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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter and the Artificer Legacy! Time continues to march forward as Sirius and Marlie are off on their honeymoon. Harry finally takes some time off now that Peony Communications has started up and is doing well. Time for the Master Artificer to relax and enjoy the fruits of his work for a bit! Unfortunately, multiple things are happening in the world and one of them is about to cause a lot of problems.

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 74 – Relaxation before Turmoil

At Potter Manor, Harry smiled as he sipped some tea on the large stone patio on the back of the house. It was a lovely spring day, the weather was fair, and the sun was out. After working so hard and for so long to build the Artifact House, Harry was taking some time off to just enjoy it. It wasn’t entirely because Penny, Tonks, and Fleur had told him to either. Even Harry understood that he hadn’t really taken much ‘time off’ in quite a while.

“Hah…” Harry sighed peacefully as he enjoyed the sounds of nature and the soft music that was playing on the Wizarding Wireless. It was some kind of orchestral piece, but Harry couldn’t identify it as any of the Classical Music from the Non-Magical (not that he knew a lot of them or anything) so he assumed it was probably Magical in origin. A soft melody that fit the remote Potter Lands quite well, in Harry’s opinion. “That or perhaps the Shire from The Lord of the Rings.” He chuckled to himself as he knew that Potter Manor would most certainly look out of place in the fantastical homeland of the Hobbits of Middle Earth.

Harry looked back down at the book he had open with a grin as he continued reading. The book in question? ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’ by J.R.R Tolkien. The Master Artificer relaxed into as a gentle breeze blew through the Potter Lands and he read while enjoying a nice cup of tea.


“Did you enjoy your day off, Harry?” Penny asked as she gently hugged him from behind and kissed his cheek.

“Very much so, luv.” Harry smiled and turned to kiss her lips. “It was nice to just have some quiet time to myself.”

Penny rested her chin on his shoulder with a happy hum. In her opinion, Harry had been working too long without a break. It was soothing to know that he’d taken an entire day just for himself.

“I’m home.” Tonks called out from the front door.

Harry and Penny were quick to walk into the foyer and greet her.

“Welcome home, Nym.” Harry smiled as Tonks shrugged off her red Auror Robes and watched them float over to the coat rack on the wall.

“Welcome back, luv.” Penny gave Tonks a warm hug.

Tonks returned the hug with a tired smile. “I think we’re finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with the first part of integration.”

Harry hugged her next. “That’s a good thing, right?”

“It is…but getting the Wizengamot off their asses to move at more than a snail’s pace is annoying. The entire Ministry is having to adjust and incorporate Non-Magical Law into their operations. I’m sure you can imagine how pleased some of them are about that.” Tonks said as she used Magic to undo her boots and have them float off her feet as she raised one leg and then the other. “The Non-Magical are doing the same, but they’re mostly learning how to spot magical influence in crimes and will call the DMLE in to deal with it once Magic is proven or heavily suspected. Its still a transition and new set of S.O.P. to integrate, but they seem to understand the importance of knowing all of this and having it on the books.”

“Figures.” Harry and Penny both said at the same time. The two looked at each other before laughing at the unintentional overlap.

Tonks pulled off her Basilisk Leather vest and hung it up next to her Auror Robes. She never went to work without the nearly spell-proof vest on beneath her Auror Robes, just in case. Without any concern, Tonks pulled up her t-shirt and tossed it aside. It vanished a second before hitting the floor, whisked off to be cleaned and then put back in the chest of drawers in the master bedroom by Tayla who was taking care of Potter Manor while Sirius and Marlie were on their honeymoon in the French Riviera (a highly recommended place to the couple by Marius and Appoline).

“Would you like some help, Nym?” Penny offered as she got behind Tonks and unclasped her bra, letting the Metamorphmagus slide it down her arms where it disappeared a second before hitting the floor.

Tonks stretched her arms above her head and gave Harry a little smirk as her tits bounced in front of his eyes. “I could use a massage, I think~”

Harry snorted and walked over, kissing Tonks’s lips before pulling back to look into her currently purple eyes. “I think we can handle that.”

Penny’s hands moved around to the front of Tonks’s waist and undid the buckle of her belt before undoing her pants and sliding them down Tonks’s legs. Tonks nearly stumbled as she pulled her right leg from her pants, the Enchanted Belt Buckle that Harry had gifted her years ago no longer helping with her balance now that it was off. Harry took her hands with a soft smile as Tonks got her left leg free.

