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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter the First Nemea Leonthrope! With Voldemort dealt with, can Harry finally have a normal life? We’ll see!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 27 – The Wolf King vs. The Lion Queen

Harry Potter was a teen with the weight of the world lifted from his shoulders! He’d just gotten a letter from Sirius that Voldemort would no longer be a problem. The withered homunculus that was Voldemort had been taken deep into the depths of the Ministry’s ‘Department of Mysteries’ and would never come back out. Sirius had mentioned something called ‘The Veil’ and that it was used to execute the worst of criminals. Harry was just happy that he no longer had a homicidal Dark Wizard after his life.

Hermione, Luna, Lavender, Parvati, Padma, Susan, and Fleur had been absolutely ecstatic when Harry showed them the letter. The Prophet that morning had a massive front page covering the trial and sentencing of Voldemort. Harry had been mentioned as the one to bring the Dark Lord to justice. Thankfully, the rest of the Article was listing the crimes of Voldemort and the particulars of the Emergency Wizengamot Session. Harry didn’t need any further ‘glory’ or anything heaped upon him.

“So, boyfriend of ours, how should we celebrate this wonderful news?” Lavender asked with a saucy smile. Parvati giggled as she gave Harry a wink. Luna smiled softly at Harry and was quickly pulled into a side hug. Padma and Hermione both covered blushing cheeks. Susan looked curiously at him too, her gaze flirty and teasing.

“Oui, we should celebrate.” Fleur agreed with a laugh.

“I’m up for whatever.” Harry chuckled as he held Luna close. The small blonde happily snuggled into his side.

“Anything?” Lavender giggled.

“Lavender…” Hermione rolled her eyes at the girl.

“No, no, let her continue~” Parvati teased.

“You’re incorrigible sister…” Padma playfully jibed at her twin.

“Who, me?” Parvati laughed. “Never!”

“All the time.” Padma shook her head fondly.

“Now, now, I’m sure we can all come up with an idea or two.” Susan smiled warmly as she gazed at her friends, and probably her future Family.

“Classes were cancelled for the day…” Fleur hinted with barley suppressed laughter. “We have time for ‘anything’ if we want.”

“Can we have sweets?” Luna questioned brightly.

“Why not?” Harry chuckled. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so light, being surrounded by the ones he loved was the best.

-Ministry of Magic-

“You can’t be serious.” Tonks whispered to Dawlish.

“Unfortunately I am.” Dawlish ran his hand down his face. “According to the Memory Seize of Voldemort, he called Fenrir Greyback and his entire back of feral werewolves to Magical Britain. They’re going to arrive sometime in early July.”

“Just what we bloody need.” Tonks huffed. Voldemort, the worst Dark Lord in living memory, was finally dealt with and then he brings in one last big problem for them. “When’s the next Full Moon?”

“July twelfth…” Dawlish sighed as he rubbed his temples. “So we have a VERY short window to try and track them down.”

“With the Prophet announcing Voldemort’s demise, would Greyback even still show up?” Tonks held out some hope. The feral werewolf hadn’t lived so long killing or infecting people by being foolish.

“Most likely,” Dawlish grumbled. “Greyback will probably see this as an opportunity to do one of his raids. He’ll think we’ve let our guards down. If we can find them before the Full Moon then we won’t have to worry about a pack of feral werewolves. Greyback is good with a wand though; so he’s still a threat.”

“Did we get a location from the Memory Seize?” Tonks immediately knew the answer just by how Dawlish looked at her.

“No, Voldemort was going to contact him after they arrived. No meeting location had been chosen. We’re completely in the dark on this one.” Dawlish shook his head. “We’re going to have to see where Greyback struck during Voldemort’s reign of terror. The bastard likes to turn all the ones he doesn’t kill. That limits him to areas with a larger population of Wizards and Witches. Muggles can’t contract Lycanthropy after all.”

“So that makes his biggest targets; Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley, and…” Tonks trailed off; no way would Fenrir do that!

“The Ministry itself.” Dawlish confirmed with a sharp nod. “We highly doubt he’d be so brazen; but we can’t rule it out.”

“Hogwarts would be mostly safe, Dumbledore is there.” Tonks mused. “Greyback never engaged Dumbledore back in the day. I doubt he’d do so now.”

