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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Aura Heart Journey! A meeting with a new character! Some training and preparation too!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 19 – Water City Competition, Round 1

Fireworks went off in the morning over the Park Arena of Cerulean City. This marked the opening of the Annual Water City Competition. Ash and Pikachu were sat in the front row of the spectator’s seating, a gift from Daisy, Lily, and Violet, as he watched the participants lined up in rows before a raised stage on one side of the Arena floor. Ash was surprised by the turn out; there were a lot of Trainers here, though most appeared to be his age. That meant that most of them were probably Beginner and Rookie Level Trainers. Misty, as an Adept Level, would be competing in the Second Tier of the Tournament for Adept and Advanced Level Trainers.

“Welcome one and all, to this year’s Water City Competition!” A woman in a blue dress with a wave pattern on it called out into her microphone. She was rather pretty with long, wavy blue hair, bright green eyes, and a face free of any blemish, her lightly tanned skin tone completing her look. Ash would guess she was probably in her late twenties. The crowd cheered at the announcement and Ash easily found Misty in the crowd by her distinct orange hair. “As most of you know, I’m Kairi Shimizu the owner of the Cerulean City Breeder’s Association!” Many of the crowd cheered even louder at her introduction and Ash got the feeling the woman was quite the beloved local celebrity.

“Every year this Competition is hosted the Cerulean City Breeder’s Association offers up any base form Water Type Pokémon of each Tier Winner’s choice as a prize! Plus a comparable sum of PokéYen for each Tier as a cash prize! This year we have a total of one hundred twenty eight competitors spread out over the three tiers!” Kairi announced and the crowd cheered again. Ash nodded as he clapped. It made sense for the citizens to be happy with a good turnout for the Competition. More Trainers coming to the city all at once meant an increase in revenue for the local economy after all. “Without further ado, let’s get started! As always we’ll start with the First Tier matches in the morning! Second Tier matches will be held at midday, and Third Tier Matches will be held in the afternoon! Let’s get excited!” The crowd roared again and Ash could admit that Kairi knew how to whip the crowd up into a frenzy. The Trainers began to split up and the Beginner and Rookie Levels headed for the waiting room to await their matches. The Adept Level and up Trainers either headed for the stands to watch or left until their own matches began.

“Hey Ash!” Misty called out as she entered the reserved booth her sisters had secured for her boyfriend. Though also for themselves since one of her three sisters could always leave the gym at a time to come watch her compete.

“Hey Misty.” Ash smiled at her when she sat next to him. The two quickly shared a light kiss as they looked over the field as the floor pulled away to reveal a large pool with some artificial islands, covered in grass, floating in the water.

“Did you want to stay and watch the First Tier Matches?” Misty questioned and Ash nodded.

“It’ll be fun.” Ash grinned at her. “Plus we can watch it together.” He entwined their fingers and held her hand at his statement.

“Sweet talker.” Misty playfully accused before leaning over and resting her head on his shoulder. “But that does sound like fun. I’m always interested to see more Water Types.” Ash agreed, he was a fan of Pokémon Battles regardless, so this would be a fine way to spend the morning before Misty’s first match.

The couple watched the First Tier matches with interest. Some of the Trainers were clearly still getting their bearings in competitive Battle. Others were more like Ash and had definite experience, able to implement strategies and take advantage of the field. The highlight of the First Tier matches this particular morning was a Rookie Level Trainer that had an Octillery. It was probably newly evolved to be sure, but still a fairly uncommon Water Type Pokémon. Misty had happily gushed at seeing the red Octopus Pokémon and wondered about catching a Remoraid of her own someday.

At Midday there was a break for lunch. Misty and Ash happily ate a Café across from the Arena. The place had good tea and great sandwiches too. The couple shared bites with each other and Misty went into the competitor waiting room after lunch with a bright smile on her face. The youngest Waterflower Sister was the second match of the Second Tier today and she felt more than ready. The first match finished up fairly quickly. All first day matches were one on one matches to cut down the numbers after all. When her name was called Misty confidently strode onto the field and took her place on the green side.

