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Hey another Plot Bunny has been born! The Bunnies breed so quickly! Anyway, I’ve once again come up with another Quirk for our adorkable protagonist! Another fairly OP Quirk, but I felt it was a good idea as it turns Izuku’s Canon Quirklessness on its head making a complete 180 degree turn.

This Quirk idea came about from looking at some of the crazy Mutant Type Quirks that already exist in Canon. Looking at Mutant Quirks like Regeneration, Super Strength, Super Speed, Shock Absorption, and others made me realize that a lot of powerful Mutant Quirks are just basic Human Physiology taken too ridiculous, and in some cases borderline magical, extremes. So what if ALL of a Human’s Physiology was enhanced to the same absurd degree as some of these Quirks? What kind of Quirk would that make?

Without further delay, please enjoy!


The Apex Hero!

Midoriya Inko was the happiest she’d ever been at this moment. She was in the hospital, but for a very important reason, that reason being the newborn in her arms. Inko couldn’t stop her tears of joy as she looked down at her little baby. He had dark green hair like hers on his little head, green eyes and he was just perfect! She held her little Izuku close as her husband, Hisashi, sat next to the bed looking at his newborn son. The happy parents could only smile and coo at the sleeping baby in Inko’s arms. A knock on the door broke them from their family moment as a Doctor came in.

“Sorry to disturb you, but the results of little Izuku’s tests are in.” The Doctor smiled as she stood at the foot of the bed.

“Is everything alright?” Inko asked quickly, Izuku was already the most important thing in her life now. She couldn’t bear the thought of something being wrong with her baby.

“More than alright, I’d say.” The Doctor smiled reassuringly. “All of Izuku’s tests have come back as optimal; every single one of them in fact. From a health and development standpoint Izuku is about as close to perfect as a newborn can be.”

“Thank goodness.” Inko beamed down at her baby.

“Is there anything else, Doctor?” Hisashi asked and the Doctor nodded. She took a seat and went into further detail of Izuku’s results. The usual things followed, length, weight, blood type was O negative, normal enough. What came next was the surprise.

“Izuku has a Mutant Type Quirk.” The Doctor informed the parents and Inko and Hisashi looked confused. Both of them were Emitters so it would make more sense for Izuku to be one too. “We run the test for Mutant Type Quirks shortly after birth if there are any suspicions or concerns. Izuku’s perfectly optimal health is a factor of his Quirk from what we can tell. From the tests we’ve been able to determine your son has a very strong Quirk Factor. The Hospital advises new parents with Mutant Quirk children on safety and health related protocols in the event the child’s Quirk is present from birth.”

“Is there something special we’ll need to do with Izuku?” Hisashi asked as he looked over at his sleeping newborn son.

“It’s a bit early to tell, Midoriya-san.” The Doctor replied. “Izuku’s Quirk might just be his perfect health. But you’ll need to be on the lookout for any signs of different abilities.” From there the Doctor informed the Midoriya parents of the various Mutant Type Quirks that weren’t directly visible, but could result in injury or damage; with Super Strength and Super Speed being two of the most common to cause accidents in young children.

Over the next few years Inko and Hisashi lovingly raised their son while keeping a sharp eye out for any further developments from his Quirk. So far the only thing they’d noticed was that Izuku quickly picked up motor skills. The boy was able to walk fairly quickly after being shown how by his parents. He learned to use chopsticks shortly after being started on solid food. It wasn’t until he was four that Izuku demonstrated the first ‘ability’ of his Quirk. It wasn’t flashy or spectacular, but a four year old moving the living room couch out of his way, with one hand at that, so that he could get his toy from under it was definitely ‘out of the ordinary’ for most young children. This prompted a doctor’s appointment for Izuku and his parents. The day went from curious to astounding in short order.

“This won’t hurt much Izuku; you can even choose which Band-Aid you want ok?” The Doctor asked as he prepared to take some of Izuku’s blood for testing.

“Can I have an All Might one?” Izuku asked with a smile.

“Sure thing, I have plenty!” The Doctor smiled at the boy as he placed the needle against his skin. Cue the first surprise of the day, the needle couldn’t pierce Izuku’s skin! “Well, I’ll be; Perfect Health, Super Strength, and Durability?” The Doctor looked impressed and slightly confused by the multitude of ‘Quirks’ Izuku seemed to possess. Specialized equipment was brought in shortly afterwards and Izuku’s blood was drawn. The green-haired boy then surprised everyone in the office by healing in front of their eyes. The Doctor hadn’t even been able to secure the Band-Aid before noticing that not a single drop of blood was lost by Izuku. From a fresh needle he should have had a trickle of blood leaking from the small injury.

“Doctor?” Inko asked curiously, seeing the man’s confused and shocked face.

“This is going beyond uncommon and into unheard of territory.” The Doctor shook his head. “I guess we can add a ‘Healing Factor’ of some kind to Izuku’s list.”

“Can I still have the All Might one?” Izuku asked innocently and the Doctor chuckled before placing the chosen Band-Aid on the boy’s arm. With a sample collected and the Doctor demanding tests for as many Mutant Type Quirks as possible due to what Izuku had already displayed, the Midoriya Family was left to wait for the results. Never knowing the shock their son’s tests were causing in the lab.

