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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you the third Chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! Lunch and an incident? Some practice between students!

As always Patrons get all chapters early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 6 – Incident and Practice

“What in the world?” Izuku blinked as he saw the crowd of reporters gathered in front of U.A. at the gate. There had to be a crew from every news station in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area! Even a few from outside of Tokyo too!

“What’s it like to have All Might as a teacher?!” A reporter asked as soon as they caught sight of Izuku. The verdette was immediately flustered by having a microphone shoved into his face.

“What?” Izuku blinked at being put on the spot.

“Get the hell out of my way!” Bakugo’s loud voice could be heard from a different part of the crowd.

Izuku noticed other students being crowded by the mass of reporters as well. Ochako, Jiro, Mina, and Toru were practically back to back. Sato and Shoji could be seen near the edge, both of the taller teens with mics being shoved in their faces too. He also noticed a few other students being swarmed too, an orangette girl and a verdette girl. A black-haired boy wearing a headband, and a blonde teen who seemed to be enjoying the attention he was getting. Izuku presumed these must be some of the students from 1-B.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” A loud, growling voice barked out at the group of reporters. Several of the students let out sighs of relief as Hound Dog –the U.A. Counselor- showed up. “You’re interfering with our student’s ability to get to school! Cease this harassment of our students and leave the premises or the police will be called!”

“We just want to know about All Might!” A reporter yelled back.

“All Might isn’t available for interviews today, so leave.” Aizawa stated while walking up to the gate with Present Mic.

“Why should we listen to such a shabby-looking man?!” A different reporter demanded. Aizawa just exhaled heavily. This is why he hated the media.

“You know, they’re causing such a ruckus; they’re almost like Villains.” Present Mic whispered to Aizawa. “Can’t we just beat them up?”

“Not unless you want your reputation dragged through the mud.” Aizawa shook his head. “Let’s just wait for the police.”

While Aizawa and Present Mic kept the reporters’ attention, Hound Dog ushered the students past the gate so they could get to class. Izuku calmed down from the surprise of a reporter ambush as he walked to class. One reporter had gotten too impatient and tried to cross the gate after the last of the students had entered. She was met with U.A.’s security system, also known as the U.A. Barrier, as the massive steel gate slammed into place. With over a meter of reinforced steel between them and any form of All Might interview, the multitudes of reporters had no choice but to complain and wait.

-1-A Classroom-

“Man~ those reporters were, like, so twisted.” Camie pouted as the class chatted before homeroom. “Get a clue, right?”

“You said it,” Jiro shook her head. “Didn’t expect to get hounded for an interview about All Might this morning.”

“They shouted so many questions at me; I couldn’t get a word in anyway.” Sato scratched his cheek.

“I’m glad the teachers showed up when they did; kero.” Tsuyu smiled softly.

“Yeah, it was getting to be a bit much.” Ochako messed with her hair.

“Take your seats, home room is about to start.” Aizawa announced as he entered the classroom. They all rushed to comply before he started glaring at them with his Quirk.


“Please make the numbers stop…” Mina whined as they all went through the lunch line. They’d all just finished Math Class with Ectoplasm and several of them were just done.

“My head hurts…” Kaminari agreed with the pinkette. “Are we sure this is High School Math? I think Ectoplasm has us doing University Level stuff!”

“Not to mention that we already have homework for both English and Classical Japanese.” Camie pouted as they all started to pick out seats. “Seriously, chill on the workload, am I right?”

“Totally agree.” Toru groaned; the invisible girl’s shoulder’s slumping as she sat down. “Homework every class is going to kill me!”

The students all started to eat. The delicious food went a long way to soothing their woes. Lunch Rush knew exactly how to make comfort food. Even from standard ingredients, the Pro could whip up a meal that would leave anyone smiling!

“Even the rice is super tasty!” Ochako sighed happily as she ate. She was sitting between Izuku and Tsuyu.

“I couldn’t agree more. Lunch Rush is a truly wonderful chef.” Momo smiled as she enjoyed her meal. After finishing her next bite of food, the Creation Quirk user asked a question. “I must admit, I’m curious as to who voted for whom as the Class Representative. Would anyone be willing to indulge my curiosity?”

