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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you a new chapter! Goku storms Muscle Tower! Being stronger than he was in Canon at this time, not to mention a little bit smarter thanks to Bulma, things will definitely change! Having never hit his head and lost his slightly more ruthless Saiyan instincts will also make a difference! Muscle Tower is in for a bad time! Kek

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 15 – The Fall of Muscle Tower

“HAAAAAAHHHH!!!” Goku let out a war cry as he charged towards Muscle Tower with the Nyoibō in hand. The snow around him was nearly blasted aside as he cleared the large distance in mere seconds.

“What…in the…heck?” A Red Ribbon Army soldier gaped at the lone charging child.

Another soldier, a bearman, grabbed his radio and contacted General White. “General White! There’s a weird kid heading this way! And I think it could be the kid we’re looking for!”

General White looked out the window from the top of the tower and saw the cloud of snow being kicked up by Goku’s charge. “The hell?!”

“Charge!” Goku bellowed as he saw the soldiers standing around the perimeter of the tower.

General White smirked at the foolish brat. “So! He’s come to end his short life?! Shoot to kill!” He ordered over the radio.




Every soldier took aim at Goku with automatic rifles and opened fire.

Goku, becoming more and more familiar with firearms after seeing them so many times, was able to predict where the bullets would go and blocked the ones that would hit him while letting the rest fly past him harmlessly. “Nyoibō, extend!” The red staff glowed for a split-second before lengthening to a ridiculous degree. “Hyah!” Goku swung the staff and batted the entire group of soldiers aside with one swing.




The soldiers crashed down into the snow with cries of pain…if they made any sound at all. Bones had been broken and the fall, even into snow, hadn’t been gentle.

“Hup!” Goku stabbed the end of the Nyoibō into the ground and used it to pole vault up to the first rampart of the tower, bypassing the first floor completely. With a grin he shortened his Nyoibō with a thought and took off along the rampart.

General White looked down at Goku from the very top of the tower with a smug smirk. “Ho? Not bad for a brat! Pity he’ll never be able to conquer the top of the tower!”

“Where would they keep this mayor guy, I wonder?” Goku ran around the rampart until he found a sturdy wooden door leading inside the tower.

“Can you hear me child?” General White spoke through the speakers all over the tower. “Welcome to my Muscle Tower! Hahaha! What brings you to our stronghold, eh?!”

Goku looked up at the speaker next to the door, wondering if the person speaking could hear him if he talked back. “I’m just here to beat you all up and get this ‘mayor’ guy back.”

“Oh, is that all?” General White mocked. “Well then, just go through that door in front of you and up the stairs! The mayor is on the top floor of the tower! The question is…will you be able to get all the way up here?! Hahaha!”

“Sure thing, here I come!” Goku declared as he opened the door and entered the tower. Stepping into what looked like a large lounge area, given all of the tables and the soldiers standing around looking at the new arrival, Goku closed the door behind him.

“Heh… You’re brave…or stupid.” One soldier declared as he pulled out a knife.

A burly soldier with a full mustache and beard, wearing a military cap, looked over at the speaker in the room. “General White? Can we kill him?”

General White’s voice came from the speaker. “Do what you please! Hahaha!”

The man strode over to Goku confidently, not even removing his hands from his pockets. “Of course, a puny thing like you will barely give us enough meat to make a side dish for dinner.” He mocked as he got closer to Goku. “Still, we might as well have a little fun! Take this!” The soldier kicked upward with his boot-clad foot, looking to kick Goku in the stomach.

Goku pivoted to his left and snapped off a sidekick straight into the man’s gut. “Hyah!”

The burly soldier flew through the air and slammed into the far wall with a loud crash before falling to the floor unmoving.

The other soldiers were wide-eyed in utter shock at what they’d just seen.

“Y-You!” The knife-wielding soldier stuttered.

“Now we’re really gonna kill ya!” A buff black soldier in a thick sweater declare, his fists raised as he rushed at Goku.

“Oh yeah?!” Goku challenged as he blurred across the room. “Hah!” he knocked the knife out of the soldier’s hand and then slammed his fist into the man’s jaw. The soldier’s feet left the ground and he crashed onto the floor a few meters away.

“Huh?!” The large black man had barely seen Goku move!

Goku’s foot crashing into the side of his head in a roundhouse kick was the last thing the man felt before he slammed into the wall unmoving.

The last soldier had rushed towards a table and picked up a pistol. “Y-you little…!” He aimed and pulled the trigger three times. “Take this!”

Bang Bang Bang

The bullets passed through Goku without doing him any harm.

“Huh?! No way! I hit you!” The soldier cried out in alarm.

The Goku in front of him began to waver around the edges, revealing it to be an After Image.

“Behind you!” Goku alerted the man, only to slug him in the face and send him crashing through one of the tables the instant the man turned to look.

-Muscle Tower ~ Top Floor-

“That was an After Image…a speed illusion technique. A very advanced martial art.” A man dressed as a stereotypical ninja (only in purple) stated as he watched the monitors with General White.

