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Hey friends and fans, another Plot Bunny comes to life! Seriously, why won’t my dumb brain settle down? I still have three more after this one too! Man this is going to take forever to get caught up on!

This power is found throughout fiction, from Fantasy to Anime/Manga, so expect to see some familiar concepts here and there.

ALSO an announcement! My Patrons have voted and the first Plot Bunny to become a story will be Collector Hero: Synthesis! I hope you’re all looking forward to that! It’s a Small Harem, so that’ll be interesting to write. For all of the IzuOcha fans that want Ochako and Izuku to have their own story; fear not! One of the Bunnies waiting in the wings is a pure IzuOcha! So don’t try and murder me just yet!

I hope you enjoy!


The Arid Hero!

The dust moved. It gathered together. More and more little particulates swirling around, until a small ball formed and floated in front of the green-haired four year old. The boy stared for a moment at the floating ball. Reaching out to touch it he felt it. It was somewhat rough, coarse to be more accurate but the young boy didn’t know that word, and appeared to be sand. The ball was formed from the small bits of grit, pebbles and dust that you could find all over a city, or in a park playground like he was. Midoriya Izuku broke out into a wide smile. Finally, finally his Quirk had manifested! He was the last one in his preschool, but he had a Quirk now, just like everybody else! He quickly ran towards his mother to show her his new ability.

“Mommy! Look, look, I got my Quirk!” Izuku cheered as he showed his mother the floating ball of sand.

“Oh Izuku, that’s wonderful!” Midoriya Inko beamed at her baby boy as she pulled him into a hug. She had been getting worried that Izuku was the only one in his class that hadn’t manifested a Quirk yet. But those doubts and fears had been completely put to rest by what her son was showing her. “It looks a little bit like mine too!”

“Can you show me how to use it?” Izuku asked his mother with his big, sparkling green eyes. Inko couldn’t ever say no to that look.

“Of course, honey.” Inko agreed as she pulled Izuku into a hug again. “We’ll get your Quirk registered in a few days, okay?” Izuku nodded happily as he sat next to his mother and Inko started telling him how she used her Quirk.

-Quirk Registration Facility-

“Hmm, this appears to be a bit more limited than your Quirk, Midoriya-san.” The Official doing Izuku’s registration mentioned. Izuku seemed to only be able to effect sand, the small particulates of rock and grit. “It may be a Mutation of your own ‘Attraction of Small Things’ Quirk.” The woman mused as Izuku moved a cloud of sand around to demonstrate his Quirk. “He can only pull and manipulate the smallest form of earth and rock, sand. So this would be a form of Limited Geokinesis, what some call ‘Sunakinesis’ or ‘Sand Manipulation’.”

“I see; does he have the same weight limit that my Quirk does?” Inko questioned, wanting to know more about her son’s ability so she could try and help him with it.

“We can test that as well.” The woman smiled as she made a call to the Facility Employees to bring in a few bags of sand for Izuku to work with. Izuku looked at the three eighteen kilogram bags placed in front of him curiously.

“We’re going to test how much sand you can manipulate at a time, okay Izuku-kun?” The Official smiled at the young boy. Izuku nodded and reached out with the ‘feeling’ as his mom described it, and began to move the middle bag. The bag lifted into the air without much problem, it didn’t waver or shake under Izuku’s control. “Can you try doing two at the same time?” She asked and Izuku focused harder. The bag on the right lifted into the air as well though both bags began to wobble, as if suddenly unsteady.

“I can’t do much more.” Izuku informed the woman with a look of strain. It seemed that four year old Izuku couldn’t control more than about thirty six kilograms of sand at a time.

“That’s alright Izuku, you’ve done very well.” The woman smiled at him. Both bags dropped back onto the floor with a thud and Izuku sighed in relief.

Inko and Izuku left the Registration Facility with Izuku’s new Registry and plans for Katsudon for dinner. Izuku was excited to have his favorite food and even more excited that he could follow his dream to be a Hero!


Name: Midoriya Izuku

Quirk: Sand

Type: Emitter


-Izuku’s Preschool-

Izuku was so happy to finally have a Quirk like everyone else in his school group. With a smile he showed off his Quirk to the teachers and the other kids. The teachers gave him praise for having an ‘interesting’ Quirk, but also told him he’d have to clean up any messes he made. Most of his peers thought his Quirk was neat and that maybe he could be a Hero with it like he wanted. Kacchan said it was alright, but not as good as his ‘Explosion’ Quirk. Izuku was just happy that his Quirk was accepted by everyone.

