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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter the First Nemea Leonthrope!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 21 – Back to Hogwarts, Triwizard Tournament

Harry snuggled deeper into the warmth of the bed as the morning light came through the curtains. He was comfortable, warm, and perfectly content to remain where he was. The sudden shifting of his bed partner shook some of the sleep from his mind. With a grumble he opened his eyes and looked over at Tonks. He did remember her pulling him into bed last night, though he was surprised with how comfortable he was considering he still had his clothes from last night on.

“Morning Whiskers.” Tonks grinned at him as their eyes met. He wasn’t expecting the kiss but returned it instinctually. Once they parted Harry was able to return the greeting.

“Good morning, Nym, sleep well?” Harry asked and Tonks smiled softly at him.

“Very well, you make a good hug pillow; nice and warm.” Tonks mused as she pulled him against her and nuzzled his hair. Harry couldn’t stop the purr that rumbled in his chest as his own arms encircled Tonks’ waist and pulled her close in return. He felt her own purring start up at his action and the two simply held each other as they snuggled. A knock on Tonks’ bedroom door a few minutes later made both of them let out an annoyed huff.

“Harry, Nymphadora, breakfast is ready.” Andromeda called out to her daughter and future son-in-law. “But if you’re going to make me a grandchild right now feel free to continue with that.”

“Mum!” Tonks yelled through the door, Andromeda’s laughter being heard as she walked away from the door. “That mother of mine.” Tonks’ sighed with a shake of the head. She turned to face Harry only to see him with a warm smile on his face as he looked at her. “What’s that look for, Whiskers?”

“You’ll be a wonderful mother.” Harry smiled at her and Tonks smiled back as she felt her heart thump in her chest.

“Oh? Should I take that as permission then?” Tonks grinned as she moved over and straddled Harry, then leaned down until their faces were very close to each other’s. “Are you ready for that kind of responsibility, Mister?” 

“Probably not yet.” Harry admitted though his hands went to Tonks’ hips and held her there. Tonks chuckled at his honest admission before rolling her hips making Harry take on a surprised look at her movement.

“I guess it’s a good thing a Contraceptive Potion exists then.” Tonks breathily whispered as she leaned down and captured his lips. Harry immediately returned the kiss and tightened his hold on her hips. Tonks pulled back and seeing the dazed look on Harry’s face made her smile. Then she flicked his nose and snapped him out of it as she rolled off of him and left the bed. “But you’re still not getting lucky just yet Whiskers!” The Metamorph Leonthrope laughed as she made her way to her dresser to pick out some clothes for the day.

“Teasing minx.” Harry huffed as he got up and stretched before heading for the door. He needed to get ready for the day too.

“Oh my, is that for me?” Tonks teased as she looked down at Harry. Seeing her line of sight Harry knew exactly what she was looking at. He couldn’t do anything about it though; it was a normal biological function, though the young woman’s teasing had certainly compounded the problem.

“You said you didn’t want it.” Harry remarked as he put his hand on the doorknob.

“I said not yet.” Tonks reminded with a gleam in her eyes. “But I like what I’m seeing so far.”

“You’re incorrigible.” Harry grinned and Tonks laughed at their back and forth banter.

“You know you love me, Harry.” Tonks stuck her tongue out.

“Very much so, Nym.” Harry replied seriously making Tonks’ eyes widen at his response. “Merlin knows why though.” He finished with a teasing voice as he opened the door and headed into the hallway.

“Love you too, even if you are a prat.” Tonks confirmed her own feelings for him and Harry looked back with a beaming smile.

“I’m glad, Nym.” Harry smiled before he chuckled. “Now I have to go get a shower and a change of clothes before breakfast.”

“A cold shower?” Tonks teased just as he was about to shut the door behind him.

“What do you think?” Harry asked rhetorically as he closed the door. He could still hear Tonks’ laughter through it as he made his way towards his room.

-After Breakfast-

Tonks rolled her eyes as her mother happily bustled about the kitchen humming a tune. The glances she gave to her and Harry were obvious and the woman’s intentions and assumptions couldn’t be clearer if they were spelled out. Her mother really did want grandchildren. With a shake of her head she glanced over at the copy of the Daily Prophet her father was reading. The headline was the Quidditch World Cup, of course, but the bottom half of the front page also covered the Death Eater attack as well as the subsequent capture and arrest of the ones that she and Harry had taken down.