General White had an interested grin on his face. “Well, this is starting to get interesting.” He put his hand on his chin. “Do you think he’ll make it up here?”

The ninja shook his head once. “N-No impossible.” He smirked at General White. “No one has eve defeated the third floor’s ‘Full Metal Jacket’ before. And even if he somehow manages to survive that…remember that I will be personally waiting for him on the fourth floor.”

“Now that’s a shame.” General White grinned while cracking his knuckles. “I was hoping to get a little exercise myself!” He pressed a button on the console and then spoke into the mic. “Full Metal Jacket!”

-Muscle Tower ~ Third Floor-

A massive man with dark pink hair, wearing sunglasses, a thick blue, sleeveless coat, dark brown combat pants along with matching black boots and gloves, sat in a chair big enough to hold him in the middle of the third floor.

“The brat in question is on his way up to the third floor!” General White spoke over the intercom. Don’t be too rough on him, eh? Hahahaha!” The mocking tone was further reinforced by the fact that General White had already given the order to stop anyone from ascending the tower.

-Second Floor-

“Huh, I’m actually getting warm now.” Goku pulled off the black fur hat and then shrugged off the heavy jacket. “I don’t need these in here.” In a short time he was back in his orange gi with the Nyoibō on his back again. “Alright! Up I go!” He took the stairs two at a time.

-Third Floor-

Goku stopped on the floor and looked over to the next staircase on the other side of the room. “Huh?” His gaze stopped on the massive man sitting on the equally large chair in the middle of the floor. “Who’re you?”

“Welcome.” The large man greeted Goku with an odd accent that the Saiyan had never heard before. “The staircase leading up in over there.” The man pointed behind him as he stood up, revealing his full height to be close to three meters. “Unfortunately, you cannot reach it without going through me, first.”

“Wow, you’re huge! Do I get to fight you?!” Goku asked as he looked up at the much taller man.

-Top Floor-

“How long do you think it’ll take Full Metal Jacket to finish him?” General White asked as the two men watched the screen.

The ninja looked at Goku on the screen for a moment. “Oh, I’d say give it…one minute?”

-Third Floor-

“Die!” The huge man threw a punch at Goku. His fist smashed the floor, but Goku was not there anymore. “Where did he go?” The huge man looked around.

“Heh!” Goku smiled as soon as the large man spotted and punched him in the face. The huge man staggered backwards and then fell flat on his back with a loud crash. “Huh? You looked a lot tougher than that.” Goku said while looking at the fallen man. “Oh well, here I come, mayor guy.” Goku turned and headed for the stairs. The sound behind him alerted the Saiyan that his opponent was moving and his body blurred slightly.


The man two huge hands slammed together, trying to grab Goku. His gloved hands passed through the After Image that Goku had left behind disturbing the technique and making it fade.


Goku’s kick slammed into the man’s side and sent him crashing into the far wall. “I hit you for real that time! You still want to fight?”

The massive man stood up as if he hadn’t just been kicked across the room. “Now child… Face your death!” The man said before his mouth opened wide, far wider than any normal human was capable of, in fact. A light was seen from within the gaping maw before an RPG round was fired straight at Goku.


The wall on one side of the room had a large hole blasted out of it and as the dust and smoke began to clear, there was no sign of Goku.

-Top Floor-

“It’ll be raining brat for days!” General White laughed loudly at Goku’s demise.

The ninja pushed up his sleeve to look at his wristwatch. “Huh, just over two minutes. A little longer than normal for Full Metal Jacket.”

-Third Floor-

“What was that?” Goku grimaced from where he was hidden behind a large pipe that went from floor to ceiling on the open third floor. “It was like that thing that blew up the Ox King’s car and that one guy fired at me when I was riding Nimbus… But this guy fired it from inside his body?” That didn’t seem right to Goku. His mind tried to make sense of what he’d seen and eventually came to an idea. “If only machines can fire that thing, then maybe this guy isn’t a real guy!”

It wasn’t the most eloquent of thoughts, but it was a hypothesis none the less.

Goku hopped out from behind the pipe with a grin. “I’m not dead!” He took the stance for the Kamehameha as the huge man turned to look at him.

-Top Floor-

“What?! No one could’ve dodged that!” General White shouted at the screen.

“N-No…” The ninja was gaping at Goku still being alive.

-Third Floor-

As the immense man stomped towards Goku, ready to finish him off by any means necessary, Goku focused his ki into his cupped hands.

“Ka… Me… Ha… Me…” Goku chanted as a ball of blue-white light formed between his palms. Full Metal Jacket was almost upon him when Goku threw his hands forward. “HA!!!” The beam of the Kamehameha overtook and engulfed the huge man instantly and carried him across the floor before slamming into the wall and exploding.


Another section of wall was blown out of Muscle Tower.

As the debris and dust flew out of the gaping hole, everyone got a glimpse of Full Metal Jacket…or what was left of him.