“Probably not; at least not directly.” Dawlish agreed with the younger Auror. “That means that his most likely targets are Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley.”

“The Alley is close to the Ministry and the Auror Department,” Tonks thought over what she knew of Greyback’s known habits and patterns. “Hogsmeade is close to Hogwarts and Dumbledore.”

“I’m not sure even Dumbledore could hold back an entire pack of feral werewolves. At least not a large pack led by Fenrir Greyback under a Full Moon.” Dawlish grimaced.

“Damn…” Tonks exhaled heavily. “That leaves us two potential targets and not a lot of time to track Greyback down.”

“We have no solid time of arrival, no idea where they’ll be before the Full Moon, and no idea where they’ll strike.” Dawlish laid it all out plainly. “We’re flying completely blind and running out of time.”

“Shit…” Tonks’ exclamation summed up the feelings of the entire Auror Department right then.

-June 30th ~ Hogwarts-

“Come visit this summer?” Fleur asked Harry with a smile.

“Of course.” Harry promised his Veela girlfriend.

“I’ll look forward to it, Mon amour~” Fleur smiled brightly as she and Harry shared a kiss.

“That’ll include all of us, you know?” Lavender grinned at Fleur. Susan, Padma, Luna, Parvati, and Hermione all agreed with smiles and laughs.

“Of course, I would never exclude my future ‘sisters.’” Fleur teased the younger teens. Harry smiled widely at the byplay. His ‘family’ was perfect; he wouldn’t change a single thing!

‘Now if I could just find a way to help Tonks relax with whatever the Aurors are doing.’ Harry sighed quietly. Tonks had been busy with some ongoing investigation recently. She couldn’t tell them anything, of course, it was an ongoing investigation, but he wished she could take some time off to relax.

-July 8th ~ Tonks’ Residence-

“Harry, come with me for a bit?” Tonks requested of her boyfriend with a small smile. Harry, who had been petting Hedwig in his borrowed room, smiled and nodded.

“Of course, Tonks.” Harry grinned as he took her hand.

“Thanks Harry.” Tonks smiled at him softly. The two walked out of the house and to the backyard. They simply strolled around for a bit as Tonks looked contemplative.

“Something on your mind, Tonks?” Harry asked the question he already knew the answer to. Tonks sighed with a grin at him.

“Can’t hide it, huh?” Tonks chuckled lightly.

“You were trying to hide it?” Harry joked with a snort.

“Hush you!” Tonks bumped him with her shoulder. Harry snickered at his eldest girlfriend. “I’m just worried.” She exhaled gustily. “We’re going in pretty much blind against a very dangerous person. I’d be stupid not to worry, right?”

“So that’s what has been bugging you recently?” Harry asked softly.

“Yeah, I don’t like it to be honest.” Tonks admitted. “We have to cover at least three places and the other side has a large advantage since the Aurors are split up.”

“You’re thinking a lot of people are going to be hurt or maybe die?” Harry questioned as he squeezed her hand softly.

“It’s a real possibility.” Tonks looked down at the ground.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Harry asked as they stopped walking. Tonks turned to face him and without hesitation leaned forward to connect their lips. Harry leaned in to return the kiss and the two pulled each other close. Wrapped up in each other they poured their affection and love into their lip lock.

“Stay with me tonight.” Tonks said as they gently pressed their foreheads together.

“Yes.” Harry agreed and Tonks took his hand and led him up to her bedroom. Harry followed Tonks inside and the door was closed and locked behind him. A flick of Tonks’ wand and Harry didn’t see anything happen. He was only curious for a moment though as Tonks set her wand aside and kicked off her shoes. Her hands grasped the hem of her shirt next and pulled it over her head. She tossed it to the floor and had her bra off in short order.

“Get undressed, Harry.” Tonks instructed with a warm, loving gaze. “I was going to wait until your birthday, but the situation has changed.” Harry tore his gaze from her breasts before replying.

“You act like I’m going to complain.” Harry grinned at her while kicking off his own shoes and pulling off his shirt.

“I didn’t think you would.” Tonks smiled as she pulled her jeans and panties off in one motion. “Come here, my mate~” She purred out as she laid herself onto her bed.

