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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter and the Artificer Legacy! Time to see what Tonks and Fleur get up to! How do these two spend their time when not with Harry? Tonks is an Auror and Fleur is at Beauxbatons, of course, but what goes on in their daily lives?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 28 – Tonks and Fleur

Fleur was sitting in the Great Hall of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. It was breakfast time and Valentine’s Day too. The beautiful Veela teen was sighing already. Several boys had already approached her trying to offer gifts in an effort to win her favor. She’d turned them all down, reminding each of them that she had a boyfriend and that their advances weren’t welcomed and wouldn’t be returned. Honestly, she was starting to get very annoyed at having to remind the boys of this fact. She’d had to practically announce it to get most of them to stop trying to woo her. But still, even now, there were more than a few that seemed to think they were better for her.

It was with a wide smile that she beheld a trio of owls heading her way. The reason for her smile was the beautiful snowy owl leading the other two! Hedwig, and her two helpers, landed in front of Fleur carefully and offered her their parcels. The platinum-blonde smiled brightly at Hedwig as she took the parcel the snowy owl held out to her. Opening the box, Fleur felt her heart skip a beat, she carefully removed the charm bracelet from inside and looked it over. A stylized lightning bolt, a spiral of multiple colors, a white feather, and a stylized flame hung from the bracelet. It was gorgeous and Fleur just knew it was handmade by her boyfriend. With a bright smile, Fleur picked up the letter that was attached and opened it. She knew Harry well enough to know he’d be dying to explain what his gift could do, even in letter form. She giggled as she was proven correct and read over what her bracelet could do, and how it was made. Harry’s love and affection for her was practically pouring out of the words he’d written to her. She couldn’t help the happy sigh that escaped her lips. She held the letter close for a moment before she put her charm bracelet on. It truly was gorgeous, it glinted in the light and the colors of the individual charms gave it presence. Fleur almost felt like she was floating at how happy she was, there was a warmth in her heart that was only being strengthened by her and Harry’s relationship. She relieved the other two owls of their parcels, both of which flew off shortly afterwards. Hedwig stayed with her and happily ate from a saucer Fleur had placed meats on. The other gifts were more ‘standard’ for the holiday; flowers, her favorite Fleur de Lys or Lilies, instead of the more common red roses, as well as chocolates from Honeydukes. Her boyfriend also knew her favorite type of chocolate! Oh, how could she fall in even more love with Harry?

Fleur was so enamored with her love and his gifts that she didn’t pay attention to the whispers of ‘petit ami’ going around the boys in the Great Hall. Many a young man was downtrodden to know that Fleur really was in a relationship. So many fancied her for her beauty and had hoped to woo the teen. Seeing the absolute joy on her face as she accepted the gifts her boyfriend had sent her made several of the teens sigh despondently in acceptance. Quite a few would still try and woo her, far too fallen into her looks and the traces of her Veela Allure that she couldn’t do anything about. But they were only wasting their time; they would come to learn this eventually.

“Well, aren’t we just glowing this lovely morning?” A teasing lilt came from Fleur’s side as a girl sat next to her. The new arrival was also platinum-blonde and had beautiful blue eyes. She had the same Allure and natural beauty of Fleur as well. This was to be expected though, since this young lady was also a Veela.

“Yes...” Fleur beamed at her while she looked at Harry’s gifts again. “Good morning Chloe, how are you this wonderful day?” She asked her seventh year friend.

“Very well,” Chloe smiled at Fleur, she motioned to her neck slightly and Fleur noticed the lovely necklace her friend was wearing. “Julien has spoiled me again.”

“I can see that.” Fleur giggled as she looked at the lovely necklace inlaid with bright sapphires. “If his family wasn’t so wealthy I’d think he was trying to bankrupt them to dote on you.”

“He’s a wonderful man.” Chloe smiled as she gently touched her gift. “He knows he doesn’t have to spoil me like this, but he does it every Valentine’s Day, every Birthday, and each Christmas. Wit, humor, charms and he is quite handsome too!” She giggled along with Fleur. “How could I not fall for him?”

