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Hello friends and fans, Kairomaru is bringing you another Force of Souls Chapter! I got another Tier Reward for this to be updated! This story has fans, yes! Time to learn a bit more about the Shinigami Arts! Today it’s an introductory lesson on Hakuda! Prepare for pain!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 4 – Recovering, Hakuda

“Mmm…” Rukia let out a pleased hum as she slowly woke up. She felt warm, comfortable, and well-rested again. The slight awkwardness aside; sharing a bed with Ichigo was already turning out to be better than she expected. She refrained from opening her eyes just yet. They didn’t have school today. There was no need to wake up and get out of bed right away. Instead she decided to check on her Reiryoku and see if this method of recovery was helping or if yesterday had been a fluke. A soft smile formed on her lips when she felt her Reiryoku and noticed its growth. It was more than yesterday’s amount. Still nowhere near her full amount, but it was noticeable growth, if this kept up her powers should return in time.

‘Though how long that time might be could be unacceptable.’Rukia thought to herself with a small downturn of her lips. ‘So far we’ve been lucky and the Hollows have been fairly light. But it’s only a matter of time before a truly dangerous Hollow will come to the Jūreichi. That is simply inevitable. I don’t want Ichigo to have to fight one of them if possible.’ The Shinigami woman worried for her Substitute. For all his power, and the honestly surprising rate of his growth; Rukia still wanted to keep him safe.

With a sigh she opened her eyes and took in the room. Or she would have, if she could see it. Somehow, she’d turned over in her sleep last night; towards Ichigo’s side of the bed. The orange-haired teen had apparently felt her move closer in her sleep and rolled over to wrap his arm around her!

She was pressed against Ichigo’s chest.

She was cuddled into him.

Ichigo was, once again, gently resting his head on top of hers, his soft breaths barely heard as they ghosted through her black locks. The rhythmic sound of his heartbeat, along with the warmth of his embrace, was lulling her into a sleepy state.

‘Calm down, breathe, this was just a mistake, a lapse in judgement.’Rukia thought to herself, working hard to keep calm even as she felt her face flush red. She just needed to relax, calm down, and then gently wake up Ichigo. They could, disentangle, themselves from one another and start the day. They did have a full day of training to get to and she wanted to introduce Ichigo to Hakuda today.

“Mmmn…” Ichigo gave a slight rumble from his throat as he stirred. His arm pulled her closer and Rukia froze entirely when she felt his lips on top of her head!

‘H-He… He j-just kissed my head!’ Rukia was flustered, to say the least! She felt her face burn at the act and she was fairly certain the color was travelling down her neck too!

“Morning…” Ichigo murmured as she awoke and looked down at his girlfr-, that wasn’t Tatsuki…or Orihime… Well shit…

Shinigami and Substitute stared at each other; neither knowing what to say, so both remained silent. Rukia’s cheeks were red, and Ichigo felt a bit of heat on his own. This was pretty awkward for both of them. Ichigo’s brown eyes met Rukia’s violet gaze as the two processed the situation. Ichigo felt Rukia’s hands on his chest, the smaller woman probably unaware they were even there. Rukia felt Ichigo’s arm around her back, holding her close still.

“Good morning?” Ichigo tried; a small smile on his lips.

“Good morning.” Rukia returned, automatically it seemed.

He blinked.

She blinked.

Ichigo felt his smile widen as a chuckle escaped him.

Rukia’s own cute smile appeared and she giggled before they both began laughing lightly. With a gentle push against his chest from her, Ichigo removed his arm and let Rukia leave his embrace. The ravenette rolled over and then sat up on the edge of the bed. Looking over her shoulder at Ichigo, and seeing the young man still lying where they’d been, she grinned.

“Get up, Ichigo. We don’t have school today, so I’d like to introduce you to the next of the Four Shinigami Arts.” Rukia informed him as she stood up. Ichigo did his best to avert his gaze; but he still got a brief glimpse of Rukia’s pajama-clad bottom. The Shinigami woman may not be as busty as Tatsuki, or even close to Orihime, but she had very nice butt. Something both Tatsuki and Orihime seemed to have eyed up on more than one occasion.

