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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter the First Nemea Leonthrope!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 22 – Bones, Lovegood, Delacour

Harry, Lavender, Parvati, Padma, and Hermione were all sitting together for breakfast the day after the Tournament had been announced. None of them were in a particularly good mood with the announcement and Harry’s potential inclusion in the dangerous event. Harry was at least happy to know that his girlfriends were on his side. He was planning to contact Sirius the moment anything happened with the Tournament involving him.

‘Though thinking about it, maybe I should just ask Sirius to be here on Halloween?’ Harry thought to himself as he ate. ‘It would certainly make taking action against anything going wrong easier.’

“What’re you thinking about Harry?” Lavender questioned, noticing the look on her boyfriend’s face. Parvati, Hermione, and Padma looked towards him as well, all of them now curious.

“Just wondering if it wouldn’t be better to have Sirius here on Halloween.” Harry replied with a sigh. “That way if anything bad happens he would already be here.”

“That’s not a bad idea.” Hermione looked thoughtful.

“It couldn’t hurt, right?” Padma smiled at him.

“What can they do? Tell him to leave when he’s here to see you?” Parvati grinned. “I’m sure that would go over well!”

“He’d definitely do it in a heartbeat too.” Lavender giggled, making a smile form on Harry’s face.

“I’ll write to Sirius about the idea.” Harry nodded; it was nice having his girlfriends’ support. Maybe he could ‘finally’ have a normal year for once. Though he was definitely going to be keeping an eye on the new Defense Professor; Alastor ‘Mad Eye’ Moody. The grizzled ex-Auror was paranoid and apparently slightly ‘off’. Considering two out of his three Defense Professors, so far, had tried to harm him in some way of their own free will; well, Harry wasn’t taking a chance.

“Good morning, everyone, can I join you?” Luna asked the group as she walked up to their spot at the table.

“Of course, Luna, whenever you want.” Padma smiled at her fellow Ravenclaw. Harry, Lavender, Hermione, and Parvati all welcomed the younger blonde with smiles and greetings.

“Thank you.” Luna beamed at them as she sat next to Padma and began to fill her plate. For the next several minutes normal conversation resumed between them and near the end of breakfast Luna spoke up about something none of them were expecting.

“I’m sorry…Luna…could you repeat that?” Harry requested as he was sure he’d misheard the small blonde girl.

“I asked if you would let me be a part of your Pride.” Luna repeated her earlier statement that had stopped the group’s conversation.

“Luna, are you asking to be Harry’s girlfriend?” Padma questioned and Luna nodded.

“If he wants to be my boyfriend, then yes.” Luna looked towards Harry with a smile, one that Harry was finding hard to refuse. Luna was very cute after all, they’d been friends since last year and he had to admit, he found her pleasant, ‘spacey’ demeanor rather endearing.

“Are you sure, Luna?” Harry questioned. “I have five girlfriends already. You’d have to get along with all of them. You’d have to be ok with our…‘different’…relationship.” All four girls looked on, curious, at what the younger blonde’s response would be.

“That just means I’d have a bigger family, right?” Luna questioned simply. None of the others could quite refute that claim; even though they all found it a simple way to look at it.

“I mean…she’s not wrong.” Padma spoke up after a moment.

“That’s one way of looking at it, I suppose.” Lavender giggled at the simple way of explaining their relationship.

“I think it’s perfect.” Parvati smiled at Luna, the younger blonde smiling back happily.

“It’s…technically correct…I guess.” Hermione considered thoughtfully.

“How are you so good at simplifying things, Luna?” Harry playfully questioned the girl.

“Maybe everyone else is just really good at complicating things?” Luna shrugged with a giggle of her own.

“You’re absolutely precious!” Parvati laughed as she leaned over the table to pull the other girl into a hug. “We’ll get along great!” Luna laughed happily as she hugged Parvati back.