“You don’t have to be naked for a massage.” Penny said as Tonks shamelessly pulled her panties off, the garment disappeared once it touched the floor too.

“But I don’t have to not be naked either!” Tonks grinned salaciously at her lovers.

The three moved to the living room and Tonks nearly flopped down onto the large couch. With a pleased groan from her lips as Harry and Penny’s hands began to massage her body, Tonks relaxed under the ministrations of her loves.

Penny hummed softly as she worked some of the tension out of Tonks’s shoulders. “You’re really tight here.”

“Mhm.” Tonks agreed with a hum, her eyes closed. “My feet…” She sighed as Harry’s hands worked on the slight soreness that came with being on her feet nearly all day today.

Penny’s hands eventually moved down Tonks’s back while Harry’s hands worked up from her feet. As Penny was working on her lower back, Harry was working on Tonks’s thighs.

“Ooh…” Tonks moaned softly. “Lower, Penny~”

“Alright.” Penny agreed and moved her hands to Tonks’s ass. Taking a cheek in each palm, her fingers sinking into the softness a bit, Penny began to massage and grope the Metamorph’s amazing ass.

Tonks mewled pleasurably at having her bum played with. “Higher, Harry…” She grinned with her eyes still closed.

Harry playfully rolled his eyes, making Penny giggle, before his hands moved up and he gently slipped a few of his fingers into Tonks’s wet sex.

“Mmm~” Tonks moaned as she spread her legs a little more and raised her hips just slightly. “This is just what I needed after today.”

Penny and Harry continued to play with Tonks’s body, massaging and groping and more, until Tonks tightened up and then trembled for a long moment as she hit her peak. Harry and Penny eased her down from her high, only to see that Tonks had dozed off right there on the couch.

“Nym was really worn out today.” Harry summoned a blanket to himself with barely a thought and softly covered Tonks’s naked body with it.

“I hope the Ministry will calm down a bit for a while.” Penny leaned down to kiss Tonks’s cheek as they let their tired lover nap.

Harry stood up from the couch and Penny’s eyes locked on to something. Noticing her look, Harry raised an eyebrow at her.

Penny grinned sexily at him. “Do you want me to take care of that, Harry?” She motioned towards his waist.

Harry let out a fake sigh. “I suppose I could let you.”

The next moment and Penny was dragging him off towards the library. Harry blinked when he was sat down at one of the desks and Penny slipped beneath it. Her deft hands quickly had his pants and boxers down around his ankles before she looked up at him from between his legs.

“I’ve always wanted to fulfill this fantasy~” Penny whispered hotly to Harry as she stroked his cock. “Sucking you off in the library has been something I wanted to do for years. But I graduated before you were ready for anything like that.”

“Such a naughty little Prefect.” Harry chastised her with the best authoritative voice he could muster. Penny moaned lowly as she slipped a hand under her skirt and between her thighs. “Why don’t you show me why you deserve to be Head Girl, Miss Clearwater?”

“Yes~” Penny breathed out as Harry knew exactly what kind of play she wanted right now. “Mmph!” She took Harry into her mouth and bobbed her head, making sure to lavish his entire length with her eager tongue. When Harry’s hand came down to rest atop her head, Penny shivered in a minigasm. “Mmh… Mhp…Mmph…” Harry set her pace as she sucked him off and Penny reveled in the act and the fantasy that she was getting to live out.


Fleur didn’t look amused as she saw Tonks napping on the couch, naked beneath the blanket that covered her. She still lightly kissed the sleeping Metamorphmagus’s cheek though. Seeing Penny with a bright smile on her face as she relaxed in one of the plush armchairs with her feet up on an ottoman, it was obvious that her fellow Scholar had some ‘fun’ as well.

Harry’s arms wrapping around her waist from behind and pulling her back against his chest made Fleur pout cutely. “Welcome home, luv.” He kissed her neck and Fleur tilted her head to the side a little to give him more access.

“Are you sure that you need me, Harry? It seems you’ve had your fun already.” Fleur said with as much of a stable voice as she could while already pressing her ass against him.

“There’s always more fun to be had, darling.” Harry pressed his hardness into her grinding ass before lightly nipping her neck.

A mere thought from Fleur and both of their clothes were on the floor, their bare skin now pressing together creating wonderful sensation. “Study…” Fleur moaned lewdly. “I want you to bend me over my desk, mon amor~” She spun in Harry’s arms, pressing her body flush up against Harry’s.