“Misty Waterflower of Cerulean City vs Raysan Cypress of Fuchsia City!” The referee announced as the Pokémon League cameras recorded the Tournament. “Begin!”

“Huntail, you’re up!” Raysan called out as he threw his Pokéball and released the sinuous, eel-like, deep sea predator Pokémon.

“Hun!” Huntail hissed out as it appeared in the water.

“Goldeen, let’s go!” Misty called out and her Goldfish Pokémon emerged from its Pokéball and into the water.

“Huntail, Scary Face!” Raysan called out. Huntail’s eyes glowed a malevolent red as it bared it’s fangs at Goldeen. The blue glow that surrounded the Goldfish Pokémon showing a harsh drop in Speed. “Now use Rain Dance!”

“Tail!” Huntail formed a dark navy ball of energy in its mouth and launched it into the sky. The ball burst and formed thick heavy clouds which began to quickly pour rain.

“Goldeen, Agility into Aqua Ring!” Misty instructed and Goldeen was surrounded in a red glow as her Speed rose sharply eliminating the effects of the Scary Face. The Goldfish Pokémon then surrounded itself with rings of water that would slowly heal it over time. “Now under the water!” Goldeen dived below the surface immediately and swam towards Huntail. 

“Big mistake!” Raysan exclaimed with a grin. “Huntail, submerge and use Feint Attack!” The blue deep sea predator dove beneath the surface as its body was covered in a black glow. The eel-like Pokémon moved speedily through the water towards Goldeen and struck the Goldfish Pokémon with the sure hit move. Goldeen reeled back from the strike but Misty looked confident.

“I know why you used the Scary Face and Rain Dance combo!” Misty informed Raysan, the teen male looking confused. “Goldeen Horn Attack into Waterfall!” Goldeen’s horn glowed bright white before it was jabbed into Huntail sending the blue fish upwards towards the surface. Water swirled around Goldeen as she swam powerfully straight up and slammed Huntail out of the water. “It’s because Huntail aren’t very fast normally, even in the water! So you tried to slow down Goldeen and then increase your own speed!” Misty finished as Huntail fell back into the water.

“Huntail quick, use Ice Fang!” Raysan called out his next move. Huntail tore through the water towards Goldeen its fangs emitting a light blue glow and letting off wisps of frozen air.

“Supersonic!” Misty yelled and Goldeen emitted an intense high-pitched wave of sound that startled the charging Huntail and made it start flailing around. The Ice Fang dissipated from Huntail’s fangs and Misty called out her next attack. “Agility then Fury Attack!” Goldeen glowed with a red aura again, sharply increasing its Speed before she practically rocketed forward through the water with her horn glowing white again. Goldeen jabbed her horn into the confused Huntail, once, twice, three times, four, five consecutive strikes that sent Huntail out of the water. The eel-like fish flipped through the air before hitting the water and sinking.

“Huntail!” Raysan called out in worry for his Pokémon. A few seconds later Huntail floated to the surface with spiraled out eyes showing it was unconscious.

“Huntail is unable to battle! The winner is Misty Waterflower!” The referee announced and the crowd cheered for the battle. Ash cheered extra loud for his girlfriend and Misty waved to the crowd while Raysan returned his Huntail to its Pokéball. What no one expected was for Goldeen to start glowing bright white.

“Goldeen!” Misty called out in surprise before a smile overtook her expression of shock. “You’re evolving!” Indeed, the Goldfish Pokémon was shining brightly as its form grew bigger and changed. A moment later and the glow dispersed revealing the new Seaking!

“King!” Seaking chimed out happily as she splashed around in her new larger and stronger form. The crowd erupted into cheers even louder than before at getting to witness an Evolution. Ash was on his feet and cheering wildly as he clapped. All of Goldeen’s training and Misty’s hard work had paid off! Seaking swam happily over to Misty and was rewarded with hugs and pats for a job well done and as congratulations for evolving, of course! Ash smiled happily at the Evolution; knowing from chatting with Misty since they’d began travelling together, that Goldeen experienced a minimum of a thirty percent increase in their overall power upon evolving. Misty recalled Seaking and waved to the crowd once more before heading off the field.