A few months later Kacchan pointed out that Izuku’s Quirk was similar to a Pro Hero called Snatch. The Hero could turn his entire upper body into sand and manipulate it to capture Villains. Izuku had been wide eyed that night when it was ‘computer time’ at home. He’d actually asked for something other than an All Might video, to the surprise of Inko. Watching the Hero use his own Sand-based Quirk to capture Villains inspired little Izuku to practice more with his Quirk. It also gave him ideas for ways to better manipulate and control his sand. Including the ‘cool’ idea to make constructs and even ‘animals’ with his sand as well.

Over the next few years, Izuku and Katsuki would practice with their Quirks together. Their first ‘spar’ against each other was over quickly. Much to Katsuki’s shock, it ended with Izuku’s overwhelming victory.

-Third Year Elementary School-

“Alright Izuku, let’s fight!” Katsuki challenged as his palms cracked and popped with small explosions. The two were in an out of the way section of the local park where they wouldn’t bother anyone. At least they didn’t think they would.

“Ok, I’m gonna do my best!” Izuku pumped his fists before dropping his arms and then opening his hands.

“Take this!” Katsuki launched himself forward and tried to swat Izuku with an explosion. The attack never connected as the blast detonated against a blast of sand from the ground. The scattered particles obstructed Katsuki’s view and the next thing the ash blonde knew he felt his hands incased in something. A second later and he felt his ankles secured to one another as well.

“I think I win, Kacchan.” Izuku smiled as he looked at Katsuki’s restrained form. The ash blonde’s hands were covered in rock and his ankles had the same type of rock securing them together. Katsuki toppled over and laid on the ground looking at his restraints.

“What the heck? Where did these rocks come from?!” Katsuki yelled in confusion.

“That’s something I learned to do recently!” Izuku explained as he walked over to Katsuki. “If you compress sand together really hard it eventually becomes this rock called Sandstone. I used it to capture you!”

“Best two out of three!” Katsuki demanded as Izuku slowly broke the sandstone ‘cuffs’ with his Quirk until they were just sand floating around him.

“Ok!” Izuku agreed as the two got back into their starting positions.

“Damn it!” Was heard several seconds later, followed by. “Best three out of five!”

“Ok!” Izuku agreed, always impressed by Kacchan’s unwillingness to give up. They made it all the way to ‘best ten out of nineteen’ before they had to go home.

To be fair, Katsuki had only taken a few days to figure out that to keep Izuku’s sand at bay he just had to keep repelling it with his explosions. Though that still made it hard to get past the walls of sand Izuku would raise between them to defend himself from the ash blonde’s explosions when he got close enough. Katsuki saw this as a challenge to overcome and Izuku felt it was good practice. It also meant he got to spend more time with his friend as they practiced to become Heroes in the future!

Izuku barely realized just how much his Quirk was improving through these spars and practice sessions. Only going to a Government Quirk Testing Facility revealed how much his practice and training with Katsuki had developed his powers. Just before he entered Junior High he was tested on how much sand he could manipulate. To the shock of everyone, Izuku included, the green-haired boy was able to manipulate nine metric tons of sand at age eleven!

After the shock wore off though Izuku saw this as proof that he could still get stronger, could still push his Quirk farther and save more people with it in the future! He was going to be the best Hero he could be!

-First Year of Junior High-

It was official, well not really, but Izuku had finally admitted it to himself. He had a crush. Who did the future Hero have a crush on? Kodai Yui, a girl in his class with her shoulder-length, bob-shaped hair, which was side-swept to her right with some shorter strands hanging above her eyes. Her fair skin and athletic build, with pretty cerulean eyes, and even the neutral expression she usually kept on her face. Izuku was enamored with it all. Bakugo thought it was a waste of time to have crushes since it wouldn’t help him be a better Hero. Izuku didn’t care though, Yui was not only beautiful, but did well in class and was kind to everyone, if still completely aloof and ‘cool’ while doing so.

“You know she has a whole ‘Fan Club’, right?” Bakugo asked when he caught Izuku glancing at the girl for the fourth time that day. “You going to join up with them or something?”

“No, they’re all a bit ‘too much’ in my opinion.” Izuku shook his head as he turned to face his friend. “Besides, Kodai-san doesn’t even seem to realize she has a Fan Club.”

