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We hit the big 3 - 0! Enjoy the chapter!

Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter and the Artificer Legacy! Work, work, work! Harry is a busy boy! Let’s see if he can get his Flight Item off the ground! Also, maybe it’s time to put the best of his new tools to the test?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 30 – Flight, Basilisk Scale Mail

Harry looked into the forge as he used his mana to adjust the heat of the flames. Dragon Carbon Steel would be a first for him; but he was determined to make this work! The Dragon wing bone fragment was already turning black as it sat on top of the billet of Magical Iron. He had to get the flames hot enough to turn the bone to ash before he pulled the billet out. Then with the billet covered in the carbon-rich ash of the bone fragment, he’d start the process of folding the metal and mixing the carbon into the iron. From there it was only a matter of folding and hammering until the carbon was evenly distributed throughout the metal and it became Carbon Steel.

Penny was not surprised to find Harry in his smithy when she came to get him for lunch. While she’d been attending to her Head Girl responsibilities, Harry had retreated to his workshop to create and craft. Seeing her boyfriend working, his focus on the metal he was hammering into shape, was a reminder of the work ethic she found so attractive. She stood in the doorway for a minute before Harry seemed to notice her.

“Penny, how’re you this morning? I hope your Head Girl duties went well.” Harry smiled at her warmly.

“They did,” Penny nodded back with a smile. “But it’s a bit past noon now, Harry.”

“Already?” Harry blinked as he turned to look at the clock in the corner. Seeing hour hand at twelve and the minute hand just a bit past one, the Artificer hummed. “How time flies when you’re having fun.”

“Come on, Harry, time for lunch.” Penny giggled at him. Harry agreed and removed the leather apron he was wearing. He’d needed one as he’d delved more into forging and such. It was already slightly blackened from fire, soot, and oil. Harry felt it gave the garment character; Penny thought he needed to clean it better. Differences of opinion!

The duo made their way down to lunch together. Entering the Great Hall to the usual chatter, Penny and Harry took seats at the Ravenclaw table. Luna was quick to join them and the small blonde sat on Penny’s opposite side.

“How’ve you been today, Luna?” Harry asked the spacey girl with a smile.

“Very well, Harry.” Luna grinned back. “My mana grew again; I’m up to ‘376’ now.”

“That’s good Luna; you’re growing all the time.” Penny smiled at the younger blonde.”

“Not bad at all for a Second Year.” Harry agreed with a grin. He was glad the Test Frames he’d donated back in his First Year were still working. With how often they were used, Harry felt Hogwarts would need to purchase new ones by next year probably. While Harry could easily donate another set of four to the school, he’d rather make the sale since he was business partners with the Dwarves.

Once lunch was over, Harry returned to his workshop. Penny was going to help the Dueling Club again today. The two parted with a gentle kiss. Penny promised to drag him out of the workshop for dinner with a giggle. Harry playfully thanked her with a chuckle before they separated. Back in his smithy, Harry fired up the forge again and grabbed his Basilisk Steel tongs to place the Dragon Carbon Steel back into the re-ignited flames. He needed it hot again to shape the metal plate to the specifications he wanted it. Grabbing his Basilisk Steel hammer he waited for the metal to get red hot again.

The next few hours were spent in a cycle of heating and hammering. Using the rounded horn of the anvil to curve the metal as he hammered it, Harry formed his creation into shape. The metal responded remarkably well to his newly upgraded anvil and tools. He got more out of each strike of the hammer; the metal seemingly knowing how Harry wanted it to react and shape. When he’d gotten two plates shaped the way he wanted them, he dipped them in the quench tank to harden the steel. When they emerged, steam wafting off of the metal, Harry nodded at his work. He set them on the metal work table to finish cooling. Once they were cool enough, Harry could begin etching the Runic Array into them.

Etching had long become a proficient skill for Harry. The teen Artificer using his etching tools to imprint his runic sequences into his works. These two plates of Dragon Carbon Steel were no different. Carefully and with precision, Harry etched the Array into the steel. He would forego the strengthening and permanence of these runes with Alchemic Metal Bases for now. He just wanted to make sure the Array worked properly first. If it did, then he’d add Vitris Auri to the runes to strengthen them and make them last longer. Satisfied with his rune work, Harry attached regular leather to the inside curve of the plates. A few strips attached to the leather padding and Harry was able to tie his new prototypes to his shins.

