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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! The arrival of Mr. Three and Miss Goldenweek! How will the Baroque Agents fair against the Straw Hats, Dorry, and Broggy? What about the one’s that’re following Mr. Three?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 22 – Wax and Ash

Luffy had no trouble locating and collecting Sanji and Zoro. Neither of the men appreciated Luffy appearing in a bright spark, grabbing them, and then vanishing back to where he’d been, however. After some grumbling at their Captain, both Swordsman and Chef had met Dorry and Broggy. Both men could, without shame, admit to being stunned for a few moments at seeing the gargantuan warriors. Considering both Dorry and Broggy stood at roughly twenty-two meters in height, it was expected to be a little stunned when meeting them for the first time.

As there was still meat from the dinosaurs that Dorry and Broggy had killed, all that was left was to gather some of the native fruit on the island to give some variety to their impromptu party. Nami, Vivi, and Mikita had volunteered to take on the task. Sanji had dashed back to the Going Merry to get his herbs and spices and make a ‘proper meal’ for the two giants. The Chef couldn’t help but feel some camaraderie with the two giants; being stuck on an island with limited food and having to do what they could. With the two giants help, a large rack of sauropod ribs was slowly roasting over a massive, by human standards, fire while Sanji’s seasoning rub began to emit a wonderful aroma throughout the area. Luffy, to absolutely no one’s surprise, was already drooling.

“Going to be a hell of a meal, eh Dorry?” Broggy chuckled while eyeing the ribs appreciatively.

“Aye, Broggy, we even have booze to go with it!” Dorry grinned at the barrels that the Straw Hats had brought out from the Going Merry’s holds. To the giants each barrel was more like a single glass, but that was more than they’d had in the last year or two. They’d happily savor it with the amazing meat the little chef was cooking.

“Banquet, banquet, banquet~” Luffy was swaying back and forth, smiling widely and his excitement almost tangible.

“We’re back!” Nami called out as the girls returned with quite the haul of various fruits from the jungle. There was enough that even Dorry and Broggy could enjoy a handful each and still have some left over.

Just after the two racks of dinosaur ribs were pulled off the fire; Broggy, Dorry, and Luffy all perked up slightly. The three, in unison, turned to look in a specific direction. This got the rest of the crew’s attention and they all gave inquisitive looks towards their Captain.

“Observation.” Luffy stated without turning to look at his crewmates. Nami was the first to understand and centered herself, spreading out her awareness as far as she could. Usopp, Zoro, and Sanji followed her example but it seemed none of them could pinpoint what had caught Luffy and the giants’ attention.

“More visitors?” Dorry cocked his head to the side in confusion.

“So soon?” Broggy remarked since he was equally as confused.

“They’re getting closer,” Luffy commented as the two ‘Voices’ slowly approached the area. The rest of the crew continued to try and sense the approaching people, but without much luck. They were clearly trying to hide, for those that hadn’t gotten to a more advanced level of Observation; that made it harder to pinpoint them.

“We know you’re there, come out little humans!” Dorry bellowed making everyone, bar Luffy, jump at the sudden loud noise. When no one emerged from the jungle after a few moments, Broggy snorted.

“One warning,” Broggy huffed as he reached over and picked up a boulder like it was a baseball. With a half-hearted toss the boulder went sailing through the jungle! Trees, animals, other rocks, and anything else that got in the boulder’s path were smashed until it hit the ground and rolled for a few dozen meters. The massive rock came to a stop almost six hundred meters away! “Now come out!” The blonde giant bellowed as well.

“Wait! Wait! Okay! We’re coming out!” A man called out as he and a young looking girl emerged from the jungle. Everyone there quickly realized that the man’s black hair was styled to look like the number ‘3’.

“Mr. Three!” Mikita pointed at the man almost as soon as he emerged. “Miss Goldenweek too!”

“Baroque Works!” Vivi exclaimed a she reached for her Peacock Slashers. Nami fluidly assembled her shock staff. Zoro drew his swords, Sanji took his preferred stance, and Usopp had two of his pistols out in a flash, one trained on the Mr. Three and the other on Miss Goldenweek.