“You two are wonderful together.” Fleur agreed with her friend. “I could see that, even when I was only a second year. I’m almost surprised he didn’t just outright propose on your seventeenth birthday.” The two Veela shared beautiful smiles and soft chuckles.

“I’m fairly certain he’s still terrified of Papa.” Chloe giggled and Fleur broke into a smile again. “He did scare my poor Julien when the topic of marriage came up last year.” The two Veela conversed for the rest of breakfast, as was normal for them, while also petting Hedwig. The beautiful owl was admired by many of the girls of Beauxbatons. Ever since Hedwig had first started bringing letters form Harry; many of the girls had wanted to pet the snowy owl. Chloe thought she was magnificent and Hedwig always puffed up at the praise lavished on her.

-Tonks’ Residence ~ Valentine’s Day-

“Oh you sweet boy,” Tonks smiled softly at the gifts Harry had sent her. The flowers, her favorite Zinnias, were lovely and vibrant. Mostly purple ones, her favorite color, but with a mix of other colors as well. An assortment of sweets she was fond of from Honeydukes came with them. Finally was the main gift, and as soon as Tonks opened it she beamed with fondness in her, currently purple, eyes. “You’re going to spoil me rotten, Harry.” She grinned as she looked at the lovely charm bracelet. Easily identifying who each charm represented, the flame was Penny, the feather was Fleur, the spiral of colors was for her, and the lightning bolt was for Harry. The Metamorph read the letter that came with and smiled. How could she not? The sweet, sincere words, the love and affection that she could practically feel just by reading them, it was all she could ever ask for from the one she loved. The way he’d explained the magic warning function made her chuckle. She could picture Harry excitedly talking about it and how he’d made her this gift. Tonks put the bracelet on with a warm smile and looked it over happily. “I’m going to have to spoil you on your birthday for this, Harry.”

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end and Tonks did have to go to work today. Another day of Mad-Eye’s ‘training’ followed by patrolling Knockturn Alley again. What she wouldn’t give for a nice, peaceful patrol of Diagon or Diurn. But her instructor always insisted that those two peaceful alleys weren’t ‘real’ enough. With a shake of her head she stood up, with care she placed her flowers in a glass vase and filled it with some water. Smiling at the bright flowers one more time, Tonks left her room and headed out. Once she left her parent’s house, she stepped outside of the simple warded area around the house and with a turn Apparated to the Ministry.

Tonks reappeared in the Ministry Apparation point and checked herself over. Her Auror Robes were proper and freshly cleaned, her badge displayed over her left breast. Giving herself a little nod she made her way to the lifts. Finding a mostly empty one she rode it to level two and then headed for the DMLE Offices. She nodded to a few of her coworkers as she headed for Mad-Eye’s office. The Senior Auror would always be waiting for her there in the mornings.

“Your late, Tonks.” Alastor admonished the Metamorph as she entered his office.

“I’m five minutes early, Mad-Eye.” Tonks retorted as she rolled her eyes.

“That means you’re five minutes late.” Alastor grunted as he stood up from his desk.

“We’re not having this argument again, Mad-Eye; we’re just not.” Tonks waved off her instructor’s ideas of what was punctual versus what she thought was punctual.

“Kids these days…” Alastor muttered as he hobbled on his fake leg and motioned for her to follow. They left his office and headed for the practice range that was built into the DMLE Offices. Every morning they came here for Alastor to instruct her, and every morning Tonks fought for her continued health! The grizzled, old Auror didn’t know the meaning of ‘take it easy’ and every session of training was practically a no holds-barred duel. He instructed her in mundane stuff, like parchment work, booking, record keeping and the like, only after their daily patrol.

‘At least I’m not a desk worker.’ Tonks mused internally as she and Alastor arrived at the practice range.

