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Hey friends and fans, another Plot Bunny has been born! Seriously, they’re breeding out of control! I already have more in my mind too! Does anyone know how to stop coming up with ideas? I’m going to cover every type of superpower available if my brain doesn’t settle down!

This Quirk comes from the collaboration of one of my Patrons and myself! The Patron used their Tier Reward to have this written this month. So if you like this Quirk make sure you give James Tucker a big thank you!

I hope you enjoy!


The Multi-Flame Hero!

“Mommy! Mommy! Look, look! I can make fire like Dad!” Midoriya Izuku gleefully announced to his mother, Inko. Turning to look at her son she smiled brightly seeing the small flames in her son’s hands. It seemed her husband Hisashi’s Quirk had been partially inherited along with a bit of her own. Their son seemed to be Pyrokinetic.

“That’s amazing, honey!” Inko hugged Izuku happily. “We’ll get you registered at the Doctor’s office as soon as we can get an appointment, ok?” Izuku only nodded while happily hugging his mother back. The young four year old boy was happy to try and use his newly awakened Quirk.

-Doctor’s Office-

“Clearly an Emitter Type.” The Doctor smiled at the young boy while looking at the yellow/orange flames the boy produced. “Seems to be a clear case of a Pyrokinesis Quirk. Not surprising given you and your husband’s Quirks.”

“Thank you, Doctor.” Inko bowed and the Doctor nodded as he pulled up the Quirk Registry Form on his computer. “Before you go, we should get Izuku registered.” Inko nodded and Izuku was all smiles as they filled out his Quirk Registry.


Name: Midoriya Izuku

Quirk: Pyrokinesis

Type: Emitter


Izuku was smiling brightly when he returned to preschool on Monday morning. He’d happily showed of his Quirk to his peers and his teachers. Everyone praised him for it and Izuku was told he’d make a great Hero in the future. Even Kacchan said it was a worthwhile Quirk and that meant a lot to little Izuku. The two future Heroes would start practicing with their Quirks together from then on. Both boys progressed well and earned quite a bit of praise from their peers and teachers. It was during one such practice that a new aspect of Izuku’s Quirk was discovered.

A blast went off in an out of the way corner of the park near the Midoriya and Bakugo homes. Izuku and Katsuki were practicing with their Quirks and the explosive ash blonde had just let off the biggest blast he currently could. With a proud smirk Katsuki looked at his handy work. The big rock they’d found out in this part of the park was blackened by the explosion that the young boy had just hit it with.

“That was a big one, Kacchan!” Izuku praised his friend and the ash blonde laughed.

“Of course, I have to be able to blast Villains when I become a Hero!” Katsuki grinned. It was Izuku that noticed something else had happened during the explosion though.

“K-Kacchan! The bushes are on fire!” Izuku pointed to the burning plants and Katsuki looked startled by the flames. 

“Water! Quick, we need to get water!” Katsuki yelled before Izuku, as if on instinct, raised his hands and a strange blue fire formed in his palms. “What the?” Katsuki wondered before the blue fire leapt from Izuku’s hands and covered the burning shrubs. With a gout of smoke, followed by some steam, the fire was extinguished and both boys stared at the frost that covered the majority of the bushes.

“W-what?” Izuku questioned the air as she looked towards his hands confused.

“Did you just make cold fire?” Katsuki questioned equally confused by what he’d just witnessed.

“I think so?” Izuku mumbled out as he looked at the small blue flames in his hands. They felt cool to him, usually his fire felt a bit warm to him, not hot, just a pleasant temperature. But this, this was completely different. Izuku quickly went home to show his mother this new power and Inko was shocked and confused when she saw it.

“I think we’ll go see the Doctor again.” Inko declared as she picked up her phone and made the call. Izuku was hopeful that the Doctor would be able to help him understand this new ability.

-Doctor’s Office-

“Well I’ll be.” The Doctor muttered as he watched Izuku demonstrate this strange blue fire of his. The flames completely defied normal thermodynamics and actually removed heat from whatever they touched rather than combusting it. It was a complete inversion of normal combustion. “It seems to function in much the same way as his normal fire. We can run a few tests to determine how cold this fire can make things. Other than that however, it seems to just be a complimentary ability to Izuku’s Quirk.”