‘Claim her!’ Tore through Harry’s mind like nothing ever before. His Therian Instincts roared out for him and Tonks to become one. Harry didn’t actually remember removing his pants or boxers. One second he was wearing them, and the next he was naked and joining Tonks in the bed.

“I love you Nym~” Harry told her with such raw, genuine emotion that Tonks’ breath hitched and her heart thumped loudly in her chest.

“I love you too, Harry~” Tonks returned the love as their lips met again. They wrapped their arms around each other as they deepened their kiss. Tongues came into play as they pressed their bare skin against each other.

No words were needed from that point on. The couple simply gave in to their love and their instincts. Their kissing only broke long enough to breathe for a while as their hands roamed. Tonks let out a particularly wonderful gasp as Harry played with her breasts and nipples. Her hands travelled over his body, one slipping down to wrap around his length. Harry groaned low in his throat at her touch and bucked into her hand. Tonks panted as she stroked her mate and kissed along his neck. Her Therian Instincts were roaring to claim Harry as her mate, her King!

Harry’s lips latched onto Tonks nipples making the older girl gasp and moan. Harry licked and sucked her breasts while fondling her bum and gently bucking into her stroking hand. Their lips met again and as their tongues met Tonks guided Harry into her. A deep rumbling purr emitted from Harry’s chest as they finally became one. Tonks mewled in pleasure as Harry moved deeper into her. Bit by bit he filled and stretched her, when he bottomed out inside her Tonks wrapped her legs around his waist.

Harry pulled back, sending sparks of pleasure through both of their bodies. The two came together again as their lips met. Harry and Tonks panted, moaned and groaned as they moved with each other in the throes of passion. Tonks rolled her hips to match Harry’s thrusts into her soaked heat. The two reveled in their love and the heat of their mating. A low rumble emerged from Harry as his thrusts began to pick up speed. Tonks responded back with her own purrs, encouraging her mate to reach completion with her. They had no concept of time, only the warmth of each other’s bodies and the pleasure.

“Inside~” Tonks mewled into his ear as they held each other tight. The first word spoken since their coupling began. Harry sped up his thrusts more, his mate’s sex squeezing along his length to coax him to completion. Harry gave into her primal desires as well as his own. He sought out her lips and kissed her deeply as he hilted himself inside of her and reached his peak. The two broke their lip lock to moan but their moans turned into something again to roars as they climaxed together.

“Tonks~” Harry panted even as a pleasant, rumbling purr emitted from his chest.

“Harry~” Tonks purred back to her mate. The two locked eyes and saw the golden orbs of the Nemea Lion looking back at them. The animal heat lingered as their gazes held each other. The two instinctively leaned together and began to nuzzle each other softly. Eventually their eyes returned to normal and their breathing evened out. Harry pulled himself from Tonks’ depths and they pulled each other close. They refused to be separated from each other even a little. Skin was flush against skin as they shared soft kisses and held each other. At some point Harry reached down and pulled the blankets over them. The two cuddled together, softly purring, until sleep took them.

Waking up in each other’s arms would bring smiles to their faces the next morning. But facing Andromeda, Ted, and Sirius was another matter entirely. But for now, the only two Nemea Leonthropes in the world were content to just hold each other and sleep.

-Hogsmeade July 12th ~ Evening-

Fenrir Greyback and his pack had gone to ground. There had not been a single sighting of the wanted criminal in the time between his supposed arrival and now. The Full Moon was rising and Tonks was hopeful that her deployment of Aurors here at Hogsmeade was the correct one. The Ministry had been vacated earlier in the day than normal, everyone sent home early. Hogsmeade was mostly vacated; the villagers left their lights on to give the appearance that the village was normal. All of the residents were currently in Hogwarts, which Dumbledore himself was protecting. Diagon had far more Aurors patrolling the area and most people were being asked to return home. The faster the shopping area closed tonight the better.

Then the Aurors in Hogsmeade heard it.

The bone chilling howl of a werewolf.

Not just a single howl either, but the multiple howls of a full pack!

“Well, at least we guessed right.” Proudfoot grimaced from his place a few meters away from her. The young man didn’t look overly pleased with that fact.

“Incoming!” They heard the yell followed by Spell fire. The two younger Aurors looked around the corner to check the situation. Three werewolves were charging down the street towards their location. Tonks and Proudfoot emerged, both throwing over-powered Stunning Spells at the wolves. Two dodged the spells but the third crashed to the floor after taking one Stunner to the face and another to the chest.

