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Well the Patrons have spoken! Collector Hero: Synthesis will be the first Plot Bunny to become a story!

That being said, with such a landslide victory I have to ask; What about the Bunny made you vote for it so overwhelmingly? The Quirk? The Pairing? Let me know!

Also, as a Small Harem, I'm hoping you, my Patrons, will help me choose the lovely ladies! Ochako is already in, she was in Chapter 1 for a reason! But as it's a Small Harem there will only be 3 or 4 girls. With Ochako being one that leaves 2 or 3 spaces left.

If you want to suggest, leave a comment! However; there are stipulations! No women older than him, like Pro Heroes or Mitsuki (Yes, I know someone would probably suggest that!), also I've not mentioned the UA Hero Classes yet. That was on purpose! I can change the class rosters to help facilitate the pairing and make the story line a bit more unique later! Don't feel limited to just 1-A or 1-B girls either, as long as they're his age I can change a few things. Camie, for example, would be de-aged 1 year and get into UA instead of Shiketsu. Things like that are possible.

But if you make a suggestion...I want a good reason for it! Not just 'She's hot!' or something either. Give me a reason the girl would want to be part of this relationship! Let's see what kind of Small Harem we can create!


Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

Dang it, I wanted Sun Hero to win. Oh well. In any case, here are my suggestions. Momo, Camie, and Tsuyu. Momo, because I can see those two getting along easily. Camie, because of a fanfiction I read and their interactions in it were cute. And Tsuyu.........because Tsuyu. I legit can't think of any other reason. I just think Tsuyu would work.


Tsuyu because of Tsuyu, isn't the most convincing argument. Though I do love the cute Frog Girl, so potentially. I might be able to work with Momo. Camie could be fun, but what fanfic are you talking about? That seems to be your 'reason' for suggesting it.

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

One moment, got to find it real quick. Always was bad with names. AH, there is it. The Emerald Phoenix by Primordial Vortex. It has Camie in it, and her and Mina's interactions with Izuku her just heckin adorable. Also, trust me, I know my reasoning for Tsuyu is terrible. But, tbh, my reasoning is literally just 'she was the first one to pop into my head after Momo and Camie'.

Jose Esparza

I absolutely want Mei in there. Her love for her babies and using Midorya as her personal weapons rack would work really well, how busy she is with working on her gear would give the other girls in the harem plenty of time for alone time with Midorya, and she would make him amazing gear if she thought of him as one of her babies. (That or kill him with the dangerous things she makes)


A favorite of mine too! Primordial Vortex is an AMAZING writer! Izuku is an OP cinnamon roll in that story too! Which just makes teasing girls like Mina and Camie circle him like sharks! It's very adorable!


Reason? Though I love the eccentric inventor girl! That's why she has a Plot Bunny for herself coming up in the future!

Thomas E Nellis

Give us invisible girl. We don’t know hot she is but she has a cute personality oh and she can combo with all of izuku’s light based attacks. Oh and the way she dresses is stylish and really brings out her eyes. Oh and she is naked when in stealth and no one reacts to that and everyone acts like that is normal lol in manga and anime.


Momo and Mei. Mixing Izuku's analysis, Mei's insane genius and Momo's academic brilliance and creation quirk is a recipe for awesomeness and insanity (ingenuity+materials+insanity=hypothetical materials/pure awesomeness)!


Toru even has her own Bunny already! You love the adorable, peppy, Invisible Girl that much? She does have a cute personality though.


So we're trying to create insane materials so that Mei can make even more insane babies? That has some merit.


I vote for Momo, Mei and Tsuyu to be in the harem. The reason for Momo is that she has large self-confidence issues that she can relate with Izuku on a personal level which can increase their relationship and Izuku could help her uses her quirk in more creative ways than basic structures she makes. The reason Mei should be in the pairing is because she wants to have her inventions to be recognized by everyone and what better way than having protagonist~kun use her “babies” in order to promote her gear in front of many people which can lead to a relationship developing .and since the canon versions ends up in sexy positions with broccoli boy on a constant basis whenever they meet up. I can assume you would be able to do similar or even worse(sexier) and funnier for the reading audience. The reason tsuyu should be in the harem is because in canon Izuku saves her from noumu and shigaraki and they are on friendly terms with each other to the point she cried in worry for everyone in the Bakugo rescue squad to which Midoriya was included. So from this I think you could build on their relationship and have it be more natural. Anyway sorry for my inner Izuku induced word vomit


I'll take your suggestions into consideration. Hmm, we have quite a few for Momo and even a couple for Mei. Am I starting to see a pattern?


I personally would like to see mono, kyoka, and tsuyu. My reason for momo are basically like a few other people who have voted for momo in that she is very smart, has the self confidence issue that help her connect with izuku and I believe they would get along great, my reason for kyoka is that she has the shy rocker vibe and I believe she also has confidence issues due to her quirk that izuku could help her with, for tsuyu i believe she can help bring them all out of their shells and help them with their problems with her blunt personality and kindness. I also disagree with Mei because of why everyone wants her in it doesn't make sense for her to be in by her wanting to use izuku for her own personal gain that is not a good thing for a relationship its basically another form of emotional abuse.

Josh Robbins

Momo because shes quite serious and would help him learn and control his quirk. Mina because shes happy go luck, open, out going would break him out of his shell and encourage him to be better while being a firm pillar of support. At least thats how her character seems to me, a bit shallow at times but who isn't. Sorry for not adding reasons at work and just typed a response as fast as possible.

John Balman

They idea of all might mentor a hero with a similar ability as his enemy is just to good to pass up, maybe isuke and collect the ability and help heal all might (an idea). I'd love to see more Melissa Shield..girl to make hero gear and introduce quirkless ness awareness,Momo smart girl I can seem her and Isuku working on new ways to use their quirk, and Setsuna  need the fun girl that can crake a joke.


I like the idea of him with Momo, Kyouka, and Toga myself. Momo because they are both smart and I think it would be easier to develop their characters. Kyouka because I like the stories where they might share an interest in music or something else and give Izuku more support as well as helping Kyouka along in hero training by training more with Izuku. And I feel that with Izuku's quirk being easily seen as "villainous" because he can take the individuality the quirks give others from them that him and Toga would be a great pair.


Momo is really killing it in this! Kyouka is cool, I do like her character too. Toga already has Izuku all to herself in Sun Hero! I'm trying to diversify at least a little bit. But there are so many choices!


Chapter one of this series isn't actually tagged "collector hero" so when I clicked tge tag I couldn't find it