“Right.” Ichigo sat up and stretched before moving over to the edge of his bed and standing up. Rukia gathered a change of clothes, plus a toothbrush, as Ichigo made his way downstairs for breakfast. While Ichigo dealt with his father, the ruckus masked Rukia using the bathroom and shower. The Kurosaki Family had a normal weekend morning before they separated for the day. Yuzu was going to be doing some cleaning. Karin was going out to play soccer with some friends from school. Isshin had two appointments today at the clinic. Meanwhile Ichigo would be training most of the day to learn another Shinigami Art.

-Abandoned Matsukura Hospital-

“So, what’s this new Art you wanted me to start learning today?” Ichigo questioned Rukia. The Shinigami woman held up her left hand, index finger raised, as she finished chewing the last of her breakfast. Ichigo had bought her a ‘breakfast wrap’ from a fast food place on the way to the hospital. If he continuously took extra food from the table at home, both of his sisters would start wondering what was going on. Swallowing her last bite, Rukia took a sip from her drink to clear her throat.

“Today I’ll be showing you the fundamentals of Hakuda. This Art encompasses all hand-to-hand combat for Shinigami.” Rukia informed her Substitute. “I know you’ve already had some martial arts training, so I believe you’ll pick up on this fairly quickly.”

“Can you really defeat a Hollow with hand-to-hand combat?” Ichigo looked skeptical. The Hollows he’d slain were all rather large after all. He didn’t think a punch or kick was going to do much damage to those monsters.

“Of course,” Rukia nodded to him. “In fact, several high-ranking Shinigami can defeat common Hollows without Kidō or ever drawing their Zanpakutō. All they need is the power of their body and some Reiryoku.” Seeing Ichigo stilled didn’t look convinced, she smirked at him. Raising her right hand, she made a fist, without a word she slammed a back fist into the solid concrete wall of the hospital!

“Why did you do…that?” Ichigo trailed off as he saw what the petite woman’s bare fist had done. Right where Rukia had struck was a noticeable crack in the wall! It didn’t go through the wall or anything, but the fact that Rukia had just broken concrete with her fist was impressive. “Well…damn…” He blinked at the demonstration.

“Anything else or shall we get started?” Rukia questioned with a smirk. Ichigo returned the smirk as they stared each other down.

“I’m ready whenever you are.” Ichigo informed the violet-eyed woman.

“Good, we’ll start by having you get used to augmenting your body with Reiryoku.” Rukia explained as they walked away from the wall and into the opened area behind the hospital. “Once you’ve gotten the hang of that; we’ll move onto the basic stances and then into technique. We could go through the katas as well, but since we’re more worried about your strength and surviving, we’ll skip them for now.”

From there the rest of the morning was spent with Ichigo learning from Rukia. Using his Reiryoku to augment his body didn’t take as long as he’d thought it might. His Reiryoku Control had only continued to progress after all; though it could still be a lot better. It was similar to the exercises Rukia had shown him for Reiryoku Control, but required him to focus more of his power into his body and maintain it. With his reserves this wasn’t really a problem. She’d had him punch a tree growing in the back area of the hospital grounds to practice. In Rukia’s words; ‘Wood hurts less than stone; but it still hurts if you do it wrong.’ Ichigo felt that was a pretty old school way to teach, but the Soul Society was apparently a pretty old-fashioned place in comparison to the Living World. Ichigo also found out that he thrived in such training. That was probably because of his knack for kinetic learning.

“Alright, you seem to have augmentation down fairly well already.” Rukia nodded to her Substitute with a smile. “Now we’ll practice a few basic striking techniques to start.”

“Alright,” Ichigo nodded to her. “What’s first?”

“There are three techniques I’d like to teach you.” Rukia informed him as she took a stance in front of him. “They are Ikkotsu, Tesshō, and Taketonbo; a punch, a palm strike, and a takedown respectively. Guard yourself, I’ll demonstrate Ikkotsu first.”

“Right.” Ichigo brought up his guard. He’d go with a forearm block, reinforced with his Reiryoku like he’d learned earlier. “I’m ready.”

“Ikkotsu.” Rukia stated as her right foot, her leading foot, made a depression in the dirt. Ichigo felt the punch slam into his forearm and he dug his heels in to prevent himself from moving backwards at all.

“Damn, that’s like blocking a kick from Tatsuki.” Ichigo grimaced as he rubbed his forearm and flexed his fingers.