“I voted for Midoriya-kun! He’s been super helpful ever since I met him. Especially back at the Entrance Exam.” Ochako couldn’t stop her giggles seeing Izuku’s face go red.

“Indeed, your willingness to help others and your decisive actions in the Battle Trial are admirable. That’s why I voted for you.” Iida nodded to Izuku.

“I voted for Yaomomo. Even with Mineta being a dead weight she still won her Battle Trial. Not to mention we all know she’s easily the smartest in our class.” Jiro smiled at the ravenette. She got a beaming smile from Momo in return.

“Me too! Momo has been awesome, she even agreed to help me with Chemistry so I can try and implement some of Midori’s suggestions!” Mina grinned at both of them.

“Mina-san, Jiro-san!” Momo seemed to sparkle as she smiled happily. “I’ll do my best to live up to your expectations! Thank you for your trust!”

“I don’t understand something.” Ochako turned to face Iida. “Didn’t you really want to become Class Rep, Iida? You’ve definitely got the ‘look’ for it down!”

‘I don’t think she thought that through all the way…’ Izuku glanced between Ochako and Iida. The brunette was happily eating while Iida seemed to have little reaction to her comment.

“Ambition and suitability are different.” Iida shook his head as he explained. “I made the choice I felt would be the best. The admiration I hold for my brother is what inspired me to become a Hero. However, I realized over the last few days that I’m not ready to be a leader like him yet. That is something I’ll have to work on. Midoriya outperformed us all in the Entrance Exams. Going on to break the old Record and doing so in a manner befitting a Hero. He’s also been incredibly supportive of the rest of us, freely offering his analytical skills and suggestions to us all. I aspire to match his example as a Hero too.”

“Iida…” Izuku was shocked. He’d never received such outstanding praise from a classmate before. Let alone a Hero Course Student! He was truly touched by Iida’s words.

“I totally get that!” Toru laughed. “That’s why I voted for Midori too! He’s super nice, he helps us out, and he even healed my feet as good as new!”

“Thanks, you guys.” Izuku smiled at all of them. He was so moved by how supportive his classmates were.

“You know I voted for Midoriya, he’s super strong, super helpful, and super cute too~” Camie put her arm around his shoulders and pulled him into a side hug. Izuku’s face almost went nuclear! Several people would swear they saw steam coming from the top of his head!

“Speaking of the Record breaking that Iida-san mentioned; I’m quite curious about the regular Entrance Exams. The more I hear about it the more I’m certain that the Recommended Students must have had an entirely different test.” Momo looked thoughtful before taking another bite of her lunch.

“I thought it was pretty fun! We had to rack up points by destroying robots!” Mina exclaimed brightly. “They even had this giant robot called a Zero Pointer! But we weren’t meant to fight that one. It was supposed to just be a gimmick that we had to avoid.”

“Not supposed to, but we could, right Midoriya?” Ochako smiled at the verdette, her cheeks slightly darker than normal.

“W-Well, I just didn’t want you to get hurt Uraraka-san…” Izuku’s cheeks had barely cooled from Camie’s hug and now they were right back to red. “It’s what a Hero would do, right?”

“Yeah… You were really cool too.” Ochako smiled at him. Izuku smiled back and they both had bright red faces.

“They’re so cute~” Mina whispered to Toru, the invisible girl muffling her own giggles as she agreed.

“Huh, that kind of Exam favors combat-oriented Quirks more so than any other type.” Momo said, before frowning slightly. “Several Quirks, though powerful, wouldn’t be of much use against machines.”

“She’s got a point.” Toru chimed in. “I had to figure out that the robots had ‘off’ switches on their bodies! I wasted the first minute and a half of the test trying to figure out how to take down the first robot I found!”

“But you’re here with us now, so you did great!” Mina exclaimed raising her hand for a high-five and getting one from the invisible girl.

“So~ Midoriya saved you, huh Chako-chan~?” Camie teased the brunette who blushed and nodded. She looked down at her food with bright pink cheeks.

“Ooh~ how did he save you, Ochako?” Mina asked with a grin. “Did he take a hit for you? Or did he save you from a robot you didn’t see coming?”

“I-It wasn’t th-that big of a deal…” Izuku was also looking down at his food now in a futile effort to hide his own embarrassed face.