“This…this is insane.” A Technician stared at his computer screen. The results for the Midoriya boy were astounding. His Quirk Factor was topping the reading chart. He also had genetic indicators for multiple Quirks, but they were all tied together into a singular, dare he say it, ‘perfect’ system. It was a single Quirk showing the same traits as six different Mutant Type Quirks! It was understandable that the Midoriya Family was shocked when they received the news. Being referred to a Specialist Facility was also to be expected. Through all of the tests Izuku kept his cheery disposition and did his best, Inko and Hisashi couldn’t have been prouder of their son and after several hours of tests the Midoriya Family were left rather stunned, but also incredibly proud of Izuku in his parent’s case.

“So as it stands young Izuku has a singular Quirk that has all the genetic markers for six other, rather powerful, Mutant Type Quirks.” The Specialist informed the Midoriyas as he went over the test results with them. “With his Quirk Factor being as strong as it is; we can say with some certainty that Izuku will possess the highest forms of all six of these Quirk Subtypes as well.”

“What are these Quirks?” Inko questioned and the Specialist began listing them off.

“Hyper Durability, Hyper Strength, Hyper Regeneration, Hyper Speed, Hyper Sensory Perception, and Hyper Physicality are the Quirks that are covered by your son’s Quirk. When he’s full grown he’ll quite literally stand at the pinnacle of ‘Super Human’ Physiology.” The Specialist explained and both Hisashi’s and Inko’s jaws were almost on the floor as they gaped at the man.

“What’s physicality mean?” Izuku questioned, not familiar with the word as a four year old.

“Physicality refers to your body and its processes, Izuku-kun.” The Specialist informed the boy. “You could also call it ‘Hyper Body Efficiency’ and it would be the same ability.”

“Izuku has all of these abilities already?” Hisashi questioned the Specialist and received a nod in return.

“Yes, though they’re all in their weaker stages of development right now, he’s only a small child, of course.” The Specialist then went on to explain the ‘levels’ for Mutant Quirk subtypes. It started at Enhanced, such as Enhanced Strength, and then proceeded onwards from there to Super, then into the highest level of Hyper. At the moment Izuku was still in the ‘Enhanced’ Stage, but as he grew older his body would adapt and grow stronger. ‘Hyper’ Stage would more than likely be reached by the time puberty started.

The Midoriya Family celebrated that night, after sorting out their mixed emotions of shock, confusion, joy, pride, and elation. Izuku was ecstatic to find out his Quirk and knew he could be a Hero that helped others, just like All Might! The new Quirk Registry his parents had a copy of would be kept with his birth certificate at home, but Izuku only cared about what he’d been, barely, able to read off of it.


Name: Midoriya Izuku

Quirk: Hyper Sapien

Type: Mutant


For the next four years Izuku was constantly active. He ‘worked out’ to make himself stronger and push his Quirk to develop faster. When looking at other people at the park one day Izuku noticed a man going through motions he didn’t recognize. They were deliberate and focused, part of a set of movements from what Izuku could tell and it made Izuku curious. So he went to his mother to ask a question.

“Mom?” Izuku looked towards his mother who was sitting on a park bench watching him play.

“Yes sweetie?” Inko responded with a smile at her son.

“What’s that guy doing?” Izuku asked as he motioned to the man who was still going through his movements. Inko looked at the man for a moment before turning back to Izuku.

“He’s practicing Martial Arts, honey.” Inko explained with a grin to her little boy.

“What’s that?” Izuku asked and Inko gave him a general explanation about Martial Arts and what they were used for.

“Can I learn?” Izuku asked with sparkles in his eyes. “I’d be an even better Hero!” Inko almost caved immediately at the look of sheer excitement and joy on her son’s face. He was just too cute!

“We’ll ask your father when we get home.” Inko smiled; Izuku was practically bouncing in excitement. As it turned out Hisashi thought it was a great idea and the following weekend Izuku was at a Dojo for his first class. He’d be studying Karate with other kids his age and he was very excited. For the next few months Izuku studied and trained, learning proper form and the proper way to throw a punch or kick. When he showed quite the bit of aptitude for Martial Arts, learning the forms, stances, strikes, blocks, and kicks faster than the others of his age group; he was put in a spar with the current ‘best’ of his age group.

“Hi, I’m Kendo Itsuka, nice to meet you.” Itsuka bowed to Izuku before the start of their spar.

“I’m Midoriya Izuku; it’s nice to meet you Kendo-san.” Izuku smiled as he bowed back. On the Instructor’s call they both took their stances. 

Their spar began at the next call and both moved in to attack. Itsuka was more experienced and it showed as she deflected his punch and scored a punch of her own to his ribs. Izuku barely felt the padded blow because of his Quirk and spun into a side kick aimed at Itsuka’s stomach. The more experienced girl dodged the kick and caught Izuku with a roundhouse kick to the shoulder. Izuku powered forward and landed a punch that sent Itsuka stumbling even though she blocked it. Itsuka had a bright smile on her face at Izuku’s strength and happily moved back into striking range. Izuku received three more punches and two kicks before the Instructor called their spar to an end. The two bowed to each other and were sent off to get some water.

“You’re really strong, Midoriya!” Itsuka grinned as she pulled out a bottle of water from her gym bag.

“Thank you, Kendo-san! You’re really good at Karate!” Izuku complimented the orangette. Itsuka smiled brightly at the compliment before speaking again.

