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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru bringing you another Chapter of The Sun Hero! Time to learn about Rescue work! Heroes aren’t all about beating up Villains after all! Let’s see what happens!

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Without further ado, enjoy!


Chapter 7 – Rescue Training at the USJ

-Foundational Heroics Class-

“I wonder what we’re doing today.” Ochako wondered aloud as Class 1-A waited for Aizawa. All of the teens were eager to put the morning classes behind them and get to their Hero training. Not surprising for a class of Hero students to be fair.

“Well we did combat in the first class. We went over costumes last class. Maybe this time it’ll be on support operations or something?” Tsuyu suggested with a thoughtful look on her face.

“Whatever it is, it’ll be better than the regular old classes we do in the morning.” Toga grinned at her friends brightly. She would do fine in the basic courses with Izuku’s study help. But she’d joined the Hero Course to prove she could be a Hero despite what everyone had thought about her Quirk when she was growing up.  “I hope it’s exciting!”

“If you lot would settle down I could to tell you.” Aizawa drawled; the entire class started a bit from the sudden words. No one had even seen the man come in! The twenty students went silent and faced forward intently. “That’s better.” Their Homeroom Teacher mumbled before he pulled out a card and showed it to the class. “Today you'll be doing rescue training to prepare you for floods, fires, and other disasters.” The card in his hand had the word ‘Rescue’ on it in bright red letters. A few in the class broke out into excited murmurs at this announcement, much to Aizawa’s irritation.

“I’m so excited!” Ochako cheered with a bright smile on her face. Several of the class couldn’t help but smile or chuckle at the happy brunette. “Rescue is what I plan to specialize in when I go Pro!”

‘Cute~’Toga giggled to herself, seeing how bouncy Ochako was being about their class today.

“That’s my plan too, Ochako.” Tsuyu ribbited happily, sharing a smile with her brunette friend. “I'll be right at home in flood rescue scenarios.”

“I'm already pumped! Let’s gets started!” Kirishima raised his fists in front of his chest.

“Quiet down!” Aizawa commanded as he activated his Quirk, causing his eyes to glow red and making his hair levitate noticeably. The students instantly stopped their chatter. “Stop making me use my Quirk! You’re giving me dry eye.” He grumbled out annoyed. He pulled out eye drops and applied them. “Now, it's up to you to choose whether to wear your costume or not. Some of them may not be suitable for certain scenarios. The location we’ll be training at is a bit remote, so we'll be going by bus. That'll be all. Get ready and don't waste time.” He gave them all a long stare before grabbing his yellow sleeping bag and leaving the room.

“Rescue training, I good challenge to my control.” Izuku nodded to himself as he grabbed his case. His case was much larger than the other students’ because of his axe. The verdette’s gaze sharpened with determination as he headed for the boys’ locker room along with the rest of the guys.

In short order Class 1-A was changed into their costumes and getting onto the bus. Toga quickly pulled Izuku into the back and cuddled up to him. Izuku could only smile fondly at his girlfriend and indulge her a bit by pulling her into his side and letting her snuggle. The two chatted quietly about the upcoming training. Most of the girls, mostly Toru and Mina, cooed at the cute display.

“We're here. Look sharp now!” Aizawa slipped out of his sleeping bag with practiced ease as he stood up and led the class off the bus. A few minutes later and everyone was off the bus and walking into the massive dome-shaped building. When they saw everything that was inside the building, most of the students let out excited exclamations!

“Holy crap! Are we at Universal Studios Japan?!” Kaminari questioned gleefully, making several others turn and deadpan at him.

“Not quite!” A voice, that seemed like it was being heard through a speaker or old radio, called out to the group. Ochako perked up as the group turned to face the speaker. “There's the flood zone! The conflagration zone! The landslide zone! Every disaster you can imagine!” The woman speaking wore a very puffy astronaut-styled suit and yellow shoes. Her arms were held wide as if to welcome them all.

“Oh!” Izuku exclaimed, his eyes bright as he recognized the Hero. “It's Space Hero: Thirteen! She's one of the top-rated Rescue Heroes in Japan!” Toga couldn’t hold in her giggles at seeing Izuku fanboy over a Pro again.