“Miss Valentine?” Mr. Three looked confused as to what a fellow Officer Agent was doing with two giants and a group of pirates. “Where is Mr. Five? Why are you with these pirates?”

“Mr. Five is dead, killed by a Kuro Kari member after he decided that I would be ‘acceptable losses’ apparently. I’m out, I quit Baroque Works. I’m a member of the Straw Hat Pirates now.” Mikita informed the pair of Officer Agents.

“An enemy of yours?” Dorry questioned Luffy as he reached for his massive sword.

“Something like that.” Luffy remarked as he stared down the man.

“Well now, that’s not good,” Mr. Three put up a brave front but a bead of sweat rolled down the side of his head at having so many weapons bared against him. Could he use his Candle Lock on all of them before the gunman could fire? “You know that there’s only one way to leave the organization…” He trailed off, looking at Mikita.

“Try me.” Mikita glared back as she stepped forward. She had been practicing with Luffy everyday on their voyage to Little Garden. She’d made some good progress with her Devil Fruit and she wouldn’t mind testing it out.

“If you’re an enemy of our new friends, leave or die, you’re interrupting our banquet.” Broggy rumbled as he and Dorry both glared down at Mr. Three and Miss Goldenweek.

“Hey now, there’s no need for violence just yet.” A new voice called out and even Luffy flinched. He hadn’t picked up on these ‘Voices’ until the man spoke!

Walking out of a different part of the jungle was a man and a woman. The man was blonde and wore a long black jacket with a buckle on the left sleeve, a blue shirt and vest, a frilled cravat, and a simple belt holding a pair of loose light-blue pants with black boots. On his hands were a pair of brown gloves and on his head he wore a black top hat with goggles over the band. A grin was on his face as he looked at everyone. The woman was slightly short, but also slim, curvaceous, and had a pronounced hourglass figure. She had orange hair, a shade or two lighter than Nami’s. She was wearing a crimson newsboy cap with gold goggles, a pink shirt with a frilly collar, a maroon short skirt, and black thigh-high stockings with brown high heeled boots.

“It’s been a while, Luffy.” The man greeted the Straw Hat Captain with a grin. “You’re not giving your crew a hard time, are you?”

“Sabo?!” Luffy exclaimed in shock at seeing his older brother for the first time in just over three years.

“Your brother?!” Nami blinked as she looked at Sabo again. Luffy had told her about his brothers during some of their time together. The two lovers sharing their past with each other was just another part of their relationship. Unconsciously, Nami quickly checked herself over. She wanted to make a good first impression on Luffy’s family after all!

“Luffy’s brother?!” Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji all exclaimed at seeing the tall, grinning man. There was some slight resemblance…aside from the obvious hair color difference.

“I didn’t know he had a brother…” Mikita blinked. She was new to the crew though. Vivi was just as shocked to meet Luffy’s elder brother on this remote and dangerous island of all places.

“They seem shocked.” The woman next to Sabo giggled at the crew’s reaction.

“Luffy probably doesn’t talk about himself much, Koala.” Sabo shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

“Sabo!” Luffy was by his blonde brother’s side and throwing an arm across his shoulders in a spark. “What’re you doing here? It’s great to see you again!”

“Good to see you too, Luffy.” Sabo chuckled along with his little brother.

It happened in a blink.

Mr. Three waved his arms, a white substance pouring from the limbs. A call of ‘Candle Blade’ and swords formed from what turned out to be wax. There had to be dozens of the blades formed and solidified in mere seconds. Mr. Three threw his arms wide and the blades went rocketing towards everyone present, Vivi and Mikita most of all.

Zoro deflected the steel-hard blades headed his way; his quick attempt to coat his swords with Haki leaving cuts and cracks in the hardened wax swords.

Sanji kicked away any sword he couldn’t weave around while trying to get between the attack and the women.

Usopp fired his pistols with precision, knocking every blade’s trajectory into the ground before they got close to him.

Nami spun her staff to deflect any sword she didn’t instinctively dodge with her Observation. The navigator wasn’t in any danger from the hasty, widespread attack.