As always, Alastor didn’t tell her when practice had begun, she’d found out the old man didn’t believe in ‘starting’ training. In his words, ‘You think some Dark Witch or Wizard is going to tell you when they’re going to curse you?’ and Tonks couldn’t really fault him for his thoughts. Alastor’s first spell splashed against the wandless Protego she’d conjured.

“At least you’ve learned this much.” Alastor growled before he slammed the walking stick he used onto the ground. The shockwave that emitted from it broke her Protego and she had to bat his follow-up spell, from his wand this time, to the side. Her Wandless Magic made her probably the best choice for protégé that Alastor Moody could have found. Considering he was currently the only Auror in the entire DMLE that could use Dual Foci in tandem. Not even Madam Bones could pull that off.

“I like to think I’ve learned plenty.” Tonks shot back as her hands were in motion. Bright sparks of violet formed above Alastor and rained down on the old man. With a grunt he raised his walking stick and a bright glow emanated from it. A dome of off-white light covered the man and deflected the purple sparks of her ‘Unfeeling Hex’. That was a useful bit of Magic she’d learned from Alastor during her time as his protégé. It removed the sensation of touch from those hit by it. She’d never really understood just how much she relied on her sense of touch until she’d suddenly lost it during one of their early training matches.

While Alastor shielded with his walking stick, his wand was in motion. Tonks expected this though, and with a pushing motion from each of her hands ‘shoved’ the Stunners to either side of her. The red lights moved around the obstruction that she’d made with her mana. The floor and walls behind her were peppered with soot marks from the spells. With a grin she took off in a jog around Alastor. He’d made sure to teach her to use every advantage available to her. He was missing a leg and relied on a prosthetic to walk? She better damn well be making full use of her mobility to flank him! As she ran she conjured water, with an application of her mana, the water lost all heat and froze instantly! She launched her six, thirty centimeter long, icicles at her instructor as she continued to move around him.

“Is that the best you can do, Junior Auror?” Alastor yelled at her as his walking stick let out a sound similar to a large bell being rung. The icicles shattered into powder long before they got to him. “I’ve taught you better!” With a flick of his wand a long, green light lashed out at her almost like a whip. Tonks had never stopped moving and even still the whip-like spell nearly lashed her. She watched as a few strands of her hair fell to the ground.

“Damn it, Mad-Eye!” Tonks growled at him. The spell lashed at her again and again as she ducked, dodged, and ran. Then Alastor finished a second spell he’d been casting with his walking stick! The grizzled man slammed the stick into the floor and the tiles that made up the practice range began to flip like they were on an axle! The effect spread from around Alastor in a circular wave and Tonks grimaced as she had to split her focus to avoid the whip-like spell and had to watch her footing to avoid being tripped up by the animated tiles. With a grimace she pulled her own wand and countered the ‘Animation Charm’ on the floor tiles. With her split focus she only managed to deflect the whip, instead of dispelling it like she wanted to.

“Constant Vigilance!” Alastor barked at his protégé as he yanked up a few tiles from the floor and transfigured them into wolves. The small pack quickly went after the still running Tonks. The Metamorph hissed at the pressure, still having to avoid the whip-like spell while the pack closed in on her. With a few loops of her wand the tiles between her and the transfigured wolves became quicksand. The transfigured beasts quickly became trapped and Tonks had just enough time to dispel the green whip spell before shifting her focus back to the trapped wolves.

“I’ll show you vigilance.” Tonks muttered as she used her wand to quickly undo the transfigurations, leaving a few stone tiles sitting on the floor, before she shielded against a barrage of spells from both of Alastor’s foci. If it wasn’t for his Magical Eye, and its ability to see through obstructions, she’d have already used a smokescreen or even the Similitudo to distract him with a copy. While maintaining her shield she conjured a few fireballs wandlessly. The orbs of flame rocketed outwards from behind her shield and came at Alastor from multiple directions. The old man had to use one of his foci, the walking stick, to cast another dome shield over himself. With the loss of half of his offense Tonks had enough focus to take the tiles lying on the floor and banish them at Alastor.