"I LOVE THIRTEEN!" Ochako was bouncing up and down in excitement, her brown eyes sparkling as she looked at the Pro. Everyone in Class 1-A was fairly certain they knew just who Ochako’s favorite Pro Hero was now!

“This training ground that I created is the perfect site to put your heroism to the test! I call it… The Unforeseen Simulation Joint!” Thirteen introduced with a flourish. Everyone could practically hear the smile in her voice, even with the speaker/filter.

“IT REALLY ISUSJ?!” Several of them exclaimed, comparing the two acronyms against each other.

“Thirteen, where's All Might? I thought he was supposed to be meeting us here.” Aizawa questioned his fellow instructor.

“Well…” Thirteen sighed, before subtly holding up three fingers. “I'm afraid he got caught up in quite a few incidents on his way to the school this morning. He's exhausted himself. At the moment he's resting in the break room, though he did call to tell me he would try to make it to the latter half of the class.”

“That man is the height of irrationality. This was precisely why I suggested that he just move onto the campus already and be done with it.” Aizawa exhaled while pinching the bridge of his nose. “Well, no point in wasting time, we’ll start without him.”

“Of course. But before that, I have one or two points.” Thirteen said, before pausing. “Or three… maybe four…” Her voice started sounding a bit sheepish as she continued. “Perhaps five… or six?” The entire class deadpanned and sweat dropped. “Well, as I'm sure many of you are aware; my Quirk is called ‘Black Hole’. It draws in and breaks down everything.” Ochako was nodding along with their instructor, her eyes still sparkles.

‘Cute~’Toga giggled behind her hand as she watched Ochako practically bounce in place at being so close to her favorite Hero.

“Yeah! You've used it to save countless numbers of people in almost every disaster imaginable! You break down debris and free trapped civilians and even clear roadways for medical vehicles, police, firefighters, and everything!” Ochako did her best Izuku impression without even meaning to. She was just soexcited!

“That's right! Indeed, my power is capable of saving many lives! But it would also be incredibly, frustratingly easy to use it to kill." That put a damper on the excited mood of the students, bringing down the intensity so they were all paying attention. “Just as I'm sure it would be uncomfortably easy for some of your own Quirks to take a life. In our super-powered society, the usage of Quirks is heavily restricted and monitored. It may seem like a stable system, but never forget that it only takes one wrong move with an uncontrollable Quirk for people to die.” Thirteen warned the Hero students.

“During Aizawa’s Assessment Test, you were able to touch upon the true power of your Quirks. With All Might's person-to-person combat, you experienced the danger of using your Quirks against other people! Today will be a different story! Today you shall learn how your powers can be used, not in combat, but to save lives instead!” The space-themed Hero had her arms spread wide, as if to indicate the whole of the USJ behind her.

Before Thirteen could continue, the lights all over the dome began to flicker strangely. Everyone looked around in confusion at the odd phenomenon. Kaminari, an electric Quirk user, blinked and tilted his head at the lights. He recognized the signs of fluctuating electrical output do to practicing with his Quirk growing up.

“What's going on?” Aizawa questioned as he took charge, his students were his first priority in the event anything unplanned happened.

“Something’s gone wrong with the power?” Thirteen sounded confused as she looked up at the flickering lights. It was his experience that drew Aizawa’s attention to the small distortion forming down in the plaza. The Underground Hero glared at the anomaly as he reached into his scarves to pull up his goggles.

A black, smoke-like hole tinged with dark-purple had formed in the center of the plaza. Two glowing yellow eyes appeared and seemed to glare at the surroundings for a moment. The smoky mass expanded outwards, swirling wider and wider before a hand emerged from within. Another hand emerged to join the first, almost like they were pulling apart a curtain. What emerged was a man’s head. But there was nothing normal about it, at all! He had what appeared to be severed hands covering his body! On his arms, around his neck, and even on the front and back of his head! The one on his face was acting as a macabre version of a mask. Between the fingers of the hand-mask a demented red-eye glared hatefully at them all.

Then, before the eyes of both teachers and all twenty Hero Course students of Class 1-A, more and more people started coming through the black-purple smoke. Each one of the emerging people had one thing in common, a malice in their gaze that promised violence.

“This isn’t part of the class, is it?” Kirishima questioned as they beheld the large group coming from the smoke-like portal.