“Ikkotsu is a very basic strike, but I once saw the Captain Commander demonstrate for the Academy. His Ikkotsu shattered the target he hit and then sent the pieces flying for thirty meters before they slammed through a wall.” Rukia informed her Substitute, she couldn’t help back crack up slightly at the stunned look on Ichigo’s face.

“All that from a punch?” Ichigo blinked at the ridiculousness of such a feat. No human alive could ever hope to generate that kind of force and power in a strike!

“A single punch.” Rukia nodded with a grin. “There is a more advanced version that’s a double punch, but we have two other techniques I want you to learn.”

“The palm strike next, right?” Ichigo looked serious now, having experienced the power of Hakuda first hand.

“Guard yourself, Ichigo.” Rukia instructed, though Ichigo thought he saw a grin on the petite Shinigami’s lips.

“Ready.” Ichigo gave the go ahead as he reinforced his body with more Reiryoku than he’d done previously. He’d be blocking with both arms this time. But Ichigo decided to reinforce everything to deal with the shock he expected from the coming blow.

“Tesshō.” Rukia’s stance changed this time. It was shorter, her feet closer together. Then the strike came and Ichigo was glad he’d decided to go for full-body reinforcement. The palm strike sent a tremor through his arms and into his body! If he didn’t have time to guard, or at the very least reinforce his body with Reiryoku, a strike like that would shatter bones and crush organs!

“Okay, I’m starting to see how you could take down a Hollow with Hakuda.” Ichigo admitted as he shook out both arms, trying to prevent them from going numb.

“Then the lessons are sinking in well.” Rukia gave him a smile, one that made Ichigo sure that she was having fun with this! “The next one is the takedown, Taketonbo. Feel free to grab my arm, shoulder, shirt, or wrist, and I’ll demonstrate the technique.”

“Alright,” Ichigo placed his hands on her shoulders, gripping her strongly, but not strong enough to cause real pain. Ichigo didn’t actually see the move. One second he had Rukia’s shoulders in his grasp, the next he felt something hit his left ankle and he was spinning in the air. The next second and his back hit the ground making him hack and cough as the air was pushed from his lungs.

“Rather effective, right?” Rukia leaned over his downed form with an oh-so-pleased grin on her face.

“Yeah, yeah it is.” Ichigo agreed as he took steady breaths to get his breathing right. “Didn’t really see it though…”

“That means I did it properly.” Rukia continued to smile. Ichigo felt like the petite Shinigami might be having a bit too much fun at his expense. “Alright, back on your feet, I’ll show you the techniques slowly this time.”

“Right,” Ichigo got off the ground and dusted his workout clothes off. “Quick question though. Did Tatsuki tell you to buy those?” He motioned to Rukia’s own work-out clothes; a t-shirt and sports bra with yoga pants. With said pants doing a wonderful job of accentuating Rukia’s legs and butt.

“Yes, she said these were what she and Orihime wore when they workout or practice martial arts.” Rukia nodded to her Substitute.

“I figured.” Ichigo shook his head. He was really starting to think Orihime and Tatsuki were serious about having Rukia join their relationship. What other reason would his girlfriends have for convincing Rukia to buy the same type of workout clothes they knew he enjoyed watching them in? Was this a test? No, they had too much trust between them for those types of stupid games. Were they really trying to subtly tempt him into going along with Orihime’s idea? He’d find out soon enough! He had ways of making his girlfriends talk; ways they verymuch enjoyed!

“Alright Ichigo, do the same thing again and I’ll show you the technique slowly.” Rukia grinned at him. Ichigo gave her a searching look before doing what she said. He watched as Rukia demonstrated the technique. The ankle sweep, the burst of Reiryoku that knocked his other foot off the ground too, followed by the incredibly fast, Reiryoku-enhanced grab and spin that sent the opponent twirling in the air before they landed back-first onto the ground. In this case, he was once again said opponent. Picking himself up off the ground a second time he gave Rukia a challenging glare. Rukia only smirked at him as she had him start with Ikkotsu.

A few hours later, a bit past noon, and Ichigo was taking a break. Rukia had praised him with a smile at the progress he’d already started to make with Hakuda. His Ikkotsu was near perfect, form-wise, his control over his Reiryoku when he unleashed the strike still needed work. Likewise his Tesshō was coming along well. The release of Reiryoku being off in the timing of the strike was the only real flaw. Practice would fix both these problems and start honing and polishing the techniques. His Taketonbo was slow, but it was his first day, so Rukia was cutting him some slack. Not to mention he seemed reluctant to use full force on her. He was probably worried about her condition.