“So no objections to letting Luna try a relationship with us?” Harry asked his girlfriends. All of them gave their approval, much to the beaming Luna’s joy. “Well, Luna, welcome to the ‘Pride’ as you called it.” Harry shook his head and Luna leaned across Padma to hug Harry. He could only chuckle at his new girlfriend’s adorable personality and return her hug.

“Who’s the fifth girlfriend?” Luna questioned, once she’d gotten back into her seat properly. “I’ve only met Padma, Lavender, Parvati, and Hermione.”

“That would be Tonks, she’s an Auror.” Harry answered as he took a drink.

“Ah yes, the Queen!” Lavender giggled and Harry choked on his drink for a second.

“Lav, if you call her that she’s going to take it and run with it.” Harry ‘warned’ his girlfriend. “She’ll be so pleased with herself for being called that too.”

“But she is the oldest, and undoubtedly the most powerful of all of us.” Parvati giggled as she picked up the joke.

“She was the first female ‘turned’ as well.” Hermione mentioned ‘innocently’. Harry stared at her flatly making the brunette smile back.

“That would technically qualify her, wouldn’t it?” Padma continued the now running joke. Harry just sighed, knowing he was out numbered.

“So Tonks is the Queen then?” Luna asked and Harry just shrugged.

“Sure…why not.” Harry sighed. “She’s going to be so happy to hear it.” He rolled his eyes, already knowing that Tonks would happily make a big joke about this for her own amusement. He shook his head fondly, he loved that woman.

“Should I call her Queen Tonks, then?” Luna asked, and Harry wasn’t sure if she was joking or not. Luna sounded genuinely curious about it!

“I’m sure she’d be thrilled, at least until she got bored of it.” Harry chuckled. “But you don’t have to call her Queen Tonks, Luna. Just Tonks will, most likely, be fine with her.”

“I suppose I should be a Nemea Leonthrope before I start calling her Queen.” Luna nodded thoughtfully and Harry stopped eating as he turned to face the young blonde slowly.

“Luna, becoming a Therianthrope is permanent, there’s no going back.” Harry informed her seriously. “There are a lot of people in Magical Britain that will immediately look down on you just for being a Leonthrope. It’s not a decision to make lightly; it’s a lifelong change.”

“I understand.” Luna smiled as she shaped her food into a castle-like shape.

“That goes for you as well; Lavender, Parvati, Padma, Hermione, don’t make that decision lightly. I’d hate for you to regret it after the fact.” Harry looked at each of his girlfriends; making sure to lock eyes with each of them to convey how serious he was about this. The girls looked between each other for a moment before Lavender spoke up.

“We understand, Harry, we’ll make sure that we’re certain before we ask you.” Lavender nodded to him, mirrored by Hermione, Padma, and Parvati. The buxom blonde then laid her head on Harry’s shoulder. “You don’t have to worry about us ever hating our choice to be with you, Harry, remember that, okay?”

“You girls are far too good to me.” Harry exhaled heavily as he smiled at them.

“We know.” Padma grinned playfully.

“You’re a lucky man, Harry.” Parvati teased.

“It’s true.” Hermione nodded with a giggle.

“I think you’re lovely, Harry.” Luna smiled at him.

“Thank you, Luna, you’re lovely too.” Harry chuckled as he hugged Lavender and Padma into his sides. He was truly blessed to have the affections of so many wonderful girls.

From that breakfast until Sunday at lunch everything had gone as normal. Lavender and Parvati had suggested he take Luna on a date to make their new relationship ‘official’. And so on Saturday Harry and Luna had walked the grounds of Hogwarts hand in hand as their first date. Needless to say this had sparked the Hogwarts rumor mill and within hours the news was all over the school. Nothing had come of this until lunchtime on Sunday, when Harry, Hermione Parvati, Lavender and Padma had walked into a crowd blocking the Great Hall. Hearing raised voices the group had pushed their way to the front of the crowd. Seeing Luna with tears in her eyes while Ginny Weasley, also in tears, yelled at the blonde set something off in Harry. With a deep, rumbling growl Harry strode to Luna’s side and pulled the small blonde into a hug. Padma was quickly by his side hugging Luna as well. Parvati, Lavender, and Hermione were quickly working on calming Harry down as soon as they heard him growling.

