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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru bringing you another Chapter of The Sun Hero! Time for All Might’s first class with 1-A! Will it be Battle Trials or something else? Will the Number One Hero have some more teaching experience or get help from someone that does?

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Without further ado, enjoy!


Chapter 4 – All Might’s Combat Class


That’s all anyone could call the first half of U.A. High School’s day. Completely normal subjects, like Math, English, Classical Japanese, were taught as if they were at a normal high school. The only difference was that they were taught by Pro Heroes for these Mundane Subjects. Pro Heroes like Ectoplasm teaching Mathematics, or Present Mic teaching English. It was the epitome of normal for a school barring that one difference. When the lunch bell rang the whole of 1-A made their way towards the cafeteria. The reactions to the first half of their classes were varied. Some, like Mina, Kaminari, Sero, and Toru looked wiped out. While others, including Momo, Iida, Bakugo, and Izuku weren’t bothered by the lessons much.

“Mmm, this food makes morning classes all better!” Mina smiled happily as she ate.

“It’s good,” Toga agreed with a smile as she sat next to Izuku. “Not as full of love as Mama Inko’s cooking though.”

“I doubt anyone can put that much love in their cooking, Himiko-chan.” Izuku chuckled as he ate. Inko had burst into a fountain of tears the first time Toga had called her ‘Mama Inko’. The blonde was nearly crushed by the hug she’d been wrapped in by the emotional verdette woman! Izuku still got a chuckle out of it to this day. Both Inko and Hisashi were in favor of Izuku and Himiko eventually marrying in the future. Likewise, Toga’s parents were all for the idea considering Izuku was the one helping their daughter be ‘normal’. Honestly, Izuku didn’t like how much emphasis Toga’s parents put on being ‘normal’ and ‘fitting in’. They had practically smothered their daughter with such expectations after all. He hated to think what might have happened if he and Toga hadn’t met back in Junior High.

“You two are so adorable~” Toru cooed at the couple. Toga beamed at her new friend and Izuku smiled at the invisible girl.

“What do you think our first Heroics Class is going to entail?” Kirishima asked from the other side of the table. The redhead was munching on his food with a curious look around the table.

“I’d guess introductory things, maybe some basic training?” Momo surmised as she had a thoughtful look.

“Basic training seems likely.” Tsuyu placed her index finger on her cheek.

“I hope it’s not another pass or be expelled thing.” Sato shook his head. “Aizawa scared the heck outta me with that.”

“No kidding,” Jiro shivered slightly. “When he said that, I almost panicked.”

“Mhmm,” Ochako nodded to the purplette with her mouth full. Toga thought she looked cute scarfing down her rice like that!

“We just have to do our best!” Mina raised her fist into the air with a bright grin.

“Indeed,” Iida nodded to the pinkette. “We shall give our all to become great Heroes in the future!” If it wasn’t for the fact that he had utensils in his hands, Izuku felt like Iida would be chopping the air to accompany his statement.

After lunch, Class 1-A was sitting at their desks waiting for their teacher to arrive. The first Heroics Class had many of them hyped up. This was what all the work to get into U.A. was about! Training to become Heroes! All twenty students perked up when a very familiar laugh sounded out.

“I am here,” The boisterous voice called out. “Coming through the door like a normal person!” All Might threw open the door to Class 1-A, he held onto the frame as he leaned into the classroom. The students erupted into cries of shock and excitement!

“Holy crap!” Kaminari shouted.

“It’s really All Might!” Kirishima cheered with his fists raised.

“All Might is our teacher?!” Izuku was smiling widely and Toga was smothering her giggles. All Might had always been Izuku’s favorite Hero. Getting to see the man up close, talk to him, and learn from the Number One was a dream come true for her boyfriend! He also looked cute with sparkles practically coming from his eyes! All Might made his way to the podium and put his fists on his hips, his trademark smile practically shining at the teens.

“I will be teaching Foundational Heroics! In this class, we will be pushing all of you to your limits so that you can learn the basics of being a Hero. We'll be here after lunch every day, sometimes only with me, while other times we’ll have another of your teachers assisting! This class also has the most units per semester. So slacking off we’ll see you quickly losing your spot in the Hero Course!” The Number One Hero warned the class. The blonde man held a card in his hand. “With that said, let's get right into it! Your first class shall be… Combat Training!” The card he was holding did indeed have the word 'Battle' written on it.