“Because they’re all a bunch of creepy little cowards.” Katsuki scoffed.

It was the end of that very day that Izuku first ‘officially’ met Yui. The ravenette had been on her way out of the school grounds when she was bumped into by some rushing students. Her bag had been knocked from her hands and Izuku, having seen the incident, bent down to pick it up for her.

“Thank you.” Yui bowed slightly as she took her bag back from Izuku.

“It w-was no p-problem.” Izuku replied with a stutter. Yui tilted her head slightly at the stuttered reply but her facial expression didn’t really change.

“Are you alright?” Yui asked and Izuku felt his cheeks heating up.

“Y-yeah, sorry.” Izuku nodded back.

“Why are you sorry?” Yui questioned and Izuku couldn’t help but find the curiosity in her eyes cute.

“Oh, um, I just thought that I might be bothering you.” Izuku muttered out quickly.

“You’re not.” Yui informed him in her usual cool tone.

“Thank you for saying so.” Izuku bowed slightly.

“You’re welcome.” Yui responded though Izuku could see confusion in her gaze. She was probably wondering why he’d thanked her. He was totally screwing this up wasn’t he?!

“Oi, Izuku! Hurry up! Are we training today or what?” Katsuki yelled from a bit further down the sidewalk.

“Right, sorry Kacchan, be right there!” Izuku yelled back before turning back to Yui. “Sorry, my friend wants me for Quirk practice. I’m Midoriya Izuku; it was nice to finally meet you.” With that Izuku gave another short bow before turning and running towards Katsuki.

“You too.” Yui replied but Izuku was already too far away to hear her.

-The Next Day-

“Kodai Yui, nice to meet you.” Yui gave a polite bow to Izuku before homeroom started. Izuku almost froze up at Yui being so close to him again.

“G-good morning, Kodai-san.” Izuku responded to her introduction.

“I didn’t introduce myself yesterday.” Yui explained her introduction and Izuku made the connection a second later.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t even give you a chance. I apologize.” Izuku stood and gave her a bow of his own.

“It’s fine.” Yui dismissed with a small shake of her head. “Have a good day.” With that Yui turned and walked back to her seat. Izuku sat back down his face red at having talked to Yui again.

“Your face looks stupid.” Katsuki laughed and Izuku turned away from his friend.

Izuku didn’t know that he’d caught the attention of a few other boys in his class. Though it probably shouldn’t be much of a surprise considering the size of Yui’s Fan Club. He’d find out about it after school that very day.

Izuku had just finished up with his ‘Classroom Duty’ since it was his day to stay behind and clean/straighten the classroom, and was leaving the school building. Shortly after leaving the green-haired boy was pulled into an alleyway and surrounded by several other boys from his school. A few Second Years but mostly First Years like him.

“Midoriya, we have some questions for you.” The ‘leader’ stated as he got right in Izuku’s face. “What’s your relationship with Yui-chan? Huh? Why’d she come talk to you?!”

“What?” Izuku took a step back to create some space between the Second Year and himself.

“You heard me!” The Second Year yelled at him. This was met with a chorus of yells from the other boys surrounding him.

“Oh, you guys must be Kodai-san’s Fan Club.” Izuku realized and the ‘leader scoffed at him.

“Damn right we are!” The Second Year proclaimed. “Yui-chan is way too good to be wasting her time with someone like you! I don’t want to even hear about you talking to her again, got it?”

“I can’t control who Kodai-san talks to.” Izuku waved his arms in front of himself.

“I’m telling YOU not to talk to her, dumbass!” The Second Year yelled at him. “Maybe you need a more physical lesson to understand?” The older boy cracked his knuckles as he approached Izuku. The green-haired boy noticed that the Second Year’s hands took on a metallic look as he stalked forward. The expected punch came but all the metal fist hit was a wall of sand.

“Using your Quirk to try and harm someone is illegal.” Izuku stated his eyes narrowed on the older boy. “Stop now and I’ll be on my way.”

“You think you can take all of us?” The ‘leader’ demanded as Izuku noticed all the other boys starting to use their Quirks too.

“Yeah, actually I do.” Izuku retorted before the alleyway was covered in swirling sand.

“Ahhh!” One boy yelled as he was swept off his feet.

“What the hell?!” Another cried out as he was lifted into the air.