To be honest Tonks was a bit surprised she hadn’t already been called in for more questioning in hopes to clear up the incident a bit more. Though with the Death Eaters that she and Harry had brought down it was probably likely that Amelia had enough information to go after the ones that escaped. Madam Bones was thorough like that, especially when she wasn’t being stonewalled by the Minister. Another mystery was how much longer Fudge was going to be able to keep the Minister’s Office. The man was known to be close to several of the Death Eaters already put away. Even she had heard the murmurs around the Ministry of a potential investigation starting up.

“Alright Hedwig, have a safe flight girl.” Harry smiled as he stroked the feathers of his beautiful snowy owl. Attached to Hedwig’s leg were four letters, one to each of his girlfriends, updating them on the situation so they wouldn’t worry. Hedwig gave him an affectionate nibble before taking flight and ascending into the sky to make her deliveries.

“Explaining the situation, Harry?” Sirius asked his Godson.

“Yeah, I don’t want them to worry; the article did mention me and Tonks by name after all.” Harry replied as he sat next to Tonks with a small smile.

“I’m sure that’ll come up when I go into work tomorrow.” Tonks rolled her eyes. Proudfoot didn’t have a reason to keep his mouth shut and others at the scene had described her for the report in the Prophet anyway. Her new species was sure to ruffle a few more feathers at the newly changed Ministry.

“I doubt Amelia will have a problem with it.” Ted assured his daughter as he flipped to the next page of the paper.

“It’s not Madam Bones I’m worried about.” Tonks replied already thinking of a few people who would give her a hard time, or try to at any rate.

“I’d speak out for you, Nym.” Harry nodded to her resolutely. The fact that he didn’t like his fame and had never actually ‘used’ it before spoke volumes about how much Tonks meant to him.

“Thanks Whiskers.” Tonks smiled at him leaning over and resting against him gently. Harry leaned into her in return and Andromeda had to stifle a squeal at how cute the two looked together. She could almost hear the wedding bells!

‘Now, how long do I have to wait for the announcement of my first grandchild?’ Andromeda mused to herself as she looked at the happy smile on her daughter’s face.

-The Next Morning ~ Ministry of Magic-

“Fucking called it.” Tonks sighed to herself as she noticed the looks she was getting as she made her way through the Ministry. Very few of the gawkers were even trying to be subtle about it either. Getting out of the lift on Level Two the Metamorph Leonthrope had only gotten halfway to the Auror Office when she heard one of the most hated sounds in the Ministry.

“Hem hem.” A throat clearing sound came from behind Tonks and she took a deep breath to steady herself for what would undoubtedly be coming.

“Did you need something, Senior Undersecretary?” Tonks asked the toad-like woman dressed in lurid pink robes.

“Why yes, though I think it’s obvious.” Dolores Umbridge simpered in her sickly sweet tone that grated on the nerves of anyone that heard it.

“I’m afraid you’ll have to enlighten me.” Tonks replied as she stood in front of the woman. She noticed that behind the toad stood two members of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Low level members at that judging by their lack of patches marking them as any form of Department Leadership.

“Hmm, I guess it should be expected, what with your history and now your…‘change’.” Umbridge huffed as she held out her hand like she was waiting for something to be given to her. “I’ll be taking your Auror Badge; the Ministry of Magic will not be employing Creatures of any kind; especially not in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.” The pink toad then motioned to the two men behind her. “You’ll then follow these men to their Department to learn what regulations you’ll have to follow as a non-Human in Magical Britain, which includes having your wand taken as per the law.”

“I’m afraid I’ll have to stop you right there.” Tonks held up her hand and Umbridge looked incensed that she’d been interrupted. “I know the laws far better than you do, Madam Umbridge, including the ones of the ICW that Magical Britain is bound to uphold. As a Therianthrope I’m legally entitled to all of the same rights as any other Witch of this country.” The Leonthrope took quite a bit of pleasure in the face that Umbridge made when the laws were thrown in her face.

“I will not be lectured by ‘you’.” Umbridge hissed out, the emphasis on the word ‘you’ showing the toad-like woman’s thoughts about Tonks’ new species.

‘Kill her…’ Tonks’ Therian Instincts growled in her mind. The negativity directed at her very existence made Umbridge a clear enemy.

“Madam Umbridge, might I ask what you think you’re doing?” Amelia Bones questioned the squat woman from behind the trio that was accosting Tonks. “Because it certainly looks like you’re harassing an Auror to me and that’s a fineable offense.”

“Madam Bones.” Umbridge greeted stiffly. “I was just informing Ms. Tonks that her employment with the Ministry has been terminated.”