“Combat?!” Bakugo was grinning viciously, he was beyond excited. The scores from yesterday’s Assessment wouldn’t mean a thing once he aced this class!

“For this class you’ll need these!” All Might clicked a button and several panels popped out of the wall on the far side of the room. Each of them had five metal cases labeled from one to twenty, matching the student’s seating numbers.

“In accordance with your Quirk Registries as well as your own written requests... these are your…” The Number One didn’t even get to finish as he was drowned out by the students.

“COSTUMES!” The class shouted in glee. All of them were practically shaking with excitement, this was the real deal! They’d finally get to wear the Costumes they’d come up with!

“That's right!” All Might yelled smiling at them all. “After you change, meet at Ground Alpha!”

-Ground Alpha-

All Might stood on Ground Alpha, fists again on his hips as he waited for his students to start coming out of the tunnel and into Ground Alpha proper. His grin widened as he saw the first of them walk into the light. “They say the costume makes the hero, young students.” The Number One Hero looked over each of them and noted what he saw of the costumes. Young Hagakure looked like she needed some instruction. The teen was clearly not wearing anything beyond a pair of gloves and sneakers! He’d have to discuss this with his colleagues; surely they could help the invisible teen get a real Costume. Mimetic polymers and other materials that incorporated a person’s own hair or cells into their Costume had come a long way from when he’d debuted as a Hero. Surely something of that nature could be applied to Hagakure.

“Be proud. From this moment on, you are HEROES!” All Might leaned forward with his trademark smile. “Shall we begin, you bunch of newbies?”

“Your costume is great, Ochako!” Toga complimented her new friend as they waited for All Might to grab a box he had next to his feet.

“I like yours too, Toga!” Ochako smiled as she looked over her friend’s Hero Costume. It was styled after a typical school Sailor Uniform, but even to the brunette’s eyes she could tell the fabric was padded and reinforced for protection. “Is that Kevlar?”

“Yep! Izu-kun helped me design it! It’ll stop most bullets and its knife-proof!” Toga smiled as she did a small twirl to show the whole Costume off. “What I’m really happy about is this.” She smiled as she pulled the collar down to reveal part of the sports bra underneath. “Izu-kun helped me find out about ‘Quirk-compatible Fibers’ online and I submitted some of my hair for testing. It worked out in my case, the sports bra and spats I’m wearing under my Costume are almost completely made of my own hair blended with synthetic, mimetic fibers. They’ll stay on and keep me from being naked when I deactivate my Quirk. No more embarrassing ‘naked moments’ for me!”

“That’s great!” Ochako smiled, even though her cheeks were just a bit redder than usual. Toga had told the other girls about her Quirk’s ‘problem’ in their group chat. Quirks were one of the first things the girls had talked about after all. “I’m glad you don’t have to deal with that anymore.”

“Me too!” Toga giggled. It was just out of the corner of her eye that she noticed him, Mineta, the creepy pervert in their class. He had apparently slunk over towards her and Ochako while they were talking and his eyes hadn’t left her chest, probably since she’d shown Ochako the portion of her sports bra. All of the girls in their class watched as the creep ‘accidentally’ tripped, on flat ground, and fell towards Toga’s exposed legs. Said blonde didn’t have time to try and move away and all of the other girls already felt bad that she was going to be touched by the little pervert.

“Huh?” Mineta was stopped from falling by a booted foot. Looking up the leg the foot was attached to, Mineta locked eyes with Izuku. The verdette didn’t look amused. Since Mineta was resting on his boot, Izuku simply high-kicked, and launched the pervert high into the air. Mineta’s screams of terror as he rocketed into the air drew All Might’s attention. The Number One Hero blinked as he looked between Toga, Izuku, Ochako, and then the rapidly disappearing Mineta.

“You okay, Himiko?” Izuku asked his girlfriend. Toga smiled happily before hugging him.

“Yep!” Toga smiled while popping the ‘p’. “You always save me when I need you!” She giggled while snuggling into his chest.