“That would be appreciated, Doctor, thank you.” Inko thanked the man who smiled and waved it off as part of his job. After the tests were run it was determined that Izuku’s ‘blue fire’ removed heat until the point of around -100 degrees Celsius. It was dangerously cold if someone had prolonged exposure to it. Izuku promised his mother that he’d be careful with his new ability and the serious look on the five year old’s face made both adults chuckle. Izuku didn’t mind though since Inko had pulled him into a warm hug. They updated Izuku’s Quirk Registry before leaving.


Name: Midoriya Izuku

Quirk: Dual Flames

Type: Emitter


This new Registry explained the distinction between Izuku’s two flames and was easily accepted at the Government Office without issue.

Naturally Katsuki wanted to see the limits of Izuku’s new fire and the two boys were quickly back to their practicing whenever they had the time. It would be another year, and the start of Elementary School, before anything else ‘odd’ would happen. Like most developments with Quirks, it came about as a response to stress and outside stimuli.

-First Year of Elementary School ~ Second Semester-

“You’re pretty cocky for a First Year!” A Fourth Year boy mocked Katsuki and Izuku while he and his four friends shoved the younger boys around. Katsuki’s confident, and somewhat abrasive, attitude had apparently annoyed the older boys. Katsuki and Izuku were cornered after school and the older boys started a fight. Katsuki gave as good as he got and two of the older boys had backed off with burns to show for their trouble. Unfortunately one of the older boys’ Quirks was a Rock Skin Transformation. The stone-covered fist hit Katsuki right in the gut when the ash blonde’s Explosion failed to knock back the transformed boy.

“Stop it!” Izuku yelled, seeing his friend hurt forced Izuku past his fear of getting in trouble for fighting. But instead of his regular fire, or even his blue flames, something new came forth. A wave of emerald green fire burst from Izuku’s body and formed a wall between the older boys and them.

“This won’t stop me!” The Rock Skin user stated as he charged at the green flames. He hit the flames and bounced off as if he’d just run face first into a wall. The older boy grabbed his face in pain, not from a burn, but from physical damage as his nose was bleeding. “What was that?!” The bully cried out as he held his nose. Indeed the green flames were odd, to say the least. They were warm, but not hot, as evidenced by the bully on the ground not having any kind of burn. But they also existed in a semi-stable shape, a large square in this case.

“What the heck, Izuku?” Katsuki questioned his friend when he saw the weird green flames between them and the older bullies.

“I…I don’t know?” Izuku replied as he looked at the green fire. He’d just wanted the bullies to stop hurting Katsuki. The next thing he knows there’s a wall of green fire between the two groups.

“You got another weird fire?” Katsuki asked and Izuku could only shrug.

“I guess?” Izuku didn’t know how else to respond. Apparently the glow of the fire had attracted the attention of a teacher. The teacher in question took a look at the scene and quickly put the situation together. It wasn’t long afterwards that Izuku and Katsuki were in the Principal’s Office along with the older boys. Izuku, unable to explain his green fire would be taken home until it was figured out. Katsuki would be going home for the rest of the day for fighting, but as it was clearly self-defense he’d be coming back tomorrow. The older boys were all being punished and their parents had been called in. Inko picked up Izuku and had an appointment at the Doctor’s Office scheduled for the next day.

-Doctor’s Office-

“Back again?” The Doctor questioned jokingly and Izuku nodded bashfully. Even he didn’t understand the depth of his Quirk, so he was starting to think this may happen again in the future. Several tests were run in short order to determine the properties of this new green fire. The results were, surprising, to say the least. The green fire was only about 37 degrees Celsius, warm to the touch, but not actually hot. It also acted as a physical barrier, rather than as a form of combustion, though it did still ‘burn’ as it was fueled by Izuku’s Quirk and oxygen. With some experimentation Izuku discovered the barrier could be shaped to his will. He could make a wall like he’d done to separate the bullies from Kacchan. He could also form a dome or a complete sphere around himself. The transparent nature of the green fire also let Izuku and others see through the barrier without much trouble.

The Doctor had jokingly suggested calling this new aspect of Izuku’s Quirk the ‘Flame of Separation’. That had prompted a chuckle from Izuku while Inko had ruffled his hair affectionately. Unlike the normal fire Izuku produced, the green flames couldn’t be put out by water. His blue fire couldn’t either but that was because it froze water it came in contact with. His normal fire could combat his blue fire though, so they were fairly balanced with each other. Izuku had to get his Quirk Registry updated again. This time the Government Office required a demonstration before the Registry Update went through. That had taken all of about five minutes before the Official had seen enough and passed the update.


