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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter and the Artificer Legacy! New tools created! How many, and what effects do they give over basic blacksmithing tools? Some more progress on other Items? Has Harry decided on a new Project?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 27 – New Tools, New Items, New Project

Harry hummed happily to himself as he looked over all of his new blacksmithing tools. He’d completed three sets of new tools over the last two weeks with Penny’s help. He’d made more Zeclatite, and failed twice because Alchemy was a super-fickle Branch of Magic, before he’d finished. Aside from the two ingots of failed Zeclatite, which he’d stored away for future attempts at ‘Breakdown and Separation’ Alchemy, Harry had succeeded in his plans to forge new tools!

The first set was his old steel tools, newly enhanced with his Runic Array and Zeclatite. Harry was certain he’d have a much easier time transferring his mana into his creations with them now. Each strike of the hammer would impart more mana, more efficiently into his forged creations. It should at least help prevent Magical Exhaustion to an extent. Not to mention that the more of his mana he imbued into his forging the better his materials responded. His mana carried his Intent after all. With it flowing more efficiently it should help shape his creations the way he wanted them to be.

The second set was pure Basilisk Carbon Steel. Forged into a copy of every type of tool his original set had come with. Multiple types of hammers, tongs, pliers, and chisels all made of the inherently Magical Metal. With this set Harry had forgone applying his Zeclatite-infused Runic Array. He wanted to know just what these Magical Base Material tools could do all by themselves. He hypothesized that they’d provide much better results to his forging than his standard tools since he’d not only made them by his own hand, but made them from a ‘conquered’ material in the Basilisk’s bones. His Will and Intent were literally part of these Tools and by his own experience with Magic that should allow for far greater results than standard Non-Magical Tools.

The third and final set incorporated both methods of creation. Harry had forged a second set of Basilisk Carbon Steel tools; then he’d applied his Runic Array and infused it with Zeclatite. This set of tools was not only forged by his hand from ‘conquered’ materials, but also etched with a Runic Array that was then infused with a Magical Metal that he’d transmuted himself! Aside from him adding his own lifeblood to them, this particular set of tools might as well be a physical extension of his Intent and Will! Harry was looking forward to testing all of them out!

“Hmm, now let’s see, what was I the closest to completing?” Harry wondered as he pulled open his notes and looked over his current projects. “Right, I still need to figure out the Control Sequence for the Mana Bane chains, the flight Item still can’t control altitude, but… The Spell Ward Array works and with the leftover Zeclatite I should be able to complete the next prototype.” With a smile Harry set to work. Pulling out a pair of forearm guards he’d forged from Magical Iron, he set about etching the Spell Ward Array into the first one. With luck, once he infused the Array with Zeclatite as the base, he’d have an Item that could block even fairly powerful Hexes, Jinxes, and Curses. Anything incredibly powerful would probably burn them out, even with Zeclatite-imbued Runes, but if they could block a good number of moderate spells before failing, that would be another step in the right direction!

“Every success builds upon the next, I just have to keep learning and trying.” Harry chuckled to himself as he etched the next rune in the sequence.

-First week of February-

“You want whatexactly?” Penny looked at her boyfriend perplexed.

“Dragon Bones, more specifically the wing bones.” Harry repeated his request.

“Why do you need just the wing bones? What’s wrong with the rest of them?” Penny inquired with a tilt of her head.

“I think I know why my Flight Item hasn’t been working,” Harry smiled at his girlfriend. “I need not only a better material than just Magical Iron, but I need it to be crafted from something that has the capability of flight.”

“So you chose Dragon wing bones?” Penny felt a small smile form on her lips.

“Exactly!” Harry grinned at her. “Think about it; Dragons are WAY too big to fly with just their wings! So a part of their innate Magic must go to their ability to fly! If I forge Dragon wing bones into Magical Iron, I can make a Magical Carbon Steel that should possess some innate aptitude for Runic Arrays involving flight.” The teen Artificer smiled brightly, his eyes lit up with his passion for Crafting and Enchanting. Penny really loved seeing Harry so fired up like this. His work ethic was one of the many things that had attracted her to him in the first place!

“So how are you planning to get them and know for a fact that they’re all wing bones?” Penny curiously asked. Harry took on a ‘thinking’ pose as he mulled over ideas in his head for a bit.