Ash quickly left the reserved seating area and went to meet Misty in the corridor that led to the spectator seats. Ash arrived just as Misty was heading towards the stairs and the two smiled brightly at each other. Misty wrapped her arms around Ash’s shoulders and Ash’s arms found their way around her waist. The two met in a passionate lip lock for several moments before breaking apart.

“You and Goldeen were amazing!” Ash congratulated.

“Thank you, Ash!” Misty beamed at him while holding him close. “I’m so happy for Seaking! She wanted to evolve for quite a while now!”

“With you as her Trainer it was only a matter of time!” Ash laughed as he hugged his girlfriend. “Should I be expecting anymore surprise evolutions?”

“Maybe~” Misty teased as they held each other. The two locked eyes, love and affection passing between them, before their lips met again. Tongues came into play as they deepened the kiss and Misty pressed herself against Ash fully. After almost a full minute the two pulled apart for air.

“Do you want to stay and watch the rest of the first round matches?” Ash questioned his hands on Misty’s hips.

“I should…” Misty contemplated as her hands ran over his shoulders and chest. “It would help to know at least a bit of what my opponents are capable of.”

“Then let’s do that.” Ash smiled at her. Misty grinned back and the two walked back to the reserved seating area hand in hand. Ash sat down with Misty next to him, the two happily leaning against each other. The rest of the Second Tier matches were good to see. Quite a few of the Adept and Advanced Trainers had both skill and strategy. They also got to see some of the Pokémon that Misty could be facing. They’d seen a Golduck, Tentacruel, Seel, a Cloyster that was noticeably smaller than Violet’s, a Kingler, Seadra, Vaporeon, two Gyarados, two different Lanturn, Azumarill, Corsola, Whiscash and a Lombre. Those were the Pokémon that the Trainers who made it to the second round of the Second Tier had won with.

“I’ve got my work cut out for me.” Misty mused as the last Second Tier match concluded. “There are quite a few strong competitors this year. Most of them with fully evolved Pokémon too.”

“You’ll pull through and win this Misty, I have no doubt.” Ash smiled as he took her hand in his. Misty could already feel his sincerity through their Auras, but the look of absolute trust and belief in Ash’s amber eyes made her heart thump in her chest. Their lips met with no conscious thought and the two only pulled apart when they heard a lot of the spectators moving around to go to the restroom or get concessions.

“Let’s head back to the Gym.” Misty smiled at her boyfriend as she stood up. “We can let my sisters know that I won my first match and that Seaking has evolved.” Ash stood up and the two left the Park Arena a few minutes later. Walking back to the Gym was filled with happy chatting and the occasional joke.

“Welcome back Misty, Ash, I take it you’ve won your first match, Misty?” Brook welcomed them back with a smile.

“Yep!” Misty grinned and held up a ‘V for victory’ with her left index and middle finger.

“Congratulations!” Brook grinned at the orangette. “Any strong competition?”

“Plenty!” Misty laughed lightly. “But I’ll find a way to win!” Ash gave her a side hug in support.

“I’m sure you will Misty!” Brook cheered her younger friend on. Ash and Misty headed back into the residential area of the Gym and met up with Daisy, Lily, and Violet. The three sisters were excited to hear about Misty’s match and all three happily hugged their little sister when she told them about Seaking’s evolution. Misty and Ash released their Pokémon into the large outdoor area of the Gym to play and relax. Ash took in the multitudes of Water Type Pokémon, including two large Gyarados lounging in the deeper waters of one of the large ponds. 

“I’m still amazed every time I see so many Water Types.” Ash commented having been back here a couple of times already during their stay at the Cerulean Gym.

“Well we do have to have Pokémon of every Trainer Level.” Misty smiled as she looked over the many Pokémon. “As one of the Top Eight Gyms in Kanto we could impose a Restriction on Challengers; like a certain number of Badges or a required Trainer Level to be allowed to challenge the Gym.”

“Why don’t your sisters do that?” Ash questioned curiously. “They didn’t seem too thrilled about my upcoming challenge until they got to know me.”

