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Hey friends and fans, just wanted to get an opinion on the future of Nemea Leonthrope. I'm currently working on the next update and I'm realizing I've most definitely taken this story in a bit of a different direction than what I had planned back in good ole 2014! 

The Harem I originally envisioned is WAY too big for me to write believably!  Man, I was a dirty minded young man! I've decided to trim down the Harem a bit and make it a bit more manageable for myself and to keep the story flowing how I've written it up to now.

At the moment our confirmed Harem members are; Tonks, Lavender, Parvati, Padma, Hermione, Susan, Luna, and Fleur. To be honest...I think that's enough. 

I do want to hear my Patron's opinion on this though. I write for both my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of others too. My Patron's enjoyment is a factor in my writing so I love hearing from you all. The Harem is already trimmed down, but if you think something should be changed, such as a certain Harem member, feel free to say so in the comments. I might not change from these members, or maybe your argument will be convincing.

I hope you will all continue to enjoy Harry Potter the First Nemea Leonthrope! We're getting closer to the logical conclusion of this story within the next dozen or more chapters. So I'm hoping to keep up the quality and the narrative and eventually finish this story strong! I want my readers to be nodding along at the end with smiles and saying, 'Good for Harry! He definitely deserves this!', along with things like; 'Aww, that's cute!' and such.



With the harem members you just listed I say that should be locked in. Adding to many would detract from the story in my opinion.


As long as u also include Daphne and Tracey as the two final girls in the harem, I'm satisfied. But otherwise I agree with u, the harem was way too big so there was no way Harry would be able to handle so many girls. Hermione, Lavender, Padma, Parvati, Susan, Luna, Fleur, Tonks, Daphne and Tracey, I like the sound of that, it is the perfect harem for me :3


It very well could be locked in, too be honest, that's already 8 Girls! In my opinion, and in my writing ability, that's already starting to push it strongly.


We're trimming, not adding! Eight Girls is already heavily pushing my writing ability! It's already becoming hard to manage! Even if I don't add Tracey and Daphne into this story, do you REALLY think I'm leaving the HP Fanfiction Fandom any time soon? I have a vague plot for another story already forming in my head! An OP Harry at that, raised by Sirius and a 'bit' of a playboy. Not to mention any One-shot I do.

Jose Esparza

I agree with adding Daphne but not tracey, and maybe removing Susan. Maybe you could have him add a male to the pride so that they could have their harem and start like a colony. Maybe Cedric is dying and the only way to save him is by turning him, and then give Cedric Penelope, Cho, Susan and Hannah, etc.


I'm afraid there will be no males turned. The 'Lion Mentality' wouldn't abide any challengers! Plus becoming a Therianthrope doesn't impart any healing ability. Nor is it instant, it takes two or so months for the process to occur. Said process also requires plenty of food and sleep to facilitate it. A dying Cedric would be out of luck. Spoiler: Cedric doesn't die, I always thought that was kinda unnecessary in Canon. It doesn't really matter in the long run and it's not overly emotional like it would have been if a character we've known since Year 1 had died.

Leon Klatt

I think the names you mentioned are fine and there is no real need to change anything. But there are only three houses "represented" so far. It is not a must, but would it be possible that all four houses are at least "represented"


That was exactly that I also had in mind, so we have similar minds :-) Hermione, Lavender and Parvati are in Gryffindor, Susan is in Hufflepuff as was Tonks and both Luna and Padma are in Ravenclaw. So by adding either just Daphne or both Daphne and Tracey who are in Slytherin, all four houses are included in the harem :3

william casey

I honestly don’t think Fleur would work in this harem like it does in your other harry potter story

John Balman

I honestly thought you had enough people already,


Just a couple more, it makes it a bit harder, but I wanted these last three. In future no more than 5 or 6 for Harems! It just becomes almost impossible to form any meaningful relationship when you have more than that! Probably going to stick to 3 or 4 for most any future Harem I write. Aura Heart is the exception only because it's an Epic.


I was really hoping for Daphne since you had one of your chapters mentioned that she really interested.


No worries, friend! You'll be happy to know she's already on the very short list for potential Harem candidates for the next HP story I write in future!


I like the basis of it personally I would of liked daphne to be in it but I see what you mean too many girls and the writing itself may be stretched too thin to cover all of them plus the main story plot. I wouldn’t mind reading a story you write with a Harry/Daphne pairing but it doesn’t have to be this story you do it in. All around keep up the good work from what stories I’ve read of your’s you are turning into one of my favorite fanfic authors.

Brody Meech

Sounds good to me


Thank you for your kind words of praise. It's the best thing any writer hopes for, to have people enjoy what they write. I'm glad I'm becoming a favorite of yours!

Mark Edward Wyndham Tiller

do as you wish but be open to sudden bursts of inspiration you never know when the muses will grant it

Josh Robbins

Daphne and tracy or pansy added on and it would be good. Mainly because tracey or pansy gets little to no love and both daphne and tracy have little to no character in the books so can be explored a bit in depth and give them character. But the rest are perfect as is.

mark geier

I'm good with lowering the numbers. If it was up to me, I would add Daphne, but delete Lavendar and Patil twins and Luna as a bubble. But if you kept as it, or even took 1 or more off, I'm still following along.

Thomas E Nellis

I would really like to see at least one green to match his eyes no preference on which snake. It’s a matter of lion’s pride. If we gotta swap for that we could lose a red. Give Neville a bae since he is chill dude and no Luna for him


I think daphne should be in the harem because you already hinted at adding her early on. and it could give you more opportunities with the story like making sure Draco doesn’t get with her sister like in canon or better yet it would allow you more chance to mess with the stories government aspect. Also while having Harry get a girl from each of the houses in Hogwarts is a bit cliche it’s also a decision that a lot of readers want to see because it usually never happens in this fandom and everything in life is some what of cliche. And if you want to trim the harem then I think getting rid of lavender from the harem could work since I think there really isn’t much she brings to harem besides being a beautiful girl at her age. Anyway sorry if this sounds demeaning and over the top. I hope you continue writing wonderful fanfics and that you take my words into consideration.


I love lunar harmony, so as long as that base is covered I am really good. Just NO GINNY!


There will NEVER be Ginny with Harry in ANY story I write! JKR wrote the series in a different direction than her 'original' ending of a 'Big Happy Weasley Family' by Book 4. But instead of following the narrative she'd written, she instead fucks the plot by forcing Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione so that she could have her already planned ending. It's why it never feels right that Harry suddenly starts liking Ginny. Which is where the fandom got the idea of Love Potions from. Hell, she even admitted that Hermione and Ron shouldn't have gotten together a few years after Book 7 was released. So yeah, no Harry/Ginny from me...ever.

Peter Rubinstein (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-10 17:07:16 I have just reread artificer & am rereading this story. I would love you to include Penny Clearwater in this story as well as artificer.
2020-09-20 21:13:55 I have just reread artificer & am rereading this story. I would love you to include Penny Clearwater in this story as well as artificer.

I have just reread artificer & am rereading this story. I would love you to include Penny Clearwater in this story as well as artificer.


I would like to see Daphne in the harem but idk how you have her written. She is just my second or third favorite pairing with harry (harmony will always be first because it is the most natural to me) the girls I would replace her with are already so cemented that it would be difficult and eight is already seeming a little much so if you can't fit her in its understandable. Hope your next HP fanfic will have a Harry/Daphne/Hermione pairing