“If you’re this strong I’m surprised you don’t just knock people down with one shot each spar.” Itsuka commented and Izuku repeated what he’d heard from the Instructors.

“My strength might be great, but technique, skill, and experience can beat raw strength. So if I can learn the techniques and use my strength with them, then I’ll be an even better Hero when I grow up!” Izuku smiled and Itsuka laughed with him.

“I want to be a Hero too!” Itsuka informed him and Izuku practically had stars in his eyes as he asked her about her Quirk. Then he wanted to know what kind of Hero she wanted to be. This led to both of them learning quite a lot about each other as they asked questions back and forth. The two became fast friends and talked every time they met at the Dojo. Within a month they’d both decided that they were best friends. Hisashi and Inko had been overjoyed that Izuku had a best friend and a meeting with Itsuka’s parents happened quickly. The four adults enjoyed watching their children together and laughed at the similar respectful, yet outgoing, personalities the two kids had.

-Time Skip ~ First Year of Junior High-

Izuku yawned as he walked the last bit of his commute towards his school. The boy wasn’t tired; his Quirk made all of his biological functions near perfect, but he was bored since he would rather be training with his Quirk. He scratched at his long curly hair, even it was affected by his Quirk, which made it hard to cut without specially made trimmers or scissors. Thankfully Izuku’s hair only grew to his waist before stopping, if he was genetically predisposed to having longer growing hair it would be expensive to get it cut. Itsuka said she liked his ‘wild hair’ and that was all the reason Izuku needed to keep it. He’d developed well thanks to his training at the Dojo and the passive benefits of his Quirk. He stood taller than most boys his age and already had developed musculature. Itsuka had been red in the face last time she’d seen him shirtless. He’d suppressed it at the time but he couldn’t help but chuckle that his best friend would be so flustered by him.

“Then again, Itsuka is really cute already.” Izuku felt his cheeks heat up a little as he thought about her. They lived too far apart to go to the same school but they saw each other four days a week at the Dojo, three after school and most of the day Saturday. “Maybe I should say something to her?” He mused as he passed the school gate. He’d seen other guys his age at the Dojo giving Itsuka ‘looks’. He might have gone a bit harder on them during sparring because of it. He’d think on it later, he was apparently about to have a problem.

Four guys stood in front of him, all of them could be considered ‘delinquents’ and they were all in Second Year. This group had decided that they didn’t like Izuku during the first week of school. From that point on they’d tried to accost him in one way or another. With a sigh Izuku stopped and looked at the four boys. The ‘leader’ of the group glared at him and began to speak.

“About time you showed up, Midoriya.” Kazu, the ‘leader’, spit out as he stalked up to Izuku followed by his three friends. “We’re not about to let our score settle after what happened last time!” What happened last time was Kazu and his friends getting detention and their parent’s called by the school for starting a fight with Izuku. Though since Izuku hadn’t actually moved during the entire encounter, ‘fight’ may have been pushing it.

“You got in trouble last time for doing the same thing you’re doing now, remember?” Izuku questioned the delinquent with a sigh.

“Shut your mouth, punk!” Kazu yelled as he swung his fist and nailed Izuku in the stomach. Izuku didn’t actually feel the hit, nor would it be strong enough to cause him injury. “You can’t take all of us!” Kazu yelled and his three friends joined in punching and kicking at Izuku. For his part Izuku only rolled his eyes and sighed while waiting for someone to notice what was happening and inform a teacher. These guys might be a year older than him but none of them had a Quirk that made them any stronger. So their hits did about as much damage to him as they would a concrete wall. Even Itsuka had to use her Quirk to make Izuku feel her blows. Though, much to the girl’s frustration, even that didn’t actually ‘injure’ Izuku in any real way. Izuku soothed his best friend’s frustration by letting her go ‘all out’ with her Quirk on him. Itsuka was happy at the progress she’d made developing her ‘Big Fist’ Quirk because of it. She could easily punch through a brick wall if she wanted to and could crush rocks to powder with her enlarged hands.

As Izuku predicted it wasn’t more than a couple of minutes before a teacher arrived and broke up the situation. After making sure Izuku was alright Kazu and his lackeys were hauled off to the Principal’s office. The teacher already warning the delinquents that they we’re looking at suspension this time. With the situation taken care of Izuku made his way to class and sat at his desk. Looking around he noticed he was being glared at by Bakugo again. Their long lost friendship was a point of exasperation for Izuku. The ash blonde had wanted to train with Izuku back when they were four. But Izuku’s refusal to go ‘all out’ against Bakugo made the red-eyed boy furious. Izuku had simply not wanted to hurt his friend with his Quirk-enhanced strength. Bakugo saw it differently and accused Izuku of ‘looking down on him’ and that had set the tone for the rest of their, short lived, friendship. To this day Bakugo felt slighted and refused to speak civilly to Izuku, it was always yelling, accusations, and sometimes threats whenever they ‘spoke’ to one another. Izuku usually couldn’t get a word in edge-wise.

