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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! Izuku has a lesson with Recovery Girl! Then we move on to the next training for our Hero Course students!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 8 – Healing and Rescue

Izuku waved goodbye to his classmates. He and Momo were still gathering everyone’s schedules to try and set up a study group for their class. With a bit more time they should be able to have a study session at least twice a week to help their friends! But right now, it was time for Izuku’s first after-school lesson with Recovery Girl. The verdette was excited to learn more about healing and was hopeful to become better and more efficient with his healing Quirk. Making his way down to the Nurse’s Office, Izuku breathed deeply before knocking on the door.

“Come in.” An elderly voice called out. Izuku opened the door and smiled at the Pro Hero, Shuuzenji Chiyo, also known as the Youthful Hero: Recovery Girl. One of the oldest Pro Heroes still active in Japan; her Quirk, Heal, was literally irreplaceable to U.A. High.

It wasn’t much of a surprise to be honest. Healing Quirks were often only minor things. The subtype was rare in and of itself. Most Healing Quirks could only heal minor injuries. Things like bruises, small cuts, abrasions, and the like. Stronger Healing Quirks were almost universally in the Healthcare Field. Nurses, Doctors, Surgeons, any Quirk that promoted fast healing and recovery from injuries or illness were most likely to go through Medical School and get their Degrees and Certificates to practice Medicine. Recovery Girl was one of the rare few that had a powerful Healing Quirk and became a Pro Hero instead. She’d saved countless lives in her career, both civilian and fellow Heroes, she was a legend in her own right and Izuku was practically vibrating in excitement at getting to learn from her.

“Recovery Girl, I’m Midoriya Izuku, I’m here for the after-school lessons.” Izuku bowed to the old woman.

“My, you’re such a polite young man.” Recovery Girl smiled at the verdette. “I was so pleased to see another healer come to U.A. after so long. Come in and sit.” She motioned to a chair close to her own. “We’ll get started with some basic medical knowledge and first aid. Then I’ll have you demonstrate your Quirk so I can get a better understanding of it.”

“Yes ma’am.” Izuku nodded as he took a seat beside the elderly woman and paid attention.

Almost forty-five minutes later and Izuku felt like he’d learned more than he could remember! Recovery Girl had given him in-depth notes to take on how the human body healed, what was required to heal, how to facilitate healing without a Quirk, how to treat various injuries with standard First Aid equipment and more! She had explained how her own Quirk worked, and Izuku had pulled out his notebook to take notes on it, which got a chuckle from Recovery Girl. There was a knock on the door and without missing a beat Recovery Girl called for the person to enter.

“Recovery Girl, sorry about this,” A cute girl smiled at the Pro. She had light-blonde hair down to her shoulders, with dark eye make-up, and her hair behind her ear on her left side which revealed what looked like a fluffy earring. “Netsu went a little overboard with his Quirk during training.”

“I said sorry, but you were the one practically smothering me with your Quirk. Mawata.” The guy next to her spoke up. He had white hair, swept forward, that cast his eyes in shade. He was a bit taller than the girl and was wearing a hoodie under his uniform jacket.

“You know my Quirk is flammable!” The girl -Mawata- responded with an eye roll.

“What was I supposed to do, suffocate?” The boy -Netsu- questioned his classmate.

“Alright, alright, enough arguing.” Recovery Girl spoke up over the two teens. “What kind of injury do you have?”

“When my Quirk caught fire it burned my arm.” Mawata revealed her lightly burned arm. The skin was a bright red and had a few visible blisters. Izuku was surprised the girl was able to be so calm with what must be a painful injury.

“Does your Quirk work on burns too, Midoriya?” Recovery Girl asked her new student.

“Yes ma’am.” Izuku confirmed with a nod.

“Excellent, I’ve wanted to observe it in action; this’ll be the perfect opportunity.” Recovery Girl smiled at him. She motioned for Mawata to sit down on a stool and gave the burn a look over to check how severe it was. “You kids need to be more careful; this is already a mild second degree burn.”