“Ichigo!” Orihime called out, making both Ichigo and Rukia start. The duo looked over to the orangette and saw her and Tatsuki approaching them. Orihime was carrying a bag with her while Tatsuki had what appeared to be a blanket under her left arm.

“Orihime, Tatsuki, I didn’t expect you to come see me during Shinigami training.” Ichigo stood up and welcomed his girlfriends into his arms for hugs.

“We brought lunch!” Orihime chirped as she pecked his lips.

“Thought you two might get hungry practicing all day.” Tatsuki smiled as she kissed Ichigo.

“You’re the best.” Ichigo hugged them both. With smiles all around, Tatsuki spread out the blanket while Orihime set the food down.

“Come on, Rukia! It’s lunchtime!” Orihime beamed at her friend. Rukia bowed her thanks to Tatsuki and Orihime before joining them on the blanket with Ichigo.

“I did my best, so I hope you like it.” Tatsuki grinned as the food was passed out. Drinks were poured into plastic cups and lunch began.

“This is good, Tatsuki.” Ichigo smiled as he ate the fish and rice she’d cooked.

“It’s delicious.” Rukia agreed as she ate her own.

“Glad you like it!” Tatsuki smiled brightly. She loved it when her friends enjoyed her cooking. Orihime was easy to please; the orangette could eat almost anything and find it good! Like she was right now, happily scarfing down her food and making Tatsuki chuckle at the rice on her cheeks. Orihime was truly adorable, nobody could argue that!

Talk went to what Rukia and Ichigo were working on. After explaining what Hakuda was and what she was teaching Ichigo; Rukia got a rather unexpected request from Tatsuki.

“Can you teach us?” Tatsuki questioned the violet-eyed Shinigami. “Or is this something only Shinigami can do?”

“Well, the Art itself doesn’t require Shinigami Reiryoku.” Rukia admitted to the teen. “As long as you have enough Reiryoku you can learn to empower yourself with it.”

“Will you teach us, Rukia?” Tatsuki asked directly. “We’ll learn it alongside Ichigo, so we won’t slow you down.”

“Please, Rukia?” Orihime smiled gently at the petite ravenette. Rukia looked between the two teens; her friends, then she sighed even as s small smile formed on her lips.

“Alright, I’ll try, but it might take a bit.” Rukia agreed only to be glomped by an excited Orihime.

“Thank you, Rukia-chan!” Orihime hugged the Shinigami woman tightly.

“We’ll work hard!” Tatsuki promised Rukia, her fist raise in front of her. “What’s the first step?”

“Air…” Rukia wheezed as Orihime continued to hug her. It took a second for Ichigo to stop chuckling at Rukia’s predicament and help her out of Orihime’s hug. Once free, and getting her breathing back in order, Rukia began to explain the process of Reiryoku Control to Tatsuki and Orihime. The two were left on the blanket to meditate and practice feeling and finding their Reiryoku. Meanwhile, Ichigo got back to practicing the three Hakuda techniques.

When the sun began to set the group called it a day and headed for home. Ichigo walked both Orihime and Tatsuki home. He gave both of his girlfriends sweet kisses before they went inside. As they made their way to the Kurosaki Clinic; Ichigo spoke up.

“Thank you, Rukia.” Ichigo smiled at her warmly.

“What for?” Rukia blinked at her Substitute.

“For teaching Tatsuki and Orihime too.” Ichigo explained. “I know they worry about me because of all this. But I also worry about them; especially knowing that Hollows are attracted to strong Reiryoku. If they learn Hakuda, at least that gives them some way to protect themselves, in case I’m not around at the time.”

“It’s fine, Ichigo.” Rukia smiled back at him. “Orihime and Tatsuki have become friends of mine. I wasn’t expecting to teach them; but I’ll gladly do it to help them protect themselves.”

The duo made their way inside the clinic, Ichigo quietly assuring Rukia that it was okay. They walked in through the front door together and Ichigo grabbed his father’s surprise attack before slamming him to the floor. As Isshin lay there stunned Ichigo looked his father dead in the eye.

“We have a guest, so curb your weird tendencies, please.” Ichigo harshly whispered to his father. Looking around his son, as much as he was able from his position, Isshin saw the ravenette young Shinigami. With a subtle movement, Isshin had Ichigo’s balance disrupted and Ichigo was bodily thrown to the side. Isshin jumped to his feet and stood in front of Rukia.

