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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter and the Artificer Legacy! Yule Break! Spending time with Family! Will Tonks, Penny, and Fleur have another Christmas ‘Surprise’ for Harry? Also, what’s the next Big Project to work on?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 25 – Yule Break, Next Project

Harry smiled as he and Penny rode the Hogwarts Express back to London. He had completed his Artifact Sword after two years of work. It was even a Greater Grade Artifact! At thirteen he’d done what many Artificers spent their careers attempting! He felt a bit of pride about that. Now he was headed back to Wood End Cottage for the break, Sirius was apparently pulling out all the stops for the celebrations this year. Both to celebrate Harry’s achievement and just because he was Sirius and he enjoyed the festivities!

“What are you smiling about, hmm?” Penny asked as they leaned against each other.

“Why wouldn’t I smile when I have such a beautiful, intelligent, loving woman cuddled up with me?” Harry grinned at the blonde.

“Did you learn that line from Sirius, per chance?” Penny giggled softly as they held each other.

“No, that’s how I really feel.” Harry hugged her closer and Penny kissed his cheek.

“Hmm, we do have the compartment to ourselves this time,” Penny teased. “Maybe we can give each other an early present?”

“Really now?” Harry looked at the Head Girl with a teasing glance. “What ever could you be considering?”

“Hush and kiss me.” Penny smiled, she pointed her finger at the door; the lock clicked into place and the blinds rolled down all the way.

“Love you, Penny.” Harry murmured to her before their lips met. Penny moaned lightly as they kissed.

“Love you too.” Penny smiled beautifully at him as she pulled back for a moment. Their lips met again and the two let themselves get lost in the feelings. Penny let Harry’s hands wander and explore her body; while her own hands ghosted through his hair or ran up and down his chest.

The two spent the rest of the train ride in each other’s embrace. Shortly before they arrived at the station the two separated and fixed themselves up. Penny pulled her bra back into place and re-buttoned her shirt. A quick Charm on her hair saw it looking far less frazzled than it had been a second ago.

Harry cast the same Charm on his hair, though with the ‘Potter Hair’ it wasn’t all that different. He fixed up his clothes, Penny’s hands had done their own wandering, and the two looked each other over to make sure they were presentable.

“We should spend all of the train rides like that.” Harry smiled and chuckled.

“We’ll see…” Penny teased as she kissed his cheek.

When the train stopped and students began to disembark, the couple unlocked the door to the compartment and headed out. They left the train and looked around the platform for a moment. Sirius was easy to spot, his Godfather had on a festive, pointed hat that looked like a Christmas tree. It was even lit up with multi-colored lights.

“Well at least he toned it down a bit this time…” Harry shook his head fondly. Penny giggled as she saw her father standing near Sirius. But also just far enough away to not be instantly associated with the Lord Black. Harry and Penny approached them with smiles and were pulled into hugs by their respective parent. Greetings were exchanged between Harry and Edward, while Penny and Sirius greeted each other as well.

“Are you keeping my Godson out of trouble Head Girl Clearwater?” Sirius chuckled while Harry stared at him deadpan.

“As much as possible, Sirius.” Penny smiled with a pretty laugh.

“I don’t get into trouble.” Harry tsked at his Godfather.

“Then Penny’s doing an excellent job!” Sirius chortled at his Godson’s expense.

“Ha ha…” Harry gave his most sarcastic of laughs. This got a chuckle from Edward and Penny was giggling. Plans were made for Penny to visit over the break and for some time on Christmas Day. The two pairs parted ways after that, Penny giving Harry a peck on the cheek before they left.

-Wood End Cottage-

Being back home at Wood End Cottage was nice. The warmth that existed here always brought a smile to Harry’s face. Harry happily accepted a snack from Tayla and enjoyed time with Sirius. The Cottage was decked out in tons of decorations. Garlands were strung up along the walls and wrapped around the staircase banister. There were wreathes on almost every door. The tree was already set up and twinkled with multiple lights.

Harry was looking at the various decorations around the living room when the fireplace flared green. From the Floo came Tonks. The Metamorph’s eyes lit up at seeing him and with barely a wave of her hand the soot disappeared from her person. Harry didn’t even have time to say ‘Hi’ before Tonks had him in a hug and almost tackled him onto the couch.