Harry grabbed Fleur and tossed her over his shoulder with a grin.


“Aaah!” Fleur yelped and then cooed while biting her lip. “So rough, Harry~” The light swat to her perfect ass turned her on even more.

In no time they were in the Study made just for Fleur and Penny. Harry grinned and swatted the opposite cheek on Fleur’s ass this time.


“Mmm~” Fleur bit her lip again as Harry set her back on her feet. “Kiss me…” She moaned as Harry kissed her deeply and walked her back until her ass hit the edge of her desk.

With a look that Fleur found incredibly hot, Harry turned her around and pushed her forward onto her desk. “You wanted this, right?” He teased, his hands running over her body, down her back, across her hips, and groping her ass.

“Yes, lover…” Fleur moaned out as her large tits were squished against the surface of her desk. She shook her ass to tempt Harry. “Fuck me right here!”

Harry took hold of her hips and eased the head of his cock into Fleur’s nearly drooling pussy. “Whatever you want, luv.” Then he thrust forward, burying himself to the hilt into Fleur in one powerful thrust that had his hips impacting her ass and making a clap sound.

“Oooh~” Fleur nearly choked on her breath from the powerful thrust, but a sinfully lewd moan poured from her perfect lips as Harry quickly set a fast and intense pace. “Ah, ah, ah, ooh…” Fleur gasped out as her heels came up off the floor with every strong thrust from Harry.

“I have to make sure that you’re just as spoiled as your sister-wives.” Harry nearly growled into Fleur’s ear, making the Veela let out a wanton moan in response.

The rest of the night was quickly decided to be a different form of relaxation for the four of them.

Tayla was just happy they stopped long enough to eat the dinner she made for them. The House Elf was more than pleased that there was a chance that the family she took care of would grow bigger.

-Next Day-

Harry considered himself a very lucky man as he lay on a lounge chair by the pool while his three beautiful lovers stood before him in skimpy bikinis that left almost nothing to the imagination. “Gorgeous.”

Tonks smirked as she made her tits a little bigger and her ass a bit fatter, straining the tiny bikini as it struggled to hold back her increasing curves.

“Maybe you’d like to see the back?” Penny tempted with a sexy grin.

“Very much so.” Harry grinned right back at her.

Fleur giggled as the three women turned around and showed off their wonderful asses in their thong bikinis. “If that’s what our darling wants~”

The three put their asses side-by-side and then, much to Harry’s enjoyment, Fleur and Penny lightly swung their hips to make their bottoms smack into Tonks’s in the center. The light impact still sent the generous cheeks bouncing a little and Harry’s eyes were locked onto them entirely.

The giggling laughter of the three Witches, as they knew just how mesmerized Harry was by them, filled the air before Harry got up from the chair and reached out for them.

“Ah, ah, ah, Harrikins~” Tonks moved away quickly.

“No free touching right now, mon amor!” Fleur escaped before Harry’s hands could catch her.

Penny giggled as she playfully swatted Harry’s hand away and retreated. “If you want us, you’ll have to catch us!”

All three women quickly dove into the pool and swam away from Harry.

“Well then…” Harry stretched a little, the muscles that he’d developed over his years of blacksmithing flexing and catching the attention of his lovers as they stopped swimming. “I guess I’ll just have to catch all three of you and have my wicked way.”

“Oooh~” Tonks, Fleur, and Penny all cooed while enjoying the ‘threat’ and the eye candy.

With a splash, Harry dove into the pool and swam after his lovers, eager to have fun, but equally eager to pull off those skimpy bikinis of theirs!

It was only about half an hour later that loud moans of pleasure could be heard coming from the pool area as Tonks was lying on her back on one of the lounge chairs with her legs wrapped around Harry’s hips as they fucked. Fleur eagerly sat on the Metamorph’s face and added her own moans to the chorus as Tonks used her ability to lengthen her tongue significantly and bury it into Fleur’s hot core. Penny, not to be left out, kissed Harry and let Fleur grab her hips and bury her face into her drooling quim. This muffled Fleur’s moans, but added Penny’s to the rapturous choir of sexual bliss.

None of them even noticed their swimsuits that had been floating in then pool disappear. Not that they were planning to put them back on anyway. These days off were shaping up to have the four of them spending very little time wearing clothing.