Vivi and Mikita both started to dodge, only for Luffy to appear between them and the swords in a spark. Every blade was smashed out of the air in a blink, the shattered remains scattered over the grass around Luffy.

Koala seemingly disappeared and reappeared on the opposite side of the giants with Miss Goldenweek under her arm. The short girl blinking in confusion as to what had just happened and wondering how she’d gotten to where she was.

Sabo didn’t bother moving. The white wax swords passed through his body in clouds of black ash and orange embers. A physical attack without Haki or some other trick wasn’t a problem for a Logia Fruit User.

In the very next instant, Mr. Three didn’t even have time to lower his hands from his sudden attack, Broggy’s massive axe, along with Dorry’s titanic sword, slammed down on the Officer Agent! A huge plume of dirt and rock was thrown up from the strike. The one thing that everyone noticed was the blades of both weapons were a dark black when before they’d been dull grey. The black seemed to fade away after a few seconds and the two giants lifted their weapons away from the ground. None of the Haki users could hear Mr. Three’s ‘Voice’ anymore.

“Just like the rest, some humans just don’t understand.” Broggy shook his head. Both giants were casually wiping the wax swords from their clothing and armor. Not a single blade from the Devil Fruit User had so much as pierced their clothing, much less their skin. The vast size difference, not to mention expert Haki use, had made the attack no more effective than a stiff breeze.

“Been that way since before we started our duel.” Dorry agreed with a scoff as he set his sword back where it’d been before the group had been interrupted.

“True enough.” Broggy shrugged as he set his axe back down.

“Well, that just happened…” Sabo blinked at the abrupt end of ‘Loan Shark’ Galdino.

“Vivi~ Mikita~ Are you unharmed my lovelies?!” Sanji dashed forward and looked the ladies over.

“We’re fine, Sanji.” Vivi smiled kindly at the overly-concerned chef.

“Luffy took care of it for us.” Mikita smiled at her Captain. Luffy gave her a bright smile of his own in return.

“Koala, is Marianne safe?” Sabo questioned his partner.

“She’s fine, just a little confused.” Koala smiled at the shorter girl.

“What’s going on?” Marianne spoke for the first time since she’d come out of the jungle with Mr. Three.

“You’re ‘Flag-Bearer of Freedom’ Marianne, correct?” Sabo asked kindly to Miss Goldenweek. Marianne’s eyes widened and she took a step back immediately. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! It’s alright. We’re not Bounty Hunters or anything!” He tried to calm the teen down as he raised his hands in a placating gesture.

“We’re here on behalf of a group that believes the same as you do.” Koala smiled gently at Marianne. “You had a Bounty placed on your head for leading a revolt against the Ruler of your homeland, correct?”

“Yes…” Marianne looked cautiously between Koala and Sabo.

“We’re members of the Revolutionary Army.” Sabo informed Marianne, getting a shocked gasp out of not only the redhead, but of everyone in hearing range. Barring Luffy, who already knew, along with Dorry and Broggy who didn’t know what the Revolutionary Army was. “We’d like to help you take back your homeland from its oppressive monarchy. Would you join us in helping free not only your homeland, but the world from the exploitation of the World Government?”

“What?” Marianne looked supremely confused by the question.

“You’re really not the best at this, Sabo.” Koala shook her head at her partner.

“I thought I was simple and concise,” Sabo rubbed the back of his head. “Isn’t that what you said I should do?”

“Yes, but you shouldn’t just ask right after you tell someone that we’re a part of the Revolutionary Army.” Koala gestured to the confused Marianne and the still shocked Straw Hats. “How about we chat a bit in private, Marianne?”

“Okay… Can we have tea?” Marianne asked politely, she could really use some warm tea to soothe her nerves. Her partner had just been decimated by two giants, she needed time to process.

“Of course, show me the way to your ship and we’ll make your preference.” Koala offered gently to the younger girl. The two headed into the jungle to raid the ship that Mr. Three and Marianne had come to Little Garden on.

“Umm, is that okay? We don’t know anything about her abilities.” Nami spoke up while looking in the direction that Marianne and Koala had left in.