“Harrikins!” Tonks cheered as she snuggled her boyfriend. “I missed you!”

“I missed you too, Nym.” Harry smiled as he hugged her back. The two cuddled for a moment before Tonks pulled back. Then she flicked him in the forehead.

“Ow…” Harry rubbed his forehead. “What was that for?”

“Don’t nearly kill yourself making an Artifact!” Tonks glared at him with a pout. “We want you around for life, mister!” She pulled him back into her arms again.

“Sorry I worried you, Tonks.” Harry apologized as he hugged her close. The two held each other for a bit longer before pulling away.

“Can I see it?” Tonks asked with a smile.

“Hmm, I guess…” Harry adopted a ‘thinking pose’ as he teased her.

“Come on, Harrikins~ Show me, show me!” Tonks bounced on the couch like an excited child. Harry couldn’t help but chuckle at the bubbly young woman. With a grin he headed up to his room and retrieved the sword. Walking back downstairs Harry saw Sirius and Tonks chatting.

“I guess I’ll demonstrate a bit, if you two want?” Harry chuckled seeing both of them act like excited kids before they both raced for the back door. He followed at a slightly more sedate pace. His knowing smirk as he slowly approached the excited pair only made them insist he hurry up. “Alright, alright, back up a bit though. If you want to see full power at the end you don’t want to be too close.”

Sirius and Tonks took a couple steps backwards. Both still excited to see Harry’s Artifact Sword. Harry unsheathed the sword and let Tonks and Sirius look at it.

“It looks kinda plain, Harrikins.” Tonks commented as she looked over the hand and a half broadsword. It wasn’t ornate or overtly Magical to her eyes. Most Wizards and Witches went out of their way to make things obviously Magical.

“It doesn’t need to scream ‘Look at me! I’m super Magical!’ to be an Artifact, Nym.” Harry grinned at her.

“In other words, function over looks,” Sirius nodded. “Still pretty boring looking there, Harry.”

“Thanks…” Harry rolled his eyes at his chuckling Godfather. With a thought Harry had a fireball snap into existence. “Watch and be amazed.” He chuckled as he adopted a Showman’s voice. He touched the blade of Aethereum to the fireball, instantly the flames dispersed into nothing. With the first demonstration done Harry proceeded to create different spells. Every bit of magic the blade touched dispersed. Harry even demonstrated the dispersing wave of magic on a huge fireball again.

“Do the big one, Harry!” Tonks cheered. “Penny told me about it! I wanna see the lightning! Do it, do it!”

“Alright, one full power swing then we’re done.” Harry laughed at his excitable girlfriend. Her hair was a brighter pink than he’d ever seen it before as she watched his demonstration. Harry channeled the Fulmen Curse through Aethereum and the sword began to spark. With a swing towards the sky a bright bolt of lightning was released. Seeing the massive bolt both Sirius and Tonks felt their jaws drop.

“Harry, that was awesome!” Tonks exclaimed while laughing.

“Thank you, Nym.” Harry smiled at her while sheathing Aethereum.

“Godson of mine… I have a slight concern…” Sirius spoke up as he and Tonks approached Harry while the trio headed back inside.

“What’s that, Sirius?” Harry asked his Godfather.

“What’ll you do if someone with less than good intentions gets their hands on your sword?” Sirius inquired while looking at the sheathed weapon.

“It’s already bound to my Bloodline.” Harry informed Sirius placating him. “No one but me, or one of my children, can use the sword as a Focus. The sheath can also protect from spells too, so it can’t be summoned away from be. Plus the little surprise I worked into the handle.” The teen Artificer chuckled as they entered the Cottage.

“Surprise?” Tonks asked as they closed the door and warmed up.

“There’s an Intent-based Ward on the handle, connected directly to Aethereum as part of the whole sword. Anyone that seeks to harm me, the Potter Family, or desires Aethereum for its power, can’t even touch the sword.” Harry explained his final safety feature. That was a bit of Arithmancy work to write out those specific conditions into the Ward. Harry felt the work had been worth it though, now no one that wished to harm him or his family could possess the sword. Even members of his future family that might desire Aethereum to use its power for themselves wouldn’t be able to hold the sword. It would hopefully be enough to keep it out of less than noble hands.