“I’d need to go to a Dragon Reserve, collect the bones I want as they’re rendering a Dragon down for parts and materials.” Harry nodded to himself before looking at Penny. “I might have to head back home for the Easter Break this year. I’m sure Sirius wouldn’t mind spending a day going on a trip with me to a Dragon Reserve.”

“No, I don’t suppose he would,” Penny chuckled. “With the way he spoils you, it’s amazing you haven’t become an entitled little prat~.”

“Oi!” Harry flicked a mana ball at his Head Girl girlfriend. Penny only giggled as she swatted it away. “I’m not spoiled!”

“I’m just teasing you, Harry~” Penny covered her mouth to suppress her continued giggles. “But he DID spend a decent amount of the Black Family Fortune to buy the land the Iron Mine sits on, just so you and the Dwarves could go into business together.”

“Sirius gets a cut of the sales too…” Harry looked away, refusing to admit that he mighthave been a little spoiled by his doting Godfather. Penny continued to grin while Harry ignored the small snickers that escaped her every now and then.

“So, how’re the other projects coming along?” Penny asked a few minutes later. Harry’s mood brightened as he went over to where he kept a few of his prototypes in the hidden workshop. Penny watched on as Harry strapped on a pair of metal forearm guards and then turned to face her.

“Hit me with a spell!” Harry challenged her with a smirk.

“Why?” Penny raised one eyebrow in response.

“So I can show you how these work, of course.” Harry playfully rolled his eyes at her.

“What kind of spell?” Penny questioned as she raised her hand.

“Whatever you like, it won’t make a difference!” Harry smiled deviously at the blonde. He knew how to get Penny’s competitive side to make an appearance!

“Oh really?” Penny had a smirk of her own now. A sparking orange spell appeared in her raised hand. “Well, since you asked for it…” With that Penny launched the crackling orange ball at Harry. She blinked in shock when Harry batted the spell aside and into the stone wall.

“Was that all?” Harry asked cheekily and Penny blinked at what her boyfriend had just done.

“How? You didn’t even use a spell!” Penny was confused, to say the least. “I didn’t see any Magic use at all, in fact… What are those?”

“Remember how I was working on the Spell Ward Array?” Harry asked innocently. “Well, after I made it work for Aethereum’s scabbard, I was able to apply it to Magical Iron with only a few changes to the overall Array. These are the first successful prototypes, ‘Spell Ward Guards’ as I’ve taken to calling them.”

“So spells just bounce off them?” Penny blinked as she walked over to look at the prototype closer.

“Not so much ‘bounce off’ as they simply stop spells from activating their effects.” Harry explained as Penny looked over the guards. “A spell imparts its effects upon contact with a target, right?” Penny nodded in agreement. “What the Spell Ward Array does, is keeping the flying spell from activating and lets me redirect it elsewhere, like I did with yours.”

“Hence the ‘Ward’ part of the name.” Penny realized as she smiled at Harry.

“Yep, it ‘wards off’ spells, rather than blocking them or destroying them.” Harry grinned happily at his prototypes. “I was going to try and use this Array on a small Charm like a bracelet or locket, but it’s has diminishing returns based on the size of the item. The smaller the Item the weaker the effect; unfortunately, if my Arithmancy and Rune Theory is correct, too large of an Item will also spread the ‘Spell Ward’ too thin to be of any real use. It’s quite the conundrum, but it’s a non-static Array, so that might be the issue in and of itself.”

“They’re still impressive, Harry.” Penny assured him as she looked the guards over a bit more. “Are you going to market these to the Aurors as well?”

“Probably not,” Harry shook his head. Seeing Penny’s confusion he explained. “The Auror Batons are good for enforcing the Law without pulling wands right off the bat. It’s good for the Aurors to have an option that isn’t capable of lethal force. Tonks has told me that the Auror Corps reputation has been on the rise since they made the Batons standard issue. But, if a Baton or two fell into the wrong hands, it wouldn’t be good, but it also wouldn’t be the worst thing that could happen.”

“I think I get where you’re going with this,” Penny looked contemplative. “The ‘Spell Ward’ would make anyone wearing them impervious to most spells so long as they’re facing them head-on. If they fell into the wrong hands then even the Aurors might not be able to deal with the Wizard or Witch that has them.”

