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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Aura Heart Journey! We’re here! Cerulean City has come! Misty needs to register for the Water City Competition and Ash has a Gym Battle to prepare for! We also meet a new Character.

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A big thank you to my Patron Thomas E. Nellis! His OC appears in this chapter! Thanks for the Support Thomas! I hope you enjoy!

So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 17 – Cerulean City

“We should see Cerulean soon, Ash.” Misty informed her boyfriend with a grin as the couple rode their Skiddo down Route Fifty towards the ‘Water City’. Ash was excited to get to Cerulean for his third Badge. But he was also excited to watch Misty in the Water City Competition.

“Can’t wait to see it.” Ash replied as he smiled back at Misty. If there was any other emotion aside from excitement, it would be nervousness. After all, Misty’s Sisters were the Gym Leaders of Cerulean, even though Misty had told him they’d become a bit distant after their parent’s passing; family was still family. He’d be meeting his girlfriend’s family for the first time; of course he was a bit nervous. Nothing like a serious relationship to get older siblings to become protective!

The couple rode along enjoying the clear day. The spring air was pleasant and the smell of nature was relaxing. Cerulean was a big city though, so it would naturally be a bit louder than the peaceful Route they were on now. A few minutes later the couple crested a hill and saw Cerulean City laid out below. Ash looked over the large city from their distance and had to admit it looked nice. Viridian was a large city, third largest in Kanto after Saffron and Celadon. If Ash remembered correctly Cerulean was the fifth largest coming in just behind the large port city of Vermillion.

“Welcome to Cerulean City, Ash.” Misty ‘welcomed’ him with a giggle.

“Looks like a great place.” Ash responded and Misty smiled softly at him.

“Its home, so I like it.” Misty commented as they urged their Skiddo forward and headed for the city. It didn’t take too long, thanks to the speed of Skiddo, for the couple to arrive and pass into the city proper.

“So, Pokémon Center first, or do you want to register for the Competition?” Ash asked his girlfriend as they rode along the streets in a lane dedicated to Ride Pokémon.

“Hmm, I guess we can head to the Park Arena, that’s where they hold the Competition every year. I’ll register and then we can head to the Center.” Misty decided. Ash agreed and the two rode towards a large park near the center of the city. The Park Arena was a large stadium building that also doubled as a venue for Sporting Events in Cerulean City. Sitting at a large covered booth near the main entrance were several people. The sign above the booth declaring that registration for the Water City Competition was still open.

“Looks like we made it with plenty of time to spare.” Ash mused as he rubbed his Skiddo’s head. “Thanks to Skiddo, of course.”

“Ski!” Skiddo bleated happily, enjoying the pats.

“Couldn’t have done it without you.” Misty agreed as she scratched behind her Skiddo’s ears getting a pleased ‘Skiii~’ from her own Ride Pokémon. The couple dismounted their Pokémon and returned them to their Pokéballs with thanks before they walked up to the registration booth.

“Good morning. Are you here to register for the Water City Competition?” The lady at the booth asked politely with a smile.

“I am.” Misty nodded as the lady gave her a registration sheet to fill out.

“And you, sir?” The lady questioned Ash.

“Not this time.” Ash shook his head. “I’m here to watch her win.” He pointed at Misty who smiled brightly with a hint of pink on her cheeks.

“Oh, you two are cute couple.” The lady giggled as Misty handed back her form. “Alright, Miss…Waterflower?” The lady looked back up and realization dawned in her eyes. “Miss Misty! So good to see you back in Cerulean!” The lady smiled at the orangette.

“It’s good to be back.” Misty smiled in return.

“Right, well…ahem…yes. Everything is in order. You’ll be competing in the Second Tier of the Competition.” The lady nodded as she processed Misty’s registration.

“Second Tier?” Ash questioned having never been a part of a large scale Competition like this one.

“Second Tier is for Trainers with the Level of Adept or Advanced.” The lady informed Ash. “First Tier is for Beginner and Rookie Level Trainers; while Third Tier is for Ace and Expert Level Trainers.”