“No.” Aizawa stated flatly, his tone dead serious. “Those are Villains.”

“No way! Why would Villains break into U.A.? Every teacher is a Pro Hero! That doesn’t make any sense!” Mineta cried out in panic.

“Thirteen, aren't there intruder sensors here?” Momo asked the Pro.

“Of course, there are! But they're not activating! I’m even using the manual override!” Thirteen revealed the small device in her hand. It was a control for the USJ’s systems. The touchscreen was filled with a single message.

[System Not Responding]

“Kaminari, try to reach the school with your personal communicator.” Aizawa instructed as he partially unwound his capture scarves.

“Yes sir!” Kaminari nodded as he tapped the device on his ear. “Ow, damn it!” The blonde exclaimed a second later as he practically tore the communicator off his ear. Even from a distance everyone could hear the horribly loud shrieking of feedback interference coming from the device. “They’ve jammed the frequencies!” He called out as he held his ringing ear.

“I doubt they snuck into the main campus as well. They picked the perfect time to attack here, with the fewest Pros and multiple targets. They clearly have an objective and have brought in Quirks to reach that objective; which includes someone capable of jamming outgoing signals.” Todoroki was still calm in the face of this danger; or one of the few able to keep his cool at least.

The large, swirling smoke-like portal closed after a large, monstrosity, of a creature emerged and stood behind the man covered in severed hands. Before anyone could move though, the man covered in the severed hands spoke loudly for all to hear.

“Huh, this is strange.” The man spoke with a raspy voice. “The schedule we stole said All Might, Thirteen, Eraserhead, and Class 1-A would be here. So where’s All Might?” He questioned, scratching at his neck, his red-eyes staring at everyone up on the platform with nothing but disgust.

“Thirteen, get the students out of here!” Aizawa ordered as he pulled on his goggles and leapt down the stairs towards the large group of Villains. With his capture scarves in hand he picked out his first targets.

Thirteen was corralling the students and urging them towards the exit but that option was quickly cut off when the security shutters around the USJ began to slam closed. The humanoid fog Villain appeared in front of them.

“Good afternoon, Hero Students.” Several of the class dropped into fighting stances in front of the Villain, even as Thirteen quickly placed herself between the Villain and the students. “We are the League of Villains. I hope you'll forgive our audacity, but we are here today with a declaration of war.” His courteous tone did nothing to hide the outright lack of care he had for their lives. It made a few of the students of Class 1-A shiver in fear. “To that end, we have come to this bastion of Heroism to kill the Symbol of Peace along with an entire class of aspiring Heroes.”

A surge of heat, rushing through the area in a wave, it was almost hot enough to sting. A blur raced past Thirteen and it only slowed down when it was right beside the Villain. Everyone there, barring Toga, felt their eyes widen and their jaws drop as they watched Izuku swing his axe and catch the fog-like Villain by surprise. The top of the haft came in contact with a metal brace around the Villain’s neck and Izuku heaved with his immense strength. The Villain blurred passed the stunned students and went rocketing towards the monstrous Villain down below. The humanoid fog slammed into the hulking beast. The oil-black skin appeared to ripple from the blow, but the Villain didn’t even blink. The fog Villain crumpled to the ground to the surprised exclamation of the hand-covered leader.

“Kurogiri?! What the hell happened?!” The man demanded of the suit-wearing, humanoid fog.

“Shigaraki…Tomura… Run…” Kurogiri managed to get out before his yellow eyes disappeared and his body went still.

Back on the platform overlooking the USJ everyone blinked in shock at what Izuku had done. The verdette was bulked up and a massive heat haze was pouring off his body. Without waiting for anyone to say anything, Izuku hefted his axe. The head of the axe began to glow with heat and the vents on either side of the head erupted into flames. With three blindingly fast strikes, the steel security shutters were slashed clean through. Izuku kicked the cut section with one of his powerful legs and the steel flew backwards almost a dozen meters outside. A large hole now existed for the students to escape.

“Thirteen, I’m going to assist Aizawa, please get everyone out of here.” Izuku requested of the Pro Hero. “Toga,” Izuku looked at his girlfriend with a warm smile. “Make sure they all stay out of the building, please.”

“Alright,” Toga agreed with a small smile. “Don’t do anything crazy Izu; I want you back in one piece as soon as you’re done.”