“Holy shit!” Kaminari exclaimed as he lost sight of Mineta in the sky. “I think he just ‘Yeeted’ Mineta into the stratosphere!”

“Good.” Every girl in class 1-A stated flatly, their faces all deadpan. It spoke volumes that in only a single day, none of the girls thought Izuku had gone overboard with Mineta. The short teen’s perverted nature had made him no friends amongst the girls of his class.

‘Definitely going to have to have a ‘talk’ with young Mineta.’All Might thought to himself as he looked into the sky to find the boy. Spotting the teen in the sky the Symbol of Peace leapt into the air. All Might met Mineta before the grape-themed teen could begin his descent. Grabbing the student by the back of his Costume, All Might slowed their fall with a few well-placed stomps against the air. His immense strength created blasts of wind with each kick and the duo landed a bit away from the rest of the students. Setting the teen down All Might sighed; it looked like he’d need to enlist Aizawa’s help to set young Mineta straight about his behavior.

“No more of that, young Mineta.” All Might warned the teen. Mineta, still shaking from his impromptu flight, nodded rapidly. “Young Midoriya, refrain from putting your classmates in life-threatening situations! This is your one and only warning, am I clear?”

“Yes All Might, I got a bit carried away, my apologies.” Izuku bowed his head. Toga hugged him tighter, if anyone could see her face though, they’d probably be shocked by the vicious grin on her lips. Knowing that Izuku was willing to protect her like that was heart-warming! But it also fanned the flames of her more aggressive tendencies too! Hopefully whatever they were doing today would help her calm down a bit. If not, well~ Izuku could help her out after class!” The blonde stifled a giggle at her own naughty thoughts.

“Your Costume came out great, Izu-kun!” Toga complimented her boyfriend with a bright smile. Izuku’s Costume consisted of a large, dark green vest, padded with Kevlar, and matching pants. A belt with a large golden buckle in the shape of a lion’s head secured his pants. On his feet were brown boots and on his back was his only Support Gear. A large, modified Fireman’s Axe hung from a special belt holster across Izuku’s back. Aside from the golden color it looked normal enough, at first glance, but it clearly had some extra features built in. The most notable being what looked like vents where haft met head. Many of the students were curious about what the large axe could do.

“Now, without any more interruptions,” All Might looked over Mineta, Izuku, and then the rest of Class 1-A. “Let’s begin!”

“Sensei!” Iida’s hand shot into the air. All Might gave the teen a nod and Iida spoke. “This appears to be a wide-open plain. What kind of combat training are we doing here?”

“Excellent question, young Iida!” All Might pointed at the Teen in his white, armor-like Costume. “Today we’ll be getting a baseline of your combat abilities by having you go toe-to-toe with each other! This will let me see where you stand now, as well as how you use your Quirks!”

“How will matches be chosen?” Momo asked with her hand raised.

“Is there a time limit?” Kirishima questioned next.

“How bad can we rough up our opponent?” Bakugo yelled over the others.

“Hold on! Hold on!” All Might held up his hands. “My quirk isn't super-hearing you know!” He shook himself before regaining his composure. “We’ll be randomizing the matches by drawing lots! Heroes don’t get to choose what Villains they’ll have to confront in the field! This randomization will help simulate that!” With that All Might called each student up by their Seat Number and had them draw a lot from the box in his hands. Toga, Seat Number 13, pulled out a lot that had the letter ‘H’ on it. Looking around she wondered which of her classmates had the other ‘H’ lot.

“Let’s see,” Izuku mumbled as he reached into the box. As Seat Number 18, there weren’t many lots left for him to pick. “Huh, first again it looks like.” He chuckled as he glanced at the large ‘A’ on his lot.

“Damn it…” Bakugo growled as he noticed that Izuku’s lot didn’t match with his. All Might had to stoop down to let Mineta pick his lot. The relieved sigh the short teen gave off must’ve meant he didn’t get anyone he was immediately terrified of. Momo picked hers next and looked over her classmates. It seemed that Shoji, the tallest guy in their class, would be her opponent. Last was Todoroki who picked out the final lot. Izuku raised an eyebrow when the teen with the two-toned hair turned to face him. The other ‘A’ lot in his hand explained why though.

