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Hello friends and fans! Kairomaru here to talk to all of you about a change I plan to make going into the New Year.

While I haven't mentioned it to you this past year I have been a victim of what Patreon Creators call 'sampling'. In the simplest terms 'sampling' is when a person makes a pledge to become a patron, thereby gaining access to all patron-only content, reads (In the case of my content) all the content they want and then cancels their membership before they're charged.

Because I have freaking amazing patrons, I've only had this happen six times in the past year. But because it HAS happened and it's unfair to my true patrons that pay their pledge every month for the stories I write. I've decided to enable a feature Patreon offers called Charge Upfront.

Charge Upfront is just what it says, anyone that makes a pledge will be charged immediately before they can see Patron-Only Content. This won't effect anyone that is already a patron as you'll still be charged normally on the first of the month, unless you decline of course. This IS however a PERMANENT change and I won't be able to turn it off once I enable it.

I understand this isn't a big change to all of my current patrons but I wanted to be upfront with all of you who are living this Dream with me! Your support is what keeps me going and I wouldn't be here without you all! As I'm planning to get a new job in the coming year and produce more content I want to make sure that 'samplers' aren't rewarded like true patrons!

I plan to enable Charge Upfront late night December 31st so that it'll be in effect from January 1st.

I'd like to hear from you guys if you have any thoughts on this change! Feel free to Message me or leave a comment on this post! I'll leave a link below that should answer most questions.




Seems like a good idea to me. I was actually surprised when I WASN'T charged upfront when I joined. (Cheers dude, you are the reason I even signed up to Patreon in the first place. I can't even guarantee having money for food each week, but I can manage to make sure there is at least a dollar in the bank on the first of each month to keep reading what you're writing!)


Do you want to see a grown man cry?! Cause you're about to see a grown man cry! I'm beyond moved that you like my stories so much that you not only joined Patreon but that you make sure to set aside your pledge money from the rest of your limited funds! If what I write makes you happy then I'll keep trying to produce more content so that your pledge is worth every cent! By the way which story is your favorite? I have no idea what will win the Update Poll next Month or the Random Drawing and so far I only know what a single Tier Reward is going to be but if it's not on the schedule for January I'll try to work it in if I have time! If not maybe I can do it in February?


No, I really DON'T want to see a grown man cry. (But, I certainly wouldn't regret seeing more of "Harry Potter and the Artificer Legacy" from you.) ;-)