The head and upper torso were gone. Everything from the abdominals and lower had survived, though with clear scuff marks, and the thick combat pants were badly damaged. The half of a body fell forward and hit the floor with a thud, revealing a mechanical skeleton and multiple actuators and hoses that began to lead fluids all over the damaged floor.

“Hey, I was right!” Goku grinned widely at being correct. “He really was a machine and not a person!”

-Top Floor-

“WHAT?!” General White bellowed after witnessing the destruction of Full Metal Jacket. “What the hell was that?!”

“What…what was that p-power?! Wh-What is that boy?!” The ninja stumbled over his words in shock.

General White glared at the ninja. “What’re you standing around for, Purple?! Get to fourth floor and deal with that punk!”

“Y-Yes, sir!” The ninja, Purple, ran out of the room immediately to get to his post.


“There’s really a lot of amazing things out there in the world, huh?” Goku said after taking a long look at the destroyed Full Metal Jacket. “Welp, time to go!” He rushed up the stairs to the fourth floor and came to a stop when he saw what appeared to be a small wooden house with a tiled roof next to a small pond and an indoor forest. “There’s an outside on the inside?”

He jumped back from his position and not a second later four kunai stabbed into the ground where he’d just been standing.

“Hey! Who threw those?!” Goku demanded loudly.

“WAHAHAHAHA!!!” Purple’s laughter came from the forest. “Congratulations on reaching the fourth floor, brat! A pity that your progress stops now! Not only has no one ever defeated me! No one has ever even seen me!” Four shuriken spun through the air in an arc and Goku ducked behind a rock, the metal stars stabbing into the stone a half-second later. “Heh! So you can dodge my shuriken! I’ll give you credit for that much!”

Goku looked at the shuriken stuck in the rock and his eyes followed their arced path back the way they’d come. “IF these things came from that direction…” He picked up a rock from the grassy floor. “You’re over there!” He hopped up and threw the rock at where he was sure his opponent was.


“OWWW!!!” Purple fell out of the tree he’d been hiding in while grabbing his face. He thrashed on the ground for a second before getting to his feet and moving his hands. “So… A bit of beginner’s luck, eh?” His nose was bleeding as he tried to maintain a strong façade.

“That wasn’t luck.” Goku shook his head at the ninja.

“Liar!” Purple shouted at Goku. “There’s no way a brat like you could’ve deduced my location!” He reached into his shirt and pulled out a brownish ball. “Allow me to demonstrate!” He threw the ball at Goku’s feet and it exploded into a thick smoke cloud that lingered in the air for several seconds.

Goku waved the smoke away with a grimace and blinked as he didn’t see Purple any more. “Hey, you ran away again!”

From the forest, Purple’s voice called out. “Try to find me this time, child! Try to pierce the cloak of invisibility!”

Goku sniffed at the air a few times and began walking into the forest. It was only a few moments later that he stopped dead. “I see you…”

It was kind of hard not to when the ninja was trying to hide behind a ‘cloak’ that looked like a certain nation’s flag.

With a quick jab, Purple collapsed to the ground holding his stomach. “How’d you…do that…?”

Goku just looked at the man holding his stomach on the ground before pointing to the flag. “Pretty flashy for ‘invisibility’…”

Purple saw his mistake as he slowly got to his feet. “Damn… I had the…wrong side showing…”

“You’re kinda stupid, aren’t you?” Goku pointed out as he prepared to knock the ninja out and head for the fifth floor.

Purple leapt away from Goku and grimaced. “As if you could hit me!” He ignored that Goku had already hit him twice. “No one can keep up with a ninja’s speed!” He took off into the forest.

“Hehe! I can’t lose when it comes to speed!” Goku said with a big grin as he took off after Purple.

“No! No one’s that fast!” Purple cried out as Goku was quickly catching up to him. “Take that!” He threw caltrops behind him to slow Goku down.

Goku saw the metal things hit the grassy ground and leapt straight over them, grabbing onto a tree branch above to swing himself over the scattered caltrops and resume the chase.

“Ack!” Purple nearly choked at seeing how easily Goku had avoided his caltrops without even slowing down. “Oooo, I hate you!”

Goku picked up the pace and closed the distance. “I win!” He declared as he shot ahead of Purple and then stopped, planting his feet, before launching a roundhouse kick into the still running ninja’s chest.

“Guah!” Purple hacked out as the powerful kick stopped his forward momentum and threw him backwards until he crashed into the ground a few meters away from Goku.

“What the hell are you doing, Purple?!” General White demanded over the intercom. “Stop playing games you idiot! Kill that punk!”

Purple snapped to attention. “Yes, General White!” He put his hand on the handle of the katana strapped to his back. The fun and games stop here, brat. This fight is for real!”

“Good.” Goku drew the Nyoibō from his back.

“Hehehe… Prepare to die…” Purple drew his sword and held it in a reverse grip.

Goku held his staff at the ready. “Nyah, I won’t die.”