“Alright then,” All Might spoke loudly. “Does everyone have their opponent?” Getting nods from all of the students made the blonde man smile. “Good, then we’ll start with the first match! Lot ‘A’, you’re up!” Both Todoroki and Izuku made their way out to the middle of the large, flat field. “Fairly simple rules young Todoroki, young Midoriya; absolutely no lethal force, no harming any of your waiting classmates, and if I declare the match over, it is over! Are we clear?”

“Yes sensei.” Izuku nodded to his Idol.

“Yes sir.” Todoroki stated, his eyes not leaving Izuku.

“Good, when I say ‘Start’ you may begin.” All Might instructed, but he stopped when Izuku held up his hand. “Yes, young Midoriya?”

“Could you hold onto this for me, sensei?” Izuku asked as he removed his Support Gear Axe from his back. All Might nodded in agreement and took the golden axe from the verdette. Todoroki’s eyes widened, the first real emotion the teen had shown in the last two days, as All Might’s arm dropped slightly when the axe fell into his hand.

“Oof, it’s heavier than it looks.” All Might chuckled as he hefted the axe over his right shoulder. Now that he’d gotten a feel for the weight, he wielded it like a child held an empty paper towel tube.

“Thank you, sensei.” Izuku nodded to the man.

“Of course,” All Might waved off. “Ready? Start!” With a leap backwards All Might was standing next to the rest of Class 1-A.

“Are you sure you don’t need your Support Gear?” Todoroki asked flatly.

“Not for this,” Izuku shook his head as heat began to radiate from him and he grew and bulked up. Todoroki’s left eye, the one with the burn scar, twitched as he felt the heat.

“It wouldn’t make a difference either way.” Todoroki stated as he raised his right hand.

“You’ve yet to even face me in this state,” Izuku chuckled with amusement seeping into his voice. “Yet you already declare your victory regardless. Confident, aren’t you?” Todoroki’s response was to send a wave of ice and frost across the majority of the field. Everything on Izuku’s side was encased in the ice near instantly.

“I told you.” Todoroki sighed; white mist escaped the teen’s mouth from the newfound chill in the air.

“That was insane!” Kaminari blinked as he watched Todoroki freeze half the field and Izuku along with it. “He won instantly!”

“He hasn’t won anything,” Toga giggled and everyone, including All Might, looked at the girl confused. “Izuku hasn’t even tried yet~!”


A blast shook the field as all of Todoroki’s ice shattered into a steam burst from the rapid shift in temperature. The heterochromatic student was sent flying backwards from the shockwave and barely stayed upright. Standing exactly where he’d been frozen was the, now towering, form of Izuku. Heat haze was rolling off his body as all the ice disappeared.

“How did you do that?” Todoroki looked even more shocked than the rest of the class.

“You’re Quirk is interesting, but it’s not nearly cold enough to do me any harm.” Izuku chuckled. “Come, let’s continue the match.” Todoroki narrowed his eyes as he sent an even larger wave of ice at Izuku. Much to his shock, the verdette practically exploded into flames. The wave of ice was met with an intense blast of fire. The conflicting temperatures caused another thermal shockwave that sent Todoroki stumbling. Izuku didn’t even flinch from the blast.

“It seems I’ll have to get serious.” Todoroki stated coldly as frost began to form along his right arm. What came next STUNNED the entire class. Even All Might had to crane his next to look up in amazement. A fucking GLACIER now existed on Ground Alpha! The massive amount of ice completely covered the field, except the area where Todoroki was standing, and it was only a dozen meters or so away from the rest of the class. Many of the girls, thanks to their skin-tight costumes, or lack of clothing in Toru’s case, shivered at the sudden drop in temperature.

“I-I-I t-th-think T-To-Todoroki w-wins n-now.” Sero chattered out as he wrapped his arms around his body from the cold.

“I prefer heat to cold.” Toga grumbled as she shivered. “I hope Izu-kun fixes this soon.” All of her classmates looked at her like she was crazy. Did she NOT see the glacier in front of them?