“Exactly,” Harry nodded with a small smile. “Letting these get out into the open market would probably make Potter & Erdunn Creations a fortune, but the risk of them being misused is so high that no amount of money is worth the potential problems they could bring.”

“I agree, just the thought of some Dark Wizard or Witch being impervious to most spells is already making my stomach turn.” Penny shook her head to rid her mind of the image. “If they work though, why are you still calling them prototypes?”

“Because I want them to be gauntlets when they’re done.” Harry grinned at her. “But articulated metal is hard to do. I’m still practicing it with regular iron right now; progress is kind of slow going.”

“I’m sure you’ll learn it and master it eventually, Harry.” Penny leaned in and pecked his lips. “You always do.” Harry smiled warmly at her as he took off the ‘Spell Ward Guards’ and placed them back on the shelf he got them from.

“Thank you, Penny.” Harry hugged his girlfriend gently. Penny smiled as she returned the hug and even placed a kiss on top of Harry’s head.

“What happened with your ‘Mana Bane’ idea?” Penny asked curiously as they pulled away. “I haven’t heard you talk about it in a bit.”

“That’s mostly worked out.” Harry answered as he moved over to the worktable and pulled open the locked and sealed bottom drawer. From the drawer, Harry pulled out a length of chain. It was coiled up, so Penny couldn’t guess at the exact length. It looked like a simple length of chain to her. “The Control Sequence works now, but I’d like to make it better when I can. The movements are still kind of stiff.” To demonstrate Harry held one end of the length of chain; the rest fell to the floor for a moment before seeming to float when Harry focused.

“It floats…” Penny trailed off as she looked at the curiosity.

“Yeah, it floats when you know how to activate it.” Harry chuckled before, with a flick of his wrist, the end of the chain he wasn’t holding shot towards her. Penny yelped as the chain encircled her and then tightened its hold.

“Harry!” Penny yelped at him. The Artificer just chuckled as Penny tried to use her Magic and found she couldn’t. “Hey, let me go, Mister!”

“As you can see,” Harry continued as if she hadn’t said anything. “Once it wraps around you, you can’t use your Magic to form spells. The speed is decent, but the current ‘Control Sequence’ can only do simple maneuvers. I can’t make it wind around multiple targets, for instance, nor could I make it take on a certain shape and hold it. So at the moment, the chains are best used for quick captures and restraint.”

“I get it…” Penny deadpanned, which made Harry chuckle. “Now let me go before I start removing boyfriend privileges.” The ‘Mana Bane’ chain dropped off of her and returned to Harry. The teen Artificer wound the chain back up with a grin. Penny could at least estimate the length to be somewhere around four or five meters now. From what she knew each link in the chain had to be etched with the continuous Runic Sequence from end to end for the Item to work. No wonder Harry had taken so long to make a viable prototype, the work to make one ‘Mana Bane’ chain probably took days even for a length like the prototype.

“Now I just need to choose something else to work on while I wait for Easter break.” Harry mused as he looked around his workshop.

“You know that’s not until April, right?” Penny playfully reminded him.

“Yeah, it’s going to be in the back of my head though.” Harry shrugged. “I do have something important coming up far sooner though.”

“What’s that, boyfriend of mine?” Penny grinned since she had a fairly good idea.

“I have to make sure my girlfriends have a wonderful Valentine’s Day of course.” Harry confirmed her thought with a smile. “That means spoiling Tonks and Fleur with gifts, and taking you to Hogsmeade for a date!”

“I think I can agree to that~” Penny giggled and Harry chuckled along with her.

“Chocolates and flowers for sure,” Harry tapped his chin in thought. “I should also make them both something they’d like…”

“Oh? Should I also expect a handmade gift?” Penny asked with a warm smile.

“Am I an Artificer or not?” Harry questioned; his hand over his chest and a smile on his lips.

“Of course, how could I ever forget?” Penny held her cheek as she pretended to swoon.

“I’ve got a nice idea already forming in my head,” Harry admitted smiling. “I think you’ll all like them.”

“Oh, now you’ve got me curious…” Penny chuckled at him. “Mind giving me a hint?”

“Nope!” Harry shook his head. “It’ll be a surprise for all three of you.”