They looked a bit like shin guards that one might wear while playing sports. But that had been the basic idea. Now he just needed to test them! Applying his mana to the plates he felt the Array activate. If it responded properly to his mana, then this would be similar to flying a broom. With gentle prodding via his intent, Harry slowly rose off the ground a few centimeters and just hovered in place.

“Step one is a success.” Harry smiled at his new prototypes. The Altitude Sequence hadn’t failed this time! Last time he’d attempted this he’d just kept ascending until he was pressed up against the ceiling. So this was a major improvement already! ‘Alright, now let’s go forward a bit, slowly.’ Harry thought, pushing his intent to his prototypes. Harry, still hovering, started moving forward. He spread his arms out to maintain his balance as he moved, but other than that, he was in full control of the speed and direction of his hovering flight. “Okay, so far so good, let’s try going a little higher and increasing the speed a bit.” Harry focused and he levitated higher. He stopped at about a meter off the floor and then ‘walked’ through the air with his prototypes. Each step sank down a bit more than he thought, but the prototypes corrected the height a split second after the ‘step’ was completed. Harry was, quite literally, walking on air! The only problem he’d found so far was balance. He had to be very careful not to upset his center of gravity, lest he fall backwards or forwards. He really didn’t want to find out how his prototype would respond to such jarring movement right now!

This was how Penny found him when she entered the workshop to get Harry for dinner. Her boyfriend, arms spread wide to maintain his balance, was walking around the room. The fact that he was almost three meters off the ground was the interesting part of her discovery. With a giggle she announced her presence to Harry.

“Penny!” Harry beamed at his girlfriend. “I got them working! It was the Flight Aspect that I was missing!”

“I see that.” Penny smiled warmly at him. “Can you get down or do I need to help you again?” She teased with a raised eyebrow.

“No, no, I’ve got it.” Harry waved her off with a grin. Penny watched as Harry ‘walked’ down the air like he was on a set of invisible stairs. When he reached the floor he walked over to his work desk. Leaning against the edge, he reached down and unstrapped the prototype from his right leg. Harry removed the left in short order and took both prototypes over to the shelf he kept his projects on. After setting them on a clear space, he made his way to Penny.

“Ready for dinner?” Penny asked and Harry offered her his arm. She wrapped her arm around his with a smile.

“I’ve worked up a bit of an appetite.” Harry admitted as they closed the hidden workshop’s door behind them. “Did you have fun at the Dueling Club?”

“About the same as usual.” Penny shrugged. “Several of the members thought they could take me on at once. Sadly their coordination wasn’t that great. A bit of smoke and some banishers and the group fell apart. Then it was just a matter of stunning them one after another.”

“By ‘a bit of smoke’ you mean you filled the entire area and they couldn’t see or breathe very well.” Harry remarked, knowing how his girlfriend liked to duel.

“Like I said, just a bit of smoke.” Penny chuckled and Harry joined her. Oh how he couldn’t wait to get his own original spell up and running. He’d make all three of his girlfriends’ jaws drop when they first saw it! He suppressed his chuckles for now. No need to give Penny any reason to question him.

The couple spent dinner chatting about Harry’s new prototype. Harry admitting it would need a bit more work to be viable. Penny mentioned he seemed a bit off-balance while using it. Harry had agreed; he was wondering if he could perhaps add a connection that would help his balance. Penny had suggested something like a belt to support his center of gravity. Harry had pondered on the feasibility of her suggestion. It did make some sense after all. His center of gravity was what he had to focus on when using his prototype as it was.

“That could work,” Harry mused as he thought about it. “Maybe a connection from the Item, up the legs, to the belt, and perhaps add something to support my back too?”

“I don’t think it would hurt.” Penny looked thoughtful as well, her eyes looking down while she cutely nibbled on the corner of her lower lip. Harry loved watching Penny think like this, it was quite charming in his opinion. “Balance is heavily supported by the cooperation of the legs, center of gravity, and the spine. So supporting all three with the Item should give you the control you’re looking for.”

“My thoughts as well.” Harry replied, after swallowing a mouthful of food. “I’ll have to find a proper Runic Sequence for the back support. I’m fairly sure I can use the Ever Balance talisman I made for Tonks as a base for the belt to support my center of gravity.” Harry would make sure to write all of this down in his journal after dinner. It was always good to get his girlfriends’ opinions and hear their thoughts on his prototypes and creations. They often came up with good suggestions like this and the joy of just talking with them was always a plus.