“It’s a promise.” Izuku chuckled before leaping away and landing in the plaza with a crash.

“Midoriya wait-” Thirteen reached out with her hand but the teen was already in the plaza.

“Let’s go, everyone! We need to get out of here!” Toga yelled loudly, shaking her classmates out of their stupor. “Right, Thirteen?” Thirteen shook herself for a moment before focusing on the students she could reach.

“Yes, everyone outside immediately!” Thirteen corralled the remaining students towards the large triangular hole in the security shutters.

“Screw that!” Bakugo yelled back as he turned towards the plaza. “If Deku is fighting then I’m going to fight too!”

“You will not!” Thirteen all but ordered the ash-blonde. Bakugo turned to argue, his mouth open to yell. “Unless you want to be suspended for disobeying an instructor during an emergency you’ll do as I say and evacuate!” Bakugo snapped his jaw closed at the threat. “Midoriya is already in trouble for going off on his own, do you want to share the same punishment?”

“No…” Bakugo growled out and Kirishima placed his hand on the explosive teen’s shoulder.

“Dude, come on, I don’t like leaving Midoriya behind either. Right now, the best thing we can do is escape so that the Villains don’t get their way.” Kirishima stated, though his tone was subdued. Bakugo scoffed angrily but followed the rest of Class 1-A through the large hole and outside.

“Kaminari, please try and contact the school now that we’re outside.” Thirteen requested of her charge as she stood facing the hole in the wall. Her hand was held out; ready to deploy her Quirk if any Villains should emerge to cause them harm.

“Yes ma’am,” Kaminari put his device back on and activated it. “Hey, I can get through now!”

“Contact the school and tell them that Villains have attacked the USJ, we need reinforcements.” Thirteen instructed as she kept vigilant watch on the only way out of the USJ at the current time. Kaminari quickly did as asked, contacting the emergency line that led to Principal Nezu’s office.


“Midoriya! What are you doing here?! Evacuate with the rest of the class, now!” Aizawa ordered his student as he parried a punch and kicked out his opponent’s knee. The sudden arrival had startled the majority of the Villains, small-time thugs really, but a few had tried to capitalize on the distraction. Aizawa had quickly shown that he wasn’t distracted, however.

“There are more Villains in the USJ than the ones here, sir.” Izuku’s towering form responded. “I noticed people in the waters of the Flood Zone before I jumped down here. You can't fight a hundred or more Villains by yourself. The rest of the class is evacuated already. Now it’s just a matter of waiting for reinforcements.”

“You should be outside with them! You’re a student, your safety comes first!” Aizawa responded sternly as he erased a thug’s Quirk and slammed his fist into the shocked Villain’s face. The man hit the ground like a sack of rocks.

“I know the spirit of self-sacrifice is in a true Hero’s nature, sir.” Izuku’s heat continued to increase forcing the Villains near him to back away as their skin began to burn. “But leaving someone behind to die is against everything a Hero stands for!” Izuku stomped on the ground, cracking the concrete below his foot. “I’m fully prepared to accept whatever punishment I will receive for disobeying you. But I refuse to let someone die if I can save them!” The heat spiked more and several Villains yelped in pain from being too close to the hulking teen.

“Nomu, kill that brat!” Shigaraki demanded, pointing at Izuku with a deranged look in his red eyes. The massive monstrosity gave a horrible shriek as it blurred forward. Izuku braced himself and took the punch. The ground cracked and the verdette was sent flying backwards from the punch. “Kill him! Make sure he’s dead!” Nomu blasted forward, even as Aizawa erased his Quirk.

‘I know I erased his Quirk, how is he still moving that fast?!’Aizawa wondered in shock as he tried to race towards his student.

He needn’t have worried.

“You have some strength, don’t you?” Izuku questioned as the dust cleared. He was holding back the Nomu’s fist with just his left hand. “I was shocked.” He smiled at the monster. “Not many can actually make me feel their blows.” Nomu shrieked again and Izuku gave a light chuckle in response. In the next instant Nomu was across the plaza and Izuku’s right fist was extended. “But you aren’t thatstrong.”

“What the hell?!” Shigaraki exclaimed, unconsciously taking a step back in shock, along with a bit of fear. “What kind of hax bullshit are you pulling?!”