“Are you sure?” Penny cocked an eyebrow as she leaned closer. “I’m sure I could convince you~” Her eyes were half-lidded as she leaned in. Harry smiled as he met her halfway and the two shared a kiss. Penny pressed herself against him and Harry’s hands found their way to her waist. The couple enjoyed the kiss for a moment before they separated. “So… About the Valentine’s gift~”

“You’ll have to wait until the day~” Harry teased back as he took a step back and separated from her. “It’s almost time for dinner anyway!” With that Harry rushed to the workshop door and left with a laugh!

“Harry~!” Penny called after him with a pout. “Hmm, I guess he won this round…” The fire in the Head Girl’s eyes easily told any who would have seen them that the war was FAR from over! She followed after Harry at a more sedate pace. They met up at the staircase and entwined their hands as they made the walk down to the Great Hall together.

-Valentine’s Day-

“Harry, it’s beautiful~” Penny smiled beautifully at her boyfriend as she looked at what he’d made her. It was a silver charm bracelet that had small Runes on it and four charms attached to it. The charms were a stylized lightning bolt, a stylized flame, a white feather, and a spiral filled with multiple colors.

“I’m glad you like it Penny.” Harry smiled at her. Watching her put it on Harry waited for her to ask what it could do. She knew him well enough after all.

“I can see you struggling to hold back~” Penny giggled at Harry’s eagerness. “What does it do?” Harry beamed at her and Penny couldn’t hold but her chuckles.

“It’s made mostly of Sylvuan and a bit of Magical Iron.” Harry began and then motioned to the bracelet with a grin. “It also can detect harmful Magic and warn you before you touch it. I got the idea from the bracelet you gave Tonks two Christmases ago. This is a much more powerful and longer-lasting version, hand-crafted with love for you, Fleur, and Tonks.” He smiled fondly at Penny while she admired her gift.

“I love it~” Penny beamed at him while pulling him into a kiss. The two shared a warm lip lock for a bit before they pulled away. Their eyes were filled with love and affection as they rested their foreheads against each other gently. “Even when the warning function fades, it’ll still be beautiful to wear. You’ve outdone yourself, Love.”

“I’ll figure out how to make an Artifact version if I need to~” Harry grinned as they held each other close. Penny giggled into his neck as she squeezed him slightly.

“We still have our date in Hogsmeade to get to.” Penny reminded after several minutes of them holding each other.

“I’m pretty content here.” Harry chuckled as she squeezed her closer.

“I can tell~” Penny teased as she kissed his neck. “But I would like to have that date. When we get back, I might have a little gift of my own for you~”

“Oh?” Harry pulled back a bit to look his girlfriend in the eyes. “Can I ask what it is?”

“You’ll find out after our date~” Penny purred as she pulled back.

“How did I end up dating three minxes at the same time?” Harry playfully questioned as he stood up and they headed out of the hidden workshop.

“Not sure, but aren’t you a lucky man~?” Penny teased as they closed the door behind them. Harry took her hand and they headed for the Great Hall so they could be checked off for Hogsmeade.

“Lucky doesn’t begin to cover it~” Harry returned her teasing as he pecked her cheek. Penny glowed with love and affection as she leaned into Harry. The couple made their way into the Great Hall, decorated for the Holiday, and towards the line of students waiting to leave. They made it past Filch and found a carriage. Harry helped Penny into the carriage with a smile and then climbed in after her. They held each other as the carriage made its way down towards the village and enjoyed their closeness. After getting out of the carriage the two happily interlocked their arms and walked into Hogsmeade together.

They walked the length of the village, doing a little window shopping, before entering Honeydukes on the way back. Harry bought Penny the best Honeydukes had to offer in sweets. While she didn’t often show it, the Head Girl did have a small sweet tooth. The couple strolled through the village and popped into Gladrags to look around for a bit. When lunch rolled around Harry and Penny went to the Three Broomsticks to eat. After a warm meal the couple left the pub and headed back towards the carriages. It had been a wonderful few hours and now they were ready to return. The carriage ride back was filled with kisses and the couple indulged a bit.

In short order Penny and Harry returned to the hidden workshop for some ‘alone time’ together. The Head Girl transfigured a chair into a plush loveseat for them with a wave of her wand. Harry smiled as he kissed Penny’s neck and the blonde shivered in pleasure. Robes were dropped and hands began to explore as lips met.

