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Alright, friends and fans, you get to exercise your Patron Powers again!

What Pokemon should Misty choose?

The only restrictions for choice are the following:

1) It has to be at least part Water Type.

2) It has to be a First Stage Pokemon; so something that can hatch from an Egg.

3) It has to be from either Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, or Sinnoh.

4) It CAN'T be a Starter and no Lapras; I have plans for Lapras in the future!

So feel free to comment your suggestions! Use your power, My Patrons! Use it!




Thomas E Nellis

Corphish because crawdaunt would give misty a water dark type lol plus it would be hilarious.

Hannah Pinson

Staryu. Not a stereotypical girl's pokemon, plus it's evolved form, Starmie, is part psychic type.


You-You're fucking with me, right? She has BOTH of them already. She's used Starmie in almost every match! Don't mess with me like this...please? Let's be serious...


I has three ideas


1. Luvdisc 2. Clampearl and have her evolve it into Gorebyss or 3. Finneon

David Zimmerle

Damn can't get Mudkip to eventually have Swampert or Tympole to eventually get Seismitoad, both of my favorite Water/Ground pokemon. Without those I'd go Water/Flying probably a Wingull so that she eventually has a flying type she can get around on since Mantyke line can't fly despite being water/flying. Barring Wingull then Chinchou because Lanturn is a decent pick as Water/Electric.


I see you're thinking of Type Coverage too! Wingull are fairly common though. Hmm, decisions...

Rafael Ramos

Chinchou for water/electric type it covers some weakness of water type and combined withe quagsire they cove the weakness to electric type or a mantyke for water/flying

justice staples

What about horsea that way later she has a dragon water type once she gets a dragon scale. And it has good type coverage since dragon type is strong againts pretty much evrything expect ice and fairy


I HAVE considered Misty being inspired by Vince's Seadra and getting a Horsea...

justice staples

Its a good idea especially since she needs a dragon scale to evolve it to kingdra and they are especially rare


Umm, I went over this in the recent Chapters... Seadra can evolve without a Dragon Scale Item and a Trade Machine if you nurture its latent Dragon Traits. In this story ALL Trade Evolution Pokemon can evolve naturally with time or with specialized training. Otherwise the species WOULDN'T have any of their final Forms in the wild. So there MUST be a way for Trade Pokemon to Evolve Naturally without Human intervention. Or that's how I've made it in the story at any rate.

El Pirato

I have Mantyke, Remoraid, and Barboach.

Brody Meech

Cornish, chinchou, and buizel Type coverage for the first two and because I just love buizel. You really took out my favorite in seismitoad and I was also going to suggest frillish for ghost type but you limited it to gen 4.


I never said you couldn't just pick your favorites! I like Buizel too! Sinnoh giving you access to a Good early Water Type was nice!


Im just gonna say my favourite water type and say she should get a Walrein


Chinchou, Spheal, Lotad, or Corphish I would have suggested an Azurill, but it being a Normal/Fairy type that evolves into the Water/Fairy type Marill and later Azumarill.


Wailord because why not


Horsea would be my first choice, I've always loved Kingdra. After that I'd either say Carvanha or Azurill (technically not water but all of its evolutions are)


Chinchou or barboach

Blizzard Burn

Spheal she needs a tank

tyler richert

I would go with spheal or buizel


I'm gonna go with a strange vote and say Corsola. it doesn't evolve but is a great tank with water/rock type and regenerator as a possible ability. it also learns quite a lot of defensive moves, like lucky chant and mirror coat, as well as iron defense. it also learns recover and aqua ring to heal. its a unique type of tank that i think Misty would be great at figuring out.


it would depend on if she is the one who gets to pick the Pokémon but if it is a random choice i think giving her a surskit could be funny due to mistys anti bugness. if she is the one choosing and known pokemon then maybe go something old school but not a fossil in the form of relicanth or just different like clampearl or if your going really wild a phione.