“You were the ones that attacked us.” Izuku turned to face Shigaraki, staring the Villain down without fear. “You brazenly and without hesitation, declared your intention to murder all of us.” Izuku took a step closer to the hand-covered Villain leader. “You don’t get to complain about your choices now.”

The terrible shriek of Nomu reverberated throughout the USJ as the beast charged forward. Still mindlessly continuing to try and carry out the orders it had been given. Shigaraki, seeing his weapon still in fighting condition, regained his confidence. As the two powerhouses clashed again, sending a shockwave from the point of their collision, the Villain spoke up.

“You got lucky with that last punch, brat!” Shigaraki declared with a laugh. “Eraserhead was nullifying Nomu’s Quirk, but your fists can’t do anything to his Shock Absorption! You can try and be a knock-off All Might all you want, but Nomu is the Anti-Symbol of Peace! He was bio-engineered to kill All Might!”

“Good to know,” Izuku mentioned as he blocked Nomu’s punch. “Since this thing isn’t human, I don’t have to hold back.” The temperature spiked instantly. Villains screamed as their skin burned while Aizawa was far enough away that he only broke into a savage sweat from the heat. The Villains ran away from the blazing teen and the bio-engineered weapon as they continued to clash.

“You can punch him all you want! His Shock Absorption can stand up to All Might’s power! Your flames are next to worthless too! Nomu also has Hyper Regeneration!” Shigaraki cackled as he watched Izuku and Nomu continue to exchange blows.

Suddenly, both of Nomu’s arms, just below the elbow, fell off. A strange black ichor splattered onto the ground from the grievous injuries, even still Nomu only paused in its attacks. The weapon never registered pain, it literally couldn’t.

“My attacks have no effect?” Izuku questioned, Shigaraki only now noticing the axe that Izuku had drawn from his back. “Who decided that?”

‘I didn’t even see the fucking swing!’ Shigaraki realized, a bit of panic seeping into his mind. If he wasn’t already sweating heavily from the sheer heat Izuku put off, he’d have broken out into a cold sweat. Nomu’s arms quickly regenerated and the beast launched itself at Izuku again.

“My flames are useless?” Izuku formed a ball of fire above his palm. The fireball looked like a miniature sun, only it was changing, the heat continuing to rise. The center of the ‘sun’ changed to a white so bright it was painful to look at. In the very middle of the flames was a tiny core of intense blue fire. “Who decided that?”

Nomu slammed a fist into Izuku’s chest at full force. The verdette didn’t even flinch from the blow, much less move backwards. The teen merely dripping blood from the corner of his mouth. Steam and smoke were coming off Nomu’s body from being so close to the ridiculously high heat that Izuku was controlling. Shigaraki recoiled at seeing that Izuku was somehow still getting stronger!

“I will be the one to decide.” Izuku intoned with finality. “Cruel Sun!” The miniature sun slammed into Nomu point-blank. The abomination’s flesh burned, boiled, and then was vaporized. The altered structure of its body could withstand immense amounts of physical force. But with heat in excess of three thousand degrees, cells simply ceased to be. The attack vaporized the head, arms, torso, and legs of the Nomu. Only its feet remained, charred and blackened on the floor. The fireball continued straight forward, like a cannonball, scorching everything that got close to it.

“Aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!” Shigaraki screamed in agony as he practically burst into flames from sheer proximity to the mini sun. His flesh burned, the moisture in his body, most specifically his arms, which he’d instinctively raised to try and protect himself, turning to steam while his flesh was dried and blackened.

A massive blast went off as the fireball detonated against the far wall. A large hole was simply gone from the USJ revealing the outside. Aizawa stared in shock at the power that his student wielded. The Villains in the plaza all looked at the incinerated Nomu, the flailing, burned Shigaraki, and the unconscious Warp Gate user, in fear. Collectively, every Villain in the plaza that was still conscious put their hands behind their heads and kneeled on the ground. In the next few seconds, every Villain was facedown, heads behind their hands, in a show of complete surrender.

“A wise choice,” Izuku uttered loudly, spitting the blood in his mouth out. “You have no idea how hard it is to not accidentally incinerate someone when I’m going all out.” The Villains all began to tremble at the warning from the teen.