“I get it, this way every Level can compete fairly.” Ash realized and the lady nodded. It would, after all, be rather easy for an Expert Level to sweep through Beginner and Rookie Level Trainers if they all competed in a standard Tournament format.

“We look forward to seeing you compete, Miss Misty.” The lady smiled.

“Thank you, I’ll do my best.” Misty returned the smile as she and Ash turned and started making their way towards the Pokémon Center.

“I guess I should have expected you to be recognized here.” Ash teased lightly.

“Hush you.” Misty playfully rolled her eyes. “My family has run the Gym here for the last four generations. Of course the people that live here are going to know who we are.”

“Understandable.” Ash agreed as they walked along. “Four generations, huh? That’s a long time.”

“Yeah, I just wish Daisy, Lily, and Violet would focus more on the Gym than on Water Ballet and Fashion work.” Misty sighed as she looked at the sky.

“Fashion work?” Ash queried, an eyebrow raised.

“They do photo shoots for swimwear lines and stuff. They’re pretty popular. Like I said, every male that sees them considers them ‘Bombshells’, so as the only sister that doesn’t do the shoots, I’m kind of used to being overlooked.” Misty shrugged, only to feel Ash’s arm around her waist as he pulled her into his side.

“And like I said, who could overlook you?” Ash smiled as he kissed her cheek. Misty couldn’t stop the smile that came to her own face as she turned and caught Ash’s lips.

“Keep that up and you’ll be stuck with me forever.” Misty smiled as she laid her head on his shoulder while they walked close.

“You say that like it isn’t already my plan.” Ash grinned as he gently squeezed Misty into his side with his arm around her waist. Misty could only blush and snuggle into Ash’s side happily. Their Auras were already entwined, it happened without them even noticing anymore, as the couple entered the Pokémon Center.

“Welcome, shall I take your Pokémon for treatment?” Nurse Joy asked with a smile. Ash and Misty handed over their Pokémon to the Nurse with thanks. “Will you two be needing rooms for the duration of your stay here in Cerulean?”

“Ye-” Ash began to say, only for Misty to cut him off.

“No, thank you, we have accommodations elsewhere.” Misty informed the Nurse, who nodded with a small bow. Misty took Ash’s hand and led him to the cafeteria for lunch.

“We have accommodations?” Ash questioned his girlfriend as they picked out their food from the buffet-style line.

“Ash, I live here, we’ll just stay at my house. It makes more sense than wasting money on rooms.” Misty explained and Ash’s face gained a look of realization.

“Right, that makes sense.” Ash agreed, and then his face went a bit red. “So…I guess that means I’ll be meeting your sisters as your boyfriend before I meet them as a Challenger?” Misty, her own cheeks pink, nodded as they found an empty table and sat down to eat.

“They won’t give you too much trouble, Ash.” Misty reassured him. “Like I said, they’ve become a bit distant since mom and dad…passed.” Ash took her hand in his and gave her a warm look, pushing his love and affection for her through their Auras. Misty sighed and smiled at him in thanks. The two started to eat and Ash asked about the history of the Gym, since Misty’s family had run it for so long.

“The only former Gym Leader for the Gym that’s still alive is my grandfather.” Misty informed Ash. “He passed it onto my parents a few years before my grandmother passed. I think I was only a year or so old at the time, so I don’t really remember anything about her unfortunately. I do know I got my hair color from her though.”

“So does your grandfather live in Cerulean?” Ash asked, wondering if he was going to meet the man too.

“No, after grandma passed he moved to Vermillion were they first met. They had a nice little seaside cottage together and he lives there now. He enjoys the memories of the cottage and the city.” Misty smiled at the thought of her grandfather and the little cottage she’d spent some time at when she was growing up.

“Sounds like a nice way to remember someone.” Ash smiled at her.

“It was one of the main reasons I headed for Vermillion City when I started my journey. I wanted to visit my grandfather and show him my Pokémon.” Misty smiled fondly at the memory of her grandfather’s reaction to hearing she was already old enough to be going on a journey. The man was nothing if not a jovial old fisherman. “When we head for Vermillion I’ll take you to meet him if you want.”