Cue dropped jaws as the glacier began to steam and rapidly melt!

“Hahahaha!” Izuku chuckled loudly as the glacier melted around him. The streams of water pouring off the rapidly melting ice also turning to steam from the heat he was radiating out as fire surrounded him. “To think I’d find such a strong person amongst my classmates! You’re Quirk is very impressive, Todoroki!” He praised his classmate. Todoroki looked thunder-struck at Izuku’s ability to shrug off his most powerful attack. “Hmm?” Izuku glanced over Todoroki’s shivering body. Half of the teen appeared to be covered in frost. It almost matched the left side of his Costume with the ice covering it. “You seem cold, Todoroki.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Todoroki exhaled frosted breath as he tried to stop his shivering.

“Nonsense,” Izuku grinned at the other teen. “Let me help you warm up!” The verdette raised his left hand into the air and everyone watched while holding their breath. Toga being the only exception; she grinned widely at what was about to happen. “Midday Sun!” Izuku intoned and about thirty meters directly above him a second Sun seemingly swirled into existence! The heat wave this released blew through Ground Alpha and wiped any remaining traces of cold away. The new Sun hung in the air without moving. Many of the teens wondered if Izuku was going to throw it at Todoroki in retaliation for the earlier glacier.

“So…is he going to attack with that or what?” Kaminari blinked as the mini-Sun continued to stay motionless. Only the flares of fire that occasionally escaped the massive sphere moving at all.

“Nope~!” Toga grinned as she removed the Kevlar-padded sweater portion of her Costume. The cotton and carbon nanofiber blend of her sailor-fuku inspired top revealed. “That’s an AOE move. If you can remove any layers I’d recommend it, it’s going to get really hot the longer Izu-kun keeps that up.”

“She’s right.” Momo confirmed as she’d already made a digital thermometer with her Quirk. “The temperature is steadily rising even at our distance. I can’t imagine the level of heat those two are experiencing standing directly under that micro-Sun.”

“Well? Are you warmer now, Todoroki?” Izuku questioned his opponent as massive heat haze almost obscured their view of each other.

“How’re you doing this?” Todoroki panted as he was focusing on keeping his body cool with his ice. The left side of his Costume was already a lost cause; it had melted away in a matter of moments. “How can you maintain this level of Pyrokinesis? You shouldn’t be able to even speak. All of your focus should be on maintaining that fire.”

“I’ve trained long and hard with my Quirk,” Izuku informed the other teen. “My heat resistance was incredibly high from birth. Through hard work over the last almost decade, I’ve refined my abilities and increased my natural resistance; this is nothing for me now.”

“Impossible…” Todoroki trailed off as Izuku moved and was suddenly in front of him. The verdette’s fist was cocked back and Todoroki instinctively threw up a wall of ice to block. The only problem was his wall of ice was more like a wall of slush. The intense heat radiating down on them from Izuku’s ‘Midday Sun’ was partially nullifying his Quirk! The large fist passed through the slush and nailed Todoroki in the chest. The heterochromatic teen was knocked off his feet and sent rolling backwards.

“The longer this fight last, the hotter my ‘Sun’ gets.” Izuku informed his opponent. “If it wasn’t for your Quirk, you’d probably already have blistered skin and be suffering from heat exhaustion.”

“Shut up…” Todoroki panted as he forced his Quirk to work. A wave of ice and slush swamped Izuku. Todoroki continued to force his Quirk as he sent wave after wave of ice and slush at Izuku. The only problem with this strategy was that Todoroki was barley even cooling himself down at this point. The air was so hot they might as well have been standing in a blast furnace. A second problem with his strategy came in the form of Izuku passing through his attacks like they were merely a light mist and socking Todoroki in the jaw. The red/white-haired teen felt his feet come off the ground. His vision developed spots of black as he hit the hot dirt of Ground Alpha. His head was swimming and he couldn’t focus. The last thing he saw with his blurring vision was the bright orange-yellow glow of Midoriya’s ‘Sun’ disappearing and the teen standing over him.

-With Class 1-A and All Might-

“Hot!” Mina cried out as the temperature continued to increase. All of the students that had a layer to remove had already done so. Mina had ditched her vest with the faux-fur neck lining. Kaminari had shucked off his jacket, as had Jiro with hers.