“Yes ma’am, sorry.” Both Netsu and Mawata apologized with small bows.

“Now, Mawata, this first year is Midoriya Izuku, he has a Healing Quirk that I’m training him to use more efficiently. I’ll be having him heal your burn, if that’s alright with you.”

“Nice to meet you, Midoriya-san, I’m Mawata Fuwa from 2-A.” Mawata introduced herself with a smile.

“You’re my direct upperclassman then,” Izuku chuckled lightly. “Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A.”

“Alright, Midoriya,” Recovery Girl moved closer to observe Izuku’s Healing Quirk in action. “You may begin.”

“Yes,” Izuku nodded to his teacher before giving Mawata a small smile as he took her burned arm into his hands. “This may feel a little odd at first, senpai.” With that a soft green glow covered Izuku’s hands before spreading over Mawata’s arm.

“Oh,” Mawata blinked before suppressing a giggle. “It sort of tickles.” The red and blistered skin began to fade. The redness of her burn started fading to a dark pink, then a light pink, before finally fading entirely. The blisters also seemed to reverse their formation; each of the small bubbles on her skin shrinking until they were gone completely.

“There we go, all done.” Izuku smiled as the glow of Healing Aura faded way and he let go of her arm.

“Let me check it over to be sure.” Recovery Girl grinned as she took Mawata’s arm and examined it for a moment. Seeing the injury healed and no side effects made the old Pro smile. “Very good Midoriya; completely healed with no trace of the injury left.”

“Thank you, Midoriya-san.” Mawata smiled at him and Izuku smiled back. The older teen flexed her hand a few times before running her fingers over the previously burned area. “It’s like it never happened, that’s a good Healing Quirk.”

“Thank you, Mawata-senpai.” Izuku bowed slightly to his upperclassman.

“Hopefully it can re-start my heart if you succeed in suffocating me next time.” Netsu cracked a joke at his classmate’s expense.

“I’m going to be a Capture Hero in the future, it’s not my fault you’re too slow.” Mawata waved him off with a shooing motion.

“Suffocation isn’t capture, its murder, Mawata!” Netsu exclaimed at her.

“Then don’t make me suffocate you.” Mawata shrugged as she pulled on her uniform jacket.

“You can argue once you leave,” Recovery Girl waved the two second years out the door. “Until then, keep quiet in my office, please.” Both teens stopped talking and gave small, apologetic bows to the old woman. A moment later they closed the door behind them and the argument resumed. “I swear, those two are either going to end up together or at each other’s throats by the time they graduate.” She chuckled and Izuku looked away at the talk of relationships.

The last few minutes of his hour of study with Recovery Girl was simply going over how Healing Aura worked, its normal limitations, and how his boosting Quirks affected it. Recovery Girl was happy to know that Healing Aura had a much less detrimental kickback to those being healed than her own did. While her Quirk could heal even severe injuries quickly without a problem, it sapped the target’s stamina to do so. Izuku’s Quirk provided the energy necessary for the healing being done. As long as Izuku himself had the energy to spare, he could heal people that wouldn’t have the stamina to spare for her Quirk. That was a good thing in several situations and Recovery Girl was looking forward to teaching her new student as much as possible!

-The Next Day ~ Fundamental Heroics Class-

“Freedom!” Mina exclaimed happily, her fists in the air. The pinkette was so happy now that the standard classes were over. “Too much, too fast! My brain was almost cooked!” It was clear to all that she wanted to get to the Heroics Class already.

“Heck yeah, sister! Way too much for one day!” Camie laughed as she high-fived Mina. “Let’s get out of these desks and get moving!”

“Well, those two are happy now.” Izuku grinned to himself as he gathered all of his books and placed them into his bag. He could admit to being excited too.  “I wonder what we're going to be doing today.”