“I’d like that.” Ash nodded to her. Misty smiled warmly at him and the two shared a soft kiss. After their kiss they stood up and brought their trays to the return area to be washed. With lunch eaten the couple returned to the front desk and retrieved their Pokémon, a big city like Cerulean had large and well-staffed Pokémon Centers. The one they were currently at was the northwest Center; there were two more Centers in the ‘Water City’ too. One in the south near Route Five and the other in the east near Route Nine. There was no delay in treatment with so many professionals on hand. After getting their Pokéballs back on their belt, and Pikachu hopping back onto Ash’s shoulder, the couple headed out of the Center towards the Waterflower home.

Several minutes of walking, hand in hand of course, and the Gym came into view. A large building with a pyramid-like glass roof surrounded by a square moat, it was clearly a much newer construction than any of the buildings near it. Ash looked at the large building with wonder and Misty chuckled at his expression.

“The Gym was rebuilt and updated two years ago. It used to be smaller and round, with a large Dewgong sign over the front entrance. But the League said the building was getting too old and we needed to update. The redesign plans were actually from our parents, so we went with them and now the Cerulean Gym is what you see before you.” Misty informed her boyfriend.

“It’s awesome!” Ash exclaimed and Misty giggled, he practically had stars in his eyes.

“Well, let’s head in, we can put our packs down and get settled. We might as well face the ‘music’ while we’re at it.” Misty sighed as she squeezed Ash’s hand.

“It’ll be fine.” Ash reassured her as they walked into the Gym together.

“Good afternoon, are you here to…. Oh! Misty you’ve come back home!” The receptionist at the front desk greeted as soon as she recognized Misty.

“Yeah, I’m back, it’s good to see you again Brook.” Misty greeted the receptionist with a smile. “I’ll be home for the duration of the ‘Water City Competition’.”

“That’s great!” Brook beamed at the youngest Sensational Sister. The young woman’s eyes then fell onto Ash, and especially focused on their entwined fingers, before she looked back to Misty. “Who might this be~? Hmm~?” Brook teased and Misty’s cheeks went red.

“Shush!” Misty retorted before a feeling of acceptance, mixed with a bit of humor, flowed through her Aura from Ash. Glancing over at him revealed a grin and restrained chuckles. With a sigh Misty turned back to Brook. “This is Ash Ketchum, he’s planning to challenge the Gym soon, and we’ve been travelling together for a while now.”

“And~?” Brook led on a bright, teasing smile on her face.

“And he’s my boyfriend.” Misty smiled back, not even bothering to sigh or roll her eyes at Brook’s teasing. It would probably only encourage the woman anyway.

“Aaaahhh!” Brook squealed happily before rushing around the desk and pulling Misty into a hug. “I’m so happy for you Misty!”

“Thank you, Brook.” Misty hugged her friend back, happy that Ash already had Brook’s approval at least. They’d been friends since Misty was a little child after all.

“So~, how did you two meet?” Brook questioned Ash as she looked him over. “Nice catch, Misty!” She gave the orangette a thumbs up after her ‘perusal’ of Ash.

“We met at a small river between Pallet Town and Viridian, we went fishing together.” Ash explained and Brook nodded along.

“Meeting while fishing, that definitely sounds like Misty.” Brook giggled while Misty rolled her eyes.

“Are my sisters here?” Misty asked after Brook had her fun.

“They are; do you want me to call for them?” Brook was immediately serious and professional again.

“No, that’s fine, are they at the center pool or somewhere else?” Misty waved off the call while asking for more info.

“They should be at the back pool actually. It is their break time right now.” Brook informed and Misty looked over at the large clock on the wall.

“Hmm, I guess it is that time.” Misty agreed. “Well, I’ll go say hello and let them know I’m back at least.” With that, Misty led Ash towards a set of doors that would take them farther into the Gym.