“On whose authority?” Amelia demanded her tone sharp. The two grunts from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures actually flinching slightly at the tone.

“As the Senior Undersecretary for the Minister of Magic, I…” Umbridge started only to be cut off.

“Have no such authority.” Amelia’s cold voice cut through Umbridge like a knife.

“The Ministry of Magic will not be employing ‘Creatures’ like her.” Umbridge stated with what she thought was finality.

“You’re very close to breaking the law right now, Dolores, choose your next words carefully.” Amelia warned the unpleasant woman.

“How dare you?” Umbridge swelled up her cheeks an ugly purple. “I’ll be speaking with Cornelius about your threats and your interference with Ministry proceedings!”

“Even Cornelius can’t change the laws of the ICW, Madam Umbridge, the very laws that you are about to break.” Amelia replied evenly and Umbridge looked affronted. “I suggest you all move along and get back to your actual jobs. All three of you will have your citations delivered to you within the hour.” Both of the grunts winced at that information before turning and heading for the lifts. Umbridge stood there fuming for several seconds before stomping off to the lifts herself.

“Thanks, Madam Bones.” Tonks thanked her boss with a smile.

“That woman is clearly not thinking straight.” Amelia shook her head at Dolores’ obvious bigotry. “Follow me to my Office, Auror Tonks, we have much to discuss about the Death Eaters from the World Cup. Consider this as me bringing you into the case officially.”

“Yes ma’am.” Tonks nodded and followed Amelia into the Auror Office.

-September 1st ~ Hogwarts Express-

After a goodbye to Sirius on Platform Nine and Three Quarters and finding a compartment with his girlfriends Harry was enjoying the train ride to Hogwarts. He was currently curled up with Lavender and Padma, an arm around each of their waists, while they laid their heads on his shoulders. Parvati was reading Witch Weekly and Hermione was reading a book on Transfiguration on the bench across from them. Their pleasant train ride was interrupted by the compartment door being opened loudly and Draco Malfoy making his presence known. His constant lackeys, Crabbe and Goyle, stood behind him.

“I read that you’ve infected another with your disease, Potter.” Draco sneered and all four girls glared harshly at the blonde boy. “Couldn’t do the proper thing and keep it to yourself?”

“Malfoy, leave, I’m in a good mood and I don’t want you spoiling it.” Harry replied his arms squeezing Lavender and Padma closer. Both girls continued to glare at Malfoy but eased into Harry’s hold some more.

“A ‘Creature’ like you doesn’t deserve anything.” Draco bit out as he glared at the four girls in the compartment. “The Brown Family has certainly fallen far to be cavorting with ‘Creatures’. What a waste of Pure Blood, hopefully you’ll come to your senses soon, the other three don’t matter but it would be a loss for Magical Britain to have another Pure Blood House turn to Blood Traitors.” Everyone in the compartment just stared at Malfoy in anger at the bigotry pouring from his mouth.

“Says the Pure Blood who’s Family was run out of France nine hundred years ago.” Lavender bit back and Draco flinched back as if struck. His face twisted in rage shortly afterwards and he snarled at Lavender.

“Shut your mouth you whore!” Draco spit out his face red with his rage. “I’ll not take slights against House Malfoy lightly!”

“Oh and what are you going to do about it, Malfoy?” Lavender challenged as she stood up and glared defiantly at the Blood Purist. The Pure Blood House of Brown may not have been Noble but their Family History on the British Isles went back much farther than the Malfoy’s did. The First Malfoy came from France with William the Conqueror in 1066. By that point in time the Brown Family had been formed in the Isles for almost two hundred and sixty years.

“You uppity little whore!” Draco insulted only to find himself shoved out of the compartment and into Crabbe and Goyle. All three teens fell to the floor and looked up to find Harry glaring harshly at them.

“Leave and don’t come back, Malfoy!” Harry literally growled at the blonde.

“Just you wait Potter! When my father hears…” Draco trailed off realizing what he was saying. He’d become so used to evoking his father’s name over the years that he’d immediately fallen back on it. But Lucius was in Azkaban as a known Death Eater now. He couldn’t help anyone anymore, including Draco.

“You can’t really use that anymore, Malfoy.” Harry stated calmly, his anger cooled by the almost lost look on Draco’s face. “Just leave us alone and we’ll do the same.” With that Harry closed the compartment door locked it and pulled the blinds over the door and windows.

“I wish he’d just take a hint.” Lavender grumbled as she and Harry sat back down and she sniggled up with her boyfriend again.