Name: Midoriya Izuku

Quirk: Tri Flame

Type: Emitter


With the new Registry completed Izuku and Inko headed home. Katsuki and Izuku would continue to practice and train for their future as Heroes for the next year without incident. The two boys were growing rather strong, especially for their age group. Praise was heaped on them and Katsuki soaked it up like a sponge. Izuku accepted the praise but didn’t really think he was anything exceptional. Katsuki was the impressive one in Izuku’s eyes, always striving forward and refusing to lose, he knew his friend would be an awesome Hero one day. It would be a few more years before any new developments came about for Izuku’s Quirk. In fact three new flames would ignite for the first time on the very same day! Unfortunately, it was the worst day of Izuku’s life, all because of a Villain Incident.

-Sixth Year Elementary School ~ Summer Break-

Izuku and Inko were shopping together on the nice summer day. Downtown Musutafu was lively and it was perfectly normal. Inko and Izuku were just coming out of a shop when they saw multiple police cars go rushing by, sirens blaring. Not thinking too much of it the mother and son started walking towards the train station to get back home.

They didn’t make it.

A massive blast of air tore through the area sending people flying and even rolling some vehicles onto their sides. Windows shattered and huge clouds of dust were kicked up. The sounds of a fight were soon heard followed by the sound of crazed laughter. Five men, each wearing civilian clothes with similar color schemes, were engaged with Police and Heroes in a massive fight. Izuku didn’t have much time to look as Inko quickly grabbed him and tried to run the other direction. What he did see however was horrifying. The five men all had bloodshot eyes and their veins appeared to be bulging across their faces and what could be seen of their bodies. Two of them were laughing dementedly, one having his hands raised as the likely culprit of the air blast. The other laughing man raised his hand before dropping it with his palm parallel to the ground. Everything suddenly was forced to the ground. It was like gravity had intensified multifold. Inko collapsed along with Izuku and several people were screaming.

Izuku watched from beside his mother, being forced against the ground by the Villain’s Quirk even from this distance, as another of the five bulked up and became a seven meter giant that proceeded to rampage. The remaining two Villains both raised their hands and began firing off their Quirks as well. The closer one, probably in his twenties, shot out odd looking black spheres. The spheres detonated on contact with whatever they touched. Explosions continued to go off as more and more of the spheres were produced and launched by the Villain. The other Villain was launching long spikes everywhere. The sharp, almost meter long spikes rained down on the trapped downtown area as the Gravity Manipulator held everyone down.

As the dust and smoke began to obscure Izuku’s vision of the scene he noticed more Heroes arriving on the scene. With hope that the Heroes would save them all Izuku checked on his mother. Inko was struggling against the intensified gravity of the area, trying to get Izuku away from the danger. Another massive burst of wind rocked the area and Izuku tried to look around to get an idea of what was going on. He saw a Hero get knocked backwards by the giant and crash into an overturned car. Another Hero landed beside the first and Izuku was able to make out who they were. The man wearing a dark bodysuit with light patches covering his forearms and hands, the sides of his thighs, and a thin stripe under his chest, while also wearing a belt around his waist, a cloth tied loosely around his neck, and headgear was Mr. Brave. The lady next to him was a newer Hero but was gaining popularity quickly, Rabbit Hero: Mirko.

“Who are these guys?” Mirko asked Mr. Brave as she helped him up. From where he was lying, still trapped, Izuku could barely hear their words.

“Some small time group of thugs.” Mr. Brave responded. “But they’re all hopped up on some new form of Trigger, or at least that’s what they were being arrested for possessing according to the Police.”

“That would explain the look of them.” Mirko nodded. “I assume one of them is why I feel so heavy all of the sudden?”

“Yeah, the one in the middle has some kind of Gravity Manipulation Quirk. Bad news is that he seems to decide who is and isn’t affected by his Quirk. The closer you get the more intense the gravity.” Mr. Brave replied as he used his Quirk to form a pair of sword-like weapons from hair he plucked off his head. “We can barely get any civilians to safety because of it. Not to mention the other four are on a rampage.”

“This is gonna be a challenge!” Mirko smirked before everyone felt the gravity increase more. “The hell?”

“He must be moving in our direction.” Mr. Brave commented as he tried to see through the dust and smoke. “How far do they intend to rampage?”