“Because our parents and grandparents didn’t impose any restrictions.” Misty smiled fondly. “So we won’t either. Part of a Gym Leader’s job is to help promote the growth of other Trainers by giving them a wall they have to get better at Pokémon Training to get passed. Our grandparents and our parents believed that ALL Trainers should be able to come to the Cerulean Gym to find such a challenge. That’s why we don’t impose any restrictions here. We still live by that mindset to this day. I’m proud of my sisters for not changing that, even though they aren’t as ‘Battle Minded’ as I am.”

“Your family is amazing, Misty.” Ash smiled as he looked over the Pokémon happily. He noticed a beautiful serpentine Pokémon lounging in the shallows of the large pond with three, less than beautiful, Fish Pokémon swimming close to it. Even he could identify this Pokémon, despite it not being native to Kanto or Johto. “Is that a Milotic?” He questioned as he pointed towards the Water Type.

“Yeah, beautiful isn’t she?” Misty sighed fondly at the serpentine Pokémon. “She was my mother’s Pokémon. Milotic refuses to battle anymore, but she’s still friendly and helpful. The three Feebas swimming around her are my sister’s Pokémon. The next time she decides to mate and lay an egg the Feebas that hatches will become my Pokémon.”

“That’s cool.” Ash nodded watching the Feebas swim around their mother. “When did that start?”

“It was how my mother told us she was going to give us each a chance to have a Milotic of our own.” Misty smiled at the bittersweet memory. “Even after she passed we still went in chronological order, just like she wanted.” Misty was pulled into a warm hug by Ash and she happily snuggled into the embrace; the love, affection, support, and understanding that flowed through their entwined Auras soothing her and making her happy again.

“You’ll be a great Trainer for the Feebas whenever it comes along.” Ash smiled at his girlfriend. “I know that for a fact.”

“Thanks Ash.” Misty smiled at him before kissing his cheek. “Come on, it’ll be dinner time soon enough and we could both use a shower.” She smiled as she took his hand and walked him back inside the Gym. They made it up the stairs to her room and Misty quickly got out a comfortable set of lounge wear for after her shower. Ash pulled out his own lounge outfit and sat on Misty’s bed.

“You can go first Misty.” Ash smiled to his girlfriend.

“Nope.” Misty shook her head. Ash blinked in confusion until he locked eyes with Misty and saw the fire in his girlfriend’s eyes. The same passionate gaze she gave him whenever they were intimate. “Follow me, Ash.” She grinned and Ash stood up to follow her without question. The two left Misty’s room and went down the hallway to the second floor bathroom. With a giggle Misty pulled Ash into the bathroom before she shut and locked the door behind them.

Misty let go of Ash’s hand and turned the water on. Checking the temperature, Misty nodded after a few seconds and then turned the shower on. With the shower going Misty opened a towel closet and set her lounge wear inside.

“Just put my stuff here, Misty?” Ash asked as the orangette moved aside and pulled her suspenders off her shoulders. Misty gave him a nod and Ash placed his own clothes into the closet before closing it. Turning around he watched his girlfriend pull her shirt over her head. Her bra-clad breasts came into view and Ash found his gaze drawn to them quickly.

“Get my bra?” Misty requested with a grin as she turned her back towards Ash.

“Sure thing.” Ash smiled as he unhooked the bra and Misty let it slide down her arms and onto the bathroom floor. Ash quickly pulled his own t-shirt off to match Misty’s topless form. “Are you sure about this, Misty?” He asked even though he could feel her answer in her Aura already.

“Yes, now get undressed.” Misty giggled as she shimmied out of her shorts and panties at the same time. Ash complied with his girlfriend’s request and removed his pants and boxers simultaneously as well. As he looked back up he saw Misty fully nude for the first time. The orangette could practically feel Ash’s eyes roving over every inch of her body. She gave him a seductive look, her eyes half lidded, and she even posed a bit so that he could see all of her.

“You’re so beautiful, Misty.” Ash breathed out, just looking over Misty’s naked form. Her beautiful face with those glimmering sea green eyes, her B-Cup breasts that he loved to cup and feel, her thin waist and trim stomach, the flare of her wide hips and the round butt that went with them, her long legs and even her small feet. Ash loved every part of his girlfriend.