More and more exclamations of shock, fear, and surprise rang out before all eighteen boys found themselves floating in the air by their clothes. None of them understood what was happening. One second they were surrounding Midoriya the next they’re all caught up in a sandstorm. Now all they could do was hang in the air and stare at the green-haired boy.

“The thing about sand is that it’s not only everywhere, it gets ‘everywhere’ too.” Izuku spoke to the floating boys. “Including inside your clothes.” The boys all floated upwards about a meter as Izuku sighed. “Don’t do this again, and we’ll forget this happened, okay?” With that Izuku walked out of the alleyway and the boys were all gently lowered to the ground. The sand that had been holding them up was still in their clothing however, which made it uncomfortable and many of the boys started untucking their shirts to try and get it out. That was Izuku’s small revenge against the Yui Fan Club for hassling him.

For the rest of his First Year of Junior High, Izuku said ‘Good morning.’ to Yui every school day. The ravenette would always return the greeting and this eventually led the two of them to start having small conversations. The Yui Fan Club could do nothing but watch as Izuku and Yui became friends. Some thought about trying to tell Izuku off again, but the memory of being suspended in the air effortlessly was still vivid in their minds. A few threw dirty looks Izuku’s way but ended up making the mistake of doing so in Bakugo’s presence near the end of their First Year.

“You got a damn problem?!” Bakugo roared at the glaring group of boys, his hand popping with contained explosions. The boys reeled back shaking their heads and waving their arms in denial. “Then wipe those damn looks off your faces!”

“Sorry!” One of the boys apologized.

“Wait…I recognize you extras. You’re Kodai’s little groupies, aren’t you?” Bakugo growled as his hand emitted smoke.

“We’re a part of her Fan Club.” Another boy admitted.

“You’re a bunch of damn cowards is what you are!” Bakugo yelled at them. “Is that why you’re glaring at Izuku? Because he can actually have a conversation with her?”

“We just don’t think she should be-” A different boy tried to speak but was cut off by a blast going off in Bakugo’s hand.

“I didn’t ask what you thought, loser!” Bakugo growled. “You keep glaring or try and cause a problem and I’ll deal with you myself, got it?!” The ash blonde let off a slightly bigger blast and all of the other boys flinched back.

“Yes!” The group chorused as they turned and rushed off.

“Tch, damn cowards.” Bakugo scoffed as he walked back to his seat and sat down. Izuku would never know what his friend had done for him that day, since Bakugo would never bring it up. Much like Yui never would know about her own Fan Club.

-Second Year of Junior High-

Izuku stared at the flyer in his hand. Then looked at Yui, then back towards the flyer. This repeated a few more times before Izuku spoke.

“What is this, Kodai-san?” Izuku asked.

“Hanami Festival.” Yui replied simply. That was indeed what was on the flyer, an announcement for the local Hanami Festival. But Izuku had no idea why Yui had handed it to him.

“Yes, I see that.” Izuku nodded. “But why did you hand it to me?”

“Will you go with me?” Yui asked and Izuku felt his face grow warm. Was this real? Was this really happening? Was he being asked on a date by Kodai Yui?

“I-I....” Izuku took a breath to steady himself. “Yes, I’d be happy to!” Yui’s aloof expression changed, just slightly, and Izuku was able to see Yui’s smile for the first time. To the love struck teen it was absolutely beautiful.

“I’m glad.” Yui smiled softly. “Meet at the entrance, okay?”

“Of course!” Izuku nodded rapidly and Yui turned to head towards her desk.

“Your face looks stupid again.” Katsuki remarked as Izuku sat down with his cheeks still red.

“I can’t believe this is happening.” Izuku mumbled and Katsuki just rolled his eyes at his friend.

-Hanami Festival-

“Oh wow.” Izuku breathed out as he saw Yui at the Festival Entrance. She was dressed in a cute yukata, dark red with light pink Sakura petals on it. He thought she looked beautiful. Of course he’d arrived twenty minutes early out of sheer nervousness. It would have been even earlier, but when his mother had found out that he was going on a ‘date’ she’d cried tears of joy and hugged him silly for several minutes.

“Midoriya-san, I’m glad to see you.” Yui smiled softly at him. Izuku felt his heart clench at the sight. He had to be one of the few people to ever see Yui’s smile more than once!

“You look amazing, Kodai-san.” Izuku complimented and Yui’s cheeks actually had a faint pink coloring for a few moments.

“Thank you, Midoriya-san.” Yui replied with an adorable shy look on her face.