Purple sneered at Goku. “Tsk! Disrespectful brat! Is that any way to speak to your elders?!” He leapt at Goku and brought his blade around to slash the Saiyan. “I’ll slice you into…”


Goku had side-stepped the incoming attack and gotten out of the line of Purple’s leaping charge. His Nyoibō slammed into the man’s side hard, sending him bouncing across the grass.

“Agh…koff…you little…” Purple stood up and readied his katana. “Haiyaa!” He rushed Goku and swung, looking to decapitate him.

Goku grinned as he blocked the blade and then used his strength to shove Purple backwards. “Hyah!” He swung his Nyoibō and snapped the blade of the sword near the guard.

Purple’s eyes widened at seeing the destruction of his weapon. “Ack! You brat! The Sasanishiki! This was a legendary blade!”

“What does that make my Nyoibō?” Goku asked as he held the red staff at the ready. “You wanna give up?”

“Hardly!” Purple tossed the broken sword away. “Let’s see how you fight hand-to-hand!” Behind his back he held a curved, boomerang-like blade.

Goku put the Nyoibō back into the sheath on his back with a grin. “Okay, but don’t regret it!”

Purple sneered the second he saw the weapon was sheathed again. “Take this!” He threw the blade straight at Goku.

He never expected Goku to actually catch the hidden weapon.

Goku glared at the strange weapon he’d just snatched out of the air. “Hand-to-hand, huh?” His glare turned on to Purple as the ninja’s eyes were nearly bugged out in shock. “I think you’re nothing but a liar!” He threw the weapon straight back at the ninja.

“Awk!” Purple threw himself onto his back, barely avoiding the spinning blade. His eyes nearly popped out of his head as he saw the boomerang-like blade stabbed deeply into a tree behind where he’d been standing, burying over two-thirds of the weapon into the wood.

“I’m gonna start beating you up now.” Goku promised as he approached the ninja.

Purple jumped to his feet and retreated back several large steps. “Hah! As if a ninja would ever admit defeat! Now witness my greatest technique!” He whistled loudly and Goku blinked at the man.

“What was that for?” Goku narrowed his eyes at Purple.

“Behold! The greatest of the ninja techniques!” Purple made a hand sign. “Hyaaa! The legendary Ninja Split!”

From behind Purple four more Purples appeared, each looking identical.

Goku looked at each of the five Purples, “What’s this?”

The five men surrounded Goku while snickering. “Well, boy, can you tell which is the real me?!”

“You’re the one I was fighting.” Goku pointed straight at Purple.

“Eh?!” Purple gaped and took a step back out of shock. “How?!”

Goku pointed at the other four Purple’s. “They all have swords on their backs, but you don’t because I destroyed it.” It was a pretty glaring difference after all. “Plus, you all have slightly different scents on you.” His sense of smell easily let him see through the trickery. “So, now we’re doing five-on-one, huh?”

Bang Bang Bang

The Purple behind Goku had pulled out a revolver and fired three times at Goku’s back. The bullets hit the grassy floor instead as the Goku they had surrounded wavered and then vanished.

“What the?!” The other Purple’s gaped.

Purple, the first one, pointed at the now empty spot. “I knew it! You’ve actually mastered the real After Image technique!”

The Purple with the revolver went flying as the Nyoibō slammed into the back of his head. The two Purple’s on either side of him barely had time to react before Goku spun the staff above his head. “Nyoibō, extend!” The spinning staff lengthened on each end and slammed into the two ninjas, one getting hit in the face while the other was smashed in the back of the head. Both men went flying and hit the ground like sacks of rocks.

“You should’ve mentioned that earlier!” The last of the four Purples yelled at the first one. “Guaaahhh!!!” He cried out as the Nyoibō extended and the end clammed into his stomach and carried him a distance before slamming him back first into a tree. In the time it took to blink, the Nyoibō had retracted back to its normal length.

“Now, looks like we’re back to one-on-one again!” Goku stared at the first Purple that he’d met.

“Gnnnrgh!” Purple sprinted away as fast as he could. ‘Now that it’s come down to this, I’ll have to use my secret weapon! Number 8!’ He thought to himself as he dashed towards the stairs.

Goku jumped and soared over the fleeing man, landing in front of him next to the stairs. “No more running away!” He swung the Nyoibō at Purple’s head, but the ninja ducked under it. Goku kept his momentum going and spun, letting his tail whip around and smash across Purple’s face.

Purple went sailing through the air sideways and smashed into the side of the wooden house. His legs hung down from the hole in the wall without so much as a twitch.

“That takes care of them.” Goku nodded as he sheathed the Nyoibō on his back again.

-Top Floor-

“No way… How can this be happening?!” General White stared at the screen in absolute shock that Purple and his four brothers had been taken out so easily.


Goku headed up the stairs and blinked as he noticed a large cage on the platform surrounding the room. “Is that a person?” He walked over to the cage and peered inside. “Are you okay?”

The huge man inside the cage looked at Goku without blinking. He had two stitched scars on his face and looked very much like Dr. Frankenstein’s monster from literature, wearing dark blue clothes, but with the complexion of a normal man.