“He pulled me out of the rubble the Zero Pointer caused!” Ochako looked up with sparkling eyes. “Then he carried me to safety while healing my broken ankle.” Her cheeks were pink as she told them about that part. “Then he sets me down and tells me to keep running. That he’s going to stop it from getting close to any of the other examinees. Then he cut the Zero Pointer in half with a giant, super-hot, blade of air!”

All eyes turned to face Izuku at that. Iida was one of the only ones that didn’t, since he had witnessed the event first hand. Izuku saw the shocked and impressed looks of his classmates and didn’t know how to react.

“You cut that giant thing in half?!” Camie exclaimed in shock.

“Midori, that’s crazy!” Mina blinked at him.

“Wow…” Toru sounded just as shocked as everyone else looked.

“I wasn’t sure that would happen though,” Izuku shook his head. “I compiled too many Quirks together too; so I ended up hurting myself. I barely had enough energy left to heal up my arm… Then I fell unconscious on… on…” He couldn’t finish the thought and a side glance at Ochako revealed that the Gravity girl was also blushing.

“On my lap…” Ochako mumbled as she caught his eyes and gave him a soft smile. Izuku felt better immediately upon seeing it. Ochako clearly didn’t mind what had happened and was letting him know.

“Oh my…” Momo’s cheeks were a bright pink now too.

“That’s actually adorable.” Jiro grinned at the two of them.

“So cute~” Mina and Toru cooed in unison.

“Is that why you too seem close already, kero?” Tsuyu asked bluntly, her index finger on her chin as she looked at Ochako and Izuku next to her.

“Wh-what?! N-No… I… It’s not…” Ochako was so flustered she couldn’t form words. Izuku wasn’t much better as he kept trying to speak but no words came out.

“Hmm~” Camie had a mischievous grin on her lips. “Looks like you’re ahead of the rest of us, Chako-chan~” Ochako hid her face in her hands, barely avoiding using her Quirk and sending herself floating off. “Hey Midoriya-kun~ you can rest your head on my lap next, okay~?” The fawn-haired girl winked at him while gently patting her left thigh.

Izuku felt himself get almost light-headed from how hot his face was getting.

“M-Maybe a change of topic for a bit?” Momo questioned and all of the girls agreed, though much giggling took place first.

Just as conversation shifted to a new topic the group was interrupted by the blaring of an alarm. Everyone in the lunch room was startled by the sudden noise. Those with sensitive ears -or Quirks that amplified their sense of hearing like Jiro- clapped their hands over their ears with cries of pain and shock.

A loud, mechanical voice started blasting over the loudspeaker a second later, “ATTENTION! Security Level Three has been broken! All students must evacuate in an orderly fashion!” The message proceeded to loop after that as the cafeteria quickly descended into panic.

“What’s security level three?” Iida yelled to an upperclassman as they stood up.

“It means someone has infiltrated the building! This has never happened in the three years I’ve been here! Hurry up and get out!” The older teen yelled back as he ran.

“Oww! Back off!” Mina yelled as an elbow jabbed into her side. The tide of rushing students had swept up their group. In the chaos Izuku had instinctively grabbed onto the closest of his classmates. In this case he’d grabbed Tsuyu and Momo’s hands and pulled them near the wall to avoid the crowd a bit.

“Stay together guys!” Ochako tried to yell over the noise.

“Hey!” Jiro yelled as she was shoved to the side and into Toru.

“People are going to get hurt if this keeps up!” Camie yelled as she pushed against the crowd with Mina at her side.

Iida had been shoved against the glass, but this let him see outside. The glasses-wearing teen gaped when he saw the reporters from this morning ON the campus grounds. He saw several people rushing towards the incoming reporters; teachers he realized a second later. ‘If the teachers are dealing with the press, then there’s no one to turn off the alarm! Everyone will keep panicking unless they’re told!’ But even as he thought this he had no idea how to convey it to the panicking crowd of students. He was about to try to yell something, anything to get some attention; when a sudden feeling of calm pervaded his mind.

“Midoriya-chan?” Tsuyu croaked out as Izuku’s eyes glowed with a blue light.

‘Empathic Force’, ‘Emotional Shift’, ‘Amplification’, ‘Efficiency’, Izuku compiled and activated these four Quirks to bring the chaos to an end.