“Now you’re thinking!” Alastor gave his form of encouragement as he stopped his assault to conjure a shield that would block physical objects, since his dome shield only blocked magical attacks. The tiles smashed into the new shield and Alastor flicked his wand to vanish the dust. Tonks smirked as she already had her hands up and framing Alastor between her fingers.

“Cube!” Tonks cast her own unique, self-created spell. The six square, inverted shields formed around her instructor and locked him inside. Nothing could get out through physical means, and she’d seen how only incredibly focused spells could break it when Harry had used highly pressurized water to cut through it last summer.

“Well, at least you’re getting better at multi-tasking.” Alastor chuckled. Tonks knew he was buying time to cast a spell that could potentially get him out, so she responded to split his focus.

“Yeah, you know what the best part about my Cube Spell is?” Tonks grinned as she used her wandless Magic to hold the Cube while she moved her wand into a complex weave of movements. “Nothing gets out, but things can get in!” She jabbed her wand forward and the tiles on the floor liquefied before rushing forward in a torrent of what looked like cement! The liquid stone quickly began to fill up the cube as Alastor swung his wand to vanish it as fast as possible.

“Not bad, lass, not bad at all!” Alastor praised his protégé before the top of his walking stick glowed brightly. With a bang her Cube Spell was dispelled and her liquid stone splattered across the floor. “But I’ve dealt with weirder combinations!” He jabbed his wand forward and a conflagration leapt forward towards the young woman. Tonks wasn’t impressed by the incoming flames though. A simple ‘Flame-Freezing’ Charm and she might as well have been basking in a warm summer breeze. She retaliated with a series of ‘Severing Curses’ and Alastor only laughed as he knocked them away with his wand.

“Look out below.” Tonks retorted as she slammed her heel into the floor. Alastor felt the floor tremble with his good leg, and only had a second to react. Stone pillars erupted from the floor and the Senior Auror launched himself backwards with a spell from his wand to avoid them. Regaining his footing the old man grinned, his protégé was definitely improving! He hadn’t had a challenge like this since the war! He jabbed each of the stone pillars with the top of his walking stick. A second after they were touched they all detached from the floor and went rocketing towards Tonks!

“Catch or dodge?” Alastor questioned her and Tonks chose a third option. The stone pillars morphed under the motions of her wand, the transfigured rocks flowed around the Metamorph without coming close to touching her. With a grin she sent her creation forward. A large, snake-like, stone golem gave a roar that sounded like stones grinding against each other as it slithered towards Alastor. While her golem rushed the Senior Auror directly Tonks took off again in a jog to flank him.

“You should probably dodge!” Tonks threw back at her instructor with a grin as her golem bore down on him. With a twist of her wand she transfigured thick, iron chains by the dozens and sent them forward like a torrent of writhing snakes.

“Immobulus!” Alastor yelled as he pointed his wand at the golem. The large, stone snake stopped moving. With a motion of his walking stick, he cast a second spell. “Depulso!” The immobilized golem was sent careening towards the incoming wave of chains. The rock snake threw up a huge cloud of dirt and dust as it crashed into the floor and destroyed the transfigured chains.

Through the dust and debris in the air Alastor’s Magical Eye spotted Tonks on the move. The young woman was launching balls of water into the air. The spheres burst and simulated rain as they soaked the practice range. Alastor took aim and sent a series of Stunners at his protégé. The first two missed as Tonks kept on the move. The third and fourth struck, but bounced off a Protego that had been near invisible until the spells hit it.

“Chill already, Mad-Eye!” Tonks yelled as she stomped on the ground, casting a spell through her foot on the water covering everything. The soaked practice range was quickly covered in ice. All the water froze in a wave extending outwards from Tonks’ position. Even Alastor’s soaked robes were frozen over and the Senior Auror stilled as his clothes stiffened up.

“N-Not bad th-there, la-lass.” Alastor’s teeth chattered at the biting cold he was now covered in. “You’re progressing well.” He was back to normal in short order as he cast an overpowered ‘Warming Charm’ on himself, followed by a ‘Drying Charm’ on his clothes.