-Second Year of Junior High-

“Hup!” Izuku exclaimed as he lifted the truck from the beach sand and held it over his head. Carefully making his way over to the large trailer attached to the even larger truck he set the broken vehicle down. Izuku gave a nod to the city official and headed back to the beach to continue picking up more trash, junk, and debris. This was a new part of his training he’d started doing after seeing a flyer in his neighborhood about the city government wanting to clean up Takoba Municipal Beach Park. The once lovely beach had become a dumping ground once people realized that the tide brought in garbage that had been thrown into the sea. After years of people literally dumping anything and everything, from small appliances all the way to a few vehicles, the city had more than enough and decided to clean up the beach and impose heavy fines against further littering. So Izuku had decided to volunteer some extra time after school when he wasn’t at the Dojo. Itsuka had also volunteered and Izuku was more than happy to be able to spend almost every day after school with her.

“Show off.” Itsuka teased as she walked towards the trash collection area with her enlarged hands full of junk. Izuku just smiled at his best friend and moved over to a refrigerator that was missing the door. Without much effort Izuku lifted it and carried it over his shoulder towards the collection area. Since this was a city government project they’d allowed for Quirks to be used by the volunteers to help speed up cleaning. Izuku’s Hyper Strength was a boon as he could move even the heaviest of objects without much trouble.

“Once this beach is cleaned up maybe we should come here.” Izuku commented to Itsuka as they picked up more junk.

“That’d be nice.” Itsuka agreed placing a busted window AC unit into her enlarge palm.

“We could go swimming.” Izuku grinned as he picked up a stack of old, worn tires.

“I’m guessing you want to see me in a swimsuit?” Itsuka asked rhetorically and Izuku sputtered as he dropped the stack of tires into the sand.

“W-what? I-I…didn’t, I mean I…” Izuku stuttered and Itsuka laughed at how easy it was to fluster her best friend.

“What? You don’t think I’d look good in a swimsuit?” Itsuka raised an eyebrow.

“No! You’d look amazing!” Izuku instantly replied only for his eyes to widen at what he’d said. “I mean you look good in anything! I mean…”

“I think I get it, Izuku.” Itsuka laughed though her own cheeks were pink right now.

“I’ll just…stop talking.” Izuku replied, red-faced. He quickly set about re-stacking the tires and picking them up again.

“Hmm, too late now.” Itsuka grinned. “I already heard everything.”

“I know…” Izuku mumbled embarrassed.

“I’ll make sure to get a new swimsuit for our trip here.” Itsuka spoke up just before Izuku walked away. The green-haired boy stopped and smiled at the pleasant thought.

“You don’t have to.” Izuku spoke up a few seconds later.

“I want to though.” Itsuka stated as she stood up with her enlarged hands full again.

“Thanks Itsuka!” Izuku smiled brightly at her getting a smile in return from the orangette.

“Any preference between a one piece and a bikini?” Itsuka asked nonchalantly as she passed Izuku towards the collection area.

“Huh?!” Izuku gaped at her as he stopped in his tracks.

“No? Well I guess it’ll be a surprise then.” Itsuka grinned at him as she continued walking. The sound of the stack of tires falling again made her giggle. She was starting to get why some of the older girls she knew said that teasing could be fun.

-Summer of Third Year-

“Y-you look amazing, Itsuka.” Izuku complimented his best friend as she stood before him in a teal bikini that matched her eyes. He could see so much of her body! Her toned stomach, strong legs, her defined arms, not to mention her bust! He was surprised just how ‘Big’ Itsuka’s breasts had gotten over the last two years. The bikini top covered everything, of course, but it showed off so much more than he was used to seeing!

“You too, Izuku.” Itsuka smiled at him her eyes roving over his muscled form. It had to be illegal to have abs like that at their age! Not to mention everything else was equally toned and just so…hot! Itsuka was a determined young lady and she knew what she wanted. In this case what she wanted was a relationship with Izuku, even if he didn’t seem to realize it. She’d make him see it by the end of today, she promised herself.

The two set up their towels and a rented beach umbrella before setting down their small beach bags and sitting down. Unbeknownst to Izuku, Itsuka was currently glaring death at a group of High School girls that were looking at Izuku with ‘appreciative’ eyes. She and Izuku would be in High School in a few more months, both of them going for UA of course, so she knew Izuku would draw attention from some girls that age. But that didn’t mean she had to like it!

“Sunscreen?” Izuku offered and Itsuka smiled at him.

“Get my back?” Itsuka asked and Izuku’s face went red but he nodded enthusiastically. She gave him a wink, making his eyes widen, before she lay down on her stomach and left her back to him. The first thing on Izuku’s mind was how nice her back looked. The second thing was more an observation.

‘There are only two small knots holding her top on!’ Izuku internally freaked out as he had an impure thought cross his mind before he was able to stop it. Shaking his head Izuku began to rub the sunscreen into Itsuka’s skin. The orangette sighed happily as she felt Izuku’s hands on her back, she was enjoying this far more than she should, but who cared? She was going to enjoy this for all it was worth! That would show those High School girls that looked at Izuku!

Izuku was focused on Itsuka before his Hyper Sensory Perception picked up on a conversation not too far from where he and Itsuka were. Two guys, probably Second Year High Schoolers, were making comments on the various girls on the beach. No big deal, Izuku was sure if he focused he’d be able to hear several such conversations going on. When one of the two mentioned the ‘orange-haired girl getting sunscreen put on her’ Izuku looked up and confirmed they were both looking at where he and Itsuka were. Like Itsuka before him, Izuku glared horrific death at the two teens, the difference being that the green-haired teen didn’t realize he was doing it. The two teens however ‘did’ notice and quickly shuffled away at the sight of the glare. There was just something about the younger teen that screamed ‘danger’.