-London Underground ~ May 1st-

Jacob Walker was a rather ordinary man in London. He’d lived there most of his life, had gone to school there, met his wife there, and they had lived together and had two kids there. Now, as he was pushing retirement age, he was almost glad that he’d only need to ride the Tube another year at most before he could enjoy his golden years.

“Hm?” Jacob blinked and looked up from the folded newspaper he was reading. He’d heard an odd sound, he would swear he did, but looking around, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. “Is someone doing something odd?” He tried to see through the crowd but no one else seemed to have heard what he did.


Jacob knew he’d heard it for sure this time! Looking around, he noticed that others had heard the odd cracking sound too. His eyes stopped as he saw part of the wall behind him, opposite of the side of where the train line was, develop a huge crack that spanned from floor to ceiling. “Is the Tube falling apart?” He knew there had been talk of certain areas not being maintained as well as they should be, but for a wall to develop a crack like that all at once?


The crack in the wall bowed outwards for a split second before it burst apart into brick and masonry shrapnel and debris that flew into the crowd waiting for their train.


“What the fuck?!”

“Bloody hell!”



The cries of people hit by the debris were loud, but Jacob had been outside of the area of damage, if not by a lot. “Mother of God…” The older man said as terror began to fill him. From the large hole in the wall of the Underground emerged what could only be called Goblins! They were wearing armor and each of them carried a weapon as well, swords, axes, daggers, and some even had shields. All of the metal gleamed, but in a way that was wrong given the now flickering on and off lights above.

The Goblin at the front, a bit larger than the others and with better armor, said something in a language that Jacob had never heard before. Before the rest of the Goblins bellowed out a war cry and raised their weapons high. Not even a second later and one of the people staggering to their feet from the blast was cut down…an axe buried into his back.

“AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” The people screamed and tried to stampede away. A huge mob was created instantly as all of the commuters fled for their lives.

Jacob didn’t think at all, even as he saw three more people get brutally killed. “Come on!” He grabbed the young woman nearest him, a young mother that was cradling her child to her chest, and a boy that couldn’t be older than his grandson. With strength he hadn’t had in years, he pulled both of them to their feet and nearly dragged them towards the stairs leading up to the surface.

“Stop! Stop!”

“Oh my god!”

“No! Please!”

The screams of the fleeing and the dying blended together in the Underground, but Jacob didn’t pay any attention to that. He just pulled the two others with him as he charged up the stairs, putting in more power and speed than he’d had since his days in University. When they got to the surface it was a seemingly normal morning in London. As if what was below ground was a lie.



The fleeing commuters began to scream for police as soon as they were out on the surface.

Jacob ran with the two he still had a grip on, not knowing their names and not needing to. They’d run at least a full block before his old body, even with adrenaline, couldn’t keep going at the pace he’d set.

“Th-Thanks…sir…” The teenager uttered out, clearly stunned by what had happened. His eyes were wide as the sound of police sirens filled the air.

“Bless you, sir! Bless you!” The young mother thanked Jacob for pulling her and her baby out of the Underground. The little baby was crying loudly, but the young mother couldn’t get the infant to calm down with the loud noises going on around them.

Jacob waved off their thanks as he tried to catch his breath. His heart was hammering in his chest like it hadn’t done in decades. He took long, slow breaths to try and steady his breathing. He didn’t have a heart condition, thankfully, but he wasn’t exactly ‘in shape’ at all. “We…need to…keep running, I think…”

The sound of police sirens in the air made the older man’s statement seem like a very good idea…because the sirens were coming from every direction. The platform that they’d been on wasn’t the only one experiencing this attack. With how the Underground spread beneath and throughout London, those Goblins were probably all over the city already.


The new communications mirror that Amelia Bones had on her desk buzzed, almost startling the woman. With a second to compose herself she accepted the incoming call only to see a vaguely familiar face on the other end.

“Madam Bones?! Auror Department, right?!” The man, clearly frazzled and looking a little crazy-eyed, asked loudly.

“Captain…Baker, correct?” Amelia was fairly certain that was the man’s name, but she’d met quite a few police officers over this first period of integration.

“Yes!” Baker nodded quickly, clearly not in the mood for formalities. “We need your Aurors in London, now!”

Amelia was on her feet already. “What’s the situation?!”

“Goblins! I think they’re Goblins… They broke through the walls of the Underground all over the city and started slaughtering people!” Baker almost shouted.

