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Here's to ending 2019 right! Here's hoping that we hit our next goal of $500/month in 2020! Thanks for a great first year friends and fans! I wouldn't be here without you all! Let's continue chasing the Dream together!


Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! Luffy and Co. are heading for Shells Town and we all know who happens to be there! 

As always Patrons get all chapters early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

If you’re not a Patron please thank the ones who helped make this possible.

Thank you; Lu Bane Na, Frimorigo, Thomas E Nellis, Patrick Ayres, Rinnosuke, Kaymann, Jacob Ward, Evgeniy Kazanin, Daniel Williams, Victor Garrett, Brody Meech, Benjamin, Paul Nichols, Alastor God of Vengeance, Mauday, Thomas B. Wilkes, Vito Saraceno, Ct126371, Benjamin Shklyar, AC DC 1C 2C, Joseph, Callum Nowlan, Brad Goldin, Cody Lyle, Mark Edward Wyndham Tiller, Joseph Morrison, Tristan McKenzie O'Meara, Robyn Tammy Grogan, Demonhunter44, Optimum Prime, Assassin22, Fabian J. Wilkinson, MrKristoffer1994, Kenni Nielsen, Tyler Spell, Uber Ghidorah, Desert Wight, David Zimmerle, John Lashbrook, Dylan Cools, Dpc78, YouAreAPotato, Jeff Broderick, Thunderwalker123, Nathan Briggs, James Rayner, Gregory Petryka, Hoobs2, MarchVual, ChaosKnight, Kenneth Wallace, Alex Alles, AcyFus, William Potts, SloppyBludger1510, Dan, Michael I Coyle, Pe’ Eng’, Michael Anthony, John McCormick, Kari Kivimäki, Peter Rubinstein, Sean Wrona, Itsyaboytrav, SNagy, Terrence Henderson, and Woolley Mammoth.

If you’d like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, just head on over to Pat re on and add a /Kairomaru after the com.

So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 5 – Shells Town, Roronoa Zoro

It was looking to be a clear and warm day as the sun finished rising on the small boat occupied by Luffy, Nami and Coby. Nami groaned and stretched as she stood up and checked the boat’s heading. Realizing she still had Luffy’s cardigan in her hand she tossed it over the sleeping pirate covering his exposed chest; a rather well muscled chest with defined abs that she found rather nice.

‘What am I thinking?! He’s a pirate! I just have to get to the next island and then I’ll never have to see him again.’ Nami thought to herself as she noticed Coby waking up. The two exchanged ‘Good mornings’ and opened the small boat’s storage compartment to get some of the food. Thankfully this had been an emergency life/escape boat on Alvida’s ship before Nami had stolen it. The small storage space was stocked with enough food and water to last four people two days. Coby brought out some of the food stock and tapped the small water barrel to fill two of the wooden cups. The orangette thief and the pink-haired former cabin boy sat and ate with only occasional chatter between them.

“Hey, Luffy, you want breakfast?” Coby called out and Luffy tipped his hat up and looked at the pudgy boy.

“Breakfast?” Luffy questioned as his eyes zeroed in on the food between Nami and Coby. “Food!” In a blink the food and drink Coby had set out for Luffy were in the pirate’s hands and disappearing into his mouth. “Ha~ Good stuff. Is there more?”

“No! We have to make sure this lasts until we get to the next island! Don’t even think of trying to eat more until at least mid-day!” Nami growled suddenly looking like she had sharp shark-like teeth.

“Aww man.” Luffy pouted, which Nami would never admit she thought looked adorable, before turning to stare out at the water. “So where are we headed?”

“Shells Town, there’s a Marine Base there and I need to pick up something on the island. You should be able to go on your way as long as you don’t cause trouble.” Nami informed him as she leaned back against her sack of treasure.

“Oh cool. I guess you are a good Navigator.” Luffy complimented with his large grin. Nami closed her eyes and puffed out her chest slightly in pride.

“Not just a good Navigator, the best Navigator in the entire East Blue.” Nami smirked as she opened her eyes only to see Luffy in her face. “Hey!” She yelled as she leaned further back against her treasure to make some space between their faces.

“The best?! Really?! Do you want to join my crew?!” Luffy asked with excited eyes.

“What? Hell no! You’re a pirate! I hate pirates! There’s no way I’d ever become one!” Nami yelled at Luffy causing the pirate to drop his grin for a moment.

“I refuse!” Luffy stated as his grin reappeared.

“What?” Nami questioned perplexed.

“I refuse your refusal!” Luffy nodded as he pulled his cardigan back on. “We’ll be crewmates, nakama!”

“That’s not how this works!” Nami yelled back as she clocked him over the head with her fist.

“Ow!” Luffy cried out from his new place on the floor of the boat. “What was that for?”

“Listen when someone’s talking!” Nami growled at him her fist practically smoking. Coby simply watched this back and forth between the fiery orangette and the lively pirate while trying to make himself smaller as to not get drawn into the exchange.

“So, how long till we get to this Shells Town place?” Luffy questioned as he picked himself up off the floor and laid back against the edge of the small boat.

“Probably early tomorrow morning.” Nami replied as she pulled a map out of her treasure bag and looked it over.

“Hmm, is this going to be boring?” Luffy asked as he looked out over the open ocean.

“If it’ll keep you from whining I guess we can chat or something.” Nami huffed as she stowed the map back into her treasure bag.

“Ok! What do you want to talk about?” Luffy replied all grins again. Nami barely restrained herself from rolling her eyes; he was like a child sometimes.

“How about why your name sounds so familiar to start? I could swear I’ve heard it somewhere before?” Nami questioned the name ringing a faint bell in her memory.

“Hmm? No clue, did we meet somewhere before?” Luffy asked. “I don’t think I ever saw you on Dawn Island.

“I’ve never been to Dawn Island nor do I intend to. That place is where the Corvo Mountains are, a terrifying place full of huge beasts and chocked full of bandits. The only safe places on that island are the Goa Kingdom and the small villages along the shore. No one goes there aside from some merchant ships normally.” Nami replied having heard the stories of the remote island.

“I lived there my whole life until I left. I even stayed with some nice bandits for a few years with my brothers!” Luffy grinned getting incredulous looks from Coby and Nami. “Plus those animals aren’t too bad!”

“I’ve heard that most of them are three or four times bigger than normal, how is that ‘not too bad’?” Nami asked with a twitch in her eye.