After Izuku was done Itsuka promptly had him turn around so she could put sunscreen on his back. Izuku nodded in acceptance, though his cheeks were red, and bit back a hiss when he felt Itsuka’s hands running along his back. Why did they feel so nice?! Izuku decided to just stay silent and enjoy the treatment.

‘When did his shoulders get so broad?’ Itsuka wondered as she rubbed the sunscreen into Izuku’s skin. It wasn’t like Izuku actually needed sunscreen. His Quirk would heal his skin faster than it could burn from the sun. But Itsuka didn’t care; she was taking the opportunity to touch her crush!

“Want to swim?” Izuku asked and Itsuka nodded. The two left their towels and umbrella and headed for the water. They waded into the surf and enjoyed the cool water before starting to swim together. This led to both of them blushing furiously several minutes later. Seeing each other soaked was very appealing for both of them. Itsuka literally watched water droplets cascade down Izuku’s chest and abs. Likewise Izuku’s eyes followed a few droplets that drifted down from Itsuka’s neck and disappeared into her cleavage. When they both realized they were staring at each other they locked eyes before smiling at each other. Neither knew why they were smiling, it was practically automatic, but the thought that the other liked what they saw was in the back of their minds. The rest of the day went well; the two got food from a nearby stall, laid about in the sun so Itsuka could tan a little, and even got in on a volleyball game with some other teens.

“This was a great day.” Itsuka smiled happily as they walked to the train station together. Itsuka had to catch the train to head home since she lived farther away.

“It really was.” Izuku agreed with her a smile on his face as well. The duo continued walking enjoying each other’s company. When they got close to the station Izuku slowed to a stop and Itsuka looked back at him.

“What’s up, Izuku?” Itsuka asked with a tilt of her head.

“Itsuka, I…I have something…I wanted to…ask you.” Izuku hesitated but eventually got out.

“Hmm, what’s that?” Itsuka questioned though she felt her heart speed up slightly with hope.

“Itsuka…I…I really like you!” Izuku exclaimed and Itsuka’s face lit up even as a fierce blush covered her cheeks. “Will…will you go out with me?”

“Yes!” Itsuka agreed instantly. Her smile couldn’t get any bigger if she tried!

“Oh...r-right…well I hope we can still be…. Come again?” Izuku blinked before he lifted his head and stared into Itsuka’s beautiful teal eyes.

“I said ‘Yes’, Izuku.” Itsuka repeated. “I was going to ask you at the station if you hadn’t spoken up when we got there.”

“You were going to ask me?” Izuku questioned and Itsuka nodded with a smile. After a few seconds to process this information Izuku’s face broke out into a massive smile as he stepped up to Itsuka and pulled her into a hug. Itsuka smiled happily as she hugged her new boyfriend.

“Was this really that much of a surprise?” Itsuka asked when they released their hold on each other.

“A little?” Izuku admitted as he scratched the back of his head. His long wild locks moving a bit with the motion.

“Well it’s happening so you should get used to it, Izu-kun.” Itsuka blushed as she gave him a pet name.

“I can live with that…Suka-chan.” Izuku replied his head practically steaming. Where was the confidence that he and Itsuka usually had? Did having feelings for someone just completely invalidate it?

“Well…since this is now our ‘first date’…and it was successful. That means it ends with…a kiss.” Itsuka stated bashfully. Izuku didn’t get a chance to respond before Itsuka’s lips met his own in a chaste kiss. The two stood there for a moment, just experiencing their first kiss before they pulled back. They both gazed at each other before Izuku made a move and connected their lips again. It was still chaste but both of them kissed each other sweetly and parted after several seconds.

“Wow…” Izuku mumbled and Itsuka giggled as she nodded in agreement.

“Yeah…” Itsuka smiled at him. “I should get to my train. Dad will worry if I’m not back by the time I said I would be.”

“Alright, I’ll text you when I get back home.” Izuku promised with a grin.

“You better, Izu-kun!” Itsuka laughed happily now that it had processed that they felt the same way about each other. She was already starting to experience the high of elation.

“It’s a promise Suka-chan.” Izuku was also feeling a massive burst of happiness and the surging return of his confidence as well. They walked to the station together and Izuku saw Itsuka onto her train before he headed back home with a spring in his step. The world was just a little brighter now and Izuku couldn’t be brought down by anything at the moment.

-UA Entrance Exams-

Izuku and Itsuka walked from the train station to the school entrance hand in hand, a smile on both of their faces. Their relationship had blossomed wonderfully and they had their parent’s blessing to date. Though Itsuka had actually used ‘puppy dog eyes’ for probably the first time in her life to make her father agree. Both of them took a moment to stop and stare up at the UA School building once they passed through the gate. Izuku grinned at the building, ready for the challenge. Ever since he and Itsuka became a couple he’d felt like nothing could remove his confidence and belief in himself and Itsuka. Likewise Itsuka had been even more determined to ace the Exams and get into UA.

“Out of my way Deku!” Bakugo growled at the other teen as he made his way past Izuku and Itsuka without so much as a glance back.

“Katsuki is his normal self it seems.” Izuku sighed as he walked forward with Itsuka.