“WHAT?!” Amelia nearly bellowed in her shock. Not even bothering with protocol in such a situation, Amelia grabbed her wand and nearly jabbed it into a specific spot on her desk.


A loud alarm rang throughout the DMLE offices and the Auror bullpen while the lights flashed red. It was a signal that only a few had experienced before during Voldemort’s first uprising. An all hands on deck emergency where loss of life had already been confirmed and the situation was ongoing.

Aurors and Hit Wizards quickly threw on their robes, grabbed satchels with potions and other gear that they might need in the field, and gathered near Ameila’s door for assignment.


Amelia nearly kicked her office door down as she emerged in full Auror gear, her wand already in hand. “London is under attack by Goblins!”

“WHAT?!” More than half the gathered Witches and Wizards exclaimed at the same time.

“You heard me!” Amelia spoke above them with a strong and authoritative voice, the voice of a commander. “They’ve tunneled their way into the London Underground and have started slaughtering the Muggles! We’re deploying immediately to these coordinates!” A swish of her wand and a map of London flew forward and enlarged itself,. The areas with Tube access were clearly marked with red circles and the various Aurors and Hit Wizards looked at the locations. “You are authorized to use lethal force! Save those that you can! Once you have your coordinates, Apparate! Let’s move out!”

“Yes, ma’am!” The Witches and Wizard called back.

The Senior Aurors (those that had been around during Voldemort’s rise and knew London well) all spun on their heels and vanished with the telltale crack of Apparation. The rest of the Aurors and Hit Wizards quickly examined the map and the marked location before starting to vanish with a crack as well, group after group disappearing rapidly before everyone was gone. Only the secretarial staff remained behind in the department and all of them were already writing out emergency memos and charming them into animated paper planes to fly out into the Ministry and alert everyone about what was going on.

-London Streets-

Bang Bang Bang Bang

Gunshots rang out as police fired upon the Goblins pouring out of the various Underground entrances spread around the city. The horde of armored Goblins that were even hit by the bullets didn’t seem to take any damage, but they were quickly covered by a wall of shield-bearing Goblins that rendered the bullets completely ineffective.

New police officer Jessica Fletcher, Jessie to her friends, felt her hands shaking as she tried to hold her pistol steady. She’d never expected this when she’d chosen to become a police officer. That was before Magic had been revealed to be real, of course. But she still recalled her uncle telling her that she’d probably never have to draw her pistol at all. He hadn’t had to draw his sidearm with intention to use it until his third year on the force. But he’d certainly never had to deal with something like this!

“Calm down, Jessie!” George, her partner and senior on the force, said to her with a strong and clear voice. “We need to do whatever we can to try and hold these…things…here! There are still civilians evacuating!” He reloaded his pistol as they bunkered down behind their police car.

“I…I…I’m trying…” Jessie tried to take deep breaths and steady her hands.

George peeked through the windows of the police car and saw the line of shield-bearing Goblins slowly advancing forward. Behind them, businesses were being broken into and occasionally the screams of people could be heard for a short time before they abruptly went silent.

“Situation update!” A voice came over the radio. “These Goblins are looting the bodies of those they kill and are stealing from businesses, homes, and everything else! They seem to be taking only valuables!”

Jessica and George looked at each other in confusion.

“They’re doing this for valuables? They want fucking pounds that badly?!” Jessica couldn’t believe that such barbarism was happening on London’s streets.

George poked his head up above the car again to check where the Goblins were. “I thought our money was worthless to them?”

“Be advised! Be advised! The Goblins have projectile weaponry!” The radio blared again. “They become extremely hostile around jewelry shops or pawn shops that have precious metals in them!”

“They just want gold and silver and shite?!” George looked angrier than Jessica could remember seeing him. “These bloody fuckers are slaughtering people for their own greed!”

Jessica and George both crouched behind their police car, George over the hood and Jessica over the boot. Both aimed and opened fire with their pistols on the advancing Goblins.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

“Grraugh!” One of the armored Goblins that was trying to get into a business staggered back a step as three bullets hit it, but the rounds were stopped by the armor.

One of the shield-bearing goblins quickly moved over to cover the hit Goblin from any further fire.

“Grakk aah murg!” The biggest Goblin bellowed out.

Jessica saw four of the Goblins move and a glint caught her eye, just briefly. Remembering what the radio had said, she left her position and rushed George. “Get down!” She tackled her partner to the pavement.