“Should we go?” Izuku asked as he motioned towards the park that was filled with Sakura trees. Several small booths were set up at the edges of the park as well selling food and sweets.

“Yes.” Yui replied as they walked side by side into the Festival. Izuku was ecstatic to be walking with Yui through the falling cherry blossoms. Izuku knew he was completely smitten with the ravenette, but even he didn’t know he could find her even more beautiful than he already did. The falling cherry blossoms around her and the soft smile on her face made him feel like he was walking on air. The joy he saw in her cerulean eyes made his heart do backflips. The two walked around the park enjoying the blossoms and eventually sat on a wooden bench outside one of the stalls to eat. The sun was starting to set when they decide to leave.

“I really enjoyed this today, Kodai-san.” Izuku smiled at his crush.

“I did as well, thank you for coming with me.” Yui smiled gently at him.

“Maybe we can do something like this again?” Izuku offered and Yui nodded cutely.

“I’d like that.” Yui agreed.

“Me too, Kodai-san.” Izuku grinned, his cheeks a bit red.

“Yui.” Yui corrected him.

“What?” Izuku blinked, unsure if he’d heard the girl right.

“You can call me Yui, if you want.” Yui replied her cheeks pink and her hands clasped together in front of her obi.

“Thank you, Yui-chan.” Izuku got out as he fought down the stutter that tried to form. “You can call me Izuku, if you’d like.”

“Izuku-kun....” Yui mumbled out with a shy smile on her lips. Izuku felt like his heart might leap out of his chest at the sight.

Izuku walked Yui to the station and made sure she got on her train before he took his own train home. Technically he could have walked home, but he’d worry his mother if he wasn’t home before dark. So the train it was.

The Monday following their ‘date’, every student in their class noticed Yui’s and Izuku’s use of each other’s first name. By lunchtime the word had spread from their class to others. Bakugo once again, secretly, fulfilled his role as friend by threatening the small group of the Yui Fan Club that had tried to start trouble. A harsh glare and crackling blasts form his hands had scared all but one away. The ‘brave’ one got an up close and personal experience with Bakugo’s abrasive personality. Along with a warning that if he tried ‘anything’ Bakugo would hunt him down and show him just how stupid it was to piss him off! Needless to say the ‘brave’ Fan Club member wasn’t so brave after all.

“Damn sappy nerd.” Katsuki shook his head as he looked over at Yui and Izuku eating lunch together.

A few months later Izuku was the one to invite Yui out. This was for the Summer Festival and Yui had smiled happily as she agreed to go with Izuku. Getting to see Yui in another yukata, this one a bright pink with stylized flowers on it, already made the trip to the Festival worth it in Izuku’s opinion. The two had walked together through the festival stalls, sampling sweets, playing games, and even getting a meal. By the time the fireworks started Izuku and Yui were already sitting on a bench with a clear view. The two were sitting so close together that their shoulders were almost touching. Izuku spent a few minutes mustering up his courage before turning to Yui.

“Yui-chan…I-I…I really, really like you…and I was wondering if…if you’d go out with me?” Izuku bowed his head as he asked and he didn’t raise it until he heard Yui’s reply.

“I’d like that very much, Izu-kun.” Yui replied and Izuku’s head snapped up so fast it was surprising that he didn’t hurt himself. The absolutely adorable shy expression on her face made Izuku reflexively smile and he gently pulled her into a hug without thinking. The two held each other, both hiding their faces from one another until they stopped blushing, before they pulled back and smiled at each other.

“Kiss.” Yui requested a minute later and Izuku felt himself start to almost vibrate from how nervous he was. This was going to be their first kiss! He could die happy if he didn’t screw this up! The new couple’s lips met softly just as a large firework went off overhead. The fact the sound and light didn’t bother them proving how much the two had tuned out the rest of the world for those few seconds. It was chaste, soft, and lingered only for a few seconds. But neither of them would change it for anything in the world.

“You’re beautiful.” Izuku breathed out as they pulled apart a few seconds later. Yui showed off a beautiful, beaming smile that even Izuku had never seen before at his words. The new couple quickly snuggled together and finished enjoying the fireworks. The Yui Fan Club all cried when the couple came back from summer break, hand in hand. Yui was cool and aloof as normal, but occasionally, when she and Izuku were together, people would catch glimpses of Yui with a soft smile on her lips.