“She seemed nice.” Ash mentioned after they’d walked through the doors.

“Brook has been a friend of the family since she and Daisy met in school when they were little. I’ve known her pretty much as long as I can remember. She’s fun, but also quite the teaser.” Misty grinned at the memories.

“So I guess I’ll be meeting your sisters now, huh?” Ash questioned and Misty felt a brief flash of nervousness through their Auras.

“Yeah, better to just rip the Band-Aid off for this.” Misty confirmed sending feelings of love, affection, and support to Ash with their connection. A gentle squeeze from his hand let her know he appreciated it. Coming up to a door that read ‘Authorized Personnel Only’ Misty quickly input a code into the keypad and the door opened for them. Ash and Misty walked through and came out in a large, artificial beach, the glass ceiling opened to let in the warm spring air.

“Whoa.” Ash exhaled as he took in the area. White sand along with a massive pool that even had a simulated tide; along with several Water Type Pokémon swimming in it too. Three older girls were lounging on beach chairs on the white sand; a blonde, a pinkette, and a bluenette. Not only were each of them remarkably beautiful, but Ash could sense their Auras. In this private space none of the girls were making any attempt to rein in their power. The fact that all three of them were wearing some rather, skimpy, bikinis just made the scene that much more ‘complete’ as a beach display.

“I’m home!” Misty called out and two of her sisters, the pinkette and bluenette perked up and looked over. The blonde merely lowered her sunglasses a bit, revealing that her eyes had probably been on them since they first entered.

“Oh, Misty’s back.” The pinkette, Lily, remarked with a small wave.

“Welcome home.” The bluenette, Violet, greeted as she also gave a wave.

“Good to have you back, baby sister.” The blonde, Daisy, nodded before focusing her attention on Ash. Both of the other sisters noticed him as well and Ash felt the shift as all three drew their Auras back into control. “Who’s this?”

“This is Ash Ketchum; he plans to challenge the Gym soon.” Misty introduced and Ash gave a slight bow to the three.

“Another one?” Violet sighed as she flopped back into her lounge chair.

“It’s still break time though.” Lily groaned.

“He’ll have to wait a while.” Daisy replied as she pulled her sunglasses off.

“It doesn’t have to be right now, or even today.” Ash spoke up and all three girls perked up at this. “I’m here to challenge the Cerulean Gym; but I’m also here to watch Misty compete in the Water City Competition.”

“I see.” Daisy remarked before looking towards Misty. “Something you want to share, baby sister?” Misty smiled at her sisters, a genuine smile of happiness with just a hint of smugness seeping in, as she laid her head on Ash’s shoulder.

“Ash is my boyfriend.” Misty smiled as she held up their entwined fingers. Daisy’s sunglasses fell from her hand onto the white sand. Violet and Lily both sat straight up and stared at their little sister in shock.

“Misty has a boyfriend?!” Lily exclaimed in shock.

“When? How?” Violet questioned, just as shocked as her sisters.

“Misty…do you…so you understand what this means?” Daisy got out after a moment to compose herself.

“Of course I know what it would have meant.” Misty huffed at her oldest sister. “I’m not dumb.”

“Would have?” Daisy inquired.

“You don’t have to suppress your Aura, Ash knows all about it.” Misty informed her sisters while giving Ash a nudge. Without a word Ash let go of his own control of his Aura. A breeze kicked up from the amber-eyed teen and a deep blue glow emanated from his body for a moment before settling. All three sister’s eyes glowed faintly for a moment as they looked at Ash, or more specifically, his Aura.

“No way…” Daisy muttered as she stared at Ash.

“He’s a…a…” Lily stuttered unable to complete her statement.

“Their Auras are Entwined!” Violet gushed as she noticed that Misty’s and Ash’s Auras were wrapped around each other. That spoke volumes about the level of their relationship!

“You’re an Aura Guardian.” Daisy managed to get out as she looked at Ash.

“Yes.” Ash nodded to the oldest sister. She was the strongest of them all too; which was even easier to discern when all three sisters let their Auras out again. Lily and Violet were no slouches either, but Daisy was stronger by a good amount.