“Doesn’t matter! We’ll stop them here!” Mirko responded as she bent her knees in preparation to jump. Another air blast blasted smoke and dust into the air, obscuring Izuku’s vision again. But he could still hear the fighting, the explosions, the screaming. The gravity kept getting more intense, the Villain manipulating it must be getting closer. A few minutes, but what felt like an hour for Izuku, and the dust and smoke cleared up a bit. The young boy’s eyes widened at seeing the Villains so close! The group had been on the move and the Police and Heroes hadn’t been able to do too much because of the combination of super-charged Quirks.

“Dude…I don’t feel so good.” One of the Villains stated; the lanky one with the Air Cannon Quirk.

“Akuto isn’t looking so hot either.” The Spikes Quirk user mentioned as he pointed towards the huffing and panting Gigantification Quirk user.

“Damn it!” The Gravity Manipulator snarled his blood shot eyes glancing around. “Freaking Endeavor showed up too!”

“We need to get out of here man.” The Explosive Sphere user stated a hint of panic in his voice.

“Shut up, shut up, just let me think for a damn minute!” The Gravity Manipulator snapped at the others, the drug he’d taken clearly affecting his mind. “Endeavor is all about his stupid Ranking, he won’t do anything to jeopardize it! Grab a hostage! We’ll use them to make our escape!” Izuku’s blood ran cold when he heard that. The fact that he and his mother were in the Villains sight only made his fear worse.

“I’ll grab that woman!” The Spikes Quirk user pointed right at the struggling Inko and Izuku panicked. The closer the Villain got the more terrified he became for his mother. When the man was only a few meters away Izuku felt something in him snap. Bright silver flames leapt from his body, their heat similar to his green flames, and the Spikes Quirk user yelled in shock as he was engulfed. The Villain suddenly dropped to the ground, not screaming in pain at being burned, but in terror as his spikes receded into his skin and refused to come out at his command.

“What the fuck?!” The Villain screamed in fear. “My Quirk! What happened to my Quirk?”

“What the hell?!” The Air Cannon User exclaimed as he watched his partner panic and flail on the ground screaming about his Quirk.

“I’ll crush the brat!” The Gigantification user roared as he prepared to stomp on Izuku. His large foot collided with a dome of transparent green fire. “The hell?” The green flames vanished and more silver fire flared outwards passing across the giant’s legs. The seven meter tall man suddenly shrank back to his original size and looked confused for a moment. Then he violently vomited all over the road next to him and collapsed. In some small part of Izuku’s terrified mind he wondered if it was a side effect of that drug they’d taken.

“Run!” The Black Sphere user yelled as he turned to flee. He didn’t make it three steps before the silver fire swept over the entire area. Suddenly gravity returned to normal and Izuku noticed the apparent ‘leader’ look at his hand in confusion.

“What the hell did you do?!” The Gravity Manipulator demanded of Izuku as he marched towards the boy. “What the fuck was that?!”

“Please! Don’t hurt him! He’s just a boy!” Inko begged as she wrapped Izuku in his arms to try and protect him. The Villain snarled at the mother before hearing the sound of the Heroes approaching. Without his Quirk he couldn’t keep them at bay anymore.

“I’ll be damned if I’m gonna get caught because of a damn brat!” The Gravity Manipulator yelled as he backhanded Inko and grabbed Izuku from her arms. “You’re going to be my distraction!” With that the man pulled out a syringe and injected Izuku in the arm, he would have tried for the neck to make it take faster but the brat was flailing around too much.

“Boss!” The Air Cannon user cried out, only to be silenced as Mirko’s foot impacted his face and sent him to the ground.

“Give up! You’ve got nowhere left to go!” Another woman yelled; her hair flame-like and a bright yellow. In a bright orange blur the Black Sphere user was taken down as Endeavor blitzed the confused and terrified Villain.

“Stay back! I’ve got a hostage!” The now lone Villain screamed at the Heroes as he dragged Izuku backwards into the damaged street. “Let me out of here or else! I’ve already dosed him! You only have a few minutes if you don’t want him to-” His voice cut out as his eye rolled up into his head and he collapsed to the ground. The Trigger side effects had started and the man was now unconscious.

“Izuku!” Inko cried out as she rushed towards her son. But she was stopped by Mirko as the Hero asked her a question.

“Ma’am! I need to know before the Trigger takes effect, what is your son’s Quirk?” Mirko questioned Inko and the mother looked panicked as she tried to get to her child.