‘Kurosaki Isshin, Ichigo’s father, I hope my son hasn’t caused you any trouble Miss.” Isshin formally introduced himself.

“Kuchiki Rukia, Kurosaki-san, and Ichigo has been a good friend to me since I transferred here.” Rukia returned the introduction.

“Well at least he remembers his manners.” Isshin laughed even as a loud ‘Hey!’ came from Ichigo behind him.

“We met up while I went to exercise and ended up spending most of the day together. I invited her for dinner, kinda spur of the moment, I hope that’s alright?” Ichigo explained to his dad.

“Of course!” Isshin declared with thumbs up. “Welcome to our home, Kuchiki-san! We’re happy to have you!”

“Thank you very much.” Rukia bowed to Isshin with a smile.

“Hey Yuzu, we have a guest for dinner, can you make another serving?” Ichigo asked his blonde, little sister.

“Sure thing!” Yuzu smiled brightly at Ichigo. Whatever the young girl was cooking already smelled great.

“What’s for dinner tonight, anyway?” Ichigo questioned as he walked over to Yuzu.

“Gyukatsu and veggies!” Yuzu announced with a smile. She’d practiced this recipe over the last few months and had gotten pretty good at it.

“Sounds great, Yuzu.” Ichigo gave her a side hug which got a bright smile from his little sister.

“Ichigo, can I put my bag in your room?” Rukia asked and Ichigo nodded.

“Sure, I’ll show you where it is.” Ichigo replied, both of them playing off each other’s acting to sell that this was Rukia’s first time in the Kurosaki home.

“Ah, Kurosaki-san, could I trouble you for the use of your shower? I’m afraid I worked up a sweat today.” Rukia asked Isshin with a short bow.

“Of course, of course!” Isshin nodded happily. “Ichigo, show her where it is.”

“Right.” Ichigo shrugged as he led Rukia to his room.

The bag Rukia had was actually the one Tatsuki and Orihime had brought lunch in. It only had the blanket in it right now. But that gave the illusion that Rukia had a change of clothes with her. The duo made their way up to Ichigo’s room and Rukia quickly got a change of clothes from her hidden stash. Not wanting to raise suspicion with Isshin, Yuzu, or Karin; Rukia was ‘led’ to the bathroom shortly afterwards to shower.

As he walked back to his room, Ichigo had to admit how impressed he was with Rukia’s Gigai. The thing might as well be a real human body. It could move, talk, breathe, sweat, eat, drink, and it required sleep, though not nearly as much as an actual human. To think the Soul Society, a place that seemed almost feudal by what Rukia had told him; had such advanced technology as well. It was quite the paradox honestly.

Rukia came back to his room after her shower. She’d changed into a set of casual clothes; a pair of beige shorts and a dark-purple t-shirt. Just as Ichigo got out of his bed to head for his own shower Rukia’s Soul Pager went off.

“Orders.” Rukia informed him after looking at the screen for a second. “Let’s go.”

“I justgot home, damn it.” Ichigo sighed. He pulled out the Gikon and took one. With a flash Ichigo was in Shinigami Form as Pupples took over his body. Ichigo gave the Gikon a simple set of instructions. “Take a shower, then come back to this room, lock the door behind you.”

“Yes sir.” Pupples nodded and Ichigo turned and let Rukia climb onto his back. They were out the window and dashing across the rooftops by the time Pupples opened the door and went to shower.

“To the east, Komatsu Ward, we only have about ten minutes.” Rukia informed Ichigo as he dashed across the rooftops with her on his back. Putting on extra speed Ichigo increased his pace and they made it with a minute to spare. “It should appear soon.” She stated as she strained her senses to try and pick up the Hollow.

Ichigo and Rukia were stationed on top of a three story building as they scanned the area for the Hollow. They switched location twice before they heard it. The howl of a Hollow. Rukia jumped onto Ichigo’s back and directed him. Her weakened senses were sharp enough to locate the Hollow now that it was actively hunting.