“I thought the name sounded familiar.” Lily tapped her finger to her lips. “Now I know why.”

“Aww, our baby sister has herself a man!” Violet gushed some more and Misty sighed at her sister’s antics. Trust Violet to focus more on the relationship than anything else so far.

All three sisters stood up as Ash and Misty approached them. Ash could certainly understand why they were popular as swimsuit models. They had very curvy bodies, all rather buxom too. He still felt Misty was the most attractive, though he ‘might’ be biased in his girlfriend’s favor. He felt a flare of love and satisfaction from Misty’s Aura in response to his thoughts and feelings.

“I suppose I should ask then.” Daisy exhaled before she, Lily and Violet had suddenly surrounded Ash, separating him from Misty at the same time, and looked at him harshly. “What, exactly, are your intentions towards our sister?” Ash felt himself become nervous as the sister’s Auras crashed against his own. Suspicion, protectiveness, familial love, and curiosity coloring their Auras. Misty, for her part, just blinked in shock at her sister’s reactions.

“Where the hell was this the last few years?! Huh?!” Misty demanded of her suddenly caring sisters. “You’ve barley interacted with me since mom and dad passed, but as soon as I show up with a boyfriend you all suddenly care?!”

Daisy, Lily, and Violet all flinched at their baby sister’s words before looking between each other. Ash could feel their Auras become sad and regretful. All three sisters looked between each other again before turning to face Misty.

“Misty, we know…we’ve not been…the best sisters since then.” Daisy started.

“It’s…we just…couldn’t…” Violet mumbled.

“We…we needed some time…and eventually…it just kept going.” Lily rubbed her arm nervously.

“They were our parents…don’t you think I was hurting too?” Misty questioned tears in the corner of her eyes. Ash suddenly felt like he was in the middle of something private. But the pull on his Aura from Misty’s made him quickly go to her side and entwine their Auras again.

“We know…Misty…we just…we couldn’t face it.” Daisy admitted her own eyes wet with tears.

“You’re so much like dad, so…happy…and excited about battling.” Violet spoke up. “Being around you…just after losing them…it was…hard…when you reminded us so…so...much of him.”

“Seeing you wanting to battle…remembering learning from mom and dad…the memories…it was too much.” Lily explained with tears falling.

“When you left…we had time….and we…we realized…how horrible we were to you. You were the youngest…and we should have been there for you. But we pushed you away…just because you reminded us…so much…of dad. We just didn’t want to…face the fact…that they were…gone. We came up with the Water Shows and Ballets…as a way to…cope. To distance ourselves…from the loss…” Daisy forced out through her own tears.

Ash was reminded of the rare times when his dad would speak about the passing of his parents. Ash’s paternal grandparents had passed when Bruno was only sixteen from sickness. The teen had thrown himself into mindless battles, one after another, to try and distract himself from his pain and loss. There was no purpose or goal to the battles, it was just a way to temporarily forget. It wasn’t until he’d met Delia that Bruno had found a new reason to care about his life. Only then that he could sort out his emotions and really deal with his loss. It was when Bruno finally accepted the past and could then move on towards the future. Ash remembered what his father had told him that he felt during this time of acceptance and the start of his relationship with Delia.

“You’ve suffered a deep loss.” Ash murmured, though all four sisters heard him. “But the love that we receive doesn’t disappear when those who gave it to us are gone. We carry it with us, in our hearts; to one day become new love; that we then give to another.” He looked deep into Misty’s eyes as he said this and the orangette was submerged in the rush of love, happiness, joy, and acceptance that was pouring from her boyfriend’s Aura. Without thinking she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into his chest holding him tightly. Ash’s arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her against him, their Auras entwined and linking them deeply to one another. Several moments later Misty and Ash pulled back from each other and stared into each other’s eyes. Their lips met gently as they expressed how much they cared for each other. Daisy, Lily, and Violet watched on, feeling a modicum of the emotions passing between the two with their own Auras.