Both of the other werewolves snarled at the Aurors. Tonks lashed out with her wand, a bright sparking yellow curse leaving the tip. The wolves scattered and the bang that went off when her spell collided with the cobblestones distracted them both. Proudfoot whipped his wand around and the cobblestones beneath one of the werewolves feet liquefied into a thick and swampy mire. The transformed beast snarled and roared as it sank. Its claws scrambled to try and find purchase on something solid. Proudfoot had made his Transfiguration too wide though; the wolf couldn’t reach the edge and only succeeded in further trapping itself.

The last wolf launched itself at the both of them in bestial rage. Its jaws opened wide and ready to crush whatever they got a hold of. Tonks conjured chains, a more advanced version of the standard Incarcerous spell, and shackled the wolf with them. The transformed monster roared and snarled as the writhing chains bound it more and more. With one wolf already Stunned and the other two trapped, Proudfoot and Tonks Stunned both of the trapped wolves too.

“How big was Greyback’s pack again?” Proudfoot questioned as they both watched each other’s backs.

“Somewhere around thirty or forty.” Tonks exhaled. The two moved through Hogsmeade carefully. They saw several trapped and stunned werewolves across the village. They also saw a few dead werewolves as well. A very large wolf was slowly reverting back to a human form as the residual magic left his body. He had been felled by what appeared to be six, thirty centimeter long, silver spikes. No doubt one of the Officers from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures had brought anti-werewolf measures and used them.

The two younger Aurors were approaching the main street of Hogsmeade when they heard the call.

“It’s Greyback!” The shout was then followed by an explosion. Apparently Greyback had decided to start this raid of his off with spells. Tonks and Proudfoot quietly made their way closer to the scene. They constantly checked over their shoulders for any other werewolves moving in the shadows. When they got to the scene it was brutal.

“Fulmenifer!” Scrimgeour cast at the large man at the center of the mess. From the tip of the Senior Auror’s wand a bolt of bright, white lightning cracked the air as it was launched at the werewolf. Greyback whipped his own wand to the side and the lightning was redirected into a building, setting it ablaze. Around the battle lay the bodies of at least a dozen Aurors, and six or seven of the Officers from the Department of Magical Creatures.

“Bombarda!” Another Auror cast at the werewolf.

“Defudio!” Dawlish cast the curse with far more power than normal.

“Ha!” Greyback mocked as he jabbed his wand at the ground. The cobblestones were torn up as a large piece of the ground rose upwards to block the spells. The large obstruction was then banished at the remaining Aurors.

“Move!” Scrimgeour yelled as the Senior Aurors leapt out of the way. The large stone smashed into their previous position and rolled down the main street before stopping.

“You’re going to die if you don’t do better!” Greyback laughed loudly as he whipped his wand around and threw fire at every building in range. The fires began to spread and engulf the shops on the main street. “From what I’ve seen, none of you are even worth turning!”

“Damned monster!” Dawlish yelled as he released a sickly, putrid looking purple curse at Greyback. The werewolf actually leapt backwards to avoid that particular curse instead of trying to block or redirect it. “Bloody Hell.” Dawlish cursed as his spell missed.

“See? That’s the spirit!” Greyback laughed maliciously. “Bit of a Dark Curse there, wasn’t it?”

“What do we do?” Proudfoot whispered to Tonks.

“We have to help.” Tonks whispered back. “They’re going to die if we don’t do something.”

“Hit him when he’s distracted?” Proudfoot suggested.

“Exactly what I was thinking.” Tonks agreed. The two took aim with their wands and waited.

“Expulso Maxima!” Scrimgeour roared out and a bright white ball of light was launched from his wand. Greyback threw his own wand forward in response.

“Protego Maxima!” A powerful Shield Charm appeared between Greyback and Scrimgeour’s spell. A blast rocked the street from the powerful explosive spell. The werewolf’s shield charm faded away almost instantly after it was hit by the blast.

“Now!” Tonks yelled.

“Incendium!” Proudfoot shouted and a conflagration leapt from his wand towards the off balance Greyback.