Emotional Shift let Izuku freely control his own emotions, a useful Quirk he’d copied from a woman in Kansai. Right now he was setting his emotional state to ‘calm’ in preparation for his next move.

Empathic Force allowed Izuku to force his current emotional state on one person that he designated. He’d copied it during his first foray into asking people online about copying their Quirks for his future Hero career.

Boosting the effect of ‘Empathic Force’ to incorporate everyone in the cafeteria with both ‘Amplification’ and ‘Efficiency’ was the fastest way to end the developing stampede. As the panic and chaos was replaced by the enforced ‘calm’ the noise quieted down and people stopped moving. Everyone simply stood where they were, completely calm and even moving away from each other so that no one was being crushed or shoved anymore.

“Midoriya-kun, the Press is trespassing on the campus!” Iida calmly informed everyone. In this calm state he only barely raised his voice, just enough so that Izuku was able to hear him.

Splitting his focus further, something that Izuku had only a bit of experience with considering that he only occasionally multi-tasked, he activated two more Quirks. ‘Amplifier’ and ‘Soothing Voice’ were the Quirks of choice.

“Everyone, please remain calm,” Izuku spoke in a loud, yet very soothing tone. “The reporters from this morning seem to have made their way onto the campus. The teachers are dealing with it now. Please walk to your designated evacuation point so that the staff knows your location. Once this is done we can all return to our normal school day.”

“The reporters?” Was the confused statement that followed as Izuku released his multiple Quirks. The blue glow left his eyes and the verdette exhaled heavily. Even boosting ‘Empathic Force’ so that it could affect multiple targets didn’t change the fact that it required the same amount of energy for each person. There were at least three hundred students in the cafeteria at the moment. Izuku had just drained himself of more energy than his mostly eaten lunch would provide. If they still had Heroics Classes today he might be in for a rough time.

“Midoriya, are you okay?” Tsuyu questioned at seeing his tired eyes.

“I’m fine, that just took a good amount of energy.” Izuku smiled at the Frog-like girl. Tsuyu smiled back with a small hint of pink on her cheeks.

“Was that another Quirk, Midoriya-san?” Momo asked him softly.

“Six of them, technically.” Izuku chuckled lightly. “But ‘Empathic Force’ is an energy drain, especially when boosted. ‘Soothing Voice’ and ‘Amplifier’ make a good combination though.”

“Let’s walk and talk.” Momo suggested with a smile as she and Tsuyu walked with Izuku. Class 1-A made it to their designated evacuation spot without trouble. Almost everyone in the class was praising Izuku for his quick thinking and for taking charge of the emergency situation. It wasn’t until Mina had pointed it out that Izuku, Tsuyu, and Momo realized they hadn’t let go of each other’s hands yet. With bright red cheeks all around, the three let go and tried to ignore the awkwardness.

“You’re all here, good work.” Aizawa spoke up a minute later when he rounded the corner. “Midoriya, Principal Nezu wants to see you after school today.”

“Uh, yes Sensei.” Izuku nodded. “Can I ask why?”

“Lunch Rush saw what you did during the emergency and how you kept the situation under control. He told Nezu and the Principal wants to personally thank you.” Aizawa informed his class’s Representative.

“Yes, Sensei.” Izuku couldn’t stop the small happy smile that formed on his face. The Principal was giving him personal recognition for his actions! He couldn’t wait to tell his parents tonight!

“Now that the police are dealing with the vultures, we can resume our normal school activities.” Aizawa informed the class as he led them back to their classroom. What they didn’t need to know was that the U.A. Barrier had been destroyed. Turned to dust somehow and with none of the reporters having a Quirk capable of that. Nezu already had Power Loader analyzing the remains of the gate. The chimera-like Principal was currently overseeing the removal and arrests of several of the reporters. The police Captain that had arrived was taking down the statements of the Pro Hero and Principal.

-Heroics Class-

“Alright, today we’ll be working on a common combat scenario that Heroes often find themselves in!” All Might spoke to the students of 1-A. “That is being outnumbered! Many times Villains will work in groups to pull off crimes! A Hero must be prepared to face down multiple opponents alone if the situation calls for it!”

This led to quite a bit of chatting and whispers among the class. Some were exited, others not so much. Izuku could already feel Bakugo glaring at the back of his head. The ash-blonde clearly wanted another shot at him.