“Come here.” Misty whispered as she separated from Ash and walked over to her sisters.

“Misty!” All three older sisters cried out as they wrapped their baby sister in a group hug. The sister’s Auras quickly wrapping around each other as they expressed their pain, loss, sadness, and grief. Ash looked on, a gentle smile on his face, as the sisters truly comforted each other for the first time. Through the heavy Aura in the area Ash felt as the negative feelings were slowly, but surely, replaced little by little with positive emotions. Love, understanding, acceptance, peace, and happiness began to fill the Auras of the Waterflower Sisters.

“We’re sorry, Misty, we’re so sorry.” Daisy, Lily, and Violet kept repeating to their baby sister as they held her.

“It’s ok, I understand.” Misty returned their hugs and their feelings. It felt like some kind of tension that had been between the sisters was finally gone. Now they could truly help each other and move forward together.

“Pika?” Pikachu made a confused sound as he nuzzled Ash’s cheek.

“It’s alright, buddy.” Ash scratched behind Pikachu’s ears. “They need this, it’s been long overdue.” The sisters finally released each other and dried their eyes a bit.

“You’re staying for a while, right?” Daisy asked Misty, smiling at her baby sister.

“Until the Competition is over, and Ash beats you for the Cascade Badge.” Misty confirmed with a small grin. Daisy, Violet, and Lily all giggled at that and smiled.

“Then maybe we just keep beating him for a while so you stay longer?” Lily suggested and Misty shook her head.

“Wouldn’t work, Ash would figure all three of you out eventually.” Misty informed them.

“What if we used our most powerful Pokémon?” Violet teased and Misty playfully slapped her arm.

“And get the Gym shut down for violating the Level Challenge System?” Misty admonished her bluenette sister. Violet waved her arms to ward off the accusation with a small grin. “I’ll hang around for a bit.” All three elder sisters looked happy at that.

“If you want, we can stay here on our way back from Azure Town too.” Ash spoke up and Misty turned to him with that smile he loved so much. Daisy, Violet, and Lily smiled at him as well, happy that they’d have at least another day or two with their sister on the couple’s return trip.

“Speaking of staying,” Misty began with a smile. “Ash is going to be staying with us for a bit, so be nice to him, and keep your hands to yourself.” The last part came out with a slight growl and her three older sisters giggled at her.

“We won’t try and steal your boyfriend, little sister.” Lily assured her.

“Give us some credit, we’re not homewreckers.” Daisy huffed playfully.

“I just want the details.” Violet grinned with a wink.

“Just so we’re clear.” Misty deadpanned at her sisters.

“Well if he’s staying should we set up a guest room?” Lily questioned only for Daisy to wave the suggestion off.

“Of course not, you saw how much their Auras were entwined!’ Daisy giggled. “They’re definitely sleeping together every night!”

“Oh my, Misty! Who knew you were so naughty?” Violet teased and Misty’s face went scarlet.

“Not like that!” Misty shook her head, not wanting her sisters to misunderstand.

“I’m pretty sure they’re just teasing, Misty.” Ash grinned as he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. Misty leaned back into his chest and sighed.

“Aww, they’re so cute!” Lily giggled.

“He can stay in Misty’s room, though I doubt she’d let him stay anywhere else even if we offered.” Daisy grinned as Misty looked away, refusing to confirm, but unwilling to deny. “Though if you two decide to ‘get closer’ I hope you’ll be able to keep the noise down.” Both Misty and Ash went red in the face at that.

“Daisy!” Misty yelled at her eldest sister.

“Remember to ‘be safe’ too!” Violet giggled and both teens refused to look at any of the three sisters.

“S-shut up!” Misty mumbled out as she took Ash’s hand and led him into the ‘Residential’ area of the Gym where she and her sisters lived.

“Have fun!” Lily called out with a laugh.

“Shut it!” Misty yelled back as she pulled Ash out the door. All three sisters broke out into full on laughter as soon as the door closed.

“I’m glad you’re getting along though.” Ash remarked a few moments later as Misty led him to her room.