-Third Year of Junior High-

Izuku smiled happily as he watched Yui practice her ‘Size’ Quirk. He’d analyzed it almost as much as he’d analyzed Kacchan’s ‘Explosion’ over the years. Much like Kacchan, Yui was excellent with her Quirk. She had great technique and control, and Izuku had only been able to offer so much help with how well his girlfriend could use her power already. One thing he had been able to do was gift her a few things to use her Quirk on.

‘Size’ could enlarge or shrink any non-living object that Yui touched. To return the object to its original size, Yui had to touch her fingertips together and say the word ‘Release’. Her Quirk changed not only size, but even the weight of the objects she used it on. The only aspects that didn’t change about the items were their density and durability. In light of this fact Izuku had compressed several cubes of sand down into hyper dense sandstone for his girlfriend to use with her Quirk. The incredibly dense cubes were about the size of a normal six sided die. Izuku had made a full dozen of them for Yui. With her Quirk and her skill she could take those twelve incredibly dense cubes and create a massive wall or a passable fortification in a matter of seconds.

Yui had happily accepted her boyfriend’s gift and thanked him with kisses. Izuku was grinning like a dope for hours afterward and his mother had pretended not to notice when he came home. She already had a good idea of what had happened and was rather fond of Yui after having met the girl.

Izuku split his time after school between practicing with Yui, or sparring with Kacchan. The ash blonde hadn’t let up on trying to completely overwhelm Izuku’s Quirk. But so far even his largest explosion hadn’t been able to fully disperse the walls and other defensive constructs Izuku could make. 

Yui practiced with him much more calmly. Tossing various objects at Izuku and enlarging them at the last second. Izuku’s ‘sand defense’ was always put through its paces when Yui got serious. But practicing with both Yui and Kacchan had helped Izuku develop his Quirk immensely. He had more control and could manipulate far more sand than he could’ve ever imagined. One of Yui’s favorite constructs was a small, bungalow-like, structure that Izuku made for them to hang out in. The ability to have a small, private space just for them had led to a few make out sessions between the couple. Yui was a very straight forward girl that said what was on her mind without much concern. Izuku had blushed enough to produce steam when she’d flat out asked him to ‘make out’ one day after their practice. He’d still done it of course, no way would he say no to Yui about that!

Both Yui and Katsuki were also applying for UA, just like Izuku. Not surprising for Kacchan, he wouldn’t accept anything but the best Hero School. Yui had also put UA as her first choice. Izuku had no doubt that they would both get accepted. He even felt that he had a pretty good shot at it, with all the practice and dedication he’d put into his Quirk and body. Fitness was important to Hero work so he and Katsuki had taken it seriously. Yui had certainly approved of his toned body when she’d first gotten to see him shirtless. His girlfriend had started a make out session just so she could run her hands over his torso and feel his muscles. Not that Izuku had actually complained about it.

It seemed like their last year of Junior High was gone quickly and in no time the UA Entrance Exams were upon the three future Heroes.

-UA Entrance Exam-

Izuku and Yui walked from the train station to the school entrance hand in hand, a gentle smile on Izuku’s face while Yui kept her aloof look. Both were confident in their chances to pass, but a bit of nervousness still seeped in. The presence of each other helping the couple keep calm and ready for the exams.

“You ready for this, Yui-chan?” Izuku smiled at his girlfriend who nodded and squeezed his hand as they headed for the exam hall. Yui seemed to be keeping her coolness up to keep out exam nerves.

The written exam wasn’t easy, as expected of UA, but both Yui and Izuku felt they did well enough on it to pass. When it came time to learn what the practical exam entailed Izuku had a small fanboy moment at seeing the Voice Hero: Present Mic on stage going over the exam. Yui smiled at her boyfriend fondly as she watched on. After the explanation the couple found out that they wouldn’t be in the same Exam Site with each other since they went to the same Junior High.

“It’s ok, Yui-chan, you’re going to pass this easily!” Izuku reassured his girlfriend.

“Good luck kiss.” Yui requested with a faint blush and Izuku met her lips with his in a brief, soft kiss before they separated. Yui suddenly felt much calmer and saw the same in her boyfriend’s eyes. With a smile and a short hug the two parted to take the practical exam.

-Exam Site B-

“Alright…here we are, just have to pass with Yui-chan.” Izuku exhaled as he stood outside Exam Site B. It was time to earn his place here at UA and nothing was going to stop him! Kacchan would never let him hear the end of it either, if he messed this up.