-First Week of May-

“Thank you Tayla.” Harry smiled brightly at the House Elf.

“It was being no problem, Young Master Harry.” Tayla bounced happily at the praise. She’d just brought Harry one of the wooden crates containing the Basilisk Scales. It was only a small fraction of the total amount. But Harry didn’t need any more for this.

“You can return home, Tayla, you’ve done great.” Harry praised and Tayla looked like she might cry from happiness. The House Elf popped away and Harry opened the crate. Just as he’d asked, there was also a roll of the Basilisk’s Hide on top of the scales. Looking over the materials and then turning to look at what he had produced beforehand. The teen Artificer smiled at what he was about to attempt.

‘According to the notes and instructions, this should work. Let’s get to work.’Harry thought to himself as he picked up his Rune-Enhanced Basilisk Steel tools. If he did this properly, well, he might just be breaking yet another record. Igniting the forge he carefully stoked the flames and controlled them with his mana.

Once the forge was the proper temperature, Harry placed two scales on top of a billet of Basilisk Steel. Sticking the billet into the forge, he watched and waited for the reactions. It took time, but Harry finally saw the scales deform under the heat and partially melt into the billet. Pulling the billet out, Harry took his hammer and chisel to the orange-hot metal and proceeded to make a deep indent at the halfway point. When the metal was nearly split by the chisel, Harry place the tool aside and then took his hammer to the billet. With precise swings he hammered the billet until it folded over itself. With the fold complete, Harry hammered the billet and scales mix back into a uniform piece of metal.

‘Back into the forge and we’ll do it again.’ Harry thought as he kept the heat of the flames high. Once the billet was orange-hot again he pulled it out and took the chisel to it again. Folding the billet over itself, he then set about hammering it again. Every strike of the hammer imparted his mana directly into the metal. The conquered materials were responding to their owner’s will and intent. The tools felt like extensions of him as he used them. It was almost as if Harry was working with the materials barehanded. As he worked he thought back on the notes and research he’d done to get to this point.

Creature Craft, as it related to Artifice, was much different than the traditional style used by regular Enchanters. For creature materials to be used in an Artifact they had to be conquered. If they were not properly conquered, an Artifact couldn’t be made. The best you could hope for was a very strong Enchanted Object. The inevitable failure of such a thing could take months, years, or even decades, but it would happen. With properly conquered materials though, an Artifact that embodied the aspect of the parts used could be made by one with the proper skill.

The main difference of Creature Craft Artifice, and the type of Artifice Harry had already been doing, was two-fold. Firstly, so long as you didn’t want to impart any extra Magical Effect or Ability into the Artifact that the materials didn’t cover, there was no need for any Rune work. No Sequences or Arrays were necessary. Secondly, was the symbolism of the materials and the creation process, symbolism had a much greater degree of effect in Creature Craft than in Rune-based Artifice. Harry was making use of that symbology heavily in this first creation.

He had used Basilisk Bones to make Basilisk Carbon Steel. Then he’d made his tools from said steel, and enhanced them with Runes. Then he’d made more Basilisk Carbon Steel and added the Basilisk’s own scales into the metal. The symbology of reuniting the Basilisk’s Bones with it Scales would impart a far more powerful effect on his creation. Using the tools made with said bones also gave his mana an even greater sync with the Item he was crafting.

‘Okay, that’s the first billet done.’ Harry thought to himself as he looked over the cooling metal. To his eyes he could see the Magic coming off the billet. It was thick, heavy with intent, and very strong. So long as he continued to follow that intent, it would easily mold for him as he was its Master. With the first billet finished Harry prepared the second. The creation of enough of these billets could take as long as necessary. He didn’t have to do them all at once. He just needed them to form properly so that he had enough material to work with.

“What in the world are you up to now, Harry?” Penny questioned from the doorway of the smithy. Watching a shirtless, sweaty Harry wearing nothing but a leather apron and pants swing his hammer onto metal was a visual treat. Her boyfriend was most certainly developing some rather nice musculature. She’d come to get Harry for lunch and found him deeply entranced in his current work. Penny could literally feelthe Magic in the air as Harry worked. Each swing of the hammer released a small, barely perceptible pulse to her senses. She imagined that pulse was much stronger for Harry who was in direct contact with it.

“Creature Craft…” Harry absently replied, his focus still almost entirely on his work.