“Hold on, I’ll get you out.” Goku grabbed the thick steel bars of the change and heaved with all of his strength. The lock broke first, allowing the door to swing open on its hinges. “There you go!” Goku smiled at the man.

The large man slowly got out of the cage, his hand grabbing one side of the cage while his other hand grabbed the top of the box as he got out and then stood up to his full height, easily standing at least two meters tall, possibly more. “You saved me. Thank you.”

“You’re not the ‘mayor’ guy, are you?” Goku asked, just to confirm.

The large man shook his head once. “No. I am called Mechanical Man Number Eight.”

Goku tilted his head. “That’s a weird name…it’s hard to say.”

“Are you here to rescue the mayor?” Mechanical Man Number Eight asked Goku curiously.

“Yeah, that’s what I came here for.” Goku smiled up at the towering man.

“What’s your name?” Mechanical Man Number Eight questioned with a smile of his own.

“I’m Son Goku!” Goku introduced himself brightly.

Mechanical Man Number Eight began walking towards the stairs. “I’ll help you get to the top floor.”

Goku followed after him. “If it’s not too much trouble, thanks!”

“It’s bad to get lost.” Mechanical Man Number Eight said as he led Goku through the labyrinthine corridors at the top of the stairs.

Goku looked around as he followed after the mechanical man. “Wow! You’re right, Eighter! I’d have never known which way to go without you!”

“Eighter?” Mechanical Man Number Eight looked back at Goku in confusion.

“Yeah! It’s way easier to say than that Mechanical Man thing.” Goku said with a chuckle.

“Eighter… Eighter. Eighter.” Eighter mumbled to himself before a smile crossed his face. “I like that. It’s good!”

Goku looked around some more as they wandered through the various hallways. “Hey, Eighter, is this the fifth floor?”

“No.” Eighter answered as he turned a corner. “This is a space between the fourth and sixth floors.” He informed Goku as they began walking up a staircase. “On the other side of this wall…” He tapped the bricks lightly. “Is the fifth floor.”

“But there’s no door?” Goku was perplexed about having a floor that you couldn’t get into.

Eighter looked over his shoulder at Goku. “The fifth floor is secret. There isn’t a door to it. I don’t know what’s inside.” They reached the top of the stairs and were on a small landing with only a single, heavy steel door on it. “This is the sixth floor. The top floor. The mayor is in here.”

Goku ran up to the landing and kicked open the heavy steel door. “Hey!” He saw General White leaning against the console on the other side of the room. “You must be the boss! Let the mayor guy go!”

General White smirked at Goku and Eighter. “Congratulations on reaching the top floor, my boy. A remarkable final achievement! I almost wish you could be made to serve our army…”

“General White, stop being bad.” Eighter said as he stood up to this full height.

“So… The traitorous tinker-toy dares to speak, does he?” General White mocked as he pushed a button on the console that was clearly away from all of the others.

The floor in the middle of the room opened up suddenly, dropping Eighter and Goku down into the fifth floor.

“Whoa!” Goku fell and barely managed to land on his feet.

Eighter wasn’t so lucky and landed on his ass. He proved remarkably durable though as he stood up without any injury or pain.

“What happened?” Goku asked Eighter.

“There was a trap door that opened into the fifth floor.” Eighter answered simply.

Goku looked around the barren room of just plain brick walls. “This is the mysterious fifth floor? There’s nothing here.”

“HA!” General White snorted from above, standing right next to the trap door. “That’s what you think! If you want to leave that room alive, punk, you better do what I say!”

“No.” Goku answered immediately.

“Listen first!” General White yelled down at the Saiyan. “Give me the Dragon Ball you have and the radar that tracks them!”

Goku waited for a second to make sure General White was done talking. “No. Why would I give them to a bad person like you?!”

General White scoffed at Goku. “I was pretty sure you were gonna say that!” The trap door closed.

“Hey! He’s closing the door!” Goku was about to leap up and try to punch through the doors on the ceiling, but General White’s voice came from the speaker on the wall.

“At least I’ll be able to enjoy watching you die on the monitors!” General White mocked the two that were trapped.

Goku looked around, still not seeing anything dangerous. “Is something supposed to happen?”

Eighter looked at Goku with concern. “Goku…you want to do bad with the Dragon Balls too?”

Goku shook his head once. “No, I just want to use them to help my friend. And find the one that belonged to my grampa.”

“That makes me happy. I knew that you were good.” Eighter smiled at Goku and his pure wishes.


“Hey! The wall’s opening up!” Goku watched as the wall in the middle of the floor rose upwards.

“Something bad’s coming!” Eighter warned, just knowing that nothing good could come from the Red Ribbon Army.

A wave of hot air filled the half of the floor that Goku and Eighter were on as the wall rose up higher and revealed what was lurking behind.