“Shhh, Luna, what’s wrong?” Padma comforted the younger blonde as she hugged her. Harry hugged Luna tighter and leaned down slightly to be able to hear her better.

“Ginny was angry that Harry and I started dating.” Luna got out as she hugged Harry back.

“What’s your problem?” Harry locked his eyes on Ginny, who had stopped her tears in the time it had taken the group to calm Luna down.

“I-I…I just…” Ginny tried to get out.

“Calm down and take a deep breath.” Hermione advised Ginny, while also looking at Harry so that he understood that she’d like him to do so as well. A few deep breaths and Harry felt his anger cooling. Ginny seemed to have gotten herself under control as well. Seeing the crowd still gathered around Harry felt a twinge of anger return.

“What are you lot staring at?! Leave!” Harry roared at the on lookers and most of them flinched at his tone before shuffling off into the Great Hall. The group of seven moved off to the side of the corridor to have some privacy and finish clearing up the altercation.

“Alright, so what exactly happened?” Parvati questioned the two Third Years gently.

“I…I was just…jealous.” Ginny admitted after a moment. “I knew Harry was dating you four, but when everyone started saying Luna was dating Harry too, I just…I had to know for sure.”

“I told her the truth; that we were dating.” Luna spoke up from the three way hug she was still wrapped in with Harry and Padma.

“Why were you both crying?” Lavender asked the two girls calmly.

“I…I let my temper get the better of me.” Ginny stated quietly. “I said some hurtful things to Luna.”

“Are you sorry?” Harry questioned, a bit of anger simmering just below the surface.

“Yes, I am…” Ginny exhaled heavily before looking at Luna. “I’m sorry Luna; I didn’t mean what I said. It was my anger getting the better of me.”

“Apology accepted.” Luna smiled softly. Padma pulled her into another hug and Luna returned it instantly.

“I think this has been enough drama for the day.” Harry shook his head. “Let’s just get lunch and enjoy the last bit of Sunday.” He got no objections from his girlfriends and the group parted ways with Ginny as they all entered the Great Hall. Luna sat beside Harry for lunch and the younger blonde was smiling and laughing again by the end of the meal. All thanks to the girls’ and Harry’s comforting throughout the first half of the lunch break.

Harry’s school life became fairly normal, or as normal as Hogwarts ever was, until the first of October, a Saturday, when Susan Bones approached Harry and his girlfriends in the Library. The redhead was carrying her own book bag with her, but strangely wasn’t accompanied by her best friend, Hannah Abbot, for some reason. Lavender and Parvati were grinning a few moments later as Susan stood there nervously. Hermione and Padma both smiled after another moment and motioned for Susan to join them. When she sat down at their table, Susan looked around at the five girls before her eyes met Harry’s.

“Good afternoon, Susan.” Harry greeted the redhead with a polite smile.

“Good afternoon, Harry.” Susan replied her cheeks a bit red.

“Did you want to talk about something, Susan?” Lavender asked the other buxom girl with a knowing look.

“Is…is it true? That your relationship…is, ‘accepting’ still?” Susan managed to get out after a deep breath.

“Accepting?” Harry questioned, a second later and he noticed Parvati, Lavender, Padma, and Hermione roll their eyes. Luna just smiled at the red haired girl.

“I mean…are you still looking for more girlfriends?” Susan reiterated as she looked down at the table.

“What?” Harry blinked before Susan looked up at him with a look he’d seen on all of his girlfriends’ faces multiple times before. “Susan…do you like me?”

“Yes…” Susan admitted as she covered her face with her hands. “I know it’s weird, since you’re already in a relationship and everything, but I still like you Harry.” Harry was stunned and his girlfriends were giggling around him.