“If you lot would settle down I might be able to tell you.” Aizawa spoke up; the class instantly froze in place. No one had even seen him come in! They all quickly settled and sat with perfect posture. “That’s better.” He mumbled before he pulled out a card and showed it to the class. “Today you'll be doing rescue training to prepare you for floods, fires, and other disasters!” The card in his hand did indeed have the word ‘Rescue’ on it in bright red letters. Some of the class broke out into excited murmurs, much to the perpetually exhausted teacher’s irritation,

“Oh, I can’t wait!” Ochako was so excited she had a bright smile on her face. Izuku felt his cheeks warm slightly. “Rescue is what I plan to specialize in!”

‘She’s so cute!’ Izuku thought to himself seeing how bouncy Ochako was being.

“Me too!” Tsuyu ribbited happily, sharing a smile with her brunette friend. “I'll be right at home in flood rescue scenarios.”

“I'm pumped, let’s do this!” Kirishima grinned widely.

“Pipe down!” Aizawa commanded, his eyes flashing red and his hair levitating as he activated his Quirk. The students immediately quieted again. “Stop making me use my Quirk! You’re giving me dry eye.” He grumbled out, clearly annoyed, as he pulled out eye drops and applied them. “Now, it's up to you to choose whether to wear your costume or not. Some of them may not be suitable for certain scenarios. The location we’ll be training at is a bit remote, so we'll be going by bus. That'll be all. Get ready and don't waste time.” He gave them a hard stare before grabbing his yellow sleeping bag and leaving the room.

“Rescue training…” Izuku murmured to himself as he grabbed his case. He thought of the many, many times he'd watched All Might's debut video growing up. This was a chance to see if he could really be a Hero capable of working in all fields! His gaze sharpened with determination as he headed for the locker room.

The bus turned out to be an open-seating type, so everyone quickly found their own seats. Izuku ended up between Momo and Ochako, which would explain his red face. On Momo’s other side was Camie, and on Ochako’s was Tsuyu. Mineta was glaring daggers at Izuku from his spot between Iida and the window.

“So, Midori, you explained the basics of your Quirk at the Assessment Test.” Camie started up the conversation and Izuku turned to look at her along with Momo, Tsuyu, and Ochako. “Is there a limit to how many copies you can have? I noticed you haven’t asked to copy any of our Quirks.”

“Oh, well, I actually don’t know if I have an upper limit.” Izuku didn’t even stumble over his words as he replied! Talking about Quirks was comfortable territory for him, so if he focused on that he could have a clear conversation; even while surrounded by cute girls! “I haven’t felt any sort of change since I first started copying Quirks. No kickback, no strain, no instinctive feeling that I have all that I can hold. I’m honestly not sure what the limit could be.”

“That’s rather impressive, Midoriya.” Momo smiled at him. Izuku fought valiantly to keep himself from becoming a stuttering mess. “Though I’m also curious as to why you haven’t asked to copy any of the Quirks in our class. They’re all useful and several are incredibly versatile.”

“I only copy Quirks that are offered to me usually.” Izuku rubbed the back of his head. “So many of the classmates I grew up with were terrified I’d copy their Quirks and they’d be less unique; so I just never copied anything that wasn’t offered to me. There are some I wouldn’t take though, either they’d take too long to learn and control, or the kickback would interfere with my other Quirks.”

“I see,” Momo looked thoughtful; her ‘thinking pose’ was really cute in Izuku’s opinion. “My Creation Quirk would probably be of the first problem. It requires a lot of chemistry knowledge along with knowledge of molecular structures, and how the item you wish to make is made before it can really be useful.”

“You’re also a genius, which I most certainly am not, so it would take me a lot longer to memorize so much information.” Izuku smiled at the ravenette.

“Th-Thank you, Midoriya…” Momo covered her cheeks with her hands as she blushed. A genuine compliment, free of any ulterior motive, was something Momo had rarely gotten from anyone but her parents. Coming from such a capable young man like Izuku, it was no wonder the heiress was flustered.

“What about mine?” Ochako questioned and Izuku gently shook his head.