“There it is!” Ichigo called out as he saw the Hollow. It was clearly stalking a Plus that seemed unaware of the monster’s presence. The Hollow was sort of frog-like in shape, though the mask ruined the image. What kind of frog had a mouth filled with giant fangs? The eyes of the mask also reminded Ichigo of a kabuki hannya mask. He let Rukia jump off his back as he rushed forward to engage the Hollow. The monster seemed to swell its’ throat up slight and Ichigo made a judgement call.

“Sabers rattle, leaves fallen, the path ends. Bakudō Number Two: Shisho!” Ichigo chanted as he pointed his index and middle finger between the Plus and the Hollow. He had indeed made the correct call. Barely a second after the Bakudō had formed; the Frog Hollow had launched its tongue at the Plus as if it was a fly! The tongue smashed against the barrier, cracking it, before retracting.

“Aaagh, monster!” The Plus screamed as he ran away.

“Shinigami!” The Hollow growled at Ichigo as he noticed the teen.

“Damn right!” Ichigo yelled back. “Fight me if you’re so hungry!”

“Raaaaaaaah!” The Frog Hollow howled before leaping at Ichigo.

The beast’s powerful legs sent it forward at such speed Ichigo had no choice but to dodge. The Substitute was given no reprieve. As soon as the Frog Hollow landed it turned and launched its tongue at him. Ichigo sidestepped the attack and drew his Zanpakutō. The tongue retracted faster than Ichigo could swing his sword, and now Ichigo had to prepare for the next attack. He didn’t have to wait long as another rapid shot came from the large tongue. This time Ichigo managed to score a blow, slicing into the long tongue.

“Raaaaaggh!” The Frog Hollow shrieked out its pain.

Ichigo used the distraction to close the distance. He just needed to get close enough! The Frog Hollow leapt at him in rage and Ichigo jumped over the attack. Landing, he spun on his heel and lopped off the reaching hand of the beast. Before the Hollow could even screech at the pain of having its hand cut off Ichigo had thrust his Zanpakutō forward and into its mask. The Frog Hollow stilled for a moment, then its limbs dropped lifelessly and its mask cracked. The beast began to disperse into reishi and Ichigo watched as four shining lights ascended from the dissolving Hollow and disappeared. Four more souls to the Soul Society through Konsō; Ichigo felt good about freeing them from the pain.

“Very good, Ichigo.” Rukia praised him with a smile. Ichigo smiled back as he sheathed his Zanpakutō. “Now we just have to track down the Plus and Konsō him too.”

“Right.” Ichigo exhaled as they headed in the direction that the Plus had run.

Thankfully it hadn’t taken long to find the Plus. He’d been hiding in a narrow alley behind a set of trash cans. After explaining that the monster was gone, the Plus had been told that more Hollows would come after him if he lingered here any longer. The man, looking in his early thirties, looked terrified at the thought and agreed to be sent on. A quick Konsō later and all that remained was a single Black Swallowtail Butterfly fluttering away into the night.

“Let’s get home, I don’t want to miss Yuzu’s cooking; she’s been working hard on her Gyukatsu recipe.” Ichigo sighed as he let Rukia climb onto his back again. They were back home just in time. Almost as soon as Ichigo was back in his body, a knock was heard on the door.

“Ichigo, dinner’s ready!” Yuzu called through the door.

“I’m coming, Yuzu.” Ichigo replied as he and Rukia headed for the door. The exited to find a smiling Yuzu and followed after the girl. Rukia sat on Ichigo’s left, both of them across from Karin and Yuzu, with Isshin at the head of the table.

“It smells wonderful.” Rukia praised Yuzu, who smiled and blushed cutely at the compliment. The five ate and chatted, Isshin restraining most of his usual antics as he watched the Shinigami woman.

He honestly hadn’t expected a Kuchiki, but it might be for the best. The young woman was clearly well-trained and had several years, maybe even a couple decades, of experience as a member of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. She’d be a decent teacher of the Shinigami Arts for Ichigo. She was a Tenth Seat according to Kisuke, so once her powers returned she’d be a fairly formidable Shinigami.

“Thank you for your hospitality.” Rukia bowed to the Kurosaki Family as she stood at the front door. “It was nice meeting you all.”

“Feel free to come back anytime!” Isshin laughed and Yuzu nodded happily at Rukia. Karin shrugged, but didn’t seem to mind the idea.

“Do you want me to walk you home?” Ichigo asked; something they’d worked out beforehand.