“Because they taste delicious!” Luffy smiled with a bit of drool remembering hunting with Ace and Sabo to bring down the large animals. Coby fell back entirely from shock while Nami only looked at Luffy like he was nuts.

“You ate them?” Coby questioned from his spot laid out on the floor.

“Yep! Me and my brothers had to get our own food, that was Dadan’s rule, if you want food get it yourself. She and her bandits only provided water, if we wanted anything like rice we had to hunt an animal and trade the meat for it in Fuusha Village.” Luffy explained getting bug-eyed looks from Nami and Coby.

“Ok, I’m just going to get back to my original question.” Nami steered the conversation back to what she’d asked previously. “Why does your name sound kinda familiar?”

“No idea? Maybe you know my gramps?” Luffy reasoned, his grandpa was supposed to be famous among the Marines or something.

“Who’s your grandpa?” Nami asked now curious.

“Monkey D. Garp!” Coby suddenly shouted while pointing at Luffy in shock.

“Huh?” Nami wondered why the pinkette suddenly had such an outburst, though that name did ring a bell.

“Yeah that’s gramps.” Luffy nodded while unconsciously rubbing the back of his head where many, many ‘Fists of Love’ had struck over the years.

“Wait a minute! The ‘Hero of the Marines’ Garp?! He’s your grandpa?!” Nami exclaimed in shock.

“Oh yeah, they call him that too. I like his other name better, ‘Garp the Fist’! It sounds stronger!” Luffy laughed as he raised his own fist. Coby was shocked silent at this revelation while Nami only grew more curious.

“How did you end up a pirate then? Your grandpa wouldn’t have just let you, right?” Nami asked since surely a decorated Marine Vice Admiral wouldn’t allow his grandson to become a filthy pirate.

“We argued about it all the time, he wanted all three of us to be Marines but we all had other things we wanted to do instead.” Luffy laughed again remembering all the fights they got into with his gramps. “Eventually he gave up, grumbled something about insubordination the whole time during the last argument too.”

“Geez, what kind of moron decides to become a pirate when their own grandfather is a famous Marine Officer?” Nami mused while looking over Luffy. “Wouldn’t that have fast-tracked you into an Officer position yourself if you’d joined up?”

“Boring!” Luffy groaned as he stared up at the sky. “Orders, orders, orders and then you just have to do what they say. I’d rather have my freedom and the whole world to adventure through!” He cheered with a raised fist.

“Freedom, huh?” Nami murmured quietly to herself. She would definitely like to have some of that for herself too.

“So why are you so desperate for money that you’re risking your life robbing pirates?” Luffy questioned and Nami stiffened up slightly. This guy might act childish sometimes but she had to remember that he was a pirate; apparently a pirate that had been raised, at least partially, by mountain bandits as well. There was no way he was completely naïve or stupid.

“None of your business!” Nami replied as she huffed and turned her head away from him.

“Well you must need a lot if you’re robbing people who’re willing to kill for it. Seems like you could find an easier way is all.” Luffy said with a tilt of his head.

“Well, unlike some people, I wasn’t handed a Devil Fruit that was worth hundreds of millions of Beri! So I have to get money a different way.” Nami growled getting Luffy to raise his hands up in a placating gesture.

“I didn’t even know what it was when I ate it.” Luffy reminded her getting the orangette to calm down slightly.

“Still, I’d love to run across one of them. I’d score a hundred million easy!” Nami sighed knowing how unlikely that was.

“One should be wary in their acquisition of Devil Fruits, lest the Hunters come for them in turn.” Luffy spoke ominously getting both Coby and Nami to snap their gazes onto the suddenly serious pirate.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Nami questioned unnerved by the tone Luffy had spoken in.

“It’s something I heard from both gramps and the Marine he got to train me and my brothers when we were learning how to use our Devil Fruits. Shanks’ First Mate Benn told us about it too. It’s an old saying from the Grand Line about the dangers of having a Devil Fruit or having the powers from one.” Luffy informed his eyes dark and serious.

“What’s it referring to about Hunters?” Coby asked never having seen Luffy so serious.

“The Kuro Kari (Black Hunt) and their Shadows, though according to Benn they go by many names. Kuro Kari is simply the organization as a whole.” Luffy explained his arms resting on his legs and his face stony. “Depending on whom you ask the group either doesn’t exist or their members go by different titles. Benn told me and my brothers several titles to be wary of since we all have Logia fruits.”

“Like what?” Nami asked feeling goosebumps on her arms.

“Shadows, Underworld Hunters, Shades, Gray Agents, Undertakers, Masked Hunters, Unknowns, Specters, and Dead Men are the ones Benn mentioned. If we even hear the term Underworld Black Market we should be on guard and prepare to leave whatever island we’re on as soon as possible. That was Benn’s warning to us.” Luffy replied as he looked into both of their eyes in turn. The stone cold seriousness displayed by the sometimes childish pirate nowhere to be found.

“What the hell is this Kuro Kari?” Nami asked though she’d figured out the basics from context already. This organization hunted Devil Fruits and Devil Fruit Users.

“No one actually knows how old it is; just that it’s been around for longer than anyone can remember. A lot of people don’t even know the rumors about it, the ones who do either think it’s a myth or exaggerated. But they do exist; Shanks’ crew has had run-ins with a few members. My gramps apparently arrested one once when he was only a Captain in the Marines. But they operate from the Criminal Underworld so they’re hard to track down and virtually unknown.” Luffy explained getting shivers from Nami and Coby. Bandits operated on singular islands and more often than not didn’t cause excess trouble. Pirates caused the most ruckus among the outlaws of the world and were in turn the most infamous and well known, most pirates saw a large Bounty as a sign of strength and it garnered a lot of clout among pirates. Bounty Hunters were barely operating within the laws of the World Government catching criminals and cashing in the bounties. But the ones no one mentioned, mostly because they weren’t known to exist by most people, were the Underworld Criminals. Assassins, Saboteurs, Illegal Goods Manufacturers, various groups of Mercenaries and illegal Bounty Hunter Organizations, even some Secret Societies were rumored to make up this shadowy underworld of crime.

“So how does that relate to me finding a Devil Fruit? I’d be trying to sell it as soon as possible for the hundred million Beri!” Nami stated after making sure to steady her voice.

“It’s one of the most likely ways you’d meet a member of the Kuro Kari. Where do you think some of the most notorious Pirate Crews and even the World Government get all of the Devil Fruits they have? Finding so many just by luck isn’t likely. Someone has to be supplying them.” Luffy responded.

