks outside of himself or Gigantomachia was a rarity. He wondered how the boy’s Quirk functioned, exactly. He clearly didn’t steal Quirks; he’d have been picked up by the Hero Public Safety Commission the moment his Quirk had been discovered. “Perhaps he’s permanently copying them? How very amusing!” The ancient Villain chuckled, even if it did upset his un-healing injuries.

In All for One’s mind there was only one prominent question at the moment. Who was this boy, and was he related to him in some way? It had been a very long time since he’d deigned to sleep with anyone. Sexual intercourse was something he’d indulged in a good amount back during the Dawn of Quirks when he was amassing his power. But he’d always taken precautions. He didn’t need some upstart bastard trying to compete with him for power. So… Now he had to wonder, was this boy a one off? Simply a random Quirk Mutation that gave him a similar ability? Or had he messed up somehow, somewhere, back in his younger days?

“There were too many, and it was far too long ago to remember them all.” All For One mused as he hit a few buttons on his life support chair. Dr. Garaki had made the device especially for him. It would prolong his life while still allowing him to do what he needed, even with his blindness and the constant pain of his body. A moment later and he felt the monitor in front of him flick on with an Electric Sensitivity Quirk.

“Hmm, it’s rare for you to call me unexpectedly, did something happen?” Dr. Garaki questioned, his eyes hidden behind his favored goggles.

“I trust you still have your backdoor into the medical databases of Japan, my good Doctor?” All for One questioned rhetorically.

“Of course, did you find something interesting?” Dr. Garaki leaned back in the chair he sat in, smoothing out the wrinkles of his lab coat.

“More of a curiosity at the moment.” All for One replied with a grin on his horribly scarred face. “I need you to do some genealogy research for me, Doctor.”

“Might I ask why?” Dr. Garaki raised an eyebrow at the new request.

“Don’t worry about it for now, it’s probably nothing, but an old man like me has his curious mind still.” All for One chuckled deeply. Dr. Garaki let out a small snort at the remark. If anyone else had said that, the Doctor would be far and away the oldest person in the conversation. “Find out the name of the male, verdette student in U.A.’s Class 1-A, then find out who his parents are, his grandparents, great grandparents, so on and so forth until you get to the Dawn of Quirks.”

“I suppose there’s a reason that this particular student has caught your eye?” Dr. Garaki was already typing on the keyboard in front of him.

“Let’s just say we share a similarity that I’m interested in exploring.” All for One had a frightful smile on his disfigured face. “If I’m correct in either of my suspicions, then it’ll truly be a Nature vs Science scenario.”

“Oh ho? Now that is interesting!” Dr. Garaki had his own terrifying smile now. Like the smile you’d see in a horror movie with a Doctor as the insane antagonist.

“I’ll be looking forward to your findings, Doctor.” All for One bid the old man farewell and ended their call. This was not only because he’d relayed his orders to the man, but also because the drugs that kept the pain away had just been pumped into his veins and they made him incredibly drowsy. All for One refused to show weakness to anyone if he could help it. The fact that Dr. Garaki had seen him at his lowest after his battle with All Might five years ago was still a sore spot for him.

‘And now we wait…’ All for One mused as he felt himself begin to drift off. ‘Tomura or this new boy, which of you will it be? Which of you will be the one to decide? Will my path be the correct one or will the world finally reject me? It’s been far too long since such an unknown has appeared.’ The ancient man slipped into drug-induced sleep after that thought.

-End Chapter-


Okay… Things are happening! Let’s all remain calm!

We got some sweetness from our lovely ladies. They want their Izuku back!

We have something going on with a Disciplinary Write-Up!

The brain-dead Nomu was collected and samples taken! Preliminary results are already horrifying and questions are being asked! How long can you hide from Nezu and his fellow Investigative Heroes? Especially when Recovery Girl happens to know quite a few Experts in the Medical Field, so the list is already starting to narrow!

However, Izuku is now on someone’s radar that he REALLY wouldn’t want to be, if he actually knew the man existed!

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

Firstly, methinks Mineta is in some trouble. Hopefully this disciplinary action gets him to shape up. I actually would like to see how he turns out Hero-wise. Secondly, Izuku has AfO's attention and that scares me. Other than that, a wonderful chapter Kairo.


Whether he shapes up or not is up to the character. He's been shown to be unrepentant in his ways in Canon. Plus, what he might consider a joke, others could easily see as harassment. I'm merely taking the stance of a School and looking at it that way. I don't want to be just some Mineta Basher, that's weak writing. He also won't be the only one to incur punishment for his actions. A lot of fans seem to forget who Mineta's most consistent partner in pervertedness is. Yeah, it was inevitable that AFO's attention would be drawn to Izuku. We'll have to see where that goes.

John Balman

I'm on the fence on who I want that family tree to turn out, also if AFO is doing the research I would assume Nedzu already did and would be prepared for it after USJ....just saying :). If they are related grandson or even Nephew hehe ( the first had a kid hehehe) that could make for some interesting plot lines later :)

Creature of Grimm

Good chapter, a lot happening in the background even though the story didn't move forward much as it was more the immediate reactions from last chapter. The fact it was a girl and she handed it to midnight does make me learn towards mineta for the disaplinary action. He really is a character hard to write without bashing if you don't change him completely. If it wasn't a girl making the complaint I would suspect bakugo, considering his temper. Either way good chapter. Also, if you haven't read I would recommend looking up a story on fanfiction called 'All for None'. Can't remember the authors name. It is a lot like this fic, though not the same


Nice chapter

Thomas E Nellis

Fantastic! I loved it! I can’t wait to see how this turns out.