“I…I don’t know what to say…” Harry admitted and Susan smiled at him with pink cheeks.

“I’m glad I’m not the only one that’s nervous.” Susan rubbed her arms. “The thing is…if we ever progressed to the point of marriage and children, then I’d need a Line Continuation marriage.”

“A what?” Harry asked, he’d never come across the term. Unless he’d somehow missed it in the Potter Family Grimoire copy he had.

“Line Continuation means that Susan would keep her maiden name after marriage.” Lavender explained. “All of her children would also carry the Bones name instead of their father’s.”

“Oh.” Harry nodded in understanding. “What’s wrong with that?”

“I’m the last of the Bones Family, aside from my aunt, so I need a Line Continuation to prevent the Bones Family from dying out.” Susan informed Harry who took a moment to process her words.

“So you think I’d be against that or something?” Harry asked Susan who looked sheepish for a moment.

“A lot of the older Families are, Harry.” Susan replied. “A lot of them are also Patriarchal, so they’re all about passing on their Name. A Line Continuation can be a deal breaker when it comes to a relationship with members of some of those Families. I’m glad to see that you’re not like that.”

“If you want to keep the Bones Family alive, then more power to you, Susan.” Harry smiled at the redhead. “But are you sure you want to try this kind of relationship? It’s not exactly ‘normal’ as most of the Pure Blood Families would approve of.”

“That doesn’t make it any less valid, Harry.” Susan shook her head, her red locks gently tousled by the movement. “I’ve seen how are with your girlfriends. You’re sweet, you talk to them and listen, you take an interest in their hobbies, its’ perfectly obvious to anyone that pays attention why they’ve all agreed to date you.”

“Isn’t all of that normal?” Harry asked. He’d just done what he always did around his girlfriends. Sure he might dote on them a bit, but it wasn’t excessive or anything, at least not in his eyes.

“You be surprised, Harry.” Parvati smiled at him. “Many guys don’t actually pay attention when their girlfriend speaks, they act like they do, but don’t really. For some guys its’ not about the relationship, it’s about the…sexual things they hope to get from the girl they’re dating.”

“Oh....” Harry muttered as he nodded. He could see that. He did enjoy the times when he and his girlfriends got ‘lovey dovey’ as Lavender called it occasionally.

“Seeing how happy you make Luna, Hermione, Parvati, Padma, and Lavender; well, I want a boyfriend like that.” Susan stated as she leaned towards him. “Will you give me a chance, Harry?” Looking between his girlfriends, Harry received nods from all of them, so he turned to face Susan.

“I’d like to give ‘Us’ a chance, if you’re willing to be a part of this, Susan.” Harry smiled at the redhead. Susan beamed at him and Harry took her hand in his gently. “Would you like to go eat lunch with me by the lake tomorrow?”

“Yes, I’d like that very much, Harry.” Susan nodded as her cheeks turned pink again.

“Welcome to the Family, Susan!” Luna cheered, quietly, since they were in the library and Madam Pince would throw them out if they made too much noise.

“Thank you?” Susan replied with a confused grin. All of the girls giggled at Luna’s exuberance and Susan was quickly added into their current study session.

-Lunch ~ The Next Day-

Harry Potter smiled as he walked down to one of the large trees near the edge of the Black Lake. He and Susan had agreed on this particular spot to avoid too many prying eyes. While he was carrying a picnic basket and blanket, Susan was happily walking beside him with a bright smile on her face.

“Let’s get set up.” Harry smiled as he and Susan were covered by the shade of the tree, its leaves starting to turn as the season changed over to autumn.

“You’ve got the blanket.” Susan grinned while giving him a playful expectant look, even with her cheeks lightly pink.

“Yes, my Lady.” Harry gave an exaggerated bow getting a giggle out of Susan. He quickly spread out the blanket and set the picnic basket down. Dobby had been only too happy to both cook and find a basket for Harry to use. The manic little Elf was currently keeping the Tonks Home spotless for most of the day.