“That’s another exception, Uraraka.” Izuku informed her with a smile. “You’re Quirk is an Emitter that activates with a physical condition, touching your finger pads. That’s a secondary trait of your Quirk, a Mutant one at that. My Quirk can’t copy that secondary trait, so I wouldn’t be able to use your Quirk, even if I copied it.”

“Oh…” Ochako looked at her finger pads with a cute pondering gaze. Izuku didn’t get flustered, but he was fairly certain he was fidgeting slightly in his seat. Why were so many of the girls in his class so cute?! “I guess that makes sense, you can’t copy Mutant Type Quirks at all. So even if the Quirk is an Emitter you can’t always copy it, depending on how it functions?”

“That’s right.” Izuku confirmed with a nod, an encouraging smile on his face. Ochako blushed prettily and Izuku felt his heart thump in his chest.

“So, Midoriya-chan, how many Quirks do you have in total?” Tsuyu asked; her gaze on him and Izuku grinned at the cute frog girl.

“Well…” Izuku looked like he was thinking and all four girls leaned in closer in anticipation. “That would be telling.” He grinned, making all four girls almost face fault.

“Boo~” Camie playfully stuck her tongue out. “No fair, Midori! What a tease!”

“I’m kidding.” Izuku couldn’t help but chuckle a little. He so rarely got to use that little joke, so he felt he should use it when the situation presented itself! “At the moment it’s about three dozen.” All four of girls started at the number, eyes wide, and jaws dropped.

“Th-Three dozen…” Tsuyu croaked out while staring at her fellow verdette in shock.

“H-How? So many…” Momo was having a hard time forming words.

“That’s… That’s just…crazy…” Camie had completely dropped her normal style of speech in her stunned state.

“How did… When could… How long…” Ochako couldn’t seem to decide on a question to ask her friend.

“It takes a while to work each of them out.” Izuku gave them a gentle smile. “My Quirk helps substantially, but other than that it’s just practice. I still occasionally get replies of people wanting to offer a copy of their Quirk. I haven’t accepted one since before the Entrance Exams though.”

“We're here. Look sharp now!” Aizawa slipped out of his sleeping bag with practiced ease as he stood up and led them off the bus. A few short minutes saw everyone off the bus and walking into the gigantic dome-shaped building. When they saw what was inside the building, most of the students let out excited exclamations!

“Holy crap! Are we at Universal Studios Japan?!” Kaminari questioned gleefully, making several others turn and deadpan at him.

“Not quite!” A voice, that seemed like it was being heard through a speaker or old radio, called out to them. Ochako let out a loud gasp as the group turned to face the speaker. “There's the flood zone! The conflagration zone! The landslide zone! Every disaster you can imagine!” The woman speaking wore a very puffy astronaut-styled suit and yellow shoes. Her arms were held wide as if to welcome them all.

“Oh!” Izuku exclaimed, his eyes bright as he recognized the Hero. “It's Space Hero: Thirteen! She's one of the top-rated Rescue Heroes in Japan!”

"I LOVE THIRTEEN!" Ochako was bouncing up and down in excitement, her brown eyes sparkling as she looked at the Pro. Izuku was fairly certain he now knew whoOchako’s favorite Hero was!

“This training ground that I created is the perfect site to put your heroism to the test! I call it… The Unforeseen Simulation Joint!” Thirteen introduced with a flourish. Everyone could practically hear the smile in her voice, even with the speaker/filter.

“IT REALLY ISUSJ?!” Several of them exclaimed, comparing the two acronyms against each other.

"Thirteen, where's All Might? I thought he was supposed to be meeting us here." Aizawa questioned his colleague.

“Well…” Thirteen sighed, before subtly holding up three fingers. “I'm afraid he got caught up in quite a few incidents on his way to the school this morning. He's exhausted himself. He's resting in the break room right now, though he did call to tell me he would try to make it to the latter half of the class."

“That man is the height of irrationality. At this point he should just move onto the campus already and be done with it.” Aizawa sighed while pinching the bridge of his nose. “Well, no point in wasting time, we’ll start without him.”