“They’ll be fine,” Sabo nodded to Nami with a sure smile on his face. “Koala is strong, and a good judge of character. She wouldn’t have offered if she believed Marianne would be a threat.”

“Join our banquet, Sabo!” Luffy invited with a laugh. “We’ll catch up over food! Dinosaur meat is amazing! I’ll introduce you to my crew!”

“Well, if everyone’s alright with it.” Sabo looked at everyone politely.

“Your Luffy’s brother, of course it’s fine.” Nami instantly agreed as she disassembled her staff and stowed it away.

“I’ll prepare more plates.” Sanji nodded to his fellow blonde.

“It’s fine by me.” Zoro merely shrugged as he headed over to the booze.

“So, you’re Luffy’s brother? You look different than I expected.” Usopp mentioned as he looked back and forth between his Captain and the top hat wearing man.

“I’m not going to say anything against it.” Mikita shook her head at the mere idea.

“I’m not technically a crewmate, so I don’t have a say.” Vivi grinned slightly at the taller man.

“Thank you for having us.” Sabo gave a short bow to the crew and the two giants.

From there the impromptu banquet kicked off properly. Dorry and Broggy had their first chef-cooked meat in a century! The two giants had tears in their eyes from the excellent flavor. Sanji took their compliments with a smile as he made sure the ladies were all taken care of. Koala and Marianne returned from their chat with tea and a large bag of things over Koala’s shoulder. Sanji instantly noodled over to the two ladies and quickly had them set up with food and drink.

“Wait, you’re Broggy and Dorry, the Red Ogre and the Blue Ogre?” Sabo blinked at the two giants as they sipped their barrels of booze.

“Aye, that’s what they called us back in the day.” Dorry grinned down at Sabo.

“One-Hundred-Million per head! Gyababababa!” Broggy laughed at the Bounty they’d racked up back in the day.

“Do you know a giant by the name of Morley?” Sabo asked curiously to the two.

“Morley? Aye, we knew a giant by that name back when we were still pirates. Do you know him?” Dorry questioned as he and Broggy leaned forward a bit.

“Yes, he’s a part of the Revolutionary Army now. He did a stint in Impel Down and managed to escape.” Sabo smiled up at the giants.

“Gegyagyagyagya! Figures that oddball would get captured and still managed to find his way out!” Dorry tossed his head back and laughed loudly.

“Gyabababababa! Morley joined up with an army that wants to take down the World Government? Elbaf would never join up with them. I’m surprised he decided to help!” Broggy’s own uproarious laughter joined Dorry’s.

“He’ll be surprised to hear you two are still alive, apparently everyone on Elbaf has basically written you two off as dead.” Koala commented after finishing her bite of dinosaur meat.

“Well, after a hundred years it’s to be expected, I guess.” Dorry shrugged at the knowledge before taking a pull from the barrel he was holding and emptying it. He promptly reached for another.

“We have a Transponder Snail that we could use to get in contact with Morley if you’re interested. He could let Elbaf know you two are alive at least.” Sabo offered to the giants.

“Hmm, it would be nice to talk to an old friend after so long.” Broggy nodded thoughtfully.

“I’ll be right back.” Sabo smiled as he raced back towards the ship he and Koala had arrived on. Several minutes later Sabo had the Transponder Snail at the ‘banquet’ and was dialing a number. After several rings the other end picked up and a voice that was familiar to Sabo, Koala, Dorry, and Broggy answered.

“Hello, Sabo, it’s unusual for you to call me directly. Fuhahahahaha!” Morley laughed over the line.

“It really is him!” Broggy exclaimed in shock.

“It is!” Dorry grinned down at the Transponder Snail.

“I have some old friends here that would like to speak to you Morley.” Sabo chuckled lightly.

“Old friends, where are you?” Morley asked with confusion evident in his tone.

“Little Garden, I’ll let them say hi.” Sabo held up the receiver so that Broggy and Dorry could speak.

“Still an oddball, Morley? Gyababababa!” Broggy laughed at his own question.

“Heard you got yourself caught and then managed to sneak your way out! Gegyagyagyagya!” Dorry cracked up and a loud gasp came from the other end of the line.