“It’s nice to have finally cleared the air.” Misty agreed before grumbling. “Can’t believe they said that stuff though! Like they expect us to…do ‘that’…while they’re around!” The couple made it to Misty’s room and Ash entered to find it to be fairly normal. Off white walls with various pictures of Water Type Pokémon hanging on them. A few posters of prominent Water Type Specialists also hung on the walls between the pictures. A full-sized bed with dark blue blankets and sheets and a rug with a wave motif covered part of the floor.

“Pretty nice.” Ash commented as he looked the room over.

“Thanks.” Misty smiled at him as she shut the door. Setting their packs down both Trainers stretched and relaxed. Pikachu quickly hopped down and curled up on the fluffy rug happily rolling around on the soft material.

“So…about that ‘getting closer’ your sister mentioned.” Ash grinned at Misty.

“W-what?!” Misty started her cheeks red. “A-Ash?”

“What?” Ash questioned as he moved closer and wrapped his arms around Misty’s waist. “I just want to get ‘closer’.” He teased as he pulled her flush against him and kissed her. Pulling back several seconds later Ash grinned at the heavily breathing orangette. Then he moved his head to the side of her neck and began to kiss it.

“No fair~!” Misty moaned as she tilted her head to give him more access to her neck. She wrapped her arms behind his neck and then wrapped her legs around his waist. Ash carried them to her bed and gently laid Misty on it. They separated for a bit, only to get their clothes off, and were quickly all over each other’s now topless form.

“Mmm, so soft.” Ash rumbled as he caressed Misty’s breasts getting sighs and coos of pleasure from his girlfriend. Misty ran her hands up and down Ash’s exposed chest, happily feeling up his toned form. She gasped when Ash’s lips and tongue made contact with her left breast and quickly placed her hand on the back of his head to hold him there.

“Ash~” Misty mewled as she felt him lick and suck at her nipple. Ash’s hands weren’t idle as he ran them over Misty’s naked sides, stomach and even caressed her right breast to bring her further pleasure. When his left hand slipped under the waistband of her shorts and then her panties Misty shook in pleasure.

“Eager?” Ash breathed into her ear sending thrills of pleasure throughout her body. He began to gently caress and stroke her folds with his fingers, gently stimulating her and making her pant.

“Mmm~ Ash…more~” Misty moaned as he sucked her breast and played with her sex. She was so turned on right now! Hearing her request Ash slowly sank his middle finger into her heat. Slowly moving back and forth inside her, Ash focused entirely on bringing Misty to completion.

-Outside Misty’s Door-

“Told you so.” Daisy giggled quietly.

“I think they’re trying to keep it quiet at least.” Violet stifled her giggles as they heard a loud, pleasured moan through Misty’s door.

“Oh my, it sounds like she’s enjoying herself.” Lily giggled behind her hand. “I hope they’re being ‘safe’ though. We’re all a bit young to become aunts.” All three sisters laughed at that before they could stop themselves. Thankfully their slip up was ignored by the two teens that were completely lost in each other.

“Alright, enough playing around, let’s give them some privacy.” Daisy stated as she, Lily, and Violet left the door and headed for the kitchen. “Let’s start a nice big dinner; we do have a guest after all.”

“Don’t you mean a little brother?” Lily laughed, sending all three sisters into near hysterics as they entered the kitchen.

-Meanwhile northwest Pokémon Center-

“Yes, a Trainer by the name of Ash came through here earlier today.” Nurse Joy nodded to the girl on the other side of the counter. She was a blonde girl with blue eyes wearing a black trench coat and combat boots, both sporting dark purple eye-like markings on them.

“Great, I’ve been looking for him; I have some questions I want to ask him.” The blonde teen nodded to the Nurse.

“Did you need a room for the evening?” Nurse Joy asked and the blonde teen nodded. “Alright, I just need you ID and the two thousand PokéYen fee.”

“Here you go.” The blonde placed her ID on the counter for Nurse Joy to scan along with the money for the room.