“H-he’s a P-Pyrokinetic.” Inko managed to get out as the Heroes and Police began to take the Villains away. Mirko’s eyes widened as she turned to warn the others. What no one had considered though was that the Villains were all grown men, the Trigger syringes they had on them, were dosed for them. But Izuku was a child, only eleven years old, he was much smaller. This led to an almost instant overdose of the Quirk boosting drug. Mirko noticed the sparks and snaps coming from the boy and yelled out a warning as she grabbed Inko and leapt as far away as she could.

“He’s a Pyrokinetic! Run!” Mirko warned as she leapt away.

“Shit!” Burnin’ exclaimed as she ran from the child she had been approaching to assist. Endeavour launched himself backwards; he knew just how dangerous an uncontrolled Pyrokinetic could be. Even with his own fire resistance it may not be enough with Trigger involved.

With a loud snap, black flames roared into the world and consumed everything around Izuku with a roar. Izuku screamed as his body and Quirk were forced into overdrive and he lost all higher cognitive function. Inko burst into tears and fought against Mirko’s hold on her as she tried to get to the jet black conflagration that surrounded her baby boy.

“Izuku!” Inko howled in fear, panic, and anguish. Having to listen to her baby’s screams was too much for her.

“We can feel the heat from here!” Mirko raised her voice to be heard by the distraught mother. “If you run into that you’re going to be incinerated! Do you think your son wants that?!” Inko stilled for a moment as her mind played out just how bad Izuku would react to having hurt her, much less if she died because of his Quirk. Her baby would never forgive himself; he was sweet and kind like that, her death would break him.

“Damn it!” Endeavor growled as he felt the heat of the black flames he was looking at. He and Burnin’ could barely get close to the mass of swirling fire. Both of them had high fire and heat resistance and even they were already starting to sweat being as close as they were. If this was caused entirely by the Trigger it would be one thing, but the boy was young and he’d probably have developed this fire when he got older with dedicated training. Now he may never get to, Trigger forced a Quirk into overdrive, releasing the body’s limits. Including the limits that kept a person’s Quirk from killing them.

“We have to do something!” Burnin’ exclaimed as she listened to the boy scream inside the roaring black flames. The very asphalt was liquefied and starting to evaporate from the heat. The strangest thing though was the lack of smoke. It was as if the black fire burned everything completely and didn’t leave any particulates behind to form smoke at all. That level of heat shouldn’t be sustainable for any Pyrokinetic. It was practically a death sentence even for an adult, much less a child.

“I have an idea!” Mirko stated as she landed next to the two of them. Both Pro and Sidekick turned to look at the woman who was already sweating. “Trigger doesn’t work well if the user is unconscious, right? Can you two clear a path for me to get to the kid? As much as I hate to, if I can knock him out this should become more manageable."

“You’ll die.” Endeavor stated flatly. Burnin’ agreed with her boss, this kind of heat would turn a normal person to ashes before they could do anything about it.

“I’m fast enough to get the job done!” Mirko retorted with a determined look on her face. “Just help me get to him!”

“This is suicide.” Endeavor shot back but flared his own fire in preparation. “Burnin’, give her as much cover as you can, she won’t survive otherwise.” He instructed his Sidekick.

“Yes sir!” Burnin’ replied as her heat began to rise; her flame-like hair flaring.

“Flashfire Fist: Jet Burn!” Endeavor roared out as he launched the concentrated blast of super-hot flames into the black fire. The conflagration parted as the beam of fire passed through it. Burnin’ then thrust her own hands forward emitting a wave of heat into the cleared are forcing the flames further back as the air pocket expanded. Mirko dashed into the cleared section of the blaze and Burnin’ followed behind as she tried to maintain the wall of heat that would, hopefully, keep the black flames from collapsing back in on them. The bright flames of Endeavor’s ‘Hellflame’ Quirk joined in as the Number Two Pro Hero stood at the edge of the blaze and forced the black fire back with all his might.

‘Fuck this hurts!’ Mirko grit her teeth as she felt her skin burn and her hair ignite. Even with Burnin’ and Endeavor’s assistance, the black flames were too hot! The Rabbit Hero could only stifle her screams of agony as she rushed towards the overdosing child. One hit! Just one hit and she could end both of their sufferings! She raised her fist and prepared to strike, she had no idea how long she’d been burning for. The distance between her and the kid was something she could cross in an instant with her Quirk. But in this hell of black fire she had already lost track of time. She took the final leap towards the screaming boy with her fist cocked back. She didn’t acknowledge the loss of her feet to the magma-like ground, didn’t care that she was literally burning to death as her skin turned to ash and her insides began to boil. She was Pro Hero Mirko! She lived her life without regrets!