“That’s actually pretty good security, Harry.” Tonks smiled at him.

“Indeed,” Sirius nodded with a grin. “Just one last concern then,” Harry looked confused and Sirius placed his hand on his Godson’s shoulder. “Do you actually know how to use  a sword?”

“Like formal lessons?” Harry shook his head.

“Then we’ll get you a teacher.” Sirius stated firmly. “Aethereum might not be able to cut anything physical; but it’s still a sword and should be treated as such. Even though it’s an amazing Focus, it’s not a wand and shouldn’t be waved around as such.”

“Hmm, I had considered trying to learn at least the basics of swordsmanship.” Harry mused as the trio sat in the living room together. “Alright then, let’s do it, I can dedicate some time this summer to learning.”

“Good,” Sirius smiled at him. “Besides, I highly doubt this will be the last Artifact Sword you’ll make.”

“True enough.” Harry smiled back.

“Why would you make another one?” Tonks tilted her head curiously.

“Because Magic Swords are cool.” Harry AND Sirius responded in unison while looking at Tonks with wide grins.

“Can’t really argue with you, I guess.” Tonks cracked up laughing.

Tonks stayed over for the evening. After dinner she’d followed Harry up to his room and proceeded to kiss him. Harry wasn’t complaining. The two ended up having a repeat of their ‘negotiation’ meeting on Harry’s bed. That night, Tonks slipped into Harry’s room again and slept next to her boyfriend. Both were in pajamas, of course, but they happily held each other close and snuggled together under the warm blankets. They both had good, restful sleep that night and awoke with smiles on their faces the next morning.


Harry and Family had a wonderful Holiday. Gifts were exchanged and Fleur even came over for a few hours to exchange gifts. She also gave him an in-person repeat of the letter she’d sent him about harming himself in pursuit of Artifact Creation. Harry had accepted her reprimand, apologized for worrying her, and then accepted the warm hug she gave him. Before Fleur had to leave she was pulled aside by Tonks and Penny. The three girls disappeared for a bit and Harry, having a good idea of what was going on, left to go find the three.

‘If this is going to become a Holiday Tradition, I’m the luckiest bloke on Earth!’ Harry thought to himself as he approached his bedroom door. He knew for a fact that it hadn’t been closed earlier. Knocking on the door Harry announced himself.

“Come in, ‘Arry~” Fleur purred out and Harry felt a spark travel along his spine from her tone. Harry opened the door and quickly closed it behind him. Taking in the sight of his three girlfriends, all in skimpy Santa outfits; was amazing!

“Like what you see, Harry~?” Tonks asked breathily. She was almost popping out of the small top with the size she’d made her breasts. Her generous bum was also making the short skirt struggle to cover it at all. Her thighs and legs were fully on display, as was her midriff. All capped off with the Santa hat on her head.

“We hope so~” Penny teased with a purr of her own. She was clearly wearing the same outfit she’d worn the last time she and Tonks had ‘surprised’ him together. The lovely blonde had also not bothered to alter the outfits’ size with Magic. Her generous bosom was just barely held by the top. Her midriff was bare, showing of her trim waist and flat stomach. The skirt was the shortest thing he’d ever seen Penny wearing before; her thighs and legs shown off for him.

“It’s our gift to you~” Fleur finished laying on her accent a bit thicker than normal as she teased him. Her legs and thighs showcased by an equally short skirt. Her trim waist and wide hips exposed by the low skirt and small top; said top also barely able to contain her breasts. With a giggle at his travelling gaze over their forms, all three young ladies turned and let him see them from the back.

“Holy…” Harry breathed out as he took in the sight of three perfect bums presented to him. His breath hitched entirely when the tiny skirts were pulled up and green/red striped panties where revealed. Three giggles proceeded the gentle wiggling of the very nice bums and Harry was certain he was officially the luckiest teen in Magical Britain!

“Harry~” Tonks teased as the girls lowered their skirts and turned around.

“Yes…” Harry replied, still mesmerized.