“That seems unlikely after three years.” Hermione commented with a sigh and a shake of the head.

“I agree with Hermione on this one.” Parvati nodded putting down her magazine.

“Everyone has to grow up eventually, right?” Padma asked, but even she didn’t sound sure of her comment when it came to Draco.

“So…” Parvati began with a small grin on her face. “Since Harry was so kind as to get rid of Malfoy; I think he deserves a reward.”

“Oh, I agree whole heartedly.” Lavender grinned as she tightened her hold on Harry.

“He did lock the door and draw the blinds.” Padma noted with a smile as she cuddled closer. All three of the girls looked towards Hermione. The brunette looked back at all three of them before closing her book and putting it to the side.

“Alright, I get it.” Hermione exhaled before she stood up, turned, and then sat herself in Harry’s lap. “Harry?”

“Yes, Mione?” Harry asked as Hermione looked at him over her shoulder.

“Remember what I said back on the porch in the summer?” Hermione questioned as she reached down and took hold of Harry’s wrists. Padma and Lavender seemed to have caught onto Hermione’s intention and released Harry’s arms.

“Yes, of course, I told you we’ll advance our relationship whenever you’re ready.” Harry replied and was given a warm smile from Hermione as she raised his hands up.

“I’m ready now, Harry.” Hermione stated as she leaned back and connected their lips. Just as Harry was enjoying the kiss he felt something soft under the palms of his hands. He gently squeezed them making Hermione gasp into their kiss. That confirmed exactly what he was touching to Harry and he proceeded to gently massage her breasts over her shirt as they continued their lip lock.

“Geez Hermione, save some for us too.” Parvati giggled while Lavender and Padma had begun to run their hands up and down Harry’s chest.

“I will.” Hermione responded after breaking her kiss with Harry. “Just let me explore this with Harry a bit longer.” With that she turned her head to restart her kiss, only to find Padma locking lips with Harry while Lavender placed butterfly kisses along Harry’s neck. All three girls in contact with Harry could feel his purring while Parvati could hear it. Hermione did eventually relinquish her seat on Harry’s lap to Parvati, though it was after an adorable ‘Eep!’ as the brunette felt Harry’s ‘reaction’ to their ministrations. Parvati had giggled at Hermione’s flushed face and quickly taken the available spot. The Indian Witch showed quite a lot of confidence doing so, as she straddled Harry and pulled his lips to hers.

When the Hogwarts Express pulled into Hogsmeade Station that evening the quintet were all smiles and happiness. Lavender and Parvati had helped fix up everyone’s appearance with a few cosmetic spells. That way everyone who saw them wouldn’t know what they’d been up to for the past couple of hours. Though all five of them had marks on their necks. One on each of the girls’ necks and four, two on each side, on Harry’s. Thankfully the Hogwarts’ Robes covered the marks so no one would ask questions, though Lavender did giggle about how she’d ‘Proudly wear my man’s mark.’ to the rest of them just before they left their compartment.

Sharing a carriage up to the school allowed for a little more kissing and touching, though Hermione did insist they keep from messing up their robes lest anyone suspect something ‘untoward’ happened. McGonagall wasn’t known for being lenient with the rules after all. After the Sorting of the new First Years, the opening feast began and everyone began to fill their bellies. Just after dessert had concluded and the remnants of the food had disappeared, Dumbledore stood up and got everyone’s attention.

“Students if I could have your attention.” Dumbledore spoke loudly and all the students turned to face the Headmaster. “It is with some discomfort that I must inform you all of the cancellation of the Inter-House Quidditch Cup.”

“What?!” Harry exclaimed before quickly looking around to locate his teammates on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. All of them were staring up at the Headmaster in shock. Fred and George shouted ‘You’re joking!’ in unison while the Chasers sat and tried to articulate their own disbelief.

“I’m afraid not Misters Weasley.” Dumbledore shook his head. “This is due to an event that will be starting on October. It is my pleasure to announce that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament!” This led to quite the commotion and it took a few minutes to get the Great Hall quiet again. Once the students were listening again Dumbledore spoke of the history of the Tournament and that the other two competing schools would arrive in October. “From each school a Champion will be selected by an impartial judge. However, due to the mortality rates of previous tournaments the Ministry has imposed an age limit for entrants. No one under the age of seventeen will be allowed to participate.” This was met with a chorus of shouts, mostly from those who would turn seventeen before the end of the year.