“Of course. But before that, I have one or two points.” Thirteen said, before pausing. “Or three… maybe four…” Her voice started sounding a bit sheepish as she continued. “Perhaps five… or six?” The entire class deadpanned and sweat dropped. “Well, as I'm sure many of you are aware; my Quirk is called ‘Black Hole’. It draws in and breaks down everything.” Ochako was nodding along with their instructor, her eyes still sparkles. Izuku couldn’t help but find her actions adorable. She was so cute!

“Yeah! You've used it to save countless numbers of people in almost every disaster imaginable! You break down debris and free trapped civilians and even clear roadways for medical vehicles, police, firefighters, and everything!” Ochako did her best Izuku impression without even meaning to. She was just soexcited!

“That's right! Indeed, my power is capable of saving many lives! But it would also be incredibly, frustratingly easy to use it to kill." That put a damper on the excited mood of the students, bringing down the intensity so they were all paying attention. “Just as I'm sure it would be uncomfortably easy for some of your own Quirks to take a life. In our super-powered society, the usage of Quirks is heavily restricted and monitored. It may seem like a stable system, but never forget that it only takes one wrong move with an uncontrollable Quirk for people to die.” Thirteen warned the Hero students.

“During Aizawa’s Assessment Test, you were able to touch upon the true power of your Quirks. With All Might's person-to-person Hero Scenarios, you experienced the danger of using your Quirks against other people! Today will be a different story! Today you shall learn how your powers can be used, not in combat, but how they can be used to save lives instead!” The space-themed Hero had her arms spread wide, as if to indicate the whole of the USJ behind her.

Before Thirteen could continue, the lights all over the dome began to flicker strangely. Everyone looked around in confusion at the odd phenomenon. Kaminari, an electric Quirk user, blinked and tilted his head. He recognized the signs of fluctuating electrical output after all.

“What's going on?” Aizawa questioned as he took charge, his students were his first priority in the event anything unplanned happened.

“Something’s gone wrong with the power?” Thirteen sounded confused as she looked up at the flickering lights. It was his experience that drew Aizawa’s attention to the small distortion forming down in the plaza. The Underground Hero glared at the anomaly as he reached into his scarves to pull up his goggles.

A black, smoke-like hole tinged with dark-purple had formed in the center of the plaza. Two glowing yellow eyes appeared and seemed to glare at the surroundings for a moment. The smoky mass expanded outwards, swirling wider and wider before a hand emerged from within. Another hand emerged to join the first, almost like they were pulling apart a curtain. What emerged was a man’s head. But there was nothing normal about it, at all! He had what appeared to be severed hands covering his body! On his arms, around his neck, and even on the front and back of his head! The one on his face was acting as a macabre version of a mask. Between the fingers of the hand-mask a demented red-eye glared hatefully at them all.

Then, before the eyes of both teachers and all twenty Hero Course students of Class 1-A, more and more people started coming through the black-purple smoke. Each one of the emerging people had one thing in common, a malice in their gaze that promised violence and pain.

“This isn’t part of the class, is it?” Kirishima questioned as they beheld the large group coming from the smoke-like portal.

“No.” Aizawa stated flatly, his tone dead serious. “Those are Villains.”

“No way! Why would Villains break into U.A.? Every teacher is a Pro Hero! That doesn’t make any sense!” Mineta cried out.

“Thirteen, aren't there intruder sensors here?” Momo asked the Pro.

“Of course, there are! But they're not activating! I’m even using the manual override!” Thirteen revealed the small device in her hand. It was a control for the USJ’s systems. The touchscreen was filled with a single large message.

[System Not Responding]

“Kaminari, try to reach the school with your personal communicator.” Aizawa instructed as he partially unwound his Capture Scarves.

“Yes sir!” Kaminari nodded as he tapped the device on his ear. “OW, damn it!” The blonde cried out a second later as he practically tore the communicator off his ear. Even from a distance everyone could hear the horribly loud shrieking of feedback interference coming from the device. “They’ve jammed the frequencies!” He called out as he held his ringing ear.