“The World Government?! But the Marines work for the Government! That means…” Coby trailed off realizing that the Marines were more than likely being supplied with Devil Fruits by the Criminal Underworld.

“Yeah…” Nami whispered shocked. To think that the people who were supposed to uphold the law were being supplied by the Criminal Underworld was unsettling to say the least. “So you’re telling me that if I happen to stumble across a Devil Fruit and try to sell it one of these Kuro Kari people would show up to what, take it? Kill me?”

“No idea I only know what I’ve been told.” Luffy shrugged. “According to Benn the organization isn’t close. Most of the members don’t know each other well. Only the Heads of the Organization put out information on locations and the like. The rest are just people that hand the Devil Fruits over in exchange for the money the Organization pays for them. The Heads set up a Shadow Auction were members of various organizations, Marines, World Government, Pirate Crews, and the like send representatives to bid on the collected Devil Fruits.”

“How does the First Mate of a Yonkou know so much about them?” Coby asked visibly shaking.

“Benn wouldn’t tell us in full. Only that one of the Kuro Kari members they ran into actually attacked one of their nakama. Shanks’ doesn’t tolerate anyone harming his friends so my best guess would be that they forced the information out of the one that attacked them.” Luffy replied making Coby break out into a flop sweat.

“So these people are super strong or something?” Nami questioned trying not to show how unnerved she was.

“I think it’s like the Bounty Hunters honestly, some weak and others strong. There might be a lot of people in the world but only a handful are desperate or greedy enough to try and hunt down Devil Fruit Users. Others that aren’t strong enough to fight a Devil Fruit User probably use connections to track down the Fruits themselves and then hand them over to the Kuro Kari.” Luffy responded with a shrug.

“Yeah, I’m definitely not joining your crew!” Nami exclaimed causing Luffy’s face to go from serious to shocked instantly.

“What? Why not?” Luffy questioned getting Nami to look at him incredulously.

“Because I don’t want some crazy Hunter from the Underworld to come after me!” Nami yelled back getting Luffy to nod.

“I see, well I still refuse your refusal!” Luffy declared only to get clobbered by Nami again.

“Listen when someone else is talking!” Nami screamed at him with shark teeth.

“But if you’re my nakama I’d protect you from them, of course! Plus I’d train you up and make you strong enough to take care of yourself!” Luffy promised as he tried to convince Nami.

“No means no, mister!” Nami refused again turning her head away from him. No way was she getting involved with anyone from the Criminal Underworld! That sounded way more dangerous than dealing with pirates!

The group spent the rest of the day sailing onwards with Nami constantly refusing to become Luffy’s Navigator while he continued to try and convince her. Coby watched the back and forth while staying out of the way so he wouldn’t accidentally get nailed by one of Nami’s punches.

“You never did tell me why you wanted so much money that you’re risking your life for it.” Luffy remarked. Night had fallen and Coby was already asleep while Luffy and Nami were awake. The orangette turned to him annoyed before speaking.

“Why’re you so interested? I told you I’m not going to be your Navigator.” Nami glared while Luffy grinned back.

“What if I helped you get the money you want? I’ll even let you be Treasurer along with Navigator!” Luffy offered getting Nami to start and try not to look at him. She had to make sure she wasn’t showing any signs of interest in the, admittedly, lucrative sounding offer.

“No deal, you’re a pirate you’d probably just steal it for yourself.” Nami huffed.

“I’d never do that to my nakama!” Luffy exclaimed only for Nami to shush him while pointing at Coby. The pudgy boy was still asleep but had shifted from the noise.

“You say that but I don’t trust pirates to keep their word.” Nami stated as she glared at him.

“Then I’ll prove it to you.” Luffy stated with determination. Nami looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “You said you had something to pick up at the Shells Town place, right?” Nami nodded prompting Luffy to continue. “Then I’ll help you get it and you’ll get to keep whatever it is, no questions asked.” He promised while looking her directly in the eyes.

“You’re actually serious, aren’t you?” Nami breathed out since she couldn’t see any sign of lying in Luffy’s eyes. She’d gotten pretty damn good at spotting liars after eight years of thieving after all.

“Of course, I’ve staked my word on it! I’ll help you get what you want.” Luffy nodded his eyes never leaving Nami’s.

“We’ll see how much that’s worth when we get there, won’t we?” Nami questioned rhetorically as she turned over and snuggled against her bag of treasure and closed her eyes. She’d wake up every couple of hours to check their course and make any corrections needed. A warm cloth falling on her body made her eyes open and look down at her curled up body. Luffy’s red cardigan was once more draped over her to keep her warm. The pirate had obviously taken it off and thrown it to her since he was already leaning back against the side with his hat over his eyes. “Idiot.” She mumbled but pulled the warm cloth over her form anyway.

The next morning, shortly after breakfast, their destination came into sight. The trio looked on as the large tower of the Marine Base of Shells Town became clearer as they neared the island. Luffy’s excitement was almost comical while Coby was already getting nervous about his future enlistment. Nami just stayed quiet while thinking about the map she needed to steal.

“Whoa! We really got here and when you said we would too! You’re awesome Nami!” Luffy cheered as the island drew closer.

“You just have to follow the compass, how the hell were you planning to sail the seas when your navigation skills are so poor?” Nami questioned while Luffy looked back with a tilt of his head.

“I was going to find a Navigator, of course. Lucky for me I found the best one in the East Blue!” Luffy cheered as he smiled at Nami. The orangette scoffed and turned away but couldn’t stop the tiny grin that formed on her lips. Once the small boat docked at Shells Town the trio was noticed by the Dock Master who quickly came over to collect the docking fee.

“Welcome to Shells Town, it’s forty five hundred Beri to dock your boat for the day. I’ll also need your names.” The Dock Master informed as he opened his ledger and held his pen over it. Nami was about to use her looks to get a discount when Luffy reached into his shorts pocket and pulled out a bag that jingled with the sound of coins. Opening the bag Luffy pulled out a small folded stack of bills; counting out a few Luffy smiled as he handed over the bills.

“Let’s make it nine thousand Beri and forget the names?” Luffy offered his wide grin still in place. The Dock Master glanced down at the nine bills each worth one thousand Beri. Carefully taking the money and pocketing half of it the Dock Master put the rest in the pouch on his waist with the emblem of Shells Town on it.

“Welcome to Shells Town, Misters and Miss Smith, please enjoy your stay.” The Dock Master nodded as he wrote in his ledger and walked away.