“Thank you.” Tonks smiled, pleased with herself and her progress.

“Senior Auror Moody!” A loud voice yelled and the instructor and protégé turned to the source. There stood a man both were familiar with, Head Auror Rufus Scrimgeour. “What have we told you, time and time again I might add, about destroying the practice range?!”

“I’m training my protégé, you ladder climber.” Alastor waved the Head Auror off. “We have people to fix this place anyway, it’s their whole job here at the Ministry if you recall.”

“Who do you think keeps sending in the complaints about you two destroying the range?” Scrimgeour demanded as Alastor and Tonks walked towards the exit that Scrimgeour was standing next to.

“Tell them to stop whining and do their job!” Alastor growled at the younger man, though not by that many years. “We’re going on patrol!”

“Alastor!” Scrimgeour yelled at the pair’s backs. “Alastor!” He was summarily ignored. “He’s retiring soon; he’s retiring, just a few more months.” He exhaled heavily as he took in the destroyed and ice covered practice range. He was going to be getting complaints about this, and hearing from Madam Bones when she got the complaints too. “Damn it…”

-Beauxbatons ~ Dueling Club-

“Are you sure, Miss Delacour?” The Defense Professor questioned the Veela teen.

“Yes, they all wish to duel me,” Fleur nodded to her Professor. “I find duels against multiple opponents more challenging.”

“If Miss Delacour feels she is capable, then she may do so.” Headmistress Maxime nodded to the Defense Professor. The two of them were the ones that watched over the Dueling Club Meetings that took place four times a week. “We’ve see her duel three-on-one before. I’m sure she wouldn’t accept a four-on-one without feeling up to it.”

“Thank you, Headmistress.” Fleur nodded to the large woman.

“Very well,” the Defense Professor acquiesced. “Delacour versus Durand, Vincent, Andre, and Bonnet; take your positions!” The five students stood a meter apart, four on one side, while Fleur stood on the other. “Bow,” The Defense Professor instructed and all five students gave proper bows. “You may begin!” In a blink the four students facing Fleur had separated and begun to cast! Fleur wasn’t idle and had already moved backwards a bit to prevent Bonnet from flanking her.

“Stupefy!” Andre called out as the bright red light left his wand and headed towards Fleur.

“Incarcerous!” Durand cast from off to her left.

“Impedimenta!” Bonnet called from her far right.

Fleur flicked her wand and a dome of blue light covered her form. The three spells vanished as they failed to overpower the shield. Without slowing down she cast again. “Lata Depulso Maxima” Fleur cast, using her in-depth knowledge of Magic to use rare modifiers that most students never learned. A large wave of force left her wand and sent her four opponents stumbling back.

“Ebublio!” Vincent cast, hoping to trap the Veela. Fleur would have none of it.

“Finite!” She wiped the Charm away as she moved. “Fumos Tria Maxima!” From the tip of Fleur’s wand an immense amount of smoke billowed forth. The rushing cloud of smoke quickly filled the dueling area and blinded all of the duelists. Capitalizing on her cover Fleur conjured her Veela Fire. The orange flames danced in her palm as normal and Fleur smiled. Letting her fire expand she felt it linger in the thick smoke. This was something she only knew from her studies and chats with Madam Aveline.

Known as Magical Relativism to Magical Scholars, the phenomenon of two different Magics sharing a natural connection, it was advanced knowledge. The phenomenon related to Elemental Magics more than most others. In Fleur’s case she was melding smoke and fire, two intrinsically linked things, to create new effects. In this instance, she was blending them together to create embers and ash. The smoke around her began to change under her Magic. When she felt the change happen Fleur grinned. A bit of her natural Fire Magic and some Transfiguration with her wand saw her masterfully controlling the newly created ashes and embers. Just in time too, as she heard multiple casts of ‘Evanesco’, the Vanishing Charm, to clear away the thick smoke.

“What in the world?” Bonnet gasped as she looked at Fleur.

“What kind of spell?” Andre stared dumbfounded at the beautiful teen.