“Surprise~” Penny giggled as all three tiny tops were relieved of their task of trying to contain the girls’ breasts. Harry’s eyes couldn’t stay still! Tonks’ had the largest tits he’d ever seen! Penny’s boobs were just as lovely as he remembered and she was even shaking them slightly! Fleur’s breasts where just as perfect as the rest of her as well as being natural D Cups! The teen was sure that he was in Heaven!

“Come here, mon amour~” Fleur beckoned him close with a come hither motion. Harry didn’t remember moving, but he and Fleur were quickly wrapped in each other’s arms and sharing their first kiss together. She guided him to the bed and the kissing became deep and heated. Their tongues met and Fleur happily showed him how the French kissed! Harry was steadily overwhelmed by his Veela girlfriend and ended up lying on his back with his hands on her bum while they made out.

“So naughty~” Tonks teased as Harry and Fleur continued to make out.

“Like you have room to talk.” Penny giggled at the Metamorph.

Fleur and Harry separated with a gasp and the Veela teen smiled lovingly down at her boyfriend. Harry was able to sit up before his lips were captured by Penny’s. The two shared a deep kiss for a bit. When they separated it was Tonks’ turn and she gently pulled Harry’s lips to hers. The two kissed gently at first before Tonks deepened it. A few moments later they separated for air.

Now Harry knew he was in Heaven!

“While your dazed look is very cute, Harry, we need you to head back downstairs so that we can change.” Tonks chuckled. Penny and Fleur matched her with giggles of their own as the three of them helped Harry to his feet.

“Right… Okay…” Harry’s grin wouldn’t fade for quite a while. He left his room still in a happy daze and headed for the kitchen to get a drink.

Fleur left shortly afterwards to spend the rest of Christmas with her family in France. Penny likewise needed to leave not long after to go to her family’s Christmas Dinner. The rest of the family; Sirius, Harry, Tonks, Andromeda, Ted, and Lupin had a wonderful dinner together. Tayla had really outdone herself and the House Elf had been praised so much Harry wasn’t sure she’d ever stop smiling. Lupin was corralled into staying the night by Sirius and Tonks pecked Harry’s lips before she left. Harry went to bed with a smile on his face.

-December 27th-

Harry was happily working in his smithy at Wood End Cottage. He was poring over a book about leatherworking to learn the skill. He wanted to turn the rolls upon rolls of processed hide into vests, coats, and cloaks for his family. If he could get Tonks’, Penny’s, and Fleur’s measurements, maybe three pairs of leather pants too… For reasons.

“Alright, so measure out the length, then the width, sleeves need to be measured by diameter…” Harry read over the tome as he performed the tasks listed. Bit by bit, the young Artificer made progress. Near the end of the day he smiled happily at his first piece. A Basilisk leather vest with cotton lining; it had very good spell resistance and it looked nice too! Harry wasn’t a tailor or anything, but a vest was fairly simple all things considered. Sewing was a skill of his that he’d tried not to let fade.

“I hope Hagrid liked his new Scarf and Gloves.” Harry smiled at the thought of the large man. He’d received a gift via owl from Hagrid again this year. Knowing his Enchanting would require materials, Hagrid had sent him a book about safely harvesting parts from Magical Creatures. The book was all about harvesting parts that the creature could grow back. It had a heavy focus on keeping said creatures alive throughout the process too.

Happy with his work, Harry took the vest and left the smithy. Walking through the cleared path in the backyard, Harry admired the snowfall. It was chilly, of course, but he very much enjoyed the view of Wood End Cottage in winter. Walking into the cottage Harry smiled when he heard a voice that had become a bit familiar over the last year. He headed into the living room and was happy to see Sirius and Marlie Reed chatting and enjoying tea. The two were rather serious at this point in their relationship. Harry was expecting for Sirius to eventually announce their engagement.

“What’s up Harry?” Sirius asked as he looked at his Godson with a smile.

“Finished the first Basilisk leather vest.” Harry explained as he held up the vest. “I figured you could model your last Christmas present for Marlie.”

“For me?” Sirius stood up and took the vest from Harry. “Thank you, Harry.” He smiled as he put the vest on. Buttoning up the three buttons he moved his arms a bit and found the vest to fit fairly well. “I guess the measurements were good then.” He chuckled as Harry had taken his measurements before Christmas Day.