“Will do.” Luffy grinned again as he led Nami And Coby down the dock and into Shells Town. Coby was still staring at him stunned while Nami was looking him over with a calculating eye.

“I have to admit, I didn’t expect that from you.” Nami confessed getting a chuckle from Luffy.

“Shishishi, that’s something Shanks’ crew taught me and my brothers. If you don’t want to cause a scene don’t give out your name. That way if something goes wrong and you end up causing a scene anyway the Dock Master and the other locals don’t have your name to give to the Marines.” Luffy grinned before tossing a one hundred Beri coin to a fruit vendor and picking up a fresh pear. The pirate started eating his fruit while Nami found herself once again reassessing him. Just how much of his childishness was real and how much was he exaggerating to hide what he knew?

“So, Coby, you mentioned someone named Zoro being here right?” Luffy questioned the pinkette.

“Yeah, ‘Pirate Hunter’ Roronoa Zoro is being held by the Marines here in Shells Town. Why?” Coby confirmed wary of Luffy’s reason for asking.

“Is he strong?” Luffy asked as the trio continued to walk down the main road talking quietly.

“According to all the stories he’s like a demon in human skin. They say he’s never missed a mark since he started bounty hunting.” Coby replied starting to sweat lightly at the look on Luffy’s face.

“I think I should see if he wants to join my crew.” Luffy grinned widely. Nami face palmed while Coby’s eyes widened comically.

“No way, Luffy! He’ll cut you down as soon as talk to you! He’s notorious for his swordsmanship! You’ll be killed.” Coby tried to dissuade his pirate friend from his course of action.

“Nah, I’ll be fine, I’m strong!” Luffy grinned as they continued to head towards the base. “So he’s in there?”

“I’m sure he’s not in the yard, Luffy. Zoro is probably being kept in the deepest dungeon they have.” Coby stated only to realize he was talking to the air as both Luffy and Nami were already holding onto the top of the wall and looking over it. Though Nami was only doing it to scope out the base knowing the map was somewhere inside.

“Actually, there’s someone tied up over there.” Luffy replied as he looked at the man tied to a wooden post.

Coby slowly climbed his way up the wall, struggling to get to the top, but as soon as he caught sight of the man tied to the post he gasped. “That's him! The black bandana and the green haramaki around his waist! It's Roronoa Zoro!”

“That's Zoro? I thought you said he was strong? Those ropes look pretty easy to break to me.” Luffy commented looking over the swordsman’s current condition.

Coby and Nami startled slightly when the sound of wood meeting stone came from right next to them. They looked over along with Luffy and saw that a wooden ladder had been propped up against the wall. A small, brunette girl in a striped dress made a shushing noise at them when she made it to the top of the ladder. She then made her way over the wall with a rope. 

“Luffy! Go get her before he hurts her!” Coby exclaimed in panic watching the small girl run towards Zoro.

“You’re the one that wants to be a Marine, you get her.” Luffy responded, getting a frown from Nami. Luffy ignored her gaze and watched on interested in what the girl was doing.

“What are you doing here?” Zoro asked his voice rough with dryness. “Do you want to die? Get lost.” The girl squeaked, before revealing what she had been carrying. 

“I made you some rice balls, Big Brother Zoro! You haven't eaten in a while, right?” She looked up at him nervously. “This is the first time I've made rice balls by myself so…”

“Get out of here! I'm not hungry!” Zoro interrupted the girl with a growl.

“But it’s been…” The girl started to say before she was cut off again.

“Leave! Or else I'll kill you!” Zoro threatened the girl.

“You sure you still want to recruit this guy?” Nami questioned with a grimace, but before Luffy could reply, someone else approached the two. The person was a tall, rather skinny boy in a purple suit. He had an oval-shaped bowl cut with the bangs parted in the front. 

“So rude, you’d better not be picking on little kids, Roronoa Zoro, otherwise I'll have to tell my father.” The smugness practically oozing from the blonde’s tone made Nami's skin crawl.

“Someone from the Marines?” Coby asked seeing two Marines behind the blonde. “She should be safe now.” Nami looked over at Coby in confusion at his statement. Didn't he notice this blonde guy was practically the poster child for the term ‘scum bag’?

“Well, if it isn't the Captain's bastard son?” Zoro mocked the purple suited blonde.

“My dad's a Marine Captain. Don't get cocky.” The blonde sneered before he turned his attention to the small girl. “Hello, little girl, oh, are those rice balls! Don't mind if I do!” He grabbed one of the rice balls from the girl and took a bite, ignoring the girl’s shouts of them being for Zoro. He choked before spitting out all the rice. “What the hell did you put in this? Sugar? You put salt in rice balls you dumb brat! Salt!”

“I-I thought it would taste better if it was sweet!” She stuttered out.

“How could anyone eat something like this?” The blonde grabbed the other rice ball and threw it onto the floor before stomping on it repeatedly.

“No! Stop it! He won't be able to eat them anymore!” The girl dropped to her knees with tears in her eyes.

“How cruel!” Coby exclaimed while Nami glared at the blonde and Luffy's eyes were shadowed by his hat. 

“That's so mean.” The little girl cried. “I did my best on them.” She got out through her tears.

“Don't cry. This is why I hate brats.” The blonde pointed to a sign posted near Zoro. “This is all your fault you know? Can't you read? It says, 'Anyone caught helping a prisoner shall be charged with the same crime.' You know how scary my dad can be, right?" He turned to one of the Marines with him. “Toss her over the fence.”

“But she's just a little girl, sir!” The Marine replied in shock.

“Are you questioning my orders? Throw her out of here or I'll tell my dad!” The blonde roared, spittle flying from his mouth.

“Yes Helmeppo sir!" The Marine reached the girl and gently picked her up. He whispered quietly into her ear. “Just tuck into a ball and try to roll. It should minimize any damage.” And with that he tossed her over the wall.

Nami gasped as she saw the girl flying over the wall. She wanted to catch the small girl, but she couldn’t get to her in time. Luffy was somehow where the girl was going to land and caught her without a word. Nami hadn’t even seen him move. Luffy steadied the crying girl, before playfully messing up her hair. The girl's tears continued and she wrapped her arms around Luffy’s torso as best she could. 

“Hey now, don't cry. You're a strong girl, aren’t ya?” Luffy asked softly. He got a small nod from the girl as she stemmed her tears. “Go on home, ok?” The small girl nodded before making her way down the street and out of sight. Nami had to admit that she was shocked at Luffy’s interaction with the crying girl, but as soon as she was out of sight Luffy's smile vanished. He glared at the wall darkly his anger aimed at the blonde behind it. 