“How…?” Durand looked confused and shocked by Fleur’s magic.

Fleur was surrounded by ash and embers, almost like a cloak. But what was really stunning everyone that saw her was the two large, black, angel-like wings of smoldering ash on her back. They glowed with internal heat and even looked like feathered wings! Such complex Magic, cast so quickly, even by a student as advanced as Fleur, was unheard of in their school! Fleur smiled at her opponents, her Defense Professor, and Headmistress Maxime as they all gazed upon her Spellcraft.

“Avis, Oppungo!” Vincent conjured a small flock of birds and then cast a charm to cause the animals to attack Fleur. The birds flew towards Fleur in a wave, intent on causing her harm and the platinum-haired teen waved her hand towards the incoming birds. Several dozen of her ‘ash feathers’ were launched forward and destroyed the conjured birds. With a flap of her black wings, a gale of burning cinders flew towards her opponents. All four raised Protego shields to block the widespread attack. Fleur kept her wand in her right hand as she subtly moved it to animate her wings. Her left hand conjured flames and launched them at her four adversaries.

“Aguamenti!” All four teens launched jets of water at the burning Veela. Fleur brought her right wing forward to block the jets of water. Steam erupted from the doused wing and Fleur easily separated the soaked ‘feathers’ from her right wing. A quick flick of her wand had the wet ash formed into pellets the size of golf balls. A swipe and the pellets were fired forward like buckshot. Andre and Durand managed to shield but Bonnet and Vincent let out cries as they were struck. Before they even dropped their shields, both Durand and Andre stared in slowly growing panic as Fleur’s right ‘ash wing’ heated up, bright glowing embers emerging from within, and then reformed all the lost ‘feathers’ from before.

“Plumes de braise.” Fleur intoned and her animated wings flapped forward. A storm of her black ash feathers, burning with embers, filled her four opponents’ vision. They raised shields to block only to find the feathers fluttering around their Protego Charms and landing on them. The feathers smoldered against their robes, smoke rising from where they touched. With a cry of pain, Vincent swatted a feather off his head. More and more of the burning plumage rained down on the duelists as they tried to repeatedly change the angles of their Shield Charms. No matter where they placed their shields, the feathers would flutter towards them from a different direction. While they were too distracted by her feathers, Fleur cast the spell that would win her the duel. “Lata Expelliarmus Trio Maxima!” A wave of force violently yanked the wands away from each of the four duelists, sending them stumbling and falling to the floor as their hands and arms were almost dragged along by the heavily modified ‘Disarming Hex’.

“Stop!” The Defense Professor called out. “Durand, Bonnet, Andre, and Vincent have been disarmed! Delacour wins!” The protective ward that separated the dueling area from the rest of the large room dropped and Fleur was quick to wave her wand and vanish her spell and all of its remnants. She kept her head held high and didn’t let anyone see the fact that her breathing was heavy. That spell was a drain on her mana like nothing else. Prolonged use was still a ways away. At best, she could currently use it for maybe five minutes, six if she pushed it. On top of that were the heavily modified Expelliarmus she used to win and the modified Fumos that she needed to use to create her spell in the first place. She estimated that this duel probably cost her at least three thousand Lum of her mana.

“That was most impressive, Miss Delacour.” Headmistress Maxime congratulated her student.

“Thank you, Headmistress.” Fleur bowed to the incredibly tall woman.

“I’ve never seen such a spell in all my days.” Maxime continued with a curious expression. “Wherever did you learn it?”

“I did not learn it anywhere, Headmistress.” Fleur shook her head, her platinum-blonde locks following her movement. “I created that spell from my knowledge of Magical Theory and a lot of practice.”

“You created that spell?” Maxime looked stunned at the Veela teen. “Such complex Spellcraft…and you’re so young…” The Headmistress was seemingly having a hard time wrapping her mind around such an accomplishment.

“I call it Manteau de Cendre.” Fleur spoke up with a smile. “I like a little artistry in my spells. I know it may be considered somewhat vain; but I wanted my spell to really show the pride I hold in my heritage.”