“So what’s for lunch?” Susan questioned curiously, since Harry had the basket and neither of them had actually entered the Great Hall.

“Nothing too fancy, just some steak, mashed potatoes and mixed greens.” Harry replied getting a smile from Susan. She did like a good steak after all. It seemed Harry had done his homework.

“Are you trying to butter me up, Mister?” Susan questioned with a raised eyebrow at her new boyfriend.

“I don’t know what you could be talking about.” Harry grinned as he served his new girlfriend her meal.

“Mhmm, I’m sure you don’t.” Susan teased as she accepted her plate and silverware and happily dug into the food. Harry chuckled as he watched Susan enjoy her lunch. Apparently having his girlfriends help him ask Hannah and some other Hufflepuffs about Susan and her favorite foods had paid off.

“Slow down, Susan, it’s not going anywhere.” Harry laughed but Susan ignored him for the most part. It was a very good steak, after all. He quickly poured tea for the both of them and started eating his own lunch. A short time later and both of them had clean plates and full bellies.

“Haah~ that was good, Harry.” Susan complimented as she leaned into his side and rested her head on Harry’s shoulder. Her cheeks might be fully red, but she was taking this time to grow closer to Harry!

“I live to please, Susan.” Harry grinned as he wrapped his arm around her waist. The two happily watched the water together as they snuggled, both content to just enjoy their time together.

“If this is just the first date I wonder how much you’ll surprise me on the second.” Susan grinned as she leaned against Harry.

“We’ll see.” Harry chuckled. “The others usually work out whose turn it is for a date. I can decide to take any of them out when I wish as well, but they seem to decide it amongst themselves so I usually just go with the flow.”

“I’ll have to make sure I get in on that decision making process.” Susan giggled. “I want to be doted on too, you know?”

“I’m sure we can work something out.” Harry laughed as he pulled Susan a little closer.

The rest of October was spent doing normal school work and going on a date or two with his girlfriends. Nothing overly special, since they were confined to Hogwarts for the most part, but Harry did what he could to make each date enjoyable for the girlfriend in question. Hermione liked to snuggle by the fireplace in the Common Room and read together. Parvati enjoyed walking through the castle together, hand in hand, while looking for interesting things to do. Luna was always up for a stroll around the grounds, or in one case, into the Forbidden Forest; though they hadn’t gone in very far. Padma loved to play games, Muggle or Magical, and had quite the competitive streak. Lavender would occasionally join Harry for a bit of broom flying around the grounds and Quidditch Pitch; though she absolutely refused to partake in any of Harry’s ‘crazy flying’ as she dubbed his aerial stunts. Susan enjoyed spell practice with Harry, one of the best in their year at Defense and no slouch in Charms either, as she was hoping to follow in her Aunt’s footsteps and become an Auror.

Before they knew it the time had come for the other two schools to arrive had come.

-October 30th-

“I hope they get here soon.” Lavender muttered as she shivered in the cool evening air. The students of Hogwarts were all lined up to await the arrival of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. The fact that it was late October in the Scottish Highlands didn’t make for warm weather.

“One second.” Harry whispered as he looked around subtly. Seeing Parvati and Hermione also shivering, Harry pulled his wand and cast Warming Charms on all three of them and then himself. He wished he could help Padma, Luna and Susan but the students had been separated by House.

“Thank you, Harry.” Lavender, Parvati, and Hermione whispered in unison, which made Harry stifle a chuckle. Lavender even leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek.

Several minutes later and the Beauxbatons delegation arrived in a massive flying carriage pulled by giant winged horses. Hermione called them Abraxans. The French students, and their very tall Headmistress, were allowed to enter the castle to warm up, to which Parvati muttered out a ‘No fair.’