“That guy has some issues.” Itsuka shook her head. She’d never met Bakugo personally, but she knew enough from Izuku to know him by attitude alone.

“Always wants to be the best, at everything.” Izuku shrugged at his girlfriend who smiled back at him.

The written exam wasn’t easy, but this was UA so that was to be expected, however Itsuka and Izuku both felt like they’d scored well enough to pass. When it came time to learn what the practical exam entailed Izuku had a small fanboy moment at seeing the Voice Hero: Present Mic on stage going over the exam. Itsuka playfully rolled her eyes as she watched. A growl to ‘Shut the hell up!’ from Bakugo, who was sitting next to them, ended the fanboy moment. Finding out that they would be in the same Exam Site was a happy moment however.

“Want to make a contest out of it?” Itsuka asked as they rode the bus to Exam Site B. She smiled seeing Izuku wearing the forest green tracksuit she’d gotten for him as a gift.

“What did you have in mind?” Izuku questioned with his head tilted as he looked at her. Seeing Itsuka in workout clothes was always amazing. The way they helped ‘emphasize’ her figure was always a bonus to training with their Quirks together!

“Whoever gets the most points wins.” Itsuka explained. “Winner gets one thing, within reason, from the Loser.”

“You’re on!” Izuku grinned at his girlfriend. So much could fall into the ‘One Thing’ stipulation!

“Don’t be mad if I win.” Itsuka teased as they stood side by side in front of the large Test Site.

“Same to you, Suka-chan.” Izuku smiled as Itsuka bumped him with her hip.

“START!” Present Mic called out loudly from where he stood on a platform at the top of a tower, his voice reaching out across the large testing grounds and to all the various groups of applicants. Everybody in their testing group froze up for a moment at the sudden start. “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN REAL LIFE! RUN! GO, GO, GO!!!”

With that Izuku and the rest of the examinees dashed forward into the large mock cityscape. Well everyone else dashed in. Izuku had shot forward like a rocket with his Hyper Speed and was already well inside the Site. Itsuka grumbled at her boyfriend’s early lead but resolved herself to rack up more points and win in the end.

“Target acquired-!” The robot intoned before being cut off as Izuku blitzed past it, removing its head in the process. 

“That’s one point!” Izuku grinned as he turned and was almost instantly on top of another group of robots. A punch destroyed a Three Pointer, a kick sent a Two Pointer smashing into two One Pointers, Izuku grabbed one of the large Three Pointers and proceeded to use it as a bludgeoning tool to smash apart the next six robots he rushed. Dropping the scrap that had been a robot not two minutes ago, he took stock of his current points. “That should be twenty points, so far.” Izuku blitzed through the Site to a less crowded area. Technically the area he’d just left was only just being gotten to by the examinees from the gate, but he wanted as many robots to himself as possible. “I’m winning this contest; I want my ‘One Thing’!”

-Staff Viewing Booth-

“Is anyone else having a hard time keeping up with that kid?” Vlad King asked the room as the green-haired applicant blurred around the Exam Site.

“Quite the interesting young man.” Nezu remarked as they watched a street of robots get torn to scrap metal by a blur of green.

-Exam Site B-

“Man Itsuka is probably let down by how easy these things are.” Izuku muttered to himself as he tore a One Pointer in half and then used each half to demolish another robot leaving three robots as scrap on the road.

~With Itsuka~

“These things aren’t nearly as durable as they look.” Itsuka noticed as she crushed a One Pointer in her hand while simultaneously back fisting a Two Pointer into a Three Pointer. “That’s forty one points already.” She grinned at the thought of winning their little contest. She knew ‘exactly’ what she was going to ask for!

In the last five minutes of the test the giant gimmick robot, the Zero Pointer, was unleashed. Izuku watched from on top of a building as the giant robot moved its way down the main street of the fake city. “Yeah…that’s pretty gimmicky. Not many Quirks are compatible with an enemy of that size. I wonder if I could take it down.” Izuku pondered as he clenched his right fist. Looking down at the rubble strewn around by the behemoth machine Izuku caught a glimpse of someone half-buried under some hunks of concrete. He noticed the orange hair of his girlfriend digging the person out too. The worst part of that observation was the Zero Pointer’s massive tank treads bearing down on both of them! Izuku had leapt from the building, leaving cracks across the roof in his wake, and slammed down onto the street in front of the Zero Pointer without any conscious thought.

“Itsuka!” Izuku yelled to his girlfriend.

“I’ve got her!” Itsuka yelled back. “But she’d injured, so I’m going to have to carry her back!”

“Go! I’ll deal with this!” Izuku announced with a grin over his shoulder at her.

“Thank you!” Itsuka smiled as she turned and dashed off with the brunette in her arms.

“Who was that?! Is he going to be ok?!” The brunette asked Itsuka while said orangette was carrying her down the street.

“That’s Izu-kun, my boyfriend, he’ll be fine.” Itsuka assured the girl she was carrying in her enlarged hands. “Honestly he was probably going to try fighting it anyway.” She chuckled with a dramatic eye roll at Izuku’s antics. Trust him to instantly save someone and fight something ridiculous at the same time.