It was huge, at least twice as tall as Eighter. Flabby and pink, it’s bulk jiggled as it panted and even obscured most of its legs and feet, its long green tongue hanging from its mouth, which was filled with fangs. It had a thick tail swaying behind it, fat arms held close to its massive gut, and it had a pair of antenna atop its pudgy head. The large orange eyes just above the mouth stared at Eighter and Goku with hunger.

“Ooweh!” The monster let out a strange sound as its large tongue licked at the air.

“You’re a tough one, punk! But you’d have to be a lot tougher to stand a chance against my pet, Buyon!” General White’s laughter could be heard through the speaker.

Goku sized up the monster in front of him. “I’m not getting killed by something that looks this weird! I’ll beat it with one punch!” He leapt at Buyon with his fist cocked back and smashed it straight into the monster’s face.


Only for the flesh to mold around his punch and then spring back powerfully, knocking Goku backwards.

“Gehehehe!” Buyon cackled at the attempt.

“My punch didn’t bother it at all?” Goku blinked at the lack of effect. “Then how about a kick?!” He shot forward and slammed his foot into the massive gut.


Only to be rebuffed against the fat and pliable body molded around his leg and then bounced him backwards.

“Gehehehe!” Buyon cackled and swung its thick tail around, trying to smash Goku with it.

“Whoa!” Goku dodged the tail swipe and retreated back towards Eighter. “My punches and kicks don’t do anything to it!”

“There’s no weapon or martial art technique that can harm Buyon, brat!” General White’s voice came over the speaker with a laugh. “Savor your last moments alive!” He lit up his pipe for a victory smoke as he watched the monitor.

“Gehe!” Buyon’s antenna sparked before it launched an arc of electricity at Goku.

Goku dodged the electric attack and then hopped away from a second one, then a third. “Hey!” It was sort of similar to Jackie Chun’s technique, but much slower and shorter. Sweat was starting to form on Goku’s forehead, even though he hadn’t really done enough activity to warrant it. “Why’s it so hot in here?”

Eighter, still backed up against the far wall in fear, wondered that as well. The temperature in this room was much higher than the rest of Muscle Tower. He looked between Buyon and the large vents that were pumping hot air into the half of the room that Buyon normally resided in.

“Gehe!” Buyon fired another zap at Goku, but the Saiyan dodged again.

“Goku… Perhaps the monster doesn’t like the cold?” Eighter said as he pointed at the two large vents practically blowing hot air on Buyon from behind.

Goku looked at both vents as well and then the way that Buyon jiggled about. “Doesn’t like the cold, huh?” He smirked and cupped his hands at his side. “Ka… Me… Ha… Me… HA!!!” The blue-white sphere of ki formed between in cupped hands faster than ever before. Goku launched the beam, not at Buyon, but at the window and wall off to the right of the large monster.


The wall and window were blasted outwards, debris raining down on the snowy ground outside.


The frigid wind filled with snow blasted into the room from the gaping hole in the wall.

“GEH!!!” Buyon tried to scrambled away from the bitterly cold air but its movements quickly became sluggish. In mere moments, Buyon had completely frozen solid.

“Hyah!” Goku shot forward with a skipping side kick and smashed the frozen monster apart.

“THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE!!!” General White yelled so loudly that Eighter and Goku could hear him from the floor above.

Goku bent his legs and then leapt straight upwards.


His head shattered the ceiling and he shot up to the sixth floor easily.

“Okay!” Goku pulled the Nyoibō from his back and held it over the hole in the floor. “Nyoibō, extend!” The pole glowed briefly before shooting down to touch the floor below. “Eighter! Grab my staff!”

“L-Like this?” Eighter held onto the red staff tightly.

“Nyoibō, return!” Goku said and the red staff retracted, lifting Eighter out of the fifth floor and back onto the sixth.

“Son Goku…you’re good.” Eighter smiled at Goku.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

General White had used the distraction to grab a revolver from his desk and shoot Goku in the back. “Hahaha, fool! Turning your back on an enemy!”

“Ow!” Goku turned to glare at General White. “Those hurt!”

General White’s eyes were wide and his jaw was nearly on the floor. “Th-Those bullets hit you…right?”

“Yeah, and I’m not going to forget it!” Goku charged at the man and swung the Nyoibō with all of his strength.

“This is impossible!” General White cried out before the red staff slammed into his stomach and folded him in half. A huge amount of spit and even some blood escaped General White’s mouth before the force carried him straight through the window and across the snowy fields. A plume of snow rose up where the man smashed into the ground at high-speed.

It was very unlikely that General White had survived the hit and the impact.


Goku looked over at the new sound and saw a metal door rising upwards, revealing a room behind it with a simple cot and a single small table and chair. Sitting in the chair and reading an old and worn book was an old man.

“The mayor was kept here, Goku.” Eighter informed Goku as he held the button to raise the door.

The mayor of Jingle Village looked over when the metal door had fully opened and blinked. “You’re not that thug of a ‘General’… Who’re you two?”

“I’m Son Goku! This is Eighter! We’re here to rescue you!” Goku told the old mayor with a smile.