“Now, do we have any volunteers to be the first Hero?” All Might asked. Immediately multiple hands shot up. Bakugo, Kirishima, Momo, Iida, Izuku, Sato, Tokoyami, Shoji, and Mina all had their hands raised.

“Alright then, let’s have Young Yaoyorozu go first!” All Might selected; much to the grumbling Bakugo’s annoyance.

“Yes, Sensei!” Momo stepped forward. She was still using her current Hero Costume since Izuku’s redesign wouldn’t be complete for a bit longer. Mineta was quietly enjoying the visuals, trying not to attract attention and be called out for it.

“Now for your opponents,” All Might looked over the group of students. “Let’s have Young Sero, Young Aoyama, and Young Mineta!” The three boys stepped up and stood across from Momo. The rest of the class stepped back and All Might explained the rules of the bout. “This match will be decided by capture or time limit. If Young Yaoyorozu is restrained and unable to move, you three win. If all three of you are rendered unable to move or if five minutes pass, then she wins. Do you understand the exercise?”

“Yes, Sensei!” All four acknowledged.

“Alright… Begin!” All Might yelled as he leapt backwards to give the students space.

Momo instantly created a staff from her arm. With it a spin she ‘caught’ three of Mineta’s purple balls on the staff. She leapt to the side to dodge Aoyama’s laser, then had to demonstrate her flexibility by bending backwards to avoid a shot of Sero’s tape. Not wanting to give three ranged fighters space to work with Momo dashed forward.

She created a net from her stomach and tossed it at the backpedaling Mineta. The ‘Pop Off’ user threw his balls at the net but didn’t stop it from covering him and sticking the net to the ground. Mineta realized his Quirk had been turned against him when he couldn’t force the net off. His balls stuck to everything but him. Now they’d stuck the net to the ground and Mineta wasn’t able to remove them once they’d stuck to something! He also didn’t have anywhere near the strength needed to tear the net!

“Holy crap she’s fast!” Sero commented as he and Aoyama split up to try and pincer Momo.

“Oui, but not as fast as my sparkles!” Aoyama called out as he fired his laser at Momo. The ravenette dodged and her hand glowed with her Quirk. A few seconds later and a canister rolled along the ground. With a hiss the canister erupted into a thick white smoke that obscured Sero and Aoyama’s vision.

“Crap!” Sero yelled. “Where’d she go?”

“I don’t know?!” Aoyama called back.

“Dude, back to back!” Sero instructed and Aoyama obliged. The two covered each other’s back as they waited for the smoke to clear. Sero aimed his elbows while Aoyama prepared his laser.

From the smoke a long object emerged. Sero hit it with his tape only to find it was Momo’s staff. It still had Mineta’s Pop Off balls on it even. Momo leapt from the smoke and grabbed her staff. With a heave she tossed ito her left. It took Sero a split second to realize his tape was still attached to the staff and connected to his elbows. He detached the tape from himself, but the damage was done. Aoyama was taped to the ground and the purple balls on the staff were stuck to him. The blonde was unable to fire off his laser with the staff sitting against the focusing belt.

“Oh crap!” Sero exclaimed as he jumped back to avoid Momo’s newly created staff. He fired tape at Momo only for the recommendation student to swat it aside with her staff. “Got you!” He cheered as he yanked the staff out of Momo’s hands. His triumph was short-lived though. Momo had already made everything she needed while under the cover of smoke. A one shot riot gun was pulled from behind Momo’s back, having been secured to the encyclopedia on her lower back. With a pull of the trigger and a sound of compressed gas; Sero doubled over as the large rubber ‘bullet’ slammed into his stomach. He hit his knees as he hacked and wheezed, trying to get back the breath that had been knocked out of him.

“Surrender.” Momo spoke as she held a third staff to Sero’s neck.

“Exercise over!” All Might called out. “Yaoyorozu wins!”

Momo withdrew her staff and heard the cheers and applause from some of her classmates. Checking to make sure Sero wasn’t injured more than she intended, the Tape Quirk user waved her off. He’d be fine, though he was definitely going to Recovery Girl after class. The bruise this would leave was going to take days if not a week to heal otherwise. Momo made a box cutter to free Aoyama from the tape and helped the blonde to his feet. On the way back to the class she also cut the net trapping Mineta. The short boy crawled out of the net and walked back to the class with the other three.