“Can you put it on pause for a bit? It’s time for lunch.” Penny reminded him. Harry nodded, though he didn’t turn his head to look at her. A few more swings of the hammer and Harry finished up with the billet he was working on.

“At this stage I can create in sections.” Harry exhaled as he turned to Penny with a grin. “With the upgrades to my tools, I’ll be able to do the long process in sections as well.”

“What’re you making this time, boyfriend of mine?” Penny asked curiously while Harry washed himself up a bit in the bathroom and put his shirt back on.

“That’s a secret, girlfriend of mine.” Harry responded with a chuckle. “Though if I complete it to the specifications I want it to be, I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait.”

“Well aren’t you being secretive.” Penny teased as they left the workshop. “This isn’t going to end up with you near dead or anything, right?” The tone Penny used when she said this made a slight tremor go up Harry’s spine. There was an easily decipherable warning in that tone and Harry was keen to heed it!

“Nope,” Harry shook his head. “When I upgraded my tools I made sure to add a very specific function into one of them. I won’t be worrying you three like that again. I promise.” Harry looked her straight in the eyes when he said this. Penny heard the sincerity in his words, and she saw the conviction behind his eyes. Her warm brown and his emerald green gazed into each other and before either of them knew it, their lips had met. They kissed softly for a moment before pulling back with smiles on their lips.

“Alright then,” Penny rested her forehead against his. “I believe you. Thank you for taking safety precautions.”

“Of course,” Harry grinned as they enjoyed their closeness. “I didn’t exactly enjoy that last incident myself. But I don’t regret completing Aethereum.”

“I wouldn’t expect you too.” Penny giggled as they resumed their walk to the Great Hall for lunch. Harry would almost immediately return to the hidden workshop after the meal. Penny had a feeling her boyfriend was going to be very attached to his work for the foreseeable future. ‘I’ll just have to be ‘distracting’ every now and then so he doesn’t overwork himself again.’ The Head Girl thought to herself with a naughty little smile.

Harry wiped his brow as he finished the last billet. It had taken him just over a week, almost entirely because of classes taking up his time, but he now had enough material to actually start the creation of his newest Item. Honestly, without Penny here next year, he might just skive off classes like Potions. It would be more time in the week to work on what he wanted. The fact that he wouldn’t have to deal with Snape was just a bonus, really.

‘Maybe I should look into early graduation.’ Harry mused, and not for the first time at that. He’d long since passed up anything that was taught in the Hogwarts Runes or Arithmancy classes. He was far ahead in Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts. His Transfiguration was the best in his year, and probably within the top ten of all the students. He couldn’t care less about Potions, at least not with a man-child like Snape teaching the subject. His Herbology was also highly graded and he was sure that he could, at minimum, pass the O.W.L.s for it. He was sure he’d hear some complaints from his study buddies; but he really didn’t want to hold himself back by taking classes if he didn’t need to for the next four years. ‘I’ll stay for one more year, see how things go, if I do four out of seven years I’m sure Sirius will agree to me taking the O.W.L.s early’ Harry shook his thoughts away. Right now he had the next step to take in his project. He was going to forge all of these billets together into two solid pieces of metal. Then he’d start hammering them to stretch them out so they could be molded to form!

-End of May-

Harry had kept his promise to Penny. While he’d spent a good deal of his free time in the hidden workshop; he’d also not hurt himself in the process of creation. The teen Artificer had gone to his hidden workshop at least three times a day without fail over the last month. Sometimes he was there for hours working; other times he only stayed for a half hour or so. They’d happily had another Hogsmeade date. Penny and Harry ending it in much the same way they did their first one. Letters were exchanged between Harry, Tonks, and Fleur regularly as well. The Head Girl had to admit, when Harry promised them something, he fully committed to it.

“Okay, Harry, it’s been almost a full month,” Penny gave him a ‘look’ as she followed him into the hidden workshop. “What has you cooped up in here so often? You’re nearly clockwork accurate in how often you come here this past month.”

“Alright, I guess I can show you.” Harry chuckled as he led her towards the smithy. “It’s actually done now; so I wanted to show it off to you anyway.”

Harry held the door to the smithy open for Penny. She gave him an appreciative smile as she walked into the smithy. She stopped dead as soon as her foot crossed the threshold and touched the floor. She could have sworn she’d heard a snake-like hiss in her ear! Or maybe it was in her mind? Her perception of Magic had only increased ever since she’d learned Harry’s Wandless Method. She felt the Magic in the air. There was some weight on her senses from it! It was cool, but ready, a sense of being watched and assessed. What was this? Harry took her hand and made her take another step forward. The sensation disappeared like it had never been there! She blinked and turned to face Harry.