“Deprimo!” Tonks added her own spell, one that caused a powerful blast of air, into the mix. The two spells mixed into a blast of flames that engulfed Fenrir Greyback’s position and tore down the street for several dozen meters afterwards. Proudfoot and Tonks ended their spells and carefully went to check on the Senior Aurors. Just as they were helping Scrimgeour and Proudfoot to their feet they all heard a voice filled with seething rage.

“Well… You torched my wand… Ruined my clothes… And pissed me OFF!” Greyback roared, his smoking body bulging as he glared death at the Aurors. His body bugled as it bulked up. The cracking and snapping of the man’s rearranging skeleton as he transformed was repulsive. In less than the time it took for the Aurors to raise their wands Greyback had fully transformed.

“AAAARRROOOOWWWRRR!” The massive werewolf howled to the Full Moon. He stood easily three meters in height, covered in thick black fur, his fangs large and dripping with saliva. The bulky body and long razor-sharp claws clearly showed that Greyback ‘fed’ his wolf-state often. The man was a remorseless killer and reveled in his infection. He was the only werewolf with such control over the Magical Virus that infected him.

“Shit…” Dawlish spat as the massive werewolf leapt at the group, clearing the entire distance in a single bound.

“Get behind me!” Tonks yelled as she blurred and her form changed. What the massive werewolf met was not three Wizards and a Witch. The great beast met the fully grown form of a female Nemean Lion. The wolf crashed into the massive cat and pushed her back almost a meter. The black wolf leapt backwards to dodge the massive paw that swiped at him with fifteen centimeter claws.

“RRRROOOOWWWRRRR!” Tonks roared out and Greyback’s fur stood on end.

“AAARRRROOORRRR!” Greyback roared back as he flexed his own claws.

The two beasts leapt at each other and slammed together. The weight advantage belonged to Tonks as she shoved the werewolf backwards. Greyback was sent tumbling backwards along the street. With a roar the black wolf leapt up on top of a burning shop and then dived down onto Tonks from above. Tonks was knocked over her feet from the airborne tackle and crashed into the shop nearest her. Greyback clawed and bit at the massive lion as she thrashed and tried to shake him off. Not seeing any damage being done to his opponent Greyback tried to go for the neck. He was not expecting Tonks to roll. The great lion dropped and rolled along the ground and rolled over the werewolf.

Greyback roared and he hobbled back to get some distance. Already his injuries from the impromptu crushing were beginning to heal. Tonks stood back to her full height and let out another air-shaking roar. Fenrir visibly flinched thins time before shaking his wolf-like head and roaring back. Tonks charged him but Greyback leapt to the side, kicked off another wall and tackled the lion again. Tonks maintained her footing this time and managed to land a swipe that sent the werewolf reeling. The lacerations across the wolf’s back and side were already healing when Tonks turned to face him fully.

Fenrir howled out his rage as he seemed to bulk up and get even bigger. The black werewolf blitzed the Nemean Lion and tackled her into one of the burning buildings. The two bit and clawed at each other over and over again, smashing through the burning shop. Greyback couldn’t find a way to do any damage with his claws or fangs. He’d already broken two of his fangs on the lion’s hide. They’d already regrown but still. In the haze of his rage-fueled state he could only go with beating his enemy to death! He didn’t see the paw until it was too late. With a hit that rattled his bones, Fenrir was swiped out of the burning building and thrown into the street. Tonks leapt out of the crumbling shop after him.

Tonks’ challenging roar sparked Greyback’s rage even further. The two clashed again Tonks’ jaws closed around Fenrir’s shoulder and the massive, black werewolf actually yipped in pain. The wolf clawed and bit at the Apex predator, trying to get the large fangs out of its shoulder. Tonks bit down harder and bones cracked under the force. Blood gushed from the wounds and the werewolf pulled a desperation move.

A sickening crack was heard as Fenrir Grey back yanked his body away from his trapped shoulder. A large chunk of his shoulder and flesh were torn away, along with his right arm, but the werewolf was free. Roaring out its agony the wolf began to run away. The massive gaping wound slowly healing over as it ran and tried to flee the superior predator. But fleeing only triggered Tonks’ predatory instincts; she bounded after her injured prey and quickly got up. Blood loss took time to fix, even for resilient werewolves, and Fenrir had lost a lot in this fight. His body was ragged, his breathing was labored, and his mind was muddled in a war of pain and instinct. He heard a soul shaking roar as a huge weight slammed into his back. The last thing that Fenrir Greyback felt was the massive fangs of the Nemean Lion closing on his head.