“Thank you~” Misty teased lightly before looking at him in all his glory. “You’re very handsome yourself.” She couldn’t help it if her eyes roved down his chest, over his toned abs, and finally settled on his length. She’d touched it before, even gotten a good estimate of her boyfriend’s size. But seeing it for the first time, watching as it hardened under her gaze while his eyes took in her bare body for the first time. This was a wholly different experience. With that she turned around, making sure to give Ash time to look at her booty, before she stepped under the warm water of the shower. Ash stared intensely for a minute longer, watching the water cascade down Misty’s body, before he stepped into the shower too. Misty leaned back into him as the water ran over both of them. “This is nice~.” The orangette practically purred as Ash held her.

“Misty, I want to…” Ash whispered into her ear as his hands found her hips and pulled her flush against him. Misty hummed in pleasure as she felt his length pressed between her ass cheeks. A thrill shot up her spine from the contact and she happily trapped him there as she pushed back against him.

“You’re allowed to touch~.” Misty breathily whispered, immediately feeling her boyfriend’s hands trail up her trim stomach and cup her breasts. Misty loved it when they were intimate like this, every time Ash touched her like this their Auras flared and entwined so deeply that she lost herself in the raw emotions they shared between them. Feeling his warm hands groping and massaging her breasts made the orangette start grinding her ass against him. Something Ash seemed to enjoy if the sudden jolt of his body was anything to go by.

“Misty~” Ash groaned into her ear and Misty let out a small moan as he began to play with her nipples. She could feel him twitch, his cock pressed against her as she pushed back against him more.

“Mmm, Ash~” Misty cooed happily as she enjoyed the amber eyed teen’s hands on her breasts. Misty slowly reached for the body wash and sponge she used to get clean when at home. It took her a few attempts, as she refused to separate from Ash, but she managed to get them and start lathering up the sponge. “Ash~” She panted as her boyfriend’s right hand trailed down her trim stomach and glided over her sex.

“You’re soaked~.” Ash mumbled teasingly into her ear and Misty shivered in pleasure, not willing to even pretend that she wasn’t excited, as his curious digits began to explore her again.

“We still…aah~…need to get…mmm~…washed up~” Misty mewled as Ash found a weak spot and her legs trembled.

“Alright~” Ash panted as he began to pull his hands away from her body. Misty turned around to face him and then brought the lathered sponge all over her breasts, making sure they were soapy and slick. Ash stared at her lathered breasts before Misty broke his gaze by running the sponge up and down his chest with a playful grin.

“You didn’t have to stop~” Misty breathed into his ear and Ash smiled at her as his hands gently went back to where they’d been. “Ooh~” She mewled as he played with her body while she washed him.

“Holy shit~” Ash groaned as his girlfriend began to ‘wash’ his hardened length. “Misty~” He panted as the orangette teased him by moving her slick, soapy hand up and down.

“Do you like that, Ash~?” Misty teased breathily as she stroked him. “Maybe we’ll do something else ‘new’ after dinner tonight~”

“Like what?” Ash grinned at her their eyes both radiating primal desires.

“Oh I’m sure it’ll be something we’ll both enjoy~” Misty moaned hotly before capturing his lips. The two stayed like that for several moments, Misty stroking Ash while his hands explored every part of her body they could reach. At some point during the near constant kissing Ash had taken the lathered sponge from her and began to wash her body in return. Ash’s roaming hands didn’t miss a single inch of her body. Misty gasped, moaned, and mewled as Ash gently scrubbed her body. She did notice that he paid special attention to her breasts, her sex, and her ass during his ‘washing’ considering he groped and explored in equal measure to the scrubbing.

“Misty~ I’m gonna~” Ash panted into her ear a few minutes later.

“Me too~” Misty moaned between kisses. “Do it~”

“Fuck~” Ash gently bit Misty’s neck as he released from her soft hands stroking him. His release was quickly washed away by the shower water but Misty was still set off in turn. The pleasure of Ash’s release transferred through their entwined Auras coupled with his fingers was far more than Misty could take.