“Man, I didn't think you would have this kind of endurance.” Helmeppo was now taunting Zoro.

“This is nothing. I'll last the whole month. You better keep your promise.” Zoro growled at the annoying blonde.

“Yeah, I'll keep it alright. If you can survive the whole month, that is.” Helmeppo laughed as he and his bodyguards walked away.

“Little bastard.” Zoro muttered before closing his eyes to rest. A sudden noise in front of him made him open them again, only to see Luffy standing in front of him. “Who are you? You should leave, otherwise that brat will go cry to his daddy.”

“You say that like you aren’t stronger than all of them.” Luffy grinned getting Zoro to smirk back. “So, you're here for a whole month without food, huh? I probably wouldn’t last more than a couple days.”

“That's what makes us different. You need willpower to fulfill your dreams.” Zoro stated with conviction.

“Dreams, huh? I like that word.” Luffy replied as he took Zoro’s measure. “I want you to join my crew.” He grinned.

“Crew? You’re a pirate?” Zoro asked surprised, the guy didn’t look the part.

“That's right.” Luffy smiled. “I’m going to be King of the Pirates!”

“Not interested. Why don't you go find someone else to join you in being a criminal?” Zoro laughed before coughing.

“There's nothing wrong with being a pirate.” Luffy replied with a shake of his head.

“Pirates are bad guys, aren't they? I'll never join you. I have my own goals to accomplish.” Zoro stated as he stared Luffy in the eye.

“Just like the Marines are the good guys, right?” Luffy responded with a grin, getting a small smirk from the green-haired man. “Well, if you change your mind, I'll be here for a little while.” He walked away with a short wave.

“Wait!” Zoro called out, getting Luffy to turn around with a curious look. “That rice ball. Can you get that for me?” He asked as he motioned his head towards it.

“Where did all that willpower go?” Luffy snickered. “This thing is more dirt than rice now.”

“It doesn't matter.” Zoro retorted. “Just give it to me! I’m eating all of it.” He opened his mouth wide. Luffy tossed the remains of the rice ball in with a look of understanding. Zoro grimaced as he started chewing, visibly disgusted by the taste and texture. A look he shared with the still watching Nami.

“Trying to make yourself sick?” Luffy questioned the green-haired man.

“It was delicious. The best thing I've ever eaten. Make sure to tell the little girl that, for me.” Zoro demanded after choking down the mostly dirt rice ball.

“That looked gross. I wanted to hurl just watching it.” Luffy laughed as he made his way over to the wall. Nami looked a bit green from watching as well.

“I want him on my crew! He's awesome!” Luffy laughed as he landed on the other side of the wall.

“You're some kind of idiot, aren't you? Didn't you listen to what he said?” Nami shook her head in exasperation.

“Oh, I heard him just fine.” Luffy chuckled. “We need to go find that little girl and cheer her up.”

“Cheering up little girls? What kind of weird pirate is this guy?” Nami questioned herself before following. She’d already gotten the base scoped out, so she didn't have any reason to stay here. Once they got back into town, they found the girl inside a restaurant that her family owned. 

“So he really ate everything?” The girl beamed happily.

“He did Rika.” Luffy nodded. “He told me to tell you it was delicious, the best thing he ever ate.”

“I don't understand.” Coby pondered as he sat at the bar next to Luffy. “Isn't he supposed to be some kind of monster?”

“No!” Rika screamed right in his face, getting the pudgy pinkette to jerk backwards from the young girl. “Big Brother Zoro is really nice! He didn’t do anything wrong!”

“Why is he tied up then?” Nami asked from her seat on the other side of Luffy.

“It's because of me.” Rika stated as she teared up. “That jerk Helmeppo had a wolf that he used to terrorize the town!” She explained angrily. “It came here to mom's restaurant with him and started scaring all the customers! It almost attacked me before Big Brother Zoro sliced it up! But Helmeppo told him that he would have me and mommy executed for it and made a deal with him!”

“That's horrible!” Nami exclaimed. “Why aren’t the Marines doing anything about it?”

“Because he's Captain Morgan's son, everyone's too afraid of him.” Rika looked down and let her tears fall. “Big Brother Zoro is starving out there because he saved me. That stupid Onion-head even punches and kicks Zoro while he's tied up! I hate the Morgans! They're bad people! But everyone's too scared to fight them!” The door suddenly slammed open revealing the blonde bastard himself. 

“I'm so hungry.” Helmeppo sneered at Rika's mother. “We're eating here for free you got that? Hurry up and bring me some alcohol! What's taking you so long?” He looked around the restaurant before opening his mouth again. “Oh, and since I'm bored, I've decided to execute Zoro tomorrow.” Rika gasped in fright. “Look forward to it, everyone!” He laughed loudly.

By this point Luffy had more than enough of the blonde ass hat. He stood up with his hat shadowing his eyes. 

“Luffy?” Nami asked in trepidation, already aware of what he was probably going to do.

Luffy stalked toward Helmeppo's laughing form and launched his fist into the blonde's face. Helmeppo's head warped around Luffy’s fist and the rest of his body lifted clean off his chair before he rocketed into the wall breaking right through it and landing in a heap in the street in front of the restaurant. The other customers inside the restaurant stared at him in shock as the pirate grabbed the faces of both of the Marines with Helmeppo and flung them bodily right through the newly made hole.

Helmeppo had black spots in his vision. The earth was spinning too fast. Or was it upside down? He was grabbing at the dirt road to make sure he didn't fall into the sky. That was how hard Luffy had hit the arrogant blonde. When everything started to slow down again, he saw his own blood all over the ground and his men on the ground in front of him. The guy that had punched him was walking towards him silently. 

“Who da ‘ell are ‘oo?” Helmeppo tried to speak before flinching at the pain in his jaw. “Do ‘oo know ‘hoo I amb?”

“You're trash, nothing more.” Luffy growled at the sniveling blonde.

“I'm Captain Morgan's son!” Helmeppo managed to get out around the swelling of his face and jaw. “I'll have you executed for this!” The blonde threatened.

“You better run back to daddy, before I punch you again.” Luffy threatened getting Helmeppo to flinch back in terror. The blonde’s Marine bodyguards groaned and picked up Helmeppo before running off back to the base.

“You know you just made that scene you were trying to avoid.” Nami informed as she came to stand next to Luffy. “Now the base is probably going to be on high alert; how am I supposed to get what I came for now?”