“Looks like it.” Harry nodded to his Godfather.

“Now for the big test.” Sirius grinned and gave Harry a wink. “What do you think, Love?” He asked while turning to face Marlie. The ravenette woman with the warm grey eyes smiled at her lover.

“It looks rather dashing on you, Sirius.” Marlie grinned. “I rather like it.”

“Well that settles it,” Sirius clapped his hands together. “Made by my Godson, and approved by my darling, I’m sold!” He chuckled as he ran his hands over the vest. Marlie let out a warm laughter that made Sirius smile; and Harry grinned at his Godfather.

“It’s also very spell resistant too, so it’ll protect you if anything untoward should happen.” Harry informed him. “I hit it with everything from a Stinging Hex to a Severing Curse and none of them left a mark on it.”

“You don’t say?” Sirius looked the vest over with wide eyes.

“The buttons will take in mana if you apply it to them like you would a wand.” Harry showed Sirius. “The leather retains the Basilisk’s magic resistance, but it’ll fade away in time. Giving it mana from time to time will keep it from fading for quite a while longer. You could probably keep it for the rest of your life, but I kinda doubt it’ll still be working after that long; so it’s not something that can be passed down. Also, it’s only magic resistant, so it won’t stop physical objects like blades, rocks, or what have you. Only the Basilisk’s Scales are both magic resistant AND physically resistant.” He explained and Sirius pulled him into a hug.

“Thank you, Harry,” Sirius squeezed him tight for a moment. “I love it.”

“No problem Sirius, give me some time to practice more and I’ll have a long coat for you too.” Harry whispered back as he returned the hug.

“Take your time, Harry.” Sirius chuckled. “Make a vest for yourself first; I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“Sure thing.” Harry grinned at his Godfather.

“This is so heartwarming.” Marlie cooed at the scene. “You’re an excellent parent, Sirius.” The smile Marlie gave him made Sirius’ heart thump in his chest.

“Well, I’ll just be in my smithy working, probably won’t be back inside for a few hours…” Harry announced as he walked out of the living room and towards the back door.

“Oi!” Sirius called after him. Harry burst into laughter as he closed the backdoor behind him. He hurried back to his smithy just in case Sirius and Marlie really DID decide to take advantage of his absence.

“Now, how do I craft armor?” Harry asked a few books he’d set aside while practicing his leatherworking. The four tomes were heavy, leather-bound books and should have most everything Harry needed to know about crafting armor within them. Some trial and error with iron should get him the basics down. Then it was only a matter of learning how to apply the Basilisk Scales to the creation process. He was certain his translated Creature Craft Journal had a section involving shields and armor.

“Basilisk Scale Mail sounds kinda cool.” Harry chuckled to himself. He wrote a quick note on a spare piece of parchment to get his own measurements as well as Tonks’, Penny’s, and Fleur’s so he could make each of them a Basilisk leather vest. Harry didn’t think anything was out to get him at the moment. But that Diary of Voldemort’s had proven the mad Wizard still had ways to cause trouble. Plus, he still remembered what Hagrid had said about the Dark Wizard.

“Some say he died; codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I’m sure he’s still out there somewhere; too tired to carry on.”

“Better safe than sorry.” Harry nodded to himself as he picked up the first tome.


“Yes, you’ve actually done well, Flint.” Voldemort chuckled darkly at his only servant.

“Th-thank you, My Lord.” Stephen Flint trembled from his kneeling position.

“Re’em Blood, Dragon Blood, Salamander Blood, all three are finally in my possession.” Voldemort hissed as he held up the small bottles of each. “Strengthening Solution, Blood-Replenishing Potion, Everlasting Elixirs, and the Potion of All Potential… Yes, this will take some time, but soon enough I’ll be free of these Squibs. Free to slowly recover in a Homunculus body, and once I have that it will be merely a matter of time…” The Dark Wizard hissed out.

“U-um a-about that, M-My Lord.” Stephen trembled out. “I ha-haven’t yet been able to f-find any Thaumatagoria in any Apothecary.”