“Ash~” Misty moaned as she reciprocated the gentle bite to her boyfriend’s neck as she shook in his arms from her climax. Neither of the two let go of each other and continued to gently bite and suckle on each other’s neck. Several minutes later the two finally left the shower. They were cleaner than they had been, but now both were sporting a visible hickey on their neck. The couple dressed in their lounge wear and tossed their dirty clothes into the hamper to be washed. They left the bathroom practically wrapped around each other and when they entered the living room all three of Misty’s sisters couldn’t help but comment.

“Could you two turn the Aura down a bit?” Daisy requested as she covered her eyes, the two were literally glowing to anyone that could use Aura.

“You’re going to blind your sisters, Misty!” Lily ‘complained’ as she giggled and covered her own eyes.

“Geez you two, just can’t keep your hands off each other, huh?” Violet giggled as she pulled her Aura away from her eyes and lost her ability to see Ash and Misty’s intensely bright entwined Auras. Looking over and seeing both Daisy and Lily blinking slightly to adjust their now ‘Auraless’ eyes. The sisters could only laugh as Ash and Misty sat on the end of the large ‘sectional’ couch, still wrapped up in each other, and snuggling.

“Shush, don’t ruin it.” Misty mumbled at her sisters as she and Ash snuggled close. The warmth of their bodies only eclipsed in their senses by their flaring Auras. A blanket was tossed over them by a giggling Lily as the sisters looked between each other amused. 

Daisy smiled as she stood up and made her way to the kitchen. It was her turn to cook dinner tonight. She figured she might as well make a family favorite to ‘celebrate’ their little sister’s relationship moving to the next level. Honestly, barring something absolutely horrific and unthinkable happening, Ash was practically guaranteed to be their ‘little brother-in-law’ when the two became old enough to marry. Maybe it was time to start looking for her own special someone?

This was a thought mirrored by both of her sisters as they watched Ash and Misty cuddle under the blanket together.

-End Chapter-


Misty has won her first round in the Water City Competition! But she has her work cut out for her with other experienced Trainers in her Tier. Most have fully evolved Pokémon to compete with too! How will Misty overcome this challenge? Will Ash succeed in his Gym Challenge on the first try? If Misty wins the Competition, what Pokémon will she request from the Cerulean Breeder’s Association? Keep reading to find out!

Ash's Current Pokémon

Pikachu – Static – Iron Tail, Thundershock, Growl, Quick Attack, Electro Ball, Thunder Wave, Volt Tackle, Double Team, Light Screen, Reflect

Riolu – Inner Focus – Foresight, Quick Attack, Blaze Kick, Bulk Up, Copycat, Force Palm, Detect, Double Team

Poliwag – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap

Butterfree – Compound Eyes – Tackle, String Shot, Bug Bite, Harden, Gust, Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore

Pidgeotto – Keen Eye – Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister

Skiddo – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Tail Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze

Teddiursa – Pick Up – Covet, Lick, Fury Swipes, Feint Attack, Sweet Scent, Bulk Up

Phanpy – Pick Up – Tackle, Defense Curl, Rollout, Endure

Misty's Current Pokémon

Staryu – Natural Cure – Harden, Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Recover, Psywave, Swift, Bubblebeam, Camouflage

Starmie – Natural Cure - Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Recover, Psywave, Swift, Bubblebeam, Camouflage, Protect, Brine

Seaking – Lightning Rod – Peck, Tail Whip, Watersport, Supersonic, Horn Attack, Flail, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring, Fury Attack, Waterfall

Poliwag – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Icy Wind

Skiddo – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Tail Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze

Wooper – Water Absorb – Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Shot, Slam

Bibarel – Unaware – Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Headbutt, Hyper Fang

Ash will challenge four Gyms besides the eight canon Gyms with Steel Type, Ghost Type, Flying Type and Dragon Type being the four. All four now have OCs planned out thanks to some awesome patrons!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Thomas E Nellis

That was amazing. I love the continued character growth and romance.


Glad you liked it! I figured with Misty being a Water Specialist a 'Shower Scene' fit rather well, right? Also hard work pays off!