“Shirt…” Penny mumbled as she pulled at Harry’s shirt. Harry was happy to remove it as fast as his hands could move. Penny smiled as she ran her hands over his bare chest. The blacksmithing Harry did had definitely started showing on his form. Musculature had begun to develop on the Artificer and Penny was happy to explore it. Harry hummed in pleasure as her soft hands trailed up and down his chest.

“Shirt~” Harry teasingly whispered as he tugged on Penny’s jumper. The Head Girl grinned naughtily as she pulled it over her head and let Harry see her bra-clad breasts again.

“Mmm~ Harry~” Penny moaned lowly as Harry’s hands slipped under her bra and found her nipples. The two kissed as they explored each other again. It wasn’t long before Penny’s bra was off completely and Harry was lavishing attention onto her perky bosom. Harry was surprised when Penny cupped him over his pants, but only encouraged her actions with a groan.

“Naughty girl~” Harry breathed into the blonde’s ear.

“You love it~” Penny purred back at him. Harry’s reply was another deep kiss. Tongues came into play and the couple moaned out their joy at increasing their closeness.

“Skirt~?” Harry probed as he nibbled her ear gently. Penny hummed in pleasure and with deft hands undid her skirt. The garment was removed and Harry now held Penny in nothing but her panties. The Head girl wasn’t idle though.

“Pants~” Penny kissed his lips and Harry was quick to spell off his shoes and undo his pants. She helped him get the pants off before cupping him over his boxers this time. Likewise, Harry’s hands happily explored the newly exposed skin Penny had revealed. The Head Girl gasped as her boyfriend’s hands began to fondle and play with her bum. They were completely lost in each other’s touch as they furthered their relationship.

“Penny~!” Harry hissed as Penny began to stroke him over his boxers.

“Mmm~ Harry~” Penny panted as one of Harry’s hands left her bum and began to move over her core and panties. She was so turned on already and the added stimulation was incredible.

Neither of the two had any real experience with this level of physical intimacy. Both were quick to show it when they reached their peaks together quickly. The two held each other tightly as they trembled in pleasure. Harry fell back against the transfigured loveseat and Penny followed him. Harry wrapped his arms around his girlfriend’s waist and pulled her closer. The two cuddled in the afterglow of their moment together.

“I love you, Penelope Clearwater~” Harry told her as he held the blonde close.

“I love you too, Harry Potter~” Penny gave him a beautiful smile.

Their lips met for a soft kiss and Harry used his Magic to pull Penny’s robe from the floor and cover them with it. Under their impromptu blanket the couple cuddled and share soft kisses. Nothing could make this moment of bliss better for them. Penny was sure of her feelings and would happily share her life with Harry. Harry was the same; knowing he’d do anything to keep his Loves happy for the rest of their days together.

Several minutes later and Penny giggled lightly. Harry raised an eyebrow as he continued to gently run his hand up and down Penny’s back. The Head Girl looked up at him with a smile before she spoke.

“Can I borrow the shower again?” Penny asked with a giggle.

“Sure,” Harry agreed instantly. “Can I join you this time?” He asked with a teasing grin.

“Nope~!” Penny pecked his lips as she stood up, giving Harry a look at her almost naked body again. Before she gathered her clothes and sauntered off towards the smithy’s shower. The sway in her hips was very much appreciated by Harry whose eyes followed her bum until the smithy door closed and obscured his view.

“Tease~” Harry chuckled as he stood up from the transfigured loveseat. He felt the cooled ‘release’ in his boxers and grimaced. “Definitely need to clean these now.” He shook his head as he gathered his clothes up and placed them on his worktable. His eyes glanced over some of the plans and notes he had spread out on the surface. With a proud, if expectant, grin, his eyes read over a word at the top of one of the parchments. The overall Project he was hoping to complete by next School Year.


-End Chapter-


Well now, Harry’s slowly working through his various ideas! He’s got new Tools to work with! He’s got a trip to plan out with Sirius! Will his theory about Dragon wing bones work out? Also, Harry’s a good boyfriend, making Valentine’s Day special for his girlfriends, even if they can’t spend it together. You know a certain lovely Veela is going to be ever so happy to receive Owls of gifts from her boyfriend! Might finally get some of the boys to back off!