“START!” Present Mic called out loudly from where he stood on a platform at the top of a tower, his voice reaching out across the large testing grounds and to all the various groups of applicants. Everybody in Izuku’s testing group froze up for a moment at the sudden start. “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN REAL LIFE! RUN! GO, GO, GO!!!”

With that Izuku and the rest of the examinees dashed forward into the large mock cityscape. Seeing the majority of the examinees staying on the main road Izuku dashed down a side street to find more robots for himself. It didn’t take long before a Three Pointer was spotted and Izuku began his preparations. The large robot was facing away from Izuku which gave the green-haired boy plenty of time. With a thought the tiny particulates of grit and pebbles that naturally litter any cityscape rose up and gathered around Izuku. There was plenty to be had but Izuku was determined to prove his worth to UA and guarantee his admission. The floating sand started to spin rapidly as it descended towards the street. With a high pitched grinding sound the road around Izuku was ground down into sand as well.

“Target acquired…eliminate!” The Three Pointer announced as it turned at the sound and locked on to Izuku. The large robot launched a missile at Izuku and with barely a thought a thin blade-like, wave of sand rushed from Izuku’s position and sliced the projectile cleanly down the middle. The two useless halves fell to the road dozens of meters behind Izuku at the same time the Three Pointer split in half and fell to the ground in front of him.

“Three points for me!” Izuku smiled before the road cracked as more and more of it was ground down into sand. “Let’s show them why I should be in the Hero Course!” A wave of sand carried Izuku forward as it rushed through the cityscape. More and more sand being created and added to the mass that Izuku controlled as he guided the wave through the faux city. Most robots didn’t even have a chance to do anything, simply engulfed and crushed by the massive amount of sand. The Three Pointers found their missiles useless for long range attacks as showers of ‘sand bullets’ would tear the projectiles apart before they could get anywhere close to Izuku.

-Staff Control Room-

“Well now, it seems we have quite an examinee this year. He has both power and technique with his Quirk. I dare say he has complete control of the battlefield.” Nezu, the chimera-like Principal of UA commented after watching Izuku’s attack.

“Considering none of the robots can even get close to him, I’m inclined to agree.” Cementoss, a Hero with a very ‘blocky’ appearance, commented as he watched the green-haired examinee engulf and crush three more One Pointers under the massive wave of sand he was controlling.

-Exam Site B-

In the last five minutes of the test the giant gimmick robot, the Zero Pointer, was unleashed. Izuku, having been trying to figure out how many points he’d gotten since he’d engulfed and crushed a few robots without identifying their point values, watched as the giant robot emerged practically right beside him.

“Well, if they’re going to throw it right at me.” Izuku mused as he held out his hands and sent his massive sand wave colliding with the robot. He clenched his hands, trying to crush the Zero Pointer just like all the others he’d done so far. But he found out the Zero Pointer was built quite a bit sturdier than its smaller brethren. “I see why it’s just a gimmick. This thing is so tough not many Quirks would do that much to it.” With a sigh Izuku switched tactics, using the mass of sand to hold the Zero Pointer in place he sent sand pouring into the gaps of the giant robot’s body. Feeling the spread of the sand within the machine Izuku then had those abrasive particles begin to spin around inside the robot. Wires were shredded, metal parts started breaking off, and the Zero Pointer quickly began to shut down as its systems were destroyed from the inside out. Seeing the giant machine shut down Izuku used his sand to gently set the broken machine on the ground. It wouldn’t do to drop it and potentially hurt someone after all.

-Staff Control Room-

“My, oh my, how ingenious.” Nezu laughed as he watched the green-haired examinee change tactics quickly when his first attempt to subdue the Zero Pointer didn’t work.

“I’m never going to be able to get all the sand out of my robot.” Power Loader complained as he watched the green-haired boy set his robot down on the road.

-Exam Site B-

“Hmm, still not a hundred percent sure what my point total is.” Izuku mused to himself. He didn’t even notice the large group of other examinees gaping at him and his take down of the Zero Pointer.

“Annnnd STOP!” Present Mic’s voice was heard throughout the testing grounds. “The exam is over!” Izuku exhaled as he drifted down on a small platform of sand. He was fairly certain he’d gotten enough points to pass the practical; even if he hadn’t actually been able to count them all. He touched down and started walking towards the entrance along with the rest of the examinees.

“I should call Yui-chan, I bet she did awesome!” Izuku grinned at the thought of his girlfriend as he made his way out of the Exam Site and towards the bus that would take him back to the main campus.