“Oh, is what you want in the base? I'll help you get it! I kinda want to meet this Captain Morgan and punch him in the face too.” Luffy grinned; getting Nami to sigh with a small grin of her own.

“I’ll hold you to that. Just make a good distraction for me.” Nami requested with a smirk.

“Sure thing! Shishishi!” Luffy chuckled as he walked off towards the base. “I've got to go pick up my new nakama, after all.”

“Didn’t he refuse to join?" Nami questioned.

“I’ll convince him this time!” Luffy stated full of confidence. “We'll make sure to meet up with you so we can all leave together.”

“Hold on a minute. I never agreed to go anywhere with you after this island!” Nami argued.

“Why wouldn’t you?” Luffy asked with a tilt of his head. “We're nakama already, right?”

“Don't get ahead of yourself.” Nami blustered looking away from Luffy’s eyes. “You'll probably never see me again after this.”

“Nope.” Luffy grinned at her. “We definitely will. You're our nakama!”

“Just go be a distraction, you idiot.” Nami huffed while pointing in the direction of the Marine Base.

“Shishishi!” Luffy chuckled as he started walking again.

Zoro was in the courtyard, eyes downcast and shadowed. His eyes snapped open upon hearing footsteps in front of his position. Looking up he spotted the pirate from before. “You again? You don’t listen very well do you?”

“I'm going to untie these ropes.” Luffy looked serious and Zoro wondered what had changed in the short time he’d last seen the pirate. “You're going to be my nakama!”

“Didn't you hear me last time, pirate? You want me to be a criminal? I refuse! You're becoming annoying!” Zoro snorted as he looked down again.

“What's wrong with being a pirate?” Luffy asked with his head tilted.

“Pirates are scum. Who the hell would want to be one?” Zoro shot back.

“Why does that matter to you? Aren't you already known as a vicious, evil bounty hunter?” Luffy grinned widely.

“I don't give a damn what society says about me. Nothing matters except for my dream. I've never regretted anything I’ve done.” Zoro replied calmly before smirking viciously. “I will survive! I will accomplish what I set out to do!”

“That’s great!” Luffy grinned. “But I've already decided you're going to be my nakama!"

“You don't get to decide that for others!” Zoro roared back at the pirate.

“You’re a swordsman, right?” Luffy questioned.

“That's right.” Zoro nodded. “I'm going to be the World’s Greatest Swordsman!” He declared his dream for the world to hear.

“That's great! The Pirate King would expect no less from his crew, right?” Luffy laughed with his large grin on his face.

“Pirate King?” Zoro laughed. “Yeah right!” He smirked, looking at the still grinning Luffy. “Thanks, but no thanks. I already said I have no intention of joining you. I'll last out the rest of the week and leave on my own.”

“How’re you going to do that when that blonde bastard is planning on executing you tomorrow?” Luffy questioned with a raised eyebrow.

“What was that?” Zoro growled.

“You should know not to trust an obvious scum bag like him.” Luffy shook his head. “He’s already declared, to a full restaurant in the middle of the lunch rush; that he is going to publicly execute you tomorrow. Just because he’s bored.

“Is that so? That little bastard.” Zoro growled as he clenched his fists.

“So, where's your sword, future World’s Greatest Swordsman?” Luffy questioned with a grin.

“That bastard brat took them. They're in the base.” Zoro ground out his anger clear on his face.

“Ok. I was hoping to punch this Captain Morgan in the face too.” Luffy smirked “I'll go get it and get you out of those ropes. We'll be nakama then, won't we?” Luffy turned towards the base.

“Not it, them.” Zoro spoke making Luffy freeze before he turned and looked at the swordsman curiously. “You'll find three swords. They’re all mine. I use Santōryū the Three Sword Style.”

“I knew you were cool!” Luffy laughed before running straight towards the Tower’s Main Entrance.

Zoro's eyes bugged out as he watched Luffy dash across the field and literally blast the large steel doors open in a bright flash of light! The whole tower shook from the blast while Luffy dashed in. Zoro stared for a moment before slumping, “What the hell did I just get myself into?"

After the tower stopped shaking shock and confusion spread among the large group of Marines on the roof while a vein bulged on Captain Morgan's head. “What was that?!” The Captain howled as he turned to look over the edge of the tower to see the front entrance smoking. Everyone gasped in horrified shock as cracks started forming on the statute that they’d been trying to raise. Before anyone could say anything the entire thing shattered at the waist and the top half went falling down into the courtyard. Every single Marine on the roof gaped in shock, their faces blue and their eyes wide.

“Captain Morgan! There’s an intruder in the base! He blasted open the Main Entrance and disappeared!” A Marine reported huffing and puffing from running up to the roof.

"Find him! Find him and bring him to me! I want his head!" Morgan was apoplectic with rage the veins on his head visibly pulsing.

“Captain, there's someone running into the courtyard!” One of the Marines reported having noticed the movement.

“Traitors! I’m surrounded by traitors!” Morgan roared out as he made his way into the base heading for the courtyard. Inside the base Nami was picking the lock on the door to Captain Morgan’s office when a huge explosion went off followed by the tower shaking. After recovering for a moment she looked around and saw Luffy dashing up a set of stairs. 

“Idiot.” Nami huffed and resumed trying to get the door open.

“Found you!” Luffy declared as he kicked open a set of wooden doors with a sign that read, ‘Helmeppo’s Room’. He’d sensed the arrogant blonde with his Observation Haki and followed the ‘voice’ until he found him.

“Why are you here?!” Helmeppo cried out in terror.

“I need Zoro's swords.” Luffy demanded.

“They’re right over there.” Helmeppo pointed towards the corner where three swords sat against the wall. Sweat was pouring down the blonde’s face from his fear.

“Thanks!” Luffy smiled as he grabbed the three swords and tied them onto his back with a curtain he yanked off the nearby window. Turning around he noticed Helmeppo trying to sneak out of the room. “Nope!” He smirked as he dashed forward and punched Helmeppo in the back of the head. The blonde went flying face first into the wall beside the broken doors and hit the floor. Seeing Helmeppo unconscious Luffy extended his Observation range and found Nami a floor below him. He quickly dashed back down the stairs and saw Nami entering a room.

“Hey Nami!” Luffy greeted causing the orangette to jump as she whipped around and slapped Luffy across the face. “Ow! What was that for?”

“You startled me! I didn’t expect you to appear behind me!” Nami fumed as she rubbed her hand, Luffy was apparently rather durable.