Izuku felt only pain. There was nothing else in his perception. Just heat and pain. Why? Why was everything so hot?! Why did everything HURT?! He briefly felt a flare of pain from his head before the heat began to dissipate and he landed in an area that was much cooler than where he’d been.

“She did it.” Burnin’ panted as her Hero suit was gone leaving her badly burned and naked in the middle of the destroyed street. She’d worry about her modesty later though; Mirko had knocked the suffering child out. The speed she’d been going had also allowed the Rabbit Hero to unintentionally tackle the boy out of the molten ground he’d been surrounded by from the forced overload of his Quirk. Her whole body hurt so much, but she had to check on the kid and Mirko. She tried to banish the thought from her mind that told her the other Pro was dead. If she, with her heat resistance, was this badly burned; then what chance did the other woman have without it?

The sight was just as horrible as Endeavor expected. Once the boy was unconscious the jet black flames had dispersed. But the damage left behind was immense; the whole area was blackened and in some cases just outright ‘gone’. Approaching his Sidekick, who had hobbled over to the kid and Mirko, he grimaced at the sight of the Rabbit Hero. She was burnt black, no hair left, feet missing as was her right hand all the way up to the midpoint of her forearm. If it wasn’t for the ‘very’ slight movements of her chest he’d say she was already dead. As it stood she’d be dead in a few moments even if Recovery Girl herself was here right this instant.

“Ugh…” Izuku groaned as his eyes barely opened. Everything hurt, but he was cooler now. But why did everything hurt? He smelt burned meat, was that him? How did he get burned? He was almost immune to fire. That shouldn’t happen. He looked around blearily before his gaze settled on the two people standing over him. Of course a Hero Fan like him would recognize Endeavor and one of his top Sidekicks, Burnin’. But Burnin’ was badly burned, her skin blackened in a few areas while the rest was an angry, blistered red. Endeavor’s hands were also blistered from what he could see, but they were both like him, they shouldn’t be able to get burned like that. His head finally cleared a bit and he followed the smell of burned meat to find the horrific sight of a burned woman. That was literally all he could tell about the person. Charred black and with only the body shape giving away the sex of the person.

“I don’t know if she can hear you, kid.” Endeavor spoke and Izuku listened even though he couldn’t pull his eyes away from the woman. “But you should thank Mirko for saving you. She deserves that much.”

“M-Mirko?” Izuku stuttered out unable to believe this charred person was the rising young Hero. “D-did I…do this?” He choked out as he felt tears spill from his eyes.

“It wasn’t your fault, the Villain injected you with Trigger, a dose probably meant for a grown man. You were overdosed and your Quirk went out of control.” Burnin’ tried to reassure him, even as she choked on her own s dried out throat.

“N-no…no, no, no, no…” Izuku muttered brokenly over and over again.

“Kid…” Endeavor was going to say…something, though even he didn’t know what. What could he say in this situation? What could anyone say?

“No...no…no…No…No…NO!” Izuku denied. He denied this! All of this! This wasn’t right! This wasn’t supposed to happen! He refused!

“It wasn’t…” Burnin’ was about to try again to reassure the boy but trailed off at what she saw next. Even Endeavor could only stare in awe at what happened next.

Maybe it was the stress. Maybe the remnants of Trigger did it. Maybe Izuku had always had it. But with a snap the third and final flame of the day ignited. A golden fire surrounded Izuku’s burned body, the light of the flames reminiscent of the sun. Before the Pros’ eyes the horrible blistered burns across Izuku’s body healed. In only a few seconds the boy looked as good as new. The golden fire spread and covered the charred form of Mirko. Burnin’ would forever describe what happened next as a miracle. Mirko coughed violently as the flames covered her and her body began to heal. Her body returned to its former state, her darker skin regrew right after her burned muscles healed up. The most miraculous thing, however; was the sight of her lost hand and feet slowly re-growing under the power of the golden flames. In less than a minute, a charred black, near corpse, was a ‘mostly’ healthy twenty two year old young woman. Even her hair and rabbit-like ears had re-grown, though her hair was only about an inch long.

Izuku, eyes wide, turned his gaze upon Burnin’ and Endeavor. The golden fire quickly covered Burnin’ and even leapt to Endeavor’s blistered hands. Endeavor could only watch in shock as his hands healed in seconds. Turning to face his Sidekick he saw Burnin’s body free of any damage as well. This was ludicrous! Such a powerful healing ability had never been seen before! What kind of Pyrokinetic was this boy? Izuku briefly got an eyeful of the stunned Burnin’s naked body before he collapsed backwards unconscious. The golden flames vanished almost instantly afterwards and the next thing that was heard was Inko yelling for her son over the sound of ambulances.