“It’s a fine name, Miss Delacour.” Maxime assured the teen. “I was merely shocked at how far you’ve come in your time here at Beauxbatons. You do the school proud, and I’m sure you’ll become a very famous witch like many others that have learned in these hallowed halls.”

“Thank you very much, Headmistress, I’m honored.” Fleur gave a bright smile to the woman.

“We are proud to have you as a student here, Miss Delacour.” Maxime smiled back at her student and the two parted ways to resume the Dueling Club.

-End Chapter-


Fleur is quite the little Scholar and Spellcrafter herself! She doesn’t even know the Potter Family’s Wandless Magic, yet. Her first spell, the ‘Cinder Cloak’, pays homage to her Veela heritage. It’s also VERY effective for a spell that also focuses on its looks!

We also got to see a normal day for Tonks! Mad-Eye could REALLY learn to ease up every now and then! You can probably see why her mana is always growing when that’s the morning routine for her! Will she make more spells of her own?

Will Harry finish his projects in the timeframe that he wants to?

Will Harry ever delve into Spellcrafting and make his own unique spells?

Keep reading to find out!

Current Mana Levels

Harry – 6,352

Tonks – 7,988

Penelope – 6,876

Fleur – 7,244

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Really enjoyed the different perspectives, the training fight was a spectacle to read, and absolutely loved that beautiful spell construction in the end. Honestly, really curious what Harry will try and create himself to show off a little bit lol.


Harry’s mana level is extremely impressive, considering that he is the youngest out of the four. He was such a sweet boyfriend, sending chocolate and flowers plus some of his own creations to his loving girlfriends. Fleur really was amazing during her duel and creating her own spells :3


Glad you thinks so! Harry is doing his best as boyfriend to three amazing girls! Yes, Fleur is a smart cookie! Also kind of a badass, and that's hot~

Josh Robbins

Loving this series, as soon as a chapter is out i stop what i am doing and read it. Keep up the amazing work.


I love, LOVE the ash wing spell. It's so perfect for Fleur and would be so cool to see in practice. Very nice job, thoroughly enjoying the story.


Woohoo! Someone that likes my story so much that they'll even put Real Life on hold when possible! I feel the love!


'Cinder Cloak' was a fun idea I wanted to incorporate! Fits Fleur to a 'T'! She's a smart cookie mixed with a badass! A lot of people make Fleur super reliant on her Veela Transformation; I decided 'Nah, screw that, she's going to be a badass without it!' Plus the picture it paints in your mind's eye is AWESOME~!


another great chapter

Michał W

I can't wait till she learns Harry's wandless magic ^^ Btw. Harry really should work on something to either store mana for emergencies, or improve recharging time.


All things in time, all things in time! Oh she'll be taught soon enough! Glad you enjoyed the chapter!

Hannibal St.Michael

You have the greatest dueling scenes in this story.


I can’t wait for the surprise that you promised when fleur learns Harry’s windless method.

Scott Fletcher

Another great chapter. When it came up on computer I was just getting ready to leave for work but stopped and had to read it. I was late to work but don't care, well worth it. Please keep up the great writing.


Don't get TOO excited! It's a fun little surprise, by nothing world shaking or anything!


It would have been here after you got back from work...I promise. I wouldn't have taken it down or anything... You don't have to be late for work for my stories! I'm incredibly moved that you like my writing so much though!


Glad to hear it, Thomas! See, I told you I had plans for a Tonks and Fleur chapter! You wondered why Tonks' mana keeps growing; the answer is Mad-Eye! Moody is crazy and the crazy forces Tonks to grow if she wants to remain in good health!

Blizzard Burn

love the chapter keep up the good work


So i finally got around to read this story. And there went my afternoon and evening, time well spent!


I loved the chapter. It was interesting to see Tonks and Fleur perspective. Are you going to do something similar with Sirus or the dwarfs?


Probably not in the same way, but throughout the story I'll probably show small snips here and there.