“Dorry?! Broggy?! Is that really you two?!” Morley demanded loudly and both giants cracked up even more. “Where have you two been? Last anyone heard of you two was that you’d started a Divine Duel and were settling it. But that was a hundred years ago! We all thought you were dead!”

“Nope! Still alive and still in the middle of our Divine Duel!” Dorry informed the other giant.

“73,466 battles and 73,466 draws, so far! Gyabababa!” Broggy laughed into the receiver.

“You’ve been dueling for the last hundred years?!” Morley was clearly shocked.

“Of course, a victor hasn’t been decided yet.” Dorry responded as if it was simple. Broggy nodded along next to him.

“Look, I’m not a Cleric of Elbaf’s God, you know that. But I’m certain you’ve both gone far past all of the Rites of the Divine Duel! If I call up old Srogir I’m sure he’d be giving you both an earful about it.” Morley sighed heavily. Everyone noticed the flinches of Broggy and Dorry at the mention of what they presumed was another giant. “Actually, that might not be a bad idea,” Morley sounded like he was thinking deeply and merely mumbled for a moment. “Sabo said you were on Little Garden, right? I’ll call back home and have a group of warriors sail out that way with a Cleric. They can determine if your Divine Duel is ended. It’ll probably take them a month or two to get there though. Can you two try not to kill each other in that time?” The other giant sounded like he doubted his old friends.

“Well, if a Cleric is coming to decide then we can’t really argue.” Broggy scratched at his beard. “The Divine Duel can only be called complete without a victor by one of the Clerics after all.”

“We’ve been at it for a hundred years with no victor, at this point what’s a month or two break, right?” Dorry shrugged his large shoulders as he ran his fingers through his long beard. Vivi’s bright smile at the possibility of a peaceful resolution went unnoticed by most. The gentle princess was just happy that a century of fighting might come to a peaceful end with both warriors’ honor intact.

“Good, I’ll make the call shortly, but don’t blame me if the Cleric they send is Srogir himself. I’m sure he’ll be going off like a volcano about this.” Morley chuckled at the other two giants. Both Dorry and Broggy looked less than thrilled at the idea of meeting this Srogir.

“Thanks for the help, Morley. It’s much appreciated, old friend.” Broggy chuckled lightly, by giant’s standard anyway.

“Aye, thanks for helping us out.” Dorry thanked their old friend. “Being stuck on this rock another hundred years would have been awful.”

“Of course, I can’t let you two waste away fighting each other on some random island forever, can I? Fuhahahaha!” Morley laughed loudly.

“You’re still an oddball though! Gyababababa!” Broggy burst into laughter of his own.

“An oddball through and through! Gegyagyagyagya!” Dorry laughed as well, slapping his knee.

“Oh you two!” Morley growled through the Transponder Snail. “You know what? Just for that, I’m going to make sure they send Head Cleric Srogir to fetch you two!” Both Dorry and Broggy abruptly stopped laughing.

“Could you, perhaps, not do that, Morley?” Broggy asked politely.

“No. Fuhahahaha!” Morley laughed before hanging up.

“Ahhhh… Damn it…” Dorry hung his head.

“We’re not going to hear the end of this…” Broggy lamented, his head also hung low.

“I don’t even know who this Srogir is, and I’m intimidated.” Usopp spoke up with a few beads of sweat on his forehead.

“Hey, at least you guys are going to get off this island, right?” Luffy smiled widely up at the two giants.

“True enough… Still…” Dorry huffed before reaching for his ribs and another barrel of booze. “I need good food and booze to prepare for the old man’s arrival.

“Well said…” Broggy agreed, grabbing his own ribs and another barrel as well.

“Back to the banquet!” Luffy cheered and everyone just decided to go with it. Not like the Log Pose would reset in a day here anyway.

“You should take this with you, Luffy.” Sabo smiled as he pulled a Transponder Snail out of the bag that Koala had been carrying. “You can use it to keep in touch with people. There useful and don’t require too much extra care.”

“Hmm, that would be good.” Luffy nodded as he picked up the large snail. The Transponder Snail looked back at him blankly, as was normal for their species.