Izuku opened his eyes and found the rays of the morning sun coming through the window of an unfamiliar room. Blinking a few times the boy gained his bearings and looked around. He was in a hospital; that might be bad, or good? He looked over and saw his mother sleeping while leaning on his bed. She’d definitely been there all night. Trying to remember how he’d ended up here led him to fuzzy memories. A minute later the memories became clearer and he remembered the incident with the villains.

“I-Izuku…” Inko asked as she woke up and saw her son awake. “Izuku!” She pulled her baby into a hug and kissed his head repeatedly.

“Mom?” Izuku looked at his mother and Inko’s heart broke at seeing the pure anguish in his eyes. “I-I killed her…”

“Izuku no!” Inko cried as she pulled him into a tighter hug.

A knock on the door interrupted Izuku’s breakdown and Inko’s attempts to stop in. The person coming through the door however; was the one who could help Izuku the most right now. Usagiyama Rumi, Rabbit Hero: Mirko herself walked into the room with an IV drip on a rolling pole. The IV was inserted into her forearm and she was wearing the standard Hospital gown.

“Hey kiddo, don’t go killing me off just yet.” Rumi smiled at the boy.

“B-but I saw you…you were…were…” Izuku muttered as Rumi approached his bedside.

“Thanks to you, I was fine.” Rumi informed him. Izuku’s eyes went wide in shock. “I was a little dehydrated according to the doctors but other than that I’m perfectly alright. According to Burnin’ I have you to thank for that. So thank you, Midoriya Izuku, I’m in your debt.”

“W-what? N-no…no you saved me. I would have died…. Thank you, Mirko, for saving me.” Izuku replied as he did his best to bow.

“How about we agree we saved each other?” Rumi asked with a grin.

“O-Okay…” Izuku nodded in agreement with the Pro Hero.

“Well if you saved me, I’d say that makes you a Hero yourself Izuku. So I’ll be looking forward to seeing you make your debut in a few years.” Rumi chuckled with a large smile. Izuku felt his face turn red as he was praised and called a Hero by a real Pro! Rumi would only stay for a few minutes more, the arrival of the Bakugo family saw the Pro take her leave. While trying to explain what all had happened to their friends Izuku wondered about the new aspects of his Quirk that he’d awakened.

It was several days later that Izuku was released from the Hospital. Tests were run on his new flames except for the black fire. Izuku vehemently refused to unleash it without a good reason. The Doctors and Quirkologists studied and cataloged Izuku’s new aspects before filling out a new Quirk Registry for him.


Name: Midoriya Izuku

Quirk: Six Flames

Type: Emitter


Izuku was never so happy to arrive home as he was after his stay at the hospital. He lay in his bed for the rest of the day, by dinner time Inko was thoroughly worried about her son. When he looked at her with those eyes that still held hints of trauma, Inko’s heart broke.

“Honey, would you like to talk to someone about the incident?” Inko asked her son.

“Yes…” Izuku answered back after a few silent moments. That was how Izuku started seeing a therapist for the trauma the incident had caused him. It would end up doing the young man a world of good.

-I Island-

“Toshinori, I think I’ve found someone that can help you.” David Shield said to his friend.

“What are you talking about?” Yagi Toshinori questioned his friend. He’d come to I Island at David’s request to look into ways to prolong his time as the Symbol of Peace. With his injury from All for One slowly sapping his time as a Hero away, he’d agreed to meet with his old friend to try and find a solution.

“There was an incident in Musutafu, Japan.” David explained the incident and what had come of it, including the results of a certain Quirk Registry that had been filed for the young boy involved. “This boy might be able to heal your injury, Toshinori.”

“Maybe he could, but he’s gone through something horrible. It would be wrong to intrude upon him and his family so soon afterwards. I still have some time left, David. I can wait a bit longer before meeting the young man.” Toshinori stated his feelings on the matter. A knock on the door got their attention and Toshinori quickly switched into his Muscle Form.

“Dad, Uncle Might, I got the designs you were looking into.” Melissa Shield, David’s daughter, smiled at her father and her surrogate uncle. Noticing a picture on the computer screen that the two men were sitting next to Melissa looked at it. The picture was of a boy around her age, maybe a year younger, with fluffy green hair and dark green eyes. He had some freckles on his face and she thought he looked pretty cute.