“Th-this is insane…” Momo shook her head in disbelief at the number on her digital thermometer. The day had been a pleasant spring day when they’d come out to Ground Alpha, roughly twenty-one degrees Celsius. According to her thermometer it was now thirty-six degrees Celsius and still climbing!

“I told you.” Toga sighed as she fanned herself as much as possible.

“It’s got to feel like hell where they are.” Tokoyami commented, having also removed his long cloak a while back.

“Shouldn’t we stop them?” Tsuyu questioned as she wiped her forehead of sweat.

The mini-Sun dispersing a few seconds later answered the frog-like girl’s question. They all watched as Izuku stood over the downed Todoroki. With the disappearance of the ‘Sun’, all of the students let out sighs of relief when a cool breeze blew through Ground Alpha. The heat was dispersing and the temperature in the area was dropping back to what it had been.

“Midoriya is the winner!” All Might announced loudly. He rushed onto the field and was at the two teens’ side a moment later.

“I knocked him out, but I don’t think I hurt him much beyond that.” Izuku informed his Idol/Teacher. “His heat resistance is impressive.”

“Yes, he appears to be alright, but just in case.” All Might pulled out a small phone-like device and hit a button. Less than a minute later two robots rolled onto the field with a stretcher between them. They carefully loaded Todoroki onto it before picking it back up and rolling away. “Those Medic Units will take young Todoroki to Recovery Girl for treatment. He’ll be fine in short order with her care.”

“U.A. is impressive.” Izuku blinked as he saw both the care and efficiency the small robots had used to get Todoroki to the care of Recovery Girl. “No wonder they can train in as close to real life situations as they do.”

“Quite right, young Midoriya!” All Might smiled and gave him thumbs up. Izuku was still ‘bulked up’ by his Quirk, so he had no desire to fanboy squeal. Once he ‘cooled off’ then he’d do so.

‘Toga would probably get a giggle out of it.’ Izuku thought with a grin. The teacher and student walked back to the rest of the class. All Might handed Izuku his Support Gear Axe back and the verdette teen casually returned it to the special holster on his back.

“Alright, so next we have Lot ‘B’; let’s see what you’ve got!” All Might declared as he moved the class forward.

“That was great, Izu-kun!” Toga smiled brightly at him. Izuku shrank down as he released his Quirk and smiled back at his girlfriend.

“Thanks, Himiko-chan.” Izuku pulled her into a hug and the two squeezed each other gently.

“It got pretty hot over here,” Toga grinned up at him. “I don’t think they believed me when I told them it was about to get really hot!”

“Ah, sorry about that.” Izuku apologized with a grin.

“I got all sweaty because of you~” Toga fake pouted at him, puffing her cheeks up cutely. “You’ll have to make it up to me.” She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

“You want to stop by that crepe place we saw yesterday, don’t you?” Izuku raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend.

“Maybe…” Toga grinned at him.

“You could just ask.” Izuku chuckled as he kissed her cheek. Toga beamed at him as she held the spot his lips had just left. “What am I going to do with you~?” He shook his head fondly at her.

“I could think of a few things~” Toga winked at him with a naughty grin.

“Not in front of everyone, Himiko-chan.” Izuku reminded his amorous girlfriend.

“Boo~” Toga playfully stuck out her tongue.

-End Chapter-


Well… Izuku continues to prove that he is quite the powerhouse! We’ll continue with some more battles next chapter! Toga will get her chance to shine too! They’re both so adorable with each other, aren’t they? Who is Toga’s opponent in the Combat Class?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

That was awesome! Thanks for the very entertaining chapter.


Hey man love the story it was actually the first one of yours that i read an dive been hooked since this is an out of curiosity question when you get to the usj chapter will izuku fight the nomu and if so will it be like the escanor vs estrossa who decided that or will you have him be "the one" for the fight?


Probably closer to the Estarossa fight, honestly. Shigaraki DOES love to state how 'useless' everyone's Quirks are compared to Nomu after all.


Izuku is a BEAST! Also he and Toga are adorable together~! Glad you enjoyed it!