“Oh!” The old man smiled brightly at them both. “Thank you so very much, youngsters!” He put on his coat and left the small room behind. “I’m sorry for all the trouble.”

Goku waved it off with a smile of his own. “Don’t worry! I beat up all the bad guys, so they won’t hurt your village anymore!”

“Truly remarkable!” The old mayor chuckled as Goku and Eighter led the way down the stairs through Muscle Tower.

As they exited the tower through the large front doors, the three were struck by the cold wind.

“Oof!” Goku was glad that he’d stopped to grab the clothes that Suno and her mother had leant him. Mostly to return them, since he was just borrowing them, but also because he could wear them on the way back. “I’ll still need to find the Dragon Ball, but that shouldn’t take too long with the radar!”

Eighter blinked once and then smiled as he put his hand into the pocket of his jacket. “You mean this?” He revealed that he had a Dragon Ball in his possession the whole time.

“You had the Dragon Ball?!” Goku looked at Eighter in surprise.

“I found it one day while walking around, before they locked me up for being ‘defective’.” Eighter explained as he handed the Two-Star Ball over to Goku. “But I heard General White say that he was going to kill all of the villagers once they had it. That’s why I hid it.”

The mayor clenched his fists in agitation at the rotten man that General White was. “Then you’ve not only saved me, my lad, but the entire village!” He smiled brightly at the ‘mechanical man’. “How would you like to live with me here in the village? I’m sure you’d be a welcome resident!”

“R-Really?” Eighter looked at the mayor like he couldn’t believe such kindness was being offered to him. “Is it…okay?”

“Of course, lad!” The mayor assured Eighter as he gently reached up and patted the larger man’s shoulder. “I can tell you’re a gentle spirit! That’s the kind of people we are here in Jingle Village too!”

“Thank you, mayor.” Eighter beamed at the old man happily.

“That’s great, Eighter!” Goku smiled as he pocketed the Two-Star Ball.

The mayor turned to Goku with a smile as well. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, my boy! The whole village will throw a huge feast in your honor!”

Goku’s eyes lit up! “Really! You mean it?!”

“Hahaha!” The old man laughed. “Indeed, I do, lad!”

Goku’s stomach rumbled loudly and he started drooling a little. “I can’t wait!”

Once the three had returned to town all of the villagers rejoiced at the return of the beloved mayor. The feast was not only agreed to, it quickly became a large party thrown at the mayor’s residence. Food and drinks flowed forth from the large kitchen as people cooked, laughed, and celebrated not being under the threat of the Red Ribbon Army anymore.

“This stuff is great!” Goku complimented as he tore through an entire rack of venison ribs in less than a minute.

The villagers could only laugh and cheer him on as they watched Goku pack away more food than any of the grown men in the village.

When night fell, Goku was set up in a futon next to Eighter’s new bed at the mayor’s house.

“Well, I’ve got two Dragon Balls now, but still five more to go.” Goku said as he looked at the two Dragon Balls and the Dragon Radar.

“Is that the mini-radar that General White wanted?” Eighter asked, looking at the device next to the Dragon Balls.

Goku picked it up. “Yeah. My girlfriend, Bulma, made it and she let me borrow it so that I could find the Dragon Balls.” Bulma had made sure that Goku fully understood what being in a relationship meant before she’d asked him to be her boyfriend. Goku, naturally, had said yes with a smile. She made him happy; he made her happy, they loved and cared for each other, Goku didn’t need anything more than that.

“It’s so small.” Eighter marveled at the little device that outdid the radar of the Red Ribbon Army.

Goku clicked the button on top to show Eighter the screen, but it didn’t come on. “Huh?” He clicked the button a few more times. “It’s not working? I hope I didn’t break it!” He had been fighting with it on his person, maybe it had gotten damaged somehow?

Eighter sat up from his new bed. “I’ll look at it for you, Goku. I’m good with machines.”

“Thanks, Eighter!” Goku handed the radar to Eighter with a thankful smile.

Eighter carefully used some small screwdrivers that the mayor had in his toolbox to open the back of the Dragon Radar. Looking at the components and circuits, the android blinked. “This is so complex… Whoever built this must be a genius!” He looked at the parts, hoping to spot anything that could be a clue for why the device wasn’t working. “I don’t see anything wrong… Maybe the power supply has run out?”

Goku wasn’t sure what that meant. “Power supply?”

“The battery that powers it.” Eighter pointed the head of one of the small screwdrivers at a single flat rectangle. “This is the battery. It looks similar to the ones that’re used in small handheld devices. If they run out of power, you usually just have to charge them…but I don’t see any charging port on this device.”

“I guess I’ll take it to Bulma’s house and see if she can fix it.” Goku decided on his next course of action. “I can’t find the other Dragon Balls without it.”

-Kame House-

“Hah!” Caulifla threw a punch at Roshi’s face, only for the old man to deflect it easily.

Kale kicked low, trying to take Roshi’s foot out from under him. “Hyah!”

Roshi lifted his foot and kneed Caulifla in the stomach in the same movement.