“I doubt they snuck into the main campus as well. They picked the perfect time to attack here, with the fewest Pros and multiple targets. They clearly have an objective and have brought in Quirks to reach that objective; which includes someone capable of jamming outgoing signals.” Todoroki was still calm in the face of this danger; or one of the few able to keep his cool at least.

The large, swirling smoke-like portal closed after a large, monstrosity, of a creature emerged and stood behind the man covered in severed hands. Izuku would have tried to count how many Villains there were, but he was dealing with something he’d never dealt with before. The large creature was grating against his Quirk’s sensing ability. It came off as a Mutant Type, but it wasn’t just once…it gave him multiple impressions of Quirk Type! That shouldn’t be possible! The swirling smoke seemed to form into a humanoid shape; it was even wearing a sharp outfit that made it look like a butler or something! Then he was hit with the same feeling again, multiple impressions of Quirk Type! This one was different though…it wasn’t just Mutant Type impressions, it was two Quirks. One Emitter another Mutant, but that wasn’t it…something else was going on with the suit-wearing, humanoid fog.

“Midoriya!” Aizawa called out and Izuku snapped out of his trance. Looking over to his teacher he caught the worried gazes of several of his classmates. It took him a moment to realize he was breathing heavily and had sweat on his face. “What’s wrong? Follow Thirteen and evacuate the USJ!”

“Sir!” Izuku shook his head, trying to get his thoughts in order. “That big one, the monster-looking thing, it has multiple Quirks! Mutant Types, I just don’t know what they are!” Aizawa’s eyebrows rose at the information.

“What do you mean?” Aizawa questioned as the class was quickly gathering between the two Pros. Multiple Quirks were an incredible rarity; most people that appeared to have two Quirks often had a hybrid of their parents with abilities from both, Todoroki was a perfect example. To actually have two completely separate Quirks was something like one in a hundred-million odds.

“I don’t understand it; I’ve never sensed things like this before.” Izuku shook his head and wiped the sweat from his brow. “The suit-wearing guy, the one that created the fog, gate, or whatever; he has two Quirks! One Mutant the other Emitter, but it’s not right!”

“Not right, how?” Aizawa needed clarification. Midoriya was obviously dealing with something he’d never encountered and it was making the teen lose focus.

“His Emitter Quirk, it’s one Quirk, but not really? I…I don’t know how to explain it! One…two…three…at least, how, I don’t understand… It’s like someone forced three different Quirks together and made them one Quirk!” Izuku was holding his head at this point. This didn’t make sense! His Collector Quirk was trying to analyze this seemingly impossible anomaly and it was giving him a headache!

“Midoriya, focus!” Aizawa got his student’s attention on him. “Don’t worry about it right now! We’ll figure things out AFTER you students get to safety! Now evacuate with Thirteen and your classmates!” Izuku blinked as his breathing slowed back down to normal and his head stopped hurting. Before anyone could move though, the man covered in the severed hands spoke loudly for all to hear.

“Huh, this is strange.” The man spoke with a raspy voice. “The schedule we stole said All Might, Thirteen, Eraserhead, and Class 1-A would be here. So where’s All Might?” He questioned, scratching at his neck, his red-eyes staring at everyone up on the platform with nothing but disgust.

All of Class 1-A felt a tremor go up their spines at the look. It was, to put it simply, inhuman.

-End Chapter-


Well, some good work in Izuku’s first lesson with Recovery Girl. Followed by the USJ going straight to hell… Shit.

Izuku’s having some problems with Nomu! Collector has never dealt with such anomalies before! It’s trying to discern Quirk Types and capabilities but it simply doesn’t have enough data! So now Izuku’s brain is feeling like splitting in two as it works to comprehend the situation!

Unfortunately, Mutant Types are a bad match for both Aizawa and Izuku when it comes to their own Quirks! That could be bad! Aizawa can’t Erase them and Izuku can’t copy them!

What’ll happen next?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


John Balman

So I'm wondering if Izuku could collect apart of the warping quirk that is not a mutation?