“Thank you, dear.” David smiled at his daughter as he took the designs from her.

“Have you given any thought to letting me go to UA, Dad?” Melissa asked her father making the man sigh.

“I’m considering it.” David replied. He didn’t want to lose his daughter, keeping her close had been what kept him from spiraling into depression after his wife passed. But keeping her here on I Island wouldn’t do her much good in the social department. She needed to interact with kids her own age, make friends and have fun. He’d feel like a monster if he denied her all of that just to keep her close and safe.

“I don’t know how much weight my word would carry in the Support Course, but I’d happily give you a recommendation, Melissa!” All Might smiled with a thumbs up.

“Really Uncle Might?” Melissa clapped her hands together and smiled brilliantly at her surrogate uncle.

“Of course, you’re more than deserving of one!” All Might laughed as he caught the flying hug from Melissa.

“Well, I guess that settles that.” David sighed with a smile, seeing his daughter happy like this made his heart feel lighter though.

-End Chapter-


Boom! Now that’s one hell of a Quirk! The most unique form of Pyrokinesis in the MHA World! Pretty OP I know, but I like it and I told you all that this next Bunny was going to be fiery! I think you can guess who Izuku’s paramour will be! Quite the challenge for a Support Girl to find a way to rein in the most destructive aspect of Izuku’s Quirk. But if anyone can do it Melissa Shield can! Plus she’s an absolute sweetheart! Also…she’s rivalling Momo in the ‘voluptuous’ department! Oh you can already feel Mineta’s jealously and see his tears of blood!

Hope you all enjoyed this Bunny! There are plenty more!

Until I get your reviews, later!


David Zimmerle

Gah. You gotta stop dropping these excellent pilot chapters on me man. I keep getting to the end and wanting more of a well written mha fanfiction. It’s frustrating how bad most of the ones I find are.


I can't! The Bunnies breed too fast! I need a professional to help me sterilize them! Also, this one isn't 'completely' my fault! Blame Support General James Tucker too! He came up with the basic premise! Then used his Tier Reward to have it made! The worst part is...I still have three more waiting in my brain! It's going to be a big Poll when we get to the $1,000/month Goal!

Brody Meech

i love it this and collector are my favorite


Glad you like them! We're going to have a nice big Poll when the time comes!


Op quirk is a understatement. But it was a good opening chapter. Was the black flames based of the Amaterasu from Naruto or the fire god slayer magic from Fairy Tail?


James wanted the Amaterasu Flames so I went with that, though I did alter it just slightly in the fact that the black flames, which I'll call Kagutsuchi in the story, will burn anything indiscriminately without fail. The flames are named after the Shinto Fire God that burned his own Goddess Mother to death just by being born. Hence why they can even burn Izuku when he doesn't exercise absolute control over them.

John Balman

So if I was to expand upon the quirk I would say different flames burn different things Red normal burn -- Black 'I don't know it burn all matter or something' -- Silver Burns quirks ' do they return thou' ( feel a certain I drop using hero will love this one' -- Blue actually burn heat to give cold ---- Golden burns body damage I love the idea of a black and silver ball of fire being thrown at Nomu and the there dude bing you are all going to Die... wait (as he looks at the pile of ash[ on ash]) not sure how to describe the green .... unless its more element based but black and gold throw me lol love it look forward to your next story or tease of a story lol (sorry for the rambling)


Glad you liked the Bunny! To give a basic run down of the colors: Yellow/Orange - Normal Fire Blue - Frost Fire Green - Barrier Flame Silver - Erasing Flame (Quirks return after some time depending on length of exposure.) Gold - Restoring Fire (Heals and Restores the Body; Basically Phoenix Fire.) Black - God Fire (Burns Everything to Nothing indiscriminately.)

Creature of Grimm

another good idea and one i wish there was more of to read :)


You know, at first I thought this might be a Katekyo Hitman Reborn Crossover with Midoriya gaining the Dying Will Flames

Thomas E Nellis

Ah Romeo from fairy tail’s fire magic as a quirk. I love it. Let the memes commence.


I remember reading that series way back when. But I was never the biggest fan of it. A couple people have mentioned it after reading the Bunny though.


Romeo has Magic like this? I forget that he can do Magic sometimes, he's such a background character I have to admit, I sometimes forget about him.


Haha is miuriko's last name actually USAGIyama? That's hilarious


Holy shit!! Did this ever make the cut for more chapters?