-Outside of the USJ-

A bus pulled up at speed before screeching to a stop. The doors were practically torn open as the Pro Heroes of U.A. High rushed out to check on Class 1-A. Seeing nineteen teens and Thirteen instantly prompted questions from Nezu. The sound of police sirens was quickly closing in on the location.

“Thirteen, where is young Midoriya?” Nezu questioned his faculty member. The tone brooked no argument or excuses. The chimera-like Principal only wanted straight facts.

“Midoriya rushed off to assist Aizawa with the Villains before I could stop him, Principal. I’m sorry.” Thirteen bowed her head as the Pros quickly made their way towards the triangular hole in the wall of the USJ.

Everyone stopped when a massive blast went off and they felt the ground shake slightly. Part of the wall of the USJ seemingly erupted into flames before vanishing completely. There were only small bits of debris raining down over the large empty lawn that surrounded the facility on all sides.

“What the hell was that?!” Present Mic exclaimed in shock at seeing the blast.

“Izuku!” Toga screamed, her worry for her boyfriend overriding all else as she bolted towards the hole in the wall. She was blocked by three of Ectoplasm’s clones and growled at the obstruction.

“Miss Toga, we don’t know the situation inside yet! Remain out here while the teachers take care of the Villains!” The Ectoplasm clone on her right instructed Toga with no room for argument.

“That was Izuku! If he’s using that much power then something must have gone wrong!” Toga yelled back at the clone of the Pro Hero. The actual Ectoplasm had already entered the USJ along with the rest of the teachers to try and get a handle on the situation.

Police cars arrived on scene and officers began surrounding the area. This was quickly followed by ambulances and paramedics. The teens were corralled by the clones of Ectoplasm away from the USJ. The police were moving closer to the triangular hole to get a grasp of the situation.

-Inside the USJ-

“Holy…” Midnight breathed out as she saw dozens upon dozens of Villains surrendering on the ground of the main plaza. Aizawa and Izuku standing over the group looking much better than any of the teachers thought they would after getting the emergency call.

“There are still many dozens of Villains left within the facility.” Nezu informed; his eyes, ear, and nose telling him so and his incredible intellect already making plans. “Split up and capture all of them. They appear to be common crooks, but take no chances, let’s move!”

“Yes sir!” The Pro Heroes replied in unison as they headed down the stairs and began to spread through the facility and into the various Disaster Zones. The roundup of the common thugs wouldn’t take very long for seasoned Pros.

“Aizawa, I need a situation report, immediately.” Nezu mentioned as he walked towards Class 1-A’s Homeroom teacher and the towering verdette next to him. Midoriya appeared to be safe, which was top priority. The heat haze coming off the boy also seemed to be making the surrendered Villains in the plaza tremble.

“Yes sir.” Aizawa replied as he pulled his goggles off. The sounds of fighting, mostly Mic’s loud Quirk, could be heard as the teachers started dealing with the remaining Villains.

-End Chapter-


Damn, the USJ just got flipped on its head! You don’t mess with Escanorzuku! His power is ridiculously OP! Anti-Symbol of Peace? Big deal! Meet miniature sun!

With Kurogiri unconscious, Shigaraki badly burned, Nomu just gone, and no students, bar Izuku, even put in danger or injured, what will be the response to the USJ incident?

What will Toga do to Izuku for making her worry like this?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Absolutely awesome! Absolutely awesome! Absolutely awesome! Somethings just need to be said in threes lol.

John Balman

Oh it can take a punch you say, but can it stand the heat? Maybe it should just get out of Kitchen lol !!!!

Thomas E Nellis

My love is a burning ring... is it bad that I thought of Toga singing Johnny cash as she looks back at the ruined building.


A most satisfying turn of events. It is almost hilarious how out of their depths, certain people were. I am curious how it will effect the standing of the class as well as the main combatant.


lol Oh you know Izuku's going to have to make it up to Toga for worrying her.


Glad you like the Canon plot being flipped on its head. What will the response to this incident be?


I wonder what AFO is going to do now that Shigaraki's practically guaranteed to lose his decay quirk after getting his arms barbecued. After all, his decay quirk requires all five fingers placed on what he wants to decay, so without those fingers will he still have a quirk? Looking forward to what happens next!