“Gah!” Caulifla coughed and took a step back while lashing her tail at Roshi.

“Whoa! You got close with that one!” Roshi laughed as he pivoted to the side and dodged a punch from behind that Kale had thrown. “Are you two really gonna let an old man beat you both?”

“Like hell!” Caulifla shot back as she blurred, leaving an After Image behind.

Roshi ducked low and Caulifla’s foot sailed through the empty air where his head used to be. “Such an obvious After Image! You can do better!” He caught Kale’s punch and then shoulder tossed her.

“Got you!” Kale latched onto Roshi’s arm and slammed her feet into the ground before the throw could be completed.

“Rah!” Caulifla landed a punch into Roshi’s hastily raised guard and the old man staggered a little. Kale raising her right leg and then slamming her foot into the old master’s head showed off her greatly improved flexibility.

“Ouch!” Roshi tossed both girls back and held his head with his left hand. “Hitting your master in the head like that! No respect for the elderly!”

“Master…” Kale deadpanned at Roshi, the ‘elderly man’ that was holding back both Saiyan girls while still weighed down by an eighty kilogram turtle shell.

Sure, both Caulifla and Kale had sixty kilogram turtle shells on their backs, but it was still ridiculous!

“We’re definitely going to get better before Bulma and Goku get back!” Caulifla took up her stance again. “Less talking, more sparring!”

“One more round, I suppose…” Roshi acquiesced with a shrug. ‘Stronger and stronger every day. They don’t seem to realize just how much they’ve already grown. It’s certainly helping me get back into shape though.

Caulifla blurred into Roshi’s guard and went for a gut punch, but the old master had seen it coming and raised his knee to block. Kale’s roundhouse kick aimed at his head while he was off balance showed just how well the two girls’ teamwork was also improving.

“My, my, making it hard on this old man…” Roshi chuckled as skipped back two steps and threw his hand forward. “Kiai!” A wave of force staggered Kale and Caulifla at the same time. Roshi’s foot hit Kale’s barely raised guard and sent her skidding backwards.

“Damn it!” Caulifla exchanged a furious barrage of blows with Roshi before she went for a kick, only for Roshi to blur slightly and then grab her tail. “You cheating…old…jerk…” Caulifla wobbled on her feet before hitting her knees.

“Sis!” Kale rushed at Roshi only for the old man to raise his hand in a signal to stop.

Roshi let go of Caulifla’s tail and let her get back to her feet. “Your tails are great additions to your martial arts, but this weakness must be trained out or you’re at great risk in any fight.”

“Train…our tails?” Kale looked at Roshi like he had said something dumb.

Caulifla grumbled at the cheap way that Roshi had taken her out. “You say that, but I’m not sure it’s even possible.”

“You didn’t think it was possible to move the boulder when you first started training either, now did you?” Roshi pointed out, making both Kale and Caulifla’s eyes widen. “You can’t know for sure, unless you try. Starting tomorrow, I want you both to start practicing with strengthening your tails and see if you can get rid of that weakness.”

“Yes, master.” Caulifla and Kale both bowed to him respectfully. They knew when Roshi was calling a day’s training to an end.

Roshi nodded to his two disciples. “Now, I smell a delicious dinner cooking, so let’s all jump in the bath and wash up for it!”

“In your dreams, old man!” Caulifla denied instantly as she started walking towards the Capsule House that Bulma had left for them.

Kale followed after her. “Never going to happen, master!”

“Ah well, can’t blame an old man for trying.” Roshi chuckled as he headed for Kame House to wash up for dinner.

-End Chapter-


Muscle Tower has fallen!

The Red Ribbon Army never stood a chance!

Now Goku has two Dragon Balls…but he also has a problem. The Dragon Radar isn’t working!

Looks like Bulma is about to get a surprise visit from her boyfriend! And just when her big sister is around to tease her about it! Kek!

Caulifla and Kale are still giving their all to their Kame School training! Roshi is getting back into shape as he instructs them too!

Two birds with one stone, right?

With Goku heading for West City, what will happen once he gets the Dragon Radar fixed?

Keep reading to find out!

Power Levels

Goku – 186

Bulma – 163

Krillin – 160

Roshi – 167

Launch – 5

Caulifla – 145

Kale - 147

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thank you very much for another excellent and very entertaining chapter, and I’m very excited to see how things further develop. Really loving all the characterization you were giving them when you go in a unique direction we’re still keeping the core of who they are. Although it’s a shame, the ninja didn’t fall on the pole this time around, since that was absolutely hilarious when I saw that in the anime lol. Anyway, thanks for another great chapter once again.


You're welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for the compliment to the characterization in the story! I really appreciate it. Sadly, occasionally, some of the gags won't be happening in this story, but I try to replace them with other entertaining things.

Kam Newton

Great chapter the wait was worth it as usual


Best boy Eighter has arrived! Also yes train them tails so we can have the Sayains keep what makes them unique.


Damn right! Saiyans are staying Saiyans! Not humans that can change their hair color at will! lol