Harry sat feeling a foreboding feeling in his gut. Looking between Dumbledore and Hermione a few times led to him catching Hermione’s eye. When she saw his face, the look of worry plain as day, her eyes widened and she reached over to grab his hand. Harry squeezed her hand back and breathed deeply before exhaling.

“It won’t happen, Harry.” Hermione stated and this drew the attention of Lavender and Parvati.

“What’s going on?” Parvati asked and Hermione and Harry gave them a brief reply.

“I’m worried that I’m somehow going to be forced to be involved in this.” Harry stated as he breathed deeply and exhaled again.

“Harry almost always gets caught up in trouble; regardless of what he does or doesn’t do.” Hermione informed and both Parvati and Lavender placed their hands on Harry to show their solidarity with him.

“You won’t be alone no matter what happens, Harry. We promise.” Lavender swore and Harry gave her a smile.

“If they try to force Harry to be a part of this ‘blood sport’ then I say we all raise as much hell as possible.” Parvati stated, her face taking on a malicious look of fury at the thought of her boyfriend being forced into danger.

“I support that idea.” Lavender nodded and Hermione agreed though she did make a suggestion.

“If anything happens, then we all get in contact with our parents and the DMLE. That way we will have full legal recourse available to help Harry.” Hermione explained and Harry quickly agreed to the idea. Sirius would drain the Black Vault dry if he had to if it meant protecting Harry. His Godfather would tear everybody that had a hand in bringing the Triwizard Tournament back into pieces if he thought it would help. At least with Hermione’s idea of contacting them first he could get Sirius to hire lawyers to enact legal actions and hopefully stop anything from happening before it could even begin.

“The Champions will be chosen on Halloween and from there will be required to complete three difficult and dangerous tasks.” Dumbledore informed the students and Harry’s head dropped in frustration. Why was it always Halloween?!

The four of them walked quietly up to the Gryffindor Common Room after the students were dismissed from the Great Hall. All four of them were silently pondering on how to keep Harry out of harm during this Tournament. Hermione wasn’t the gullible sort, but she was rather intelligent and could spot patterns. As her father would say; once is an accident, twice is coincidence, and three times is a pattern. Something had happened at Hogwarts on Halloween every year that Harry had attended and Hermione didn’t like the implications.

-End Chapter-


A nice segue chapter from the World Cup to the beginning of Fourth Year! How will things play out? Has Crouch Jr. changed Voldemort’s plans? Will someone be impersonating Moody? Will Harry’s Therianthrope abilities save him? Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



I don’t like this... Harry is right to be worried, especially when it takes place on Halloween. But at least I’m looking forward to Harry meeting Fleur, one of my absolute favorite HP female characters. I really hope and pray Fleur will become one of Harry’s girls :3

John Balman

Love the update, Bone's is awesome, the pride (girls) are going rise hell this helloween lol


I got to agree with you Kristoffer. Something always happens on Halloween for Harry and I can’t wait for the next chapter.


Three times a pattern does make! Fleur will come soon enough! Though I'm thinking of opening a Poll about this story. I'll have to think on it a bit though.


Of course! You don't try to talk Law in front of Amelia Motherfucking Bones! She'll take your flimsy knowledge of the laws and then smack you across the face with them like a dead trout!


Glad you like it! Yeah, things happen, but Harry's not just a Wizard anymore! He'll have something that no one has seen before. Huh...almost like a 'power he knows not'.

Thomas E Nellis

Lol let the memes begin! I can’t wait to see how this plays out. I loved the fluff and character growth in this chapter. All in all, spectacular as always.

Mark Edward Wyndham Tiller

As usual your writing is on point my friend keep up the amazing work but just be careful not to burn yourself out


Glad you liked it, Thomas! We'll be moving towards the Tournament quickly!


Thank you for the compliment and for your concern. I appreciate both! You'll notice I stagger out the Harry Potter updates, this helps me keep from burning out. If ever I need a break I'll let everyone know before the beginning of the month. Though to be fair I'd probably just block any extra updates and only put out one chapter for each HP story that month instead. That would alleviate potential burnout and still give my Patrons what they want!

mark geier

Another enjoyable chapter. I love the Tonks family in this, so it's good so see some interactions there. And it's always fun to see Umbridge get a beat down.


Have to agree with you Mark I never liked Umbridge’s character even in the books. And I would be very surprised if anyone did like her character.


Glad you like them! I want them to be a 'fun and loving' type of family, so I'm happy to hear that I seem to be doing it right!


I believe JKR said that she'd purposefully written Umbridge as the 'worst character' possible. Back when OoTP came out.