“I’m gonna be sick.” Dawlish looked horrified and nauseous at the same time.

“Proudfoot beat you too it.” Scrimgeour pointed to the younger Auror vomiting all over the cobblestones a few meters away. The lion-like man was looking rather green himself as he watched Auror Tonks crush Fenrir Greyback’s head in her jaws. The Nemean Lion thrashed the werewolf around a few times; breaking bones and rag-dolling the body. When she dropped the dead beast she let out a roar of dominance that surviving Aurors felt in their bones.

A few moments later and Tonks blurred as she shifted back into her Human Form. The Auror Robe was gone, shredded by her transformation, but she was still clad in her specially made pants and shirt. The crack of Apparation was heard as more and more Aurors arrived on scene. They quickly began to put out the fires in Hogsmeade and Amelia Bones herself came to greet the four, still standing, Aurors.

“How many were here?” Amelia questioned Scrimgeour. “Greyback wasn’t at the attack on Diagon Alley, was he here?”

“So that’s why there weren’t the amount we thought there would be.” Dawlish realized the lack of forty or more werewolves at Hogsmeade. Greyback had split his pack to hit two locations at once. The two most populated areas at that!

As the situation was explained to Amelia by Scrimgeour, Tonks sat and breathed deeply to calm herself down. The primal frenzy she’d gone into during the fight had been a head rush of epic proportions. Even as she’d gotten ahold of her mental faculties, her heart rate had still been off the charts. Now she needed to calm down so that she could do the rest of her job for the night.

“Auror Tonks,” Amelia called as she approached the young woman. “I’ll need your report on the situation once you’ve caught your breath.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Tonks nodded to the Head of the DMLE. “Just a second.”

“Take your time, Auror.” Amelia nodded to the Metamorph Leonthrope. “I dare say you’ll be getting a commendation for this. Greyback had a bounty on his head after all.”

“Wouldn’t that just stick right in Umbridge’s craw?” Tonks chuckled at the thought of the face the vile, pink toad would make as a ‘Creature’ like her got awarded a commendation by the Ministry.

“I imagine it might.” Amelia barely hid a smirk of her own. Umbridge was NOT well-liked in the Ministry.

“Alright, I think I’m good.” Tonks stood up and Amelia quickly had a Dictation Quill and a roll of parchment floating between them.

-End Chapter-


The Werewolf King has fallen to the Lion Queen! That’s the last of the Dark Forces from Voldemort’s first attempt to take over Magical Britain. The Death Eaters are imprisoned, Voldemort is going to be chucked through the Veil as soon as his Horcruxes are collected and destroyed by the Unspeakables; and now Fenrir Greyback is dead.

I’d say Harry and his Loved Ones are going to have a much better life from now on. What with no more Dark Wizards out to kill Harry anymore. Now we just have to work on schoolwork, graduate, and maybe start growing the Nemea Leonthrope population?

Until I get your reviews, later!


John Balman

why do i feel like there may be another baddy about to appear lol :P


No idea. This fic is just about wrapped up honestly. It'll be my first completed story. Then ALL of my Harry Potter Muse will focus on Artificer! Time to write an Epic!

Thomas E Nellis

Finally a real monster battle. I loved it. I don’t get me wrong. The romance and plot are fantastic but it’s always nice to have a real challenge lol.

Stephen Potter

Great chapter I have really enjoyed reading this story, I am glad that it is winding down though. I hope you start a new Harry Potter story though as they are the type that I read, selfish of I know but what can I say, I am what I am.


Glad I lived up to expectations, Thomas! Lol Lion Queen chomped down on the Werewolf King's head!


I'll be focusing on Artificer more after Leonthrope is done. Artificer will be a long Epic; so I have no idea when it'll be complete. But I imagine I won't have too much trouble coming up with another Harry Potter story afterwards.

mark geier

Fun to see a creature battle. Too bad Umbridge wasn't in one of the buildings that got smashed into. :) Though having to give an award to Tonks may kill her in a much more fun way.

Frybread boy

Awesome way to finish off Greyback!

Howard J. Howe

I can see Umbridge getting sensured when she tries to delay the award 'for extended administrative review'.