“What was that?” Penny questioned, only now realizing her breathing was slightly heavy. “What did you make?”

“That.” Harry pointed into the smithy and Penny turned her head. There, on what was obviously a transfigured mannequin, was a partial set of armor. The cuirass, pauldrons, fauld, and tasses, hung on the mannequin. It was sleeker than medieval armor, but clearly based on it. It was probably something that couldn’t be forged without Magic. All of the armor had a dark-black and green hint to the metal. As she walked closer the hint of color seemed to change as the light struck it differently and she noticed a pattern to the metal. Even someone that knew little to nothing about Magic would be able to tell that this armor wasn’t normal.

“Armor?” Penny mumbled as she looked at Harry’s creation. “Harry… I can feel this with my senses! What did you do? This is like Aethereum, but heavier!”

“That, if it passes the full inspection, is going to be the first Sgàilean Rìgh Nathair.” Harry smiled at his work.

“Was that Gaelic?” Penny questioned her boyfriend. She didn’t know Harry knew Gaelic. He’d never mentioned it before.

“I asked McGonagall for the translation.” Harry grinned at her fondly. “It means ‘Serpent King’s Scales’ as long as I’m pronouncing it correctly, I thought it was a fitting name.”

“But why Scottish Gaelic for the name?” Penny asked, not seeing the reason for it.

“Because this was Slytherin’s Basilisk, which lived under Hogwarts, which is a Magical School in Scotland, I conquered it here, so I thought a Scottish Gaelic name would be fitting. I like the connection, basically.” Harry shrugged at her.

“I didn’t know you were the sentimental type, Harry.” Penny fluttered her eyelashes at him.

“Only for you three and my creations.” Harry fired back with a grin. Penny winked at him before asking her next question.

“How did you work that scale pattern into the metal, that seems a bit too ‘artsy’ for you.” Penny motioned to the scale pattern.

“Believe it or not, that formed naturally when I quenched it.” Harry scratched at his hair. “I think the Creature Craft and the symbolism I used affected the Magic of the armor heavily. It sort of reformed itself to emulate the Basilisk that it used to be. Should be all but spell-proof though, and tougher than any non-magical metal too! I’m calling it Basilisk Scale Mail!”

“You are sucha teenage boy.” Penny laughed, unable to contain her mirth.

“Oi! It’s a cool name!” Harry huffed at the blonde.

“Oh, Harry, sometimes I forget that we’re not the same age with how mature you are.” Penny chuckled as she slowly got her laughter under control. “It’s nice to know that you haven’t thrown away your inner child.”

“Why would I do that?” Harry questioned as he pointed to the armor. “My inner child is what comes up with cool ideas like this!” He smirked at Penny and was pulled into a hug by the, once again, giggling girl. He returned the warm embrace and they pecked each other’s lips gently before they pulled apart.

“How long did this take to make though?” Penny questioned as she walked around to get a look at the armor from all sides.

“Around one-hundred-forty-eight hours, maybe one-hundred-fifty total.” Harry looked to be quickly doing the math in his head. “So by comparison to Aethereum, which I did all at once, about twice the length of time in total.”

“So about six days as compared to three.” Penny nodded in understanding. “Would that make it twice as strong as Aethereum too?”

“Hmm,” Harry took on a thinking pose as he went over the numbers in his head. “If I take my total mana for the month, factor in that I never went into Magical Exhaustion, then we add the total amount of time I worked on it…” Penny raised her eyebrow as Harry seemed to be running through a combination of Math and Arithmancy in his head. “If Aethereum was around sixteen-thousand, then Sgàilean Rìgh Nathair would probably have an innate mana amount of about thirty-thousand, maybe thirty-one thousand.”

“That’s crazy, Harry!” Penny gasped at the amount of mana the armor had. “This has to be another Greater Artifact!”

“I doubt it.” Harry shook his head. When he saw the confused look on Penny’s face he explained. “True Artifacts are graded on four criteria, remember? Function, Effect, Durability, and Power are what determine an Artifact’s Grade. Sgàilean Rìgh Nathair has Function, Durability, and Power down and secured. But it has no Effect, beyond being a very good bit of armor. With a ‘Zero’ on one of the four criteria, it automatically gets only seventy-five percent at best. Meaning it probably only earns the Median Grade.”