Five metal rods that looked vaguely like crossbow bolts tore through the police car and left shredded holes through the vehicle. All the windows were shattered, and the body of the vehicle had four jagged holes straight through it. Both Geroge and Jessica would’ve been killed had they remained where they were.






Loud cracks startled Jessica and George as they scrambled away from the noise.

“Protego Maxima!” A loud voice called out and the sound of more bolts hitting something was heard.

George and Jessica looked at the people that had just shown up out of nowhere. Red Robes quickly gave away who these people were and both police officers felt some relief.

“Expulso Tria!”

“Expelliarmus Tria Maxima!”

“Fracto Strata Tria Maxima!”

Three large modified spells raced down the street and slammed into the shield wall of Goblins. The shields held up under the spells, but the Goblins quickly stopped trying to loot and gathered back together in a strong formation.

“Bloody hell…” One of the Aurors cursed. “They certainly prefer to steal, but when Goblins make something, it usually holds up.”

“Then we hit them harder!” The Auror next to him said with a steely voice.

The final Auror of the group of five was checking on Jessica and George. “Are either of you injured?”

“No… No, we’re fine.” Jessica shook her head to focus.

“Our guns aren’t doing much of anything to their armor or shields.” George told the Auror with a grimace.

The Auror nodded and waved her wand over the two police officers. “You both are okay, that’s good. I’m going to cast a spell on you that will make you invisible temporarily. Use that time to retreat from here and regroup with other officers, please.”

Jessica and George were each gently tapped on the head and felt like a raw egg was dripping on them for a second before they became almost invisible.

“Thank you very much.” George said as he helped Jessica to her feet.

“There are still people hiding in these buildings, please do what you can to save them.” Jessica requested before she and Geroge ran down the street towards the location of a larger force of police officers.

Once the two officers were gone, the Aurors all got hard looks on their faces.

“Not sure we’ll be able to help those Muggles in this situation.” The one maintaining the Protego Maxima said as another round of bolts bounced off the large shield.

“We certainly didn’t expect them to attack Muggle London! They’ve never done this before!” The Auror that had cast the Disillusionment Cham on Jessica and George said loudly.

“REDUCTO TRIA MAXIMA!!!” One Auror blasted three large Reductor Curses at the horde of Goblins.


The shield wall of Goblins staggered backwards and almost fell apart from the modified spell.

“That only good Goblin is a dead Goblin!” The Auror that had just blasted the shield wall claimed with utter surety. “So, let’s make these Goblins good!” He whipped his wand around in a complex series of loops and swishes. “Scutum Confractus Maxima!” From the tip of his wand a massive, spiraling, dark purple spell rocketed down the street and hit the shield wall of the Goblins again.


The shields didn’t hold up to the curse and the Goblins hit by the overpowered spell went flying backwards, breaking part of the formation instantly. The metal shields hadn’t only been ripped from their wielder’s hands, they’d shattered into fragments and become high-speed shrapnel that took out several of the horde that had been close to the impact site.

“DIFFINDO TRIA MAXIMA!!!” The other four Aurors all cast in unison sending nearly invisible severing charms down the street.




The Goblins that weren’t able to get out of the way were slashed badly, some more than others. The armor blocked the spells, even overpowered as they were. But any Goblin unfortunate enough to get hit somewhere without armor lost a limb, were cut in two, or at minimum had a large and deep laceration on their bodies as blood fell on the road along with the bodies of dead Goblins.

Up above, the sounds of various news helicopters could be heard as cameras caught the attack on London by the massive numbers of Goblins. Many of the same cameras zoomed in to show police officers fighting side by side with the red robed Aurors as they tried to stem the hordes and protect the civilians.

-Potter Manor-

“Your mirror is buzzing, Missy Nym!” Tayla brought the communication mirror to Tonks as she sat in the living room cuddled up with Harry, Fleur, and Penny.

Tonks sighed as she sat up and took the mirror from Tayla. “Thank you, Tayla.” The House Elf bowed and popped away with a smile. “It’s still my time off…why is work calling me?” Tonks wondered before taking the call. “Go for Auror Tonks.”

“Tonks! We need you in London!” The voice of Hestia Jones nearly exploded from the mirror.

“Whoa! Whoa! Hestia! What’s going on?” Tonks asked, only being able to see the face of her friend and year mate from Hufflepuff. Both had become Aurors together and worked together often, even outside of the Order of the Phoenix.