A minute or so after the Beauxbatons students had entered the castle; someone shouted about the lake and all heads turned to see a whirlpool form in the water. A large ship emerged from the whirlpool before the waters settled down and then a gangplank was magically lowered. The Durmstrang students were welcomed inside and then, finally, the Hogwarts students were allowed to get out of the cold.

The Feast that night included various dishes not normally found on the Hogwarts’ menu. Harry wasn’t one to turn his nose up at a new food; so he tried a few things here and there. Hermione was helpful in identifying French dishes since her family vacationed there fairly often. It was about halfway through the meal when Harry felt a gentle tap on his shoulder followed by a soft, melodic voice.

“Excuse me, but are you finished with ze bouillabaisse?” A pretty Beauxbatons student asked him.

“Which one is that?” Harry asked Hermione who grinned at him before pointing to the seafood ‘soup’ that he’d actually found rather nice earlier. Turning back to the older teen he nodded and handed her the bowl. “We’ve finished with it; feel free to take it with you.”

“You are sure?” The beauty asked as she accepted the bowl from him.

“Yeah, enjoy.” Harry smiled at her before turning back to talk with his girlfriends.

“I do believe she’s a Veela.” Lavender commented and Harry considered it as he mentally compared the silver blonde he’d just met with the women from the World Cup.

“Now that you mention it, yeah, she probably is.” Harry nodded. “What made you suspect so quickly?”

“That.” Lavender giggled pointing to the large group of boys staring, almost slack jawed, at the beautiful girl walking back to where she was sitting at the Ravenclaw Table.

“Yeah, that looks familiar from the World Cup.” Harry chuckled with a grin.

“I have the strangest feeling that her passive charms wouldn’t have worked on you even if you weren’t a Nemea Leonthrope.” Hermione smiled softly at Harry.

“No way of knowing, I guess.” Harry shrugged as they resumed their conversation from before. 

None of them noticed that the French silver blonde teen had turned to look back at them a few moments later. Her blue eyes looked over all four of the chatting teens before locking onto Harry. He hadn’t batted an eyelash at her even when she’d been right beside him. That was a rarity she didn’t often get in her life. Most men were just like the rest of the Hall, almost drooling on themselves even when she restrained her Allure as much as possible. He also felt much stronger than most of the others in the Great Hall. She’d make it a point to find out a little more about the young man while she was here. He was rather interesting so far.

Harry felt a sudden warm sensation in his chest, not having any reason that he could think of, he chalked it up to being able to enjoy this Feast with his girlfriends.

-End Chapter-


Another young lady showing interest? After Harry has agreed to date two more cute witches? Will it ever end? Yes, yes it will. Things change in life and we have to make the most of it, right? Anyway, is Moody really ‘Moody’? Will Sirius be at Hogwarts during the Champion Selection? Will the Tournament even be the same without Crouch Sr. there to use his decades of connections? Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Wow, such a playboy and gentleman! Two new girlfriends in only a few weeks! I recognized the scene with Harry and Susan, as most if not all is from the one-shot story that was set in the future. Looks like the most beautiful French witch Fleur Delacour is now showing an interest in Harry :3


I wanted to use the One-shot scene as a way to show that they still enjoy the simple dates they had when they started dating, even years later. I think it makes the One-shot even more adorable! Yes, Fleur is curious now. That'll eventually lead her to Harry in a romantic sense. Lucky punk...

Thomas E Nellis

I loved it. I can’t wait to see what happens next.


Glad you liked it, Thomas! We'll be moving right along to the First Task, soon enough, Though without Crouch Sr. and his decades of connections, will the Tasks even be the same?

Thomas E Nellis

Naw I am just showing how low opinion I have of the cannon ministry.

mark geier

Another enjoyable chapter, though it seemed to fly by way too fast (guess that's a good thing, means it kept me interested). Luna adds an interesting freshness to the group. While Susan is shown to be a little shy, haven't seen enough yet to what she'll bring to the group dynamics. And poor Andromeda will have to put her quest for grand babies on pause while Harry is away.... :)