“You’ve really thought about this, haven’t you?” Penny asked with an amused grin.

“Yeah, I’m an Artificer; I kinda need to know this stuff.” Harry jokingly rolled his eyes.

“Do you think you’ll be called in to be a Judge for a panel yourself soon?” Penny teased her boyfriend.

“Not while I’m still in school, probably.” Harry pondered on the possibility. “Though, maybe in the summer they could reach out to me about it? Who knows?”

“Won’t this armor stop fitting you soon though? You’re in your growth spurt years, Harry.” Penny questioned as she noted the armor’s size.

“You know how I can do Magical Sewing?” Harry grinned proudly.

“Yes, the scarf and mittens you made for me still work after all.” Penny nodded, wondering what her boyfriend looked so proud about.

“Would you believe that you can apply the ‘grow with you’ feature to armor if you change the application method during its creation?” Harry’s grin widened as Penny gaped at him.

“How?!” Penny moved into his personal space, her curiosity firing on all cylinders. “For cloth it’s Shrinking Charms woven into the fabric that fade away over time. How could you do that to spell-proof armor?”

“I told you, it’s a different application method.” Harry chortled at Penny’s expression. “I forged excess material into the armor as I made it. Compressing Magical Materials into themselves isn’t as hard as you might think, so long as they’re all the same material, at least.”

“You never cease to amaze, do you Harry?” Penny chuckled softly, moving her hair behind her ear.

“I try not to.” Harry nodded faux sagely.

“But if this is an Artifact, how did you just stop working on it? I thought Artifacts came undone if you didn’t finish them all at once.” Penny looked confused again. “That’s why you had to work on Aethereum so consistently that you hurt yourself, right?”

“That’s the new function I told you about.” Harry smiled softly at her. He picked up his Rune Enhanced Basilisk Steel hammer and placed it on the anvil, head flat against the metal. Penny looked closer when she noticed the light-blue-ish glow coming from both tools. “When hammer and anvil are like this, whatever material that I’m working on, that is kept between them, maintains a state of stasis for up to twelve hours. It only activates when I let go of the hammer; and I have to charge the hammer and anvil with my mana for this effect to work. That’s why I had to come back here ‘like clockwork’ as you put it. I had to work on the armor a bit, not only because I wanted to, but to reset the timer, so to speak.”

“That’s brilliant, Harry.” Penny beamed at him before pressing a kiss to his cheek.

“I’m fairly certain you could apply a similar affect to a Ward Scheme and make a large area have the same property. But seeing as I have no current plans to make any giant Artifacts; I figured this small-scale version would do.” Harry grinned at his girlfriend.

“Knowing you, Harry, you’ll need to look into Wards like those in the future, I’m sure.” Penny giggled, covering her mouth with her hand to try and prevent full-blown laughter.

“Maybe I will.” Harry grossed his arms and stuck his nose into the air.

Penny lost her fight and burst into uproarious laughter. Harry quickly joined her. Being snooty, even pretending, was so not for him!

-End Chapter-



Oh shit! Did Harry just do what you think he just did?!

We got to see the differences between the two Artificing Styles in this chapter! I hope you liked seeing the other way to make an Artifact! Magic is many and varied and we’re still in Hogwarts! Can you imagine what I have planned for this story when we eventually go abroad?!

The end of Third Year is approaching! What will happen afterwards?

Keep reading to find out!

Current Mana Levels

Harry – 6,698

Tonks – 8,364

Penelope – 7,146

Fleur – 7,572

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Absolutely awesome and fantastic, really cool armor, and loved the chapter


Lovely chapter as usual. Wouldn't the auto growing count as a pretty good Effect thus making that a more advanced Artifact then Harry is taking credit for?


Great chapter!!!!!! Can't wait to see him travel and learn new techniques and create better artifacts.


In my mind, 'grow with you' clothes, are pretty standard for Wizards and Witches. So that wouldn't be much of any Effect.

Brody Meech

That was great can't wait for more.


Great chapter is he going to show the armor to the creature craft master in Japan ?


You remembered! *Applause for you* Probably at some point. But his summer is looking kinda busy right now, then he has Fourth Year...so it'll be a while.


If Mana increases from usage and stressing/pushing it, could he create an Enchanted Item/Artifact that drains or otherwise pushes his Mana to grow over time? Like something he could wear. Maybe something to increase Regen rate as well.