“Excellent work you four!” All Might praised them with his signature smile. “Congratulations to you Young Yaoyorozu, a most excellent match!”

“Thank you, Sensei.” Momo bowed with a smile.

“You made excellent use of both your Quirk and your opponents’ Quirks!” All Might nodded to the girl. “That’s the kind of thinking and resourcefulness that will take you far in the Hero field!”

“I was just using what I knew of their Quirks beforehand.” Momo replied. “I learned the value of being able to quickly analyze a person’s Quirk first hand.” The ravenette glanced at Izuku. The verdette smiled brightly at her and Momo felt her cheeks heat up slightly.

“You applied it very well!” All Might nodded to her.

“Thank you, Sir.” Momo bowed again before returning to the class.

“Now then, let’s have Young Midoriya as the Hero, with Young Sato, Young Utsushimi, and Young Iida as the Villains!” All Might instructed and the four stepped forwards.

“Go easy on me, okay Midoriya~?” Camie winked at him. Izuku stilled his heart, which had just tried to speed up rapidly, and shook his head at the fawn-haired girl.

“Begin!” All Might called and the match began!

“Hey Midoriya!” Sato called out as Camie skipped back to make some distance and Iida ran to cover Izuku’s back. “I took your advice and tried out a few things!” With that the brunette teen pulled a container off his belt and dumped the contents into his mouth. Sato’s body bulked up slightly and he charged at Izuku head first.

‘Physicality Boost’, ‘Efficiency’, ‘Enhance Function’, ‘Kinetic Boost’, ‘Durability Up’, ‘Force Multiplier’ Izuku rapidly compiled his ‘Melee Combat’ combination and met Sato head on. He dodged Sato’s fist and landed a punch to the larger teen’s chest. Sato barely budged however. Izuku blinked, knowing that combination let him punch through the Villain robots at the Entrance Exam.

“Sanding Sugar, turns out it ups my durability quite a bit with the same ratio of strength I gain from granulated sugar.” Sato chuckled as he wrapped Izuku in a bear hug. “I got him!”

“Sorry about this, Sato.” Izuku apologized as he grabbed Sato’s side. ‘Air Compression’, ‘Amplification’, ‘Force Projection’, ‘Quirk Nullification’

A blast of air sent Sato onto his ass. His arms let go of Izuku as he hacked and gasped. He didn’t understand. How did he get hit this hard? He still had plenty of time!

“Sato!” Iida came blitzing in with a kick aimed at Izuku.

‘Reverse Force’ took effect with a thought. Iida came to a sudden stop, just hanging in the air for a split second; then he was launched backwards with the same force he’d come at Izuku with. The white-armored Hero Course student went tumbling backwards along the ground at speed.

“Raagh!” Sato had retaken his feet and launched a haymaker towards Izuku’s head. ‘Reverse Force’ activated and Sato was hit with the force of his own attack. The brunette was knocked flat on his ass.

Izuku staggered as an unseen kick slammed into his ribs. Even with ‘Durability Up’ active he still felt the kick. Another blow came, this one aimed at his legs and Izuku stumbled.

‘She’s using illusions to hide herself!’ Izuku quickly deduced as he looked around. Iida was getting up, as was Sato again, so he didn’t have time to play cat and mouse with Camie. An ‘Air Cannon’ combination struck the ground, sending dust and dirt into the air. It also blew away the rainbow-hued mist of Camie’s Quirk revealing her staggering back from the unexpected blast. Izuku capitalized on Camie’s unsteadiness and sent her back with another air blast. The fawn-haired girl actually rolled with the blast and came to a stop in a kneeling position.

Iida and Sato were both closing in so Izuku jumped backwards with his increased strength from his active Quirks. For what he was about to do he needed to be able to see both Sato and Iida. The two were quick to follow him and Izuku let them get close. When they were close enough Izuku hit them with a combination he’d wanted to try out for a while. ‘Reverse Force’ took effect, both teens freezing momentarily in their charge. Before they were hit with their own force, Izuku activated another Quirk as he looked into their eyes. ‘Paralyze Glare’ activated and Izuku’s green eyes turned a bright yellow. Both Iida and Sato found their bodies unresponsive as they were launched backwards by Izuku’s Quirk. The duo rag-dolled through the air and landed in a heap from the combination of Quirks.