-One Week Later ~ Midoriya Home-

“Izuku! It’s here!” Inko called out as she rushed to her son’s room and handed him the letter that had come from UA.

“Thanks mom, I’m going to open it in my room.” Izuku said as he retreated into his room and sat at his desk. “Ok…you definitely passed Izuku, you and Yui-chan both passed; this is totally your acceptance letter.” He breathed deeply to get shake off his nerves before opening the letter. A small disc-shaped object fell out and started projecting an image.

“Hello, Midoriya Izuku, I’m Nezu the Principal of UA High School.” Nezu introduced himself. “I’m happy to inform you that you passed the Written Exam with a very respectable Ninety Two percent; as for your Practical Exam Score please look behind me.” The chimera pointed to an electronic board that turned on, showing Izuku’s picture and score.

-Practical Exam Score-

Izuku Midoriya

Villain Points: 126

Rescue Points: 0

Total: 126 Points

-Practical Exam Score-

“As you can see you performed very well! You’re ranked Second for Highest Entrance Exam Score ever in fact! Even without utilizing Rescue Points, you’ve more than qualified.” Nezu congratulated with a smile on his face. “I’m pleased to welcome you to UA High School, Midoriya-san! This will be your Hero Academia!”

“Yes! I did it!” Izuku cheered before he quickly grabbed his phone. “I’ve got to call Yui-chan and make sure she passed too!” Standing just outside of Izuku’s door Inko smiled happily for her son, before letting a small giggle escape at how fast her son thought about Yui-chan. The polite girl had become so important to Izuku since they’d met at the beginning of Junior High.

-Time Skip ~ First Day of Class-

Izuku was dressed in the UA uniform and was standing up from just having put his shoes on. He was just about to walk out his front door, after hugging his mother goodbye, when Inko stopped him for one last thing. Turning to face his mother Izuku smiled at the proud look on her face, even though there were tears of joy welling up in her eyes.

“You look really cool right now, Izuku!” Inko complimented her son making Izuku beam at her.

“Thanks Mom!” Izuku smiled as he exited the apartment.

Izuku met up with Yui on the train to UA. The couple enjoyed the train ride together both excited for their first day. Though with Yui’s ability to keep her cool and aloof expression most would be unable to tell. It wasn’t long before both of them were standing before a large door marked ‘1-A’.

“It sucks we aren’t in the same class, Yui-chan.” Izuku lamented as he hugged his girlfriend.

“Yes, but we have lunch together, so please cheer up.” Yui smiled softly at him.

“I’ll see you at lunch.” Izuku smiled at her fondly.

“See you at lunch.” Yui repeated while leaning into the hug more. A few moments later they separated and Yui walked down the hall towards Class 1-B.

Opening the door to 1-A revealed the sight of Bakugo arguing with a blue-haired teen.

“Hmm, Kacchan has probably been here about ten minutes already…so that seems about right for him to get into an argument with someone.” Izuku nodded as he stepped into the classroom. Well, hopefully the rest of his classmates would be friendly; if they were all similar to Kacchan then he was in for a rough school year.

-End Chapter-


Well, Izuku’s practically a force of nature when he gets going! Yui only shows her boyfriend her soft, emotional side. That’s adorable as hell! Izuku gave her the ability to practically alter the battlefield with only twelve small items! What will be 1-A’s reaction to Izuku’s Quirk? We’ll see if this Bunny becomes a story too! More importantly, did you enjoy the Chapter? Did you like the Pairing? Do you want to see more?

Until I get your reviews, later!


David Zimmerle

“Hmm, Kacchan has probably been here about ten minutes already…so that seems about right for him to get into an argument with someone.” lol.


I really enjoyed this plot bunny I really hope it will evolve into a story.


I have to say I truly like this plot izuku having control of sand never thought of something like that. I think this plot and Apex are the best ones yet.

Thomas E Nellis

Fantastic. I can’t wait until he starts really meming. Like sand clones, sand armor, and life drain.


Glad you like them! We'll see what happens after Collector becomes a story.


We'll see in the future, can't say what will be next when it comes to the Bunnies.

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

I look forward to when he just goes full Gaara and just starts doing Sand Coffin/Sand Burial.


Thirty six kilograms is a shit ton of sand depending on how he can control it (also I tend to leave comments as I read, let me know if it's annoying and I'll stop, sorry kai)