“Goodbye, Zero Pointer.” Izuku exhaled as he leapt with his full strength. The road cracked from the force and Izuku rocketed upwards. He threw a full powered uppercut into the bottom of the Zero Pointer’s ‘head’ and with a horrible crashing sound the large robot was decapitated. The massive hunk of twisted metal that use to be the head went sailing high into the air before falling back to Earth. Another crash and the head was behind the Zero Pointer’s body, partially embedded into the road from the force of impact. Izuku landed on his feet, knees bending to absorb the impact before he looked up at his handy work.

“What the hell is that guy?!” Another examinee yelled in shock after seeing what Izuku had done.

“I’m pretty sure I won the contest.” Izuku nodded to himself with a grin. He completely ignored Present Mic’s announcement of the Exam being over.

Itsuka and Izuku leaned against each other on the bus ride back to the main campus. Itsuka grudgingly admitting that he probably won their little contest when he mentioned how many points he kept track of. But she wasn’t going to give up for certain until they got their official scores! Izuku had agreed and simply rested his head atop his girlfriend’s orange locks peacefully.

-One Week Later ~ Midoriya Home-

“Izuku! It’s here!” Inko called out as she rushed to her son’s room and handed him the letter that had come from UA.

“Thanks mom, I’m going to open it in my room.” Izuku said as he retreated into his room and sat at his desk. “Ok…you definitely passed Izuku, you and Suka-chan both passed. But I definitely won the contest!” He exhaled before opening the letter. A small disc-shaped object fell out and started projecting an image.

“Hello, Midoriya Izuku, I’m Nezu the Principal of UA High School.” Nezu, the chimera-like, Principal introduced himself. “I’m happy to inform you that you passed the Written Exam with a very respectable Ninety Two percent; as for your Practical Exam Score please look behind me.” The chimera pointed to an electronic board that turned on, showing Izuku’s picture and score.

-Practical Exam Score-

Izuku Midoriya

Villain Points: 98

Rescue Points: 52

Total: 150 Points

-Practical Exam Score-

“As you can see you performed very well! The new Record Holder for Highest Score in fact!” Nezu congratulated with a smile on his face. “I’m pleased to welcome you to UA High School, Midoriya-san! This will be your Hero Academia!”

“Yes! I did it!” Izuku cheered before he quickly grabbed his phone. “I’ve got to call Suka-chan and let her know!” He quickly dialed his girlfriend’s number and waited for her to pick up.

“Don’t say it.” Itsuka said as soon as the call connected.

“I…” Izuku began.

“Don’t say it.” Itsuka repeated.

“Won.” Izuku finished with a grin.

“You just had to say it!” Itsuka exclaimed; Izuku could hear the pout in her voice.

“Yes, yes I did.” Izuku teased only to hear a ‘Hmph!’ through the phone. “But I also saw who took second place.”

“And?” Itsuka responded.

“Congratulations Itsuka, you did great.” Izuku smiled and he could almost feel Itsuka smiling back at him.

“What do you want?” Itsuka asked with a faked ‘put upon’ sigh.

“To give you a massage.” Izuku replied back. A thump sound came from the other end and he had to stifle a chuckle as he imagined Itsuka’s stunned face.

“To give ‘me’ a massage? That’s it? That’s what you want?” Itsuka sounded confused.

“Well I’d want you to be wearing that thin white tank top and the matching cotton short shorts.” Izuku led on teasingly.

“You mean the ones that are so thin my bra and panties show through if they’re any color except white?” Itsuka deadpanned, though there was a very hot blush on her face.

“Those’re the ones!” Izuku grinned into the phone.

“You’re lucky I want a massage.” Itsuka pouted even as a small smile appeared on her face. Izuku gave great massages, even if the outfit would make it practically skin on skin.

“Agreed.” Izuku chuckled.

“I’ll be over tomorrow after lunch.” Itsuka sighed playfully and Izuku grinned.

-Time Skip ~ First Day of Class-

Izuku was dressed in the UA uniform and was standing up from just having put his shoes on. He was just about to walk out his front door, after hugging his mother goodbye, when Inko stopped him for one last thing. Turning to face his mother Izuku smiled at the proud look on her face, even though there were tears of joy welling up in her eyes.

“You look really cool right now, Izuku!” Inko complimented her son making Izuku beam at her.

“Thanks Mom!” Izuku smiled as he exited the apartment.

Izuku met up with Itsuka on the train to UA again. Itsuka had kept her end of the deal and showed up the day after results came in. The memory of massaging his girlfriend’s body through such thin clothes was currently in Izuku’s top five favorites! The current fourth place being the make out session that followed after he’d massaged Itsuka into blissful contentment. The couple enjoyed the train ride together both excited for their first day. It wasn’t long before both of them were standing before a large door marked ‘1-A’.

“It sucks we aren’t in the same class, Suka-chan.” Izuku lamented as he hugged his girlfriend.

“It does, but we have lunch together, so cheer up.” Itsuka smiled at him.

“I’ll see you at lunch.” Izuku smiled at her softly.

“See you at lunch.” Itsuka repeated with her own smile. With that they separated and Itsuka walked down the hall towards Class 1-B.

Opening the door to 1-A revealed the sight of Bakugo arguing with a blue-haired teen.

“Why universe? Just why?” Izuku groaned. He wanted to be in class with Itsuka but was stuck with Bakugo instead. That had to be some kind of cosmic punishment.

-Practice Field-

“What are we doing out here? Orientation is going to start in thirty minutes.” Ochako wondered out loud as the class of twenty assembled together with their homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota, standing in front of them.