“No, no, that’s fine, Ichigo.” Rukia waved him off. “I don’t live that far away. I’ll be home in no time.” With that she bid goodbye to the Kurosaki’s and headed down the street. Ichigo made his way up to his room a few minutes later after helping with the dishes.

“Welcome back, Rukia.” Ichigo chuckled as he poked his head out of his window. Below, hidden from sight by the clinic, stood Rukia; she’d walked around the block once and returned to the clinic. Ichigo held out his hand and Rukia used the strength of her Gigai to vault up high enough to grasp it. Ichigo pulled her up the rest of the way and into his window. He held her hand as she stepped down from the window seal and quietly landed on his bed.

“Thank you, Ichigo.” Rukia smiled at him. They let go of each other’s hand and Rukia stretched her arms above her head. “Your sister is a good cook.”

“She’s been practicing.” Ichigo smiled fondly. Yuzu had really taken to household tasks since that day. He was proud of his little sister for finding a way to move passed that horrible time. “I’ll go get us some tea so you can change in peace.”

“Thank you.” Rukia gave him a soft smile as he left the bedroom for the kitchen. She carefully removed her casual clothes and changed into her pajamas. She sat on Ichigo’s bed and looked through her Soul Pager for any news from the Soul Society. So far it seemed that no one from Soul Society suspected anything about her or Ichigo. A Shinigami was present in Karakura and Hollows were being slain while Pluses were being Konsō-ed. By Squad Twelve’s sensors, everything should look perfectly normal. As long as nothing crazy happened, they should remain in the dark until her powers returned.

“I got the tea.” Ichigo quietly announced as he closed his bedroom door behind him. It had taken a little bit of maneuvering to get to the kitchen, pour two cups of tea, and return to his room without being spotted. He’d managed it though and now, hopefully, the rest of his night could be used for sleep.

“Ah, thanks.” Rukia grinned as she accepted her cup and sipped the warm beverage.

It wasn’t long before the duo was ready for bed. Ichigo crawled to his side and Rukia got on hers. This time they remembered to put an extra few pillows down the length of the bed to separate them. Hopefully it would prevent another morning of ‘accidental cuddling’ from occurring.

It didn’t.

-End Chapter-


Hakuda basics have started! Tatsuki and Orihime are going to learn too! Yay! Rukia’s powers are recovering faster! That’s good! Ichigo can’t seem to catch much of a break though! Seriously? A Hollow right as you get home? Can’t a Substitute relax?

Rukia got to have dinner with the Kurosaki Family, so now they ‘know’ her at least! That should change up a thing or two later! Maybe?

As long as nothing crazy happens, Soul Society shouldn’t become suspicious of Rukia. Good thing there’s no one in Karakura Town with a grudge against Shinigami that could make trouble somehow, right?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


John Balman

This chapter brought to you by Cuddles. Cuddles does a body good!!!!


Indeed they do! Who doesn't like cuddles? Also, Hakuda can be scary as hell!

Thomas E Nellis

Lol. I mean if Ichigo doenst use his sword anti more and focuses on using his hand to hand memes and perfecting them maybe Uyu thinks they are all Quincy... the plot twist!


He'll be learning all 4 Shinigami Arts, at least a bit. He may not specialize in say Kido or Hakuda, but he'll be proficient in them.

Thomas E Nellis

Naw he needs to become a Hakuda master then combine that with the Blut memes. Looks at Uyu and proclaims Witness me!


Making some assumptions about Ichigo's powerset in this AU, aren't ya?

Thomas E Nellis

Naw think about it Ichigo is used to fighting with his fists then Rukia talks about how the strongest guy in soul society can use the most basic move like it’s a tomahawk missile tada hooked.


I meant that in a different way. Ichigo will actually learn and try to Master his Shinigami powers in this story. Instead of just 'Getsuga Tensho'-ing everything until it works...

Thomas E Nellis

Lol Kairomaru, my defense god, I think you have forgotten but we had this discussion several chapters ago lol. Also it was in your intro when you were talking about how Ichigo will use kido muahahahha. Anyway I think he found the first one he wants to master. Uyu won’t even think he is a shinigami if he can just cleanse hollows with his bare hands muhahahah!

Thomas E Nellis

Imagine Ichigo literally ripping Grand Fisher apart for taking his mother from him.


I have a plan for that particular incident. It'll give a look into Ichigo's Affinity! Grand Fisher won't be coming back from what Ichigo does to him!