“Now where did Camie go?” Izuku looked around and started slightly when no less than eight Camie’s were coming at him. “I see you took my advice!”

“Yep!” All eight Camie’s called out in unison. Izuku blasted them all with a widespread air blast. Spreading it out weakened the force quite a bit, but it would ensure that all of Camie’s Glamour was blown away.

“What the?” Izuku blinked in shock when all eight Camie vanished. “Where-” He didn’t get a chance to finish his thought as he was put in a chokehold from behind.

“Got you~” Camie breathed into his ear. Izuku would have gone catatonic from having Camie’s impressive breasts pressed against his back in any other situation. But the sudden lack of air was making that difficult. He grabbed Camie’s arm and nullified her Quirk as a precautionary measure. With his enhanced strength he was able to pry her arm off his neck and spin around. Camie was full of surprises though as she leapt upwards. Her hands held his right wrist while her legs crossed over his arm. Izuku and Camie both hit the ground. Camie had Izuku in a textbook perfect arm bar. Once again, Izuku would’ve been a blushing mess realizing wherehis arm was and what it was pressing against. But the situation demanded more focus.

“You can’t hold me down.” Izuku grunted as his increased strength began to lift Camie off the ground. The brown-eyed girl flexed her body and Izuku’s arm was pulled straight again.

“Tap out or I’ll break it!” Camie threatened. “Sato! Iida! Give me a hand!” She called out to her teammates. Izuku couldn’t move his head to check, but he wasn’t sure if ‘Paralyze Glare’ would have worn off yet. Had it already been a minute?

“How about I take you out first?” Izuku grunted as he raised his left hand. A sickening snap was heard as Camie over-extended Izuku’s elbow and the joint broke. Izuku immediately used 'Emotional Shift’ to force himself to remain calm and in control of himself. The pain was still there, of course, but for now he could deal with it. ‘Well, my arm is already broken anyway.’ Izuku thought to himself as he focused on his raised left hand. Camie’s eyes widened as she only saw Izuku’s fingers unclench and then she was blasted with an ‘Air Cannon’ point blank.

Camie coughed and struggled to get up from the blast. She made it to her feet only to see Izuku also standing. She’d broken his elbow and Izuku’s right arm hung limply. The cuts and bruising was from him blasting his own arm with his ‘Air Cannon’.

Izuku noticed Sato and Iida approaching their position. Neither boy was rushing them though. They’d obviously learned that charges like that would be turned against them. When all three of his opponents stood across from him Izuku’s condition worried Iida and Sato.

“Dude, Midoriya, your arm isn’t looking so good.” Sato commented staring at the broken and bruised limb.

“Midoriya, we should stop the exercise immediately and get you to Recovery Girl!” Iida chopped the air and Izuku could hear the worry and concern in the other teen’s voice.

“No need.” Izuku smiled at them. ‘Healing Aura’, ‘Amplification’, ‘Enhance Function’. With a green glow flaring around his arm Izuku sighed in relief. Iida, Sato, and Camie watched on in a mixture of relief, shock, and a small bit of fear; as Izuku’s elbow was restored and all his cuts and bruises faded away. “See? Good as new.” The verdette tilted his head and all three of his opponents flinched back. ‘Paralyze Glare’ hit all three of them at once and they dropped like puppets with their strings cut.

“Exercise over!” All Might called out. “Midoriya wins!”

“Good match, you three!” Izuku smiled at them. “Do you need any healing?” When none of them responded Izuku rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Right, paralyzed, sorry about that.” He moved over to each of them and looked into their eyes. Izuku’s flashed yellow and their movement was returned to them. Sato and Iida stood up and Izuku helped Camie up; the fawn-haired girl giving him a smile.

“Well damn, how are we supposed to win against you, Midoriya?” Sato joked as the group walked back towards the class.

“You have a very impressive set of Quirks, Midoriya,” Iida complimented his classmate. “You must have worked very hard to learn to control and use them properly.”

“It takes a bit for each one.” Izuku admitted with a chuckle.

“Excellent work you four!” All Might gave thumbs up to them. “You’re all progressing already from what you showed me during our last Heroics class! Well done!”