"Shishishi, sorry Nami!" Luffy grinned. “What are you trying to get from here anyway?” 

“A map of the Grand Line.” Nami smirked. “I'll be able to make a ton robbing pirates there.” Luffy grinned in excitement as he followed Nami to look at the safe in the wall. “Damn.” Nami groused. “That'll take me a while to crack. It's a newer model than most.” Luffy grinned at her before opening and closing his right hand, cracking his fingers in the process. She gasped as Luffy jabbed his fingers at the seam along the safe’s door. With the shriek of bending and breaking metal Luffy ripped the door clear off the safe and tossed it onto the large desk in the room; Captain Morgan’s desk to be precise, which just so happened to ruin all of the man’s paperwork that was lying out.

“One open safe, just like you wanted!” Luffy smiled while Nami stared at him incredulously with her eyes bugged out. Beri marks replaced her eyes once she spotted all the cash inside the safe.

“I think I may actually want to keep you around.” Nami proclaimed as they started loading their pockets with as much cash as possible. Luffy laughed as she started going through the papers inside the safe once she had every single Beri she could carry stuffed in her various pockets. “It's not here! Why?! It’s supposed to be here!” Nami grumbled before she held up a single sheet of paper. It read, ‘It's my map now.’ There was an image of a Pirate Jolly Roger on it as well; a grinning skull with star-shaped cuts on the eye holes and a large red nose. 

“Who does that Jolly Roger belong to?” Luffy questioned as he looked over Nami’s shoulder.

“The Buggy Pirates, damn them! They beat me to the map!” Nami growled.

“Well, we know where we’re going next at least.” Luffy grinned while Nami stared at him in surprise.

“What's this ‘we’ business, huh?” Nami questioned. Luffy’s laughter was the only response making the orangette pout cutely. Luffy felt a large amount of hostility down in the courtyard with his Observation and looked out the window. His eyes bugged out as he saw Coby and Zoro being held at gunpoint. 

“That’s bad!” Luffy yelled before grabbing a startled Nami in a princess carry.

“Luffy what the hell are you…?” Her final words were cut off as she and Luffy vanished from the room and out the window in a bright flash of electric light.

“Fire!” Morgan ordered his men as the dozen rifles that were aimed at Coby and Zoro were about to fill them both full of holes.

“Shield!” Luffy exclaimed as a round wall of electricity appeared in front of the pirate that was suddenly standing between the Marines and the ‘criminals’. The bullets struck the shield of electricity before being repelled and falling uselessly to the ground. Nami was still trying to get her bearings as she’d only seen a bright light and smelled ozone before she was somehow at the base of the tower and watching everything that was going on. “Shishishi, that's my nakama and a helpful coward you were trying to shoot." Luffy chuckled. Coby didn’t know whether to collapse to the ground in depression or relief at Luffy’s arrival.

“What was that?!” Zoro demanded with shock covering his face.

“I’ll tell you later!” Luffy stated and quickly tore the ropes off the post. “Here are your swords as promised!” Zoro grabbed and secured them in his haramaki eagerly.

“This Straw Hat isn't normal.” Morgan growled as he cracked his neck, “He must have eaten one of those Devil Fruits. No matter, anyone who defies me must perish! Charge!” He ordered his men.

The Marines drew their swords with loud battle cries. Zoro's eyes narrowed as he stepped from the post and drew all three of his swords, one in each hand and the last one in his mouth. His three clashed with and easily blocked every single Marine sword. 

“None of you move if you want to live.” Zoro threatened as he eyed Luffy. “Since I’m resisting, I’ll officially be labelled an outlaw now.” He ground out, even with a sword handle clenched between his teeth. “I'll join your crew!” Luffy grinned and pumped his fists in the air. “Good guy…bad guy…none of that matters anymore! I'll be the World's Greatest Swordsman! If you get in my way, then I'll have to cut you down too!”

“Shishishi, that's my line. I'm going to be King of the Pirates! If you can't manage something that small I'd be embarrassed.” Luffy grinned.

Still by the base of the tower, Nami stared before shaking her head. ‘What the hell am I thinking, Luffy’s strong…but not that strong.’ She lamented in her mind. With a powerful swing of his swords, Zoro flung every single Marine trying to kill him backwards into the dirt. They all dropped their swords as they hit the ground and rolled. 

“We can't beat these two, Captain! They're too strong!” A Marine informed Morgan as he struggled to get up. 

“This is an order…anyone that had those thoughts will turn their guns on themselves and pull the trigger! I do not need weak subordinates!" Morgan roared out getting shocked looks from his soldiers. The Marines pulled their pistols with trembling hands and tears in their eyes before holding them to their own heads.

“What just happened?” Nami questioned herself. Luffy was suddenly where Morgan had been standing and Morgan was on his back several feet away. Luffy had vanished in a rush towards Morgan and before he could even react, the man took a powerful right fist to the stomach. He flew backwards with a pained yell and his body bounced off the ground twice. Trying to pull himself up Morgan came face to face with Luffy who slammed a fist into the captain’s jaw so hard even Morgan's metal jaw was left with an imprint of Luffy’s fist. 

“Trash like you doesn’t deserve authority.” Luffy growled at the corrupt Marine.

“You damned brat!” Morgan roared as he swung his axe horizontally at Luffy, aiming to bisect the pirate in one blow.

“Luffy!” Nami, Zoro, and Coby all screamed in horror as the axe drew closer to their friend/captain. The dull thud of the axe made Nami look back as she’d turned away to avoid seeing Luffy’s demise.

“No way…” Nami trailed off, unable to believe what she was seeing.

“Man, you’re a real let down, moron.” Luffy intoned as he held back Morgan’s axe with his bare palm. Very close inspection would reveal an almost transparent haze of Haki protecting Luffy’s palm from harm. But no one on this island even knew about Haki so it would remain undiscovered.

“How…?” Morgan tried to ask only to receive another punch from Luffy. The punch landed square in the sitting Morgan's chest. His sternum cracked, and blood flew from his mouth. He fell back into the dirt and stopped moving. Luffy pulled his fist back and raised it in victory, his smile as wide as anyone had ever seen it.

“What the hell are you?” Zoro questioned his new Captain in shock.

“I ate the Goro Goro no Mi! I'm a Lightning Man!” Luffy turned and grinned at his new nakama. Nami came rushing over to Luffy and his eyes bugged out as she raised her hand and slapped him across the face as hard as she possibly could. Luffy’s head was suddenly facing the other way with a bright red mark already forming on his face.