“Thank you, Ms. Thrall, here’s your room key. Please enjoy your night.” Nurse Joy bowed and the blonde teen took the key and her ID back.

“Just Grace is fine, Nurse Joy.” Grace replied as she made her way towards the stairs.

‘I’ll find you Ash Ketchum, when I do you’ll tell me what I want to know!’ Grace thought to herself with a grin.

-End Chapter-


Well, well, well, seems someone is looking for Ash! Who is this Grace Thrall and why is she seeking out Ash? You’ll see in the next chapter!

On the positive side of things, Ash and Misty have arrived in Cerulean and Misty is ready to go for the Water City Competition! Plus she and her sisters have started to make up! Now comes some sibling teasing! Because what older sibling doesn’t, right? What kind of developments will come during the course of the Competition? Will Ash earn his Cascade Badge? Keep reading to find out!

Ash's Current Pokémon

Pikachu – Static – Tail Whip, Thundershock, Growl, Quick Attack, Electro Ball, Thunder Wave, Volt Tackle, Double Team, Light Screen, Reflect

Riolu – Inner Focus – Foresight, Quick Attack, Blaze Kick, Bulk Up, Copycat, Force Palm, Detect, Double Team

Poliwag – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap

Butterfree – Compound Eyes – Tackle, String Shot, Bug Bite, Harden, Gust, Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore

Pidgeotto – Keen Eye – Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister

Skiddo – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Tail Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down

Teddiursa – Pick Up – Covet, Lick, Fury Swipes, Feint Attack, Sweet Scent, Bulk Up

Phanpy – Pick Up – Tackle, Defense Curl, Rollout, Endure

Misty's Current Pokémon

Staryu – Natural Cure – Harden, Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Recover, Psywave, Swift, Bubblebeam, Camouflage

Starmie – Natural Cure - Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Recover, Psywave, Swift, Bubblebeam, Camouflage, Protect, Brine

Goldeen – Lightning Rod – Peck, Tail Whip, Watersport, Supersonic, Horn Attack, Flail, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring, Fury Attack

Poliwag – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Icy Wind

Skiddo – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Tail Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down

Wooper – Water Absorb – Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Shot, Slam

Bibarel – Unaware – Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Headbutt, Hyper Fang

*!*Important Read Below*!*

I'm still accepting Original Characters from my patrons for this story! Most would be one off trainers that Ash or Misty battle along their journey. But others could be Trainers that impart life lessons onto Ash, Misty, or his other travelling companions! Wouldn't you like your Original Character to teach Ash an important life lesson? Or just teach Ash how to loosen up and enjoy a party? So be sure to submit some characters! If you make them detailed enough I might be able to do a small mini arc with your character and Ash's group! 

Some Original Characters could end up filling in some of the new Gym Leader spots that will be in the various Regions! I'll even help out with Badge design/name! You'd get to have your own Gym Leader with their own unique Badge!

I've posted a Character Template to fill out so that I have an easier time integrating the OC into this Alternate Universe of the Pokémon World. Ash will challenge four Gyms besides the eight canon Gyms with Steel Type, Ghost Type, Flying Type and Dragon Type being the four. All four now have OCs planned out thanks to some awesome patrons!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Thanks for the update, I’m really loving this story next to your Harry Potter stories this is one of my favorites!


Glad you enjoyed it! I hope the story continues to be interesting and at least a semi-unique take on the series.

Thomas E Nellis

That was absolutely amazing. I love how you even are building Misty’s sisters as characters. They legit are just glossed over in the show. I also loved the little teaser at the end. Turns out I am not going away anytime soon my superior decided that I should just stay in the shipyards. Turns out I am irreplaceable and now I am working on a new boat.


Glad you like the Character Building. I think the families of his Loves should have some growth too. It makes the world just that much more alive. Plus I added a grandfather! I kind of figured you'd like the teaser! I can already hear the theories my FFNet reviewers are going to be coming up with for Grace! Lol Well we're happy to keep you here with us too! Always great to hear your thoughts on the updates, Thomas!