“Who’s was that, anyway?” Mikita asked from nearby where she and the other ladies, Marianne included, were chatting.

“Mr. Three’s, the boss is the only one that knows the number of that Snail.” Marianne spoke up from the group of women.

“A line to a Warlord, huh?” Luffy’s eyes gleamed at the thought and Sabo stifled a chuckle. It was so very ‘Luffy’ to pick a fight with a Warlord so soon after entering the Grand Line.

‘Hmm, maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to give him this particular Transponder Snail…’Sabo thought in the privacy of his mind. But, Luffy seemed to have already made up his mind about going after Crocodile, so Sabo was fairly certain no one was going to stop his little brother now.

“We still need to look for a Log Pose that’s reset too, Luffy.” Nami reminded her lover. “We can’t wait a year for our Log Pose to reset after all.”

“Oh, there were a few Eternal Poses on the ship, I collected them all.” Koala mentioned as she got up and moved over to the large bag. “There are two I can recommend, one is for Drum Island. It’s a Winter Island, but the Log Pose resets there in only sixteen hours. The other, is for the princess.” She smiled as she held up an Eternal Pose with the name ‘Alabasta’ engraved on the top of it.

“An Eternal Pose to Alabasta!” Vivi was by Koala’s side so fast she was nothing more than a blur! She cradled the Eternal Pose gently, as if it was the most delicate and precious of treasures. “Thank you! Thank you so much! I can’t tell you how much this means to me!”

“It’s no problem.” Koala smiled warmly at Vivi. “Your Kingdom is how countries should be governed. By rulers that love and care for their people above all else.”

“Then you don’t believe the lies about my father using Dance Powder?” Vivi’s eyes were watering at finding another person that believed in her father’s innocence.

“Of course not, everyone knows Nefeltari Cobra would sooner die with his people than betray them.” Koala assured Vivi and gently pulled the bluenette into a soft hug.

“You’ve got a nice lady there, Sabo.” Luffy smiled at the gentle scene.

“She’s one in a million.” Sabo agreed with a warm smile on his face as he watched Koala comfort Vivi.

The party continued well into the night. Merriment was in the air as Sabo and Luffy caught up. The ladies started to giggle amongst themselves when the booze was beginning to run dry. Many a look was sent towards Luffy and Sabo from the giggling ladies. Both Luffy and Sabo wisely decided not to ask about that.

-End Chapter-


Brothers reunited! Sabo and Koala have come to recruit Miss Goldenweek! Or more accurately, Marianne the ‘Flag-Bearer of Freedom’!

Mr. Three learned a very valuable lesson today. DON’T FUCK WITH GIANTS! They WILL kill you!

Looks like Dorry and Broggy are getting off Little Garden! Woohoo!

Though neither of them seem particularly happy about the Cleric coming to retrieve them. What kind of reaming are these two proud warriors going to be on the receiving end of?

An Eternal Pose! Two in fact! One to Alabasta! One to Drum Island! Which one? What path will be taken?

What’re the ladies giggling about while shooting glances at Sabo and Luffy?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another awesome chapter, we’re eventually going to get a glass crocodile statue here lol. Also, listening to homeward bound right now, a rather fitting song for one piece I think.

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

A nice chapter as always. Sucks about Mister 3 though. Oh well, canon always gets yeeted into the abyss with you.


Thank you, and yes, if you want someone to novelize Canon, then you've come to the wrong place, my friends!


I really love the moments that says bye to canon, and says this is mine now

John Balman

I can't wait to see how the drum island arc and our adorable raccoon.. I mean reindeer join the crew!!!!!


I have to say I like what you did with the Red and Blue Ogres. Thinking back, it was pretty weird that Brogy, no matter how distraught over the death of his friend, could basically be manhandled by Mr. 3, no matter if his wax is as hard as steel. I mean... they are giants... from the second half of the Grand Line.


Didn't see no errors. Vivi: "I'm not actually a Straw Hat." Nami: "Spend a night in Luffy's bed and say that."


I'm sure it was because the concept of Haki wasn't fully fleshed out yet by that point in the story.


Great chapter Kai.