“Thank you, Sensei!” All four bowed to the Number One Hero.

The group of four returned to the rest of the class and All Might called the next group up. What no one noticed through All Might’s trademark smile was the slight shaking of the man’s body; mostly in his clenched left fist.

‘Young Midoriya is NOT like Him!’ All Might thought viciously to himself. ‘Stop comparing them! Midoriya wants to be a Hero! He’s a selfless young man with real Heroic Spirit! It’s my job as a teacher to guide him on that path! If I do my job properly then the world won’t have to worry about a second All for One!’ He split his attention between the battle between the current group and Izuku. What he saw of the verdette helped ease his nerves a bit more.

“Camie, do you need some healing?” Izuku asked the catsuit wearing teen. “I hit you point blank with an ‘Air Cannon’…” He trailed off looking a bit guilty.

“I’ll take it if it’ll make you smile again, Izuku~” Camie smiled softly at him while also dropping formality entirely to purr out his name. Without a battle to distract him Izuku’s entire head went iridescent!

“O-Ok C-Ca-Caime…” Izuku stuttered out as he placed his palms on Camie’s shoulders shakily. ‘Healing Aura’ and ‘Amplification’, a green aura surrounded Izuku’s hands and then spread over Camie’s body. With a gasp and a pleasant shiver Camie leaned into Izuku’s arms. Naturally the verdette froze up, though his Quirks remained active and continued to heal Camie’s cuts, scrapes, and bruises. ‘She’s SO CLOSE!’ Izuku screamed into his own head.

Many of the girls looked on with blushing cheeks or giggles. Izuku’s face could probably light up a room right now! Camie seemed perfectly content to remain where she was as her injuries quickly disappeared.

From where he stood, All Might chuckled lightly. His nerves eased just a bit more. He would never offer such help to others so freely. Young Midoriya was a future Hero and All Might would see to it!

“Thanks, I~ Zu~ Ku~” Camie teasingly whispered into the verdette’s ear as her aches all disappeared and she stepped back from his arms. She smiled warmly at him and Izuku reflexively smiled back at her. Oh yeah, he was so~ going to be hers! She would make sure of it! As she looked over to her classmates she noticed three of them looking at her a bit differently. ‘Oh~? Well now, it looks like I might have to share~’

Izuku was still trying to reboot his brain.

-End Chapter-


Izuku is just FULL of surprises isn’t he? Camie isn’t super patient about getting what she wants! Though which three girls will she have to ‘share’ with? Well, I think I’ve given some hints already. A certain group of future pains in the ass have made their first move!

Also, All Might still has his moments of suspicion. Trauma doesn’t just go away after all. Izuku’s Quirk is the closest thing anyone has ever seen to All for One and it’s triggering some deep psychological scars for All Might. But the Number One Hero is trying at least. He knows Izuku is a Real Hero in the making. But some scars take years to fade. How will All Might deal with it?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Nice chapter and I wonder what nezu wanted. I'm really enjoying this story.


Just what Aizawa says; Nezu wants to thank Izuku for his quick actions to keep the situation in the cafeteria from going bad. Just a Principal thanking a student for going above and beyond for his fellow students and the Staff.

John Balman

I'm actually looking forward to the USJ battle and for Men-Child McHands face to start freaking out about cheaters and copycats lol

John Balman

Also will Izuku ever be offered ( doubt he will ever just take unless its life and death situation ) any of the classes or Teachers quirks. High Spec and Eraser ..... or a copy of Allmights OFA( collection of quirks? thou i doubt that would happen anytime soon because those psychological scars mention above but my mind can't help but consider the possibilities of the collector being able to pass his quirk on a copy of his quirk retires :P )


There MIGHT be a Quirk or two copied. No spoilers. As for One for All... Well... All Might doesn't HAVE that Quirk to give anymore... No spoilers.

John Balman

Thanks for the answer ☺️ looking forward for spoiler to be revealed in Time

Thomas E Nellis

The plot thickens. I loved the chapter

Hannah Pinson

I'm going out on a limb and say the three girls are Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, and Asui.


This is a great story and I really like the chapter. I am loving the inclusion of Camie and what it is doing for the interactions.


Happy to hear it! Camie is fun to write and helps progress things better! Nothing like an extrovert to bring people out of their shells, right?