So many people seem to want Harry to explode in Mana growth...why is that? This isn't going to become some crazy, Battle Manga type story. Harry's not Goku, he doesn't want to fight the strongest Magicals in the world. He also doesn't care about being 'The Strongest' Wizard or anything. This story is about Learning, Crafting, and Exploration. There's a big 'Flipping the Table'/'Paradigm Shift' that happens later. But that still doesn't change Harry's mind about trying to become the strongest Wizard ever or anything.

John Balman

As always I love crafting, I do watch a lot of blacksmithing and have friends that I bounce Ideas off every now and then. so a few things stood out to me that could be just me overthinking it. 1) they quench in oil to help prevent the pieces from breaking. 2) once Harding the metal is hard to work on ( normally they try to do the majority of filling before the quench I think I could be wrong here. 3) there is normally a tempering stage where they heat the piece to critical and let it cool to room temperature ( at least 3 times) to help stabilize the piece after the violence of forging. These things make me wonder if Harry has any basilisks blood or venom and how quenching something in it could affect the final results.. hmm either way good work!!!!


Will the armour give any resistance to basilisk powers


I don't show every step, mainly because I don't know every step for all the different things that can be forged. For that last thing... Shhh~ Don't spoil yourself for later...

Creature of Grimm

good chapter as always. just wondering, will harry ever try his hand and more 'delicate' crafting. after all there is a difference between making and enchaining the things he has made so far and say, a clock with all the small moving pieces. if they makes sense. for example, using a clock as a base for the wide scale stasis ward you mentioned at the end of the chapter. it would keep with the item purpose matching the magic intended effect.

Blizzard Burn

can't wait for more keep up the good work


Maybe in the future. Right now he's a teenage boy, so delicate work isn't really interesting to him. He'll see it as the challenge it is when he gets a bit older.


great chapter, enjoying the artifact lore, the world building is very well done look forward to more

Michał W

I have to say he is creating quite a set of equipment for himself ^^ He has a sword that cuts through magic and acts like a foci, he just needs to figure out a cutting curse to go along the blade so he can use it as a sword. Next he has a great quality armor that is very impressive, but a stress test would be nice. So he has attack and defense in place, next he is almost done with his flying artifact, so he'll have mobility. I'm kinda stumped at the moment what would be next thing to add besides some rings of mana/stamina regeneration. With that he could easily take on a Dragon :D

Thomas E Nellis

I feel he should show his Hammer as an artifact. Plot twist purpose, power, durability! Got em

tyler richert

You could add and effect by somehow incorporating 1 or both eyes into a helm for the armor set and have it that it only petrifies somehow. Love the scale mail and design of it =)

Mat Hemsley

3 artifacts down 4 to go haha. Loving this and can't wait too see more. You are a very very talented author


Since Voldemort already got his body back, does that mean Harry won’t be forced to enter the Triwizard Tournament next school year? :3


I’m curious if harry will see the iron man movies and get some inspiration for his own versions of tony starks stuff ie arc reactor, iron man suit, etc. Lol, or maybe some other stuff from avengers


Unfortunately not, there's a BIG change/event happening later in this story that's going to 'Flip the table' and cause a whole 'Paradigm Shift'.


Cool I’m looking forward to growth of Harrys magical abilities and his skill as artificer/some alchemy. I also can’t wait for the reveal of his animagus form, hoping the forshadow of the eastern dragon?(I think) bear some fruit. Plus the little surprise from fleur when she learns Harry’s magic method. There are so many events that you’ve got lined up, loving the story so far thanks for all the writing so far.


Glad you like the story so much! Yeah, I've got some plans for the future! I hope you'll enjoy them all!


Just a quick query about the armour does it have to be indestructible to be an artefact


Indestructible by 'normal' methods of force or Magic, but if it can be destroyed by a special/specific method then it can still qualify as an Artifact.


I know harry is a making a flying item, I’m curious if he’s a going to design any brooms to sell that could make him quite a lot of money.


Well, if he becomes known for making 3 or 4 Artifacts by the time he's 14... I'm sure commissions would pour in! You can charge quite a lot for even a Minor Artifact. Not to mention as the creator, you also know the destruction method for your creations! Harry could gain the Title of Master Artificer as well as make bank! All with little to no threat to himself or his loved ones as he controls just how strong the Artifacts he makes are, and what they can do!