“Goblins are attacking London! A horde bigger than we’ve ever seen! They’ve already killed a large number of muggles! We haven’t had any time to try and figure much out! The attack is still ongoing! The entire Auror force is here!” Hestia explained the situation as fast as she could.

“What?!” Tonks shot to her feet, quickly followed by Harry, Penny, and Fleur.

“Please! Get here as soon as you can! Call the Order if possible! We’re likely to be overwhelmed if this keeps on!” Hestia started to yell to be heard over the noise in the background.


“The fifty caliber can push them back, but it doesn’t penetrate the shields!” Someone shouted.

Hestia’s face disappeared from the mirror for a moment. “Bombarda Tria!”

Boom Boom Boom

“Get here as soon as you can, please, Tonks!” Hestia’s practically begged as her face came into view again.

“We’ll be there shortly!” Tonks promised and the mirror stopped showing Hestia’s face. “SHITE!!!” Tonks cursed while rapidly punching in the number that would get the Order moving the fastest.

“Get on all of your armor and the Shield Cloaks! I’ll get my Regalia!” Harry shouted as he dashed up the stairs towards their bedroom.

Fleur, Penny, and Tonks were almost right behind him on the stairs.

“Miss Tonks?” Dumbledore’s voice came from the communication mirror.

“Albus! Goblins are attacking London and killing the Non-Magical en masse! We need all the backup we can get! Hestia says that the Aurors and police are likely to be overrun at this rate!”

Dumbledore’s face briefly went white as blood drained from it, before his expression became one of a cool and controlled anger. “I will gather the Order immediately to assist!” His face vanished from the mirror as the call was ended.

Harry already had his Basilisk Scale Mail on when the call ended. Fleur and Penny had gotten their Basilisk Hide vests on and were picking up their armor as well. Tonks quickly followed suit as she put the communication mirror into her pocket.

Once more, the Potter Family would be going into battle.

But this time…they wouldn’t be going in alone.

“King Drasurd!” Harry spoke powerfully to the old communication mirror that he’d made.

Drasurd’s face appeared in the mirror only a few second s later. “Harry!” The genial greeting died instantly when Drasurd saw Harry’s face. “What’s happened?”

“The Goblins have made the first strike, King Drasurd! They’ve attacked London, as you feared they might!”

Drasurd’s expression turned to stone, but the fury blazing in his eyes was impossible to miss. “Erdunn shall march shortly! We will put down this ancient enemy with our allies!”

“Thank you, King Drasurd!” Harry thanked as he put his invisibility cloak around his shoulders. The mirror cleared up and Harry quickly had his Sorcerer’s Path mantle over the invisibility cloak. He was vaguely aware that the Dwarven King could use Magic that would allow his army to get to a location much faster than one would expect, but he wasn’t sure as to just how fast the Erdunn Army would arrive in London. “We’ll do what we can until then!”

Not five minutes after Hestia’s emergency call had come in, Tonks, Harry, Penny, and Fleur disappeared into the Floo in a flash of green flames, heading for the Leaky Cauldron to get to London the fastest way possible.

-End Chapter-


Harry gets to spend some time off and relax by himself and with his lovers. Yay!

Quite a bit of sexy time going on too! Hehehe~

You can’t blame young adults for being horny when they’re all but married!

But…of course…something has to fuck it up!

The Goblin horde of Gringotts has attacked London!

Non-Magical people are being slaughtered as the Goblins attempt to lay claim to everything that they see as valuable!

The Aurors are quickly rallied and deploy to help fight back!

The communication mirrors from Peony Communications are already proving to be VERY valuable as they enable faster and more reliable communication than any Floo connection ever could! Non-Magical can use them much like a phone, while the Magical carry them around in their pockets so they don’t have to be near a fireplace to receive a call!

The battle is on, but is this an all out offensive, or merely the first skirmish in this new Goblin Rebellion?

Keep reading to find out!

Current Mana Levels

Harry – 41,004

Tonks – 31,198

Penelope – 25,062

Fleur – 25,306

Until I get your reviews, later!


El Pirato

will we get a return of Harry's animagus form? think of the possibilities of a raccoon


Harry's Animagus form is mostly for getting his belly rubbed by his wives. lol But we might just see it again before the story ends.


Absolutely amazing chapter as always, I can't wait for the epic fight scene in the next chapter.


Well Avery it timd to commit genocide

Christian Jeffress

To War! Give them nothing! And take from them, EVERYTHING!