“You jackass!” Nami screamed at him. “How dare you make me worry about you?!” Tears of both fury and relief fell from her eyes. Luffy stared at her in shock, the red mark from her slap spreading across the left side of his face. 

“Nami I’m sorry…” Luffy tried to apologize, even though he wasn’t sure what for, but she didn't let him.

“I don’t want to hear it!” Nami yelled at him before stomping away. Luffy had no idea what to do in this situation.

Before anything else could be said, a hysterical cheer rang through the base, “Captain Morgan has been defeated! We're free!” Every single Marine shouted in joy as they threw their hats into the air.

“Did everyone here actually hate Morgan?” Coby wondered before he smiled happily. At least not every Marine in Shells Town was corrupt.

-Later – Ririka’s Restaurant-

“Hmph!” Nami turned away from Luffy for the third time as he tried to apologize.

“I said sorry.” Luffy mumbled like a child being scolded. He'd been trying to apologize to Nami for the better part of an hour, while still eating as much of the free food that Ririka was preparing for them in celebration of Captain Morgan’s defeat as possible. “I told you I was a Lightning Man. I even told you I was really strong!”

“Moron!” Nami's angry eyes drilled into his own and made him feel bad for upsetting her. “I didn't even think Devil Fruits were real until yesterday! Never mind the fact that you’re apparently axe-proof! You didn’t mention that at all! I thought you were going to be cut in half!” This was how the last hour had been for Luffy, a lot of apologizing and a lot of anger from Nami.

“Ah, now that hit the spot!” Zoro happily patted his stomach. “After three whole weeks, I was starving!”

“What happened to lasting the whole month?” Luffy grinned at his new nakama.

“How in the hell are you eating more than me?! You didn’t starve for weeks!” The green-haired swordsman growled at his new Captain. Luffy had been stuffing his face since they’d gotten there an hour ago. It was a mystery where all the food was going to in his toned fighter’s body.

“Even I ate a lot…sorry.” Coby spoke up while sheepishly rubbing his head.

“It's no problem! You're our town's heroes! Eat as much as you like!" Ririka, Rika’s mother, smiled happily as she continued to clean the dishes.

“You're so strong, Big Brother Luffy!” Rika praised staring at Luffy in amazement. The pirate grinned at the girl while playfully ruffling her hair.

“That’s right, I forgot to ask, where are we heading next?” Zoro questioned after finishing off his drink.

“To get Nami’s map from the Bug Pirates! Or was it Mug Pirates?” Luffy pondered as he tried to remember the name of the pirates Nami mentioned.

“Idiot!” Nami's fist bopped him on top of the head, though far more gently than she’d done several other times in the past hour. “It’s the Buggy Pirates! Pay attention when people are talking!”

“I was close the first time.” Luffy mumbled only to stop talking and look away when Nami turned her glare on him.

“The Captain of the Buggy Pirates has one of the highest bounties in East Blue. But after what I’ve seen today, I think we can handle it.” Zoro nodded as he leaned back in his chair. The door of the restaurant opened before another word could be spoken. A bearded Marine was standing in the doorway, arms behind his back. It was clear that he was there in an official capacity. 

“Good day. I am sorry to interrupt, but as Marines, we must know. Are you pirates?" The Marine asked.

“Yep.” Luffy confirmed with a nod of his head.

“You're way too honest.” Nami sighed, her hand covering her mouth to hide the small smile on her lips.

“I see.” The Marine replied with a sigh. “You all are the town's heroes! We will be eternally grateful to you for deposing Captain Morgan!”

“I feel like there’s more to this than a simple thank you.” Nami mumbled. Luffy grinned at her with a chuckle.

“Indeed. As you are Pirates, we cannot allow you to stay here any longer. We will not report you to Marine Head Quarters, but you must go immediately.” The Marine explained formally. The townspeople shouted and booed at the Marines. They shouldn't kick the town’s saviors out!

“That's fine.” Luffy replied as he stood up. Zoro and Nami got up as well. “We were just leaving anyway.”

“Hold on a moment.” The Marine beckoned. “Isn't this kid with you?” He asked pointing towards Coby.

“Nope.” Luffy replied getting back up as Zoro and Nami shook their heads as well.

“Why has he been hanging around you since you got here then?” The Marine questioned.

“Shared a boat to get here. Didn’t mention we were pirates until after we docked.” Luffy replied with a shrug while Nami nodded along.

“Very well, please leave immediately.” The Marine nodded as Coby tried to hold in his tears. Luffy had covered for him! He may be a pirate but he was truly Coby’s friend.

The small pirate crew of three reached the docks with grins on their faces. “Nice job, Luffy.” Zoro clapped him on the back as they prepared to set sail.

“Shishishi. Coby will have to make it on his own from here on out.” Luffy laughed. “It'll be a good lesson about not being a coward. Pirates won't take it easy on him.”

“We're ready to go! Heading towards Orange Town!” Nami declared their course since it was the last known location of the Buggy Pirates. As they sailed away, Coby's voice rang out one last time. 

“Luffy! Thank you! I'll never forget you for the rest of my life!” Coby saluted them. Nami and Zoro were stunned as more Marines lined up behind the boy, their salutes identical to the pinkette’s.

“Coby! Let’s meet again someday!” Luffy waved as the group of Marines got further and further away.

"Marines saluting Pirates." Nami mumbled with a shake of her head. “Now I've seen everything.”

“This has been a weird day.” Zoro finished with a nod.

“You have good friends, cadet.” The Commander said to Coby. He only got a strong nod from the boy. “Soldiers! We have just saluted Pirates and violated the code of the Marines! As punishment, we shall not eat for the rest of the week!”

“Sir! Yes Sir!” The Marines chorused back as one.

-End Chapter-


There we go! Managed to finish Shells Town in one chapter! How do you like some world building? Will Luffy and crew ever run across the Kuro Kari? Will Luffy explain why he’s ‘axe-proof’? Will there be more crew members? Are other crew mates the same or are they different? Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another fun and entertaining chapter

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

This was a good chapter. I love the banter beyween Luffy and Nami as well. Really glad to finally see an update for this story.


Glad you liked it! Finishing up tomorrow's update already as well! Nami is going to be a little tough to win over, just like canon, but Luffy will eventually succeed. A show of power might convince out orangette Navigator that Luffy CAN help her when she truly needs it.


Glad you enjoyed it! Luffy doesn't overly rely on his Devil Fruit, especially not against weaker opponents, but we'll see it being used a bit throughout East Blue.