“It’s time for a Quirk Assessment Test. You’ll be doing the same standardized Physical Fitness Tests you did in Junior High; but this time you’ll be using your Quirks.” Aizawa informed them. “Midoriya, you scored the highest on the Entrance Exam, step forward.” All of the other students looked towards the green-haired teen that seemed slightly ‘down’ since he’d walked into class earlier. Izuku noticed Bakugo glaring at him and was unsurprised to say the least. Never the less, he stepped forward and Aizawa handed him a ball with a metallic ring on it that was the size of a softball. “How far could you throw in Junior High, Midoriya?”

“I’m a Mutant Type with Hyper Strength, sensei. All of my scores were marked as ‘Quirked’ during these types of tests.” Izuku replied looking the ball over.

“You can use your Quirk all you like and it’ll be counted, just don’t leave the circle.” Aizawa instructed motioning to a circle on the ground.

“Can I ask one question, sensei?” Izuku inquired of his homeroom teacher.

“What is it?” Aizawa asked.

“Do you have a spare ball?” Izuku asked as he tossed the one he had up and down in his hand.

“I have two others if replacements are needed.” Aizawa replied and Izuku smiled.

“Thank you, sensei.” Izuku replied as he made his way over to the circle. Everyone looked on as Izuku held the ball for a second, and then took a pitching stance. When Izuku threw the ball a massive wave of displaced air nearly blew the students to the ground.

“Holy crap! What kind of Strength Quirk does he have?!” A red-haired teen asked as they all looked on.

“Not a bad throw that time.” Izuku nodded to himself as he rolled his right shoulder a bit. He turned towards Aizawa but the teacher was glancing at the small phone-like device he held as if he was waiting for something. Several seconds later Aizawa’s device beeped and he raised an eyebrow.

“It’s important to know your limits.” Aizawa stated as he turned the device around and showed the class Izuku’s result; the said result being 6,012.4m on the display.

“Holy crap! Over six kilometers, are you kidding me?!” A blonde boy with a black lightning bolt-like mark in his hair exclaimed in shock.

“Wait, where would that have landed?” A blonde boy with a large tail questioned.

“Hmm, judging by the direction and our current location…” A tall girl with black hair and a very ‘voluptuous’ body took on a thinking pose. “It would have landed in the Tokyo Bay, near the Rainbow Bridge if I’m not mistaken.”

“Damn Deku…” Bakugo growled as he watched the guy he hated. Him and his damn Quirk!

“That’s freaking insane!” A small boy with grape-looking hair exclaimed in shock.

The pink-haired girl then made the, apparent, mistake of saying that the tests looked fun. Aizawa then informed them that the person that scored the lowest out of the class would be expelled immediately. Shock ran through the class but Izuku only grinned at the challenge.

“Let’s get started, sensei!” Izuku was happy that his results would finally be recorded properly.

-End Chapter-


Talk about a beast! Izuku’s physical abilities make the upcoming tests a joke more than anything! He threw the ball from the school grounds all the way into Tokyo Bay! Beat that everyone except Ochako! You can just imagine what other kinds of insane scores Izuku is going to get! Did you enjoy the Chapter? Did you like the Pairing? Do you want to see more?

Until I get your reviews, later!


John Balman

the things that come from you mind .. keep up the good work!!!

Thomas E Nellis

lol that was amazing. I loved it! However I feel in the QA tests he should probs be second in pretty much every event but the jump because while he is over all better than all his classmates some people literally can make the ball weighless... cough Ochako cough... or have engines in their legs... honestly I feel engine boy would have been excited to see another speedster and talked to Izuku.


Glad you liked it! I mentioned Ochako and the Ball Throw in the bottom Author's Note. Izuku would be second in one or two events at least, though not by much in either case.

Creature of Grimm

he is basically All-Might without One For All, lol.


That's what happens when EVERY part of your Physiology is Hyper Level! He could probably duke it out with All Might in his prime in a couple more years.

Lord Nairvehlius

I know you posted this awhile ago, but I love this. I had a similar idea but less OP than what you have here. I understand the pairing, but it's not my cup of tea. Still will read and enjoy it if it ends up being a full story.


I'm not too far in yet but isn't this (I'm assuming) kinda just super man on steroids? If all his abilities are plus ultra(that's what he should name his quirk IMO) Then he gets super speed, strength, agility, can hold his breath for long periods of time. U know the super man stuff, but then gets regen, possibly enhanced mental abilities...... this should be fun Can't possibly see how katsuki can hit on this but I'm sure that little shit will find a way


Izuku still wanting his Allright band aid is fucking precious


Hahaha "I want my 'one thing'." Gold


Wait, what? How does 2nd place in the entrance exam still go to 1-B?!


The more of the plot bunnies I read the madder I get that I wants here to vote on them. Why did synthesis get so many votes going only of the first chapter I've seen more than a few that i liked way more than that one. Specifically Alter hero Light hero Forest hero And this one I think might be my favorite (aside from sun hero bit that at least got to see the light of day) synthesis is cool but apex deku all wild haired and confident!? What not to love? Still lost as to how second in the entrance exam gets stuck in 1-B tho


Just gotta re-read this one I love this so much I've honestly been really inspired by this and want to write an izuku with a similar quirk