“Then why are you still here?” Voldemort turned his hate-filled red eyes on his terrified servant. “GET OUT AND FIND IT!” Stephen tripped and stumbled over himself in terror as he scrambled away from Voldemort. The tell-tale crack of Apparation followed not long after. “Worthless fool.” He hissed out. There was no time to deal with him yet. He had Potions and Elixirs to brew with what he did have. The base ingredient for the Homunculus body he would craft was the cremated ashes of seven Wizards. A dark smirk pulled at the lips of his current host body. Voldemort had plenty of experience with burning the corpses of those foolish enough to get in his way. Once the body was crafted he’d possess it and then the powerful Potions and Elixirs he would brew would come into play.

“Soon… I’ll be able to use a wand again.” Voldemort intoned. “I’ll need to be careful as I regain my lost Magic. While I’m still weakened like this I can’t yet call upon those who are beholden to me.” A hissing from nearby caught Voldemort’s attention. “Ah, Nagini, I trust you had a good hunt.” The large snake hissed back at him and Voldemort could only grin. “Yes, once he is no longer useful you may have him.”

A malicious chuckling filled the small, warded, stone cottage.

-End Chapter-


A good Christmas! Gifts and Gifts abound! Harry is learning more, expanding his skills, and reaching new heights. Sirius’ relationship is getting very serious with Marlie Reed. Will a new Lady Black soon be made?

Sirius deserves to be happy and have children with the woman he loves, right?

Also, He-Who-Just-Won’t-Fucking-Die is plotting his machinations! Why does he need so many rare Potions Ingredients and hard to make Potions? Will his plans work out? What will they mean for Harry and his loved ones?

Keep reading to find out!

Current Mana Levels

Harry – 5,964

Tonks – 7,486

Penelope – 6,418

Fleur – 6,872

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another fun an excellent chapter. I am a little curious on if harry will find a way to grow his power faster, since I’ve always found him a rather powerful character even in the books, just not exactly well studied, lol. I wonder if people like Dumbledore, Grindelwald, and Voldemort were just naturally very powerful, or if they were that way through working their magic a lot and readers seeing them in their 60s and 100 plus years. I mean, hair is already pretty damn, impressive, power wise, so just imagine what he would be in his 30s.


Amazing chapter 😁 and I can't wait for more. Also Harry is one lucky bloke. Can't wait to see what he does for his armor


Lucky young man he is, indeed! Oh he'll get there with his armor. Might take a bit of time, but he'll get there.


I can already see him making an Iron Man type armor in the future.


What a great chapter! I can’t get enough of this story! I can’t wait to see his next version of his artifact sword or swords.

El Pirato

What's Voldemort's mana level?


Nothing quite like that... Sticking more to Fantasy rather than bleeding into Sci-Fi.

John Balman

Harry is shaping up to be his owe acane batman. Hehe he may not be all powerful but give him time and knowledge and he will make a tool that completely owe you lol love the update!


He'll keep Crafting to be sure! Doesn't mean he'll stop growing in power though!


Great chapter, can't wait for more. also FYI: “Do you actually know how to usea sword?”


Glad you liked it! Yeah, for some reason Patreon keeps doing that with bold or italicized words, I don't know why.

Mr Damage

"Harry was happily working in his smithy at Wood End Cottage. He was *pouring* over a book about leatherworking to learn the skill" "pouring" in this context should be poring. I hope you'll take this as constructive rather than nitpicky, as I am very much enjoying this work.

Hannibal St.Michael

This was a great chapter. I feel sorry for Harry next year, with both his girls gone who's going to look after him?


You remember what next year is, right? Fourth Year. A certain someone comes to Hogwarts then!

Thomas E Nellis

Yes now the time has come! Show them all that magical swords are bad ass. Harry needs his anti dementor sword. It’s the only way.


Anti-Dementor... Well I guess you could call the next one he makes that...

mark geier

Another fun chapter. I can see Harry wanting to make himself a pensieve (not sure if I spelled that right), just to relive that Christmas gift scene. I'm sure he would now have the memories to cast out all dementors if needed. The vest, and eventual long coat, is cool. As shown in Albania, it's not too early to start having a good defense!


I can't wait until we get to Voldemort's coup de grace! No one will see what I have planned coming! It's going to be rather unique!