What is this new Project of Harry’s?

What is ‘Regalia’?

Keep reading to find out!

Current Mana Levels

Harry – 6,352

Tonks – 7,988

Penelope – 6,876

Fleur – 7,244

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Another fantastic and very fun chapter, thanks


OMG is it the car from FFXV?! Can't wait for the next chapter :)

John Balman

regalia sounds like anime reference maybe thou I'm unsure if i watch that one all the way through if it is a reference... also I've been wondering with all the defense and offense items harry has made will he start adding personal disable codes into them so that he can deactivate them if they are used against him? could be a kewl trick to pay on a certain snake dude... oh look I have stolen your robe of power and now no one can now defeat me... Harry sighs wandless cast robe disrobe cmd and deactivate or cast restrain etc it is making me giggle as a omake thought lol


Hmm? If I had to guess... armor? Armor would make sense especially if he can make it an Artifact turning him into magically immune juggernaut, but that is based on his Spell Ward Guards and him improving them, maybe adding some physical enhancements?


You can look up the definition of the word if you want. That'll give you something of an inkling as to the overall idea.

Thomas E Nellis

Even with extensive crafting, Harry is falling behind mana power wise so I would live this we the girls’s training/ work regiment lol. They are all stronger than some a lot of the adults first showcased in the story and I am curious. Anyway I loved the chapter, it was very touching and I love all the new inventions.


AHAH! Basilisk robes!!!! I don't think it would be a scepter! 🤔


Glad you liked it, Thomas! Yeah, Harry will catch up a bit in time, maybe even exceed for a while, who knows? *shrugs* Oh wait... I know, don't I? *Laughs*


Now I'll be speculating.


Feel free, I love it when my stories leave fans wondering and coming up with their own ideas.

Nexue R

I love this! always make my day when i see an update! Thank you! keep it coming! <3

Rémi Herpin

Well, I loved this chapter, keep up the good work !


Of course! I'm happy that you liked it! More updates coming, look forward to them!

Michał W

Another nicely done chapter ^^ I'm not sure what to think about Regalia... they are symbols of power/rule so normally it would be a Crown... in case of magicals you could argue that Staff could fit the role. Anyways. I was wondering if you could show us how his TEST frames influenced the power of past and future generations. Did Snape get more powerful? How is Malfoy doing and is he a deadlast in terms of mana? How does Harry and his girls compare to others?

mark geier

I can see where the forearm guards would be bad for general release, but could be good for Harry, his girls, Sirius & Remus, etc. for when Voldy returns. Even with the gifts sent by owl, do the girls ever get a little jealous that Penny gets more time with him? At least for the rest of this school year until she graduates. I know they get along, but that has to be difficult like any long distance relationship is. And when she leaves, who will keep him from overworking and helping out? Maybe he needs some other friends to hang around with (no, I'm not suggesting more girlfriends), someone to talk things out with or be another "manna source". Looking forward to seeing what the dragon bones can or can't do for him.


General release is a no go, but Family is much different! Next chapter is a Tonks and Fleur focus, so you'll get to see there thoughts. Well next year is Fourth Year, so you know who is coming to Hogwarts then! I'm sure Fleur can 'persuade' Harry to take breaks from his work when necessary.


I was planning to work that into the story. With an accurate way to measure mana and therefore Magical Strength you KNOW some ponce or another is going to try using it to 'prove' that Purebloods are better. But we all know it comes down to how much effort you put into your Magic that makes it grow! So some people are going to be disappointed by what they find!

Creature of Grimm

Good chapter, and good to see Harry considering the ramifications of what he gives to the aura. Through there are several things he could do to avoid it. Like making it so hey only block a certain number of spells before using up the effect. Or even making it a requirement to give a magical oath in regards to how they can be used and then bind them to the user. If they don't want to give an oath they don't get one. Since Harry created them he can make the rules on who gets them.


nice update, look forward to more


Creators that sell their products don't have any real control over what the new owner does with said product. There will be plenty of ways to make more money for Harry and the Family! No worries there.


hmm. perhaps enchanted dress robes/clothing? when i hear the word Regalia, i think of those fancy outfits that kings, queens and royals wear


It will be a sort of assemblage like those fancy outfits, yes, Not quite Robes though.